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left domestic issues to Congress while he turned his attentions to foreign affairs
Assisted by Secretary of State John Quincy


Wars- allowed Spanish-American colonies to declare independence and break away from Spain The US feared that continental European powers would help Spain regain their colonies in the Western Hemisphere


approached the US in a diplomatic measure to keep the rest of Europe out of the Western Hemisphere John Q. Adams knew better than to join a Euro power
Better to stick to isolationist (neutral) policy


Monroe announced a new policy to the world in his annual message to Congress on December 2, 1823


Monroe Doctrine

The Western Hemisphere was no longer open to

further colonization by European powers Any attempt of those powers to extend their political system to any portion of the American continents would be taken as a sign of unfriendliness toward the US The US would not meddle with European politics Europe must not disturb the political status of the republics on this side of the ocean


backed up our foreign policy by supporting the US with their navy

America would be the watchdog of the

Western Hemisphere with the backing of the most powerful navy in the world (Britain) Latin America would gain their independence and the US would maintain their independence

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