Preach A Sermon

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If My Life Could Preach a Sermon

If my life could preach a sermon, what would that sermon do? Would it cause people to fall in love with you? Or would it help people to turn away from finding grace and mercy long the way? If my life could preach a life to behold, Would it be your words that Id preach so bold? Or would I live a life that turned people cold because they saw a life that could not unfold the beauty of what you delight to be told.? Is my testimony rich in the ways that I preach? Or will it come into hearts that can be reached? If my life could preach a sermon, would this soldier be determined to have a character that is as true as the Christ that your life disclosed to view? Or would I be happy doing what I can to live out my life in accordance to man

and live in a standard that surely God can hold me accountable for because He is the one setting that standard for me? If my lifes sermon could save many souls would they be redeemed up until I grew old and I could no longer preach that sermon? Or, would I leave it here on the earth to adore so people will learn of you and know you more? Would the life that unfolds have this kind of impact? Or would my life say that your teachings are fact? Would my life reveal that too many despair because what I preached, I did not live or care that someone was listening to all that I taught but a product of mercy is not what I brought and the messages I sent did not have true light because with them, came no trace of you in their sight? I want to know that the sermon I live

will teach the souls of mankind to forgive and have a heart that will be pure as gold because my life preached this message til Im old. Would people say, What more work could be done to work in our lives parallel to The Son and give Gods glory such a place to abide in vessels that His presence did not hide. I want to know what my life says today and want many more to hear the things you say. This is my hearts cry and what I do pray that you would shine through me as bright as a ray so light would bring many souls within your reach because people find you in the sermon I preach.

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