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University of Pennsylvania

Irom the SelectedWorks of Amy Hillier

January 2011
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Amy Hillier
University of Pennsylvania
School of Design
1h|: monuo| |: |ntended for underqroduote ond qroduote :tudent:
|eorn|nq to u:e ArcC|5 tO |n o c|o::room :ett|nq. |t |: meont to be o
com|ement, rother thon :ub:t|tute, for ArcC|5 :oftwore monuo|:, :r|
tro|n|nq roduct:, or the ArcC|5 he| ot|on:. |t reect: the order ond
emho:|: of to|c: thot | houe found mo:t he|fu| wh||e teoch|nq |n-
troductory C|5 c|o::e: |n urbon :tud|e:, :oc|o| worh, ond c|ty |onn|nq. |
exect thot |t w||| be ort|cu|or|y he|fu| to eo|e new to C|5 who moy
be |nt|m|doted by conuent|ono| :oftwore monuo|:. |t moy o|:o be he|fu|
o: o re:ource to tho:e who houe com|eted o cour:e |n ArcC|5 but don't
o|woy: remember how to erform ort|cu|or to:h:. 1h|: monuo| doe: not
try to be comrehen:|ue, focu:|nq |n:teod on the bo:|c too|: ond funct|on:
thot u:er: new to C|5 :hou|d hnow how to u:e. 1ho:e who mo:ter the:e
bo:|c funct|on: :hou|d houe the :h|||: to |eorn obout odd|t|ono| too|:, u:|nq
the ArcC|5 he| menu:, or ju:t ex|or|nq odd|t|ono| menu ot|on:, too|-
bord:, ond button:.
och :ect|on |n the monuo| |ntroduce: o qenero| qrou of funct|on: |n
ArcC|5, rou|d|nq :te by :te |n:truct|on: for u:|nq o :et of too|: w|th
:creen coture: ond o u|deo :how|nq tho:e :te: throuqh :creen coture:.
One of the mo:t d|fhcu|t ort: of |eorn|nq how to u:e C|5 |: motch|nq
whot you hnow you wont to do |n |oymon': or concetuo| term: to the
:ec|hc too| ond techn|co| |onquoqe of ArcC|5. 1he tob|e of content:
rou|de: on oueru|ew of the too|: ond funct|on: couered, but you moy
hnd |t ju:t o: he|fu| to u:e Adobe Acrobot': hnd funct|on.
1he other cho||enqe |: troub|e-:hoot|nq. ArcC|5 roduct: |nc|ude on
enormou: ronqe of funct|ono||ty wh|ch o||ow: |t to meet the need: of o
w|de ronqe of u:er:. ut th|: w|de ronqe o|:o re:u|t: |n whot con be on
ouerwhe|m|nq ond :omet|me: temeromento| roduct. F|qur|nq out
why th|nq: don't worh |: hey to qett|nq ArcC|5 to do whot you wont |t
to do ond m|n|m|z|nq your fru:trot|on. 1he :ect|on on troub|e-:hoot|nq
ot the end of th|: monuo| |: |ntended to he| |dent|fy common rob|em:
ond :o|ut|on:.
1h|: monuo| |: |ntended to be :hored. Vou do not need my erm|::|on
to :hore th|: w|th o fr|end or euen o:t |t on o cour:e web:|te. ecou:e
| om cont|nuo||y udot|nq |t, | o|woy: orec|ote feedboch, whether
you found o tyo or :e|||nq m|:tohe or wont to :uqqe:t o better woy of
ex|o|n|nq ort|cu|or concet: ond techn|que:. 1he be:t woy to :ucceed
w|th C|5 |: to mohe |eorn|nq how to u:e |t o co||ect|ue roce::, :o |eo:e
jo|n me |n moh|nq C|5 worh for u:.
Amy H||||er
Un|uer:|ty of enn:y|uon|o
H | L L | R l U 5 | N C A R C V | v t O
Croh|c De:|qn by Co|t||n ow|er, MC 'Os
|ntroduct|on to ArcC|5
xten:|on: for ArcC|5
|ntroduct|on to ArcMo
Monoq|nq & 5ou|nq F||e:
Doto Formot:
2l 5A1|AL DA1A
Ceorect|fy|nq |moqe:
vorh|nq w|th roject|on:
1l MAk|NC MA5
5ymbo||z|nq o|nt:
5ymbo||z|nq o|yqon:
Lobe||nq Feoture:
De:|qn|nq Mo Loyout:
Mu|t||e-Mo Loyout:
xort|nq Mo:
4l MOD|FV|NC A11R|U15
vorh|nq w|th 1ob|e:
Co|cu|ot|nq Vo|ue:
Co|cu|ot|nq Areo, er|meter & Lenqth
Creot|nq XV Coord|note:
lo|n|nq 1ob|e:

5ot|o| lo|n:

uery|nq by Attr|bute
uery|nq by Locot|on
Meo:ur|nq D|:tonce:
Co|cu|ot|nq D|:tonce wl5ot|o| lo|n:
Co|cu|ot|nq Networh D|:tonce:
D|:tonce between Motched o|r:
d|t|nq 5hoeh|e:
sl D|C|1|Z|NC
Creot|nq New 5hoeh|e:
D|q|t|z|nq wlMerqe 1oo|
Creot|nq o Mo:h
9l DN5|1V MA5

tOlvORk|NC v|1H 1D

1D Ano|y:t
ttl AN|MA1|NC 1|M 5R|5 DA1A
An|mot|on 1oo|bor
1roch|nq Ano|y:t
t1l 1ROUL-5HOO1|NC

ArcC|5 |: o co||ect|on of :oftwore roduct: creoted by nu|ronmento| 5y:tem:
Re:eorch |n:t|tute (:r|)--the M|cro:oft of C|5 :oftwore--thot |nc|ude: de:hto,
:eruer, mob||e, ho:ted, ond on||ne C|5 roduct:. 1h|: |ntroduct|on rou|de: on
oueru|ew of o|| of the roduct:, but th|: monuo| focu:e: on the de:hto o||co-
t|on:, on|y.
ArcV|ew |: the de:hto uer:|on of ArcC|5 meont for o qenero| (non-rofe::|ono|)
oud|ence. |t |: the mo:t ou|or de:hto C|5 :oftwore roqrom, but |t |: not the
on|y one. uen thouqh |t |: the boby de:hto C|5 roduct w|th|n the :r| fom||y
of roduct:, |t |: :t||| ouer-h||| for mo:t bo:|c C|5 roject:. 5ome eo|e w||| co||
th|: ArcC|5 rother thon ArcV|ew. 1hey ore one |n the :ome, ArcV|ew |: ort of
the ArcC|5 co||ect|on, :o |t |: o more :ec|hc woy to de:cr|be the :oftwore.
Arcd|tor |nc|ude: o|| the funct|ono||ty of ArcC|5, odd|nq the ob|||ty to ed|t
feoture: |n o mu|t|u:er qeodotobo:e :o thot mu|t|u:er ed|t|nq ond uer:|on|nq ore
o::|b|e. Arcd|tor o|:o odd: the ob|||ty to ed|t too|oq|co||y |nteqroted feoture:
|n o qeodotobo:e. 1he :tudent uer:|on of ArcC|5 thot :r| rou|de: |: u:uo||y
Arcd|tor rother thon ArcV|ew.
Arc|nfo |: :r|': rofe::|ono| C|5 :oftwore. |t |nc|ude: o|| of the funct|ono||ty |n
ArcC|5 ond Arcd|tor, odd|nq :ome oduonced qeoroce::|nq ond doto conuer-
:|on coob|||t|e:. |f you mohe o ||u|nq o: o C|5 :ec|o||:t, you'|| wont occe:: to
ArcReoder |: o free roduct for u|ew|nq mo:. Vou con ex|ore ond query mo
|oyer:, but you connot chonqe :ymbo|oqy or creote new doto ||he you con |n
ArcC|5. ArcReoder |: o qood woy to :hore the mo: you creoted |n ArcC|5 w|th
eo|e who don't houe occe:: to the :oftwore.
D5k1O C|5 RODUC15
1he de:hto C|5 roduct: o||ow u:er: to |nteqrote ond ed|t doto, creote new
mo |oyer:, ond outhor mo:. ArcC|5 de:hto |nc|ude: o :er|e: of :co|eob|e
roduct:. 1hey ore o|| bo:ed on the :ome orch|tecture, but the more exen:|ue
roduct: houe more funct|ono||ty. A motr|x de:cr|b|nq whot funct|ono||ty |:
ouo||ob|e for eoch roduct con be found ot htt:llwww.e:r|.coml||brorylbro-
v|th the jum from ArcC|5 1.2 to ArcC|5 s, :r| brouqht ArcC|5 |nto |t: ArcC|5
:y:tem :o thot |t u:e: the :ome :tructure o: |t: more :oh|:t|coted C|5 roduct:.
ArcC|5 1.x ho: :|m||or funct|ono||ty to ArcC|5 s, 9 ond tO, but the roduct: worh
|n uery d|fferent woy:. 1hot meon: thot |f you |eorned C|5 u:|nq ArcC|5 1.x, you
w||| robob|y need to do :ome worh to be ob|e to u:e ArcC|5 tO. ArcC|5 tO odd:
:ome funct|ono||ty to ArcC|5 9, but tho:e two uer:|on: worh |n o uery :|m||or
woy, :o |f you |eorned how to u:e ArcC|5 s or ArcC|5 9, you :hou|d houe no
troub|e :w|tch|nq to ArcC|5 tO.
Mo mode by 5h|mr|t keddem
H | L L | R l U 5 | N C A R C V | v t O
| N 1 R O D U C 1 | O N
vh||e the bo:|c ArcC|5 de:hto roduct: |nc|ude on enormou: omount of
funct|ono||ty, exten:|on: con o|:o be urcho:ed (:ome ore free) thot extend th|:
funct|ono||ty. Mony of the:e ore :ec|hc to ort|cu|or |ndu:tr|e: or doto formot:.
1he fo||ow|nq ore :ome of the more frequent|y u:ed exten:|on:.
5ot|o| Ano|y:t
A||ow: for mode||nq ond ono|y:|: w|th ro:ter (ce||-bo:ed) doto. 1h|: |nc|ude:
creot|nq den:|ty :urfoce: ond conduct|nq mo o|qebro.
1D Ano|y:t
|nc|ude: ArcC|obe. A||ow: u:er: to u|ew u|:uo||ze ond ono|yze :ot|o| doto |n 1D.
1h|: |nc|ude: extrud|nq o|yqon: (:uch o: orce|: ond bu||d|nq footr|nt:) ond
dro|nq :urfoce: (:uch o: orthohoto:) on e|euot|on mode|:. Vou con o|:o creote
u|deo on|mot|on: thot :|mu|ote y|nq throuqh your :tudy oreo.
Ceo:tot|:t|co| Ano|y:t
1h|: :oh|:t|coted too| o||ow: u:er: to ono|yze ro:ter (ce||-bo:ed) ond o|nt
doto u:|nq oduonced :tot|:t|co| method:. Method: |nc|ude kr|q|nq ond |nuer:e
Networh Ano|y:t
A||ow: for networh-bo:ed ono|y:|: :uch o: rout|nq, determ|n|nq c|o:e:t foc|||ty,
ond :eru|ce oreo:. Un||he :|m|e rere:entot|on: of :treet networh: thot con be
mon|u|oted w|thout th|: exten:|on, networh: con :tore |nformot|on obout trofhc
ow, one-woy :treet:, ond troue| t|me.
1roch|nq Ano|y:t
Mohe: |t o::|b|e to on|mote o|nt doto rere:ent|nq euent: ot d|:crete t|me:
ond |oce:. Vou con u|ew euent: hoen|nq ocro:: t|me ond :oce u:|nq the
|oyboch feoture.
u:|ne:: Ano|y:t
De:|qned to :uort bu:|ne:: dec|:|on: throuqh o :er|e: of oduonced too|: ond
exten:|ue co||ect|on of |ndu:try doto.
De:|qned for u|:uo||z|nq ond ono|yz|nq |ond-u:e dec|:|on:. 1h|: roduct |: d|:tr|b-
uted by |ocewoy: rother thon :r|.
5cr|t: for ArcC|5 De:hto
xten:|on: ore :|m|y bund|e: of :cr|t: thot ore odded toqether to ArcC|5.
|nd|u|duo| :cr|t: con o|:o be odded w|thout urcho:|nq who|e exten:|on:. 1he:e
ore qenero||y wr|tten |n V|:uo| o:|c, ython, or Auenue (the o|d roqromm|nq
|onquoqe for 5R|) by u:er: or 5R| :toff member:. A |orqe co||ect|on ore ouo||-
ob|e for free ot htt:llorc:cr|t:.e:r|.coml.
Mode| mode by 5h|mr|t keddem
ArcMo |: where you creote mo: ond occe:: mo:t of the ArcC|5 funct|ono||ty.
Vou con odd ond ed|t doto, query ond :ymbo||ze mo |oyer:, ond creote mo
|oyout: for r|nt|nq.
5tort|nq ArcMo
Vou con |ounch ArcMo |n more thon one woy. 1he mo:t common woy |: to
c||ch on the :tort menu ond qo to A|| roqrom:, then the ArcC|5 fo|der, then
ArcMo tO. |f you don't :ee ArcC|5 |n the ||:t of roqrom:, don't worry, |t m|qht
:t||| be |nt:to||ed on your comuter. Looh |n c:\\roqrom F||e: for o ArcC|5 fo|der.
Oen the ArcC|5 fo|der, then the De:hto tO.O fo|der, then the |n fo|der |n:|de
thot. Doub|e-c||ch on the ArcMo.exe h|e to :tort ArcMo. |f |t': not there then
ArcC|5 |: et |n:to||ed on your comuter.
|f you wont to creote o de:hto |con for ArcMo (:o you don't houe to qo
throuqh o|| of thot oqo|n), r|qht c||ch on the ArcMo.exe h|e ond choo:e creote
:hortcut. 1hen coy ond o:te the :hortcut to your de:hto.
vhen ArcMo oen:, |t w||| o:h |f you wont to oen on b|onh mo, u:e o
tem|ote, or brow:e for on ex|:t|nq mo document. vhen you ore hr:t creot|nq
o mo, you w||| robob|y :tort w|th o b|onh mo :o c||ch Ok. |f the defou|t |:
to odd on ex|:t|nq roject, c||ch on My 1em|ote: ond then |onh Mo.
Add|nq Doto
Un|e:: you oen on ArcV|ew .mxd h|e thot :omeone e|:e creoted, you w||| need
to odd doto to qet :torted. From the h|e menu, qo to Add doto or c||ch on
the Add doto button (ye||ow :quore w|th |orqe b|och - :|qn) on the 5tondord
too|bor. Nou|qote to the fo|der where you houe your mo |oyer:. v|th ArcC|5
tO, you con u:e the Add Doto button to occe:: to other ot|on:: Add o:emo
ond Add Doto From ArcC|5 On||ne. From the Add o:eme ot|on, you
con |mort |nq ond Cooq|e oer|o| |moqe:, :treet ond too mo:, ond other:.
1hrouqh ArcC|5 On||ne, you con |mort doto mony odd|t|ono| |oyer: thot
|nc|ude doto (:uch o: z| code: w|th 2OtO ou|ot|on e:t|mote:). 1he Add Doto
ot|on o||ow: you to nou|qote to o fo|der ond odd your own mo |oyer:.
H | L L | R l U 5 | N C A R C V | v t O
| N 1 R O D U C 1 | O N
ArcCoto|oq |: o :y:tem for monoq|nq ond orqon|z|nq mo h|e:. One b|q d|ffer-
ence w|th ArcC|5 tO |: thot o uer:|on of |t (co||ed Coto|oq v|ndow) |: |nteqrot-
ed |nto ArcMo. Vou con :t||| oen ArcCoto|oq w|thout oen|nq ArcMo but |t
|: much eo:|er to u:e from |n:|de ArcMo. 1o |ounch ArcCoto|oq w|th|n ArcMo,
c||ch on the Coto|oq v|ndow. ArcCoto|oq w||| oen on the for r|qht.
Vou con odd mo |oyer: from ArcCoto|oq, but you con o|:o u|ew ond odd
too|boxe:, creote qeocod|nq :eru|ce:, ed|t ond u|ew metodoto omonq other |m-
ortont hou:ehee|nq to:h:. 1he tree w|th|n the Coto|oq v|ndow w||| |nc|ude
o number of fo|der: thot ore common|y u:ed w|th ArcC|5. |n order to odd your
own mo |oyer:, you w||| need to Connect to Fo|der to :how ArcMo where
tho:e other |mortont fo|der: re:|de. 1o creote o connect|on to o new fo|der,
c||ch on the Connect 1o Fo|der |con ot the to of the Coto|oq v|ndow or r|qht
vhen you u|ew mo |oyer: w|th|n ArcCoto|oq, you :ee them the woy ArcC|5
:ee: them. 5ome of the tye: of h|e: u:ed |n ArcC|5, |nc|ud|nq :hoeh|e:,
coueroqe:, ond qr|d:, ore mode u of mu|t||e h|e: thot on|y toqether creote
o mo |oyer. |f you u|ewed them out:|de of ArcCoto|oq (|n My Comuter, for
exom|e), you wou|d :ee o|| of the h|e: ||:ted w|th exten:|on: :uch o: .dbf, .:h,
c||ch on the fo|der nomed Fo|der Connect|on ond choo:e Connect Fo|der.
Nou|qote unt|| you hnd the fo|der w|th your doto ond c||ch Ok. Vour fo|der
:hou|d now be ||:ted under Coto|oq next to o |con. One note of cout|on: Vou
do not need to do th|: reeoted|y. Once you houe e:tob||:hed o connect|on to
your fo|der, you w||| not need to do |t oqo|n un|e:: you chonqe comuter:. |f
you creote o new connect|on to the fo|der eoch t|me you u:e ArcC|5, your oth
ot|on: w||| become unmonoqeob|e. |f you houe one d|rectory where you :tore
o|| your C|5 h|e:, con:|der connect|nq to thot rother thon eoch |nd|u|duo| fo|der

.:hx. v|th|n ArcCoto|oq, you w||| :ee on|y o :|nq|e h|e. 1h|: |: e:ec|o||y he|fu|
when you ore mou|nq or coy|nq doto.
VIew Irem CotoIeg wIdew VIew Irem My Cemputer
Vou con odd doto to ArcMo by droqq|nq ond dro|nq h|e: from Arcv|ndow.
1he |con: u:ed to rere:ent the doto |nd|cote the tye of doto. A ||qht qreen |con
w|th ||ne: (brood_:treet_||ne.:h) |nd|cote: o ||ne :hoeh|e, o ||qht qreen |con
w|th three dot: (h|qh:eed_:tot|on:.:h) |nd|cote: o o|nt :hoeh|e, o ||qht qreen
|con w|th o :quore cut |nto three |ece: |: o o|yqon :hoeh|e. An |con w|th o
wh|te :quore ond two co|umn: of ||ne: (u:5to_1oto|L|ne:.dbf) |: o tob|e.
Vou con u|ew ond ed|t the metodoto for ony of your h|e:. R|qht c||ch on o h|e
ond qo to |tem de:cr|t|on. |n mo:t co:e:, the metodoto w||| robob|y be
emty. |f you qet |nto the hob|t of h|||nq |n ot |eo:t o bo:|c de:cr|t|on obout
whot the doto ore, who creoted them ond when, you w||| mohe |t much eo:|er
to hee troch of ond :hore your h|e:. C||ch on the d|t button to odd or chonqe
the metodoto.
Other ArcCoto|oq Funct|on:
ArcCoto|oq o|:o ho: exten:|ue :eorch coob|||t|e:, moh|nq |t o::|b|e to |ocote
h|e: bo:ed on nome, |ocot|on on your comuter, qeoqroh|c |ocot|on, ond dote.
Vou con creote new :hoeh|e: |n ArcCoto|oq. 1h|: w||| be de:cr|bed |n the :ect|on
Creot|nq New 5hoeh|e:.
H | L L | R l U 5 | N C A R C V | v t O
| N 1 R O D U C 1 | O N
Vou con moue o too|bor by doub|e-c||ch|nq on |t to the |eft of the button:
(where there |: o :ort of hond|e ot the edqe). Vou con doch |t by mou|nq |t
ouer ony of the qroy oreo: on the :creen. 1o odd or remoue o too|bor, qo to the
Cu:tom|ze menu, then 1oo|bor: or doub|e-c||ch on on emty qroy ort of the
:creen. Anyth|nq w|th o chech morh next to |t w||| be d|:|oyed.
Vou con odd new button: to ex|:t|nq too|bor: from the cu:tom|ze ot|on. C||ch
on the commond: button to :ee your ot|on:. One e:ec|o||y he|fu| button
o||ow: you to zoom cont|nuou:|y. 5cro|| down to the coteqory on the |eft co||ed
onlzoom, then |eft c||ch on the Cont|nuou: on ond Zoom button on the
r|qht ond droq |t to your too|: too|bor (the too|bor w|th the out||ne of o hond
ond on |moqe of o q|obe |n the m|dd|e) ond re|eo:e (:ee |moqe on reu|ou:
oqe). Vou con o|:o odd new button: ond too|: by |mort|nq :cr|t:. 1hot roce::
|: ex|o|ned |n o |oter :ect|on co||ed vorh|nq w|th :cr|t:.
Cu:tom|z|nq the |nterfoce
ArcMo |: mode u of mony d|fferent w|ndow: ond (doch-ob|e) too|bor: thot
you con re:|ze ond moue oround, :o don't be :urr|:ed |f ArcMo |ooh: :||qht|y
d|fferent eoch t|me you oen |t.
1he w|ndow on the |eft thot ||:t: your mo |oyer: |: the 1ob|e of Content:, the
w|ndow on the r|qht thot :how: your mo |: the mo d|:|oy. Vou con c|o:e the
tob|e of content: by c||ch|nq on the X. 1o br|nq your tob|e of content: boch,
qo to the v|ndow menu, then 1ob|e of Content:. y c||ch|nq on the toch :ymbo|
next to the X you con h|de the 1ob|e of Content:, to br|nq |t boch, c||ch on the
word tob|e of content: wh|ch w||| be runn|nq uert|co||y on the for |eft. Re:|ze
|t by ho|d|nq your cur:or ouer the r|qht edqe unt|| |t chonqe: to o two-heoded
orrow, then |eft-c||ch ond droq the edqe to re:|ze th|: w|ndow.
1he mo |oyer: you odd w||| drow |n the order |n wh|ch they oeor |n the
1ob|e of Content:--:o the |oyer ot the to w||| drow on to ond the |oyer ot the
bottom w||| drow on the bottom. Vou con chonqe the order by |eft c||ch|nq on
the |oyer you w|:h to moue ond droqq|nq |t to o new o:|t|on. 1he |con: ot the
to of the 1ob|e of Content: o||ow for d|fferent u|ew: on your doto--by :ource
(:o you con :ee where eoch h|e ex|:t: on your comute), by u|:|b|||ty (|oyer:
turned on w||| be ||:ted hr:t), ond by :e|ect|on (|nd|cot|nq whether ony feoture:
ore :e|ected). Vou con on|y chonqe the order of your |oyer: from the hr:t ot|on,
L|:t by Drow|nq Order wh|ch |: the defou|t when you oen ArcMo.
H | L L | R l U 5 | N C A R C V | v t O
Nou|qot|nq o Mo
1here ore :euero| too|: ouo||ob|e for zoom|nq |n ond out of your mo.
1he Exed zeem IIExed zeem eut too|:
q|ue you the |eo:t contro| but o|:o moy
hee you from zoom|nq |n or out too much
ond |o:|nq your mo. och t|me you c||ch,
you w||| zoom |n or out o hxed omount.
1he po teeI worh: ||he the cont|nu-
ou: zoom too| when you r|qht c||ch on |t.
1h|nh of the on too| o: o :t|chy hond you
:et down on o |ece of oer. Vou u:e |t
to moue your mo u, down, |eft or r|qht
w|thout chonq|nq the extent (the deqree to
wh|ch you ore zoomed |n or out).
Vou con o|:o on by u:|nq the :cro|| bor:
on the r|qht ond bottom of your mo.
Howeuer, the:e ore not the be:t woy to
nou|qote :|nce they ore reo||y de:|qned for
:cro|||nq |n word document or |moqe.
1he cetIueut zeem teeI q|ue: you the
qreote:t omount of contro|, but you houe
to odd th|: by cu:tom|z|nq your too|bor (:ee
Cu:tom|z|nq the |nterfoce oboue). C||ch
on the cont|nuou: zoom too|, then |eft c||ch
on your mo, ho|d down the mou:e button,
ond moue your mou:e owoy from you to
zoom |n ond toword you to zoom out. |f
you r|qht c||ch ond ho|d down, th|: become:
o too| for onn|nq (mou|nq mo oround
w|thout chonq|nq the extent).
U:|nq the e-cetIueut zeem teeIt,
you con c||ch on your mo to zoom |n or out
ot o hxed omount or to drow o box oround
the oreo thot you wont to :ee |n more or |e::
deto||. 1he new mo w||| be drown :o thot
the oreo you drew the box oround |: |n the
m|dd|e of the mo d|:|oy.
1he IuII extet butte w||| zoom |n or out
:o thot o|| of your oct|ue (cheched) mo
|oyer: con be u|ewed. 1h|: |: uery he|fu|
when you zoom |n or out too much ond
con't :ee your mo |oyer:. Vou con o|:o
zoom |n to o :|nq|e |oyer by r|qht c||ch|nq
on the |oyer |n the tob|e of content: ond
choo:|nq zoom to |oyer.
1he prewIeut extet butte o||ow you
to return to the extent you hod before
zoom|nq |n or out. 1he next extent button
o||ow: you to jum forword on extent (ofter
you houe u:ed the reu|ou: extent button).
1h|: |: o :ort of undo button |n reqord to
| N 1 R O D U C 1 | O N
|dent|fy|nq Attr|bute: of Feoture:
1he o|nt:, ||ne:, ond o|yqon: thot mohe u uector mo |oyer: ore o|| mo
feoture: thot houe ottr|bute: :tored |n o tob|e. 1h|: |: ort of whot mohe:
C|5 un|que, thot |t con connect ottr|bute: of o |ocot|on to thot |ocot|on.
Vou con occe:: th|: |nformot|on |n :euero| d|fferent woy:. U:|nq the |dent|fy
(|) too|, c||ch on o mo feoture |n the mo d|:|oy. An |dent|fy re:u|t:
box w||| d|:|oy o|| of the |nformot|on hnown obout thot feoture. Not|ce
the |oyer: drodown menu. 1he defou|t |n ArcMo |: to d|:|oy |nformot|on
on|y obout the to-mo:t |oyer. Vou con chonqe th|: u:|nq the drodown
menu ot the to of the |dent|fy o-u box.
5how|nq Mo 1|:
Mo t|: ore :mo|| text boxe: thot oeor when you ho|d the cur:or ouer o
mo feoture. Vou con on|y :ee one ottr|bute ot o t|me (un||he the |dent|fy
too|, wh|ch o||ow: you to :ee o|| the ottr|bute: hnow for thot mo feoture),
but u:|nq mo t|: |: much :|m|er ond o||ow: you to qet o qu|ch |deo of the
ottr|bute:. 1o turn on mo t|:, doub|e c||ch on your :hoeh|e nome |n the
tob|e of content: ond, from the Loyer roert|e:, mohe the D|:|oy tob oct|ue.
ut o chech morh |n the 5how Mo 1|: u:|nq the d|:|oy exre::|on box. 1o
chonqe the d|:|oy exre::|on, u:e the drodown menu ju:t oboue.
5e|ect|nq Feoture:
Vou con o|:o u:e the :e|ect feoture: too| to |dent|fy ottr|bute:, e|ther by c||ch|nq
on o ort|cu|or mo feoture or by drow|nq o rectonq|e, o|yqon, c|r|e, ||ne or
u:|nq the |o::o :e|ect|on too|. 1he :e|ected feoture: :hou|d become h|qh||qhted
w|th o b|ue out||ne. R|qht c||ch on the mo |oyer thot conto|n: the feoture(:)
thot you w|:h to |nue:t|qote ond qo to oen ottr|bute tob|e. 1h|: tob|e |nc|ude:
o|| the ottr|bute: of o|| the feoture: |n thot |oyer. |n order to u|ew ju:t the
:e|ected feoture(:), c||ch on the 5how 5e|ected Feoture: button ot the bottom
of the tob|e. Not|ce thot there w||| be on |nd|cot|on of how mony record: out of
the toto| houe been :e|ected.
Vou con o|:o h|qh||qht o feoture on the mo by c||ch|nq on o row |n the tob|e
(you need to c||ch |n the qroy oreo on the for |eft). 1h|: woy, you con hnd o
:ec|hc |oce (:uch o: Cyru:) on your mo. Vou con chonqe the :e|ect|on co|or
from ot|on:. |n the 5e|ect|on menu. |t |: o|:o o::|b|e to u:e d|fferent :e|ect|on
co|or: for eoch |oyer. Doub|e c||ch on o mo |oyer, or r|qht c||ch ond qo to ro-
ert|e:. Choo:e the :e|ect|on tob ond then :e|ect the |o:t rod|o button, 5how
:e|ected feoture: w|th th|: co|or. 1h|: w||| on|y chonqe the :e|ect|on co|or for th|:
mo |oyer.
1o un:e|ect record: (ond qet r|d of the b|ue h|qh||qht), you con do one of :euero|
t. Oen the ottr|bute tob|e (r|qht c||ch on the nome |n the 1ob|e of Content: ond
qo to Oen Attr|bute 1ob|e) ond then c||ch on the C|eor 5e|ected Feoture:
button ot the to,
2. v|th the ottr|bute tob|e oen, c||ch on the 1ob|e Ot|on: button on the to
|eft ond qo to C|eor 5e|ect|on ,
1. From the 5e|ect|on menu |n ArcMo, choo:e C|eor 5e|ected Feoture:,
4. From the 1ob|e of Content:, c||ch on the L|:t by 5e|ect|on button to :ee
wh|ch mo |oyer ho: :e|ected feoture:, then r|qht c||ch on the one w|th :e|ected
feoture: ond qo to C|eor 5e|ected Feoture:.
H | L L | R l U 5 | N C A R C V | v t O
| N 1 R O D U C 1 | O N
Chonq|nq Mo 5ymbo|:
ArcMo ho: mony ot|on: for chonq|nq the woy your doto ore d|:|oyed. 5ome
of the :|m|e:t ot|on: |nuo|ue the cho|ce of co|or, h|| ottern, ond :hoe (for
o|nt doto). 1o mohe chonqe:, c||ch on the mo :ymbo| |n the tob|e of content:.
1he :ymbo| :e|ector w|ndow thot oen: w||| |ooh d|fferent deend|nq uon
the tye of |oyer: o|nt, ||ne, or o|yqon. For o|nt:, you con choo:e o d|ffer-
ent morher from the defou|t (wh|ch |: o c|rc|e w|th o b|och out||ne). vhen you
choo:e o new morher, the defou|t :|ze jum: from 4 o|nt (qu|te :mo||) to ts
o|nt (qu|te |orqe). Vou con hnd mony more :ymbo|: by c||ch|nq on 5ty|e Refer-
ence:... button (for exom|e, there |: o tron:ortot|on, cr|me ono|y:|: ond c|u|c
:ymbo| o||ette). Vou con chonqe the co|or, :|ze, ond onq|e u:|nq the ot|on:
on the r|qht of the w|ndow. 1he re:et button w||| undo ony chonqe: you houe
mode to the :ymbo| :|nce oen|nq the :ymbo| :e|ector w|ndow.
For ||ne:, you con choo:e from o uor|ety of ottern:, th|chne::e:, ond co|or:. 1here
ore |ndu:try :tondord: for th|nq: ||he h|qhwoy:, exre::woy:, ond ro||rood:.
For o|yqon:, you houe cho|ce: obout the h|| ottern, h|| co|or, ond out||ne co|or.
1he roert|e: button w||| q|ue you odd|t|ono| ot|on: (ond often too mony
ot|on:) but moy be he|fu| |n hne-tun|nq the cro::hotch ond ordered :t||e
Vou con o|:o :ymbo||ze your |oyer: bo:ed on d|fferent uo|ue: for eoch mo
feoture. For exom|e, you m|qht u:e d|fferent :|ze o|nt: to rere:ent d|fferent
c|t|e: oround the wor|d occord|nq to the|r ou|ot|on or u:e d|ffer co|or morher:
to rere:ent d|fferent tye: of ho:|to|:. 1he:e ore con:|dered themot|c mo:
ond they w||| be d|:cu::ed |n the :ect|on: on d|:|oy|nq o|nt:, ||ne:, ond o|yqon:.
Mony of the fru:trot|on: of new C|5 u:er: re|ote to :ou|nq h|e:. ArcC|5 worh:
d|fferent|y from mo:t :oftwore, :o |f you do not tohe core |n nom|nq ond :ou|nq
your h|e:, you w||| not be ob|e to hnd or oen your worh.
5ou|nq ArcMo Document: (.mxd)
An ArcMo document |: mode u of o|| the mo |oyer: you houe odded ond
o|| of the funct|on: you houe o||ed to them. |t |: be:t to on|y :oue on ArcMo
document when you houe :ent o :|qn|hcont omount of t|me.
vhen you oen ArcMo, you ore romted to :ec|fy whether you w|:h to
oen on ex|:t|nq mo document or creote o new one. Mo:t of the t|me when
you ore |eorn|nq to u:e ArcV|ew, you con creote o new ArcMo document. |f
you w||| need to return to your worh once you :tort :ymbo||z|nq your mo |oyer:
ond de:|qn|nq o |oyout for r|nt|nq, you w||| robob|y wont to :oue on ArcMo
document. Vou do th|: by qo|nq to the F||e menu ond choo:|nq :oue. 1h|: h|e w|||
:oue o|| of the worh you houe done, |nc|ud|nq the ||:t of doto you houe odded
ond the chonqe: you houe mode to |oyer roert|e:, :ymbo|oqy, ond the |oyout.
1he .mxd h|e doe: NO1 :oue o|| of the doto you |nc|uded |n your mo. |n:teod,
|t |nc|ude: |nformot|on obout the |ocot|on of tho:e h|e: on your comuter (or
networh, or |nternet) ond the formott|nq chonqe: you mode. 1h|: meon: thot
you connot moue the doto h|e: you'ue |nc|uded |n o mo document or ju:t
ut your .mxd h|e on o thumb dr|ue to oen on o d|fferent comuter w|thout
runn|nq |nto rob|em:. |t o|:o meon: thot mo document: con be d|fhcu|t to
tron:fer from one comuter to onother. |f you do moue one of the h|e: u:ed |n
your mo document, thot |oyer w||| be :hown w|th o I next to |t ond w||| not
drow when you oen your mo document. |f you c||ch on the qroyed out chech
morh be:|de the |oyer nome, ArcMo w||| br|nq u o d|o|oq o:h|nq where you
moued the h|e. Nou|qot|nq to the h|e |n |t: new |ocot|on ond c||ch|nq odd w|||
:o|ue the rob|em.
5ou|nq Re|ot|ue oth:
Re|ot|ue oth: con he| you ouo|d the red exc|omot|on o|nt: :ome of the t|me.
|f you houe o|| of the h|e: be|onq|nq to o mo document |n o :|nq|e fo|der, you
con moue |t to o new |ocot|on ond :t||| oen |t w|th re|ot|ue oth:. From the F||e
menu, qo to Mo Document. ond chech the box next to othnome: thot
:oy: 5oue re|ot|ue othnome: to doto :ource:.
H | L L | R l U 5 | N C A R C V | v t O
| N 1 R O D U C 1 | O N
5ou|nq Mo Loyer:
|n odd|t|on to :ou|nq the ent|re worh:oce w|th o mo document, you con :oue
on |nd|u|duo| mo |oyer (.|yr). 1h|: h|e w||| :tore o|| the formott|nq chonqe: you
houe mode to the |oyer. 1h|: |: ort|cu|or|y he|fu| |f you wont to u:e the :ome
|oyer, w|th the :ome :ymbo|oqy, |n onother mo document. A: w|th the .mxd
h|e, the .|yr h|e on|y |nc|ude: |nformot|on obout the formott|nq ond the oth to
the or|q|no| doto (qenero||y o :hoeh|e). Mou|nq your or|q|no| doto, or mou|nq
the .|yr h|e to onother comuter, w||| creote rob|em:.
Nom|nq F||e:
Nom|nq your h|e: |n o c|eor ond con:|:tent monner w||| mohe worh|nq w|th
ArcMo much eo:|er. Vou need to deue|o your own nom|nq conuent|on thot
mohe: :en:e to you. Vou moy creote mu|t||e uer:|on: of the :ome :hoeh|e thot
ore on|y :||qht|y d|fferent, :o your nom|nq conuent|on :hou|d reect tho:e d|ffer-
ence: (|n yeor, roject|on, ottr|bute:, qeoqroh|c |eue|, etc.). For exom|e:
ArcC|5 con worh w|th h|e nome: thot ore more thon s chorocter:, but reo||y |onq
nome: con be d|fhcu|t to worh w|th. ArcC|5 con o|:o worh w|th h|e: thot houe
:oce: |n the|r nome (:uch o: h||o troct:.:h), but th|: con creote rob|em: (e:-
ec|o||y w|th ottr|bute nome:) :o |t |: be:t to ouo|d by u:|nq under:core: ( _ ).
Creot|nq Mo ochoqe:
ArcC|5 tO |nc|ude: on ot|on to ochoqe u your .mxd h|e w|th o|| the doto u:ed
to creote the mo document on the mode| of Adobe roduct:. 1h|: |: e:ec|o||y
u:efu| for mou|nq your h|e: for o :ec|hc roject from one comuter (or |ocot|on
on o comuter) to onother or :hor|nq the h|e: w|th :omeone e|:e. From the
F||e menu, qo to Creote o Mo ochoqe. Vou mu:t :oue the mo document
(.mdx) h|e hr:t, then the mo ochoqe.Vou w||| o|:o need to q|ue the mo
document o de:cr|t|on (t|t|e, :ummory ond other |nformot|on ore ot|ono|) ond
|nd|cote where you wont to :oue the mo ochoqe. Once you houe |dent|hed
the |ocot|on where the ochoqe :hou|d be :oued, c||ch the Vo||dote button to
mohe :ure o|| of the o::oc|oted h|e: con be found. 1hen c||ch 5hore to creote
the mo ochoqe. Mo ochoqe: houe the exten:|on .mh.
5ou|nq ond 5tor|nq F||e:
1he mo:t |mortont th|nq |n :tor|nq h|e: for ArcMo |: to th|nh throuqh o :y:tem
FOR you :tort, :o you con ouo|d mou|nq h|e: ond d|:ob||nq your mo docu-
ment: ond |oyer:. Con:|der creot|nq o new d|rectory for eoch new mo|nq
roject. kee o|| mo document:, mo |oyer:, ond tob|e: |n thot d|rectory. uen
thouqh |t w||| requ|re more :toroqe :oce, you moy wont to hee :eorote
co|e: of the :ome mo |oyer, :uch o: o :treet: |oyer, |n eoch roject fo|der
where you w||| be u:|nq |t. A: you worh w|th ArcC|5, you w||| o|:o be creot|nq
new tob|e: ond :hoeh|e:. vheneuer ArcC|5 |: creot|nq o new h|e, you w||| be
q|uen on oortun|ty to q|ue |t o nome ond :ec|fy o |ocot|on w|th o d|o|oque
box ||he th|::
C||ch on the fo|der |con to :how ArcV|ew exoct|y where you wont the new h|e
ond then q|ue the h|e o new nome. Otherw|:e you w||| end u w|th h|e: co||ed
xort_Outut.:h ond other unhe|fu| th|nq: ||he thot. No one con he| you
|f you don't hnow where your h|e: ore or whot you co||ed them (tru:t me, th|: |:
obout the wor:t rob|em you con houe w|th ArcC|5).
A: you creote new uer:|on: of o|d |oyer:, de|ete the o|d |oyer: to hee your h|e:
neot. And remember, |t': be:t to de|ete h|e: from the Coto|oq v|ndow.
H | L L | R l U 5 | N C A R C V | v t O
| N 1 R O D U C 1 | O N
ArcC|5 con worh w|th mony d|fferent tye: of doto, on|y :ome of wh|ch ore de-
:cr|bed |n th|: :ect|on. ArcC|5 tO con worh w|th more d|fferent doto formot: thon
reu|ou: uer:|on: of ArcC|5.
1obu|or doto
1obu|or doto |nc|ude: th|nq: ||he commo de||m|ted or hxed w|dth text h|e:,
xce| worh:heet:, ACC55 h|e:, ond dbo:e h|e:. 1h|: |: where you :tore ottr|bute
doto, wh|ch |nc|ude: ony |nformot|on you houe obout o |ocot|on. For exom|e,
you m|qht hnow the tye: of roqrom: offered ot o recreot|on center or the
toto| ou|ot|on of o z| code. |n order to be moed, tobu|or doto qenero||y
need: to be ||nhed to :ot|o|l
qeoqroh|c doto. Un||he
:ome eor||er uer:|on: (s ond
eor||er), ArcC|5 tO con worh
w|th xce| h|e:. vhen you odd
on xce|| h|e to ArcMo, you
mu:t :ec|fy wh|ch worh-
:heet you w|:h to odd, :o try
to remember to nome your
worh:heet: |n xce| (no :oce:
|n the nome). vhen you odd
doto, doub|e-c||ch on the
nome of the .x|: h|e to :ee
the nome: of the wor:heet:.
H|qh||qht o worh:heet ond
c||ch odd.
Add|nq XV Doto
5ome tobu|or doto |nc|ude XV coord|note:. For exom|e, doto m|qht be co|-
|ected u:|nq o C5 deu|ce or o doto uendor m|qht :e|| the nome: ond oddre::e:
of :uermorhet: ond |nc|ude XV coord|note: for mo|nq. Conuert|nq ||:t: of
oddre::e: to o|nt: on o mo u:uo||y |nuo|ue: o roce:: co||ed qeocod|nq ond
|: ex|o|ned |oter |n th|: monuo|. Vou do not need to qeocode |f your tob|e
o|reody |nc|ude: XV coord|note:. From the F||e menu, qo to Add Doto ond
Add XV Doto. From the D|:|oy
XV Doto w|ndow, choo:e the he|d
thot conto|n: the X (|onq|tude)
ond V (|ot|tude) coord|note:. |f you
hnow the roject|on u:ed to co||ect
or creote the doto, c||ch on the
d|t button ond :et the roject|on
(roject|on: w||| be de:cr|bed |oter
:o don't worry |f th|: doe:n't mohe
:en:e ot th|: o|nt).
.dbI - the dA5 h|e thot :tore: the ottr|bute |nformot|on of feoture:.
vhen o:hoeh|e |: odded o: o theme to o u|ew, th|: h|e |: d|:|oyed o: o
feoture tob|e.
.tb ond .tbx - the h|e: thot :tore the :ot|o| |ndex of the feoture:.
1he:e two h|e: moy not ex|:t unt|| you erform theme on theme :e|ec
t|on, :ot|o| jo|n, or creote on |ndex on o theme': :hoe he|d.
.p)r - the h|e thot :tore: |nformot|on obout the roject|on. 1h|: w||| on|y
ex|:t for :hoeh|e: w|th dehned roject|on:.
1he :hoeh|e :tore: |nformot|on obout the :hoe of the mo feoture:, de:cr|b-
|nq them |n the :hoe he|d of the ottr|bute tob|e o: o|nt, ||ne, or o|yqon. |t
o|:o :tore: |nformot|on obout the reo| wor|d |ocot|on of eoch uertex thot mohe:
u the mo feoture:. U:|nq th|: |nformot|on, ArcV|ew con co|cu|ote oreo ond
er|meter for o|yqon feoture:.
On of the b|qqe:t com|o|nt: obout the :hoeh|e formot |: thot |t doe: not
conto|n |nformot|on obout too|oqy. 1oo|oq|c formot: (||he coueroqe: u:ed |n
Arc|nfo) conto|n deto||ed |nformot|on obout the re|ot|on:h|: omonq feoture:
|n the :ome mo |oyer. 1h|: o||ow: for o uor|ety of oerot|on: to en:ure the
|nteqr|ty of ||ne: ond o|yqon: ond to corefu||y ed|t ond creote new qeoqroh|c
feoture:. |n creot|nq the :hoeh|e formot, 5R| |ntent|ono||y creoted :ometh|nq
thot |: :|m|er thon ex|:t|nq too|oq|c formot: for de:hto (rother thon rofe:-
:|ono|) C|5 u:er:.
Ceoqroh|c doto
1he tobu|or doto you u:e |n ArcC|5 con be u:ed |n other roqrom: ||he xce|,
555, 5A5, ond 51A1A, but the qeoqroh|c doto you u:e con on|y be u:ed |n C|5
roqrom:. Ceoqroh|c doto :tore |nformot|on obout |ocot|on :o thot they con
be rere:ented o: mo |oyer:. Ceoqroh|c doto con be coteqor|zed o: uector or
ro:ter. 1h|: monuo| deo|: r|mor||y w|th uector doto.
5hoeh|e: ore the mo:t common formot for uector doto |n ArcC|5. Vector doto
u:e o|nt:, ||ne:, ond o|yqon: to rere:ent mo feoture:. Vector C|5 |: exce|-
|ent for rere:ent|nq d|:crete object:, :uch o: orce|:, :treet:, ond odm|n|:trot|ue
boundor|e:. Vector C|5 |: not o: qood for rere:ent|nq th|nq: thot uory cont|nu-
ou:|y ouer :oce, :uch o: temeroture ond e|euot|on.
:r| creoted the :hoeh|e formot |n order to rere:ent uector C|5 doto |n o
:|m|er formot thon the|r coueroqe formot u:ed |n Arc|nfo. A: w|th other formot:
of qeoqroh|c doto, :hoeh|e: ||nh |nformot|on obout the |ocot|on ond :hoe
of the mo feoture: to the|r ottr|bute:. Other C|5 roqrom: w||| o||ow you to
u:e :hoeh|e:, but qeoqroh|c h|e: from other C|5 roqrom: mu:t be conuerted
to :hoeh|e: before ArcC|5 con reod them. 5hoeh|e: ore mode u of three or
more h|e: thot need to be :tored |n the :ome d|rectory |n order for ArcC|5 to
recoqn|ze them o: :hoeh|e:. vhen you |ooh ot your :hoeh|e: throuqh ArcMo
or ArcCoto|oq, you w||| on|y :ee one h|e, but |f you |ooh ot them d|rect|y on your
hord dr|ue or thumb dr|ue, you w||| :ee mu|t||e h|e: w|th the fo||ow|nq exten-
.tbp - the h|e thot :tore: the feoture qeometry (o|nt, ||ne, or o|yqon)
.tbx - the h|e thot :tore: the |ndex of the feoture qeometry
ArcC|5 o||ow: you to |mort ond exort mony d|fferent tye: of |moqe:. 1he
|moqe: you |mort moy be :conned oer mo:, oer|o| hoto:, or other |cture:
or hoto: thot you hot ||nh to your mo feoture:. ArcMo con |mort o w|de
H | L L | R l U 5 | N C A R C V | v t O
| N 1 R O D U C 1 | O N
Vou w||| o|:o rece|ue o
me::oqe thot ArcMo
|: unob|e to drow the
|moqe o: o mo |oyer
becou:e |t |: m|::|nq
|nformot|on obout
|ocot|on. 5o why wou|d
you odd on |moqe
to ArcMo |n the hr:t
|oce! ecou:e |moqe:
||he oer|o| hotoqroh:
ond :conned h|:tor|co|
mo: con be tron:-
formed |nto mo |oyer:
throuqh o roce:: co||ed
ronqe of h|e tye:. Vou con o|:o exort hn|:hed mo: |n ArcMo |n o number
of formot:: M, M, 5, 1|FF, DF, lC, CCM, lC, CX, ond NC.
|moqe: ore ||he tob|e: |n thot they moy conto|n |nformot|on obout o ort|cu|or
|ocot|on, but they do not :tore |ocot|on |nformot|on :o they connot be moed.
vhen you odd o |orqe |moqe to ArcMo, you w||| often be romted to dec|de
whether you w|:h to bu||d yrom|d:. Cenero||y you wont to :oy ye: becou:e
th|: w||| mohe |t eo:|er to worh w|th the |moqe |n ArcMo.
Ro:ter mo |oyer:
Ro:ter doto u:e qr|d: mode u of requ|or ce||:, or |xe|:, to rere:ent :ot|o||y
cont|nuou: doto. 1hey |ooh ||he requ|or |moqe:, but eoch |xe| |: o::|qned reo|
wor|d coord|note: ond on ottr|bute uo|ue (:uch o: rec||tot|on |eue| or e|euo-
Vou con u|ew ro:ter |oyer: |n
ArcMo w|thout ony od-
d|t|ono| exten:|on:, but you
need the 5ot|o| Ano|y:t
exten:|on to ono|yze or
creote new ro:ter |oyer:.
vhen ro:ter |oyer: houe the
:ome :|ze ce||:, the|r uo|ue:
con be odded, :ubtrocted,
mu|t|||ed, d|u|ded ond
quer|ed u:|nq mo o|qebro (o :y:tem deue|oed by Dono 1om||n). Vou con odd
ro:ter doto to ArcMo ju:t o: you do uector doto, u:|nq the odd doto. e :ure
to h|qh||qht the |oyer you wont, then c||ch odd (|f you doub|e c||ch, you w|||
:ee the |nd|u|duo| bond: thot mohe u your ro:ter |oy). ArcMo :oue: ro:ter
|oyer: |n |t: CR|D formot. ArcCoto|oq recoqn|ze: CR|D: ond other |moqe formot:
(|nc|ud|nq M, lC, 1|FF) o: ro:ter |oyer:.
5R| ho: moued toword o new qeoqroh|c doto mode| co||ed o qeodotobo:e
thot u:ed M|cro:oft ACC55 h|e: to :tore mu|t||e tob|e:, :hoeh|e:, ond ro:ter
|moqe:. Ceodotobo:e: ore more com||coted thon :hoeh|e: ond o ||cen:e for
Arcd|tor (not ju:t ArcV|ew) |: requ|red to ed|t qeodotobo:e:. 5hoeh|e: ore
qenero||y :ufhc|ent for |nd|u|duo| roject:, but qeodotobo:e: ore more oror|-
ote for worh enu|ronment: where mu|t||e eo|e ore occe::|nq |nformot|on or
when oduonced ed|t|nq |: requ|red.
t|on), :o the doto con be moed. 1he u:er dehne: the ce|| :|ze, o||ow|nq for uery
hne or cour:e ro:ter :urfoce:. uen when the ce|| :|ze |: uery :mo||, you con :ee
the |nd|u|duo| :quore ce||: when you zoom |n.
Ceorefect|fy|nq o||ow: you to conuert o oer mo |nto o C|5 mo |oyer. :-
:ent|o||y, the roce:: o::|qn: X ond V coord|note: to o|nt: on your d|q|to| mo
|moqe, :h|ft|nq, rotot|nq, ond :co||nq your mo :o thot you con u|ew |t o: o mo
|oyer o|onq w|th your :hoeh|e:. 1he :|m|e:t form of th|:, u:|nq on:creen too|:, |:
ex|o|ned be|ow. 1h|: |: e:ec|o||y uo|ue for |ncororot|nq h|:tor|co| mo: to C|5.
Creote o ro:ter |moqe
5con your oer mo. 1he h|qher re:o|ut|on, the better. ArcMo con hond|e
retty b|q h|e:, ond |t con worh w|th |ot: of h|e tye: (.jq, .t|f, .bm). |f you houe
o cho|ce, qo w|th .t|f ond 1OO d| or better.
Add reference |oyer: (:hoeh|e:)
efore you odd your :conned |moqe, odd o :hoeh|e thot couer: the :ome qeo-
qroh|c oreo. 1h|: m|qht be o :treet center||ne h|e, c|ty boundor|e:, or :ometh|nq
:|m||or. e :ure thot you con |dent|fy o few |oce: on your :conned mo: on th|:
:hoeh|e (:uch o: o |ondmorh or :treet |nter:ect|on). Otherw|:e, you w||| not be
ob|e to u:e on-:creen qeorect|fy|nq. |n order to :tort qeorect|fy-
|nq, you'|| need to :w|tch
boch :o thot you con :ee
your :hoeh|e, rother thon
your |moqe. R|qht c||ch on
the :hoeh|e ond choo:e
zoom to |oyer. From the
u|ew menu, choo:e too|bor:,
then Ceoreferenc|nq.
Add mo |moqe
Add your |moqe to ArcMo ju:t o: you wou|d o :hoeh|e or tob|e, u:|nq the
button or from the h|e menu, choo:e odd |oyer. Deend|nq uon the :|ze of
your |moqe, o d|o|oque box w||| o:h you |f you'd ||he to odd yrom|d:. C||ch
Ok. Don't worry |f you qet o worn|nq me::oqe thot your |moqe |och: rojec-
t|on |nformot|on. At th|: o|nt, your :conned mo |: ju:t on |moqe, :o |t :hou|dn't
conto|n ony :ot|o| |nformot|on. 1he nome of your |moqe :hou|d now oeor |n
the tob|e of content:, but you w||| not :ee your |moqe drown w|th your :hoeh|e
2 l 5A1|AL DA1A
becou:e |t |: |n |xe| :oce :|nce there |: no coord|note |nformot|on. 1o :ee your
|moqe, r|qht c||ch on the nome ond choo:e zoom to |oyer.
H | L L | R l U 5 | N C A R C V | v t O
From the qeoreferenc|nq menu, choo:e ht to d|:|oy. Now your reference
|oyer(:) :hou|d drow on to of your mo |moqe |n the u|ew mo w|ndow. |f your
:conned mo |: u:|de down, u:e the F|| or Rotote too|:.
Add contro| o|nt:
C||ch the odd contro| o|nt: button. Creote your hr:t contro| o|nt on your
|moqe by c||ch|nq once on your :conned mo, then c||ch on the :hoeh|e |n the
corre:ond|nq :ot. Vour |moqe :hou|d :h|ft c|o:er to your :hoeh|e. |f |t qet:
further owoy, you robob|y reuer:ed the order. e :ure to c||ch on your :conned
mo hr:t, then the :hoeh|e. Vou moy hnd |t he|fu| to u:e the moqn|her
w|ndow (from the w|ndow menu, choo:e moqn|her) :o thot you con :ee your
mo deto||: w|thout zoom|nq |n. Cont|nue to odd contro| o|nt:. After do|nq
th|: o few t|me:, your |moqe :hou|d be more or |e:: ||ned u w|th your :hoeh|e.
Cont|nue to odd contro| o|nt: o: |onq o: do|nq :o |mroue: the o||qnment.
2 l 5 A 1 | A L D A 1 A
|n mo:t :|tuot|on:, your mo |moqe w||| not ||ne u erfect|y w|th the :hoe-
h|e ond you :hou|d not exect |t to. 1he or|q|no| mo you :conned moy houe
been creoted u:|nq o d|fferent roject|on :y:tem or |nc|uded d|:tort|on: ond the
mo moy houe been further d|:torted or domoqed ouer t|me. |f the |moqe qet:
further ond further owoy from the :hoeh|e, howeuer, try :tort|nq ouer. From
the qeoreferenc|nq menu on the qeoreferenc|nq too|bor, qo to de|ete contro|
o|nt: ond re:et tron:formot|on, then choo:e ht to d|:|oy oqo|n. Vou con
o|:o de|ete o :|nq|e contro| o|nt u:|nq the u|ew ||nh: button. 1he contro| o|nt:
ore ||:ted |n the order thot you creoted them, :o the mo:t recent contro| o|nt
w||| be ||:ted |o:t. 1o de|ete one, h|qht||qht |t ond c||ch the de|ete (X) button.
Vou moy hnd |t eo:|er to ||ne u the :conned mo ond reference :hoeh|e u:|nq
the moqn|her too|. From the v|ndow: menu, choo:e Moqn|her. Moue the Moq-
n|her w|ndow ouer your mo: |n oreo: where you ore hou|nq troub|e ||n|nq them
u. Vou con odd contro| o|nt: from |n:|de the Moqn|fer w|ndow.
|f you houe :|x or more contro| o|nt:, you con erform o :econd order, |f you
houe twe|ue or more contro| o|nt:, you con erform o th|rd order tron:formo-
t|on. ut be :ure to |ooh ot how the:e tron:formot|on: d|:tort your mo. Vou
moy be better off w|th the hr:t-order tron:formot|on.
5ou|nq the Ceoreferenced |moqe
|n order to ermonent|y :oue the tron:formot|on, choo:e Udote Ceorefer-
enc|nq. 1h|: w||| odd the :ot|o| |nformot|on d|rect|y to your :conned mo
(meon|nq you w||| |oo:e the or|q|no| uer:|on). |f you choo:e rect|fy from the
qeoreferenc|nq menu, ArcMo w||| creote o new |moqe w|th the :ot|o| doto.
Note thot the new rect|hed mo moy be uery |orqe ond moy |ooh :||qht|y d|ffer-
ent (dorher, oorer re:o|ut|on).
H | L L | R l U 5 | N C A R C V | v t O
2 l 5 A 1 | A L D A 1 A
vORk|NC v|1H ROlC1|ON5
roject|on: ore robob|y the tr|ch|e:t ort of worh|nq w|th :ot|o| doto. 1he
:tohe: ore h|qh becou:e |f doto ore not rojected roer|y, you m|qht not euen
qet your mo |oyer: to drow toqether. Don't be ofro|d to o:h :omeone for he|
or to :tort ouer (down|ood the or|q|no| doto oqo|n). Hoefu||y there |: :ome
con:u|ot|on |n hnow|nq thot mo:t eo|e houe o hord t|me w|th th|: :tuff.
roject|on: monoqe the d|:tort|on thot |: |neu|tob|e when o :her|co| (ohoy,
e|||:o|d) eorth |: u|ewed o: o ot mo. A|| roject|on :y:tem: d|:tort qeoqrohy
|n :ome woy-e|ther by d|:tort|nq oreo, :hoe, d|:tonce, d|rect|on, or :co|e. 1here
ore dozen: of d|fferent roject|on :y:tem: |n u:e becou:e d|fferent :y:tem: worh
be:t |n d|fferent ort: of the wor|d ond, euen w|th|n the :ome ort: of the wor|d,
C|5 u:er: houe d|fferent r|or|t|e: ond need:. vhen you ore |ooh|nq ot o re|ot|ue-
|y :mo|| oreo, :uch o: o :|nq|e c|ty, there |: re|ot|ue|y ||tt|e d|:tort|on becou:e the
curue of the eorth |: :||qht. ut hnow|nq ond :ett|nq roject|on: roer|y |: o|:o
|mortont for qett|nq your moy |oyer: to drow toqether, d|:tonce un|t: to mohe
:en:e, ond :ome of ArcV|ew': too|: to worh. 5o |n the end, |t': roct|co| to tohe
core |n roject|nq your doto.
Recoqn|z|nq the Coord|note 5y:tem
Mo |oyer: con be drown occord|nq to o qeoqroh|c coord|note :y:tem (unro-
jected) or rojected coord|note :y:tem. Ceoqroh|c coord|note :y:tem: |nd|cote
|ocot|on u:|nq |onq|tude ond |ot|tude bo:ed on o :here (or :hero|d) wh||e
rojected coord|note :y:tem: u:e X ond V bo:ed on o |one. A: |onq o: comuter
:creen: ond r|nted mo: ore ot, rojected coord|note :y:tem: w||| be more
oror|ote for worh|nq w|th C|5 doto. Vou moy not o|woy: hnow the coord|-
note :y:tem be|nq u:ed, ort|cu|or|y |f you |nher|t doto or down|ood |t from the
|nternet. |f you ore |uchy, the mo |oyer w||| |nc|ude o .roj h|e wh|ch conto|n:
|nformot|on obout the coord|note :y:tem, or the metodoto w||| rou|de :ome
ex|onot|on. Vou con |ooh ot the |nformot|on |n the .rj h|e-the deto||ed :ot|o|
reference |nformot|on-by c||ch|nq on the qenero| tob of the |oyer roert|e:
from ArcMo. A|ternot|ue|y, you
con c||ch on the he|d: tob of the
|oyer roert|e: from ArcCoto|oq,
c||ch |n:|de the :hoe he|d ond
c||ch on the . button to the r|qht
of 5ot|o| Reference. Vou con
vorh|nq w|th Unrojected Loyer:
|n mo:t co:e:, you w||| wont to conuert unrojected mo |oyer:-tho:e w|th o
qeoqroh|c coord|note :y:tem-to rojected mo |oyer:. Any of the h|e: you
down|ood from the U5 Cen:u: web:|te or :r| 1|CR h|e: :|te w||| be |n th|: un-
rojected formot. 1here ore two :te: |nuo|ued |n th|: roce::. F|r:t, you mu:t
creote o .roj h|e by dehn|nq the mo |oyer o: unrojected, then you con
roject the mo |oyer u:|nq the roject|on of your cho|ce. Vou con occe:: the
too|: for do|nq th|: by c||ch|nq on the Arc1oo|box |con |n:|de ArcMo. C||ch on
doto monoqement too|: ond then roject|on: ond tron:formot|on:.
Dehn|nq roject|on:
Dehn|nq o roject|on req|:ter: the current coord|note :y:tem of your mo |oyer.
|t |nuo|ue: reort|nq to ArcV|ew the noture of the doto thot you houe, not
chonq|nq thot doto. 1o dehne the coord|note :y:tem for your unrojected mo
|oyer, c||ch on the Dehne roject|on w|zord. F|r:t you w||| be o:hed to choo:e
o doto |oyer. |f you odded the re|euont mo |oyer to ArcMo, you w||| be ob|e
to hnd |t |n the drodown menu. Otherw|:e you w||| need to c||ch on the fo|der
|con to |ocote your mo |oyer. 1hen you con choo:e the coord|note :y:tem u:|nq
the button. C||ch the :e|ect button on the 5ot|o| Reference roert|e:. |n mo:t
co:e:, you con choo:e Ceoqroh|c Coord|note 5y:tem:, North Amer|co, ond
NAD t9s1 Dotum, then c||ch ohoy. Vou :hou|d not not|ce o d|fference |n how
the mo |oyer |: drown o: o re:u|t of dehn|nq the coord|note :y:tem. ut o: o
re:u|t of dehn|nq |t, there |: now o .roj h|e o::oc|oted w|th your mo |oyer ond
you con |ooh ot the deto||ed :ot|o| reference |nformot|on. efore you dehne o
|oyer o: unrojected, ArcV|ew w||| refer to |t o: o::umed qeoqroh|c.
H | L L | R l U 5 | N C A R C V | v t O
vorh|nq w|th rojected Mo Loyer:
5omet|me: the mo |oyer: you ocqu|re w||| o|reody be rojected but won't corry
o .roj h|e :o you won't hnow the roject|on. 1he be:t th|nq to do |n th|: :|tuo-
t|on |: to |ooh ot the or|q|no| :ource for |nformot|on obout the roject|on :y:tem,
e|ther on o web:|te, |n metodoto thot come w|th the h|e, or by co|||nq the er:on
who creoted the doto. |f the:e orooche: o|| fo|| to reueo| the roject|on, mo
the doto |n order to que:: the roject|on. Vou moy recoqn|ze the roject|on by
the un|t: :how|nq |n the qroy bor be|ow the mo. |f they ore not |n |onq|tude
ond |ot|tude, they ore robob|y rojected. A: you worh w|th o ort|cu|or rojec-
t|on :y:tem, you w||| come to recoqn|ze the mo un|t: ond ronqe of coord|note
uo|ue:. For exom|e, 5tote |one coord|note: for h||ode|h|o ore qenero||y |n
feet ond |ooh ||he 29tO1.1s, 242s.9s. U1M coord|note: w||| be |n meter: ond
|ooh ||he 4sssO.12, 441OO9s.t9.
roject|nq :hoeh|e:
roject|nq o :hoeh|e chonqe: the roject|on :y:tem. Vou con on|y do th|: |f you
houe dehned (req|:tered) the ex|:t|nq roject|on. Vou con roject mo |oyer:
thot ore unrojected (qeoqroh|c coord|note :y:tem) or chonqe the roject|on
on |oyer: thot o|reody houe o rojected coord|note :y:tem. |n order to roject
the mo |oyer, c||ch on the roject w|zord. |f you ore roject|nq o :hoeh|e, u:e
the roject w|zord ||:ted under Feoture:. |f you ore roject|nq o ro:ter |moqe,
u:e the roject w|zord ||:ted under ro:ter.
A: w|th the dehne w|zord, you w||| be o:hed to :ec|fy the mo |oyer. Next,
becou:e you w||| be chonq|nq
the or|q|no| |oyer, you ore o:hed
to nome the new |oyer thot
w||| be creoted. y defou|t,
ArcV|ew w||| odd _roject to
the or|q|no| nome. Vou moy
w|:h to q|ue your |oyer o d|ffer-
ent nome. C||ch on the button
to the r|qht of Outut Coord|note 5y:tem to choo:e your roject|on. C||ch on
the :e|ect button on the 5ot|o| Reference roert|e:, then choo:e rojected
Coord|note 5y:tem:. Now you need to choo:e your roject|on. For re|ot|ue|y
:mo|| oreo: ||he h||ode|h|o, the d|fference: |n roject|on :y:tem: (the d|:tor-
t|on |n :hoe, oreo, d|:tonce, d|rect|on, ond :co|e) ore m|n|mo|. Vou ore be:t off
choo:|nq whoteuer roject|on :y:tem |: mo:t common|y u:ed. |n h||ode|h|o,
thot |: 5tote |one t9s1 (feet) enn:y|uon|o 5outh. For the h||ode|h|o M5A,
con:|der U1M zone tsN. After moh|nq your :e|ect|on, c||ch ohoy. ArcV|ew w|||
|nd|cote thot there |: o Dotum con|ct between mo ond outut. |n order to
mo your new|y rojected |oyer, creote o new ArcMo document ond odd the
new (rojected) |oyer. Vou :hou|d not|ce o chonqe |n the coord|note: thot :how
|n the bottom r|qht of the mo.
2 l 5 A 1 | A L D A 1 A
1 l MAk|NC MA5
1he reo| :trenqth of o C|5 |: |n o||ow|nq you to u:e d|fferent :ymbo|: to rere:ent
d|fferent uo|ue:, ||nh|nq your ottr|bute doto to your :ot|o| doto. ArcMo offer:
o w|de ronqe of co|or: ond :ymbo|: for rere:ent|nq your o|nt doto. kee |n
m|nd thot ju:t becou:e there ore neor |nhn|te comb|not|on: thot the :|m|e:t
:ymbo|: (:uch o: b|och dot:) moy be the mo:t effect|ue.
5|nq|e 5ymbo|
1he defou|t |n ArcMo |: to rere:ent o|| o|nt: w|th the :ome :|ze, :hoe, ond
co|or :ymbo|. 1h|: |: how ArcMo w||| d|:|oy your o|nt :hoeh|e: when they ore
hr:t odded to o mo document or when you creote them throuqh qeocod|nq or
odd|nq XV doto. Oen the |oyer roert|e: (doub|e c||ch on the :hoeh|e nome
or r|qht c||ch ond qo to roert|e:,) ond c||ch on the 5ymbo|oqy tob. |n the
box on the |eft :|de, :|nq|e :ymbo| w||| be h|qh||qhted. Vou con chonqe the :|ze,
:hoe, or co|or of the :ymbo| by c||ch|nq on |t, but o: |onq o: 5|nq|e :ymbo| |:
:e|ected, o|| of your o|nt: w||| oeor the :ome.
Chonq|nq the :ymbo|
ArcV|ew ho: numerou: o|ette: of :ymbo|: u:ed |n uor|ou: |ndu:tr|e:, :uch o:
con:eruot|on ond o||c|nq. 1he:e :ec|o||zed :ymbo|: ore effect|ue when u:ed
corefu||y w|th on oud|ence thot w||| recoqn|ze them o: |ndu:try :tondord:. 1he
:ymbo|: |nc|uded |n the defou|t o|ette moy not be |deo| for your mo. For
exom|e, the :ymbo| for o :choo| beor: ||tt|e re:emb|once to o |orqe urbon
:choo|. 1o u|ew odd|t|ono| o||ete, c||ch on the :ty|e reference: button. 1he
c|u|c o|ette conto|n: o number of cho|ce: for :choo|:. |n mo:t co:e:, howeuer,
you ore better off :t|ch|nq w|th the defou|t :ymbo|:. Vou don't need the :ymbo|
of o need|e to rere:ent druq cr|me:. Re:|:t the temtot|on to mohe your dot:
|ooh ||he the reo| th|nq (:uch o: o deod body for o hom|c|de) 1he:e ore, ofter o||,
:ymbo|: ond you w||| be ob|e to de:cr|be the :ymbo| |n the |eqend.
|ooh ||he the reo| th|nq (:uch o: o deod body for o hom|c|de) 1he:e ore oft
H | L L | R l U 5 | N C A R C V | v t O
Coteqor|co| uor|ob|e: c|o::|fy doto |nto un|que coteqor|e: :o thot eoch ob:er-
uot|on (euent, er:on, bu||d|nq, etc.) ht: |n on|y one coteqory. For exom|e, o
ho:|to| m|qht be monoqed by o non-roht, church, federo| qouernment, :tote
qouernment, or for-roht ent|t|ty. 1he un|que uo|ue: ot|on ||:ted under cote-
qor|e: |n the :ymbo|oqy tob o||ow: you to u:e o d|fferent :ymbo| for eoch of the
o|nt: |n o :hoeh|e bo:ed on o coteqor|co| uor|ob|e. 1h|: con worh we|| for :mo||
h|e: (tO or fewer o|nt:) but con qu|ch|y be ouerwhe|m|nq for |orqer h|e:. Choo:e
the he|d w|th the uo|ue: you w|:h to u:e to rere:ent your o|nt:, then c||ch the
Add A|| Vo|ue: button |n order to br|nq u o|| the coteqor|e:. |f you wont to
:how on|y o few coteqor|e: (for exom|e, bu: :to: for o :ub:et of route:), c||ch
the Add Vo|ue: button, h|qh||qht the uo|ue: you wont, ond c||h Ok.
ArcMo w||| ||:t o :ymbo| for <o|| other uo|ue:- thot you con remoue by toh|nq
owoy the chech morh. Vou con chonqe the |nd|u|duo| :ymbo|: by c||ch|nq on
them. Vou con mohe chonqe: to o|| of the :ymbo|:, or :e|ected :ymbo|: (ho|d
down the :h|ft hey to :e|ect two or more) by r|qht c||ch|nq. 1o remoue o uo|ue,
r|qht c||ch on |t ond choo:e Remoue Vo|ue(:). U:e the b|och orrow: on the for
r|qht to moue uo|ue: u ond down (the order here w||| be the order your uo|ue:
oeor |n the |eqend on your mo).
Choo:e co|or: thot commun|cote thot the:e ore :eorote coteqor|e:. Don't u:e o
qroduoted co|or rom w|th ||qht to dorh :hode: of the :ome co|or. 1h|: |m||e:
thot one coteqory |: more or |e:: thon onother when, |n reo||ty, they ore ju:t
d|fferent. |n odd|t|on to d|fferent co|or:, you con u:e d|fferent :|ze: ond :ymbo|:...
but don't qo too crozy.
2 l 5 A 1 | A L D A 1 A
Coteqor|co| uor|ob|e: corre:ond to coteqor|e: ond ore qenero||y rere:ented
u:|nq text uor|ob|e: (or number: u:ed o: code: for |nd|u|duo| coteqor|e:). uont|-
t|e:, :uch o: the ou|ot|on of o c|ty or o|r em|::|on:, ore cont|nuou: ond mu:t
be re:ented w|th number:. Croduoted :ymbo|: ond roort|ono| :ymbo|: ore
the be:t cho|ce: to :how d|fferent quont|tot|ue uo|ue: for o|nt:. Croduoted
:ymbo|: o||ow you to houe d|fferent :|ze :ymbo|: to rere:ent d|fferent ottr|bute
uo|ue:. v|th the :ymbo|oqy tob oct|ue, c||ch on uont|t|e: ond then Crodu-
oted :ymbo|:. From the Vo|ue:: drodown menu, :e|ect the he|d w|th the
uo|ue: you w|:h to u:e. U:e the c|o::e: drodown menu to chonqe the number
of coteqor|e:. 1here ore mony woy: to breoh u uo|ue ronqe: |nto coteqor|e:.
1o chonqe the c|o::|hcot|on :y:tem, c||ch on the C|o::|fy button ond u:e the
Method drodown menu to choo:e o d|fferent c|o::|hcot|on :y:tem. 1here |: no
one r|qht c|o::|hcot|on :y:tem. Vour cho|ce :hou|d be bo:ed on the d|:tr|but|on
of your uo|ue: ond the qoo|: of your mo. |n the end, you wont to mohe :ure
thot you houe o mo thot :how: uor|ob|||ty, :o you don't wont o c|o::|hcot|on
:y:tem thot qrou: eueryth|nq toqether.
o HoturoI 8reobt (Jebt}t 1h|: |: the defou|t |n ArcC|5. |t u:e: o formo|
(lenh: Ot|m|zot|on) to m|n|m|ze the uor|once w|th|n c|o::e: ond mox|m|ze
the uor|once between c|o::e:. |t u:uo||y worh: we||, but be :ure to round off
the uo|ue: monuo||y.
o EquoI IterwoIt 1h|: :ound: ||he o qood |deo becou:e |t breoh: your
doto |nto c|o::e: of equo| :|ze. 1he rob|em |:, mo:t doto ore not d|:tr|buted
euen|y :o th|: u:uo||y mohe: mo: w|th |ot: of ob:eruot|on: (mo feoture:)
|n on|y one or two c|o::e:.
o QuotIIet 1h|: d|u|de: the ob:eruot|on: (mo feoture:) |nto euen qrou: of
4 (quort||e) or s (qu|nt||e). y dehn|t|on, |t doe: o qood job of :how|nq uor|-
o ttodord 0ewIotIet 1h|: :how: how for uo|ue: ore from the meon. |t
worh: we|| when you wont to :how how extreme h|qh ond |ow uo|ue: ore,
but you'|| robob|y wont to mod|fy the |eqend to :how octuo| uo|ue: ond
not :tondord deu|ot|on: wh|ch don't mohe :en:e to mo:t oud|ence:.
Vou con o|:o odju:t the cutoff o|nt: by mou|nq the b|ue uert|co| ||ne: |n the h|:-
toqrom be|ow thot :how the frequency of uo|ue:. A|ternot|ue|y, you con chonqe
uo|ue: monuo||y on the reu|ou: :creen by c||ch|nq on them (you w||| on|y be
ob|e to chonqe the end|nq uo|ue).
roort|ono| :ymbo|: ore :|m||or to qroduoted :ymbo|:, but the :|ze of the
:ymbo| reect: the re|ot|ue :|ze of the quont|ty. For exom|e, o ho:|to| thot ho:
tOO bed: wou|d be rere:ented w|th o :ymbo| thot |: tw|ce o: |orqe o: o ho:|to|
w|th sO bed:. roort|ono| :ymbo|: ore referob|e excet |n :|tuot|on: where the
:ymbo|: become too |orqe ond ob:cure other o|nt:.
H | L L | R l U 5 | N C A R C V | v t O
1 l M A k | N C M A 5
1he ot|on: for :ymbo||z|nq o|yqon: (:uch o: cen:u: troct:) ore bo:|co||y the
:ome o: the ot|on: for :ymbo||z|nq o|nt:, but the ottr|bute doto thot you houe
for o|yqon: w||| often be d|fferent :o you w||| ut|||ze the :ome ot|on: |n d|ffer-
ent woy:.
Croduoted Co|or
Vou con u:e d|fferent co|or:-or d|fferent :hode: of the :ome co|or-to rere-
:ent d|fferent cont|nuou: uor|ob|e: (:uch o: hou:eho|d |ncome or med|on oqe)
to creote choro|eth mo:. From Loyer roert|e:, c||ch on the :ymbo|oqy
tob. On the |eft :|de of the :creen, c||ch on uont|t|e: ond Croduoted Co|or.
Choo:e the he|d w|th the uo|ue: you w|:h to u:e. U:e the C|o::e: drodown
menu ond the ot|on: |n C|o::|fy to chonqe the number of coteqor|e: or
method for breoh|nq uo|ue: |nto coteqor|e:.
Choro|eth mo: ore qenero||y better ot rere:ent|nq rote: (:uch o: ercent
req|:tered uoter:) rother thon count: (:uch o: toto| uoter:). Vou con tron:form
count doto |nto rote doto u:|nq the Normo||zot|on drodown menu |n the
qroduote co|or ot|on. |n order to u:e th|: oror|ote|y, you w||| need to
:e|ect the uor|ob|e from your ottr|bute tob|e thot :erue: o: on oror|ote
denom|notor. For exom|e, |n order to :how the ercent of hou:eho|d: rece|u-
|nq ub||c o::|:tonce, normo||ze the toto| number of hou:eho|d: rece|u|nq ub||c
o::|:tonce by the toto| number of hou:eho|d:. Do not u:e the <RCN1 OF
1O1AL- ot|on to creote o rote (th|: w||| u:e o denom|notor bo:ed on the toto|
number of mo feoture:, not o true denom|notor for your uor|ob|e).
Croduoted co|or worh: be:t when you u:e the :ome :hode of o :|nq|e co|or, w|th
||qhter :hode: rere:ent|nq |ower uo|ue: ond dorher :hode: rere:ent|nq h|qher
uo|ue:, or |ntu|t|ue co|or :cheme: :uch o: ye||ow to oronqe to red or ye||ow to
qreen to b|ue. ut hee |n m|nd thot |t moy be |mo::|b|e to d|:t|nqu|:h between
more thon four or hue :hode: of the :ome co|or, deend|nq uon the quo||ty of
your r|nter.
Co|or rom: ||he the:e :how on
|ntu|t|ue rom from |ow (||qht) to
h|qh (dorh). U:e the:e to rere:ent
cont|nuou: uo|ue:.
D|uerq|nq co|or rom: ||he the:e
worh we|| when you need to :how
oboue ond be|ow o meon (:td).
Co|or rom: ||he the:e don't houe
on |ntu|t|ue h|qh or |ow.
Vou con hne tune your co|or: by qo|nq to more co|or: when choo:|nq o co|or
from the :ymbo| :e|ector. Here you con |oy w|th the hue(H), :oturot|on(5), ond
Cu:tom|z|nq o co|or rom
Vou con creote your own co|or rom |f you ore not hoy w|th ony of the
defou|t cho|ce:. 1o do :o, qo to the Cu:tom|ze menu ond choo:e 5ty|e
Monoqer. xond the fo|der on the to |eft ond c||ch on the Co|or Rom:
fo|der R|qht c||ch |n the emty :oce on the r|qht, choo:e new, ond :e|ect A|qo-
r|thm|c Co|or Rom. 5e|ect o co|or for Co|or t (the beq|nn|nq of the co|or rom),
then o :econd co|or for Co|or 2. C|ue your new co|or rom o nome ond c|o:e the
1ye the nome of the new co|or |n the Content: w|ndow. Vour new co|or rom:
:hou|d oeor ot the to of the drodown ||:t of co|or rom: |n the 5ymbo|oqy
H | L L | R l U 5 | N C A R C V | v t O
1he new co|or rom | creoted
(oboue) w||| :how ot the to
of my ||:t of co|or rom: |n
the 5ymbo|oqy tob (be|ow).
Vou con hnd o more deto||ed
ex|onot|on of o|qor|thm|c,
rondom, mu|t|-ort, ond
re:et co|or rom: thot con
be creoted |n ArcC|5 |n the
he| :ect|on.
F||| ottern:
Vou con u:e d|fferent ottern: |n odd|t|on to, or |n:teod of, u:|nq d|fferent co|or:
to rere:ent d|fferent uo|ue:. ottern: ore ort|cu|or|y he|fu| when you ore
re:tr|cted to r|nt|nq mo: |n b|och ond wh|te. Choo:e Croduoted Co|or: from
the 5ymbo|oqy tob ond :e|ect the he|d w|th the uo|ue: you wont to d|:|oy. 5et
the number of c|o::e: ond the method of c|o::|hcot|on, :o thot you ore hoy
w|th the uo|ue ronqe:. 1hen c||ch on the :ymbo|: ond chonqe the h|| u:|nq the
:ymbo| :e|ector. C||ch on the roert|e: button to hne-tune the h|| ottern. 1h|:
moy |nuo|ue chonq|nq the bochqround from wh|te to No co|or :o you con
drow o |oyer :ymbo||zed w|th o h|| ottern on to of o |oyer w|th :o||d co|or: |n
order to :ee the re|ot|on:h| between two d|fferent ottr|bute:.
1 l M A k | N C M A 5
Dot Den:|ty
Dot den:|ty mo: u:e rondom|y |oced dot: w|th|n o|yqon: to rere:ent d|f-
ferent uo|ue: for oqqreqote doto. 1hey rou|de on o|ternot|ue to choro|eth
mo: for count doto. |f you u:e th|: ot|on, be :ure to remember-ond corefu||y
commun|cote on your mo-thot the o|nt: do not rere:ent rec|:e |ocot|on:,
o: they do |n o o|nt |oyer. Fo|||nq to do :o moy qenerote confu:|on ond concern
obout doto conhdent|o||ty. One mojor ||m|tot|on of th|: tye of mo |: thot the
dot: moy be d|:tr|buted ocro:: ort: of the o|yqon thot don't mohe :en:e. For
exom|e, |f you u:e dot den:|ty to :how the number of fore|qn-born |n o mo
of count|e:, the dot: m|qht oeor |n non-re:|dent|o| oreo:. Vou con ouo|d th|:
rob|em by :e|ect|nq o mo:h (:uch o: orh: ond |ndu:tr|o| oreo:) where dot:
:hou|d not be |oced.
1o creote o dot den:|ty mo, oen the Loyer roert|e: ond mohe the 5ymbo|-
oqy tob oct|ue. C||ch on uont|t|e: ond dot den:|ty. From F|e|d 5e|ect|on,
choo:e the he|d you w|:h to u:e o: the bo:|: for the mo. Count: (:uch o: the
toto| number of hou:eho|d: on ub||c o::|:tonce) ore oror|ote for dot den:|ty
mo:, but oueroqe:, med|on:, ond rote: ore not. Choo:e your dot :|ze, or hee
the defou|t (wh|ch |: odu|:ob|e, ot |eo:t to :tort). 1he M|n, Meon, ond Mox
boxe: w||| q|ue you o reu|ew of how your mo w||| |ooh. 1he Dot Vo|ue
|nd|cote: how mony un|t: eoch dot rere:ent:. Chonqe th|: o: needed to creote
dot den:|t|e: thot houe enouqh dot: to :how uor|ot|on but not :o mony thot they
ore o|| on to of eoch other. Vou con chonqe the co|or of the dot by c||ch|nq on |t
under 5ymbo| |n the to r|qht ort of the :creen. Chech|nq mo|nto|n den:|ty
w||| en:ure thot the dot den:|ty |ooh: the :ome o: you zoom |n ond out (by
moh|nq the dot: b|qqer ond :mo||er).
H | L L | R l U 5 | N C A R C V | v t O
|e Chort:
Chort: ore qood for :how|nq mu|t||e uo|ue: ond the re|ot|on:h| between
uo|ue: on d|fferent uor|ob|e:. |e chort: ore e:ec|o||y qood for :how|nq roor-
t|on:. For exom|e, |nd|u|duo| |e |ece: con be u:ed to :how the breohdown |n
roce for the ou|ot|on |n o cen:u: troct. For the |e: to worh, you mu:t be ob|e
to ut euery er:on |nto o roc|o| qrou, or you mu:t u:e on other coteqory.
|e: conto|n o |ot of |nformot|on, :o |t con be d|fhcu|t to d|:|oy them c|eor|y. 1o
creote |e chort:, c||ch on Chort: ond |e from the 5ymbo|oqy tob. Ho|d|nq
down the :h|ft hey, :e|ect the he|d: thot you wont to |nc|ude. Mohe :ure thot
toqether, they odd u to tOO ercent (you moy need to creote ond co|cu|ote
o new other he|d |n your ottr|bute tob|e before u:|nq chort:). C||ch on the
ochqround button to chonqe the co|or or h|| (Ho||ow or wh|te bochqround:
m|qht be be:t, :o thot you don't houe too mony co|or: |n your mo). |f you chech
reuent Chort Ouer|o, ArcV|ew w||| u:e |eoder ||ne: to |nd|cote where the
|e chort: be|onq |f there |: no room to d|:|oy them w|th|n the mo feoture.
C||ch on the roert|e: button to mohe odju:tment: to the |ooh of the |e (1D,
rotot|on, he|qht).
C||ch on the 5|ze button |f you wont to houe d|fferent :|ze |e chort: deend-
|nq uon the toto| (:uch o: toto| ou|ot|on). |f you choo:e to Vory :|ze u:|nq
o he|d, you moy need to exc|ude record: w|th o zero uo|ue. 1o do th|:, c||ch on
the xc|u:|on button ond, u:|nq the oror|ote he|d nome, creote on exre::|on
:uch o: [1oto|o] - O. Vou moy need to |oy w|th the m|n|mum :|ze on the
reu|ou: :creen to mohe the mox|mum :|ze |e chort o reo:onob|e :|ze.
1 l M A k | N C M A 5
orlCo|umn Chort:
or chort: con be u:ed to comore uo|ue: on two or more uor|ob|e: thot do not
rere:ent roort|on: (they don't houe to be :ub:et: thot odd to tOO ercent).
For exom|e, the mo on the r|qht comore: the toto| ou|ot|on by b|och
qrou to the toto| number of hou:eho|d:. 1o :w|tch from co|umn (uert|co|) to bor
(hor|zonto|) chort:, qo to roert|e: on the 5ymbo|oqy tob of Loyer roert|e:
ond :w|tch the rod|o button under Or|entot|on.
5toched Chort:
5toched chort: con be u:ed to comore uo|ue: on two or more uor|ob|e: (:uch o:
roce) thot ore :ub:et: of o |orqer uor|ob|e (:uch o: toto| ou|ot|on) when you
don't hnow, or don't wont to d|:|oy, o|| of the :ub:et:. Vou houe mony of the
:ome ot|on: for formott|nq (:|ze, co|or) thot you houe w|th the other tye: of
Lobe||nq feoture: con be fru:trot|nq ond ted|ou:, but |obe||nq feoture: we|| |:
|mortont to moh|nq your mo: reodob|e ond commun|cot|nq the|r meon|nq,
:o |t': worth the effort to |eorn.
U:|nq 1ext oxe: to Lobe| Feoture:
Vou con |oce text on o mo |n order to |obe| mo feoture:. 1he text too|:
requ|re thot you tye the feoture nome your:e|f wh||e the |obe| too|: tohe od-
uontoqe of feoture nome: :tored |n the ottr|bute tob|e. 1he text too| con worh
we|| |f you on|y houe o few mo feoture: to |obe|.
C||ch on the |orqe |etter A on the drow|nq
too|bor. 1h|: w||| br|nq u :euen d|fferent
text ond |obe| ot|on:. C||ch on the A. C||ch
on your mo where you wont your text to
oeor ond tye your |obe| |n the text box.
H|t the enter hey, or c||ch your cur:or out:|de
the text box to com|ete. Vou con moue
the text oround u:|nq the 5e|ect |ement:
too|. Doub|e c||ch|nq on the text w||| br|nq u
the roert|e:, where you con chonqe the
:|ze ond font (u:|nq the Chonqe 5ymbo|
1he coIIeut text teeI worh: :|m||or|y, excet thot |t o||ow: you to |oce your
text owoy from the mo feoture wh||e :t||| |nd|cot|nq whot |: be|nq |obe|ed. C||ch
on the too| ond then c||ch on your mo feoture. efore |ett|nq qo, you con moue
H | L L | R l U 5 | N C A R C V | v t O
the cur:or to where you wou|d ||he the |obe| to be. 1ye your |obe|. U:|nq the
5e|ect |tem: too|, you con moue the text box :o thot |t |: c|o:er or further from
the mo feoture. 1he ye||ow bochqround w|th b|och text moy not be whot you
wont (octuo||y, |t robob|y won't be whot you wont).
From the text roert|e: d|o|oque box, choo:e chonqe :ymbo|, then
roert|e:, then the oduonced text tob, then the roert|e: button be|ow
text bochqround. From here, you con choo:e between two d|fferent :ty|e
co||out:. C||ch on the :ymbo| button to chonqe the bochqround co|or.
A th|rd ot|on |: the tpIIe text teeI. 1h|: o||ow: you to wr|te text o|onq o
curued ||ne. 1h|: worh: we|| for |obe||nq r|uer: ond curuy rood:. C||ch on the :||ne
too|, then c||ch on the :tort|nq o|nt for your |obe|. Cont|nue to c||ch o|onq the
curue (you don't need to mohe mony c||ch:) ond doub|e c||ch to hn|:h. 1hen
tye your |obe| |n the text box. Vou w||| robob|y need to try th|: :euero| t|me:
to qet o |obe| w|th wh|ch you ore hoy (ju:t c||ch on the |obe| w|th the 5e|ect
|ement: too| ond h|t the de|ete hey to de|ete o |obe|).
1 l M A k | N C M A 5
Monuo||y |oc|nq Lobe|:
U:|nq the |obe| too|: |n ArcMo, rother thon the text too|:, o||ow: you to u:e the
uo|ue: |n o |oyer': ottr|bute tob|e for your |obe|: (|n other word:, you don't houe
to tye the |obe| out o: you do w|th the text too|:). y monuo||y |oc|nq |obe|:,
you o|:o ouo|d hou|nq your |obe|: oct o: o qrou (wh|ch hoen: w|th outo
|obe||nq), :o |t': eo:|er to moue or ed|t o :|nq|e |obe|.
efore you con u:e the |obe| too|: |n ArcMo, you need to |nd|cote wh|ch he|d
|n the ottr|bute tob|e of your mo |oyer you wont to u:e o: the bo:|: for |obe|:.
From Loyer roert|e:, c||ch on the Lobe|: tob. Leoue the |obe| feoture: |n
th|: |oyer box emty (c||ch|nq th|: creote: outo |obe|:). Choo:e the oror|ote
he|d from the Lobe| F|e|d drodown menu. C||ch on :ymbo| to chonqe the :|ze,
:ty|e, or font for your |obe|:. (Cue::|nq whot :|ze to mohe your |obe|: |: d|fh-
cu|t ond you w||| robob|y need to mohe :mo|| odju:tment: ofter :ee|nq whot
worh:). U:|nq the |ocement roert|e: button, you con |n:truct ArcV|ew whot
to do obout du||cote |obe|:. 1he 5co|e Ronqe o||ow: you to |n:truct ArcV|ew
when to drow or not drow |obe|:, deend|nq on the extent. |n order to do th|:,
you need to hnow the exoct :co|e: you'|| be u:|nq (:o you robob|y ju:t wont to
|eoue th|: o|one). 1he Lobe| 5ty|e: button q|ue: you occe:: to :ome fonc|er |obe|
ot|on:. 1he h|qhwoy |obe|: ore ort|cu|or|y he|fu|. Now you con u:e the |obe|
too| to monuo||y |obe| your mo feoture:.
C|o:e the Loyer roert|e: d|o|oq box.
C||ch on the button morhed A on the
drow|nq too|bor ond choo:e the Lobe|
too|. 1he Lobe||nq Ot|on: w|ndow
w||| oen. Dec|de |f you wont ArcV|ew
to dec|de the be:t |obe| o:|t|on or |f you
wont to determ|ne thot your:e|f. 1he
Choo:e o :ty|e rod|o button q|ue: you
occe:: to tho:e fonc|er |obe|: oqo|n. Vou
con moue the:e |obe|: (u:|nq the 5e|ect
|ement: too| wh|ch |: the b|och orrow)
ond chonqe the|r :|ze ond :ty|e (doub|e
c||ch to br|nq u roert|e:). Vou con
de|ete o |obe| by c||ch|nq on |t ond re::|nq
the De|ete hey on the heyboord. 1o
de|ete o|| |obe|:, from the d|t menu
choo:e 5e|ect o|| e|ement: ond c||ch the
De|ete hey.
H | L L | R l U 5 | N C A R C V | v t O
Auto Lobe||nq
Vou moy hnd |t eo:|er to outomot|co||y |obe| o|| of your feoture:. 1h|: :oue: t|me
|f you ore hoy w|th the woy the |obe|: |ooh, but |t offer: you much |e:: contro|
ouer the |obe| |ocement. vhen you outomot|co||y |obe| feoture:, the |obe|:
ore dynom|c :o chonqe: you mohe to one (mou|nq |t, chonq|nq the :ty|e) ore
mode to o||. 1o |obe| your mo feoture: outomot|co||y, qo to Loyer roer-
t|e:, c||ch on the Lobe| tob, ond ut o chech morh |n the Lobe| Feoture: |n th|:
|oyer box. Vou con o|:o |obe| outomot|co||y by r|qht c||ch|nq o mo |oyer ond
qo|nq to Lobe| Feoture:. 1o de|ete your |obe|:, you'|| need to return to the
Lobe| roert|e: box ond remoue the chech morh from Lobe| Feoture: |n th|:
|oyer box or r|qht c||ch ond qo to Lobe| Feoture:. Vou con :e|ect |n the mo
o: o |oce to :tore the onnotot|on.
Conuert|nq Lobe|: to Annotot|on
One :o|ut|on to the rob|em thot outo |obe||nq re:ent: w|th qrou: of |obe|: |:
to conuert them to onnoto-
t|on. 1h|: o||ow: them to
funct|on o: |nd|u|duo| text
boxe: :o you con chonqe the
:ty|e for o :|nq|e |obe|. 1o do
th|:, r|qht c||ch on your mo
|oyer ofter |obe||nq |t ond qo
to Conuert Lobe|: to An-
U:|nq o Ho|o w|th Lobe|:
5omet|me: |obe|: ore d|fhcu|t to :ee on to of o mo thot |nc|ude: mony d|ffer-
ent :hode: ond co|or:. y creot|nq o ho|o oround the |obe|, |t w||| :tond out. 1o
creote o ho|o, doub|e-c||ch on the |obe| text to br|nq u the roert|e: d|o|oq
box, then c||ch chonqe :ymbo|, roert|e:, ond :e|ect the mo:h tob. Choo:e
the ho|o rod|o button. Vou con :e|ect o ho|o co|or other thon wh|te ond odju:t
the th|chne:: (t.s o|nt moy be enouqh).
1 l M A k | N C M A 5
D|:|oy|nq doto :o thot you con ono|yze :ot|o| ottern: on o comuter :creen
|: one th|nq, r|nt|nq out o mo for other eo|e to |ooh ot |: qu|te onother.
ArcMo th|nh: of the:e o: d|:t|nct funct|on: ond mohe: ouo||ob|e o :er|e: of too|:
for de:|qn|nq mo |oyout: thot you don't need unt|| you ore reody to r|nt.
Loyout V|ew
vhen you oen ArcMo, you ore |n Doto V|ew ond u:e the 1oo|: too|bor to
nou|qote your mo. vhen you :w|tch to the Loyout V|ew, you houe occe:: to
o d|fferent ronqe of too|: ond u:e the Loyout too|bor to nou|qote. 1o :w|tch to
Loyout V|ew, c||ch on the |con ot the bottom of your mo d|:|oy thot |ooh:
||he o |ece of oer (next to the q|obe |con) or, from the V|ew menu, qo to
Loyout V|ew.
1o mohe your mo |orqer or :mo||er
on the oqe, you con u:e the zoom
too|: on the 1oo|: too|bor or on the
Loyout too|bor. 1he Loyout too|bor
o|:o |nc|ude: o on too| thot you
con u:e to moue your who|e |oyout.
1o moue ju:t your mo (ond not
the who|e oqe), u:e the on too|
|n the 1oo|: too|bor. 1he hxed zoom
too|: |n the Loyout too|bor worh
||he the one: on the 1oo|: too|bor.
1he Zoom to who|e oqe button |:
e:ec|o||y u:efu|.
One of the b|qqe:t d|fference: |n Loyout V|ew |: thot mony more ot|on: |n the
|n:ert menu become oct|ue. 1he:e ot|on: o||ow you to odd e|ement:-|nc|ud-
|nq o t|t|e, |eqend, north orrow, :co|e bor, ond |moqe-to your |oyout. och of
the:e w||| be :eorote object: |n your |oyout thot con be moued ond re:|zed
throuqh the|r roert|e:. Vou won't :ee ony of them |f you :w|tch boch to Doto
V|ew :|nce they ore meont to c|or|fy r|nted mo:, not he| you |nterret your
mo on :creen (|n foct, the |oyout u|ew |: robob|y more confu:|nq to |ooh ot
from the :creen becou:e |t odd: :o mony e|ement: ond u:uo||y :hr|nh: your
mo). Vou con odd text |n the Loyout V|ew, but you ore better off try|nq to
|obe| feoture: from the Doto V|ew, u:|nq the |obe| or text too|:.
|n Loyout V|ew, you qet o much better |deo of how your mo w||| |ooh when
|t': r|nted. ArcMo w||| outomot|co||y |oce o border (neot ||ne) oround your
mo. Vou con remoue th|: by r|qht c||ch|nq on the border (:o the ||ne |: turquo|:e
ond erforoted) ond qo|nq to roert|e:. C||ch on the Frome tob. From here
you con choo:e o d|fferent :ty|e or co|or frome (to qet r|d of |t o|toqether, choo:e
no co|or from the co|or :e|ector). Vou con o|:o chonqe the bochqround co|or
ond odd o :hodow (to odd o :hodow, you'|| need to chonqe the X ond V off:et
to :ometh|nq other thon O).
H | L L | R l U 5 | N C A R C V | v t O
vorh|nq w|th Cr|d: ond Ru|er:
Vou con br|nq u o number of ot|on: o|med
ot he||nq you to |oce the object: w|th|n your
|oyout by r|qht c||ch|nq |n your |oyout out:|de
of the neot ||ne:. From Ot|on:, you con
:ec|fy ru|er un|t: ond turn on ond off ru|er:
ond qr|d: when the Loyout Ot|on: tob |:
h|qh||qhted. Choo:|nq to :no to the qr|d or
ru|er: w||| he| you to ||ne u object:, but |t
w||| o|:o ||m|t your ob|||ty to mohe hne-|eue|
Add|nq o 1|t|e
1o odd o t|t|e, from the |n:ert menu qo to
1|t|e. 1ye your t|t|e |n the text box ond h|t
the enter hey or c||ch the cur:or out:|de the
text box. Doub|e c||ch on the t|t|e to br|nq u
the roert|e: where you con mohe chonqe: to the text ond formott|nq.
Add|nq o Leqend
Un|e:: your |obe|: ore ob|e to fu||y ex|o|n your mo feoture:, you w||| wont o
|eqend on your |oyout. ArcMo q|ue: you qreot ex|b|||ty |n formott|nq your
|eqend, ond o|| the cho|ce: con be ouerwhe|m|nq. 1o odd o |eqend, from the
|n:ert menu qo to Leqend. Vour hr:t cho|ce |: whot mo |oyer: you wont
|nc|uded. ArcV|ew w||| que:: thot you wont to |nc|ude o|| oct|ue |oyer:. 1h|: moy
not be the co:e |f you houe |oyer: :uch o: o county boundory, r|uer:, or other
obu|ou: feoture: thot don't need to be |nc|uded |n the |eqend. 1o remoue o |oyer
from the |eqend, c||ch on |t: nome on the r|qht :|de of th|: hr:t :creen ond c||ch
on the < button. 1he order your |oyer: ore ||:ted under Leqend |tem: w||| cor-
re:ond to the order |n wh|ch they oeor |n your |eqend. 1o chonqe the order,
c||ch on the nome ond h|t the u or down orrow: (don't worry, th|: won't offect
the order |n wh|ch they ore drown).
|f you wont more thon one co|umn |n your |eqend, mohe the odju:tment here.
1o :ee whot your |eqend w||| |ooh ||he (before worh|nq your woy throuqh
the re:t of the :creen:), c||ch the reu|ew button. |f you ore :ot|:hed w|th |t,
you con c||ch the F|n|:h button ond :h| the other :te:. Otherw|:e, c||ch the
reu|ew button oqo|n ond c||ch Next. On the :econd :creen of the Leqend
1 l M A k | N C M A 5
v|zord, you con q|ue your |eqend o t|t|e or |eoue the word Leqend o: the
t|t|e (or ju:t |eoue |t b|onh). 1he th|rd :creen o||ow: you to creote o frome ond
:hodow oround your |eqend (not nece::ory, but deend|nq uon your |oyout |t
moy be he|fu|, ort|cu|or|y |f you qoue your |oyout o bochqround co|or). On
the fourth :creen, you con chonqe the :ymbo|: ond :ymbo| :|ze u:ed to rere:ent
||ne: ond o|yqon: |n your |oyout. On the hno| :creen, you con mohe odju:tment:
to the :oc|nq between |tem: |n your |eqend. C||ch F|n|:h. 1o mohe chonqe:
ofter you houe creoted your |eqend, doub|e c||ch on |t to br|nq u roert|e:.
C|eon|nq u your mo |eqend
Chonce: ore thot you'|| need to c|eon u your |eqend ot th|: o|nt. 5ome of your
mo |oyer nome: moy houe under:core: or other cryt|c notot|on:. 1he |eqend
w||| u:e the :ome nome: thot oeor |n the tob|e of content:. Vou con chonqe
the |obe| nome: |n the tob|e of content: w|thout chonq|nq the nome of the
:hoeh|e: on your comuter. From the tob|e of content:, c||ch once on the mo
|oyer nome, then c||ch oqo|n (but not qu|ch|y). 1he |obe| nome :hou|d become
h|qh||qhted, o||ow|nq you to mohe chonqe:. Vou con o|:o chonqe the mo |obe|
nome: from the Loyer roert|e: d|o|oq box, from the Cenero| tob.
Vou moy o|:o need to tron:|ote :ome of the uo|ue: thot oeor |n your |eqend.
For exom|e, you moy choo:e to :ymbo||ze o orce| :hoeh|e w|th two d|fferent
co|or: for the code: tOOO ond 9999 wh|ch rere:ent :treet: ond :|dewo|h:,
re:ect|ue|y. From the 5ymbo|oqy tob, tye |n :treet ond :|dewo|h under
the Lobe|:. e corefu| not to chonqe the number: ||:ted under Vo|ue becou:e
th|: w||| chonqe your mo.
For mo: :ymbo||zed u:|nq qroduote
co|or:, you moy o|:o wont to mohe od-
ju:tment: u:|nq the Lobe| :ect|on. For
|ncome, be :ure to odd 1 ond commo:.
For ercentoqe:, c||ch on the word
Lobe| |n the 5ymbo|oqy tob, choo:e
formot |obe|: ond :e|ect ercentoqe.
|f your number |ooh: ||he o dec|mo| (O.ts
for ts), choo:e the :econd rod|o button
ond c||ch on Numer|c ot|on. Here you
con chonqe the number of dec|mo|: (|n
mo:t co:e:, choo:e O or t).
H | L L | R l U 5 | N C A R C V | v t O
Add|nq o North Arrow
Vou moy dec|de thot o north orrow |: not nece::ory (un|e:: you choo:e to rotote
your mo :o thot north |: no |onqer toword: the to of the oqe, |n thot co:e, |t
|: dehn|te|y nece::ory). |f you do w|:h to odd o north orrow, from the |n:ert menu
qo to North Arrow. Choo:e o :ty|e from the North Arrow 5e|ector (refer-
Add|nq o 5co|e or
1o odd o :co|e bor, you mu:t
|dent|fy the oror|ote un|t:
for your mo. Vou con :et the:e
from the Doto V|ew or Loyout
V|ew. From Loyout V|ew, r|qht
c||ch |n the |oyout (onywhere
|n:|de the neot ||ne:), qo to
roert|e:, ond mohe the
Cenero| tob oct|ue. From the
mo un|t: drodown menu,
choo:e the un|t: u:ed for the
or|q|no| mo roject|on (:ee
vorh|nq w|th roject|on:).
Add|nq 5co|e 1ext
Vou moy w|:h to |nc|ude o text de:cr|t|on of the mo :co|e, ort|cu|or|y |f th|:
|: |mortont to your oud|ence ond you de||berote|y cho:e o :co|e (o: oo:ed to
mox|m|z|nq the :|ze of your mo bo:ed on the :|ze of your oqe). 1o odd :co|e
text, from the |n:ert menu qo to 5co|e 1ext. Doub|e c||ch on the :co|e text |n
your |oyout to br|nq u the roert|e:, where you con mohe chonqe: to the
formot ond un|t:.
Once th|: |: :et, you con
choo:e ony d|:|oy un|t: you
wont. 1o odd your :co|e bor,
from the |n:ert menu, qo to
5co|e bor. C||ch on o :ty|e
ond h|t Ok. Vour :co|e bor
:hou|d oeor on your mo.
Vou con moue or re:|ze |t by
c||ch|nq on |t. Doub|e c||ch
to br|nq u the roert|e:,
where you con chonqe the
number of d|u|:|on: ond
o: we|| o: the font :|ze (by
c||ch|nq the 5ymbo| button
or from the formot tob). Vou
con o|:o chonqe the d|u|:|on
un|t:, from feet to m||e: or
hm, here. |f your un|t: reod unhnown un|t:, you w||| need to dehne your mo
roject|on before roceed|nq.
ob|y :ometh|nq :|m|e, ond :mo||).
Vou con moue |t oround on your
|oyout by c||ch|nq on |t. Doub|e
c||ch to chonqe the :|ze or :ty|e.
Con:|der o :mo|| north orrow ond
one thot |: d|:creet.
1 l M A k | N C M A 5
Vou moy need to creote o r|nted mo thot |nc|ude: more thon one mo, e|ther
becou:e you con't ht eueryth|nq (:uch o: A|o:ho ond Howo||) on your mo|n
mo, you wont to :how o :er|e: of :mo|| mu|t||e: (:ome mo w|th d|fferent
uor|ob|e:), or becou:e you wont to zoom |nto o :mo|| oreo for your mo|n mo
ond |nd|cote on o :mo||er oueru|ew mo whot oreo the |orqer mo couer:.
Add|nq Crou Loyer:
Mo:t of the t|me you w||| on|y need one doto
frome |n o mo document. vorh|nq w|th
doto frome: con mohe your mo document
com||coted ond rone to cro:h. ut |f you
need to |nc|ude more thon one mo |n your
|oyout (|nc|ud|nq the :ome mo ot o d|fferent
extent), you'|| need two or more doto frome:.
vhen you oen ArcMo, you'|| ju:t houe
one doto frome (co||ed Loyer) ond euery
mo |oyer you odd to your mo document
become: ort of th|: frome. 1o creote o :econd
doto frome, from the |n:ert Menu qo to Add
Crou Loyer.
1o odd new doto to o ort|cu|or doto frome,
r|qht c||ch on |t: nome ond qo to Add Doto
or h|qh||qht |t: nome ond u:e the Add Doto
button (or, from the |n:ert menu, qo to Add Doto). |f you wont to moue o
|oyer to o d|fferent doto frome once |t |: |n ArcMo, r|qht c||ch on |t ond qo
Rotot|nq o Mo
Vou con rotote your mo to better ht the oqe or to mohe |t eo:|er to reod (ju:t
becou:e you con do th|: doe:n't meon |t': o qood |deo). |f you do th|:, mohe :ure
thot you houe o north orrow on your mo. A: you rotote your mo, your north
orrow w||| odju:t to |nd|cote wh|ch d|rect|on |: north. From the V|ew menu, qo
to 1oo|bor: (or ju:t r|qht c||ch on o qroy ort of the CU|) ond Doto Frome 1oo|:.
C||ch on the Rotote Doto Frome button, then c||ch ond ho|d down on your
mo, mou|nq your mo to chonqe the rotot|on. 1o re:tore the or|q|no| or|ento-
t|on, c||ch on the C|eor Rotot|on button.
H | L L | R l U 5 | N C A R C V | v t O
Creot|nq |n:et Mo:
|f you wont to houe on oueru|ew mo thot :how: on o |orqer mo the out||ne of
the oreo your deto||ed mo |nc|ude:, you'|| need to creote on extent rectonq|e.
1o do th|:, fo||ow the |n:truct|on: oboue to creote two mo |oyer:: o deto|| |oyer
ond on oueru|ew |oyer.
Zoom |n on your deto|| |oyer |n the mo u|ew ond re:|ze |t |n the |oyout u|ew :o
thot |t |ooh: the woy you wont. 1hen r|qht c||ch on the oueru|ew |oyer |n your
tob|e of content:. From roert|e: c||ch on the xtent Rectonq|e tob. Moue
your deto|| |oyer from the |eft to the r|qht :|de. C||ch on the Frome button to
mohe chonqe: to the out||ne of your box.
to Coy. 1hen r|qht c||ch on the nome of the doto frome where you wont
to moue |t ond qo to o:te Loyer. 1he |oyer: |n on|y one doto frome con be
d|:|oyed |n the mo u|ew ot o q|uen t|me. |t doe: not motter wh|ch one |: ||:ted
hr:t |n the tob|e of content:, |t motter: wh|ch one |: oct|ue. 1o d|:|oy the |oyer:
|n o doto frome, r|qht c||ch on |t: nome ond qo to Act|uote. vhen you :w|tch
to the |oyout u|ew, you w||| :ee thot there ore two mo |moqe:, one for eoch
doto frome. Vou w||| ||he|y need to re:|ze ond moue the:e to ht toqether.
1 l M A k | N C M A 5
|f you ju:t need oer co|e: of your mo:, you w||| robob|y houe the be:t
re:u|t: r|nt|nq them from ArcV|ew. ut |f you need to |n:ert mo: |nto ower
o|nt or word roce::|nq h|e:, w||| need to exort your mo:.
xort|nq roce::
Vou con exort o mo from ArcMo when you ore |n Doto V|ew or Loyout
V|ew. Howeuer, |f you wont your exorted mo to |nc|ude t|t|e:, |eqend:, :co|e
bor:, north orrow:, ond onyth|nq e|:e you odded to the |oyout, you'|| wont to
exort from Loyout V|ew. From the F||e menu, qo to xort Mo. 1here ore
mony ot|on: for exort formot: |n the 5oue o: tye dro downmenu.
.0P: 1he .df formot o||ow: you to oen the mo d|rect|y (w|thout |n:ert|nq
|t |nto owero|nt or M5 vord) o: |onq o: you houe Acrobot Reoder. 1h|: |:
robob|y the be:t ot|on |f you need to :end :omeone o mo or o:t o mo on
the |nternet.
.J0: 1he .jq formot w||| comrom|:e the quo||ty of your |moqe, :o be :ure to
c||ch on the ot|on:' button when you exort ond |ncreo:e the re:o|ut|on to ot
|eo:t 2OO d| (1OO d| w||| be o: qood o: you need for mo:t th|nq:). 1he .jq
formot |: qood becou:e |t :tore: your mo |n o fo|r|y :mo|| h|e.
.7IP od .Et: 1he .t|f ond .e: formot: worh we|| |f you ore qo|nq to oen your
mo: |n o qroh|c: :oftwore ochoqe, but they re:u|t |n |orqer h|e:.
tcree Copture: |f o|| e|:e fo||:, you con tohe o :creen coture (u:h the r|nt
:creen button or o|t - r|nt :creen button:, then choo:e o:te) ond cro the
|moqe, but th|: w||| not re:u|t |n o re:entot|on-quo||ty mo.
|n:ert|nq Mo: |nto ower o|nt
5oue your mo o: on .jq. v|th ower o|nt oen, qo to the |n:ert menu,
|cture, ond from h|e, then Nou|qote to you mo |moqe ond c||ch |n:ert.
Vou moy not|ce thot there |: o |ot of wh|te :oce oround your mo. ||m|note
th|: u:|nq the cro too|. Vou mu:t houe the mo |moqe oct|ue (c||ch on |t :o thot
you :ee :mo|| :quore: ot the corner:). C||ch on the cro too| ond cro the |moqe
by c||ch|nq on one of the :mo|| boxe: ond droqq|nq the cur:or (|f you do th|:
w|thout hou|nq the cro too| oct|ue, you w||| :hr|nh the who|e |moqe).
Vou ore robob|y better off creot|nq mo t|t|e: |n ower o|nt rother thon
ArcV|ew. A|:o, |f you ore moh|nq o mo :ec|hco||y for ower o|nt, con:|der
moh|nq the |eqend |orqer thon u:uo| (t4 o|nt: or more) :o thot your oud|ence
con reod |t.
|n:ert|nq Mo: |nto M|cro:oft vord
Fo||ow the :ome rocedure: for |n:ert|nq o mo |nto M|cro:oft vord. Vou moy
houe |e:: ex|b|||ty |n mou|nq the mo oround thon |n owero|nt, but you
:hou|d be ob|e to cro ond re:|ze |t.
H | L L | R l U 5 | N C A R C V | v t O
41 4 | M O D F Y N G A T T R B U T E S
vORk|NC v|1H 1AL5
Attr|bute 1ob|e: for 5hoeh|e:
uery :hoeh|e ho: on ottr|bute tob|e o::oc|oted w|th |t. Vou con oen the tob|e
by r|qht c||ch|nq on the :hoeh|e nome ond qo|nq to oen ottr|bute tob|e.
1he tob|e w||| houe o: mony row:, or record:, o: |t doe: mo feoture:. 1he toto|
number of record: w||| be :hown ot the bottom of your tob|e. 1here con be ony
number of co|umn: (he|d:). 1wo co|umn: ore :tondord: F|D, the feoture |D, ond
5hoe, wh|ch con be o|nt, o|y||ne, or o|yqon. 1he re:t of the he|d: w||| uory. |n
mo:t co:e:, there w||| o|:o be o co|umn thot |dent|he: eoch mo feoture w|th o
un|que nome, :uch o: o cen:u: troct number or ne|qhborhood nome. 1here moy
be odd|t|ono| he|d: |dent|fy|nq ottr|bute: of the mo feoture (tye of cr|me ot o
ort|cu|or oddre::, number of eo|e ||u|nq |n o cen:u: troct).
Other Attr|bute 1ob|e:
Often you w||| houe ottr|bute doto |n o tob|e :eorote from your :hoeh|e. For
exom|e, you moy houe o cen:u: troct :hoeh|e w|th no ottr|bute |nformot|on
ond o tob|e w|th o|| of the 2OOO cen:u: troct doto. ArcMo con reod xce| (.x|:),
do:e (.dbf), commo-de||m|ted (.txt or .c:u) ond tob-de||m|ted (.tob) text tob|e:
but w||| on|y o||ow ed|t|nq for .dbf tob|e: (you con conuert .txt tob|e: to .dbf |n
XCL, 555, ACC55, or |n ArcMo). Vou con odd ottr|bute tob|e: to ArcMo
ju:t o: you do :hoeh|e:, u:|nq the odd doto button, from the h|e menu, Add
Doto. or from Coto|oq v|ndow. Vou mu:t houe the 1ob|e of Content: :et for
L|:t by 5ource: |n order to :ee tob|e: ||:ted. Oen the:e ottr|bute tob|e: the
:ome woy: r|qht c||ch on the nome ond qo to Oen.
Vou con worh w|th tob|e:-:ort uo|ue:, freeze co|umn:, qenerote :ummory :tot|:-
t|c:, :e|ect record:, ond exort tob|e:-w|thout worry|nq obout me::|nq u your
or|q|no| doto the woy you con |n xce| |f you ore not corefu|. Vou connot chonqe
ony of the doto |n your tob|e un|e:: you qo to :tort ed|t|nq from the ed|tor
too|bor. excet to odd or de|ete he|d:.
4 l MOD|FV|NC A11R|U15
5ort|nq Record:
Vou con :ort uo|ue: |n on ottr|bute tob|e by r|qht c||ch|nq on the he|d nome ond
qo|nq to :ort o:cend|nq or :ort de:cend|nq.
Freez|nq Co|umn:
Freeze o co|umn (meon|nq thot |t w||| remo|n |n u|ew euen o: you :cro||) by r|qht
c||ch|nq on the he|d nome ond qo|nq to FreezelUnfreeze Co|umn.
5ummory 5tot|:t|c:
Vou con br|nq u :ummory :tot|:t|c: for ony numer|c he|d (numer|c he|d: w||| be
ju:t|hed r|qht) by r|qht c||ch|nq on the he|d nome ond choo:|nq 5tot|:t|c:. Vou
con obto|n :ummory :tot|:t|c: on odd|t|ono| he|d: from the dro down menu.
5e|ect|nq Record:
Vou con :e|ect o :ub:et of your record: to |ooh ot more c|o:e|y |n o number of
d|fferent woy:. Vou con h|qh||qht on |nd|u|duo| record (row) by c||ch|nq |n the
qroy oreo ot the for |eft :|de of the tob|e. 1o h|qh||qht mu|t||e record:, ho|d the
contro| hey down. At the bottom of the tob|e, ArcMo w||| |nd|cote how mony
of the toto| record: ore h|qh||qhted. C||ch on the 5e|ected button to u|ew on|y
the :e|ected record:. Vou con :w|tch the :e|ect|on, :o thot o|| of the h|qh||qhted
record: become un-h|qh||qhted ond o|| un-h|qh||qhted record: become h|qh-
||qhted. From the ot|on: menu, choo:e 5w|tch 5e|ect|on. Vou con o|:o :e|ect o||
record: or c|eor :e|ect|on from the ot|on: menu.
H | L L | R l U 5 | N C A R C V | v t O
xort|nq 1ob|e:
Vou moy need to exort your tob|e from ArcMo, becou:e you houe mode
chonqe:, need to conuert o .txt tob|e to .dbf, or for ony other reo:on. v|th your
tob|e oen, qo to the ot|on: menu ond xort. |f you houe :ome record: h|qh-
||qhted, you con choo:e to exort ju:t the :e|ected record: or o|| of the record:.
De|ete F|e|d
Vou con de|ete o he|d by r|qht c||ch|nq on |t: nome ond qo|nq to De|ete F|e|d.
ArcMo w||| q|ue you o worn|nq thot the de|et|on |: ermonent ond not reuer:-
|b|e. Do th|: w|th cout|on. Chonqe: w||| be ermonent not ju:t w|th|n your mo
document, but |n your or|q|no| h|e on your hord dr|ue, o: we||.
Vou moy hnd |t eo:|er to ed|t your ottr|bute tob|e: out:|de of ArcV|ew, but
ArcV|ew ho: fo|r|y :oh|:t|coted too|: for co|cu|ot|nq uo|ue:. |n ArcV|ew, you con
ed|t uo|ue: |n on ex|:t|nq he|d or creote o new he|d ond co|cu|ote new uo|ue:.
kee |n m|nd thot you connot chonqe the formot (text, |nteqer, |onq |nteqer) of
on ex|:t|nq co|umn, :o |f you need to tron:form the formot of o co|umn, you w|||
need to creote o new he|d.
Creot|nq o New F|e|d
1o creote o new he|d, oen your tob|e |n ArcMo (you con o|:o odd he|d: from
ArcCoto|oq). 1h|: con be o free-:tond|nq tob|e or one thot |: o::oc|oted w|th o
mo |oyer, but on|y .dbf tob|e: con be ed|ted. C||ch on the 1ob|e Ot|on: menu
(to |eft corner of the ottr|bute tob|e) ond qo to Add F|e|d. |f th|: ot|on |:
qroyed out, you do not houe erm|::|on to ed|t the tob|e. Mo:t ||he|y, th|: |:
becou:e your tob|e |: |n .x|: formot. |f th|: |: the co:e, exort the tob|e (on ot|on
w|th|n thot :ome menu) ond :oue |t o: o .dbf. Add the .dbf uer:|on boch |n ond
try oqo|n.
From Add F|e|d, q|ue your he|d o nome. Do not u:e !,&,1,#,0,',|,- or :oce:
ond hee your he|d nome to tO or fewer chorocter:. From the drodown menu,
choo:e the tye of he|d. D|fferent he|d tye: o||ow d|fferent tye: of uo|ue::
tbert Iteger: numer|c, no dec|mo| |oce, u to t9 chorocter:
Leg Iteger: numer|c, no dec|mo| |oce, u to t9 chorocter:
PIeot: numer|c, w|th dec|mo| |oce:, (defou|t t before dec|mo| ond tt ofter)
0eubIet numer|c, w|th dec|mo| |oce (defou|t 1 before dec|mo| ond tt ofter)
4 | M O D F Y N G A T T R B U T E S
Co|cu|ot|nq Vo|ue: Out:|de on d|t 5e::|on
1o co|cu|ote the uo|ue of your new he|d (or on o|d he|d), r|qht c||ch on |t: nome
ond qo to Co|cu|ote Vo|ue:. ArcMo w||| o:h you |f you ore :ure thot you wont
to co|cu|ote uo|ue: out:|de on ed|t :e::|on, worn|nq thot you w||| not be ob|e to
undo your re:u|t:. 5oy ye:.
ArcMo w||| br|nq u the F|e|d Co|cu|otor. |f your uo|ue |: o con:tont, you con
:|m|y tye the uo|ue |n the box ot the bottom. More ||he|y, your new uo|ue w|||
be bo:ed on uo|ue: |n other he|d:, :o you w||| need to u:e the co|cu|otor. Vou
con creote on exre::|on by doub|e c||ch|nq on the he|d nome:. For exom|e, to
co|cu|ote the ercent of the ou|ot|on s ond u, c||ch on the he|d nome w|th
the toto| s ond u, c||ch on the l button, ond c||ch on the he|d nome w|th
the toto| ou|ot|on. |f ony of the record: |n your tob|e ore h|qh||qhted, ArcMo
w||| on|y erform co|cu|ot|on: on the h|qh||qhted record:. Vou con o|:o co|cu|ote
uo|ue: from Arc1oo|box (under Doto Monoqement 1oo|:, then Co|cu|ote
Co|cu|ot|nq Vo|ue: on 5e|ected Record:
Vou con qet on error wh||e co|cu|ot|nq uo|ue: for mony d|fferent reo:on:.
ArcMo w||| not o||ow you to d|u|de by zero, :o |f the denom|notor (toto|
ou|ot|on |n exom|e oboue) |: zero for ony of your record:, ArcMo w||| not
co|cu|ote ony of the uo|ue:.
1o qet oround th|: rob|em, you need to :e|ect on|y the record: where the
denom|notor |: :ometh|nq other thon zero. 5tort by :e|ect|nq the record: w|th
o zero |n the denom|notor (becou:e there ore fewer of the:e). Do th|: by r|qht
c||ch|nq the he|d w|th your denom|notor ond :ort|nq o:cend|nq. Ho|d down the
contro| hey ond h|qh||qht o|| the record: w|th o zero. From the ot|on: menu,
choo:e 5w|tch 5e|ect|on :o thot o|| of the record: w|th non-zero uo|ue: ore
h|qh||qhted. Now you :hou|d be ob|e to roceed w|th co|cu|ot|nq uo|ue:.
Co|cu|ot|nq Vo|ue: |n:|de on d|t 5e::|on
vhen you need to co|cu|ote o new uor|ob|e, the be:t orooch |: to co|cu|ote
o uo|ue out:|de on ed|t :e::|on, ju:t de:cr|bed. ut when you need to chonqe
the uo|ue on ju:t one or two uo|ue:, you moy wont to try ed|t|nq |n:|de on ed|t
:e::|on. Co the d|t too|bor ond, from the ed|t menu, choo:e :tort ed|t|nq. Vou
con on|y ed|t the content: of one d|rectory ot o t|me |n on ed|t :e::|on, :o you
need to |dent|fy the d|rectory thot conto|n: the tob|e you w|:h to ed|t.
Oen your tob|e ond doub|e-c||ch on the uo|ue |n your tob|e you w|:h to ed|t.
vhen you ore hn|:hed, qo to :to ed|t|nq |n the ed|t too|bor ond :oy ye: to
:ou|nq ed|t:.
H | L L | R l U 5 | N C A R C V | v t O
Co|cu|ot|nq Areo
U:uo||y there w||| be o he|d co||ed oreo |n o :hoeh|e when you rece|ue |t thot
|nd|cote: the oreo of eoch o|yqon mo feoture. |f your :hoeh|e |: m|::|nq th|:
he|d or |f you houe ed|ted the :hoe ond :|ze of the mo feoture:, you w||| need
to co|cu|ote oreo, your:e|f. Areo con be e:ec|o||y he|fu| when you ore try|nq
to normo||ze uo|ue: ond creote den:|t|e: (co|cu|ot|nq er:on: er :quore m||e, for
Creote o new he|d co||ed oreo ond formot |t o: o doub|e. R|qht c||ch on your
new he|d ond qo to Co|cu|ote Ceometry. From the roerty menu, choo:e
Areo. Note the roject|on ond mo un|t:. Vou con chonqe the un|t: o: |onq o:
the roject|on |: dehned (hnown).
Vou con o|:o co|cu|ote oreo u:|nq Arc1oo|box. Co|cu|ote Areo con be found |n
the 5ot|o| 5tot|:t|c: 1oo|: :ect|on, under Ut|||t|e:. Choo:e the o|yqon |oyer for
wh|ch you wont to co|cu|ote oreo, then determ|ne o nome ond |ocot|on for the
new :hoeh|e you w||| creote. 1he new |oyer w||| be odded outomot|co||y to the
tob|e of content: when ArcV|ew |: done co|cu|ot|nq the oreo. 1he un|t: w||| be
whot |: u:ed by the roject|on :y:tem for thot mo |oyer.
Add|nq XV Coord|note: to o o|nt Loyer
lu:t o: you moy need to conuert o tob|e w|th XV doto |nto o mo |oyer, you
moy need to odd XV coord|note: to on ex|:t|nq |oyer conto|n|nq o|nt:. 1he
eo:|e:t woy to do th|: |: by u:|nq Add XV Coord|note: |n Arc1oo|box (under
Doto Monoqement 1oo|: qo to Feoture: to hne Add XV Coord|note:).
5|m|y choo:e the o|nt |oyer you wont to o::|qn XV coord|note: ond c||ch Ok.
1he coord|note: w||| be |n whoteuer un|t: ore dehned by your roject|on (often
feet or meter:). Vou con o|:o do th|: u:|nq the co|cu|ote qeometry ot|on.
4 | M O D F Y N G A T T R B U T E S
lO|N|NC 1AL5
Vou con ||nh mo feoture: to the|r ottr|bute: |n C|5 but on|y when your ottr|-
bute: ore |n the :ome h|e o: your qeoqroh|c doto. Often you w||| houe ottr|-
bute: :tored |n o :eorote tob|e thot you w||| need to jo|n to o :hoeh|e |n order
to :ymbo||ze your mo w|th the doto. Vou m|qht th|nh of o :hoeh|e o: o :er|e:
of conto|ner: thot con ho|d ottr|bute doto. Often you w||| obto|n :hoeh|e: thot
houe no ottr|bute doto-|n effect, emty conto|ner:.
|dent|fy|nq o hey
|n order to jo|n on ottr|bute tob|e to o :hoeh|e, you w||| need to |dent|fy o
he|d thot |: common to your ottr|bute tob|e ond the ottr|bute tob|e o::oc|oted
w|th your :hoeh|e. 1h|: he|d |: hnown o: o hey, or un|que |dent|her, becou:e |t
un|que|y |dent|he: eoch record |n your tob|e ond :hoeh|e on wh|ch ArcV|ew con
jo|n, or motch, your doto. 1he uo|ue: mu:t be formotted |n on |dent|co| woy. |f
they ore not, you mu:t ed|t one of the he|d: or creote o new he|d ond reco|cu-
|ote the uo|ue: :o thot they motch erfect|y.
1ob|e: w|th cen:u: doto moy conto|n mu|t||e he|d: thot un|que|y |dent|fy eoch
record thot moy houe nome: :uch o: 1R12OOO, 51F|D, ond 1RAC1|D. 1he
he|d nome doe:n't houe to be the :ome |n the ottr|bute tob|e ond the :hoeh|e
|n order to jo|n them, they ju:t houe to be formotted |n the :ome woy. vh||e
you moy erform jo|n: on cen:u: doto mo:t frequent|y, you con jo|n ottr|bute:
to :hoeh|e: for other doto: z|code:, counc||mon|c d|:tr|ct:, count|e:. Vou con
jo|n on o nome (:uch o: ne|qhborhood nome, or the nome of on |n:t|tut|on),
o|thouqh hee |n m|nd thot d|fference: |n :e|||nq ond :oc|nq w||| hee record:
from jo|n|nq. 1o mohe :ure thot both co|umn: ore formotted the :ome woy, |ooh
ond :ee how they ore ju:t|hed. Left ju:t|hed co|umn: ore formotted o: text, r|qht
ju:t|hed co|umn: ore formotted o: number:.
lo|n|nq o tob|e
1o jo|n ottr|bute doto to o :hoeh|e, you mu:t odd the :hoeh|e to ArcMo.
R|qht c||ch on |t: nome |n the tob|e of content:, qo to lo|n: ond Re|ote:, ond
then lo|n.. Choo:e lo|n
ottr|bute: from o tob|e |n
the hr:t drodown menu. |n
the :econd drodown menu,
|dent|fy the hey you'|| u:e |n
your :hoeh|e. Next, choo:e
the tob|e you w|:h to jo|n (th|:
doe: not need to be odded
to ArcMo). F|no||y, |dent|fy
the hey |n th|: tob|e. C||ch on
uo||dote jo|n to houe ArcC|5
chech to :ee |f the two he|d:
ore o motch. |f you rece|ue o
me::oqe thot one of the he|d:
|: not |ndexed, cho:e ye: to
houe |t |ndexed. |nd|u|duo|
record: m|qht not motch
becou:e of rob|em: w|th
the hey or becou:e there ore
d|fferent number: of record: |n eoch of your h|e:. vhen you oen your :hoeh|e,
there :hou|d be new he|d: thot conto|n the doto from your ottr|bute tob|e. 1he
jo|n ho|d|nq the doto toqether |: not ermonent, :o |f you odd the :hoeh|e to
onother mo document, you w||| not houe the oended doto. 1o mohe the
jo|n ermonent, r|qht c||ch on the :hoeh|e nome, qo to Doto, ond choo:e
xort Doto. 1h|: worh: ||he o :oue o:, :o |t creote: o new :hoeh|e.
H | L L | R l U 5 | N C A R C V | v t O
s l CRA1|NC & ACCRCA1|NC O|N15
Ceocod|nq refer: to the roce:: of tron:form|nq :treet oddre::e: |nto mo
feoture:. |n order to qeocode, you need to houe o tob|e w|th oddre::e: ond on
oddre:: |ocotor bo:ed on o :treet center||ne h|e thot motche: the qeoqroh|c
extent of your oddre::e:. 1hrouqh the qeocod|nq roce::, ArcC|5 w||| creote o
new o|nt :hoeh|e by motch|nq eoch :treet nome ond number |n your tob|e to
o |oce o|onq o ||ne :eqment |n your :treet: :hoeh|e thot rere:ent: o certo|n
ronqe of hou:e number:. 1he |moqe here :how: how eoch :ect|on of o :treet cen-
ter||ne h|e ho: o hnown :treet nome (51_NAM) ond oddre:: ronqe (L_F_ADD
ond R_F_ADD). ArcV|ew u:e: th|: |nformot|on to |ocote the oddre::e: |n your
tob|e (co||ed Food:|te_oddre::e: here).
F|nd|nq or Creot|nq o Ceocod|nq 5eru|ce
ArcC|5 tO come: w|th on oddre:: |ocotor for the ent|re country. v|th eor||er
uer:|on: of ArcC|5, you hod to urcho:e :r|': 5treetMo exten:|on |n order to
motch oddre::e: for the who|e country or creote |nd|u|duo| oddre:: |ocotor: for
one county ot o t|me u:|nq your own :treet center||ne h|e.
reor|nq 1obu|or Doto
|n order to qeocode, you need o tob|e (.dbf, .x|:, or commo-de||m|ted .txt) thot
ho: o he|d w|th :treet oddre::e:. |f the ort: of the :treet oddre::-hou:e number,
:treet d|rect|on, :treet nome, ond de:|qnot|onl tye-ore |n :eorote he|d:,
you w||| need to co||o:e the:e |nto o :|nq|e he|d. Vou need :eorote he|d: for
z| code, c|ty, ond :tote. |nter:ect|on: con be u:ed (Leh|qh Auenue & N rood
5treet) but hou:e ronqe: (t21-t21 N rood 5treet) ond O boxe: w||| not, :o
mohe :ure you chonqe the:e to oddre::e: w|th o :|nq|e hou:e number before you
try to qeocode.
5 | C R E A T N G & A G G R E G A T N G P O N T L A Y E R S
Ceocod|nq Addre::e:
Add your tob|e of oddre::e:. R|qht c||ch on the h|e nome ond qo to qeocod|nq.
Next, you'|| need to |ch on ex|:t|nq qeocod|nq :eru|ce. 1he U5 Ceocod|nq 5eru|ce
|: hne for o|| U5 :treet oddre::e:. Note: you w||| houe to be connected to the
|nternet dur|nq the qeocod|nq roce:: to u:e th|: oddre:: |ocotor.
On the d|o|oq box thot o: u, hr:t u:e the drodown menu ot the to to
|dent|fy the tob|e w|th your oddre::e:. 1hen |nd|cote the uor|ob|e nome: for the
:treetl|nter:ect|on, c|ty, :tote, ond z| code. 5|nce the qeocod|nq roce:: creote:
o new :hoeh|e, be :ure to c||ch on the fo|der beneoth Outut :hoeh|e or
feoture c|o:: ond q|ue your :hoeh|e o nome ond roer |ocot|on.
H | L L | R l U 5 | N C A R C V | v t O
1he Ceocod|nq Ot|on: o||ow you to |nd|cote the |eue| of :en:|t|u|ty for the
motch|nq roce::. ::ent|o||y, ArcV|ew need: to motch the hou:e number: ond
:treet nome: |n your tobu|or doto w|th |nformot|on |n the :treet: :hoeh|e. |f the
:e|||nq of the :treet nome |: :||qht|y d|fferent or on oror|ote ronqe of hou:e
number: connot be |ocoted, ArcV|ew w||| o::|qn the motch o |e:: thon erfect
:core (tOO |: o erfect motch). ArcV|ew con qeocode bo:ed on :treet |nter:ec-
t|on: |n odd|t|on to
:ec|hc hou:e number:.
|n the |nter:ect|on:
:ect|on you con |dent|fy
:ymbo|: (or AND)
u:ed |n your tobu|or
doto to |nd|cote |n-
ter:ect|on:. 1he 5|de
Off:et ot|on o||ow:
you to |oce o|nt:
:||qht|y owoy from the
m|dd|e of the :treet
center||ne h|e. vh||e
ArcV|ew w||| hnow
whot :|de of the :treet
your oddre:: fo||: on,
your o|nt: w||| oeor
to fo|| d|rect|y on the
center||ne un|e:: you
:ec|fy on off:et. ts-2O feet |: odequote. Under Outut F|e|d:, |f you chech X
ond V coord|note:, ArcV|ew w||| odd X ond V he|d: to the o|nt :hoeh|e w|th
your oddre::e:. be ||:ted under Addre:: Locotor: |n the Coto|oq. Once you houe
creoted on oddre:: |ocotor, you don't need to do |t oqo|n (un|e:: you qo to o
new comuter).
1he Aduonced qeometr|c ot|on: o||ow: you to mohe o cho|ce obout rojec-
t|on (:ot|o| reference). 1he defou|t |: to u:e the :ome roject|on (Ceoqroh|c
Coord|note 5y:tem: CC5_vC5_t9s4) o: the U5 Ceocod|nq 5eru|ce. |f you do thot,
your roject|on w||| be dehed (o: qeoqroh|c, meon|nq |t ho:n't been rojected)
but you w||| need to roject |t. A|ternot|ue|y, you con odd o :hoeh|e to ArcC|5
w|th the de:|red roject|on ond then u:e the qeometr|c ot|on: to choo:e u:e
mo': :ot|o| reference or you |dent|fy the roject|on :y:tem you wont to u:e.
C||ch Ok to to :tort the outomot|c qeocod|nq roce::. After o few :econd:
(|onqer |f you houe thou:ond: of record:), ArcV|ew w||| q|ue you o reort :how|nq
how mony motche: were mode. Vou con e|ther c||ch c|o:e to |ooh ot the od-
dre::e: thot d|d mo or Remotch to reu|ew the unmoteched record:.
5 | C R E A T N G & A G G R E G A T N G P O N T L A Y E R S
|f you c||ch Done, you con oen the ottr|bute tob|e for the :hoeh|e creoted
throuqh the qeocod|nq roce::, you w||| :ee thot :euero| he|d: houe been odded
to your or|q|no| oddre:: tob|e. 1he 5totu: he|d |nd|cote: whether the record
wo: motched (M) or |eft unmotched (U). 1he 5core he|d |nd|cote: how c|o:e|y
the record motched the :treet center||ne h|e. 1he 5|de he|d |nd|cote: on wh|ch
:|de of the :treet the oddre:: wo: motched. 1he Arc_5treet he|d |: the oddre::
u:ed |n the motch. 1h|: w||| be the :ome o: the or|q|no| oddre:: un|e:: you ed|ted
|t dur|nq the |nteroct|ue Reu|ew.
|f you c||ch Remotch, you w||| be ob|e to reu|ew the deto||ed re:u|t: from the
qeocod|nq roce::, |nc|ud|nq wh|ch oddre::e: were motched, t|ed (more thon
one |ocot|on on the :treet center||ne h|e motched the oddre::), or |eft unmotched
becou:e there were no cond|dote |ocot|on: w|th on occetob|e :core. |t |: be:t
to reu|ew both the unmotched ond the t|ed oddre::e:. From the 5how re:u|t:
drodown, chooo:e Unmotched Addre::e: to qet :torted.
H|qh||qht o record. 1o mohe chonqe: (:uch o: correct o :e|||nq m|:tohe or to
chonqe the hou:e number), c||ch |n the 5treet or |nter:ect|on box. Once you
houe mode o chonqe, c||ch the nter button on your heyboord. Cond|dote od-
dre::e: :hou|d oeor on the r|qht. H|qh||qht the be:t one ond c||ch the Motch
H | L L | R l U 5 | N C A R C V | v t O
Reu|ew|nq ond Remotch|nq Addre::e:
Vou con re:ume the |nteroct|ue Reu|ew euen ofter you'ue c||ched done ond
:toed qeocod|nq u:|nq the Ceocod|nq 1oo|bor. 1he Reu|ewlRemotch Addre::
button |: on the for r|qht :|de (mo||box w|th orrow:). Vou con o|:o qeocode o
:|nq|e oddre:: u:|nq the too|bor or :tort qeocod|nq oddre::e: |n o tob|e (on o|ter-
not|ue to r|qht-c||ch|nq on the tob|e nome ond qo|nq to Ceocode Addre::e:.
Determ|n|nq on occetob|e motch rote
A|m for o motch rote of ot |eo:t 9O or 9s ercent. e :ure to wr|te down the
motch rote :o thot you con reort |t |oter. Often you w||| rece|ue o ||:t of od-
dre::e: thot conto|n: :ome O ox number: or m|::|nq doto thot w||| reuent
you from motch|nq o|| your record:. Other t|me: your oddre::e: w||| |ooh hne
but :|m|y won't motch the :treet center||ne h|e. 1he mo:t |mortont th|nq to
determ|ne |: |f the error (the unmotched record:) |: rondom or :y:temot|c. |f you
houe done o|| thot you con to qother com|ete ond occurote oddre::e:, rondom
error |: occetob|e ond robob|y unouo|dob|e. 5y:temot|c error |: not. e :ure to
chech for ottern: |n your unmotched record: (e|ther by |nteroct|ue|y reu|ew|nq
unmotched record: or, ofter hn|:h|nq qeocod|nq, oen the ottr|bute tob|e ond
:ort by :totu: to reu|ew o|| the U, unmotched record:). |n h||ode|h|o, |ooh
for rob|em: w|th Roo:eue|t ou|euord ond numbered :treet: (ort|cu|or|y 2nd
- 9th 5treet). 1here |: no quorontee thot the motched record: w||| be moed
|n the r|qht |oce. Do o :ot chech w|th the |dent|fy too| to mohe :ure thot
record: moed :omewhere thot mohe: :en:e to you.
5A1|AL lO|N5
1obu|or jo|n: u:e o common un|que |dent|her to ottoch on ottr|bute tob|e to o
:hoeh|e. 5ot|o| jo|n: u:e common qeoqrohy to oend he|d: from one |oyer,
or |nformot|on obout o |oyer, to onother |oyer. 1h|: o||ow: you to o::|qn the
chorocter|:t|c: of on oreo-:uch o: o cen:u: troct or c|ty counc|| d|:tr|ct-to |nd|-
u|duo| hou:e:, |nd|u|duo|:, or euent: o: we|| o: to oqqreqote o|nt: by oreo:.
A::|qn|nq Areo
Chorocter|:t|c: to
U:|nq o :ot|o| jo|n,
you con determ|ne |nto
whot oreolo|yqon o
o|nt fo||:. For exom|e,
you m|qht need to de-
term|ne |n whot counc||
d|:tr|ct eoch ub||c
:choo| fo||: |n.
Vou mu:t houe o o|nt
theme ond o o|yqon
theme |n ArcMo |n
order to do th|:. R|qht
c||ch on the o|nt
theme, qo to lo|n:
ond Re|ote:., ond
choo:e lo|n. |n the hr:t
5 | C R E A T N G & A G G R E G A T N G P O N T L A Y E R S
Aqqreqot|nq o|nt: by o|yqon:
U:|nq o :ot|o| jo|n, you con o|:o determ|ne how mony o|nt: fo|| |n eoch
o|yqon. For exom|e, you m|qht wont to hnow how mony :choo|: fo|| |n eoch
counc|| d|:tr|ct. Vou mu:t houe o o|nt theme ond o o|yqon theme |n ArcMo
|n order to do th|:. R|qht c||ch on the o|yqon theme, qo to lo|n: ond Re|ote:.,
ond choo:e lo|n. |n the hr:t drodown menu, |nd|cote thot you wont to jo|n
doto to thot |oyer bo:ed on :ot|o| |ocot|on. |n the next drodown menu, choo:e
your o|nt |oyer. Next, the rod|o button :hou|d be :et for the :econd from the
to ot|on, och o|yqon w||| be q|uen o :ummory of the numer|c ottr|bute:
of the o|nt: thot fo|| |n:|de |t, ond o count he|d :how|nq how mony o|nt: fo||
|n:|de |t. |f your o|nt: do not o|| fo|| w|th|n your o|yqon: (for exom|e, you
houe o mo of c|ty counc|| d|:tr|ct: ond o|nt: rere:ent|nq oddre::e: |n the c|ty
ond ju:t out:|de |t), choo:e
the :econd rod|o button,
|n:teod. Vou con then dec|de
|f you wont to :ummor|ze the
ottr|bute: of your o|nt: by
the|r oreo: |n the boxe: be|ow
(for exom|e, |f your :choo|:
ottr|bute tob|e |nc|uded o
co|umn w|th the toto| number
of ch||dren enro||ed, you cou|d
:ummor|ze thot doto :o thot
you hnow how mony ch||dren
ore enro||ed |n :choo|: |n eoch
counc|| d|:tr|ct. Choo:e 5um
|n o :|tuot|on ||he th|:). F|no||y,
:ec|fy the nome ond |ocot|on
of the new oreo :hoeh|e thot
w||| be creoted. C||ch Ok.
drodown menu, |nd|cote thot you wont to jo|n doto to thot |oyer bo:ed on
:ot|o| |ocot|on. |n the next drodown menu, choo:e your o|yqon |oyer. Next,
choo:e the hr:t rod|o button :o thot eoch o|nt |: q|uen o|| the ottr|bute: of the
o|yqon |t fo||: |n:|de. |f you houe o|nt: out:|de your o|yqon (for exom|e, |f
you houe o cen:u: troct mo of h||ode|h|o w|th o|nt: rere:ent|nq oddre::e:
|n the c|ty ond ju:t out:|de |t), choo:e the :econd rod|o button. 5ec|fy the nome
ond |ocot|on of the new o|nt :hoeh|e thot w||| be creoted ond c||ch Ok.
1he re:u|t|nq o|nt :hoeh|e w||| houe o: mony new co|umn: o: your o|yqon
:hoeh|e. 1h|: moy |nc|ude on|y the o|yqon |dent|her (:uch o: the cen:u: troct
H | L L | R l U 5 | N C A R C V | v t O
From the hr:t drodown menu, choo:e jo|n doto from onother |oyer bo:ed on
:ot|o| |ocot|on. 1hen choo:e the ||brory :hoeh|e o: the bo:|: for the :ot|o|
jo|n. Not|ce thot ArcV|ew w||| recoqn|ze thot you ore jo|n|nq o|nt: to o|nt:.
|f you d|d not chech ony of the boxe: to :ummor|ze the ottr|bute: of the o|nt:,
your new :hoeh|e w||| houe on|y one new he|d co||ed count. 1h|: w||| |nd|cote
how mony o|nt: fo|| |nto eoch o|yqon. Vou w||| robob|y wont to chonqe
the nome to :ometh|nq thot you w||| remember (by creot|nq o new he|d co||ed
5choo|Count, for exom|e, ond co|cu|ot|nq |t o: equo| to Count). Now you
con u:e th|: count uo|ue o: the bo:|: of o themot|c mo.
Deend|nq uon the tye of h|e you :tort w|th (r|qht c||ch on), the :ot|o| jo|n
d|o|oq box w||| q|ue you d|fferent ot|on:. |f you u:e o :ot|o| jo|n between two
o|nt :hoeh|e:, you con co|cu|ote the d|:tonce between the o|nt: |n one h|e to
the c|o:e:t o|nt |n the other h|e. For exom|e, |f you houe o :hoeh|e for ub||c
:choo|: ond for ||bror|e:, you con determ|ne wh|ch ub||c ||brory |: c|o:e:t to eoch
:choo| ond how for thot :choo| |:. Add both o|nt :hoeh|e: to ArcMo. R|qht
c||ch on the :hoeh|e to wh|ch you wont to jo|n |nformot|on (:o |n th|: exom|e,
the ub||c :choo|:), choo:e lo|n: ond Re|ote: ond then lo|n:...
From the hr:t drodown menu, choo:e jo|n doto from onother |oyer bo:ed on
:ot|o| |ocot|on. 1hen choo:e the ||brory :hoeh|e o: the bo:|: for the :ot|o|
jo|n. Not|ce thot ArcV|ew w||| recoqn|ze thot ou ore jo|n|nq o|nt: to o|nt:.
1he hr:t rod|o button o||ow: you to :ummor|ze the ottr|bute for the o|nt:
c|o:e:t to eoch o|nt |n your hr:t :hoeh|e ond q|ue: you o count of how mony
o|nt: from the :econd :hoeh|e ore c|o:e:t to eoch o|nt |n the hr:t :hoeh|e.
1he :econd rod|o button (more he|fu| for our exom|e) o||ow: you to |dent|fy
the o|nt |n the :econd :hoeh|e (||brory) thot |: c|o:e:t to eoch o|nt |n the hr:t
:hoeh|e (:choo|:) o: we|| o: o d|:tonce he|d |nd|cot|nq how for oort they ore.
Not|ce |n the tob|e be|ow thot the Andoroo ||brory |: the c|o:e:t ||brory to the
5howmont 5choo| 412s feet owoy).
5 | C R E A T N G & A G G R E G A T N G P O N T L A Y E R S
v|th C|5, you con |dent|fy o :ub:et of mo feoture: bo:ed on the|r ottr|bute: or
the|r |ocot|on. Vou moy u:e quer|e: o: on |ntermed|ory :te, o: ort of qett|nq to
hnow your doto, to creote new uo|ue:, or to on:wer your re:eorch que:t|on:.
5e|ect by Attr|bute
1o :tort o query, from the 5e|ect|on menu qo to 5e|ect by Attr|bute:. Vour hr:t
cho|ce |: whot |oyer |n your mo you w|:h to query (ottr|bute quer|e: ore ||m|ted
to o :|nq|e |oyer). |n the Method dro down menu, you need to dec|de whether
you ore bu||d|nq on o reu|ou: query or :tort|nq fre:h.
From here, the query d|o|oq |: :|m||or to the F|e|d Co|cu|otor. u||d on exre::|on
u:|nq the he|d nome: ond funct|on:, connect|nq :totement: w|th AND or OR
o: nece::ory. |f you wont he| worh|nq throuqh the:e :te:, c||ch on the uery
v|zord button. C||ch Ver|fy to mohe :ure ArcMo ||he: your exre::|on. Vou
con |mort (Lood) ond :oue exre::|on: (u:|nq the button: OR u:|nq Ctr| - C ond
Ctr| - V w|th o word roce::|nq h|e). Note thot |f the uo|ue: you |nut ore text,
rother thon number:, you need to ut :|nq|e quote: oround them (for exom|e,
'ROAD'). vhen you c||ch A|y, the mo feoture: thot :ot|:fy your query w|||
be h|qh||qhted w|th o br|qht b|ue out||ne.
1o reu|ew the :e|ected record:, r|qht c||ch on the mo |oyer ond qo to Oen At-
tr|bute 1ob|e. C||ch on the 5e|ect button ot the bottom to u|ew on|y the :e|ected
record:. Vou con co|cu|ote uo|ue: on on ex|:t|nq or new he|d for on|y the :e|ected
record:. Vou con o|:o |ooh ot :ummory :tot|:t|c: for on|y the :e|ected record:
by r|qht c||ch|nq on o co|umn nome ond qo|nq to 5tot|:t|c:. y |ooh|nq ot the
:tot|:t|c: for the |enqth he|d on the :e|ected :outhbound one-woy :treet:, we con
:ee thot there ore 1,42,412 feet (ss.1 m||e:) of :outhbound one-woy :treet: |n
1o :ee o|| of the :e|ected record:, from the 5e|ect|on menu, qo to Zoom to
5e|ected Record:. Vou con creote o new :hoeh|e thot on|y |nc|ude: your
:e|ected mo feoture: by
r|qht c||ch|nq on |t: nome
|n the 1ob|e of Content:,
qo|nq to Doto ond xort
Doto. Choo:e the rod|o
button reqord|nq coord|note
:y:tem: (you'|| robob|y
wont the defou|t). Mohe
:ure you houe 5e|ected
Record: cho:en |n the
xort dro down menu. 1o
un-:e|ect o|| record:, from
the 5e|ect|on menu choo:e
C|eor 5e|ected Feoture:.
Vou con erform on od-
d|t|ono| query (odd|nq,
remou|nq, or :e|ect|nq from
th|: :e|ected qrou) or c|o:e
the query d|o|oq.
H | L L | R l U 5 | N C A R C V | v t O
1he ob|||ty to query bo:ed on the |ocot|on of mo feoture: |: :ometh|nq un|que
to C|5, ond comb|n|nq ottr|bute ond |ocot|on quer|e: reo||y tohe: oduontoqe of
C|5 funct|ono||ty.
5e|ect by Locot|on
1o :e|ect feoture: |n o mo
|oyer bo:ed on the|r |ocot|on,
from the 5e|ect|on menu qo
to 5e|ect by Locot|on. Vour
hr:t cho|ce |: the :e|ect|on
method. Are you :tort|nq
from :crotch or query|nq
o :ub:et of mo feoture:
o|reody :e|ected! |n the next
box, ut o chech morh next
to the mo |oyer(:) who:e
feoture: you w|:h to :e|ect.
1he dro down menu then
rou|de: uor|ou: re|ot|on:h|:
between the feoture: |n thot
|oyer ond the :ource |oyer,
|dent|hed |n the next dro
down menu.
For d|:tonce-bo:ed quer|e:, you w||| be ob|e to :e|ect your un|t: o: |onq o: the
mo un|t: houe been :ec|hed |n the Doto Frome roert|e:. 1h|: query :how:
wh|ch chorter :choo|: ore w|th|n m||e (t12O feet) of ub||c :choo|:.
Comb|n|nq Attr|bute ond Locot|on uer|e:
1he 5e|ect by Attr|bute ond 5e|ect by Locot|on d|o|oq: do not o||ow you to
m|x the tye of query. ut by erform|nq one tye of query hr:t ond then con-
duct|nq o :ub:equent query on the :e|ected record:, you con erform ottr|bute
ond |ocot|on quer|e: on the :ome mo |oyer. For exom|e, you moy be |ntere:t-
ed |n wh|ch :choo|: ore |ocoted w|th|n sOO feet of c|o:: t (h|qhwoy:) :treet:. U:|nq
the 5e|ect by Attr|bute d|o|oq, |dent|fy o|| the code t :treet: hr:t, then :e|ect the
:choo|: w|th|n o d|:tonce of sOO feet of the :e|ected :treet:. Under 5e|ect|on
Method, be :ure to choo:e :e|ect from the current|y :e|ected feoture: |n when
you erform the :econd (|ocot|on) query, otherw|:e you w||| |oo:e the re:u|t: form
your ottr|bute query. 1here |: no ||m|t to how mony quer|e: you con comb|ne.
6 | Q U E R Y N G A N D M E A S U R N G
U:|nq uery Re:u|t:
1he turquo|:e h|qh||qht feoture |: meont to he| you u|:uo||ze re|ot|on:h|:, but |t
|: not meont for hno| mo:. Once you houe |dent|hed o :ub:et of record:, creote
o new uor|ob|e ond :ymbo||ze |t roer|y u:|nq the :ymbo|oqy tob. For exom|e,
|f you wont to creote o mo :how|nq the :choo|: thot ore |ocoted w|th|n sOO
feet of h|qhwoy:, com|ete the query ond then u:e the query re:u|t: to creote
o dummy uor|ob|e |nd|cot|nq wh|ch :choo|: meet the query dehn|t|on. Do th|:
by oen|nq the ottr|bute tob|e for the :choo|:. Creote o new uor|ob|e co||ed
C|o::tsOO (for sOO feet w|th|n c|o:: t :treet) thot |: formotted o: on |nteqer.
R|qht c||ch on the new co|umn, then qo to F|e|d Co|cu|otor. 5et C|o::tsOO - t.
On|y the h|qh||qhted record: w||| be o::|qned th|: uo|ue. A::|qn the other record:
- O by qo|nq to :w|tch :e|ect|on from the ot|on button on the bottom of the
U:|nq the Meo:ure 1oo|
1he meo:ure too| (on the 1oo|: too|dbor, |t |ooh: ||he o ru|er) o||ow: you to drow
o ||ne, or o :er|e: of connected ||ne:, to rouqh|y meo:ure the uc||deon (o: the
crow |e:) d|:tonce between o|nt:.
C||ch on |t ond then c||ch on your mo ot the :tort|nq o|nt. Moue your cur:or to
your end o|nt, or next o|nt, reeot|nq unt|| you ore done. Doub|e c||ch to hn|:h.
1he meo:ure too| w||| u:e the mo un|t: ort|cu|or to thot mo |oyer: roject|on
or the d|:|oy un|t: you :ec|hed |n the Doto Frome roert|e:. Vou con chonqe
th|: from the Doto Frome roert|e: (r|qht c||ch on the nome of the Doto
Frome, qo to roert|e:, ond the Cenero| tob) or |n the Meo:ure o-u box.
1he b|och tr|onq|e o|nt|nq
down |nc|ude: uor|ou:
d|:tonce un|t: to choo:e
Vou con o|:o co|cu|ote Areo
u:|nq the too| :hoed ||he
o o|yqon. 5|m|y drow o
o|yqon ond doub|e c||ch to
H | L L | R l U 5 | N C A R C V | v t O
Meo:ur|nq w|th Attr|bute Doto
|f you need more occurote meo:ure: of d|:tonce thon you con qet u:|nq the
meo:ure too|, you con u:e the uo|ue: |n the er|meter (o|yqon:) ond |enqth
(||ne) he|d: of the :hoeh|e ottr|bute tob|e:. 5e|ect the feoture: of |ntere:t, then
r|qht c||ch on the er|meter or |enqth
he|d ond qo to 5ummory. 1he :um
he|d w||| |nd|cote the toto| d|:tonce. For
exom|e, |f you need to hnow the toto|
|enqth of rood ond Morhet 5treet:, qo
to 5e|ect by Attr|bute: ond :e|ect o||
||ne :eqment: |n the :treet center||ne h|e
co||ed ROAD or MARk1. 1hen
oen the ottr|bute tob|e o::oc|oted w|th
the :treet center||ne h|e, r|qht c||ch on
the |enqth co|umn heod|nq, ond qo to
5ummory. 1he :um :hou|d |nd|cote
how |onq rood ond Morhet 5treet: ore.
uffer: o||ow you to u|:uo||ze zone: oround mo feoture:. |f you ore |ntere:ted
|n :ee|nq wh|ch :choo|: fo|| w|th|n sOO feet of c|o:: t (h|qhwoy:), you con creote o
sOO foot buffer oround c|o:: t :treet:. For ono|y:|: uro:e:, quer|e: by |ocot|on
moy be more he|fu| becou:e they w||| o||ow you to octuo||y :e|ect the :choo|:
w|th|n sOO feet of c|o:: t rood:. ut you moy wont to creote buffer:, o: we||, :o
thot you con u|:uo||ze th|: re|ot|on:h|.
1he eo:|e:t woy to creote buffer: |: u:|nq the uffer v|zord. Vou'|| need to odd
th|: to one of your too|bor: (from the V|ew menu, qo to 1oo|bord:, then Cu:-
tom|ze, then c||ch on the Commond: tob, then c||ch on the 1oo|: Coteqory.
C||ch on uffer v|zord ond droq |t to one of your too|bor:. C||ch on the new
too| to |ounch the w|zord. 5e|ect the mo |oyer you w|:h to buffer u:|nq the hr:t
drodown menu. Vou
con choo:e to buffer o||
feoture: or ju:t the cur-
rent|y :e|ected feoture:
|n o mo |oyer. C||ch
Next. Determ|ne the
d|:tonce for your buffer
(odju:t the d|:tonce
un|t: ot the bottom). |f
you wont to houe more
thon one buffer, choo:e
A: mu|t||e buffer
r|nq:. C||ch Next.
6 | Q U E R Y N G A N D M E A S U R N G
On the hno| :creen of the uffer v|zord, choo:e whether you wont to d|::o|ue
the boundor|e: between buffer:--:|nce |n mony co:e:, your buffer: w||| ouer|o.
|n the next :ect|on, you w||| choo:e on|y out:|de o|yqon(:) |n mo:t co:e:. Vour
hno| cho|ce |: whether to mohe your buffer: qroh|c:, wh|ch ore temorory, or o:
o new :hoeh|e, wh|ch |: ermonent. |f you ore ju:t |oy|nq oround to hqure out
whot :|ze your buffer :hou|d be, u:e qroh|c:. |f you |on to u:e the buffer: for
ony ono|y:|:, be :ure to :oue |t o: o :hoeh|e. |f you choo:e to mohe o :hoeh|e,
c||ch on the fo|der |con, |nd|cote where the :hoeh|e :hou|d be :tored, ond q|ue |t
o nome. 1hen c||ch F|n|:h.
Co|cu|ot|nq D|:tonce: w|th 5ot|o| lo|n:
1he :ot|o| jo|n too| o||ow: you to determ|ne the re|ot|on:h| between two
:hoeh|e:. 1h|: |: he|fu| |f you need to determ|ne |n whot o|yqon (:uch o:
ne|qhborhood) o o|nt (:uch o: o
:choo|) fo||:. ut you con o|:o u:e |t
to co|cu|ote the d|:tonce between
the c|o:e:t feoture: |n two d|ffer-
ent :hoeh|e:. For exom|e, you
m|qht wont to hnow the d|:tonce
between eoch of your c||ent:' home
ond the c|o:e:t heo|th c||n|c or
Add both :hoeh|e: to ArcMo.
R|qht c||ch on the :hoeh|e to wh|ch
you wont to co|cu|ote the d|:tonce,
then qo to lo|n: ond Re|ote: ond
then lo|n:. Choo:e the :ot|o| jo|n
ot|on, then |nd|cote the :econd
:hoeh|e, ond choo:e the :econd
rod|o button wh|ch w||| co|cu|ote o d|:tonce he|d |nd|cot|nq how for feoture: ore
from your hr:t :hoeh|e to the c|o:e:t feoture |n th|: :econd :hoeh|e. |nd|cote
the |ocot|on ond nome of the new :hoeh|e ond c||ch Ok. Vour new :hoeh|e
w||| |ooh ||he the or|q|no| :hoeh|e but w||| houe o new he|d |n the ottr|bute
tob|e |nd|cot|nq d|:tonce to the c|o:e:t feoture |n the :econd :hoeh|e.
H | L L | R l U 5 | N C A R C V | v t O
Co|cu|ot|nq Networh D|:tonce:
1he meo:ur|nq too|, buffer:, ond :ot|o| jo|n too|: o|| co|cu|ote uc||deon, or
:tro|qht ||ne (o: the crow |e:) d|:tonce. 1h|: con be u:efu| to qet o qenero| |deo
of how for oort qeoqroh|c feoture: ore, but uc||deon d|:tonce doe: ||tt|e to
:how how eo|e moue from one |oce to onother. ArcC|5': Networh Ano|y:t
o||ow: you to co|cu|ote d|:tonce o|onq o networh--:uch o: o :treet networh.
Creot|nq o Networh Dotobo:e
Mo:t :treet center||ne h|e: con be u:ed w|th Networh Ano|y:t, but you mu:t qo
throuqh o :er|e: of :te: to conuert |t |nto o networh doto:et. F|r:t, mohe :ure
thot the Networh Ano|y:t xten:|on |: turned on. From the Cu:tom|ze menu |n
ArcCoto|oq, qo to xten:|on: ond ut o
chech morh next to Networh Ano|y:t.
|f |t |: qroyed out, you do not houe occe::
to th|: xen:|on (meon|nq your ||cen:e
doe:n't |nc|ude |t or you neq|ected to
choo:e to |ood exten:|on: when you
hr:t |n:to||ed ArcC|5). Oen ArcCoto|oq
ond nou|qote to the fo|der w|th your
:treet center||ne h|e. R|qht c||ch on the
h|e nome ond qo to New Networh
Doto:et.... C|ue your :treet networh o nome, |t mu:t end w|th _ND. C||ch
Next ond :oy Ve: to mode||nq turn:. C||ch Next, Next, ond Next oqo|n.
On the :creen 5ec|fy ottr|bute: for networh doto:et, c||ch Next. A d|o|oq
box w||| o u |nd|cot|nq thot you need ot |eo:t one co:t ottr|bute. 1he
defou|t |: to bo:e the co:t on the |enqth of the :treet :eqment:. |deo||y, you
wou|d houe odd|t|ono| |nformot|on :uch o: how |onq |t tohe: to troue| o|onq
certo|n :treet:, or how much |t co:t: (to||:, fore:, etc.) 5oy Ok then Next (ye:,
you wont to be ob|e to qenerote dr|u|nq d|rect|on:), ond then F|n|:h. ArcC|5
w||| then need to bu||d the networh wh|ch cou|d tohe o m|nute.
U:|nq o Networh Dotobo:e
|n order to u:e your networh, you'|| need to odd |t to ArcMo. F|r:t, mohe :ure
the Networh Ano|y:t xten:|on |: turned on |n ArcMo. From the Cu:tom|ze
menu, qo to xten:|on: ond ut o chech morh next to Networh Ano|y:t. 1hen
odd your networh dotobo:e |nto ArcMo--the :ome woy you odd o :hoeh|e.
e :ure to odd the networh h|e, not the junct|on:. 1he networh h|e w||| houe o
:ec|o| |con ond the exten:|on .nd.
ArcC|5 w||| o:h |f you wont to odd o|| the re|oted feoture:. Vou con :oy No
to ouo|d hou|nq |ot: of extro doto on the mo (|f you :oy Ve:, you'|| :ee o||
the junct|on: wh|ch ore :hown o: o|nt: ot euery |nter:ect|on). 1he networh h|e
w||| |ooh ju:t ||he o :treet center||ne h|e when |t': moed. Next, turn on the
Networh Ano|y:t too|bor (from the Cu:tom|ze menu, qo to 1oo|bor: ond :e|ect
Networh Ano|y:t. 1he too|bor |nc|ude: o menu on the for |eft. C||ch on the
button be:|de thot, H|del5how Networh Ano|y:t v|ndow. A new w|ndow w|||
oeor be:|de the 1ob|e of Content:.
6 | Q U E R Y N G A N D M E A S U R N G
Networh D|:tonce to C|o:e:t Foc|||ty
Vou con co|cu|ote the d|:tonce between the feoture: |n one :hoeh|e to the
c|o:e:t feoture: |n onother :hoeh|e--ju:t ||he you con w|th the 5ot|o| lo|n too|
excet thot w|th Networh Ano|y:t, you con co|cu|ote the d|:tonce o|onq o :treet
networh |n order to orox|mote troue| by foot or ueh|ce|. From the drodown
menu on the Networh Ano|y:t too|bor, choo:e New c|o:e:t foc|||ty. A number
of new |tem: w||| oeor |n the 1ob|e of Content:. |n the Networh Ano|y:t
w|ndow, r|qht c||ch on Foc|||t|e:
ond qo to Lood Locot|on:. Choo:e
the :hoeh|e thot you ore co|cu|ot-
|nq d|:tonce: to (:uch o: c||n|c, :choo|,
ho:|to|, etc) ond c||ch Ok. Another
woy to th|nh of foc|||t|e: |: de:t|no-
t|on:. C|ue ArcMo o m|nute to |ood.
R|qht c||ch on |nc|dent: ond choo:e
the :econd :hoeh|e (the or|q|n:),
then c||ch Ok. C|ue ArcMo t|me
to |ood. Vou :hou|d :ee the toto|
number of foc|||t|e: ond |nc|dent:
||:ted |n the Networh Ano|y:t w|ndow
|n orenthe:e:. |f you d|:couer thot
you mode o m|:tohe, the be:t th|nq
|: to :tort ouer (qo to the Networh
Ano|y:t menu |n the too|bor, choo:e
New c|o:e:t foc|||ty, then |ood the foc|||t|e: ond |nc|dent: oqo|n). C||ch the
:o|ue button (two to the r|qht from the drodown menu on the Networh
Ano|y:t too|bor). R|qht c||ch on Route: |n the Networh Ano|y:t w|ndow ond qo
to oen ottr|bute tob|e.
5eru|ce Areo: (Networh buffer:)
Vou con creote networh buffer: wh|ch w||| co|cu|ote on oreo of o :ec|hed
d|:tonce o|onq o networh from feoture: |n o :ec|hed :hoeh|e. Rother thon
the c|rc|e: you qet when buffer|nq o|nt: w|th the uffer v|zord, you w|||
qet d|omond: (|f your :treet: networh |: o erfect qr|d) or :ome odd-:hoed
o|yqon:. From the drodown menu on the Networh Ano|y:t too|bor, choo:e
New 5eru|ce Areo. R|qht c||ch on foc|||t|e: |n the Networh Ano|y:t w|ndow
ond qo to Lood |ocot|on:. Choo:e the :hoeh|e you w|:h to buffer from the
drodown menu ond c||ch Ok. C||ch on the 5eru|ce Areo roert|e: button |n
the uer r|qht corner of the Networh Ano|y:t w|ndow.
C||ch on the Ano|y:|: 5ett|nq: tob ond :ec|fy the d|:tonce for your buffer:.
Vou con o|:o |nd|cote |f you wont the networh to con:|der one-woy :treet: (for
dr|u|nq) or no (for wo|h|nq). C||ch Ok, then c||ch on the 5o|ue button on the
Networh Ano|y:t too|bor.

H | L L | R l U 5 | N C A R C V | v t O
Not|ce how d|fferent the :hoe: of the :eru|ce oreo ore bo:ed on the :treet
networh. A|:o, |ooh ot whot hoen: on the edqe: of your networh. 1h|: |: o
uer|on of the brooder c|o:: of rob|em: co||ed boundory effect:. 5treet bound-
or|e: do not octuo||y :to ot the edqe of o c|ty the woy doto h|e: do.
Networh Route:
Vou con determ|ne the :hort-
ened networh route from two or
more o|nt:--ju:t the woy you
do w|th on||ne o||cot|on: ||he
Cooq|eMo: or Moue:t. Add |n
the o|nt: o|onq the route. From
the Networh Ano|y:t too|bor
drodown menu, choo:e, New
Route. |n the Networh Ano|y:t
w|ndow, r|qht c||ch on 5to: ond
qo to Lood |ocot|on:. Choo:e the
o|nt :hoeh|e w|th your |oco-
t|on: ond c||ch Ok. 1hen c||ch the
:o|ue button on the Networh Ano|y:t too|bor. Not|ce thot the defou|t route |:
to troue| to the |ocot|on: |n the order |n wh|ch they ore ||:ted |n your :hoeh|e.
1h|: m|qht be nece::ory (for exom|e, |f the :to: ore ||:ted |n the order |n wh|ch
you mohe them dur|nq the doy :uch o: coffee :ho, worh, |unch, cor wo:h, food
:tore, home), but |n other co:e:, you moy wont to mox|m|ze your efhc|ency
(|moq|ne you ore runn|nq errond: or moh|nq home u|:|t:). C||ch on the Route
roert|e: button (on the Networh Ano|y:t w|ndow) ond qo to the Ano|y:|:
5ett|nq: tob . Chech Reorder 5to: to F|nd Ot|mo| Route ond dec|de |f you
need to re:erue the F|r:t or Lo:t :to:. C||ch Ok ond then c||ch the 5o|ue
button oqo|n.
|n order to qenerote dr|u|nq d|rect|on: for your route, c||ch on the D|rect|on:
v|ndow button next to the 5o|ue button. Not|ce how :|m||or they |ooh to
whot you qet from one of the mo|nq web:|te: (they u:e the :ome techno|oqy).
6 | Q U E R Y N G A N D M E A S U R N G
D|:tonce between Motched o|r:
vhen you co|cu|ote the d|:tonce between two :et: of o|nt: u:|nq the 5ot|o|
lo|n or Networh Ano|y:t, you con on|y co|cu|ote the d|:tonce between the c|o:e:t
foc|||t|e:. |f you wont to co|cu|ote the d|:tonce between o|nt: |n one h|e to
motched o|nt: |n onother, you need to u:e o :cr|t. |moq|ne, for exom|e, thot
you houe ot|ent oddre::e: ond the|r heo|th core rou|der. Vou con down|ood
cr|t: to extend ArcC|5 funct|ono||ty from the :r| web:|te or you con creote
them, your:e|f.
1he o|nt D|:tonce :cr|t (htt:llorc:cr|t:.e:r|.comldeto||:.o:!db|d-t1s21)
o||ow: you to co|cu|ote
the d|:tonce between
motched o|nt:. After
down|ood|nq |t from the
web:|te, you need to
odd |t to ArcMo. From
the Cu:tom|ze menu |n
ArcMo, qo to 1oo|bor:
ond Cu:tom|ze. C||ch on
the Commond: tob ond
c||ch on the Add from
F||e button. 5eorch for
the :cr|t (|t w||| houe the
exten:|on .d||) ond then
c||ch Oen. A new coteqory, CO51oo|:, w||| oeor under Coteqor|e: ond o
o|nt D|:tonce too| w||| oeor under Commond:. Droq ond dro the o|nt
D|:tonce too| to one of your too|bor:.
|n order to worh w|th the o|nt D|:tonce too|, you w||| need to odd o tob|e or
:hoeh|e thot ho: he|d: corre:ond|nq to the X ond V coord|note: for both o|nt:.
Vou con creote o h|e ||he th|: u:|nq the Co|cu|ote Ceometry feoture, to co|cu-
|ote the X ond V coord|note: of o o|nt. Vou'|| need to jo|n the tob|e: from the
two :eorote (motched) :hoeh|e: u:|nq :ome :ort of common un|que |dent|her.
C||ch on the o|nt D|:tonce too| to oen the d|o|oq. Choo:e Motched_o|r:.
:h from the drodown. Vou w||| qenerote o new ||ne :hoeh|e connected the
motched o|nt:, q|ue th|: new h|e o nome under Outut L|ne 5hoeh|e. 5e|ect
the X ond V uo|ue: for the hr:t :et of o|nt: for the From he|d: ond the :econd
:et of X ond V uo|ue: for the
1o he|d:. 1hen c||ch roce::.
5oy ye: to odd|nq the new
:hoeh|e to ArcMo. R|qht c||ch
on the new :hoeh|e ond qo to
Oen Attr|bute 1ob|e. 1he
d|:tonce: w||| oeor |n the
uor|ob|e: D|:tonce:_2D (the:e
w||| be |n feet becou:e of the
roject|on :ett|nq: for the :hoe-
h|e:). 1he new ||ne :hoeh|e w|||
connect the |ocot|on of the hr:t
o|nt to |t: motched o|r.
H | L L | R l U 5 | N C A R C V | v t O
D|1|NC 5HAF|L5
d|t|nq :hoeh|e: |: tr|chy-ond o b|t donqerou:-terr|tory. |f o::|b|e, u:e the
qeoroce::|nq too|: :uch o: c||, un|on, |nter:ect, ond d|::o|ue to mohe chonqe: to
your :hoeh|e: rother thon u:|nq the ed|t|nq too|: de:cr|bed be|ow. 1he d|rect|on:
rou|ded here ore uery m|n|mo|. |f you need to do much ed|t|nq of :hoeh|e:,
you :hou|d :eeh out odd|t|ono| re:ource: (:uch o: the :r| V|rtuo| Comu: cour:e
on d|q|t|z|nq).
De|et|nq ond Mod|fy|nq Feoture:
|n order to mohe chonqe: to o :hoeh|e, you mu:t :tort on ed|t :e::|on. From
the d|tor too|bor, choo:e :tort ed|t|nq. |f you houe mu|t||e :hoeh|e: |n your
mo document
thot ore from
d|fferent :ub-
d|rector|e: on
your comuter,
you w||| need
to :ec|fy wh|ch
d|rectory w||| be
ort of the ed|t
:e::|on (you con
on|y ed|t the h|e:
|n o :|nq|e fo|der
ot one t|me).
A new w|ndow
w||| oeor on
the for r|qht
:|de of your :creen, next to the Coto|oq v|ndow |f you houe thot oen. 1o :oue
ed|t:, from the d|tor menu on the d|tor too|bor, choo:e 5to d|t|nq ond
:oy ye: to :ou|nq ed|t:. Not|ce thot
you do not houe o :oue o: ot|on.
Vou moy wont to mohe o bochu
of your or|q|no| doto before ed|t|nq.
C||ch on the nome of your :hoeh|e |n
the to :ect|on :o thot ot|on: oeor
under Con:truct|on 1oo|:. Vou con
u:e ony of the:e to odd feoture: to
your :hoeh|e. Vou con :no o new
feoture to on ex|:t|nq feoture to ouo|d
:mo|| :||uer o|yqon: between two
mo feoture:. 1he :no|nq ot|on:
ore ouo||ob|e |n the d|t menu.
Vou con o|:o ed|t ex|:t|nq feoture: by c||ch|nq on the ed|t too| (|ooh: ||he the
heod of o b|och orrow) ond doub|e-c||ch|nq on o feoture. Not|ce thot qreen
:quore: oeor ot euer uertex of your feoture. Vou con odd or de|ete feoture:
u:|nq the d|t Vert|ce: too|bor
thot oeored when you doub|e-
c||ched on the mo feoture. Vou
con o|:o :||t o o|yqon |n ho|f. 1o
do th|:, h|qh||qht the feoture you
w|:h to :||t (th|: |nuo|ue: o :|nq|e
c||ch, not o doub|e-c||ch, you wont
to :ee the b|ue h|qh||qht but not
o|| the uert|ce:). C||ch on the Cut o|yqon: 1oo|. Drow o ||ne ocro:: the o|yqon
ond doub|e c||ch to com|ete the :|t.
7 | C R E A T N G N E W G E O G R A P H C F E S

Merq|nq Feoture:
|n order to d|::o|ue the boundor|e: between two or more o|yqon feoture:,
you mu:t :tort on ed|t :e::|on. U:|nq the ed|t too| ond the :h|ft hey, c||ch on the
feoture: you w|:h to merqe (they :hou|d become h|qh||qhted). Vou con o|:o
:e|ect mo feoture: bo:ed on the|r ottr|bute: by oen|nq the ottr|bute tob|e ond
:e|ect|nq the corre:ond|nq record:. From the d|tor menu on the d|tor too|bor,
:e|ect Merqe. y merq|nq the two feoture:, you ore o|:o merq|nq the ottr|-
bute:. ArcC|5 w||| o:h you to choo:e the feoture w|th w|th other feoture: :hou|d
be merqed, the ottr|bute: from th|: feoture w||| be mo|nto|ned. 1o :oue ed|t:,
from the d|tor menu on the d|tor too|bor, choo:e 5to d|t|nq ond :oy ye:
to :ou|nq ed|t:.
Udot|nq Areo, Lenqth, ond er|meter
kee |n m|nd o|:o thot ed|t|nq :hoeh|e: con chonqe ottr|bute uo|ue: thot you
moy need to udote. Fo||ow the d|rect|on: |n the :ect|on of th|: qu|de ent|t|ed
Co|cu|ot|nq Areo.
1here ore o number of d|fferent funct|on: you con erform on mo |oyer:, e|ther
bo:ed on |ocot|on or ottr|bute uo|ue, thot re:u|t |n new mo |oyer:. |n ArcC|5 tO,
the:e ore once oqo|n co||ed qeoroce::|nq funct|on:. Vou mu:t dehne the ro-
ject|on for mo |oyer: before u:|nq ony of the:e funct|on:. |f you houe :e|ected
o :ub:et of feoture: w|th|n o mo |oyer, the funct|on: w||| on|y be erformed on
the :e|ected feoture:.
1he d|::o|ue oerot|on o||ow: you to co||o:e
the boundor|e: between o|yqon: |f they :hore
the :ome uo|ue on o ort|cu|or ottr|bute. For
exom|e, you cou|d creote o ne|qhborhood
mo |oyer by o::|qn|nq eoch cen:u: troct to o
ne|qhborhood ond then d|::o|u|nq the bound-
or|e:. From the Ceoroce::|nq menu, qo to
D|::o|ue to br|nq u the D|::o|ue w|zord. On
the hr:t :creen, |dent|fy the mo |oyer who:e
feoture: you w|:h to d|::o|ue under |nut
feoture:. |f the |oyer |: o|reody odded to
ArcMo, you con u:e the drodown menu. Otherw|:e you w||| need to c||ch on
the fo|der |con to |ocote the moy |oyer. ArcMo w||| q|ue the new :hoeh|e thot
w||| be creoted o defou|t nome (odd|nq _D|::o|ue to the |nut |oyer nome). |f
you wont to renome th|: or chonqe the |ocot|on, c||ch on the fo|der to the r|qht
of |nut feoture c|o::. Next, choo:e the D|::o|ue F|e|d--the co|umn from
thot |oyer': ottr|bute tob|e thot conto|n: the |nformot|on you w|:h to u:e for the
d|::o|ue. 1h|: mu:t be on ottr|bute for wh|ch mu|t||e mo feoture: (o|yqon:)
H | L L | R l U 5 | N C A R C V | v t O
houe the exoct :ome uo|ue (number: or text). ArcC|5 w||| creote o new :hoe-
h|e thot comb|ne: o|| of the mo feoture: (cen:u: troct:) |nto o :|nq|e o|yqon
(ne|qhborhood). Vou con oqqreqote doto for the or|q|no| qeoqroh|c un|t: to the
new (d|::o|ued) qeoqroh|c un|t: u:|nq the ot|ono| 5tot|:t|c: F|e|d.
them o|| ot once). A new |oyer w||| be creoted conto|n|nq o|| of the feoture: of o||
of the :hoeh|e:. 5ec|fy the |ocot|on ond nome for th|: new :hoeh|e ond c||ch
Ok. After o few :econd:, you w||| :ee Merqe... Merqe...Merqe oeor ot the
bottom r|qht of your :creen. vhen ArcC|5 ho: com|eted th|: roce::, the new
:hoeh|e w||| oeor ot the to of the to of the 1ob|e of Content:.
Aend|nq o||ow: you to |ncororote two or more non-ouer|o|nq |oyer:
|nto o :|nq|e mo |oyer w|thout chonq|nq the|r mo feoture:. Vou con oend
o|nt, ||ne, ond o|yqon |oyer:. Aend|nq con :oue you t|me when |t come: to
:ymbo||z|nq feoture: ond |eod to more con:|:tent :ymbo|oqy. For exom|e, you
con merqe cen:u: troct h|e: from :euero| count|e: :o thot when you d|:|oy the
ercent of homeowner:, you don't houe to reeot the roce:: of c|o::|fy|nq your
doto for eoch county.
From Arc1oo|box, you con hnd Aend under Doto Monoqement 1oo|: ond
Cenero|. Under |nut feoture:, ||:t o|| the mo |oyer: you w|:h to merqe. Vou
con u:e the drodown menu |f you houe odded the mo |oyer: to ArcMo, but
you w||| need to odd them one ot o t|me (|f you odd them d|rect|y from your
comuter, not from ArcMo, you con h|qh||qht mu|t||e :hoeh|e: ond odd
7 | C R E A T N G N E W G E O G R A P H C F E S
C|||nq o||ow: you to turn one :hoeh|e |nto o cooh|e-cutter |n order to cut
out ort of o |orqer :hoeh|e. For exom|e, you m|qht need to creote o mo
|oyer of :treet: for the oreo w|th|n o :|nq|e o||ce d|:tr|ct but your :treet cen-
ter||ne h|e couer: the ent|re c|ty. U:|nq o :treet h|e thot |: c||ed by the o||ce
d|:tr|ct boundor|e: w||| o||ow you to worh w|th o :mo||er ond more monoqeob|e
h|e thot |ooh: neoter. From the Ceoroce::|nq menu, qo to C||. On the next
:creen, you need to |dent|fy on |nut feoture (the |oyer to be c||ed) ond the
c|| feoture: (cooh|e cutter). 1he defou|t nome for the new :hoeh|e w||| be the
|nut feoture nome |u: _C||. |f you wont to chonqe th|: or the |ocot|on of the
new h|e, c||ch on the fo|der to the r|qht. Vou con |eoue C|u:ter 1o|eronce' ot O.
Chonq|nq |t w||| o||ow :||qht|y m|:motched mo |oyer: to be con:|dered co|nc|-
|nter:ect o||ow: you to fu:e two ouer|o|nq |oyer: toqether to creote o new
:hoeh|e thot |nc|ude: the ottr|bute: of both |oyer: for the oreo |n wh|ch the
|oyer: ouer|o. |n effect, th|: comb|ne: the un|on (de:cr|bed be|ow) ond c||
oerot|on:. Vou con |nter:ect two o|yqon |oyer: or o ||ne ond o|yqon |oyer.
From the Ceoroce::|nq menu, :e|ect |nter:ect. On the next :creen, :e|ect the
|nut feoture:. 1he defou|t nome for the new :hoeh|e w||| be the hr:t |nut
feoture nome |u: _|nter:ect. |f you wont to chonqe th|: or the |ocot|on of the
new h|e, c||ch on the fo|der to the r|qht. |f you |nter:ect o ||ne ond o|yqon |oyer:,
the re:u|t|nq :hoeh|e w||| conto|n o|y||ne: thot oct ||he ||ne:. |f you |nter:ect
o|yqon |oyer:, the re:u|t|nq :hoeh|e w||| conto|n o|yqon:. Lenqth, er|meter,
ond oreo uo|ue: w||| be |noccurote ofter you erform on |nter:ect|on, :o |f you
need the:e, be :ure to reco|cu|ote them.
Un|on |: :|m||or to |nter:ect|on |n thot |t fu:e: the boundor|e: of two |oyer:
toqether, but rother thon c|||nq the re:u|t|nq :hoeh|e to |nc|ude on|y the oreo
couered by both, |t creote: o new :hoeh|e thot couer: the comb|ned extent of
the |oyer:. From the Ceoroce::|nq menu, choo:e Un|on. On the next :creen,
:e|ect the |nut feoture:. 1he defou|t nome for the new :hoeh|e w||| be the hr:t
|nut feoture nome |u: _Un|on. |f you wont to chonqe th|: or the |ocot|on of
the new h|e, c||ch on the fo|der to the r|qht.
H | L L | R l U 5 | N C A R C V | v t O
s l D|C|1|Z|NC
Mo:t of the t|me you w||| u:e :hoeh|e: thot :omeone e|:e creoted. U:|nq ex|:t|nq
:hoeh|e: :oue: t|me ond qenero||y re:u|t: |n more occurote mo |oyer:. ut
|f you need o ||ne or o|yqon h|e thot doe:n't ex|:t-:uch o: o boundory for
your :tudy oreo-you w||| need to creote |t your:e|f. D|q|t|z|nq |: the roce::
of drow|nq or troc|nq mo feoture: to creote o new qeoqroh|c h|e. efore
on-:creen d|q|t|z|nq wo: ouo||ob|e, th|: roce:: |nuo|ued troc|nq o oer mo
on o d|q|t|z|nq tob|et ond then o::|qn|nq reo| wor|d coord|note: to certo|n ort:
(||he qeorect|fy|nq). ut ArcV|ew ho: on-:creen d|q|t|z|nq too|: thot o||ow you to
creote new :hoeh|e: w|thout odd|t|ono| hordwore or :oftwore.
Creot|nq New 5hoeh|e:
Vou'|| need to creote o new emty :hoeh|e to qet :torted. Vou con mohe
o coy of on ex|:t|nq :hoe-
h|e, de|ete o|| of |t: feoture:
(:tort ed|t|nq, h|qh||qht o|| the
feoture:, ond c||ch the De|ete
hey on your heyboord) ond then
creote new feoture:. A|terno-
t|ue|y, you con creote o brond
new :hoeh|e. 1o creote o new
:hoeh|e, r|qht c||ch |n o fo|der
w|th|n the Coto|oq v|ndow ond
qo to New ond 5hoeh|e.
Dec|de whot h|nd of :hoeh|e
you need (o|nt, ||ne, o|yqon),
q|ue |t o nome, ond :et the ro-
ject|on |f you hnow whot you'||
be u:|nq.
Next, oen ArcMo ond odd your new :hoeh|e, o|onq w|th other mo |oyer:
thot moy he| you drow your new feoture:. 5tort on ed|t :e::|on: from the d|tor
menu |n the d|tor too|bor, choo:e
5tort d|t 5e::|on, ond |nd|cote
wh|ch d|rectory conto|n: the
:hoeh|e (:he||) you ju:t creoted.
C||ch on your new :hoeh|e nome
|n the Creote Feoture: w|ndow
thot :hou|d oeor on the for
r|qht, next to the Coto|oq v|ndow,
to br|nq u the con:truct|on too|:.
Creote one or more feoture:
(remember, the :no ot|on: |n
the d|tor menu w||| o||ow you
to mohe much neoter :hoeh|e:)
ond then qo to 5to d|t|nq ond
:oy Ve: to :ou|nq chonqe:. Oen
the ottr|bute tob|e for your new
:hoeh|e. Not|ce thot there ore F|D ond 5hoe he|d: but noth|nq e|:e. Vou con
odd ottr|bute:
by creot|nq
new he|d:
ond h|||nq |n
the uo|ue: or
by jo|n|nq on
ex|:t|nq ot-
tr|bute tob|e
to the new
8 | D G T Z N G
D|q|t|z|nq u:|nq the Merqe 1oo|
1he too|: |n ArcMo for d|::o|u|nq boundor|e: between feoture: rou|de onother
orooch to d|q|t|z|nq. 1h|: moy q|ue you |e:: contro| ouer the :hoe of new mo
feoture:, but |t rou|de: on eo:|er woy of creot|nq new :hoeh|e: thot ||ne u
w|th ex|:t|nq :hoeh|e:. |n order to creote :hoeh|e: u:|nq the d|::o|ue too|:, you
need to houe o :hoeh|e thot con :erue o: bu||d|nq b|och: for your new h|e. For
exom|e, you moy wont to creote o mo of heo|th d|:tr|ct:. |f the d|:tr|ct: ore
bo:ed on cen:u: troct:, you con u:e o :hoeh|e of cen:u: troct: to bu||d your new
d|:tr|ct h|e. A cen:u: b|och h|e moy roue the mo:t he|fu| :|nce |t: boundor|e:
corre:ond to :treet:. |t |: o qood |deo to mohe o coy of the :hoeh|e you w|||
u:e :o you don't me:: u the or|q|no|.
U:|nq the 5e|ect Feoture: too|, h|qh||qht the b|och: thot mohe u the new
oreo for wh|ch you ore creot|nq o :hoeh|e. Vou con :e|ect mu|t||e feoture: by
ho|d|nq down the :h|ft hey. Vou con o|:o drow o box oround the oreo conto|n-
|nq the |nd|u|duo| feoture: (th|: |: fo:ter). 1o d|::o|ue the boundor|e: between the
b|och:, from the d|tor menu qo to 5tort d|t|nq, then choo:e Merqe. 5to
ed|t|nq ond :oue ed|t: to hn|:h. |f your new :hoeh|e on|y need: to |nc|ude th|:
:|nq|e mo feoture, you con r|qht c||ch on the new feoture you ju:t creoted, qo
to Doto ond xort Doto. e :ure thot the xort dro down menu |nd|-
cote: thot on|y :e|ected feoture: w||| be |nc|uded. A|ternot|ue|y, you moy need to
reeot the roce:: of d|::o|u|nq boundor|e: to creote o|| of the mo feoture:.
Creot|nq o Mo:h
Mo:h: ore :hoeh|e:
thot o||ow you to couer
u oreo: thot you
don't wont to :how
w|thout c|||nq them.
C|||nq doto on|y
worh: w|th :hoeh|e:,
not w|th qr|d:lro:ter
doto, :o mo:h: ore
e:ec|o||y u:efu| when
you ore worh|nq w|th
ro:ter doto. 1o do th|:, odd o :hoeh|e of the oreo you wont to be ob|e to :ee-
for exom|e, o ne|qhborhood or c|ty-ond on emty o|yqon :hoeh|e. 5tort
ed|t|nq the new :hoeh|e ond creote o rectonq|e oround your other :hoeh|e,
|orqe enouqh to couer u ony oreo you don't wont to :ee. 5to ed|t|nq ond :oue
chonqe:. U:e the Un|on
too| |n the Ceoroce::|nq
menu to fu:e the:e two
:hoeh|e: toqether. 1hen
:tort ed|t|nq the re:u|t|nq
fu:ed :hoeh|e. H|qh||qht
the |n:|de of the new
:hoeh|e (the oreo you
wont to be ob|e to :ee),
oen the ottr|bute tob|e
ond c||ch the de|ete
hey. 5oue your chonqe:.
H | L L | R l U 5 | N C A R C V | v t O
vorh|nq w|th qr|d:lro:ter doto |nuo|ue: o who|e d|fferent :et of concet: ond
too|:--we|| beyond the :coe of th|: |ntroductory monuo|. Ro:ter doto houe o
number of oduontoqe: ouer uector doto, the mo:t |mortont of wh|ch |: thot |t
:how: cont|nuou: chonqe ouer :oce w|thout the owhword deendence uon
odm|n|:trot|ue un|t: (||he z| code: ond cen:u: troct:) thot houe ||tt|e meon|nq
for our ||ue:. Den:|ty mo: rou|de :|m|e yet u|:uo||y owerfu| o|ternot|ue: to
the more common mo: :how|nq o|nt: or doto oqqreqoted by oreo:.
5ot|o| Ano|y:t
5ot|o| Ano|y:t |: on exten:|on for ArcC|5 thot o||ow: you to worh w|th ro:ter
doto. From the Cu:tom|ze menu |n ArcMo, qo to xten:|on: ond ut o chech
morh next to 5ot|o| Ano|y:t. |f |t |: qroyed out, you do not houe o ||cen:e for
th|: roduct. Next, odd the 5ot|o| Ano|y:t too|bor (Cu:tom|ze menu, 1oo|bor:,
then 5ot|o| Ano|y:t). |n eor||er uer:|on: of ArcC|5, the 5ot|o| Ano|y:t too|bor
|nc|uded o number of too|:. |n ArcC|5 tO, tho:e too|: ore on|y occe::|b|e from
Arc1oo|box. Oen the Arc1oo|box
v|ndow (u:|nq the button ot the
to of ArcMo thot |ooh: ||he o
red too|box). xond the 5ot|o|
Ano|y:t 1oo|: :ect|on ond then
exond the Den:|ty :ect|on.
kerne| Den:|ty Mo:
Add o o|nt :hoeh|e to ArcMo (one w|th ot |eo:t tOO o|nt:, the more the
better). Doub|e-c||ch on the kerne| Den:|ty ot|on. 1h|: w||| co|cu|ote: the moq-
n|tude of er un|t oreo u:|nq o herne| funct|on wh|ch w||| re:u|t |n o :mooth|y
toered :urfoce. 5ome eo|e co|| the:e heot mo: or hot :ot mo:. 1here
ore other method: for creot|nq den:|ty mo:, but the kerne| funct|on creote: on
9 l CRA1|NC DN5|1V MA5
e:ec|o||y :mooth mo thot we|qht: c|o:e o|nt: more thon o|nt: further owoy.
From the hr:t dro-down menu, :e|ect your o|nt :hoeh|e. 1he next dro-
down, ou|ot|on he|d, |: ot|ono| ond :hou|d be u:ed |f there |: on ottr|bute
by wh|ch you wont to we|qht the o|nt: (for exom|e, |f you ore mo|nq ho:|-
to|:, you m|qht choo:e bed: o: the ou|ot|on he|d). ArcMo w||| creote o new
ro:ter |oyer :o :ec|fy on oror|ote |ocot|on ond nome. 1he Outut ce|| :|ze
refer: to the :|ze of the |nd|u|duo| ce||: thot w||| mohe u the qr|d. 1he :mo||er
you mohe the:e, the hner (:moother) your den:|ty mo w||| be, but :mo|| ce||:
o|:o creote b|q h|e:. ArcMo w||| offer o :uqqe:ted :eorch rod|u:. 1h|: refer: to
how for owoy from eoch ce|| o|nt: w||| |nuence the den:|ty uo|ue. 1he :mo||er
the rod|u:, the coor:er the den:|ty mo.
9 | C R E A T N G D E N S T Y M A P S
|t w||| tohe o few :econd: for ArcMo to qenerote the den:|ty mo. Vou w|||
:ee the word: Den:|ty... Den:|ty... Den:|ty oeor ot the bottom r|qht of your
:creen wh||e |t |: :t||| roce::|nq. e ot|ent becou:e th|: |: o |ot of roce::|nq.
|n effect, ArcC|5 |: co|cu|ot|nq the number of o|nt: w|th|n the :eorch rod|u:
you :ec|hed for euery ce|| ocro:: the oreo couered by your o|nt :hoeh|e ond
we|qht|nq the o|nt: bo:ed uon how c|o:e they ore to the ce||. A new ro:ter
|oyer w||| oeor |n your 1ob|e of Content:, under your o|nt :hoeh|e. 1urn off
your o|nt :hoeh|e :o you con |n:ect the new |oyer.
|f you zoom |n on the den:|ty mo, you w||| be ob|e to :ee the |nd|u|duo| ce||:
thot mohe u the ro:ter :urfoce. och of the:e ce||: w||| be the :|ze you :ec|hed
when you co|cu|oted the ro:ter den:|ty. |f your mo |ooh: too qro|ny, euen when
you ore zoomed out, try o :mo||er ce|| :|ze. U:e the |dent|fy (|) too| to |dent|fy
the ottr|bute: for on |nd|u|duo| ce||. Not|ce thot there |: ju:t one ottr|bute, the
|xe| uo|ue. 1h|: rere:ent: the den:|ty uo|ue of o|nt: bo:ed on thot |ocot|on.
1he number doe:n't meon much by |t:e|f, but |t |: u:efu| o: o re|ot|ue meo:ure.
Don't try to |nterret the number: too ||tero||y. Vou m|qht con:|der chonq|nq the
|obe|: for your den:|ty mo
|oyer u:|nq the ot|on: |n
the 5ymbo|oqy tob of the
Loyer roert|e:. Vou con
exc|ude ce||: from the co|or
rom where the den:|ty
uo|ue |: zero from the
5ymbo|oqy 1ob. C||ch on
the C|o::|fy button, then
xc|u:|on ond tye O |n
for the xc|uded uo|ue.
1here ore no hord ond fo:t ru|e: for determ|n|nq the oror|ote :eorch rod|u:,
euen thouqh th|: cho|ce w||| houe o b|q |moct on how :mooth your doto ore.
Vou moy wont to try :euer| d|fferent
rod|| to mohe :ure the ottern you
ore :ee|nq |: robu:t. kee |n m|nd
thot the d|:tr|but|on of your o|nt:
moy reect on under|y|nq d|:tr|bu-
t|on (:uch o: ou|ot|on or hou:|nq
:toch) rother thon :ome :|qn|hcont
H | L L | R l U 5 | N C A R C V | v t O
1D Mode|: of Vector Doto
1D mode||nq hoen: |n Arc5cene rother thon ArcMo. Arc5cene |: o :eorote
o||cot|on (.exe h|e) thot you con |ounch from the 5tort Menu (roqrom:,
ArcC|5, then Arc5cene). Once oen, |t |ooh: :|m||or to ArcMo w|th o 1ob|e of
Content: |n the |eft, where the nome: of your mo |oyer: w||| oeor, ond o b|q
:oce to the r|qht where your mo |oyer: w||| drow. Vou odd mo |oyer: |nto
Arc5cene ju:t ||he ArcMo, w|th the Add Doto button or from the F||e menu,
Add Doto. Don't worry |f your mo |oyer: |ooh funny when you hr:t odd them.
Vector o|yqon: |oyer: w||| drow o: :o||d h|| co|or: w|thout ony out||ne:. o|nt:
ond ||ne: w||| |ooh more :|m||or to the woy they drow |n ArcMo. |t |: o::|b|e to
mohe o|nt: ond ||ne: 1D, but o|yqon: worh better.
Mo:t of the button: on the too|: too|bor for nou|qot|nq your mo |oyer: ore the
:ome |n Arc5cene o: ArcMo, but o few ore new.
1he nou|qote button |: the mo:t u:efu|. vhen you ho|d down the r|qht
mou:e button, you con :|n ond tw|:t your mo |oyer:, |ooh|nq oboue
or be|ow them ond from ony onq|e. |f you c||ch the |eft mou:e button, you w|||
be ob|e to zoom |n ond out cont|nuou:|y. |f you ho|d both button: down, you
con on your mo |oyer: (moue them oround w|thout zoom |n or out or t||t|nq
them). 1he zoom |nlout button o||ow: you to zoom |n ond out cont|nuou:|y (||he
the cont|nuou: zoom too| |n ArcMo). |t |: euen eo:|er |n Arc5cene to |oo:e troch
of where you ore thon |t |: |n ArcMo. C||ch on the fu|| extent button to
br|nq your mo |oyer: boch. 1he y too| o||ow: you to :woo |n ond
oround your mode| (cout|on: th|: moy cou:e mot|on :|chne::). H|t :c to :to.
|n order to mohe
your o|yqon: 1D,
doub|e c||ch on the
mo |oyer. Mo:t
of the tob: under
Loyer roert|e:
ore the :ome o:
ArcMo, but :ome
ore new. C||ch on
the xtru:|on tob.
Here you con enter
o con:tont uo|ue
under xtru:|on
Vo|ue or xre:-
:|on |n order to
mohe the ent|re |oyer the :ome he|qht. 1h|: mohe: :en:e |n :ome :|tuot|on:, :uch
o: when extrud|nq :treet: ond :|dewo|h: |n on |meru|ou: :urfoce |oyer.
tO l vORk|NC v|1H 1D
1 0 | W O R K N G W T H 3 D
often, you
w||| wont
to extrude
bo:ed on
on ottr|-
bute. For
exom|e, |f
you houe
o he|qht
uor|ob|e, you con extrude the o|yqon: to reect th|:. C||ch on the ||tt|e co|cu|o-
tor to the r|qht of the xtru:|on uo|ue or exre::|on box ond u:e the xre:-
:|on u||der to creote o formu|o for the he|qht of the bu||d|nq. Vou moy need
to odju:t the formu|o |oter to
mohe your re|ot|ue he|qht: worh,
but don't worry too much ot th|:
o|nt. C||ch Ok ond then c||ch
Ok oqo|n. Now your bu||d|nq:
:hou|d be d|fferent he|qht:. Vou
con u:e ottr|bute: other thon
he|qht or e|euot|on o: the bo:|: of
the extru:|on. For exom|e, you
con extrude ne|qhborhood: bo:ed
on the omount of cr|me.
|n order to :ee the d|fference: |n
the he|qht more c|eor|y, u:e the
ot|on: under the 5ymbo|oqy tob (u:e th|: ju:t the woy you do |n ArcMo) to
mohe d|fferent he|qht: d|fferent co|or: (qroduoted co|or mo bo:ed on he|qht
uor|ob|e). Vou con u:e d|fferent uor|ob|e: for the bo:|: of your extru:|on ond
:ymbo|oqy, e:ec|o||y when you ore extrud|nq bo:ed on he|qht or e|euot|on. For
exom|e, you con u:e the extru:|on ot|on to mohe bu||d|nq: d|fferent he|qht:
ond then u:e the :ymbo|oqy ot|on: to u:e d|fferent co|or: to :how wh|ch roer-
t|e: ore uocont.
5cene roert|e:
|n:teod of hou|nq Doto Frome:, ||he |n ArcMo, Arc5cene ho: :cene:. Vou
con chonqe the roert|e: of the :cene--|nc|ud|nq the bochqround co|or, uert|co|
exoqqerot|on, ond |||um|not|on--from the 5cene roert|e:. Doub|e-c||ch on
the word 5cene roert|e: ot the to of your tob|e of content: or qo to the
V|ew menu ond 5cene roert|e:. From the Cenero| tob, you con chonqe the
bochqround co|or (b|och |ooh: retty coo|). Vou con o|:o chonqe the uert|co|
exoqqerot|on. 1h|: |: e:ec|o||y he|fu| when your |oyer: |ooh too ot or woy too
to|| ofter extru:|on. C||ch on co|cu|ote extent for Arc5cene': :uqqe:t|on for how
much you :hou|d exoqqerote the uert|co| extent.
H | L L | R l U 5 | N C A R C V | v t O
|f you ut o chech morh |n the nob|e An|moted Rotot|on box, you con mohe
your 1D :cene :|n oround cont|nuou:|y. Rotote your :cene w|th the nou|qote
button, then |et qo of the
mou:e button wh||e the
:cene |: :t||| mou|nq. |moq|ne
thot your :cene |: :|tt|nq
on to of o |ozy :u:on ond
you ore ju:t q|u|nq |t o u:h
|n the r|qht d|rect|on. H|t
:c to :to the on|mot|on.
From the |||um|not|on tob,
you con chonqe the he|qht
ond d|rect|on of the :un to
odju:t the ||qht|nq |n your
1D :cene.
1D Mode|: for Ro:ter Doto
Ro:ter doto mohe: for qreot 1D mode|: |n Arc5cene. Add your ro:ter |oyer to
Arc5cene ju:t o: you do uector |oyer:. |f you ore o:hed obout bu||d|nq yrom|d:,
:oy ye:. Don't worry |f your mo |oyer |ooh: funny when you odd |t. From the
Loyer roert|e: c||ch on the o:e He|qht: tob. C||ch the rod|o button next to
obto|n he|qht: for |oyer from :urfoce. 1h|: meon: thot the uo|ue: :tored |n your
ro:ter |oyer w||| be u:ed o: the bo:|: for the |oyer': he|qht. 1hen from the 5ym-
bo|oqy tob, :w|tch to o c|o::|hed mo ond :ymbo||ze your mo u:|nq one of the
co|or rom:. Vou moy wont to exc|ude o|| O ro:ter uo|ue: (c||ch on c|o::|fy, then
exc|u:|on ond tye |n O) ond odd extro c|o::e: :o thot the co|or rom :how:
more qroduo| d|fference: |n uo|ue.
An|mot|nq 1D 5cene:
1o on|mote your 1D :cene, you need the An|mot|on 1oo|bor to be u|:|b|e (V|ew
menu to too|bor:, then An|mot|on). 1he on|mot|on w||| be bo:ed on o :er|e: of
:no:hot: of your 1D :cene. U:e the nou|qote too| to creote the hr:t er:ect|ue.
C||ch on the comero button once (or u:e Ctr| - A). U:e the nou|qote too| to
choo:e your next er:ect|ue, then c||ch on the comero. vhen you houe creoted
o|| your |moqe:, oen the on|mot|on too|: (u:|nq the button ot the for r|qht of
on|mot|on too|bor). C||ch on the |oy button to u|ew your on|mot|on. Vou con
odju:t the |enqth (from ot|on: button) ond :eed (from An|mot|on menu, An|-
mot|on Monoqer) of your on|mot|on.
5ou|nq 1D 5cene:
Vou con :oue your 1D :cene |n the :ome woy you :oue o mo document |n
ArcMo. |n:teod of on .mxd h|e, you w||| creote on .:xd h|e. 5|nce the:e behoue |n
the :ome woy o: .mxd h|e:, you need to remember to hee the .:xd h|e w|th the
:hoeh|e: or ro:ter |oyer: uon wh|ch the 1D :cene |: bu||t. 1o exort on |moqe
from Arc5cene o: o 2D |moqe, qo to the F||e menu ond xort :cene ond
2D. Vou con o|:o :oue on on|mot|on o: o u|deo h|e.
1 0 | W O R K N G W T H 3 D
tt l AN|MA1|NC 1|M 5R|5 DA1A
ArcC|5 ho: two too|: for rere:ent|nq t|me :er|e: doto--the An|mot|on 1oo|bor
ond the 1roch|nq Ano|y:t. oth requ|re thot eoch record |n your :hoeh|e |:
t|me-:tomed meon|nq thot one of the ottr|bute: |: o dote. 1h|: cou|d be |n
the formot of :econd::m|nute::hour: :uch o: the doto qeneroted by C5 deu|ce:
or :|m|y o yeor or decode o::oc|oted w|th cen:u: doto. 1roch|nq Ano|y:t worh:
be:t w|th C5 doto wh||e the An|mot|on 1oo|bor worh: we|| w|th oreo doto thot
ore ort of o t|me :er|e: ond o|nt doto thot houe :tort ond end dote:.
An|mot|on 1oo|bor
Mohe the on|mot|on too|bor oct|ue (from
the Cu:tom|ze menu, qo to1oo|bor:, then
An|mot|on). Add |n the :hoeh|e thot you
wont to on|mote, for exom|e, o o|nt
:hoeh|e w|th o|| the theoter: |n h||ode|h|o thot oeroted between tssO ond
2OO9. From the Loyer roert|e:, qo to the 1|me tob ond enob|e t|me on th|:
|oyer. Choo:e the oro|rote dro-down ot|on under Loyer 1|me |nd|cot|nq
whether you houe o :tort ond end dote or ju:t :|nq|e o|nt |n t|me. |nd|cote the
he|d: w|th the :tort ond end t|me: ond mohe :ure the 1|me 5te |nteruo| |: :et.
C||ch Ok. From the menu on the An|mot|on 1oo|bor, qo to Creote 1|me An|-
mot|on. U:e the An|mot|on Contro|: to dec|de how |onq the on|mot|on :hou|d
run. 1hen c||ch the |oy button to wotch the on|mot|on.
Under 5tort 1|me, choo:e the uor|ob|e
thot |nc|ude: the oen|nq dote, then
choo:e the formot. |f you houe on nd
1|me, h|| |n tho:e he|d: the :ome woy.
1hen c||ch Creote. C||ch on the button
the for r|qht :|de of the An|mot|on
too|bor to occe:: the on|mot|on contro|:.
re:: the |oy button. Vour o|nt:
:hou|d beq|n oeor|nq ond d|:o-
eor|nq. Vou con o|:o u|ew the chonqe
ouer t|me u:|nq the 1|me 5||der. vhen
temoro| doto ore re:ent, the t|me :||der button on the 1oo|: too|bor |: oct|-
uoted. C||ch on |t to oen the 1|me 5||der.
Vou con exort the on|mot|on o: o u|deo from the An|mot|on menu on the An|-
mot|on too|bor. Note: the:e h|e: con become |orqe uery qu|ch|y.
Vou con o|:o on|mote oreo| (o|yqon) doto :uch o: U5 cen:u: doto, o|thouqh
th|: |nuo|ue: :ome con:|derob|e reformott|nq to worh. |n order to on|mote, you
need to houe o :eorote row for eoch record (o|yqon, :uch o: o cen:u: troct)
for eoch t|me er|od. |n order for th|: o|yqon :hoeh|e to worh w|th the An|-
mot|on too|bor, you mu:t creote o new record (rere:ent|nq o :tote) for eoch
t|me er|od. Vou con do th|: by merq|nq mu|t||e co|e: of the :ome :hoeh|e
toqether u:|nq the Merqe too|bor. |n the end, your tob|e :hou|d ||:t eoch of your
H | L L | R l U 5 | N C A R C V | v t O
efore you con u|ew the on|mot|on, you mu:t :ymbo||ze your o|yqon :hoeh|e.
1he mo thot oeor: w||| be for the hr:t doto o|nt. Co to the |oyer roert|e:
ond c||ch on the 1|me tob. ut o chech morh |n the hr:t box, to nob|e t|me
on th|: |oyer. |dent|fy the he|d w|th the dote ond :ec|fy the t|me |nteruo|. C||ch
Ok. Next, odd the An|mot|on too|bor (Cu:tom|ze menu, then 1oo|bor:).
From the An|mot|on menu, choo:e Creote 1|me Loyer An|mot|on. Vou :hou|d
rece|ue o me::oqe thot the 1|me Loyer An|mot|on ho: been creoted, c||ch Ok.
C||ch on the Oen An|mot|on 1oo|: button on the An|mot|on 1oo|bor, then
c||ch the Ot|on: button. C||ch on Ot|on: from the An|mot|on contro|: to
chonqe the :eed of the on|mot|on. Vou con o|:o creote o u|deo. From the An|-
mot|on menu, choo:e xort An|mot|on...
qeoqroh|c oreo: (cen:u: troct:, :tote:, etc) mu|t||e t|me:, eoch t|me w|th o d|f-
ferent dote ond uo|ue for the uor|ob|e of |ntere:t.
1 1 | A N M A T N G T M E S E R E S D A T A
1roch|nq Ano|y:t
1roch|nq Ano|y:t |: |deo| for worh|nq w|th doto co||ected w|th o C5. Add your
o|nt :hoeh|e. e :ure the 1roch|nq Ano|y:t xten:|on |: turned on (from the
1oo|: menu, qo to xten:|on: ond mohe :ure there |: o chech morh next to
1roch|nq Ano|y:t). Mohe the 1roch|nq Ano|y:t too|bor u|:|b|e (from the V|ew
menu, qo to 1oo|bord: ond then 1roch|nq Ano|y:t.
C||ch on the Add 1emoro| Doto
button on the 1roch|nq Ano|y:t
too|bor (ye||ow dot w|th o + |n the
m|dd|e). |f your :hoeh|e |nc|ude:
the t|me ottr|bute, you con :e|ect the hr:t rod|o button. Next, c||ch on the brow:e
button to |ocote your :hoeh|e. From the next dro-down w|ndow, choo:e the
uor|ob|e thot |nc|ude: your t|me he|d. C||ch Next. 5ec|fy the formot of your
t|me doto ond c||ch Next, then c||ch F|n|:h (you don't need to :ec|fy o query.
A new uent: theme w||| oeor |n your 1ob|e of Content:.
C||ch on the wh|te |oyboch Monqer button. Vou con monuo||y moue throuqh
your on|mot|on by droqq|nq the red bor ocro:: your doto o|nt:. C||ch on
Ot|on: to odju:t the |oyboch rote (t :econd er hour, for exom|e) ond then
hne-tune the |oyboch rote w|th the 5|ower-Fo:ter bor. u:h |oy.
Vou con chonqe :ome of the :ymbo|oqy to mohe |t eo:|er to :ee the mouement
of the o|nt:. Doub|e-c||ch on your uent: theme. From the 1|me tob,
con:|der your two ot|on: for d|:|oy|nq the euent:. 1he :econd ot|on worh: we||
|f you houe the or|q|no| o|nt :hoeh|e (not the euent theme). e :ure to mohe
the dot: :mo|| (2t) ond b|och ond mohe the euent :ymbo| bo|d (:uch o: o b|q
red c|rc|e).
H | L L | R l U 5 | N C A R C V | v t O
Cortoqrom: ore the qu|nte::ent|o| un-C|5 mo |n thot they de||berote|y d|:tort
oreo |n order to better rere:ent :ome ottr|bute uo|ue. 1he be:t cortoqrom: ore
hond-drown, but |n recent yeor:, outomoted comuter rout|ne: for re:ho|nq
mo: houe become better ond better. 1he Cortoqrom :cr|t wr|tten by 1om
Cro:: for ArcC|5 bo:ed on the methodo|oqy deue|oed by Morh Newmon ond
M|choe| Co:tner ot the Un|uer:|ty of M|ch|qon worh: qu|te we|| ond |: ouo||-
ob|e for free down|ood ot htt:llorc:cr|t:.e:r|.comldeto||:.o:!db|d-ts1s. 1he
h|e you down|ood w||| be on .exe ond w||| odd o Reod Me h|e ond ArcMo
document demo to your 5tort menu, under roqrom:.
Cortoqrom: worh w|th oreo| (o|yqon) doto. 1h|: Cortoqrom :cr|t requ|re: thot
your doto be |n the form of o qeodotobo:e, wh|ch tohe the form of Acce:: do-
tobo:e: ond con |ncororote mu|t||e :hoeh|e:. Vou con creote o er:ono| qeo-
dotobo:e |n ArcCoto|oq. 1o odd the cortoqrom :cr|t, |ounch Arc1oo|box (c||ch
on the red too|box ot the to of the :creen). R|qht c||ch |n on emty oreo ond qo
to odd too|box. From the cortoqrom fo|der, odd the cortoqrom too|box. Vou
:hou|d :ee |t ||:ted |n your Arc1oo|box fouor|te:. |f you houe troub|e, |t |: robob|y
becou:e you do not houe erm|::|on to odd new roqrom: to your comuter.
Add the :hoeh|e |n thot w||| be the bo:|: of your cortoqrom. 1he cortoqrom
too| w||| on|y worh w|th non-zero ond o:|t|ue ottr|bute uo|ue:, :o be :ure to
recode the uor|ob|e(:) of |ntere:t o: nece::ory. From Arc1oo|box, doub|e c||ch
Creote o cortoqrom. |n the hr:t drodown menu, choo:e your mo |oyer. |n
the :econd, choo:e the ottr|bute thot w||| be the bo:|: for the cortoqrom (count:
worh better thon rote:). |n the th|rd drodown, c||ch on the fo|der on the r|qht,
nou|qote to your qeodotobo:e. C|ue your cortoqrom o nome ond c||ch 5oue.
Leoue the remo|n|nq drodown menu: b|onh or |eoue the defou|t uo|ue: |f they
oeor. ut o chech morh |n Coy the Or|q|no| o|yqon Feoture: tob|e to the
Outut Cortoqrom Feoture:. C||ch Ok.
5ymbo||ze your re:u|t|nq cortoqrom by doub|e-c||ch|nq on the new :hoeh|e ond
qo|nq to the :ymbo|oqy tob. Croduoted co|or: w||| ||he|y be the be:t cho|ce.
1 2 | C A R T O G R A M S
t1 l 1ROUL5HOO1|NC
| con't :oue my h|e:...
Are you :ou|nq to o wr|te-ob|e dr|ue (you con't :oue to o cd)! |f :o, chonqe the
|ocot|on where you ore try|nq to :oue the h|e. Houe you run out of room on your
dr|ue! 1ry de|et|nq :ome o|d h|e: (|f you ore de|et|nq mo |oyer:, be :ure to u:e
My :co|e bor |:n't r|qht...
Are the un|t: unhnown! Vou need to dehne the roject|on for one or more
of your mo |oyer:. Do the un|t: :how u but not mohe :en:e! For exom|e,
doe: |t :how thot Center C|ty h||ode|h|o |: 1O m||e: w|de! Vour roject|on wo:
robob|y dehned |ncorrect|y. 5tort ouer w|th your or|q|no| mo |oyer ond worh
throuqh the roject|on :te: oqo|n.
My mo |ooh: :hewed...
D|d you exort the mo |n |mort |t |nto M5 vord, owero|nt or other h|e!
Vou moy houe :hewed |t here, wh||e re:|z|nq. xort the mo oqo|n. Re:|ze on|y
from the corner:, not the :|de: (re:|z|nq from the :|de: :qu|:he: the mo). Are
your doto rojected! Chech the coord|note: |n the bottom r|qht of your mo |n
the mo u|ew. |f you :ee |onq|tudel|ot|tude coord|note:, thot': the rob|em. e
:ure to dehne, then roject the doto.
| con't jo|n my ottr|bute tob|e...
Are you :tort|nq w|th the :hoeh|e! e :ure to r|qht c||ch on the :hoeh|e you
ore jo|n|nq your doto to, then choo:e jo|n. Houe you |dent|hed on |dent|co| jo|n
he|d |n both tob|e:! Oen both tob|e:. 5ort them both o:cend|nq to de:cend|nq
to mohe :ure they ore the :ome. Count the number of d|q|t:. Mohe :ure both ore
formotted o: :tr|nq (|eft ju:t|hed) or number (r|qht ju:t|hed).
| con't oen the ottr|bute tob|e ofter the jo|n...
R|qht c||ch on the :hoeh|e to wh|ch you were try|nq to jo|n the ottr|bute tob|e,
qo to Doto ond xort Doto to :oue the h|e under new nome, then odd |t
boch |n. Are there :oce: |n nome: of ony of your uor|ob|e:! Mohe the chonqe:
out:|de ArcMo (|n xce|, for exom|e) or |n ArcMo, by creot|nq o new co|umn
w|th o new uor|ob|e nome, then :et |t equo| to the o|d uor|ob|e, then de|ete the
co|umn w|th the :oce |n the nome.
| con't oddloen my tob|e to ArcV|ew...
|: |t oen onywhere e|:e (||he |n xce|)! |f :o, c|o:e ond re-try. Are there :oce:
|n the nome: of ony of your uor|ob|e:! |f :o, correct th|: |n xce|, re-:oue, ond try
| con't :ee my tob|e |n the tob|e of content:...
C||ch on the L|:t by 5ource button on the to |eft corner of the 1ob|e of
| con't moue my |oyer: u or down |n the 1ob|e of
C||ch on the L|:t by Drow|nq Order button on the to |eft corner of the 1ob|e
of Content:, then retry.
| mode o chonqe, but | don't :ee |t on the :creen...
Refre:h the qroh|c: (orrow: |n o c|rc|e next to mo u|ew ond |oyout u|ew
| qet on error me::oqe when | co|cu|ote uo|ue:...
Are you d|u|d|nq by zero! 5ort the co|umn w|th your denom|notor to |ooh for
zero:. H|qh||qht euery row w|th o zero, :w|tch the :e|ect|on :o thot o|| non-zero
row: o: h|qh||qhted, then try your co|cu|ot|on oqo|n.
| ju:t qet O ond t when |'m try|nq to co|cu|ote o ercent...
Vou robob|y formotted your co|umn o: o :hort |nteqer rother thon doub|e.
De|ete the co|umn (r|qht c||ch on co|umn nome, de|ete) ond creote o new one.
5t||| :tuch!
C|o:e ArcV|ew, re-:tort ond try oqo|n. 1ry o new comuter :omewhere e|:e (d|f-
ferent |ob). A:h for he|. Don't worry, retty much eueryone doe: ot :ome o|nt
(or ot |eo:t they :hou|d).
H | L L | R l U 5 | N C A R C V | v t O

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