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The people who are crazy enough to think they can change the world are the ones

who doapples think different commercial 1997

1. 2.

4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11.

13. 14.

Focus Simplify Take responsibility end to end When behind, leapfrog Put products before profits Dont be a slave to focus groups Bend reality Impute Push for perfection Tolerate only A players Engage face-to-face Know both the big picture and the details Combine the humanities with the sciences Stay hungry, stay foolish

Deciding what not to do Simplicity is the ultimate sophistication To be truly simple, you have to go really deep Dont compromise Accumulated experiential wisdom drive Intuition is more powerful than intellect

Real artists sign their work People who know what they are talking about dont need PowerPoint Crazy are by way the genius

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