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Reconstruction Road Map

Black Codes: Laws passed in South to control former slaves. The goals were to restrict free slaves liberties and to insure cheap labor and also maintain white domination.

13th Amendment (1865): Abolished slavery!

Sharecropping: Southerners divided land and rented it to freed slaves. In return, they had to pay 1/3 to of their crops back to landowners.

15th Amendment (1870): Freed slaves get voting rights.

14th Amendment (1868): Guarantees citizenship to freed slaves, due process and equal protection under the law.

KKK: Southern group who threatened, beat, and murdered African Americans to prevent them from participating in politics.

Carpetbaggers: The term refers to Northerners who moved to the South after the Civil War. Many worked for the Freedmens Bureau who helped the freed slaves with housing, food, education, healthcare, and employment.


Jim Crow Laws: Laws enforcing segregation of blacks & whites in the South after the Civil War. Blacks and whites attended separate schools, parks, and other facilities. Supreme Court case Plessy vs. Ferguson said segregation laws were not violating the constitution.

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