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James Michael McCauley

December 30, 2010 Janice Wolk Grenadier

Ilona Offer to Settle - Thought you might have an interest in it.. I thought I would offer Ilona one last settlement - This is not going to be pretty for the State of Virginia -- On that Phone call I mention about Edward Davis - he told they would not look at any complaints I filed with the VSB -- I am not sure that your Web site and what you say you stand for matched this situation -- and I am not sure of Ben Dimuro's influence on this? ? Settlement for Ilona Grenadier / Grenadier Anderson Starace & Duffet Reply | Janice Wolk Grenadier to aharman, astarace, bdimuro, bduffett, cjun, cpatterson, crubin, evadas, hjenquine, jtran, jwinkler, llevi, mjwesq, renovo1, asimpson, info, jcthomas, jkloch, jmcgrath, sjohnston, wshaw, DelACrockett-S., DelAEbbin, DelAHowell, DelBCarr, DelBCline show details 2:28 PM (0 minutes ago) First I would like to start with a quote from Edward Davis of the VSB - Letter Dated June 23, 2009 - " As explained to you previously, the fact that you disagree with the positions taken by your opponent, or with her tactics (which appear to be simple inducements not to proceed with your lawsuit), does not mean that she acted unethically. So since this is not extortion a 3rd Settlement offer The first one came when Bellefonte was going to settlement I take what is in it and we move on - umm that would have been about $23,000. My recent 2nd one was for $200,000. on the Bellefonte Situation -This is my Third one - Which is good for 24 hours - again not Extortion - But, as I see it alot more people are now involved and have careers possible hanging on this -- You were allowed to Lie in Court - The VSB had no problem with that - Nor did the Judge's with the Alexandria Circuit Court or The Juridical Solutions - you are holding a Note of Mine - which you acted as my attorney threatening me if I spoke to anyone or any other attorney's -- Holding over my head how my children would be visiting there father in jail after he had been raped and beat up -- You have a fiduciary responsibility to me -- We can all see where that has gotten me -- I have proof of you and your staff lying being disingenuous to your clients -- Again the VSB finds that to be appropriate Behavior as I was told by them when Mr. Edward Davis Hung up on me -- The VSB Should be proud as they say one thing on their web site and live by what rules Mr. Edward Davis wants to make -- Then we have the JIRK Commission - great group there! So let's see Ilona I have 3 million dollar law suit to be filed against your law firm Then we have Bellefonte worth at least approx $300,000. Then you have the other $65,000 that you - your law firm mismanaged from the Sonia Grenadier Trust which at a 10% Interest rate is worth today $ 862,054.74 which divide in 1/2 would be split

50% divided to Albert - which will go to the following $431,027.37 1. Andrea 2. Karen 3. Robin $86,205.47 to each one 4.Brian 5 David's will get nothing his will be split 1/3 Abigail - 1/3 Madeline - 1/3 Andrew ( $28,735.15 - to each) 50% to Ruth Split as $431,027.37 1. Neal 2. Neal $86,205.47 t0 Each one 3. Scotty 4. Meda 5 Amy -- Amy will be Trustee for Neal's money - She will receive $6,000. a year from his funds over and above his expense's for her time.. To be used as she pleases. Till the funds run out. So Ilona that is the Brake down of how this settlement would work 1. 1. The 3,300,000. to Myself - TBD on split with Abigail & Madeline for the pain and suffering this has caused them 2. The $65,000 remainder to be split to the heirs - as referenced above -- which has a value of $862,054.74 You will then be released from any liability to me - The rest of them I understand this a felony and can do with you as they please - But, you manipulated me into not getting an attorney -- And let's Remember Ilona all the little conversations we had after court -- When the Judge's who you helped and they loved you so much for that - that you could do what ever you want in a court room - as was even reported in the Washingtonian the hold you had over the Court Room 1. Your Comment " I don't believe David Stole that money and how grateful I should be for the listing on Holland Road it it wasn't for you I wouldn't have gotten it" It wasl that commission you are holding my note -- Thank you 2. How ya'll didn't have anything to do with my girls because I raised them Catholic -I think I am getting my point across - The State of Virginia with my Blog -- will be famous for this case if it is not Settled! My home has been robbed of documents -- Judge;s have been disingenuous as well as the VSB & the JiRK Commission -You have 24 hours Ilona to decide where this goes - Not Extortion - As Mr. Edward Davis says we don't always like our opponent's tactics but, doesn't make them unethical! Janice Wolk Grenadier 703-623-9655

January 7, 2011 James Michael McCauley

Janice, I have read this and cannot make heads or tails of what you are saying. I have to be in Arlington on 1/26 and maybe we can meet and talk then?

January 12, 2011 Janice Wolk Grenadier

I would love to meet and talk with you - I would love to believe there is one person out there that believes i deserve justice just as much as anyone else. It is horrid what these people have gotten away with - if you have an e-mai address I can use - i will send you and out line as well as my Appeal to the Supreme Court.

January 19, 2011 Janice Wolk Grenadier

Mr. McCauley - I am going to be in Richmond tomorrow morning to file an appeal - If you would like to meet we could.. Other wise we will stick with the 26th -

January 19, 2011 James Michael McCauley

I am going to be with the Ethics Committee tomorrow from 10:00 to about 2:00 pm. We can stick with the 26th. I will be at the DoubleTree Hotel in Crystal City doing a presentation in the late pm. I will fill you in on more details. I should not be far from where you live and perhaps we could meet sometime that day before I have to do my lecture.

January 21, 2011 Janice Wolk Grenadier

That would be great - you are close to my home - I live at 15 W. Spring St. Alexandria, Va 22301 - I can easily meet you at your hotel or you are welcome to come here. Please let me know which is easier for you.. Thank you -

January 25, 2011 Janice Wolk Grenadier

I am hoping we can meet early in the day - Please let me know what works for you - Thank you

January 25, 2011 James Michael McCauley

tomorrow I plan to leave Richmond to go directly to the hotel I am speaking at which is the Doubletree Hotel Washington DC - Crystal City at 300 Army Navy Drive in Arlington, VA 22202. I should get there hopefully about 11:00 or so. Let's meet at the restaurant hotel. Best way to reach me is to call me on my cell phone which is 804-205-6919. I will be happy to talk to you but please do not have any expectations that I can solve your issues with your case or the Virginia State Bar. I am just giving you the courtesy of discussing the matter since I am close by.

January 25, 2011 James Michael McCauley

I suggest we meet at the restaurant in the hotel. I should be there about 11:30. Doubletree Hotel Washington DC - Crystal City at 300 Army Navy Drive in Arlington, VA 22202. Call me on my cell phone at 804-205-6919. See you then.

January 28, 2011 Janice Wolk Grenadier

Hi Jim, Thank you again for meeting with me - My cable and electric went out with the storm - I wanted to get this right - I have the information for you - I was wondering if you were still in town - or back in Richmond - Please let me know so - I can get this to you Thank you again- I am very grateful to you jwg

February 7, 2011 James Michael McCauley

got your package, as you know. I have been tied up all last week and this week with the General Assembly on various bills affecting the bar. I will try to get reading your material as soon as possible.

February 11, 2011 Janice Wolk Grenadier

Thank you -- I look forward to hearing what options you may think I have -

February 14, 2011 Janice Wolk Grenadier

Hi - Happy Valentines Day - Hope your day is full of love - I really appreciate your help! j

February 28, 2011 Janice Wolk Grenadier

Janice Wolk Grenadier Jim, I am curious how we you doing with the information. I was thinking of refieling my complaint and would like your opinion on that - as I have one of the people who were hurt that Ilona manipulated a lot of things with them. They could be interviewed by ya'll. Please let me know what you think Thank you Janice

March 4, 2011 Janice Wolk Grenadier

I have filed new complaint with the VSB against Ilona Grenadier and I am also doing them against the partners as they are aware of what she has done. Hope all is well with you. Janice

March 25, 2011 Janice Wolk Grenadier

Jim, I am wondering about questions you may have with the information that I sent to you? As you know I also resubmitted complaints with the Virginia State Bar & have not heard from them. Janice Wolk Grenadier

April 17, 2011 James Michael McCauley

Janice, sorry I haven't been responsive. I got sick with pneumonia and my wife's mother passed so things have been put on the back burner. Sorry.

April 17, 2011 Janice Wolk Grenadier

I am so sorry to hear that - I will light a candle at church for your wife's mother and I wish u a speedy recovery - without our health we have nothing I pray you r well soon Janice

May 16, 2011 Janice Wolk Grenadier

I will Be representing myself on May 24 in front of The Supreme Court at 2.30 schedule time - but they have said most likely around 1.00. - was hoping we could meet afterwards Janice

May 23, 2011 James Michael McCauley

Depends on when you finish. call me when you are done. I have a conference call from 1:00-2:00 that I cannot miss.

May 23, 2011 Janice Wolk Grenadier

I will be getting into Richmond around 9am - then hearing is at 2.30 - but need to be there ready by 1. So I am not sure how they will be moving along as u know I only have 10 minutes of there time . I will contact you in the morning and see what works for you .. Thank you Janice

May 23, 2011 James Michael McCauley

OK. I misread you. I do not have time to meet with you in the morning. I have meetings and also need to prepare for my meeting with the Court @ 12:30. Sorry.

May 23, 2011 Janice Wolk Grenadier

No I can meet with u any time into the late afternoon I will call u when done - or I Can come by the VSB office which ever is easiest .. Janice

May 25, 2011 Janice Wolk Grenadier

JWG ORAL ARGUMENT ** They say it is a Fool who represents themselve - I had no choice ** So I hope you look at this Fool as someone with a lot of courage **. I am very nervous, honored and grateful to be here

** It says alot about our great country the United States of America. And about the State of Virginia ** When asked for the elevator speech of this situation I refer to a soccer game Each side has equal players - an equal chance to win This soccer field doesn't look like that This case never had that fair playing ground On one side you have : Judge. Klock Haddock Kemler. Said 7 Circuit Court Judges Dawkins McGrath Fortkort Brown Ilona - Her law firm Ben DiMuro - past president of the VSB His law firm DiMuroGinsburg David Grenadier His attorney Michael Wieser Commonwealths Attorney Randy Sengal VSB - Edward Davis JIRK - Donald Curry ** I then went to my state Representatives - Patsy Ticer - set it up so I met with Martha Kent - Martha sat listened to my situation - Then explained to me - She had walked in my shoes - understood my situation - she was the x-wife of a Judge - I needed to drop this - and move on as I had no Rights . The appearance of justice, as well as justice itself, is critical to the Commonwealth of Virginia. This is particularly important when a pro se plaintiff like me litigates against an experienced attorney/defendant like Ms. Ilona Ely Freedman Grenadier Heckman and David Grenadier, her stepson, whose father and Ilonas husband was a judge of the Circuit Court. . To ensure the appearance of justice, as well as justice, Va. Code 17.1.105(B) requires the Chief Justice of this Court to appoint an out of Circuit judge when all judges of the Circuit Court are recused (or were required to recuse themselves). The avoids the appearance that judges who are recused (or are required to be recused) hand select their replacements. . When I filed my suit in 2007, the judges of the Circuit Court were Donald Haddock, Lisa Kemler, and John Kloch. . On or about September 22, 2007, Diane Fisk, the Court administrator, informed me that all three judges had recused themselves, i.e. (1) Judge Kemler was a close friend of and grew up with David; (2) Judge Haddock was a personal friend of Ilona; and (3) Judge Kloch had a personal relationship with Ilona and her late husband. Judge Kloch formally recused himself in September 2007. . At no time thereafter did the Chief Justice appoint an out of Circuit judge. This is a clear violation of the law and should result in all subsequent proceedings being vacated and this Chief Justice appointing an out of Circuit Judge to begin the case anew. It does not matter that my case was dismissed by an out of Circuit judge because his appointment was improper and in violation of the law. . I am a ** Mom with 2 beautiful girls - Abigail is a senor, Kappa at Ole Miss - Madeline is going to be a sophomore, Kappa at University of Texas and plans on going to law school there - - I was their Girl Scott leaders -- Room Mother -- Sports Mom ** this court gave me sole custody of the girls in 2000 ** I am an enterpernuer

** I finished 2 years of college - due to personal reasons didn't finish ** I am far from perfect nor do I expect perfection from others **this situation has taken a horrid toll on my personal life - family life - professional life and the lives of my children I am not an attorney. I did not learn of this provision of the law until June 2010. ** In fact I was told the complete opposite by the Circuit Court of Alexandria - That the only way The Cheif Justice choose a Judge was if they "the Circuit Court " couldn't find a Judge I filed a motion to vacate the dismissal of my case in July, 2010. Incredibly, Judge Kloch, who had recused himself in September, 2007 and then retired from the bench, reappeared. He denied my motion on August 11, 2010 and then recused himself again and immediately vacated his decision on August 12, 2010. **October 13, 2010 Judge Dawkins refused to recluse himself & denied my motion - when by all appearance he had recused himself in 2008 - as he was appointed in April of 2008 and sworn in June of 2008 . These are the facts that I know. I did my best to represent myself. The judges of the Circuit Court are appointed to know and follow the law. Judges must avoid the appearance of impropriety at all times especially to avoid appearing that Judges favored defendants whose deceased husband and father, respectively, had been a member of the Circuit Court by improperly selecting their replacements. . I do not wish to criticize the motives of the Circuit Court Judges, my opponents, the administrator, or the out of Circuit judges involved. I dont have to do so. A clear violation of law occurred. I ask this Court to correct it. **As this law was designed to protect the people from behind close door descisions ** Improperly hand selected Judges ** I ask this court to "Draw the line" to protect the Public ** That the Cheif Justice please choose a Judge to hear my case Again I am honored and grateful for your time Do you have any questions for me? Thank you I got your call this morning - I will be shocked if I am not given a new trial I will try and call u in the morning Janice

May 30, 2011 Janice Wolk Grenadier

We keep missing each other But, the question is as Ethics Counsel for the VSB - Where do things stand? R y'all taking the stand this type of behavior is acceptable by the VSB? You hire a past President for you counsel and all is good? Donate enough money - Buy tables at events and we'll give you a hall pass for Lying in court, stealing from 80 year old women - from everyone you can? Ilona Grenadier after every judge bragged about her relationship with them - I feel y'all r misleading the public with your website - if this is ignored -

Janice Wolk Grenadier

May 31, 2011 Janice Wolk Grenadier

From my blog. Valaw2010 THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 18, 2010 Edward Davis with the VSB should be Fired My complaint with the Virginia State Bar was turned away by Edward Davis. Mr. Davis Bar Counsel for the Virginia State Bar. My Complaint a lawyer who teaches Ethics for the VSB helped me write it, was a bit shocked how it was handled, but, explained to be the people I was playing with were pretty powerful! My complaint against Ilona Grenadier included the following: 1. Mrs Grenadier disingenuous way with the Alexandria Court - lying in court and knowingly filing disingenuous papers with the Alexandria Circuit Court. 2. A letter dated February 8, 2008 saying I better drop the suit or else 3. Management of the Sonia Grenadier Trust by her law firm 4. With holding my Note which since she still has it she a fiduciary responsibility to me. 5. Legal ethics rule 1.16 (d)and (c) A letter dated June 23, 2009 from Mr. Davis through out my complaint - Quotes from his letter that are just unbelievable."As explained to you previously, the fact that you disagree with the positions taken by your opponent, or with her tactics (which appear to be simple inducements not to proceed with your lawsuit), does not mean that she acted unethically." He then goes on for 2 1/2 pages.. defending Ilona Grenadier..- I have gone through several situations where attorney's have lost the right to practice for a month for over charging or forgetting to file something with the courts.. But, Ilona Grenadier who had a past President of the Virginia State Bar represent her... Has Edward Davis send me a letter accusing me of being involved with the mismanagement .. when I had never seen any of the documents or anything till after it had happened in Ilona Grenadier's Law Firm.. Virginia Bar Complaint Outline / Ilona Ely Freedman Grenadier Heckman VSB Docket # 09-NAT-076104 July 28,2008 1st Complaint 1. That Ilona lied in court on September 12, 2007 All facts can be found in the Motion for Default Dated September 21, 2009 Which a copy was sent in with the complaint 2. Letter from Mrs. Grenadier suggesting I had better drop the suit Dated February 8, 2008 3. Ilona presented false statements in her Counter Claim and Cross Complaint which can be proven through her own documentation. These false statements were filed and are in Court Record. On August 4, 2008 I received a letter from Mr. James C. Bodie saying they would not be taking action against Ilona. I then did pursue it and asked them to review it again after sending in more information. I was also turned down on the review. I was basically told because Ilona wished for a different outcome her behavior was acceptable to the Virginia Bar. Virginia Bar Complaint #2 April 29, 2009 With the first Complaint Ilona had broken the Ethics rule on Knowingly Filing false information with the courts, making false statements in Court, recording documents along with Admissions statements that were disingenuous, and lying in Court. She now had broken the Ethics Rule 1.16 (d) and (e) by refusing to give me the NOTE that she as my lawyer had written

and had insisted on being the only one to hold on to it. I attached much evidence on this complaint of Ilona being very disingenuous. With all her statements she made and how she mislead all the other attorneys with the truth of the amount of funds that were stolen from the Sonia Grenadier Trust. I have also shown how she personally financially benefited from all of these actions, my millions of dollars in Real Estate. *** These complaints by my understanding from Mr. Edward L. Davis have been combined and looked at together. ***My feelings are from his letter he doesnt even understand the complaints nor is he looking at the evidence that has been provided to show that Ilona is lying. . Posted by JWG at 4:22 PM Email This BlogThis! Share to Twitter Share to Facebook Share to Google Buzz 1 comments: JWG said... This You tube goes into a bit of what is going on with Mr. Edward Davis... November 18, 2010 10:59 PM Post a Comment Thank you for your comment. If you have any other information you would like to share with me.. I can be contacted at

Newer Post Older Post Home Subscribe to: Post Comments (Atom) FOLLOWERS BLOG ARCHIVE 2010 (10) November (10) Outline of Ilona & David's Minipulaton from 1986 City of Alexandria Circuit Court & Juridical Solut... Integrity of Ilona Grenadier Heckman & Jerry Heckm... Facts about the Mismanagement of the Sonia Grenadi... Value of the Bellefonte & The Note Ilona Grenadier... You tube Video on the Situation - Enjoy!! The JIRC - The Judicial Inquiry & Review Commissio... Rabbi & Ilona Grenadier Heckman & Jerry Heckman' F... Edward Davis with the VSB should be Fired Ilona Ely Freedman Grenadier Heckman ABOUT ME JWG I have for the last 20 years been silent about what Ilona Grenadier Heckman did to me, to my children & Sonia Grenadier. Her husband Jerry Heckman is aware of the situation and I now believe him to be as responsible for the situation. The Alexandria Circuit Court did not help the situation, Nor did the VSB Edward Davis. This Blog is to let the Truth be known. Judge Albert Grenadier has a reputation of being a man of great integrity, I don't believe he would be proud of the fact his wife Ilona Grenadier stole from his mother or from the mother of his grandchildren. That Ilona then had the disregard for the Alexandria Court System to be as disingenuous in what she said and the papers she filed. Ilona Grenadier has benefited in the millions from her actions. View my complete profile

VSB Video.avi Share

June 2, 2011 Janice Wolk Grenadier

I am curious Where I stand here? Janice

June 2, 2011 James Michael McCauley

I can't say without spending a good 5 or 6 hours reviewing your docs and doing some investigation. I haven't found the time to do that but I will. Since I did not review your complaint I don't understand why your complaint was dismissed w/o further investigation.

June 29, 2011 Janice Wolk Grenadier

o o

Please review my resent wall item that was my response to the Supreme Courts Dismissal - I am not going to drop this The VSB should be ashamed of itself

June 29, 2011 James Michael McCauley

Will do.

July 1, 2011 Janice Wolk Grenadier

I don't understand as you work for the VSB - that you wouldn't research the files etc - on job time - Edward Davis totally was involved in the cover up - or in bed with Ben DiMuro to get the VSB not to look at this - There is some HUGH corruption in the VSB & Legal system in Virginia

July 8, 2011 Janice Wolk Grenadier

I wanted to acknowledge your message Thank you - I am very frustrated at what is going on here - I was unaware that Edward Davis is your boss - I believe in those documents is a copy of his letter to me - I understand to others who have seen him deal fairly would see him in a different light then I do - I know the Truth and everyone is ignoring the Truth - Becuse it isn't pretty and everyone has to admit they have made mistakes I hope you have a great time with your youth group - What a great thing to be doing - I love to camp - am nervous doing it on my own with my girls - when growing up we tent camped from Florida to Alaska - in 2006 I drove an RV cross country with my girls and dog - up through the Canadian Rocky Mountains to Alaska we went as far up as the Artic Circle - It was great - Have a great time Between us - It was Bob Nealon in Alexandria who helped me write my VSB complaint - He doesn't want his name any where near me as does anyone else Again I apologize for my phone message sounding as frustraited as I feel God Bless - with your ventures Janice Wolk Grenadier

August 17, 2011 Janice Wolk Grenadier

Ilonas newest game - I am going to sue the VSB - This may not be happening if your boss Edward Davis wasn't so corrupt I know you disagree - but, the facts are the facts and no one will listen to them -

Best Janice

August 25, 2011 Janice Wolk Grenadier

I need to know if you intend on looking at my information or not.

August 25, 2011 James Michael McCauley


September 8, 2011 Janice Wolk Grenadier

Can u please do it - She is hurting so many more people - Thank u

September 21, 2011 Janice Wolk Grenadier

I need to know where we stand and when you feel you will have this reviewed. If it isn't soon - I plan on suing Edward Davis / VSB - Edward Davis personally at this point with his actions has lost personal immunity -

September 28, 2011 Janice Wolk Grenadier

o o

I have requested to go in front of a Grand Jury - I plan on exposing your boss - If this is not re investigated I am going to push to do this October 11 in the City of Alexandria

October 1, 2011 Janice Wolk Grenadier

Thank you so much for your time - I have been talking to a journalist who studies the courts and I now understand your reluctance to pursue - When you told me someone asked you to look into this - I believed in you and put a lot of faith in the fact you really wanted to see the truth - I want to thank you for your time - but, feel you have wasted mine - I am not a game player as I hope I had made clear to you - Interesting how when are conversation went to I know about the tables Ilona purchases where over and above - Now I understand how you would hate to lose the interest off her Escrow accounts - to you not understand what this has done to me personally and more importantly my children -

October 1, 2011 Janice Wolk Grenadier

Edward Davis - is going to have a lot to explain - I don't believe alot of people understand how the VSB is funded off the Escrow accounts of attorneys -

October 1, 2011 Janice Wolk Grenadier

Well of course the Commonwealth's attorney has denied my right to the Special Grand Jury - But, I am filing to go infront of the regular one - Interesting - I called and asked the Bar if Ilona Grenadier and her Law firm did more then pay normal dues of course not - I then found an article that talked about her buying tables - NOW I learn the interest from her Escrow Accounts go to the VSB - I wonder what else I am going to learn as I get further in this -

October 1, 2011 Janice Wolk Grenadier

I also understand why you haven't really looked at my stuff - Or was this just a way for the VSB to know what I had? -

October 8, 2011

Janice Wolk Grenadier

I am interested who asked you to look into this matter -

October 13, 2011 Janice Wolk Grenadier

James Michael McCauley Oct 13. 2011.docx

October 13, 2011 Janice Wolk Grenadier


October 22, 2011 Janice Wolk Grenadier

If you could please send back my files to me at 15 West Spring Street, Alexandria, Virginia 22301 - thank you - I can't beleve the Fool I have played for everyone -

October 30, 2011 Janice Wolk Grenadier

please let me know if I should just pick up my files from you ~ If they can be left at the front desk of the VSB >> I spent a lot of time and it took money that i didn't really have to get them to you ~ I did this because i believed that you were sincere in helping ~ and getting to the truth ~

November 7, 2011 Janice Wolk Grenadier

How Sad is this ~ That I have to send an e-mail like this out?

I don't even know where to start with this ~ I have in the past tried to keep this so private ~ It is now time to be sure no one else ever lives this type of Nightmare ~ We all grew up being respectful to our laws ~ to lawyers ~ to Judges ~ The truth is Virginia is the most Corrupt State when it comes to the law. This starts with our Clerk of Court Ed Semonian and goes all the way up to our Chief Justice in the Supreme Court. Up till 2007 ~ I could say nothing. I had been given sole custody of my girls and in the end $345.00 a month in Child Support ~ In 2007 I went to court on a business / Real Estate deal ~ David Grenadier (my x-husband father of my girls) & Ilona Grenadier (my x-mother -n Law ) What I learned ~ Quotes from Ilona Greandier " We never had anything to do with your girls because you raised them Catholic" She has seen them once in 20 years there father was also absent in their lives ~ " David didn't steal that money from the Sonia Grenadier Trust" ~ David is very lucky she said it in front of his attorney ~ " You should be grateful to me for the listing on Holland Road" ~ A listing that I spent a year on ~ The morning Abigail was born ~ Prior to me knowing if she would live ~ Due to heart issues ~ before I even talked to the doctors and knew she would Live ~ I get a call from Ilona Grenadier ~ She needed that commission to negotiate David out of trouble ~ She manipulated me at the moment in my life all I cared about was the Abigail would Live ~ Especially after living through a miscarriage at 5 months only 10 months prior to this ~ On May 24, 2011 ~ ( Please keep in mind Ilona Grenadier is a very powerful lawyer I couldn't afford a lawyer ~ But, had help along the way ) I went in front of the Supreme Court ~ what I said ~ JWG ORAL ARGUMENT ** They say it is a Fool who represents themselve - I had no choice ** So I hope you look at this Fool as someone with a lot of courage **. I am very nervous, honored and grateful to be here ** It says alot about our great country the United States of America. And about the State of Virginia ** When asked for the elevator speech of this situation I refer to a soccer game Each side has equal players - an equal chance to win This soccer field doesn't look like that This case never had that fair playing ground On one side you have : Judge. Klock Haddock Kemler. Said 7 Circuit Court Judges Dawkins McGrath Fortkort Brown

Ilona - Her law firm Ben DiMuro - past president of the VSB His law firm DiMuroGinsburg David Grenadier His attorney Michael Wieser Commonwealths Attorney Randy Sengal VSB - Edward Davis JIRC - Donald Curry ** I then went to my state Representatives - Patsy Ticer - set it up so I met with Martha Kent - Martha sat listened to my situation - Then explained to me She had walked in my shoes - understood my situation - she was the x-wife of a Judge - I needed to drop this - and move on as I had no Rights . The appearance of justice, as well as justice itself, is critical to the Commonwealth of Virginia. This is particularly important when a pro se plaintiff like me litigates against an experienced attorney/defendant like Ms. Ilona Ely Freedman Grenadier Heckman and David Grenadier, her stepson, whose father and Ilonas husband was a judge of the Circuit Court. . To ensure the appearance of justice, as well as justice, Va. Code 17.1.105(B) requires the Chief Justice of this Court to appoint an out of Circuit judge when all judges of the Circuit Court are recused (or were required to recuse themselves). The avoids the appearance that judges who are recused (or are required to be recused) hand select their replacements. . When I filed my suit in 2007, the judges of the Circuit Court were Donald Haddock, Lisa Kemler, and John Kloch. . On or about September 22, 2007, Diane Fisk, the Court administrator, informed me that all three judges had recused themselves, i.e. (1) Judge Kemler was a close friend of and grew up with David; (2) Judge Haddock was a personal friend of Ilona; and (3) Judge Kloch had a personal relationship with Ilona and her late husband. Judge Kloch formally recused himself in September 2007. . At no time thereafter did the Chief Justice appoint an out of Circuit judge. This is a clear violation of the law and should result in all subsequent proceedings being vacated and this Chief Justice appointing an out of Circuit Judge to begin the case anew. It does not matter that my case was dismissed by an out of Circuit judge because his appointment was improper and in violation of the law. . I am a ** Mom with 2 beautiful girls - Abigail is a senor, Kappa at Ole Miss Madeline is going to be a sophomore, Kappa at University of Texas and plans on going to law school there - - I was their Girl Scott leaders -- Room Mother -Sports Mom ** this court gave me sole custody of the girls in 2000 ** I am an entrepreneur ** I finished 2 years of college - due to personal reasons didn't finish ** I am far from perfect nor do I expect perfection from others **this situation has taken a horrid toll on my personal life - family life professional life and the lives of my children I am not an attorney. I did not learn of this provision of the law until June 2010.

** In fact I was told the complete opposite by the Circuit Court of Alexandria That the only way The Cheif Justice choose a Judge was if they "the Circuit Court " couldn't find a Judge I filed a motion to vacate the dismissal of my case in July, 2010. Incredibly, Judge Kloch, who had recused himself in September, 2007 and then retired from the bench, reappeared. He denied my motion on August 11, 2010 and then recused himself again and immediately vacated his decision on August 12, 2010. **October 13, 2010 Judge Dawkins refused to recluse himself & denied my motion when by all appearance he had recused himself in 2008 - as he was appointed in April of 2008 and sworn in June of 2008 . These are the facts that I know. I did my best to represent myself. The judges of the Circuit Court are appointed to know and follow the law. Judges must avoid the appearance of impropriety at all times especially to avoid appearing that Judges favored defendants whose deceased husband and father, respectively, had been a member of the Circuit Court by improperly selecting their replacements. . I do not wish to criticize the motives of the Circuit Court Judges, my opponents, the administrator, or the out of Circuit judges involved. I dont have to do so. A clear violation of law occurred. I ask this Court to correct it. **As this law was designed to protect the people from behind close door decisions ** Improperly hand selected Judges ** I ask this court to "Draw the line" to protect the Public ** That the Chief Justice please choose a Judge to hear my case Again I am honored and grateful for your time Do you have any questions for me? Thank you

I was denied my Appeal ~ I ask you to now go to the following links ~ I now have a case in the Federal Courts ~ Martha Kent understood what I was going through and said I have walked in your shoes ~ you need to move on ~ I don't want anyone else to have to walk in MY SHOES ~ I ask you to please ~ VOTE CHRIS MARSTON & TIM McGHEE ~ Again please understand ~ This isn't about Party ~ This is about a persons life ~ which one day could be you or a family member ~ We all know how small a world it is ~ This to could happen to you ~ Maybe not how it happened to me ~ But, in another way ~ Janice Wolk Grenadier The Serenity Prayer

God, grant me the courage to change the things I can change, the serenity to accept those I cannot change, and the wisdom to know the difference. But God, grant me the courage not to give up on what I think is right, even though I think it is hopeless. I have paid a very dear price for what I have gone though in the last 25 years ~ I haven't handled it well ~ I have made several mistakes ~ hurting others ~ Which I am deeply sorry for ~ to hopefully help someone else

Peoples ~ Rights See this Go Daddy InstantPage! Get yours free with a domain name at ~This site is about the Legal system in Virginia ~ Share

November 8, 2011 James Michael McCauley

I will leave your documents at the front desk.

November 13, 2011 Janice Wolk Grenadier

I will be in next week to get them ~ R u for leading me on you were going to investigate this or all these people who are openly covering for Ilona & their friends any more guilty then this? All of you are using your power to protect someone ~ from the protection that they were for Ilona

Video: Joe Paterno Fired, Penn State Students Riot Students flip cars in State College after Board of Trustees' firing of coach. Share

November 18, 2011 Janice Wolk Grenadier

I don't have the money to get down there this week ~ Will let you know when I do ~ I have one question for you ~ you talk about taking the youth at your church on these camp outs ~ why did you screw with me like this? 25 years of my life Ilona & David took from me ~ only to have people like you protect them from Justice ~ Why ~ Why don't i deserve a Fair Trial ~ A judge who is corrupt ~ Everything I have said is true ~ you have seen the documents ~ yet ya'll just say its ok ~ what am i piece of shit that just no one cares about ~ no one would even care if i was just gone ~

November 22, 2011 James Michael McCauley

My assistant, Kristi Hall, has just informed me that you are on the way or are almost at the office to pick up the documents that you delivered to me. Unfortunately, I have them at my house. Your last message of Nov 18 said you were not coming down to Richmond this week so I did not expect you this week. I wished you had called me or sent me a message indicating that you were coming so I could have them ready for you.

December 4, 2011 Janice Wolk Grenadier

To All ~ as you may or may not go to your religious services this weekend ~ I want you to look good and hard at what your role in my life, my children's life & Sonia Grenadier's past life ~ and to think if the late Albert Grenadier ~ your friend would have wanted this outcome ~ if he was a Horrid Man or a Good Man ? Would he have been happy with how Ilona Grenadier ~ married Jerome Heckman ( whom he couldn't stand from what everyone ~ but Ilona will tell u ~ the word I have heard him described is weasel ) Then she proceeds to Ruin the last years of his mother ~ stealing over $95,000. ~ digs up his father from his grave ~ donates the garden ~ takes a tax deduction for it ~ ilona buys a new garden and now sends a letter to his sisters children & says u have to remove your mother from the garden ~ Ruth is next to her brother Albert, Her Mother Sonia, & her father Herman ~ Ilona says she has a copy of check etc ~ she personally paid for this ~ is going to sue King David for burying her their~ but now refuses to show any information ~ We can see how Ilona has Raped that family ~ now let's look at the ways she had raped me & my children I know realize I wouldn't have been in Bankruptcy if it wasn't for the manipulation, lies of Ilona & David Grenadier ~ and u

Judges have given her the Hall Pass to get away with it ~ You ~ her law partners ~ the VSB ~ The State Legislature ~ the Supreme Court of Virginia are acting no different Then the people in Jerry Sandusky's case ~ Me ~ My Children ~ Sonia Grenadier ~ The Late Judge Grenadier ~ his Family are all Victims of your actions ~ Ilona Grenadier & David Grenadier have Stolen from us ~ Lied in Court ~ In Court Filings ~ involved in the Forgery of Sonia Grenadiers signature to give her the power to do this ~ I stayed quiet till Ilona told me the Truth it wasn't David who stole that money ~ they have manipulated and taken 25 years of my life~ and y'all said that was ok ~ by letting her do what she has done ~ Ilona today could do a story just like this ~ denying her role ~ truth is I have all the documents ~ ya'll have seen them ~ to Prove the Truth ~ yet none of u are Man or Women Enough to do the right thing ~ Say a mistake was made ~ Let's fix it ~ we all know Iliona has threaten to sue me for liable ~ but can't nor can any of u ~ because everything I am saying is the Truth and can be backed up ~ by E~mails & letters ~ court filings ~ your own actions being documented ~ I hope when u read this Article where ever u see Jerry Sanduxky's name u replace it with ~ Ilona Ely Freedman Grenadier Heckman ~ and think about her victims ~ The late Albert Grenadier The late Ruth Subitzky Sy Subitzky Amy Bird Subitsky Mada Subitsky Neal Subitsky Scotty Subitsky Janice Wolk Grenadier Abigail Grenadier Madeline Grenadier David Grenadier Andrea Grenadier Karen Grenadier Andrew Grenadier Brian Grenadier And each of u have kept silent And made it possible for her to get away ~ Lie ~ torture her victims everyday in so many different was ~ just like Jerry Sandusky ~ Warmly, Janice Wolk Grenadier

Alleged child sex abuse victim's lawyers respond to Jerry Sandusky's New York Times interview PennLive : Alleged child sex abuse victim's lawyers respond to Jerry Sandusky's New York Times inter Justine Andronici, a victims rights and civil rights attorney working on the case with Shubin, stated, This is just another awful chapter in a story that has already devastated the lives of many people. Jerry Sanduskys victims and their families are struggling with so much pain. Sandusky needs to... Share

December 6, 2011 Janice Wolk Grenadier

I would appreciate if you would tell me why you played with me? Why you lead me to believe you were going to look at this? WHY ~ I never did anything to you ~ or to anyone ~ All I wanted was a fair chance ~ against very powerful people ~ The Elevator Speech of this situation 2.docx

December 7, 2011 Janice Wolk Grenadier

I will be in Richmond on Friday

December 11, 2011 James Michael McCauley

sorry I was out of the office. I had your files in my office but did not know you wre coming. I don't check my FB messages daily and it is not my primary source of communication. Please leave a message on my voice mail at work. 804-775-0565. You also have my cell phone no b/c you have used it. I will put your stuff in the mail on Monday.

December 12, 2011 Janice Wolk Grenadier

I am sorry for using facebook ~ as a means of communication ~ I did think u checked it regularly ~ I will say timing between us was definitely off ~. Thank u for mailing it back to me Happy Holidays JWG

December 24, 2011 Janice Wolk Grenadier

Thank you for returning my information ~ this morning as I woke up ~ I thought about my Christmas Miracle ~ how much I need one ~ How last year I believed it was you ~ yesterday when the secretary at the Federal Court lied to me ~ and I was telling of it ~ the person looked at me quizzically ~ because how stupid could I be to believe in any one? A mistake was made ~ yet no one is man enough to man up ~ Who says one person can't make a difference ~ happy birthday Jesus ~ What a difference you made. ~ Wishing you and yours a Christmas Miracle Me

December 30, 2011 Janice Wolk Grenadier

As I pray for my Miracle ~

January 22 Janice Wolk Grenadier

o o

You call yourself a Christian ~ I bet you went to Church today ~ But, you are no better then anyone else who is involved in this cover up. It bothers me that people are trusting there children with you at Christian Camps ~ Or are you one of those Do as I say not as I do types You are a scumbag for how you led me on ~

January 22 James Michael McCauley

I have reported you to FB and I am blocking your messages. You can no longer message James Michael McCauley. Learn more.

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