Five Possible Brand Names

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Five possible brand names;

Superi- Latin for heaven Sp amai gykai Super sweet industrys C.A Fragrances Apata Fragrance Alpha Industries These brand titles are all very suitable as they advertise the company well they are catchy and look good on any product that the company advertises in the future. The last three titles are appropriate as I am advertises a perfume though a negative aspect would be that the company name would be misleading if it was to ever advertise a product that isnt a fragrance.

Five Possible product names;

Midnight passion Midnight sense Midnight Passion Lunar These titles are all appropriate and link to the product shape and colour scheme used, which makes it difficult to choose the product name that will best advertise and appeal to my chosen target market. The second title would be suitable as it is appealing and matches the design of the bottle. Though the first title would be most appropriate as it matches the lid of the bottle (which is in the shape of the crescent moon) and it appeals to women of our target market. Midnight is to plain and simple for the product name so would be un appealing to the audience. However the last two have significant relevance they are also too plain for the product that I have created and there for have decided to call my product Midnight Passion.

As a designer for my advert I must ensure that the title of my product is r

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