Obama Wants Nigger Dictatorship

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Obama wants Nigger Dictatorship By Anthony J. Faber, B.A., J.D.

, Coif Perpetual (C)Copyright in the American Public and Neothomism, P.C. (PAP Barak Obama is really not a democrat, instead he is a nigger nazi. Obama is a close relative of the Haitian Dictator Papa Doc Duvalier, and like Duvalier, Obama wants to be the nigger dictator of America for life. Obama is an illegal director in the Dutch East India Company Trilateral Commission which was illegally refounded during the Reagan administration. Obama wants to be a voodoo sanateria satanic president for life. Like many other voodoo blacks, Obama is probably a cannibal who eats the flesh of murdered white people. If Obama has his way, whites will be enslaved by blacks and tortured and murdered and put in concentration camps. To start to bring about this horrible, illegal dictatorship, Obama has

already illegally asserted that he has the right to put any person he calls Al Queda, under permanent arrest, without charge, and without trial, which may include you. Obama also has formed an assassination committee to murder his political rivals, which is a subcommittee of the White House National Security Committee. As you may recall, the term Al Queda Dei, means The Movement of God, in arabic spanish. Also, the term El Opus Dei means the The Movement of God in Latin. And, Hezbollah, means the Movement of God in Farsi.

Thus, Obama must at least come clean and tell us that he is not a member of the traitorous Opus Dei-Al Queda, whom he purports to be fighting with our good, white troops in the Gulf. Otherwise, it seems that good white American boys are just being sent into the Gulf to die so that Obama can bring over move white and brown moslems to steal their homes and murder their families, just as has happened under the Clinton and Bush adminstrations.

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