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At Powerstown Educate together National School Service information

About Pipalong Pipalong was established in April 2000 and has been providing a quality comprehensive inclusive child care service where all children are encouraged to develop at there own pace and reach their unique individual potential. Our child centred environment creates a warm and positive setting where every child will be nurtured, respected , valued and supported as they develop the essential early life skills in a safe, creative, stimulating environment where interaction through freedom of movement, freedom of choice and self expression are actively encouraged allowing the child to develop confidence, independence, compassion, tolerance and appreciation. Our Ethosthe Pipalong Way; OUR CHILDREN ARE


We embrace our differences. We Respect each child as an individual. We are all unique We encourage each child to reach their (individual) potential. We welcome children from all social, ethnic, cultural and of all religious or non religious backgrounds. We aim to support each Child's identity and sense of belonging. Pipalong provides a safe, child centred environment allowing each child the freedom to explore and experience at their own individual pace. We have a responsibility to encourage and enhance the social, emotional, mental and physical needs of the child to facilitate the development of the Whole child. Always remembering: Each child as an individual. We always consider each Childs individual developmental needs. Play is recognised as a powerful learning vehicle for young children. Every parent wants and expects that their child will be loved, comforted and reassured at all times while in our care. (home from home) We recognise that parents/guardians are the primary carers/ educators of their child and that working in partnership with parents/guardians is in the best interest of the child. We have been privileged that you as parents/ guardians have chosen Pipalong to care for your children. We Respect the dignity of the child and treat the child with dignity at all times.

The importance of play. We recognise play as the most powerful and most natural medium for learning. It enables the child to explore, be creative, make decisions and form important new meanings drawing on his/her pervious learning/ exploration. We recognise the importance of play with peers, play with supportive and participating adults and where appropriate by oneself. Freedom of movement and choice allow exploration of an environment rich in spontaneous learning opportunities. Through observation, our staff facilitate and encourage the childs development. We ensure the indoor environment provides a range of developmentally appropriate, challenging, diverse, creative and enriching experiences for all children. Curriculum. Planning for curriculums and programmes is based on observations and assessments of the child at various stages of development. We recognise that the childs development is enhanced thought play and positive interaction with the environment. Our child centred stimulating environment allows each child to fulfil their individual potential with loving guidance, support, respect and praise.

Montessori. Why Choose Montessori? Maria Montessori believed that the child had one intuitive aim- Self Development. She believed that the Child wants to do and learn for his/ her self through the senses and developed materials which encouraged the child to grow in independence and self knowledge. Through the Montessori Method children develop a positive self image, an understanding of the environment, an appreciation of culture and a sense of responsibility and helpfulness. Each exercise enhances the power of concentration and the Prepared environment stimulates the Childs own interest and curiosity as they work at their own level, building their own achievements. The prepared environment. The Montessori Method of education places great emphasis on the prepared learning environment where the individual child has the freedom to choose, explore and learn from activities and materials that enrich their knowledge and understanding of their world. Practical Life Area. Encourages the child to become independent, enhances the development of gross and fine motor skills / hand eye co-ordination and concentration. Sensorial Area Education and refinement of the senses leading to a higher degree of perception. Number / Math Area The Mathematical concepts are presented firstly in a very concrete form, followed by more abstract exercises. Language Area Introduction to exercises which develop pre reading and writing skills. Children are introduced to letter and word sounds in the phonetic sense. Cultural Area. Allows the child to explore and understand his world .. Basic geography, botany, zoology and history. 3

For More information or details on Enrolling for September 2011 Contact Michelle or Johanna on 0866078888 or 0878100185

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