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LaTex Guidelines: 1) Always upload the main LaTeX file first, selecting the file designation of Main Document.

2) Then, upload each file that is related to the main .TEX file and is needed for processing, selecting the file designation of TeX/LaTeX Suppl File. - Be sure to upload all style sheets, and reference and bibliography files that are a part of the document. - All image files must be saved and uploaded in .EPS format in order for the file to properly format and convert. - If changes are made to the main LaTeX document after all of the related files have been uploaded, all supplementary LaTeX files will have to be removed and re-uploaded. * ScholarOne Manuscripts supports LaTeX v7.4.5 and earlier. Additional information: When uploading a TeX/LaTeX main document, the system will analyze the file to determine what additional resource files (such as image files and bibliographic files) are necessary to complete the document. The system will not allow you to submit your manuscript until you have completed your TeX/LaTeX document upload, including all necessary resource files. The system will also not allow you submit your manuscript if you designate a file as a TeX/LaTeX Suppl File and it is not referenced by any TeX/LaTeX files uploaded to the system. When you view the HTML proof of your manuscript, the link to your TeX/LaTeX document will open the PDF proof. This is necessary to ensure all formulas and other special formatting are rendered correctly. Files uploaded as TeX/LaTeX Suppl Files will not be viewable as individual files in the HTML proof and will not be rendered independently of the entire TeX/LaTeX document. Therefore, images and other content will show up in the PDF proof at the location specified in your TeX/LaTeX document. In addition, captions for images displayed within a TeX/LaTeX proof must be created in the TeX/LaTeX document, since image proofs cannot be created separately.

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