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Q: Find single word for these phrases by keeping in mind Conciseness of 7 Cs:

Along the same lines Patronized Due to the fact that In fact In accordance with your request Per Request At the same time Moment by During the time of the day Day time Allow me to say Let me say Consensus of the opinion An Agreement For a price of Worth Rupees Please be advised Date of Policy Policy date For the year Please find attached Attached herewith

Q: Rewrite the following by omitting articles, trite expressions, rambling sentences and

1. At this time I am writing to you to enclose the postpaid appointment card for the purpose of arranging a convenient time when we might get-together for a personal interview. Ans: Im sending you an enclosed postpaid appointment card to schedule an interview time convenient for you. 2. We hereby wish to let you know that we fully appreciate the confidence you have reposed in us. Ans: We appreciate your confidence for us 3. Will you ship us sometime, any time during the month of October, or even November if you are rushed, for November will suit us just as well, in fact a little bit better, 300 of the regular three and a half inch blue arm bands with white sewn letter in the middle.


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