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The Great Gilly Hopkins

Reading Guide Homework

Chapter 1-Welcome to Thompson Park Ask students the following questions to assess comprehension: Who is Miss Ellis? What did Gilly do with her bubble gum? Who is Maime Trotter? Do you think Gilly made a good first impression? Chapter 2-The Man who comes to Supper Ask students the following questions to assess comprehension: Describe Gillys bedroom. Who does Gilly have a picture of? Who is William Earnest? Who is Mr. Randolph? What bothers Gilly about Mr. Randolph? Why is Gilly planning to write Courtney a letter? Chapter 3- More Unpleaseant surprises In your readers response journal, pretend that you are Gilly and write a letter to Courtney about your plans to go and visit her. Dont forget to provide evidence that you have read the text. (REMEMBER a letter has a heading, greeting, body and closing) Chapter 4- Sarsaparilla to Socrecy In your readers response journal, pretend that you are Gilly and write a letter to Courtney about your new conversation with Miss Harris. Dont forget to provide evidence that you have read the text. (REMEMBER a letter has a heading, greeting, body and closing) Chapter 5- William Ernest and other mean flowers Who was waiting to walk with Gilly to school? Who does Gilly want to use as her partner in crime?' What does Gilly make for W.E.? How is Gilly doing in school? Chapter 6- Harassing Miss Harris Who does Gilly make a card for? Describe the card. What do Gilly and Miss Harris have in common? Chapter 7- Dust and Desperation Who did Gilly use to help her with her first plot to get more money?

What is Gillys idea to get even more money alone? Did she find more money? Who does Gilly write a letter to? What does the letter say? Chapter 8- The One-Way Ticket In your readers response journal, pretend that you are Gilly and write a letter about your failed attempt to run away. Dont forget to provide evidence that you have read the text. (REMEMBER a letter has a heading, greeting, body and closing) Chapter 9- POW Does Maime Trotter want Gilly to leave? Why does Gilly start spending lots of time with W.E.? What does Gilly want to teach W.E.? Chapter 10- The Visitor Who moves into Maime Trotters house? What was wrong with Mr. Randolph, Maime Trotter, and W.E.? Who came to visit Gilly? What does Gillys grandmother think of where Gilly is living? Who cooks Thanksgiving dinner? Chapter 11- Never and Other cancelled promises Who is waiting for Gilly when she comes home from school? Where is Gilly going to go live? Chapter 12- The Going How does everyone feel about Gilly leaving? What does Mr. Randolph give Gilly? What does Trotter say about visiting and keeping in touch? Chapter 13- Jackson, Virginia Whose room does Gilly want to use? How does Gillys behavior the first day at her grandmothers compare to her fist day at Maime Trotters? Why do you think there is a difference? Chapter 14- POWShell be Riding Six White Horses (When she comes) What lie does Gilly tell W.E. in her letters? Who is coming to visit Gilly in Virginia? Chapter 15- Homecoming

Was Courtney how Gilly expected her to be? Why did Coutney come to see Gilly? Who does Gilly call from the airport? What does Trotter tell Gilly? What does Gilly finally tell Trotter?

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