To Grow Up

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499110335 Sherry Hsiung To Grow Up Generally, all creatures must grow up in their life.

We need to explore or try something new, which can let us become mature and learn more knowledge. Most of all, we have to leave the safety of a place such as, home and same places will limit our creation and ability. We should try our best to try new things, and we can learn more things which can not be imaged. I saw a movie, Persepolis which is a 2007 French animated film based on Marjane Satrapis autobiographical graphic novel of the same name. Persepolis is a reference to the historic city. Marjane Satrapi is an Iranian-born French contemporary graphic novelist, illustrator, animated film director, and the childrens book author. Persepolis is a story about Marjane Satrapi. The story follows a young girl, Marjane, as she comes of age against the backdrop of the Iranian Revolution. She is a white wannabe. She has dreams of being a prophet and an emulator of Bruce Lee. She loves to image anything in her life. But, people think that she is a strange kid in Iran, because conservative ideas are rooted in the Iranians mind. Fearing her arrest for her outspokenness, Marjis parents make the difficult decision to send her to a French Lycee in Vienna, Austria in 1993, where she could be safe and free to express herself. When she left her family, she felt sad and fearing. Even though the life of future is

unknown, she still keeps her mind and being brave to face what will come to her. When she studied in Austria, she saw many things which she never saw before, and she learned and experience many things, such as, relationship, western culture, and so on. I think she is very brave to study abroad, because I can not bear such lonely feeling. Though she encountered many problems in Austria, she still remembers the talking with her grandmother which asked her always remember that who she is and where she is from.

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