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True Or False

1.Long time ago in east java,lived a beautiful girl named sangkuriang * FALSE, ong time ago in west ,lived a beautiful girl named Dayang sumbi 2.One day,when he was hunting,sangkuriang accidentally killed Dayang sumbi * FALSE one day when he was hunting,sangkuriang accidentally killed Tumang 3.The boat then became a mounthain,called mount tangkuban perahu * TRUE 4.The water drained from the lake becoming a wide plain and nowdays become a city called Surabaya *FALSE The water drained from the lake becoming a wide plain and nowdays become a city called Bandung 5.The prince then changed into a dog named tumang

Multiple-choice 6.Who name their children a.Tumang b.Simon 7.What is the name of the mountain a.Tangkuban perahu a A b.Semeru c.Punjak jaya d.Slamet c. Sangkuring c d.Dayang sumbi

8. How their lives after marriage? a.Suffer



b.Happily 9. Whose name the man who killed sangkuriang a.Andi b.Rudi


c.Dayng sumbi d. Tumang d

10. How the ladies Sumbi reaction upon learning that his son killed the dog a.Happy b.Very sad b c.Laugh d. ordinary

Essay 1. 2. 3. 4. Where does the lady come Sumbi Sumbi ladies from west java What makes the ladies Sumbi angry sangkuriang Because sangkuriang had killed Tumang own biological father What Dayang Sumbi not want to marry Sangkuriang because it is his own child sangkuriang what makes the ladies love sangkuriang Sumbi because Sumbi ladies look so young and pretty, she did not realize that her mother waiting Sumbi 5. What happens with Tumang after they have children Tumang turn into a dog after they have children

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