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QWERTYUIOP by Vivien Alcock

SYNOPSIS The story QWERTYUIOP tells of how a young secretary battles with ex-secretary who haunts the typewriter. Lucy Beck is as determined as Miss Broome to hold on to the job for Ross and Bannisters. Miss Broom haunts the typewriter and frightens anyone who uses it with the word QWERTYUIOP and others. Lucy manages to overcome the problem and sends Miss Broome away with a peaceful heart. THEMES The will to succeed is the road to success Letting go

Opportunity knocks but once

MORAL VALUES If we want to be successful, we must work towards it. We must make good use of opportunities that come our way. We must know our limits and let go when the time is right. CHARACTERS Main character : Lucy Beck Minor characters : 1. Harry Darke 2. Miss Broome 3. Lucys mother and uncle 4. Miss Price and Mr Ross PLOT EXPOSITION Lucy starts working in Ross and Bannisters. Harry Darke gives her hints of the haunting of the typewriter by Miss Broome. CONFLICT Lucy types her letter but she is bewildered that her letter has extraordinary words that are not typed by her. CLIMAX Lucy retypes her letter but is challenged by Miss Broome who asks her to leave and even threatens her. Lucy battles woth it by using correcting liquid to clean off words typed by Miss Broome. FALLING ACTION Lucy learns about Miss Broome and her haunting of the typewriter. RESOLUTION Lucy types and talks to Miss Broome and convinces her to leave this world peacefully and go to other world. Lucy keeps her job in Ross and Bannisters.

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