FS 3 Technology in The Learning Environment

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Episode 1 THE SCHOOLS LEARNING RESOURCE CENTER Name of FS Student: Course: Resource Teacher: School: St. Paul University Surigao My Target At the end of this activity, I will be competent in identifying and classifying resources that facilitate teaching and learning processes. My Map It will be an interesting journey to the world of educational technology. A chance to visit and observe a learning resource center of a school will start you off: For this process, explore the world through these steps:

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My Tools As you visit and observe the learning resource center, use activity forms provided for you to document your observations. Ask the assistance of the one manning the center courteously. On Observation Guide for a LEARNING REOURCE CENTER Read the following statements carefully before you observe. 1. Go around the Learning Resource Center. 2. See what learning resources are present. 3. Examine how the materials are arranged and how they are classified. Are they free from dust and moisture? Are they arranged for easy access? 4. Look for the guidelines/procedures for borrowing of materials. Are these guidelines/procedures posted or available for the users to refer to? 5. Familiarize yourself with the guidelines and procedures. You may choose to take photos of the center. Observation: During my first visit at St. Paul University Surigao, High School Campus, I noticed that most of the office are using computer with computer programs designed for each office. At the entrance of the SPUS, there is an ID server system. I was able to visit some of the resource center in the SPUS, to wit: Instructional Media Center (IMC) Audio Video Room (AVR) Computer Laboratory Amphitheater Speech Laboratory

Each material are arranged according to their functions and classified according to their uses. One person is tasked to be in-charge in each resource. They are arranged for easy access. There are materials which can be borrowed with proper borrowing procedures, while some materials are handled by authorized personnel only. The resources/materials are well taken care of, free from dust and moisture.

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After you have observed, classify the resources available in the learning resource center. Name of Center Observed: Instructional Media Center (IMC), Amphitheater, Speech Laboratory, Audio-Visual Room, Computer Laboratory, Library Date of Observation: Name of Observer: Course / Year / School: St. Paul University Surigao Available Learning Resources (Enumerate in bullet form) 1. Print Resources Not available 2. Audio Resources Graphic Equalizer Mixer Karaoke Microphone Television VDC / DVD Player Cassette Tapes/ CDs Speaker List of Available Learning Resources Characteristics and Unique Capabilities Teaching Approaches where the Resource is Most Useful

These materials are used as telecommunication medium for transmitting and receiving sounds and moving images. These materials adjust the quality of the sound to the size of the room and images to the viewers.

3. Non-electronic Visual These are non photographic, two resources dimensional materials designed Bulletin boards specifically to communicate a Display boards message to the viewer. They often include verbal as well as symbolic Charts visual cues. Maps 4. ICT Resources Computers w/ peripheral Computer is a system. It is a Computers have greatly hardware combination of relate parts revolutionized teaching Laboratory 2 - 40 sets performing a unified job of receiving methodologies and Laboratory 1 45 sets inputs, processing the information strategies. Because of and transforming them into a new computer technology there HS Library 6 sets kind of result. is a chain of changes: the Scholastics 5 sets role of teachers, in the Principals Room 2 sets modes of learning among Canteen 3 sets students, in the curricular Eduquest offerings and in the content Server ID System in all the levels of Cashier 1set education. Registrar each Finance Impression: SPUS have provided resources to the students, teachers and non-teaching as well. Through the advent of these resources, teachers are able to convey lessons effectively and interestingly. Progress in learning is easily monitored with the records keeping ability of computers. It also improves work efficiency and time savings compared with conventional modes of learning. Name and Signature of Observer : _________________________________

The materials in the audio resources are mostly useful not only in academic activities but also in nonacademic activities. They add realism and appeal especially in explaining and demonstrating certain topics. These materials represent persons, places, things and concepts. They add to the instructional point and to easy understanding.

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Name and Signature of the Learning Resource Center In-Charge:

My Analysis Were the learning resources/materials arranged properly according to their functions and characteristics? St. Paul University Surigao provides quality education by providing appropriate learning resources/materials. These learning resources/materials are properly arranged according to their respective functions and characteristics. Each material are categorized and labeled according to their uses. The materials are grouped and placed in a particular room based on their functions. One key personnel is assigned as an in-charge of a particular section. Mr. Engr. is in-charge of the Instructional Media Center (IMC) while

has the responsibility over the Audio Video Room (AVR) including the

Hardware section.

Do the guidelines and procedures facilitate easy access to the materials by the teachers? Why? Why not? The guideline and procedures facilitate easy access to the available learning materials/resources by the teachers. The personnel responsible in a particular section are accommodating enough to guide the teachers and students in proper handling and operation of materials/resources. For every classroom there is one (1) set of audio-video material. It is equipped with one television, one Central Processing Unit (CPU) with keyboard and computer mouse attached to it. The teacher often uses these facilities during their class discussion. The teachers present their Power Point presentation of a particular lesson through these resources. The teacher makes certain that the guidelines and procedures in facilitating the materials are followed by the students.

What are the strengths of this Learning Resource Center?

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Information and communication development opportunities and information flow are the big challenges arising from a dedicated review of most educational questions. Each of the learning resource centers, which offer services for teachers and students, has its strengths.

The Information and Communication Technology (ICT) Resources which includes computer laboratory, internet laboratory and the computer-generated system functioning in the cashier, registrar, finance, canteen and ID system provides high technology functions. These materials provide software system designed for each particular office/section. The Audio Resource is very functional not only he the academic activities but also in the non-academic exercises, thus increasing the quality of learning in general. The availability of these materials in SPUS provides easy access to information and lessens the burden of manual work. What are its weaknesses? The Learning Resource Center, although highly important in St. Paul University Surigao, has also its weaknesses. The learning center is a teaching approach in which students learn through self-directed exploration of educational material. However, learning centers carry certain risks and disadvantages. Having these materials/resources is relatively expensive. The cost and benefits must be assessed to ensure optimal gains. There is some lag in the production and design of computers for instruction. High quality direct instruction materials are not readily available and may require compatibility due to exclusiveness of some educational programs or software. If these materials are not properly handled, it may easily deteriorate over time.

What suggestions can you make? Based on my observation on the Learning Resource Center of St. Paul University Surigao, I commend the SPUS for providing these resource centers. The SPUS have provided enough learning resource/materials. My suggestion would be additional personnel in handling these resources. With the numerous materials like computers, it needs not just one person to ensure that these materials are working perfectly and are readily available. I
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suggest that two or more personnel will be assigned to check very now and then the resources in each section so as to facilitate every students and teachers as well.

My Reflections 1. Which of the materials in the learning resources caught your interest the most? Why? Among the numerous materials in the learning resource, the one which caught my interest most is the television and central processing unit (CPU) in each classroom. It caught my interest most because it has greatly revolutionized teaching strategies. Teachers are no longer viewed as the prime source of information. These materials will arouse and sustain the interest and attention of the pupils to learn. It will increase the quality of learning while decreasing the time spent in writing at chalkboard or preparing visual aids. It makes learning more interactive, hence learning is improved. 2. Which gadgets/materials are you already confident to use/operate? The gadget/material that I feel confident to use and operate is the computer. Although some educational programs or software may appear new to me but generally speaking I am confident that I can manipulate a computer. I am computer literate, therefore I know how to use and operate the computer and its programs. 3. Which one do you feel you need to learn more about? During my observation on the learning resources of SPUS, I feel that I need to learn more about the non-electronic visual resources like display boards and bulletin boards. I have been dependent on computer. As I observe around the campus of SPUS, I realized that display boards are not only part of the classroom decor, but also usually serve the purpose of spreading information to the students. One must develop an artistic mind to create an exciting display board. 4. Read an article about your answer in number 3. Paste a copy of article here.

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(refer to page 7)

Display Boards in Schools

Display boards are one on the focal points in a school classroom or hallway. Often, the board displays important information for both students and educators, while school children can often decorate display boards themselves, particularly around holidays and festive periods. Educators can use display boards to chart the progress of students, act as a visual display to boost the selfesteem of students and encourage positive behavior Important Notices Primary school display boards serve an important function within the classroom or hallway, as they are often the place where important notices are displayed. Teachers can post what to do in the event of a fire, the student register and rules of classroom behavior on the display board. Given the importance of this information, it is essential that students understand the display board and its functions, while also being invited to contribute. One idea may be to introduce the display board to your students at the start of each academic year and inform them of changes as and when they occur. Monitoring Achievement Display boards are also a good medium for publicly monitoring student achievement. List all of the students' names on the display and reward positive achievements and behaviors with the award of bronze, silver and gold stars. At the end of each week or term, further reward students for their hard work with treats and praise. This will encourage your students to perform well in class and leads to a positive reinforcement as students see hard work being rewarded. Furthermore, you can also remove stars to punish misbehavior, but this strategy is better for older students at a primary school. Special Occasions Special occasions provide an opportunity for students to decorate their display board. At Christmas time, for example, make the display festive by having the class make paper Christmas trees, candy canes, Santas and snowmen and affix them to the perimeter of the display board. Capitalize on the decoration projects to teach important lessons about the holiday in question. For example, at Thanksgiving, teachers can tell students the about the story behind the holiday while they are making their decorations.

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Student Projects When your primary school display boards are not full of seasonal or holiday decorations, you can use them to track the progress of student projects. For example, set a target amount of money/items to collect for charity and keep a chart of monies/items raised on the display board. This enables students to organize events, write letters and telephone local businesses and run collection drives, for items such as toys. Reward your students by recognizing their achievements on the display board.


Episode 2 BULLETIN BOARD DISPLAYS Name of FS Student: Course: Teacher Resource Teacher: School: St. Paul University Surigao My Target At the end of this activity, you will be competent in appraising the effectiveness of display boards as learning resources. My Map Display board, or what we more commonly refer to as bulletin board, is one of the most readily available and versatile learning resources. To reach your target, follow the boards below:

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My Tools An Observation Guide for BOARD DISPLAYS Read the following statements carefully before you observe. 1. Go around the school and examine the board display. How many boards display do you see? 2. Where are the display boards found? Are they in places where target viewers can see them? 3. What are the displays about? What are the images and colors do you see? How are the pieces of information arranged? 4. What materials were used in making the displays? Are borders used? 5. Do you notice some errors? (misspelled words, grammar inconsistencies and the like) 6. Are the messages clear and easily understood? 7. You may choose to take a photo of the display board (if allowed) OBSERVATION REPORT Name of the School Observed: St. Paul University Surigao Location of the School: Date of Visit: During my first visit in the St. Paul University Surigao, High School Campus, I roam around to view the display boards available. The display board for SPUS Vision and Mission is displayed at the entrance 3ofTechnology in the Learning Environment 9 [Type the company name] | FS the campus. There appears one display board on each hall of the campus on the ground floor, which sums up to twenty three (23) display boards. They are placed at the center of each hall, making it visible to all viewers.

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BOARD DISPLAY EVALUATION FORM Topic of the Board Display: Psalmi deo Chorale Rosary Month - Prayerfulness Location of the Board Display in School: Hallway, ground floor, SPUS High School Check the column that indicates your rating. Write comments to back up your ratings. 4-Outstanding 3-Very Satisfactory 2 -Satisfactory 1-Needs improvement
Effective Communication Conveys the message quickly and clearly Attractiveness Colors and arrangement catches and holds interest. Balance Objects are arranged so stability is perceived

NI 1

S 2

VS 3 /

O 4

Comments The display board lacks emphasis on the Rosary. The board is rich in images which are colorful. Balanced is nearly achieved if there is enough display of message in text format. There is unity in shapes and colors as presented in the graphics used. The board is equipped with real photos of choir members and students which are enticing. The letters on the board should be written boldly and visibly for every viewer to see. The message is grammatically correct. The display board is well mounted to its wall and the graphics is securely placed on the board.

Unity Repeated shapes or colors or use of borders holds display together Interactivity The style and approach entice learners to be involved

Legibility Letters and illustration can be seen from a good distance

Correctness Free from grammar errors, misspelled words, ambiguity Durability Well-constructed, Items are securely attached

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An Evaluation Report of a Bulletin Board Bulletin Board Evaluated by: Location: Located at the hallway, ground floor of SPUS High School Campus Brief Description of the Bulletin Board: Display board on Psalmi deo Chorale (Rosary Month) Prayerfulness EVALUATION Strengths Weaknesses The message on the board is not visible enough from a distance. The letter spacing should be optical even and have regular pattern.


The display board of Psalmi deo Chorale with its theme Rosary Month (Prayerfulness) is well presented with graphics and still photographs of students of SPUS

The display board contains graphics and still photographs with vivid colors.

Judgments/Evaluation of Educational content and other aspects:

The display board contains message related to the theme. The display board does not only contain educational message but it also contains spiritual message.

The display board wants to convey message that Psalmi deo Chorale is more than just a choir. It manifests the value of prayerfulness.

The pattern on the display board should capture the viewers attention to relevant details

Recommendation or Suggestion for improvement: The display board should contain an equivalence of elements on each side to provide dynamism and interest. Signature of Evaluator over printed name:

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My Analysis Did the board display design reflect the likes/interests of its target audience? Why? Why not? The display board of Psalmi deo Chorale regarding Rosary Month with its theme Prayerfulness reflects likes/interests of its target audience. The display board is equipped with images of Mama Mary and Rosary, photographs of students praying and activities done at SPUS during the month of Rosary. The use of graphical representations of students through photographs makes the board interesting to its target audience. The brief message on the display board invites the students to take part on the month of Rosary and to be prayerful. Was the language used clear and simple for the target audience to understand? Why? Why not? The language used in the display board is clear and can be easily understood. Psalmi deo Chorale stands for Psalms for God Choir. The message written on the board is simple and it comprehensively explains well the theme of the display board. What do you think was the purpose of the board display? Was it effective? Why? Why not? The purpose of the board display is to convey message regarding prayerfulness. The idea on the board display is to invite students of SPUS to participate on the month of Rosary and to develop positive values to the students especially the value of prayerfulness. The display board was effective because it contains not only images of Rosary but also still photographs of students praying and different activities done during month of Rosary at SPUS. What suggestions can you make? Based on my observation on the display board of Psalmi deo Chorale, I have observed that the board is dominated with graphical images. The display board should contain concise message. The message should be written legibly and boldly so that even the viewer from the farthest distance can still see the display board. The graphics should be be less detailed so that it can add to the instructional point and to easy understanding especially for young learners.

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My Proposed Board Display Theme: Graduation Board Title: Kudos to the Graduates of 2012 Rationale: (Purpose): To send a message about upcoming graduation. An ideal way to show off the essence of graduation and to convey the theme for this years graduation. The display board encourages the students in lower years to continue their studies to be able to graduate someday. Objectives: To give praise to the graduates and transmit the theme of graduation for this year. Best features of my proposed bulletin enhancement: The graphics and the theme for 2012 graduation. Content Resources ( Name each needed resource and give each a brief description) Graphics - non photographic, two dimensional materials designed specifically to communicate a message to the viewer. They often include verbal as well as symbolic visual cues. Drawing - include sketches and diagrams that employ graphic arrangement of lines to represent persons, places, things and concepts. Cartoons - Are another useful visual symbol that can bring novelty to teaching. Perfect cartoons need no caption

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My Reflections 1. Name at least 5 skills that each teacher should have to be able to come up with effective board displays. Elaborate on why each skill is needed. A teacher should possess skills to be able to come up with effective board displays, to wit: 1. Creativity. Instructional content can be dry and boring in a classroom setting. Creative teachers try to present concepts and content in an interesting way. 2. Visual skills. Teachers are somewhat like interior designers; they must be able to visualize the presentation and impact they want to create, and then apply those to the display. 3. Organizational skills. This goes along with visual skills, but organization includes comparing and contrasting, grouping and arranging content in a meaningful way. 4. Communication. Teachers know that words combined with visual content can often communicate more than words alone. As well, the teacher must be a good communicator. 5. Lastly, good teachers make visual displays part of the lesson plan. Displays or decorated bulletin boards are not just to make the room pretty. A good teacher can use one display to help students build many different skills. 2. Which of the skills do you already have? Recall your past experiences in making board display. How do you practice these skills? Communication skill is one of the skills that I already have. One way of practicing this skill is through listening to what others has to say and sharing my own opinion and views. Communication skills can be practice through exchanging ideas with others and understanding others' perspectives 3. Which skills do you still need to develop? Reflect on how you can improve on or acquire these skills? From the above-mentioned skills, I believed that I need to develop my visual skills. Being not so artistic is one of my weakness. One way to improve this is to practice. Not everyone if gifted with visual skills but everyone can practice this skill and ask for a guidance from the experts.
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Episode 3 SEE AND SAY (Utilization of Teaching Aid) My Target At the end of this activity, you will gain competence in determining the appropriateness of teaching aids to learning tasks. My Map To reach your target, follow the steps below:

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My Map Observation Report Date of Observation: School: St. Paul University Surigao Subject: Topic: Kapangyarihan ng Pamahalaan Grade/Year Level: 1st year Our Lady of Carmel During my observation on the 1st year class of Our Lady of Carmel, _______________ discussed Kapangyarihan ng Pamahalaan. Before going through the textbook, Araling Panlipunan I, _______ used visual aid in the form of bond paper to present a verse in relation to the topic. The visual aid was posted on the chalkboard. While _______ posted the visual aid on the chalkboard, her students begin to develop curiosity on what was written on the visual aid. __________ asked one student to read a verse from a Bible in front of class. While one student was reading the bible, others listened attentively. __________ presented a visual aid with a text taken from the Bible. When ________ asked her pupils to read in chorus what was written on the piece of bond paper, almost everyone read. The visual aid displayed by __________ is plain and simple. It did not contain any graphics. Some were attentive to it while others were not interested and just ignored it.

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UTILIZATION OF TEACHING AIDS FORM Grade/Year Level of Class Observed: 1st year Date of Observation: Subject Matter: Araling Panlipunan II Ang Pambansang Badyet Brief Description of the Teaching Approach Used by the Teacher: The teacher, _____________, applied conventional way of teaching by using text book and also uses visual technology through power point presentation as a learning tools in the design, implementation and evaluation of lesson. Teaching Aids Used (Enumerate) Strengths Weaknesses Comments on the Appropriateness of the Teaching Aids Used

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- provides organized unit of lesson - provides you with a balanced, chronological presentation of information

- designed as a the sole source of information - old or outdated

- The use of textbook in class discussion is appropriate. It enhances comprehension. The more students understand about a subject, the more effective lectures - The teacher presented her lesson on power point presentation in a plain and simple text format, with no graphics or decorative elements in it.

Power Point presentation

- allow teachers to integrate multiple media sources in the presentation - it is more efficient and allows students to experience information in a new way

- teachers with little or no experience with the program may find it difficult to use - electrical or computer problems may affect power point presentation

My Analysis What do you think prompted the teacher to choose the materials/learning resources that she used? The teacher used power point presentation in discussing the lesson. __________ used power point presentation in order to entice the modes of learning among her pupils. Through this learning resource it allows the students to learn at their own pace by having control over the rate and sequence of learning. _________ probably wants to make learning more interactive through the use of television and CPU. __________ perhaps wants to shift from conventional teaching towards interactive teaching by means of power point presentation.

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What difficulties, if any, did the teacher experience? How can this be managed? Making a power point presentation can be tedious and time-consuming. One must have knowledge in making power point presentation. When ___________ was preparing her power point presentation, her file in the USB did not immediately open. According to her pupils the CPU might contain computer virus, thus there is a lag in opening her USB. Situations like this are manageable. The teacher can call for the assistance of a hardware in-charge of SPUS. But this might consume time. If electronic resource is not available or has been damaged unintentionally, the teacher should continue with her discussion by utilizing non-electronic resources like the chalkboards or through the use of visual aids.

Over-all, were the learning resources/materials used effectively? Why? Why not? During class discussion, the learning materials were used effectively by ___________. Her power point presentation created attentiveness and curiosity to her pupils. Because of her available learning materials, __________ to was able to consume the entire class period on discussing the lesson hence there was no need to write on the board. Her lesson was briefly presented on her power point presentation. My Reflections 1. Put yourself in the place of the teacher. What would you do similarly and what would you do differently if you would teach the same lesson to the same group of students? Why?
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One of the effective ways of teaching is utilizing technology. Given the same situation, I would similarly make power point presentation of the same lesson to the same group of students. The use of computers adds appeal to the pupils. PowerPoint presentations can be quite beneficial in the classroom but only when used properly. PowerPoint presentations successfully allow teachers to integrate multiple media sources in the presentation. Aside from simple and plain text that ______________ used, I would also incorporate photos, video and audio pieces in a single presentation. This is better because it is more efficient and allows students to experience information in a new way. Presentations with plain, white background and small black text are not at all interactive, and students may find it boring and uninteresting.


Episode 44 TOOLS OF THE TRADE (Teaching Aids Bank) Name of FS Student: Course: Resource Teacher: School: St. Paul University Surigao My Target At the end of this activity, you will gain competence in preparing instructional materials that are appropriate to the learning content.
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My Map To reach your target, follow the steps below:

My Tools An Observation / Survey Guide 1. Are there learning resources useful for your topic in the resource center you visited? 2. Are the available materials appropriate for your target grade/year level? 3. List down those that can be useful for your topic. 4. What other materials can you make? (like flash cards, posters, cutouts, transparencies, etc)? Observation Notes Name of the School Observed: St. Paul University Surigao Location of the School: Date of Visit:
[Type St. Paul the company name] | FS 3High School campus, is Environmentwith University Surigao, Technology in the Learning equipped 23 learning resource center that are available to teachers and students. Almost all materials are available except for photocopy machine. The photocopy machine at that time is only available at

Learning Resources on Specific Content Area Use the graphic organizer to present the learning resources available to the topic chosen. On the line inside the box, indicate if the resource is already AVAILABLE, MAY BE PURCHASED, OR WILL BE MADE. Topic Araling Panlipunan I Grade/Year Level 1st year

Charts Available Graphics Available Drawings Will be made

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My Analysis Give at least three benefits of doing a survey of available materials before making your own materials. Explain each. 1. It ensures that equipment and materials are readily available. It is important to do a survey on what materials are available, what materials/resources are to be purchased, and what materials/resources made by me. If one is planning a power point presentation, one must make certain that there is no problem in electricity, computer or computer peripherals. Doing a survey of available materials saves time. I may prepare hand-outs just in case

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my power point presentation is not working properly so as to avoid writing on the chalkboard. 2. It saves money. Surveying of available materials before making your own materials saves money. Instead of buying or purchasing materials/resources from the store at my own expense, I can utilize available materials in the school if it is on hand. One way of saving money is by means of recycle. An unused calendar could be utilized as a visual aid instead of buying cartolina or manila paper. 3. You can provide enhancement. There are available materials in each learning resource center but these materials are probable out of date or obsolete. By doing a survey of available materials, I can enhance the available materials present. The most common learning materials used are the visual aids. Some of these visual aids contain plain text only. I can enhance these visual aids by adding color or pictures to it in order to attract the learners.

My Reflections 1. Which of the materials did you like making the most? Why? Among the materials I listed in my Learning Resources on Specific Content Area, Power Point Presentation is one of the materials I like making the most. With power point presentation I can include flexibility, creativity and ease. Power point offers a variety of premade templates and layouts nowadays. While preparing a presentation, it is easy to modify the slides when necessary. One can edit the information on finished slides, delete unnecessary slides, add forgotten slides and rearrange the order of the slides in the presentation. During the actual presentation, PowerPoint has a variety of advantages for both the presenter and the learners. To progress
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through a slide show, the presenter only needs to click a button; this allows the me to maintain eye contact with my audience. A PowerPoint presentation often features a pleasing appearance and interesting graphics, which helps keep the students interested. Additionally, the PowerPoint presentation can be projected onto a large screen for use in a large classroom.

2. What difficulties, if any, did you encounter in making materials? How did you overcome them? The difficulties associated with PowerPoint presentations is the system requirements involved. A computer, projector, screen and electricity will all be required. It will also be necessary to dim the lights in the room to allow for proper viewing. The other difficulty is the risk of technical difficulties. The success of the presentation depends entirely on the proper functioning of technology.

3. What tips can you give teachers regarding preparation of teaching materials? One tip I can give teachers regarding preparation of teaching materials if to become comfortable with the material. If one is not very much familiar with the materials that he/she is using, it may not be an effective material.


Episode 5 PAPER WORKS! (Preparing Hand-outs) Name of FS Student: Course: Resource Teacher: Mrs. School: St. Paul University Surigao My Target
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At the end of this activity, you will gain competence in preparing instructional materials (hand-outs) that are appropriate to the learning content. My Map With a lot of reflective thinking coupled with your creativity, you can design hands-out that will truly work well to make learning effective. You will see that preparing hands-out is not just any paper work. When you produce high quality hand-outs and eventually try them out, you will discover that, indeed, paper works! To reach you target, follow the steps below:

My Tools Hand-out Planning Guide 1. 2. 3. 4. What topic do I like to work on? For what grade or year level is my hand-out for? What components do I include in my outline? What type of graphic organizers/flow-charts/schemas do I need to use? 5. What references do I use? HAND-OUT PLAN

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Subject Matter: Philippine Government Grade/Year Level: 1st year Outline: - An introduction to the persons, structures, and processes involved in the operation of the political system, including the study of basic political concepts, institutions of government. Focus is on the Philippine context and contemporary issues and problems. The 1987 constitution is used as the basic framework for analysis. The lesson aims to (1) Introduce the students to the basic structure and processes of politics and governance; (2) Enable the students to understand basic political theories, as well as the workings of governmental institutions; and (3) Enable the students to critically examine the Philippines own political structure and contemporary issues and problems relevant to it Type of Graphic Organizer/Flow Charts/Schema to use: Organizational flow charts of the high ranking officials of Philippine Government Graphics of recent political leaders in Philippines Chart of Chiefs of State and Cabinet Members

References: -

Text book on Araling Panlipunan I News papers / Magazines Internet

My Target What are the good features of a hand-out? A good hand-out should have all the necessary points written briefly. It should include the information that students will need to know for future reference. It should never leave out the key points you want the learners to remember. Pictures are not required, but images can help students, especially if they are graphs or charts. Charts, graphs or illustrations are placed in appropriate locations among the outlined
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information. In making good hand-outs, it helps if one will italicize or bold any section titles to separate them from the rest of the handout Keep the handout to one page if possible, but ensure there is plenty of white space. Do not overcrowd the paper, but try making it only a page. The handout should only have the most vital information while the speech or lecture should fill in further information. If it is not possible to keep it down to a single page, staple the handout pages together so students do not lose the second page. Which of these features are present in the handout I made? The handout I made contains features mentioned above. My handout does not only contain text information but it also contains organizational chart, graphics and semantic diagrams. Some of the sections are italized and boldly written to provide emphasis. The key points of the presentation or information in my hand out was encoded in outline or bullet form. This is to give a brief summary of information as a reminder to the information given in the presentation rather than telling every detail. Which features are not present in the handout I made? The feature that is not present in the handout I made if to keep the handout to one page if possible, hence my hand out requires more than one page.

My Reflections 1. What difficulties, if any, did you encounter in making the handouts? How did you overcome them? In making my handout, one of the difficulties I encountered is making an organizational chart. Organizational charts require time in making. Charts should be clear, well-defined in purpose, with the

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minimum of visual information. I was able to overcome this difficulty by making a rough draft first. Internet also helped me. 2. What tips can you give teachers regarding preparation of handouts? The tips that I can give teachers regarding preparation on handouts are to Plan the topic and prepare handouts that pertain to that particular lesson. They can create your own handouts or access a treasure trove of handouts on the Internet created for teachers. Another tip is to incorporate pictures and illustrations in your handouts. Make the handouts fun and exciting for their students to complete. They can use clip art from your computer or download pictures from teaching websites to enhance their handouts. While it is not cost-feasible to color copy 30 handouts for a classroom, it is possible to have black-and-white pictures and illustrations in their handouts that will keep students engaged in the work.

My Portfolio Paste a copy of hand-out here. The Republic of the Philippines has a representative democracy modeled after the United States of America's system of government. The 1987 Philippine constitution, adopted during the Corazon Aquino administration, re-established a presidential system of government with a bicameral legislature and an independent judiciary.

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High-Ranking Officials of the Philippine Government

President Benigno Aquino III Vice President Jejomar Binay Senate President Juan Ponce Enrile House Speaker Feliciano Belmonte, Jr. Chief Justice Renato Corona

The Congress of the Philippines (Filipino: Kongreso ng Pilipinas) is the national legislature of the Republic of the Philippines. It is a bicameral body consisting of the Senate (upper chamber), and the House of Representatives (lower chamber) although commonly in the Philippines the term congress refers to the latter. The Senate is composed of 24 senators half of which are elected every three years. Each senator, therefore, serves a total of six years. The senators are elected by the whole electorate and do not represent any geographical district. The House of Representatives is composed of a maximum of 250 congressmen. There are two types of congressmen: the district and the sectoral representatives. The district congressmen represent a particular geographical district of the country. All provinces in the country are composed of at least one congressional district. Several cities also have their own congressional districts, with some composed of two or more representatives. The sectoral congressmen represent the minority sectors of the population. This enables these minority groups to be represented in the Congress, when they would otherwise not be represented properly through district representation. Also known as party-list representatives, sectoral congressmen represent labor unions, rights groups, and other organizations.

Diagram 1. Philippine Government

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Chiefs of State and Cabinet Members of Foreign Governments

Date of Information: 7/22/2011

Pres. Vice Pres. Executive Sec. Chief of Staff Sec. of Agrarian Reform Sec. of Agriculture Sec. of the Budget & Management Sec. of Education, Culture, & Sports Sec. of Energy Sec. of Environment & Natural Resources Sec. of Finance Sec. of Foreign Affairs Sec. of Health Sec. of Interior & Local Govt. Sec. of Justice Sec. of Labor & Employment Sec. of National Defense Sec. of Public Works & Highways Sec. of Science & Technology Sec. of Social Welfare & Development Sec. of Socioeconomic Planning Sec. of Tourism Sec. of Trade & Industry Sec. of Transportation & Communications National Security Adviser Governor, Central Bank of the Philippines Ambassador to the US Permanent Representative to the UN, New York

Benigno AQUINO III Jejomar Cabaiatam BINAY Paquito OCHOA, Jr. Julia ABAD Virgilio DE LOS REYES Proceso ALCALA Florencio ABAD Armin LUISTRO, Rev. Jose Rene D. ALMENDRAS Ramon PAJE Cesar PURISIMA Albert DEL ROSARIO Enrique ONA, Dr. Jesse ROBREDO Leila DE LIMA Rosalinda BALDOZ Voltaire GAZMIN Rogelio L. SINGSON Mario MONTEJO Corazon SOLIMAN Cayetano PADERANGA Alberto LIM Gregory DOMINGO Manuel ROXAS II Norberto GONZALES Amando TETANGCO, Jr. Jose CUISIA, Jr. Libran N. CABUTULAN

Field Study 3
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Episode 6 SLIDESHOW BIZ (Slide Presentation) Name of FS Student: Course: Resource Teacher: School: St. Paul University Surigao My Target At the end of this activity, you will gain competence in developing and utilizing materials (slide presentations) which involves students in meaningful learning. My map An effective teacher makes it her/his business to create slide presentations that really enhance instruction.
Select a topic or subject matter. Develop a slide presentation to support a learning activity on the topic. Try out your presentation to a group of learners.
Write a narrative pointing out the strengths and weakness of your presentation

Slide 1

Slide 2

Slide 3

Slide 4

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My Tools Title of my Presentation: Local Government in the Philippines Objectives: An introduction to the persons, structures, and roles of the Local Government involved in the operation of the political system Subject Matter/Topic: Local Government and Officials Enhancements (check appropriate box): Graphics Animation Sound effects
/ /

Music Voice Narration Stylish fonts


Hyperlink Others, please specify

Description of Appropriate Use: Presentation Storyboard:

Slide 1 Slide 2 Slide 3 Slide 4

Provinces Cities Municipalities

Governor Vice-Governor

Provincial Fiscal
Division Superintendent of schools

Register of Deeds and Provincial

/ municipal


districts Barangays

Sanggunian or the Members of Sanggunian Panlalawigan

Provincial District Auditor
Provincial Health Officer

Slide 5
Duties of Governor
chief executive of the provincial government general supervision over the government of the province and of the municipalities or other political subdivisions to see that the laws are faithfully executed by all officers in the same to make known to the people, by proclamations or communications delivered to the respective mayors, all general laws or governmental orders which especially concern them

Slide 6

Slide 7

Slide 8
issue orders relating to the police or to public safety preside the meetings of the municipal sanggunian execute deeds in behalf of the municipality conduct preliminary investigations in criminal cases in case of the temporary absence of the municipal judges attend convention of municipal mayors



Councilor or the Members of the Sanggunian Panlungsod

chief executive of the municipality supervise the administration of local affairs execute the laws and municipal ordinances assist the provincial treasurer in the collection of taxes cooperate with the health authorities in the enforcement of sanitary laws and regulations

Slide 9

Slide 10

Slide 11

Slide 12

Municipal Mayors in each

exercise both legislative and executive powers and duties

local legislative exercising powers conferred upon it by law

Governor Sol F. Matugas Vice Governor Arturo Carlos Egay, Jr. Representative of District I Congressman Francisco T. Matugas Representative of District II Congressman Guillermo Rumarate Board Members

City Mayor Ernesto T. Matugas Vice Mayor Danilo Menor City Councilors

Barangay Captains in each

barangay - Barangay Kagawad Purok Chairman

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My Analysis What are the good features of a slide presentation? A slide presentation must have good features for it to be an effective medium for learners. A slide presentation must have the following good features, to wit: Slides should be well-designed and should remain on display for a significant length of time while you explain them. Leave graphical figures up for a long time while you talk, textual material up for a short time only. To check legibility view computer slides on your monitor from 10 feet away. Graph axis labels should be legible. Use fonts emphasizing with bold-face or different colors. Light fonts on dark backgrounds are good for textual material. Use appropriate charts. Use a video or audio. Keep the backgrounds simple. Avoid light colors like yellow as these sometimes do not appear in the room lighting conditions. Use high quality graphics. Organize your presentation to present a story logically. Emphasize key points. Which of these features are present in the slide presentation you made? As I make my slide presentation I see to it that it contains most of the good features. I make certain that the fonts that I used are legible and would compliment the background color of each slide. It contains appropriate charts and graphics. The visual theme of my slide presentation is consistent, so as not to clutter the presentation. Which features are not present in the slide presentation you made? Among the good features mentioned, my slide presentation does not contain a video and audio and hyperlink is not included as well.

My Reflections What difficulties, if any, did you encounter in making the slide presentation? How did you overcome them?

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Episode 7 MY E-WORLD (Websites) Name of FS Student: Course: Resource Teacher: School: St. Paul University Surigao My Target At the end of this activity, you will be competent in evaluating electronic resources for appropriate instructional use. My Map

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