Character Sketch From Play - Count's Revenge.

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He is the son of the Count and the Countess of Morcerf. A man of great character, to whom honour and self-respe ct are of great value. He possesses a very pleasing personality and is very enth usiastic about life. SIMPLE & NOBLE: Albert is very simple by nature. He is unable to discern Monte C risto s intentions in becoming so thic with him. He has all the noble qualities, which a nobleman values. To him, his honour and his family s good name are more de ar to him, than life itself. SENTIMENTAL YOUNG MAN: Albert is a very sentimental young man. When of Deputies condemns his father, the Count of Morcerf as a traitor, pset. He narrates to his mother, the Countess, the circumstances in ther is disgraced. He felt so ashamed that he wanted to give up his leave the country. He is so upset that he ma es up his mind to ta e is father s enemy.

A MAN OF HONOUR: Albert is a man of honour. When he discovers that his own dear friend, Monte Cristo, is his father s enemy, he challenges him, to a duel, for the sa e of his family honour. WISE & BOLD: Although Albert is a very emotional young man yet he is wise and se nsible t heed his mother s counsel, to desist from fighting the duel. When his own mother convinces him of his father s guilt he not only decides not to fight the d uel, but also apologizes to him, for challenging him to a duel. He is bold and d oes not feel ashamed, in as ing Monte Cristo s forgiveness. He is brave and forth right and tells his father, about his guilt and that he should face his enemy. A DUTIFUL SON: Albert is a dutiful and an affectionate son. He loves his mother and is very respectful to her. But his only blemish is that, he shows disrespect to his father, when he learns that his father is the villain of the piece. He r efuses to embrace his father and accept his blessings. This is in very bad taste . As a sensible and dutiful son, he should have stood by his father. Apart from this, Albert impresses the readers with his strong sense of justice and honour a nd love for his country.



INTRODUCTION: Beauchamp is a very good friend of Albert s. It is he who discovers the man, who brought disgraces on Albert s father, the Count of Morcerf. He being an editor of a daily newspaper in Paris, is able to discover Albert s father s enemy . In fact the news of Morcerf s disgrace is published in his newspaper. AS A SINCERE MAN: Beauchamp s greatest quality is his sincerity to his friend. Alb ert greatly depended on him. That is why, he as s Beauchamp to discover the anon ymous writer s name. We learn later in the play that Beauchamp succeeds in discove ring the name of the man who brings disgrace to Morcerf. A SENSIBLE MAN: He is a very sensible man. Finding his friend, Albert, very dist urbed on account of his father s disgrace he does not disclose his father s enemy s na me (Monte Cristo), at once. He mentally prepares Albert by telling him that the

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name would surprise him, that he would not believe that it could be his friend, Count of Monte Cristo. A COOL HEADED MAN: Beauchamp is a cool headed man. He does not flare up or lose his head li e Albert who loses his cool, when he learns that, it is his own dear friend, Monte Cristo, who is the cause of his family s disgrace and dishonour. So in a fit of rage, he challenges him to fight a duel. He thought that this was t he only way, he could wash away the blot on his honour.



INTRODUCTION: The Count of Monte Cristo is the hero of the play, The Count s Reven ge. He is the charming, swashbuc ling and ever obliging nobleman, splendidly dre ssed. The handsome hero, gay, cynical, not very young, with the touch of the dev il about him. AS A YOUNG SAILOR: As a young man, Monte Cristo was nown as Edmond Dantes, a me re sailor of Marseilles, a port in South of France. He loved a beautiful Catalan girl, Mercedes, to whom he was engaged. He was to marry her, on his return from a voyage, which he was to underta e in due course of time. A VICTIM FOR CONSPIRACY: But the marriage never too place, as a young fisherman , Fernand Mondego, a friend of Edmond and a sna e under grass has other plans. F ernand Mondego secretely loved Mercedes and wished to marry her. So the crafty F ernand, hatched the most devilish of plots against his own friend (Edmond) where by he got him condemned as a spy of exiled Buonopart, by giving false evidence i n the court. AS A COUNT OF MONTE CRISTO: As Count of Monte Cristo, he is greatly respected an d admired. But his main aim in life is to ta e revenge from Fernand Mondego, his deadly enemy, now living in Paris as the Count of Morcerf. Monte Cristo discove rs after searching investigations, that his old enemy the Count of Morcerf commi tted yet another gross act of villainy during his service in the French Army. Th at he accepted bribes from the Tur s, with whom France was at war and surrendere d the Fortress of Yanina to them, in 1823. COUNT'S REVENGE: By eeping in the bac ground, Monte Cristo condemns Count of Mo rcerf as a traitor to his country. He thus succeeds in ta ing sweet revenge from his archenemy. He first publishes articles in the newspapers and later in the C hamber of Deputies, he bac s his charges by giving convincing proofs. It is at t his point, in the play, that Morcerf is, at least exposed as the Villain that he is. MONTE CRISTO'S CHALLENGE: Albert, the son of the Count of Morcerf is much offend ed on learning that his own friend is the cause of his family disgrace and disre pute. In a fit of rage, he challenges Monte Cristo to a duel, which was to be fo ught at Bois-de-Vincennes at 8 a.m.

AS A SECOND ALBERT: Albert points Beauchamp as his second, in the duel to be fou ght. Albert has so much faith and reliance on him, that he made Beauchamp to ma e all the necessary arrangements for the duel. Tries To Dissuade Albert Beaucham p tries to dissuade Albert from fighting the duel. In his surprise, he says: MY DEAR ALBERT, YOU DO NOT MEAN TO CARRY MATTERS SO FAR. He stands by Albert, to the very last When the duel is averted, it is he, who br ea s the news of his safety, to the Countess and Count of Morcerf. He is a real devoted friend one on whom a fried could relay and depend.

CONCLUSION: There is no denying that Monte Cristo is the pivot around whom the w hole play revolves. He is indeed a man of integrity and honour. He has a charmin g personality. He is ind and noble who is rewarded in the end for his virtuosit y. (4) THE COUNT OF MORCERF. INTRODUCTION: The Count of Morcerf is presented as the villain of the play, The Count s Revenge. Prior to becoming a Count, he was a fisherman. He was then nown as Fernand Mondego. At that point of time, he lived in Marseilles. He had a frie nd, Edmond Dantes, who was a sailor. Fernand was quite friendly with him. Edmond was engaged to a beautiful Catalan girl, Mercedes. This fact was nown to Ferna nd. But being an evil natured man, he secretly yearned to marry Mercedes. Theref ore, to ma e his dream come true, he hatched a plot the most diabolic, which any man could have hatched, against any man. A ROGUE AND A RASCAL: He is out and out a rogue and a rascal. In order to win th e hand of Mercedes, he framed a false charge against his friend, Edmond in the c ourt. He proved that Edmond was the spy of the exiled Napoleon Bonapart. He prov ided false evidences against Edmond and thus got him imprisoned for 20 years. In this way, he very cleverly removed the innocent Edmond, out of the way. A MEAN & DEGERDED MAN: Once Edmond Dantes had been ta en care of Fernand had lit tle difficulty in trapping Mercedes into his trap. He first convinced Mercedes, of the death of Edmond by publishing the false news of his death in the newspape rs. Then appearing as a friend and a sympathizer her first consoled her. And aft er wining her confidence, he then proposed to marry her. Being heart-bro e and l onely, she accepted his offer. Thus, the evil monster, succeeded in his devilish plan. AS A TAITOR: Having accomplished all his plans successfully, he decided to settl e down in Paris. So, he said good bye to Marseilles. While in Paris, he joined t he Army, and after sometime, became a captain in 1822. The French were at war ag ainst the Tur s. Fernand as Captain was defending the Fortress of Yanina. Being a coward and a mean person, he surrendered the fortress to the Tur s on receivin g a huge bribe. He however made it appear as though he got defeated. Having acqu ired tons of wealth, Fernand too his discharge from the Army. He then too the title of the Count and settled in Paris. AS A LIAR AND WICKED MAN: Having amassed a huge fortune, the count started livin g li e a lord when he is proved as a traitor in the chamber of Deputies, he stil l ept denying his charges. Even in the face of sound evidence, he ept denying his guilt. He is a liar and a rogue. MORCEF'S TRAGICAL END: After he is proved a traitor, he is still not remorseful. When he is face to face with Edmond, he pulls out his pistol to shoot him. But Albert, Beauchamp pounce on him, to snatch the pistol from him. In the struggle the pistol goes off and the Count of Morcerf, shoots himself. Thus Monte Cristo is avenged. (5) THE COUNTESS OF MORCERF.

INTRODUCTION: The Countess of Morcerf is a beautiful lady, with a bewitching per sonality. She is lie a breath of fresh air, in the play The Count s Revenge. Twent y years ago, she lived in Marseilles and was bethroted to Edmond Dantes. She was

then nown as Mercedes, an extremely charming lady. She is adored and admired b y all. She enchanted every one, who came into contact with her. So ravishingly b eautiful was she.

TRICKED INTO MARRING FERNAND MONDEGO: The cunning Fernand Mondego convinced Merc edes by giving her false evidence that Edmond Dantes had died in Prison. Then he gradually gains her confidence by sympathy with her. In this way, Fernand Monde go succeeds in marrying he. Although fate ill treats Mercedes, it goes to her cr edit that she remains loyal wife to her villainous husband, Fernand Mondego. AS A LOVING MOTHER: She dearly loved her son, Albert. When she learns that Alber t has challenged Monte Cristo, to a duel, she is deeply concerned, for the safet y of her son. She does what any mother would have done, under the circumstances. She visits Monte Cristo, under the cover of dar ness and begs of him, to spare the life of her only son. Monte Cristo yields to her request and promises not to ill Albert. DUAL AVERTED: to fight the friend. Thus, saving Albert Albert after learning about the misdeed of his father resolves not duel. Not only this he apologizes to Monte Cristo and becomes his the Countess plays a very important role in averting the duel and s life.

A WOMEN OF GREAT QUALITIES: The Countess is a woman of great qualities. She is ind and affectionate. She is devoted mother and loves her son dearly. As a wife too, she is faithful to the evil Morcerf, till she learns from Monte Cristo that she got cheated by Morcerf, into marrying him. The only blot on her otherwise c haste and pure character, is her desertion of her husband, towards the end of th e play.

VICTIMIZED IN LOVE: It is her beauty, which resulted in her undoing, so to spea . While it was nown to all and sundry, that she was to be married to Edmond Dan tes A fisherman, named Fernand Mondego, also desired to marry her. Fernand Monde go, though a friend of Edmond Dantes, hatched a most diabolic plot, whereby he g ot Edmond condemned as a traitor and a spy to the exiled Buonaparte. Thus he eli minated Edmond from the scene and tric ed Mercedes into marrying her.

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