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ISRAELI CODE 2413 - 2003

GUIDELINES FOR SEISMC RESISTANCE ASSESSMENT AND FOR STRENGTHENING OF EXISTING BUILDINGS The present Standard has been prepared by the Committee of Specialists as follows : Yoram Amir Avy Burstein Edward Leibovich Alex. Neginski Adrian Scarlat (Chairman) Rina Farkhat Doron Shalev 3It has been approved by the Technical Committee no. 104 Loads on Structures composed of : Shmuel Ravin, Avigdor Rutenberg, Ram Weinberger, Adrian Scarlat, Dora Dickman, Moshe Sokolovski, Rina Farkhat Additional contributors: Michael Bogomolni, Yuli Sadler, Claudia Reinhorn, Renee Eisenstein. Gyora Yanai and Moshe Carmel have been coordinators.

2 TABLE OF CONTENTS Introduction Chapter A General problems 1.1 Scope 1.2 Cited documents 1.3 Definitions 1.4 Units 1.5 Symbols Chapter B Rapid evaluation (Level I) 2.1 General 2.2 Evaluation table 2.3 Explanation for the coefficients given in the Table 1 Chapter C First screening (Level II) 3.1 General 3.2 Seismic resistance 3.3 Structures that do nod require seismic checking 3.4 Total seismic force FT 3.5 Basic data and correction factors (f) for the total seismic force FT 3.6 Total bearing capacity FaT of the checked story 3.7 Bearing capacity of the structural elements of the structure 3.8 Correction factors (a) for the total bearing capacity FaT Chapter D Seismic checking of existing buildings to Israeli Standard 413 (Level III) 4.1 General 4.2 Force reduction coefficient K 4.3 Determination of the total horizontal seismic design force FH 4.4 Bearing elements 4.5 Level of technical documentation 4.6 Present state of the structure 4.7 Joints 4.8 Short columns 4.9 Foundations 4.10 Additions to an existing structure Chapter E Principles for strengthening existing structures 5.1 General guidelines 5.2 Methods for strengthening structures 5.3 Methods for strengthening foundations 5.4 Joints between existing structures and strengthening elements

Appendix A Estimate of the total weight of the structure (WT) within the frame of 1st screening (Level II) Appendix B Horizontal regularity within the frame of 1st screening (Level II) Appendix C Vertical regularity within the frame of 1st screening (Level II) Appendix D Numerical example for determining the seismic index Appendix E Questionnaire for collecting data for the 1st screening evaluation Appendix F Catalogue: Solutions for seismic strengthening of existing buildings (to be completed periodically)

4 INTRODUCTION The present code deals with existing buildings, for which an assessment of their seismic resistance or seismic strengthening are required. The code comprises two topics: 1. Seismic assessment of estimated seismic resistance of existing structures. 2. Procedures for seismic strengthening of existing buildings. The first topic refers to three levels : Level I : Rapid evaluation, according to the coefficients and modifiers included in a given table intended for a wide group of buildings (see Chapter B). The results yielded by this analysis have a statistical value, only. They should be not used when the seismic resistance of a given structure is required. Level II : First screening of a given existing structure, according to the results yielded by the Israeli seismic code 413 (see Chapter C). The results should be used for an approximate seismic assessment of a given building. When the results provided by this analysis do not show that the seismic resistance of the structures is obviously sufficient, we have to carry out an additional analysis to the Israeli code 413. Level III : Seismic analysis carried on to the Israeli code 413. Taking into account that the Israeli code 413 is intended for seismic design of new structures, we have to take into account the additional provisions given in Chapter D. The second topic refers to strengthening of existing structures and comprises principles to this aim and also a catalogue of typical solutions (see Chapter E). This catalogue will be completed periodically with additional solutions. The present code provides guidelines intended for assessing the seismic resistance of existing structures, when required. It is not intended to choose specific buildings, but to provide tools for checking and strengthening buildings following an order. If new procedures will develop dealing with seismic checking / strengthening, they should be used after a proper recommendation will be approved by an authorized institution.


1.1 Scope The present code is intended to detail guidelines for seismic assessment / strengthening existing buildings in compliance with the provisions of the Israeli code 413. It is not intended to determine the quality and their compliance with the seismic codes in force at the time of their design. A classification of the structures to be checked by the present code is given in par. 105.1.1 105.1.3 of the Israeli code 413. 1.2 Cited documents Following is given a list of codes and regulations cited in the present code (when not specified otherwise, the latest edition should be taken into account). Israeli documents IS 413 - Seismic resistance of structures IS 466 4 Precast elements and structures in concrete IS 940 Foundations IS 1225 2 Steel constructions Introduction Regulations issued by the Israeli Institute for Standards Regulation 270 2 Roofs in timber with light decks European codes ENV 1998-1-4: 1996, Eurocode 8 Design provisions for earthquake resistance of structures National codes BS 5628: 1985 Code of practice for use of masonry BS 3700: 2001 Masonry structures Foreign documents ACI 318: 2002 Structural Concrete Code New Zealand National Society for earthquake engineering: June 1996 (Draft for general release). The assessment and improvement of the structural performance of earthquake risk buildings

6 1.3 Definitions The definitions used in the Israeli Standard 413 are in force also for the present code. In addition, the following definitions are in force: 1.3.1 Rapid evaluation

Assessment of the seismic resistance of a group of existing structures according to the procedure detailed in par. B. 1.3.2 First screening

Assessment of the seismic resistance of an existing structure according to the procedure detailed in par. C. 1.3.3 Block

Part of the building, limited by expansion joints or by the buildings extremities. 1.3.4 Seismic index

Numerical ratio, where the numerator denotes the total capacity of the structure and the denominator denotes the total seismic force acting upon it. 1.3.5 Authorized laboratory

The Israeli Institute for Standards or any other institution authorized by the responsible for standardization, in agreement with the par. 12a of the 1953 Standards law. 1.3.6 Dowel

Steel bar designed to protrude from a concrete element, intended to ensure the connection between this element and an additional concrete element to be cast in the future. 1.3.7 Anchorage

Steel bar introduced inside an existing concrete element and connected to it, intended to ensure the connection between the existing element and a new one. 1.3.8 Substructure

Structural element belonging to the story structure.

7 1.4 Symbols The symbols used in the present code are the following : A - area of horizontal cross section of steel column (sqm) Ac - area of horizontal cross section of RC core (sqm) Av - area of steel dowel (sqm) As - area of cross section of steel plate (sqm) AswT - total area of horizontal cross sections of shear walls in the formula (B.1) (sqm) Af - total area of slabs above the checked floor (sqm) Asm - total area of horizontal cross sections of structural masonry / stone shear walls at the checked story (sqm) sw - total area of horizontal cross sections of RC shear walls at the checked story, parallel to the seismic forces (sqm) Asm - total area of horizontal cross sections of masonry / stone structural shear walls, perpendicular to the seismic forces (sqm) sw - total area of horizontal cross sections of RC structural shear walls, perpendicular to the seismic forces (sqm) a - modifier, as defined at par.3.8 (adimensional) ad - modifier, referring to the existing technical documentation - modifier, referring to the kind and position of foundation (when close to a af slope) aj - modifier, referring to existing temperature joints ao - modifier, reserved for the inspection engineer ap - modifier, referring to the present situation of the structure - modifier, referring to precast elements as asc - modifier, referring to short columns ay - modifier, referring to year of construction B - the maximum width of the slab, perpendicular to the direction of seismic forces (m) - dimension of a rectangular column, perpendicular to seismic forces (m) bc - width of a cross section (m) bw c - total seismic coefficient co - basic seismic coefficient - distance between a row of dowels to the side of concrete element cp cx, cy - distance between a dowel to the side of concrete element, parallel to directions x , y (m) D - diameter of a round column (m) d - distance between two structural walls (or cores), perpendicular to the direction of seismic forces (m) d - the same, but perpendicular to the direction of seismic forces Em - modulus of elasticity of uncracked masonry wall (MPa) e - eccentricity of center of masses CM to the center of gravity Go of a structural shear wall / core (m) Fa,c - total capacity of RC columns at a given story (kN) Fa,j - total capacity of the substructure j, at a given story (kN) Fa,sm - the same for masonry / stone shear walls (kN) Fa,st - the same - for steel columns (kN) Fa,sw - the same for RC columns (kN) FaT - total capacity of structural elements at a given story (kN) Fg - seismic force at intermediate story g (kN) FH - total design seismic force (kN)

8 - seismic force at top level (kN) - total seismic force (kN) - sum of seismic forces above level g (kN) - modifier, as defined at par. 3.5 (adimensional) - design strength of concrete at small eccentricity compression (MPa) - characteristic strength of concrete in compression, at 28 days (MPa) - strength of concrete in tension of a connector (MPa) - strength of masonry wall in compression (MPa) - modifier, referring to horizontal regularity - modifier, referring to importance of the structure - modifier, referring to the kind of soil - design strength of steel of dowel (MPa) - modifier, referring to vertical regularity - yield strength of steel plate (MPa) - permanent load (kN) - shear modulus of elasticity of uncracked masonry wall (MPa) - total height of building / block (m) - height of slope, as shown in Fig. 5 (m) - height of a given story (m) - size of horizontal cross section of rectangular column, parallel to seismic forces (m) IRE - seismic score, used in the Rapid evaluation procedure (adimensional) Is - seismic index, used in the First screening procedure (adimensional) kq - coefficient of decrease of seismic forces, as defined in the Israeli code 413 Lp - perimeter of a given slab (m) lo, l1,l2 - sizes of core (see Fig. B2), (m) - length of mechanical connector (m) la lb - anchorage length of dowel inside concrete (m) M - bending moment in column (kN m) Md - design resistant moment, as defined in Israeli code 466 1 (kN m) Nd - design axial force acting upon column or upon connector (kN) - design resistant force (kN) NRd n - number of stories nx, ny - number of dowels in directions x,y\ p - intensity of uniformly distributed load, when assessing the total seismic load of a structure (kN/sqm) Q - concentrated live load (kN) So - basic coefficient in the Rapid evaluation procedure, referring to the seismic zone SIi - stiffness index of a given story, intended to quantify the vertical regularity s - distance between dowels (m) scr - critical distance between dowels (m) - torsional index of a given story, intended to quantify the horizontal TIi regularity t - thickness of shear walls in a core (m) ts - thickness of steel plate (m) Vd - design shear force in a connector (kN) VRd - design resistant shear force (kN) W - modulus of resistance about an axis perpendicular to direction of seismic forces (cum) Fn FT FTg f fcd fck fctk fcm fh fi fs fsd fv fy G Gm H Ho h hc

9 WT Z j max f S v a a - total weight of a building / block (kN) - relative horizontal ground soil acceleration defined in Israeli code 413 - participation factor of substructure j (adimensional) - maximum participation factor - angle between axis x and the axis of a structural wall (see Fig. 2) - partial coefficient of security for loads (adimensional) - modifiers in the Rapid evaluation procedure - coefficient referring to the position of zero moment point for columns (adimensional) - slope of infill / excavation close to a foundation (Fig. B5) - coefficient defining the degree of technical documentation for a building - shear reinforcement ratio (%) - allowable resistance of steel element in tension (MPa) - allowable shear resistance of concrete (MPa)



The rapid evaluation process is a statistical method for determining the resistance of a group of structures (quarter, neighborhood, etc.) to loads stemming from seismic activity. The results obtained from the rapid evaluation are intended to assist in reaching decisions concerning an entire group of structures, but no conclusions may be drawn from the results regarding individual structures. Other more refined tests (see Level II described in Chapter C and Level III in Chapter D) are used for evaluating individual structures; the results obtained from the rapid evaluation assists in selecting the structures which require evaluation at these higher test levels. The Rapid evaluation method is based on the summing up of the parameters pertaining to the available general information (such as a plan for approval of a structure submitted to a local authority) and visual observation of external changes to the structure, without need to enter the building. The Rapid evaluation method is based on the referenced New Zealand document (see par. 1.2 above), but some modifications have been made due to the type of structures commonly found in Israel.


Evaluation table Table 1 given overleaf, used in the rapid evaluation method, presents the coefficients for various parameters and these must be summed up for determination of the status of the structure. After selecting the appropriate column from the table for the respective structure, according to the type of system which transmits the seismic forces , the basic coefficient So is selected for the seismic area (this area is a function of the Z coefficient the expected peak horizontal ground acceleration according to Israel Standard SI 413). Modifiers S are then added - either positive or negative values - according to the applicable parameters (see par. 2.3). The rapid evaluation coefficient IRE is calculated from the following formula. IRE = 1 / (S0 + S) where: IRE 1 expresses a satisfactory seismic resistance for the structure IRE <1 expresses an unsatisfactory seismic resistance for the structure. (1)

11 Table 1: Rapid Evaluation Coefficients (Statistical) for a Group of Structures (See explanation of coefficients in Para. 2.3)
Coefficients according to type of structure
Types of coefficients & parameters Ma so nry wal ls 1.6 1.4 1.2 0.2 0.3 0.8 0.1 0.1 Precast concrete bars 1.4 0.8 0.4 0.1 0.3 0.7 0.1 0.1 Large precast concrete panels 0.7 0.4 0.2 0.1 0.3 0.6 0.05 0.1 Frames with masonry infilll 0.8 0.5 0.3 0.1 0.4 0.7 0.1 0.1 0.3 0 -0.3 -0.2 0.1 0.3 0.4 -0.2 0.2 0.3 0.4 -0.3 0.15 0.2 0.1 -0.2 0 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.1 0.2 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.2 0.1 0.2 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.2 - 0.3 -0.2 -0.15 -0.2 Concrete: Structural walls 0.6 0.3 0.1 0.1 0.4 0.6 0.06 0.1 Concrete: Sway frames 1.0 0.5 0.2 0.1 0.3 0.7 0.1 0.2 Steel: Braced frames 0.7 0.5 0.4 0.1 0.3 0.7 0.1 0 0.2 Steel: Sway frames 0.8 0.4 0.3 0.1 0.3 0.7 0.1 0.1 0.2


Z>0.20 Z between 0.15-0.20 Z<0.15 Unsatisfactory state of the structure Horizontal irregularity Vertical irregularity Seismic pounding Short columns Constructed before 1970 Constructed between 1970 and 1980 Constructed after 1980 SL1 SL2 SL3 SL4 Proximity to fault line (Structures within a range of less than 50 m from a fault line suspected as active, shall l not be tested by this method)

2.3 2.3.1 2.3.2

Explanation of the coefficients given in Table 1 The basic coefficient So is selected as a function of the expected peak horizontal ground acceleration rate Z, according to Israel Standard SI 413. The modifier S is selected as a function of the following parameters, if such exist: i. Dissatisfaction with the condition of the structure: A modifier expressing the tester's dissatisfaction with the structure. ii. Horizontal irregularity: A modifier which indicates the existence of torsion problems in the structure due to significant asymmetric irregularity of the elements which provide horizontal stiffness. iii. Vertical irregularity: A modifier which indicates the low stiffness/resistance of a storey of the structure in relation to the stiffness of the storey above it (generally, a soft/weak storey). iv. Seismic shock: A modifier which stems from the pounding between two structural blocks separated by expansion joints which are narrower than that specified in Israel Standard SI 413, especially when the adjacent slabs are at different heights (levels).

12 v. Short columns: A modifier for the presence of short columns in a structure as specified in par. 4.8 vi. Modifiers for the footing of the structure: SL1: For a footing of a structure located on very stiff soil (such as rock) SL2: For a footing of a structure located on medium to highly stiff soil. SL3: For a footing of a structure of up to eight stories located on soft soil. SL4: For a footing of a structure with more than eight stories located on soft soil. g. Proximity to a fault line: Modifier for a structure located 50 m to 200 m from a fault line suspected of being active.
Comments: 1. When it is known that the structure has a pile foundation, then the coefficient SL1 is applied. 2. In the absence of any information on the soil, the SL3 coefficient is applied.


Chapter C : First Screening (Level II)

3.1 General The first screening process is applied to structures of up to 12 stories, which have a maximum height of 35 m, and are located at a distance greater than 50 m from a fault line suspected of being active. The structures which do not comply with all these conditions shall be tested as specified in Chapter D (Level III) of this Standard. The entire block of the structure (see Definition in 1.3.3 above) is tested for its seismic resistance in the two main directions. Generally, only the ground floor is tested; the other stories are tested if they are suspected of being soft or weak stories. If the stiffened wall system in the first story is weaker than that of the ground floor, then the first storey shall also be tested. If the entire perimeter of the ground floor bloc has a reinforced concrete wall stiffened system greater than 70% of the perimeter of the block, then the ground floor can be considered as part of the foundations (the ground floor slab is considered as part of the foundation). The construction plans for the structure, or the plans for approval of the structure submitted to the local authority, are used in the first screening. These plans provide information on the geometry of the main bearing elements, as specified in Appendix E. If no such plans are available, measurements shall be made to provide the data required to complete the questionnaire. 3.2 Seismic resistance The seismic resistance of the structure is obtained from the seismic index Is. This index is calculated on the basis of the information obtained from the structural plan and from the information recorded in the questionnaire (see Appendices D and E). The seismic index is calculated from formula (2). where: Is = FaT / FT (2)

FT the total seismic force above the tested storey FaT the bearing capacity of the tested storey The seismic index limits: where: Is >>1.3 The structure has a high probability of resistance to seismic forces; Level III check is not required in this case.

1.1 Is 1.3 - The structure has a normal probability of resistance to seismic forces; it is recommended in this case to carry out Level III check, but this is not urgently required. 0.9 Is1.1 - The structure does not have a normal probability of resistance to seismic forces; a Level III check should be carried out.

14 Is< 0.9 - The structure has a low probability of resistance to seismic forces; Level III check are urgently required(2).

3.3 3.3.1

Structures which do not require seismic checking Low Structures Testing the seismic resistance of low structures is not required in the following conditions: i. The structure has 1-2 stories and does not have soft/weak stories. ii. The structure has an area of up to 400 m2 and does not have any soft/weak stories. iii. The structure does not have a weak or soft story. Seismic resistance is not tested in the case of a one-story storehouse, where the structure is not particularly important, or is not inhabited most of the time.


Structures with sheltered apartments shelters or sheltered storeys The seismic resistance of structures which have the number of stories specified in Table 2, and where each block has sheltered apartments or sheltered stories, do not require testing. Table 2: Sheltered Apartments or Sheltered Storeys Not in Need of Testing

Expected peak horizontal ground acceleration coefficient Z 0.075- 0.10 0.11- 0.20 >0.20 Note to table: (a) includes ground floor

Maximum no. of stories in the structure (a) Sheltered Apartments Sheltered Storeys 8 4 6 3 5 2

3.4 3.4.1

Total Seismic Force FT Ground Floor Test When testing a ground floor (e.g. story 1 in Fig.1), calculate the total seismic force according to the following formulae: -----------------------------------------2) For description of the Level III tests \, see Part D.

FT = c WT c = c0 (1 + f) WT = G + kq Q

(3) (4) (5)

The bases for determining the importance coefficient kq are specified in Table 8 of Israel Standard SI 413. The weight WT and the total seismic index c are calculated as specified in Israel Standard SI 413. These values can also be calculated approximately as follows:

15 WT - according to Appendix A. f - as specified in par. 3.5. co - according to the formulae 6, 7, or 8: (a) For structures with reinforced concrete shear walls, with infilled masonry walls, or with bearing stone shear walls and/or with steel braced systems :: c0 = 2.0 Z / H 0.6 Z (b) For a structure with reinforced concrete sway frames: c0 = 1.6 Z / H 0.6 Z iii. For a structure with steel sway frames: c0 = 1.1 Z / H 0.5 Z 3.4.2 (8) (7) (6)

Check of an intermediate storey When testing an intermediate story (e.g. storey g in Fig. 1), substitute the seismic force FT.g in place of FT in the following formula: FT,g = Fg + Fg+1 + Fn Where, according to Israel Standard SI 413: Fi = FT (Wi Hi) / (Wi Hi) where: FT calculated from formulae (3) to (8). FT.g sum of the forces acting above the floor of storey g. When the structure is regular in the vertical direction, then calculate according to the following formula: FT,g= FT [1 (g-1)g / n(n-1)] (10) (9)


Fig.1 3.5 Basic data and correction factors (f) for the total seismic force FT i. Z - Expected peak horizontal ground acceleration as specified in Israel Standard SI 413. ii. H - The total height of the structure (bloc) above the upper level of the foundations (m). iii. Importance correction factor f1 for the following structures: Housing: Hospitals, fire-fighting stations, telephone switchboards Schools, places of worship, cinemas Regular warehouses iv. Correction factors for types of soil foundation, fs Rigid/Stiff Moderate Soft Very soft 0 0.4 0.2 -0.1 -0.1 0 0.1 0.3

v. Correction factors for horizontal regularity, fh (see Appendices B and D) Regular 0.3 Moderately irregular 0.5 Significantly irregular 1 vi. Correction factors for vertical regularity, fv (see Appendix C) Regular 0 Moderately irregular 1 Significantly irregular 2

17 3.6 Total bearing capacity FaT of the checked story Calculate the bearing capacity Fa,j and the sum (1 + a) where: Fa,j the bearing capacity of the bearing element (sub-structure) j a - Correction factors as specified in par. 3.8. The bearing capacity of the tested storey is calculated from the formula: FaT = (1+a) (j Fj / max) Where: j - Participation coefficients Steel sway frames; Concrete sway frames Reinforced concrete shear walls or steel braced frames Masonry walls with horizontal and vertical reinforced concrete lintels and plain concrete walls Masonry walls only with horizontal reinforced concrete lintels or stone walls 1.0 0.9 0.8 0.4 0.3 (11)

Notes: i. coefficients are a function of the ductility of the sub-structures ii. In formula (11) all the sub-structures "j" or part of them must be taken into consideration so that the bearing capacity FaT will be at its maximum (see example in Appendix D).

3.7 3.7.1

Bearing capacity of the structural elements of the structure Shear walls and cores The bearing capacity of reinforced concrete shear walls and cores which have a thickness of 120 mm or more and which have a length of 1.0 m or more will be calculated from the following formulae: Fa,sw = a Asw where: a = 1.5 / n MPa = 1500 / n kN/m2 (12) (13)

Asw sum of the areas of the horizontal sections of the reinforced concrete shear walls or of the core of the tested story which are parallel to the direction of the seismic force (m2). n total number of the stories - when the length of the concrete wall is less than 1.0 m, but has a thickness of at least 150 mm, calculate the element as a column. - when the concrete of the structure appears to be in poor condition, calculate its strength by accepted methods.

18 - when the characteristic strength of the concrete under compression fck < 20 MPa, the shear strength of the concrete shall be: a = 1 / n MPa - when the characteristic strength of the concrete under compression fck < 12 MPa, the shear strength of the concrete shall be: a = 0.5 / n MPa

- when there are six storeys or more, check the sections of the reinforcement bars according to the plan of the structure or by an in situ check. If the reinforcement percentage in the section the walls of the ground floor is less than 0.4%, or when it is not possible to test the bars, the shear strength of the concrete shall be: a = 1 / n MPa - when the facades of the structure are cast according to the "Jerusalem method" (use of stone as forms), and when the faade wall is connected to the RC columns or shear walls, the shear strength of the concrete shall be: a = 0.5 / n MPa When calculating Fa,sw, the area of the stiffened walls Asw parallel to the direction of the seismic force must be taken into account. The areas of the shear walls at right angles to the seismic force must not be taken into account, except the cores, for which all the shear walls will be taken into account in both main directions.
Notes: The fragments of the doors or of windows which are 50% higher than the height of the wall shall not be taken into account. ii. When the horizontal section of the shear wall is inclined and has dimensions as specified in Fig 2(a), its bearing capacity shall be calculated as for two different walls, each one parallel to the main directions, as shown in the figure. The elements shall be located through the center of gravity of the given shear wall. iii. The bearing capacity of the reinforced concrete shear walls perpendicular to the direction of the seismic force shall be carried out as specified in 3.7.3. i.


Fig. 2 3.7.2 Masonry and stone walls i. The bearing capacity of masonry and stone walls shall be assessed by the following formula: Fa,sm = a Asm (14) where: Asm - sum of the areas of the horizontal sections of the masonry walls in the tested storey, which are parallel to the direction of the seismic force (m2) a - determined as specified below Masonry walls with a thickness of 200 mm or more and a length of 2.0 m or more when they are connected to bearing elements of the structure at least by horizontal lintels shall be taken into account, as well as stone walls with a thickness of 200 mm or more and a length of 2.0 m or more, when the area of horizontal contact between one stone block and another is greater than half the thickness of the stone block. ii. The bearing capacity of walls made from two vertical layers of stone and a core made from a soft material (e.g. soil) will be determined according to the area Asm, which is the sum of the horizontal sections of the stone, only. iii. For masonry walls with reinforced concrete horizontal lintels: - for regular full blocks: 0.03 a 0.05 MPa, as a function of the present condition of the structure - for light concrete blocks (such as autoclave-cured concrete) and for regular hollow blocks: 0.015 a 0.025 MPa iv. For masonry walls with reinforced concrete horizontal and vertical lintels, and also where there the joints between the masonry wall and the vertical reinforced concrete bearing elements include horizontal steel rebars between the masonry blocks: i. For full regular blocks a = 0.15 MPa. ii. For regular hollow blocks and blocks with light concrete infill: a = 0.07 MPa iii. For stone walls: 0.03 a 0.05 MPa.

20 v. If the masonry walls are not connected to the columns or to the stiffened walls of the structure, then they shall not be considered as bearing elements under seismic loads.
Note: When the horizontal section of the stiffened wall is inclined and has dimensions as specified in Fig 2(a), its bearing capacity shall be calculated as for two separate walls, each on parallel to the main directions, as shown in the figure. The elements shall be located through the center of gravity of the given wall.


Reinforced concrete walls perpendicular to the direction of seismic force The bearing capacity of reinforced concrete walls perpendicular to the direction of the seismic force FT will be considered as columns such that the height of the section of the column equals the thickness of the wall. Reinforced concrete columns i. The bearing capacity of reinforced concrete columns shall be determined according the following formula: where: Fa,c = (bc hc2) fck / 15 h (15)


fck characteristic strength of concrete under compression - If there is no information on the strength of the concrete: fck = 20 MPa. - If the strength of the concrete checked by tests in site results in less than 12 MPa , then it shall be assumed that Fa,c = 0. bc - horizontal dimension of the column, perpendicular to the direction of the seismic force hc - horizontal dimension of the column, parallel to the direction of the seismic force - a factor by which the height of the storey h is multiplied so as to estimate the location above the floor in which the bending moment is zero (see Fig. 3) (dimensionless). The values of the factor are as follows: For slabs with protruding beams : For slabs with concealed beams : For slabs with beams partly concealed : = 0.7 = 1.0 = 0.85


Fig. 3 ii. Reinforced concrete columns with a circular section In the case of reinforced concrete columns with a diameter D, then substitute the value 0.6D3 in formula 15 instead of the value bch2c. iii. When the stirrups and their density are not checked in site and are found when checked from the plans to have a smaller area than that of the section stemming from the expression 8@150, then Fa,c is reduced by 1/3. iv. If construction plans are available, then the bearing moment Md of the section in the column can be calculated (taking into account the axial force Nd) according to Israel Standard SI 466; Fa,c is calculated according to the following formula: Fa,c = Md / h (16) where: Md - The bearing capacity of the section, taking into account the partial coefficient of safety f= 1, the design compressive strength of the concrete fcd, and the characteristic strength fck of the concrete under compression which fulfill the condition: fcd = fck / 1.5 3.7.5 (17)

Steel columns a. The bearing capacity of steel columns shall be determined from the following formulae: Fa,st = (2 a 1.5 N) W / h (18) For steel St 37: a = 140 MPa where: N = N / A (19)

A the horizontal sectional area of the steel profile column N the axial force W the resistance modulus of the section of the profile about the axis perpendicular to the direction of the seismic force.

22 ii. when the horizontal section of the steel column is inclined and has dimensions as specified in Fig. 4, its bearing capacity shall be calculated by along the axes x and y, accordig to formulae 20, 21: Fa,st,x = (2 a - N) / [h(sin/W1 + cos/W2)] 3 Fa,st,y = (2 a - N) / [h(cos/W1 + sin/W2)] h story height W1, W2 moduli of resistance of the profiles as shown in Fig.4 (20) (21)


Fig. 4 Correction factors (a) for the total bearing capacity FaT i. Year of construction Before 1960: ay = -0.2 1960-1975: ay = -0.1 1975-1985 ay = 0 1985-1995 ay = 0.2 After 1995 ay = 0.3 as = 0.2 as = 0 as = 0 as = -0.2 af = 0.2 af = 0 af = -0.1

ii. Structures made of precast elements - Large panels with reinforced concrete joints cast in situ: - Large panels with only welded joints - Linear elements (beams, columns) with reinforced concrete joints cast in site: - Linear elements connected with only welded joints: iii. Type of foundation - Raft or pile foundation - Spread foundation - Masonry or stone foundation

iv. For a structure located near the edge of a cliff at a distance of Ho > D0 (see Fig. 5a), or a structure located on a slope with a gradient of 100 (see Fig. 5b): af =-0 .3

23 In case of foundations rest on rock or foundations on piles longer than Ho ; in this case: af = -0.1

Fig. 5 v. When the structure is located at a distance of 50 m to 200 m from a fault line suspected of being active: af = -0.5 When the distance is less than 50 m, the evaluation according to this section shall not be applied. vi. Present condition of the structure: - Very good ap= 0.2 - Good ap= 0.1 - Satisfactory ap= -0.1 ap= -0.2 - Unsatisfactory )
Dissatisfaction with the condition of the structure: cracks in the walls, especially cracks in bearing walls, signs of corrosion of the reinforcement, or peeling of the concrete. If the structure is considered to be immediately endangered (even for bearing vertical loads), then an application must be made to the local authority for immediate evacuation of the structure

vii. Expansion joints, if existing: 1. Joints with a span greater than 0.03 Z H

aj = 0

2. Expansion joints with spans less than 0.03 Z H 2.1 When the adjacent intermediate slabs are at the same level: aj = -0.1 2.2 When the adjacent intermediate slabs are at different levels: aj = -0.3

24 viii. Existence of short columns in the structure (see par. 4.8) - Existing short columns - No short columns asc = -0.2 asc = 0.

ix. Technical documents 1. Construction documents with details of the reinforcement are available: ad = 0.1 2. Plans for approval submitted to the authorities are available and can be completed with reinforcement details, as requested by the Engineer ad = -0.15 3. Plans for approval submitted to the authorities are available, but reinforcement details as requested by the Engineer are not available: ad = -0.25 j. Additional considerations by Engineer: - 0.2 < a0 < 0.2

CHAPTER D : SEISMIC CHECKING OF EXISTING BUILDINGS TO ISRAELI STANDARD SI 413 (LEVEL III) 4.1 General Checking the seismic resistance of existing buildings according to Level III (see Introduction to the Standard), shall be performed in accordance with the requirements of Israel Standard SI 413 and in accordance with the guidelines specified in the following. 4.2 Force reduction coefficient K The force reduction coefficient K shall be determined in accordance with the type of bearing system, the reinforcement details, and the results of the tests to be carried out on the structure. In the absence of the above-mentioned detailed information for the structure, the level of ductility to be taken into account shall be at the most the medium ductility level.


Determination of the total horizontal seismic design force FH The force FH, calculated according to par. 302.1 of SI 413, may be reduced by the values shown in Table 3. Table 3: Reducing factors for force according to year of construction Year of construction <1960 1960-1975 1975-1990 >1990 Force reduction factor, FH 1/3 1/4 1/5 0

25 4.4 Bearing elements In addition to the conventional bearing elements (concrete, steel and timber), other kind of elements may be included in the bearing or resistance scheme for calculation of the seismic force as specified below: 4.4.1 Masonry walls which fulfill the following conditions: The thickness will be at least 200 mm and the length at least 2.0 m The masonry wall has at least one horizontal lintel(5) which is connected to vertical bearing elements by dowels or by a saw-like connection; In the bearing scheme for seismic calculation of structures with masonry walls which are connected to reinforced concrete columns or to reinforced concrete walls, the masonry walls are replaced by a diagonal bar with a width equal to 1/5 of the length of the diagonal, pinned at its extremities (as detailed in Fig.6).

Fig. 6

When the wall is higher than 2.5 m and has horizontal lintels with a vertical distance between them exceeding 2.5 m, the contribution of the wall in carrying on seismic forces loads is not taken into account.


26 When calculating the stiffness of the masonry walls, moduli of elasticity are assumed according to the following formulae: Em = 750 fcm Gm = 0.4 Em where: fcm strength of masonry wall in compression (MPa) Em - modulus of elasticity of uncracked masonry wall (MPa) Gm - shear modulus of elasticity of uncracked masonry wall (MPa) In the absence of an Israel Standard for calculating the horizontal forces taken by masonry walls, the designer shall refer to National/International Standards (such as the European Standard ENV 1998, The British Standard BS 5628, and the Australian Standard AS 3700). (22) (23)


Plain concrete walls - Plain concrete walls such as most of the 'Jerusalem-type construction' (two rows of bricks with concrete poured between them), shall be taken into account as seismic resistant elements, provided they are connected to columns or to structural reinforced concrete walls. - When checking the strength of walls under seismic loads, the net area of the concrete shall be taken into account, as well as the tensile strength or shear strength of Type B-15 concrete at the most. The characteristic strength of the concrete shall be determined according to the results of tests on drilled cylinders, carried out by an approved laboratory.


Level of technical documentation The safety level of an existing structure depends on the level of the available technical documentation. The level of the existing technical documentation is expressed by the multiplying the total resistant force of the elements the coefficient , as follows: i. Where there are construction drawings with details of the reinforcement: = 1.0 ii. Where there are no construction drawings with details of the reinforcement : - If reinforcement details are checked in site : = 0.85 - If not : = 0.70


Present state of the structure In checking the seismic resistance of the structure, the present state of the bearing elements intended to resist seismic loads must be taken into account. In the event of defects or damage to the bearing elements, as explained below, then the elements must be repaired or strengthened so as to ensure their capacity to take seismic loads.

27 4.6.1 Defects in the reinforced concrete elements a. Damages to the columns and beams: - Diagonal cracks with a width exceeding 0.3 mm; - Indications of significant corrosion of the reinforcement bars (especially if accompanied by peeling of the covering concrete layer of the bars); - Large deflections of the beams (more than 70% of the total vertical deflection, as specified in Israel Standard SI 466 Part 1). ii. Damages to the stiffening walls or cores - Diagonal cracks exceeding 0.3 mm; - Walls that have defects which are liable to result in intrusion of water leading corrosion of the reinforcement bars. Defects in steel elements - Indications of significant corrosion of the bearing steel elements (such as a corrosion thickness exceeding 1/5 of the thickness of the element); - Large deflections of the beams (more than 70% of the total vertical deflection, as specified in Israel Standard SI 466 Part 1). Defects in timber elements - Significant defects or damages to the joints of the timber elements; - Significant indications of decay of the timber elements; - Large settlement of the beams (70% or more of the total vertical deflection, as specified in the Standards Institution of Israel Specification 270, par. 2). Joints Consideration of adjacent buildings or adjacent blocks with narrow expansion joints which do not comply with all the detailed requirements of Israel Standard SI 413 shall be as follows: i. There is no need for strengthening when all the following conditions specified in a.1 or a.2 are fulfilled: a.1: - The slabs of the adjoining blocks of structures are at the same level; - The structures do not comprise soft stories; - The differences in the masses between the adjoining blocks do not exceed 50% of the lower value of the blocks. a.2: There are perpendicular reinforced concrete cores or structural walls close to the expansion joints.




b. Strengthening is required in the following conditions: - The slabs of the adjacent structures and blocks are at a different level on both sides of the expansion joint; - The structures have very different masses or the difference in their fundamental period exceeds 50% of the lower value); The structures differ greatly in the number of floors (a difference greater than four floors).

28 In the situations specified above suitable analyses must be made and one of the following changes must be made : - Cancellation of the expansion joint by closing it and connecting the two adjacent blocks Constructing adjacent structural walls perpendicular to the expansion joint, intended to absorb the impact force stemming from seismic pounding - Addition of mechanical fixtures to dampen the seismic impact.


Short columns A short column is a column bounded at both ends by concrete or masonry walls or reinforced concrete beams, and the net height of the column is less than three times the dimension of the column side parallel to the direction of the seismic force. For these columns, the stirrups must be checked in accordance with the IS 413 and, if it is needed, the columns must be strengthened.


Foundations The resistance of the foundations of the structure shall be tested according to the type of soil in the area in which the structure is located and according to the foundation system. - Information must be obtained regarding the existing soil, the vertical loads on the foundation system and the dimensions of the foundations. - The additional loads on the foundation system due to the effect of the seismic forces must be calculated and the additional stresses on the foundations checked. - When the additional stresses on the soil exceed 50% of the stresses due to the vertical loads, the existing foundations must be strengthened as detailed in par. 5.3 below.


Additions to an existing structure Additions to an existing structure shall comply with all the requirements specified in par. 108 of Israel Standard SI 413. Planning the foundation for the addition shall be determined from the findings of the soil report and from trial drillings as specified in Israel Standard SI 940.

29 CHAPTER E : PRINCIPLES FOR STRENGTHENING EXISTING STRUCTURES 5.1 General guidelines i. Select the methods of strengthening which will retain the style and architectural character of the structure and its environment. Select the method of strengthening in consultation and in coordination with an experienced architect. ii. Select the methods of strengthening which will preserve the green areas as far as possible, as well as areas intended for functional use, such as parking lots. iii. Design and analyze the loads and bearing capacities of the elements of the structure and strengthen them with strengthening elements as specified in Israel Standard SI 413. iv. Strengthen the structure taking into account the following main conditions: - Existence of soft or weak stories; - Existence of significant torque (excessive eccentricity of bearing elements); - Existence of risk of seismic impact in structures with a narrow expansion joint, especially when the slabs of the adjacent adjacent blocks are at different levels. - Existence of short columns. 5.2 Methods for strengthening structures Structures can be strengthened by one or more of the following methods: i. If possible, strengthen the structure solely by an external envelope; ii. Strengthen the structure by thickening the core walls and/or by adding vertical stiffening walls; iii. Construct new stiffening walls, especially at the ground floor, and ensure the continuity of the structural walls in vertical direction through holes in the existing slabs. iv. Connect existing or new sheltered rooms and new elevator shafts to the structure. v. Strengthen the structure by adding diagonal steel stiffeners with an X or K profile by paying attention to the connecting areas and the transmission of seismic loads to the existing bearing elements. vi. Strengthen by prestressing the masonry walls in the two directions, by restricting the eccentric load of the prestressing, and ensuring the joint of the wall to the slabs and columns. vii. Strengthen the existing columns by thickening or wrapping. viii. Strengthen the existing elements of the structure and the additional reinforcing elements by means of joints so as to ensure the transmission of the forces between them. ix. Strengthen the structure by closing the expansion joints and by connecting the blocks of structures (without excessive lengthening of the blocks, so as to prevent cracking from temperature effects).

30 x. Masonry walls shall not be used as a bearing element in strengthened structures, except masonry walls strengthened by addition of reinforced vertical concrete layers. xi. For structures of special importance, the transmission of seismic forces to the structure can be reduced by using dampeners. 5.3 Methods for strengthening foundations i. The additional bearing elements intended to transmit the seismic forces shall be supported, if possible, by existing foundations. The allowable contact stresses on the soil will be increased by 50% as against the allowable stresses for vertical loads. ii. When the conditions described above cannot be observed, increase the dimensions of the spread foundations. Additional piles are added as required to the existing piles (by pouring concrete as close as possible to the existing piles) and connecting the groups of piles by pile heads. iii. Slabs on grade can be used as foundations, by thickening them around columns or along shear walls. iv. Additional foundations or enlarged foundations shall be designed in consultation with a soil engineer. 5.4 5.4.1 Joints between existing structures and strengthening elements General - The joints shall be designed on the basis of one of the following Standards: Israel Standard SI 466, Part 4; European Standard ENV 1998-1-4, 1996; and the American document ACI 318:2002. - The data declared by the manufacturer of anchors can be used if supported by test data submitted by the manufacturer. - When the cross-section of the connection is acted upon to axial forces Nd and shear forces Vd, the interaction curve shown in Fig.7 may be used.

Fig. 7

31 where: NRd and VRd the design resistant forces, according to Fig.7. - When the condition Vd 0.2VRd exists, then the condition Nd NRd may be used; - When the condition Nd 0.2NRd exists, then the condition Vd VRd may be used; - When the condition Vd > 0.2VRd and Nd > 0.2NRd exist, then the following condition can be used: (Nd / NRd) + (Vd / VRd) 1.2 5.4.2 (24)

Joint between two concrete elements (shear stresses) The design of the joint shall be as specified in Israel Standard SI 466, Part 4, par. The contact surface between the elements shall be roughened according to Degree 3 and it is recommended to add dowels. The design contact strength shall be calculated from the following formulae: (25) fvd = 0.038 fck2/3 + 0.9 v fsd v = Av / s bw (26) where: v - shear reinforcement ratio (%) fck - characteristic strength of concrete in compression (at 28 days) (MPa) fsd - design strength of the dowels steel (MPa) Av - area of steel dowel (mm2) s - distance between dowels (mm) bw - width of the cross-section (mm) When using an intermediate layer of an adhesive material, the horizontal shear force may be increased considerably according to the type of material and casting conditions.


Design resistant force against axial pull-out of the anchor The pull-out of the anchor from the concrete shall be (Fig.8):

Fig. 8

32 The design resistant force against pullout shall be by one of the following methods: 1. Tensile yield of the anchor: NRdc = Av fsd 2. Fracture of the concrete 2.1 If the anchor is joined by means of an epoxy: NRds = 280 fcd lb2 ax ay where: N sRd NcRd Av,fsdlb design resistant force against axial force for steel (kN) design resistant force against axial force for concrete (kN) as specified in formulae (25) (26) anchorage length of the dowel inside concrete (m) ax = 0.30 + 0.47 cx / lb 1 ay = 0.30 + 0.47 cy / lb 1 fcd = fck / 1.5 (29) (30) (31) (28) (27)

cx,cy - the distance between a dowel to the side of the concret e element in the x or y direction (m), respectively, (parallel to directions x and y according to list of symbols in 1.4) and in the following conditions: cy 3 b; cx 3 b Where: fcd - design strength of the concrete at small eccentricity compression (MPa) fck - characteristic strength of concrete in compression at 28 days (MPa) 2.2 Anchor without epoxy: NRdc = 132 fcd lb3/2 ax ay 5.4.4 (32)

Design resistant force to axial pull-out and shear of groups of dowels or anchors The design resistant force to axial pull-out of a grid of dowels can be obtained by the following formula: NRdn = 0.45 [1+ (nx-1) sx / 3 lb ] [1 + (ny 1) sy / 3 lb ] NRd nx ny NRd (33)

33 where: nx - the number of dowels in the x direction with a distance sx between dowels; sx < 3 ny - the number of dowels in the y direction with a distance sy between dowels; sy < 3 NRd - design resistant force to axial force of one dowel (kN) lb - length of anchoring of the dowel in the concrete (m)

b b

sx, sy - distances between dowels (m) The design resistant force to shear of a row of dowels (see Fig.9) can be obtained by the formula: VRdn = 0.45 [ 1 + (n 1) s / scr ] where: n - number of dowels for n = 2 ..scr = 2c for n > 2 Scr = 3c scr - the critical distance between dowels (m) s - distance between dowels (m) VRd - design resistant shear force of the dowel (MPa) c - distance between a row of dowels to the side of the concrete element (m) (34)


Fig. 9 Steel sheets connected to a concrete element for strengthening Connecting the sheets: perforated sheets should be used with a thickness of ts 4 mm in order to reduce the air pockets between the plates and the concrete surface. The surface of the concrete should be thoroughly cleaned before glueing and pressure shall be applied upon the sheet for at least 24 hours. The length of adhesion of the sheets can be assessed as : l= fsk ts /(fctk / 1.5) (35)

34 Where: fsk fctk ts la yield point of the steel sheet (MPa) strength of concrete in tension (MPa) thickness of steel sheet (mm) length of adhesion (mm).

Mechanical connectors should be added at the end of the joint along its length. The mechanical connectors should transmit a force equal to that specified by the following formula: (36) F = As fsk where: As - area of cross-section of steel sheet (mm2) F - force (N) 5.5 Catalog of drawings See Appendix F(6) ____________________ (6) This catalog is only for informative purposes. Selection of details, their compliance, and dimensions shall only be done by the designer.

Appendix A: Estimate of the total weight of the structure (WT) within framework of 1st Screening (Level II)
(Normative) A.1 For structures of up to 12 storeys for housing, offices, hotels, etc, the following loads may be considered: 9 kN/m2 p 12 kN/m2 including both the weight of the facades and the reduced service load. A.2 For slabs with a thickness exceeding 200 mm and for facades with a thick covering (stone of different types, precast panels, etc,) : 11 kN/m2 p 13 kN/m2


Appendix B: Horizontal Regularity within the frameworkof 1stScreening (Level II)

(Normative) B.1 The regularity of a specific story in a structure can be estimated by means of the torque index T1 and the limits specified in the formulae (B.5), (B.8). The calculations are made separately for the two main directions of the structure. The torque index is found from the formulae (B.1), (B.2): AswT= sw + sw + c + 0.2 sm + 0.2 sm (.1)

TI = 20 (Asw d + 0.2 sm d + 2 Asw d + 2. 2 Asm d) / Lp AswT (B.2) where : Asw - total area of horizontal cross-sections of the reinforced concrete shear walls of the tested story parallel, to the seismic forces A'sw - total area of horizontal cross-sections of the reinforced concrete shear walls of the tested story, perpendicular to the seismic forces Ac area of horizontal cross-sections of the reinforced concrete core walls of the tested storey in the two directions of the seismic forces

Asm - total area of horizontal cross-sections of masonry or stone shear walls of the tested story, parallel to the seismic forces A'sm - total area of horizontal cross-sections of masonry or stone shear walls of the tested storey perpendicular to the seismic forces Af - total area of all the slabs of the structure above the tested storey.

Lp - perimeter of the tested slab Z - relative horizontal ground peak acceleration defined in Israel Standard SI 413 d - distance between two structural walls (or cores) perpendicular to the direction of the seismic forces [ according to 1.4] (distance between axes passing through the centers of gravity of a pair of parallel shear walls and which are also parallel to the direction of the seismic force

36 Also, the distance between the two axes passing through the center of gravity of a shear wall and of a core. d' B.2 as for d, but perpendicular to the direction of seismic forces

Test each pair of parallel walls (including cores) at a distance of d (or d') (see example in Fig. B.1). The wall with the smallest area is taken. When testing a pair of parallel walls with a sloping horizontal cross-section, proceed as detailed in para. 3.7 (see Fig. A.2).

Fig. B.1 (see numerical example in par. B.9) B.3 Select the pairs of parallel walls so that the sum Aswd (or A'swd') is the maximum. Note: Calculate the horizontal area Ac of the core by deducting the area of the area of the doors, but not the area of the openings of the windows. B.4 When there is a large core, add the element defined by formula (B.3) to the numerator) the torque index T1 given in formula (B.2). A core is considered to be large if the area within the axes of the perimeter (the shaded area in Fig. B.2) exceeds 30 m2. 2 l2 - l0 ) l1 t t thickness of the core wall (m') (B.3)


Fig. B.2 B.5 A regular structure is a symmetrical or asymmetrical structure which has stories which fulfill the following limits: TI > 2 AswT / Af > 1.4 Z / 100 Note: The symmetry conditions relate only to the structural walls. B.6 A moderately irregular structure is a structure which fulfills the following: 2 TI 1.5 or : TI > 2 and : B.7 B.8 AswT / Af < 1.4 Z / 100 (B.7) (B.8) (B.6) (B.4) (B.5)

A significantly irregular structure is a structure which does not fulfill the requirements specified in par. B.5 and par. B.6. When there is only one structural either parallel or perpendicular to the direction of the seismic force, or one core, the degree of regularity from the torsion aspect shall be defined by means of the ratio: e/B, as specified in formulae (B.9), (B.10), and (B. 11). Regular structure : e / B < 0.05 (B.9) Moderate irregularity : Significant irregularity : 0.05 e / B 0.15 (B.10) (B.11)

38 where: B - The maximum length of the slab, perpendicular to the direction of the seismic forces e - eccentricity of center of masses CM (see Fig. B.3) of a structural wall/core.

Fig. B.3 e In a regular structure: < 0.05 ; in a structure with moderate irregularity: B e e 0.05 0.15 ; in a structure with significant irregularity: > 0.15 . B B B.9 Numerical example of horizontal regularity (Fig. B.1): - The structure has 8 identical stories and is located in an area with a ground acceleration coefficient Z = 0.1. - Data according to Fig. B.1:

Af = 4800 m2; L = 100 m. From formula (B.1): ATsw = (1.0 + 1.4 + 1.2) + 3.2 + (1.3 + 1.6) = 9.7 m2 From formulae (B.4), (B.5): ATsw / Af = 9.7 / 4800 = 0.0020 1.4 Z / 100 = 1.4 . 0.1 / 100 = 0.0014 ATsw / Af > 1.4Z / 100 From formula (B.2): Forces Fy: Aswd = 1.3 . 25.0 =32.5 m3 A'swd' = 1.0 x 20.0 + 1.4 . 10.5 = 34.7 m3 TI = 20 (32.5 + 2 x 34.7) / 100 . 9.7 = 2.09 > 2

39 The structure is regular in the direction y. From formula (B.2):

Forces Fx:

Aswd = 34.5 m3 A'swd' = 32.5 TI = 20 (34.5 + 2 x 32.5) / 100 . 9.7 = 2.05 > 2 The structure is also regular in the direction x.

APPENDIX C: Vertical Regularity in the Framework of Level II Test (Normative) C.1

The vertical regularity of a specific storey i in a structure can be estimated by means of the index SIi. The index is calculated separately for each main direction of the structure where the seismic loads are transmitted through structural walls, cores, and columns.


The regularity index is calculated as shown in the following formula: SIi = [i(sw+0.2Asm))+i(bchc2/h)]/[i+1(Asw+0.2Asm) +i+1(bchc2/h)] (C.1) where (see Fig. C.1): Asw - area of horizontal cross-sections of concrete shear walls parallel to the seismic loads. Asm - area of the horizontal cross-sections of masonry or stone shear walls parallel to the seismic loads bc hc h - dimension of a rectangular column, perpendicular to the seismic forces
- size of horizontal cross-section of rectangular column parallel to seismic forces - height of tested story.


Fig. C.1 When there are steel columns in the structure, add to formula (C.1) the value (1.3W/h) for story i and to story i+1; W the modulus of resistance of the profile about an axis perpendicular to the direction of the seismic forces.
C.3 The vertical regularity -The structure is regular if : SI> 0.9 -The structure has a moderate irregularity if 0.8 SI 0.9 or when a reinforced concrete shear wall is displaced as against the wall above it a distance greater than its length.

42 -The structure has a significant irregularity if SI<0.8.

Fig. C.2
C.4 Numerical example of vertical regularities (Fig. C.2)

Let check the vertical regularity of a 6-storey high structure where all 14 columns are identical and have a cross section 0.3 . 0.3 m. Height of story i: Height of story i + 1: hi = 4.0 m hi+1 = 3.0 m

Testing of regularity in they direction y :

For story i: Asw = 2 . 0.2 . 6.0 = 2.40 m2 bch2c / h = ( 14 x 0.3 x 0.32 +2 x 8.0 x 0.22) / 3.0 = 0.25 m3 For storey i+1 : Asw = 2 x 0.2 x 8.0 = 3.20 m2 bchc2 / h = (14 x 0.3 x 0.32 +2 x 8.0 x 0.22) / 3.0 = 0.34 m2 SI = (2.40 + 0.25) / (3.20 + 0.34) = 0.73 < 0.80 There is a significant irregularity in the direction y.


Testing of regularity in the direction x :

For storey i : Asw = 2 . 0.2 . 8.0 = 3.20 m2 bc hc2 / h = (14 . 0.3. 0.32 +2 . 6.0 . 0.22) / 4.0 = 0.21 m3 For storey i+1 : Asw = 2 . 0.2 . 8.0 = 3.20 m2 bc hc2 / h = (14 . 0.3 . 0.32 +2 . 8.0 . 0.22) / 3.0 = 0.34 m3 SI = (3.20 + 0.21) / (3.20 + 0.34) = 0.96 > 0.90 There is considerable irregularity in the direction x Conclusion: The entire structure is significantly irregular.

Appendix D: Numerical Example for Determining the Seismic Index (Informative only)


The example presented in the following is for a residential structure as shown in Fig. D.1, with nine identical stories with a total height of H = 9 . 3 = 27 m, based on spread foundations on soft soil with short columns. The structure was constructed in 1970. Present condition: satisfactory. Total weight of the structure WT is estimated at 54000 k.N. Horizontal ground acceleration coefficient: Z = 0.1. The structure contains reinforced concrete columns with a cross-section of 0.50 . 0.50 m. The structural walls are of reinforced concrete and a reinforced concrete core. In addition, the structure has masonry walls without reinforced concrete lintels with a thickness of 200 mm or more and flat (concealed) slab beams. The characteristic strength of the concrete in compression for concrete of Type B-20 is: fck= 20 MPa. The ground floor will be checked in the direction y.


Fig. D.1



Determining the total seismic index and the correction factors

Seismic index: c= co(1 = f); fi = 0.1; fs = 0.1 The correction factors fh, fv are determined as detailed in the following.
D.4 Determining the horizontal regularity index

The correction factor fh is determined by the size of the torque index T1 (see Appendix B, formula B.2) Aswd + 0.2. Asm . d + 2 A'sw d' + 2 . 0.2 . A'sm d' T1 = 20 _______________________________________________ L p ATsw Structural walls and cores: Parallel to the direction y: Asw d= 1.2 . 17.5 = 21.0 m3 Perpendicular to direction y: 2A'sw.d' = 2 . 1.5 . 20.0 = 60.0 m3 Masonry walls: Parallel to direction y: 0.2Asm d = 0.2 . 1.5 . 30.0 = 9.0 m3 Perpendicular to the direction y: 2.0 A'sm . d' = 0.4 . 1.5 . 20.0 = 12.0 m3 AswT = Asw + Asw + Ac + 0.2 Asm + 0.2 Asm = 1.2 + (1.5 + 1.5) + 3.6+ 0.2(1.5+1.6) + 0.20 (1.5+2.0) = 9.12 m2

L = 2(30.0 + 20.0) = 100 m T1=20(21.0 + 60.0 + 9.0 + 12.0) / 100.0 . 9.12= 2.23 Af = (20 . 30) 9 = 5400 m2 AswT = 1.2 + (1.5 + 1.5) + 3.6 + 0.2(1.5 + 1.6) + 0.2 (1.5 + 2.0) = 5400 m2 The structure is regular (see par. 3.5) and therefore: fh = 0.3
D.5 Determining the vertical regularity index

The stories are identical therefore , therefore: fv = 0 (1+f) = 1 +( 0 + 0.1 + 0.3 + 0) = 1.4

D.6 Calculation of the total seismic force

c0 = 2.0 Z / H = 2.0 . 0.1 / 27 = 0.0385 0.6 Z = 0.6 . 0.1 = 0.06 c = c0 ( 1 + f) = 0.0385 . 1.4 = 0.054
D.7 Calculation of the total resistant force of the structure

The calculation is performed for the total design resistant force of the ground floor in the direction y.
(1) Concrete walls: It is assumed that the reinforcement ratio of the cross-section of the walls exceeds 0.4%.

a = 1.5 / n = 1.5 / 9 = 0.5 MPa = 500 kN/m2 Asw = 3.6 + 1.2 = 4.8 m2 Fa,sw = 500 . 4.8 = 2400 kN = 0.8
(2) Masonry walls

a = 0.04 MPa = 40 kN/m2 Asm = 1.6 + 1.5 = 3.1 m2 Fa,sm = 3.1 . 40 = 124 kN = 0.3
(3) Columns

There are flat (concealed) beams: = 1.0 (bchc2) = 22 . 0.5 . 0.52 + 2 . 5.0 . 0.32 = 3.65 m3 fc,k = 20 MPa = 20000 kN/m2 Fa,c = (bchc2) . fck / 15 h = 3.65 . 20000 / 15 . 1 . 3.0 = 1622 kN = 0.9
(4) Correction factors

ay =- 0.1; af = 0 ; ap = -0.1 ; aj = 0; asc = -0.2 (1+a) = 0.6


(5) All the substructures participate in the design resistant force FT j

max = 0.9 FaT = (1 + a) ( max/j ) Fa,j = (0.6 / 0.9) (0.9 . 1622 + 0.8 . 2400 + 0.3. 124) = 2278 kN

(6) Alternative for calculation of Fa,T:

max = 0.8 FaT = (0.6 / 0.8) (0.8 . 2400 + 0.3 . 124) = 1468 kN < 2278 kN
(7) Another alternative:

max = 0.3 FaT = (0.3 . 124) = 74 kN < 2278 kN

(8) The maximum of the substitutes is taken:

FaT = 2278 kN
D.8 Seismic Index obtained from formula (2) :

Is = FaT / FT = 2278 / 2916 = 0.78 < 0.9 Conclusion: The structure will most probably not resist seismic forces as defined by IS 413. An additional check by Level III procedures is urgently needed.

Appendix E: Questionnaire for Collecting Data for the 1st Screening Evaluation (Informative only) E.1 General

In the first stage, collect the data in the office on the basis of the general information which does not necessitate a visit to the site of the structure. In the second stage, pay a visit to the site of the structure to verify data, to carry out measurements and to gather additional data. In the third and last stage, data are supplemented in order to carry out the rapid evaluation from the data gathered in the previous two stages. The information given in this annex are described verbally and also with the aid of the symbols specified in the Standard (see para. 1.5). The ground floor must be tested, and, in addition: - The storey above it when the bearing system is softer than the ground floor; - Every storey which is suspected of being weak/soft.
E.2 Data to be prepared in the office


Address of structure Height of structure (H) No. of storeys (n) No. of storeys tested (g) Total load (Constant load + reduced serviceability load according to SI 413) Type of structural elements (reinforced concrete walls, masonry walls, concrete columns or steel columns) Ground acceleration coefficient (Z) Total area of slabs of structure Area of tested storey Total area of slabs above the tested storey (Af) Perimeter of tested storey (L) Correction factor for importance of structure (fs) Year of construction of structure (ay) Correction factor for completion of documentation (ad).

Data for Checking the Plans + Site Test (i) Reinforced concrete cores - Area and center of gravity of each core - For a large core (i.e. the area contained within the axes of the perimeter walls

exceeds 30 m2). The length and thickness of the perimeter walls must be specified (Fig. B.2) - One core or structural wall only: Extent of eccentricity ey, ex (Fig. B.3)

(ii) Reinforced concrete structured walls - Direction of each wall parallel to axis x or axis y; - For a wall with a sloping horizontal cross-section: the angle for axis x (Fig. 2); - The area and center of gravity of each wall; - Characteristic strength of the concrete under compression fck;

- When the wall is cast according to the "Jerusalem method", this must be specified in the data.
(c) Structural masonry walls - Direction of each wall; - The area and center of gravity of each wall; - Shear strength of the concrete (a) (see para. 3.7); Reinforced concrete columns - Dimensions bc, hc of the columns parallel to the main directions; - Angle of slope of columns inclined at the plane of the slab (Fig. 2); - For structures resting only on concrete columns and masonry walls, the diameter and the density of the stirrups in the areas within a distance of less than 0.50 m from the ends of the column; - Strength of the concrete (fck); - Type of slab beams (concealed beams, protruding beams, mixed beams); Steel columns - Cross-section modules Wx and Wy; - Stress n from vertical loads; - Angle of slope of inclined columns in the plane of the slab (Fig. 2); Height of tested storey Fill in the data for par. (a) (f) and also for storey (i+1) above the tested storey (i); Precast elements (correction factor as) Foundations (correction factor af) - Proximity to a cliff (see Do in Fig.5); - Slope (see in Fig. 5); - Proximity to a fault suspected of being active. Present situation (Correction factor a) Expansion joints (correction factor aj) - Width of joints - Are the adjacent slabs at the same level? (Yes or no); Existence of short columns (Correction factor asc) (Yes or no); Engineer's opinion (Correction factor ao).




(g) (h)

(i) (j)

(k) (l)

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