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Reading assignments

1. Peruse the Internet newsgroup comp.risks and prepare a summary of risks to the public that have recently been discussed. An alternate source is Software Engineering Notes published by the ACM. 2. Write a paper summarizing recent advances in one of the leading edge software application areas. Potential choices include: advanced Web-based applications, virtual reality, artificial neural networks, advanced human interfaces, intelligent agents. 3. The myths noted in Section 1.4 are slowly fading as the years pass, but others are taking their place. Attempt to add one or two new myths to each category. 4. Which is more importantthe product or the process? 5. Provide three examples of software development projects that would be amenable to prototyping and state why you have made those choices. Name two or three applications that would be more difficult to prototype. 6. Imagine yourself as the senior assistant software engineer on a large project. As you move outward along the process flow path of the spiral model, what can you say about the software that is being developed? 7. Propose a specific software project that would be amenable to the incremental model. Present a scenario for applying the model to the software. 8. The RAD model is often tied to CASE tools. Research the literature and provide a summary of a typical CASE tool that supports RAD. 9. Many people believe that the only way in which order of magnitude improvements in software quality and productivity will be achieved is through component-based development. Find three or four recent papers on the subject and summarize them for the class. 10. Evaluate three examples of fourth generation techniques. 11. Which of the software engineering paradigms presented in class do you think would be most effective? Why and why not? These reading report/responds should be at the level of a review/tutorial/ survey article in some ACM or IEEE journal. This assignment is to be an original work. SIMPLY COPYING SOME WEB SITES OR OTHER PUBLISHED WORK IS SPECIFICALLY DISALLOWED. You are expected to synthesize the material from several sources into a coherent document yourself. DUE: 13 May 2012. The oral presentation will be given on that day on any one you are called upon to present. Any supporting Audio/Visual materials for your presentation should be included as an appendix in your paper. Submit electronic copy and ppt. to and hard copy in class.

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