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SUMMARY OF INCIDENT OF FRENCH CAMP INTRODUCTION OF POET: The poem The Incident of French Camp is composed by great English

poet Robert browning. The browning was extremely religious and because o f his religious opinions, he was excluded from university or public school. He w as educated at home under a private tutor, and spends his modest time in gatheri ng the best literature in English, French, Latin and Gree . INTRODUCTION OF POEM: This is subjective poem; the incident reported in this dra matic poem happened in 1809. The poem for all its wea nesses is fast moving and exciting, the poem consisting of 35 lines of regular rhythm. SUMMARY: In this poem, Browning paints the picture of an incident of the French Camp, in dramatic version. He describes the heroic action of a wounded soldier, who s heroic devotion to duty and his pride in it and inspiring and worthy of admi ration. The poet has given a poetic amount of incidence that too place during t he attac of French army on German City Ratisbon. During the attac of French army on Ratisbon, Napoleon was much worried about th e result. Germans were defending Ratisbon with great determination and coverage. Napoleon s future plan depends upon the result. Napoleon was not able to conquer Germany and neighboring states. He was standing on mound near the battlefield wa tching the war. All of sudden a rider appeared from the closed smo e and dust. Full galloping he approached near the mound where Napoleon was standing. As the came closer Napol eon notice that he was a young boy seriously wounded and not far from his death. As he came near he jumped of the horse and gave happy news of victory. He excla imed with joy that French had conquered the Ratisbon and he himself has hoisted the flag of France on German city with a little touch of pride in lie tone he in formed Napoleon that he has played an important role in the victory at the ris of his life. Actually he expected some words of appreciation from his Emperor. MESSAGE: The message of this poem is "Punctuality is the stern virtue of men of business, and the graceful courtesy of princes." Lines YOU KNOW, WE FRENCH STORMED RATISBON: A MILE OR SO AWAY, ON A LITTLE MOUND, NAPOLEON STOOD ON OUR STORMING DAY; WITH NECK OUT-THRUST, YOU FANCY HOW, LEGS WIDE, ARMS LOCKED BEHIND, AS IF TO BALANCE THE PRONE BROW OPPRESSIVE WITH ITS MIND. REFERENCE: Lines YOU KNOW, WE FRENCH STORMED RATISBON: A MILE OR SO AWAY, ON A LITTLE MOUND, NAPOLEON

STOOD ON OUR STORMING DAY; WITH NECK OUT-THRUST, YOU FANCY HOW, LEGS WIDE, ARMS LOCKED BEHIND, AS IF TO BALANCE THE PRONE BROW OPPRESSIVE WITH ITS MIND. Explanation In the lines given for explanation, the poet is describing the scene of the Fren ch attac on the German city of Ratisbon. Marshal Lannes led the French aggressi on in the year 1783. On that occasion, the French emperor Napoleon stood on a hi lloc just a mile away from the scene of the onslaught. He appeared to be in a p ensive mood. He had his nec stic ing out and his legs were wide apart. He had h is arms joined behind his bar and a cloud on his brow was quite visible. It see med that something very important was weighing upon his mind and he was perhaps wor ing out his future strategy and line of action. Lines JUST AS PERHAPS HE MUSED, MY PLANS THAT SOAR, TO EARTH MAY FALL, LET ONCE MY ARMY.LEADER LANNES WAVER AT YONDER WALL, OUT TWIST THE BATTERY SMOKES THERE FLEW A RIDER, BOUND ON BOUND FULL-GALLOPING; NOR BRIDLE DREW UNTIL HE REACHED THE MOUND. Explanation These lines bring to light the contemplative nature of Napoleon, and the courage and enthusiasm of the young soldier who was heading towards him to convey the g ood news of victory. Napoleon was lost in his thoughts pondering over the events of the days to come. All his future planning depended upon his success at Ratis bon. He was eagerly waiting to see the French flag flutter over the German City. As he concentrated upon his future strategy, he observed a young French soldier rushing towards him, riding at top speed. The rider pierced through the blan et of smo e. He came straight to the place where Napoleon was standing and was wai ting to receive the good tidings. Lines THEN OFF THERE FLUNG IN SMILING JOY, AND HELD HIMSELF ERECT BY JUST HIS HORSE S MANE, A BOY: YOU HARDLY COULD SUSPECT

(SO TIGHT HE KEPT HIS LIPS COMPRESSED, SCARCE ANY BLOOD CAME THROUGH) YOU LOOKED TWICE ERE YOU SAW HIS BREAST WAS ALL BUT SHOT IN TWO. Explanation In the given lines, the poet appreciated the heroic behaviour of the young soldi er. Although he was fatally wounded, he displayed extraordinary courage, confide nce and self-control. He jumped off his horse and stood at attention before his chief. His mouth was full of blood but he had his lips so tightly sealed that no t a drop of blood oozed out of it. He maintained his cool and composure, and wit h confidence and chivalry, conveyed the cheerful news of victory. One could neve r realize that the young soldier s breast was shot into two unless one has very e en and observant eye on him. Lines WELL, CRIED HE, EMPEROR, BY GOD S GRACE


SOARED UP AGAIN LIKE FIRE. Explanation In the lines given for explanation, the poet is describing the way in which the young soldier informed Napoleon of their success and the reaction of the Emperor to this good news. Although the young man was in intense pain and suffering, he finally opened his lips, and with a great sense of pleasure and personal pride, informed Napoleon of the annexation ofthe German City. Napoleon was delighted t o learn that Marshall Lannes had reached the heart of the city and the emperor w as eagerly awaited by the triumphant forces. The soldier felt a special ind of joy and pride in the fact that he, with his own hands, had flownthe French flag over Ratisbon. The flag had the figure of a bird on it. Thus when the flag flutt ered in the air, it seemed as though the bird on it. Thus when the flag fluttere d in the air, it seemed as though the bird was flapping its wings. No sooner did Napoleon get the news of victory, a spar le of joy and satisfaction came to his eyes. He once again started thin ing about his future strategy. Lines THE CHIEF S EYE FLASHED; BUT PRESENTLY SOFTENED ITSELF, AS SHEATHES

A FILM THE MOTER-EAGLE S EYE WHEN HER BRUISED EAGLET BREATHES: YOU RE WOUNDED!, NAY , HIS SOLDIER S PRIDE TOUCHED TO THE QUICK, HE SAID: I M KILLED, SIRE! AND HIS CHIEF BESIDE, SMILING, THE BOY FELL DEAD. REFERENCE: The poem The Incident of French Camp is composed by great English poe t Robert browning. The browning was extremely religious and because of his relig ious opinions, he was excluded from university or public school. He was educated at home under a private tutor, and spends his modest time in gathering the best literature in English, French, Latin and Gree . CONTEXT: The poem describes an act of chivalry, gallantry, patriotism and sacrif ice on the part of a young French Soldier. The French Army had attac ed the Germ an city of Ratisbon. After they had achieved triumph, the news of the victory wa s conveyed to the Emperor Napoleon Bonaparte by that young soldier who was brimm ing with pride and glory although he was on the verge of death. Thereafter, the wounded soldier breathed his last. EXPLANATION: In the lines given for explanation, the poet is describing the scen e of the French attac on the German city of Ratisbon. Marshal Lannes led the Fr ench aggression in the year 1783. On that occasion, the French emperor Napoleon stood on a hilloc just a mile away from the scene of the onslaught. He appeared to be in a pensive mood. He had his nec stic ing out and his legs were wide ap art. He had his arms joined behind his bar and a cloud on his brow was quite vi sible. It seemed that something very important was weighing upon his mind and he was perhaps wor ing out his future strategy and line of action. Lines JUST AS PERHAPS HE MUSED, MY PLANS THAT SOAR, TO EARTH MAY FALL, LET ONCE MY ARMY.LEADER LANNES WAVER AT YONDER WALL, OUT TWIST THE BATTERY SMOKES THERE FLEW A RIDER, BOUND ON BOUND FULL-GALLOPING; NOR BRIDLE DREW UNTIL HE REACHED THE MOUND. REFERENCE: The poem The Incident of French Camp is composed by great English poe t Robert browning. The browning was extremely religious and because of his relig ious opinions, he was excluded from university or public school. He was educated at home under a private tutor, and spends his modest time in gathering the best literature in English, French, Latin and Gree . CONTEXT: The poem describes an act of chivalry, gallantry, patriotism and sacrif

ice on the part of a young French Soldier. The French Army had attac ed the Germ an city of Ratisbon. After they had achieved triumph, the news of the victory wa s conveyed to the Emperor Napoleon Bonaparte by that young soldier who was brimm ing with pride and glory although he was on the verge of death. Thereafter, the wounded soldier breathed his last. EXPLANATION: These lines bring to light the contemplative nature of Napoleon, an d the courage and enthusiasm of the young soldier who was heading towards him to convey the good news of victory. Napoleon was lost in his thoughts pondering ov er the events of the days to come. All his future planning depended upon his suc cess at Ratisbon. He was eagerly waiting to see the French flag flutter over the German City. As he concentrated upon his future strategy, he observed a young F rench soldier rushing towards him, riding at top speed. The rider pierced throug h the blan et of smo e. He came straight to the place where Napoleon was standin g and was waiting to receive the good tidings. Lines THEN OFF THERE FLUNG IN SMILING JOY, AND HELD HIMSELF ERECT BY JUST HIS HORSE S MANE, A BOY: YOU HARDLY COULD SUSPECT (SO TIGHT HE KEPT HIS LIPS COMPRESSED, SCARCE ANY BLOOD CAME THROUGH) YOU LOOKED TWICE ERE YOU SAW HIS BREAST WAS ALL BUT SHOT IN TWO. REFERENCE: The poem The Incident of French Camp is composed by great English poe t Robert browning. The browning was extremely religious and because of his relig ious opinions, he was excluded from university or public school. He was educated at home under a private tutor, and spends his modest time in gathering the best literature in English, French, Latin and Gree . CONTEXT: The poem describes an act of chivalry, gallantry, patriotism and sacrif ice on the part of a young French Soldier. The French Army had attac ed the Germ an city of Ratisbon. After they had achieved triumph, the news of the victory wa s conveyed to the Emperor Napoleon Bonaparte by that young soldier who was brimm ing with pride and glory although he was on the verge of death. Thereafter, the wounded soldier breathed his last. EXPLANATION: In the given lines, the poet appreciated the heroic behaviour of th e young soldier. Although he was fatally wounded, he displayed extraordinary cou rage, confidence and self-control. He jumped off his horse and stood at attentio n before his chief. His mouth was full of blood but he had his lips so tightly s ealed that not a drop of blood oozed out of it. He maintained his cool and compo sure, and with confidence and chivalry, conveyed the cheerful news of victory. O ne could never realize that the young soldier s breast was shot into two unless on e has very een and observant eye on him. Lines




SOARED UP AGAIN LIKE FIRE. REFERENCE: The poem The Incident of French Camp is composed by great English poe t Robert browning. The browning was extremely religious and because of his relig ious opinions, he was excluded from university or public school. He was educated at home under a private tutor, and spends his modest time in gathering the best literature in English, French, Latin and Gree . CONTEXT: The poem describes an act of chivalry, gallantry, patriotism and sacrif ice on the part of a young French Soldier. The French Army had attac ed the Germ an city of Ratisbon. After they had achieved triumph, the news of the victory wa s conveyed to the Emperor Napoleon Bonaparte by that young soldier who was brimm ing with pride and glory although he was on the verge of death. Thereafter, the wounded soldier breathed his last. EXPLANATION: In the lines given for explanation, the poet is describing the way in which the young soldier informed Napoleon of their success and the reaction o f the Emperor to this good news. Although the young man was in intense pain and suffering, he finally opened his lips, and with a great sense of pleasure and pe rsonal pride, informed Napoleon of the annexation ofthe German City. Napoleon wa s delighted to learn that Marshall Lannes had reached the heart of the city and the emperor was eagerly awaited by the triumphant forces. The soldier felt a spe cial ind of joy and pride in the fact that he, with his own hands, had flownthe French flag over Ratisbon. The flag had the figure of a bird on it. Thus when t he flag fluttered in the air, it seemed as though the bird on it. Thus when the flag fluttered in the air, it seemed as though the bird was flapping its wings. No sooner did Napoleon get the news of victory, a spar le of joy and satisfactio n came to his eyes. He once again started thin ing about his future strategy. Lines THE CHIEF S EYE FLASHED; BUT PRESENTLY SOFTENED ITSELF, AS SHEATHES A FILM THE MOTER-EAGLE S EYE WHEN HER BRUISED EAGLET BREATHES: YOU RE WOUNDED!, NAY , HIS SOLDIER S PRIDE TOUCHED TO THE QUICK, HE SAID: I M KILLED, SIRE! AND HIS CHIEF BESIDE,

SMILING, THE BOY FELL DEAD. REFERENCE: The poem The Incident of French Camp is composed by great English poe t Robert browning. The browning was extremely religious and because of his relig ious opinions, he was excluded from university or public school. He was educated at home under a private tutor, and spends his modest time in gathering the best literature in English, French, Latin and Gree . CONTEXT: The poem describes an act of chivalry, gallantry, patriotism and sacrif ice on the part of a young French Soldier. The French Army had attac ed the Germ an city of Ratisbon. After they had achieved triumph, the news of the victory wa s conveyed to the Emperor Napoleon Bonaparte by that young soldier who was brimm ing with pride and glory although he was on the verge of death. Thereafter, the wounded soldier breathed his last. EXPLANATION: These lines bring to light Napoleon s loving and affectionate behavio ur towards the young soldier who was about to breathe his last. The good news of success had brought to Napoleon s eyes a special ind of glitter which faded away no sooner had he noticed that the soldier was fatally wounded. The feelings of Napoleon at that moment were just li e those of the mother eagle who gets confus ed when she finds her young ones badly bruised andon the verge of death. She fai ls to understand how to save their lives. Similarly, that maternal affection sur ged up in Napoleon s heart and he inquired whether the boy was wounded. The soldie r proudly declared that he felt joy and thrill in giving his life for his countr y. There was a smile of pride and satisfaction on the young soldier s lips as he f ell dead near his emperor s feet

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