Adiabatic Not Qrev

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since in an pressire relief everything is just flowing through and nothing is stored in streaming process also Adiabatic so Q=0

and we get: since valve does not do any work

I thought that since entropy was a state function that as long as Q was 0 entropy change was 0? And the entropy change Is defined in the book as

Energy balance (B.9) is:

Here they say it is dQrev but in joule adiabatic pressure relief over valve Q=0. I cant see how one can use (B.14) for adiabatic pressure relief over valve when Q=0? but from defintion of dS from mixing we see that entropy can change for constant Q since volume there changes and entropy from defintion in 10.3 is defined as

Since we know that dH(mix)=0 for ideal state that is dQ+W+d(pV)=0 Vdp=0 for ideal gasses We get dH(mix)=dQ-pdV+pdV=dQ=0 dQ=0

But then I got confused about how volume change and Qrev=0 can give 0 since entropy is defined from volume change as in (a) above I dont get how Qrev=0 can make entropy become 0 then? I know definition but still I dont get why since definition of entropy is defined with only V as variable?:

and definition of entropy:

therefore ( ) : Here is explanation in the book:

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