Insurance Unit - You're The Teacher Now!!

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Insurance Unit Youre the Teacher Now!!

Directions: You will be getting into groups of 4 Your groups have been selected and you will receive a list of the groups. Once you have decided what group you are in, you will be assigned your topic Health Insurance, Property Insurance, Life Insurance and Auto Insurance. Once you have your topic, you will begin to design a lesson for the class on your type of insurance. Your lesson should include (but is not limited to) the following: o What is this type of insurance? o How much do your parents pa for this type of insurance? o Who needs this insurance? o Why do we need this type of insurance? o What options do we have when choosing this type of insurance? o What does this insurance cover? o Extra supporting information You may use any resources available to research your topic. Resources could include: o Internet o Insurance Companies You will be presenting your lesson to the class. Remember your audience and keep them interested! Be creative!!

Grading for Insurance Project

Project Requirements Content The lesson did not include the necessary topics 1 2 3 Points Earned The lesson included many of the topics 4 5 6 7 The lesson included all the necessary topics and added extra meaningful information 8 9 10 Students were creative in actively engaging all aspects of the topic. 8 9 10 All students participated 8 9 10 Students were very prepared. They knew the information they were presenting and answered questions 8 9 10 Overall impression was excellent. Lesson was very well prepared and given

Relative to topics covered

The lesson did not relate and cover the topic. 1 2 3

Students covered 50% of the topic. 4 5 6 7 Most students participated 4 5 6 7 Students were somewhat prepared

All Group Members Participated Students were prepared

Only 1 or 2 students presented 1 2 3 Students were not prepared/lesson was read 1 2 3

4 5 6 7 Overall the presentation was well prepared/given

Overall Impression

Overall the presentation was poor and did not speak to the audience

1 2 3

4 5 6 7

8 9 10

Total: /50 Addition Comments:

Create a wordle of the following words. Save the wordle link in your user data.

Identify and define the unit vocabulary. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Claim Controllable Risk Counterfeiting Economic Risk Insurance Insurance Policy Insured Insurer Liability Risks

10. Personal Risks 11. Policy Holder 12. Premium 13. Property Rights 14. Property Risks 15. Pure risk 16. Risk

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