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Nuoc Chamsauce

Ingredinten Porties: 6 2 teentjes knoflook, fijngesneden 1 theelepel gemalen droge chilischilfers 3 eetlepels suiker 2 eetlepels limoensap 4 eetlepels vissaus 225 ml water

Bereidingswijze Voorbereiding: 5 minuten 1.In een middelgrote kom knoflook, chilipeper, suiker, limoensap, vissaus en water vermengen en naar smaak kruiden.

Mango and shrimp salad

Ingredients (for 4 persons) 400 gram of shrimps 200 gram of mushrooms 1 Mango 1 Lettuce 1 Red onion 1 Lime 3 table spoons of olive oil Salt & Pepper Instructions 1) Peel and chop the onions. Squeeze lime in a glass and pour the onions slices into juice. Leave it so it marinates. 2) Peel shrimps. 3) Chop mushrooms. 4) Peel and dice the mango. 5) Wash and dry lettuce thoroughly. Put it on the plate. 6) Add shrimps, mushrooms, mango dices, marinated onions with its lime juice, salt and pepper. 7) Add juice from the remaining half of the lime along with olive oil 8) Mix well, try it and adjust seasoning according to your own tast.

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