Mi Lesson Plan Mary Kleinvachter Effects of Industrialization On Everyday Life During The Industrial Revolution

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EDUC 522 Lesson Plan: Effects of Industrialization on Everyday Life During the Industrial Revolution Author: Mary Kleinvachter

Lesson Title: Effects of Industrialization on Everyday Life During the Industrial Revolution Goal Teacher: Grade Level: Subject: Time Frame: To identify and analyze the effects of industrialization on society during the Industrial Revolution. Mary Kleinvachter 10th Grade World History 3 days (including 1 day for presentations)

OBJECTIVE (S) 1. Students will identify and categorize the technological, scientific, economical, and societal changes that occurred during the Industrial Revolution. 2. Students will analyze the short and long-term effects of these changes on everyday life. 3. Students will create and present a podcast, vodcast, or PowerPoint presentation on their specific category of changes and effects. INTELLIGENCES Verbal/Linguistic Bodily-Kinesthetic Interpersonal Visual-Spatial Musical (presentation must include sound and music) Naturalist (depending on specific category chosen) Logical/Mathematical (depending on specific category chosen)

EDUC 522 Lesson Plan: Effects of Industrialization on Everyday Life During the Industrial Revolution Author: Mary Kleinvachter TECHNOLOGIES
Computers for individual and small group use Headphones w/ microphone one per student Internet access for research and project creation

California Standards for History/Social Science
H-SS 10.3 Students analyze the effects of the Industrial Revolution in England, France, Germany, Japan, and the United States. H-SS 10.3.2 Examine how scientific and technological changes and new forms of energy brought about massive social, economic, and cultural changes. H-SS 10.3.3 Describe the growth of population, rural to urban migration, and growth of cities associated with the Industrial Revolution. H-SS 10.3.4 Trace the evolution of work and labor, including the demise of slave trade and the effects of immigration, mining and manufacturing, division of labor, and the union movement. H-SS 10.3.6 Analyze the emergence of capitalism as a dominant economic pattern and the response to it.

National Education Technology Standards

1. Creativity and Innovation Students demonstrate creative thinking, construct knowledge, and develop innovative products and processes using technology. 1.b. Students will create original works as a means of personal or group expression. 2. Communication and Collaboration Students use digital media and environments to communicate and work collaboratively, including at a distance, to support individual learning and contribute to the learning of others. 2. d. Students wil contribute to project teams to produce original works or solve problems. 3. Research and Information Fluency Students apply digital tools to gather, evaluate, synthesize, and use information. 3.b. Students will locate, organize, analyze, evaluate, synthesize, and ethically use information from a variety of sources and media. 4. Critical Thinking, Problem Solving, and Decision Making Students use critical thinking skills to plan and conduct research, manage projects, solve problems, and make informed decisions using appropriate digital tools and resources. 4.b. Students plan and manage activities to develop a solution or complete a project.

EDUC 522 Lesson Plan: Effects of Industrialization on Everyday Life During the Industrial Revolution Author: Mary Kleinvachter Materials
Instructor Computer w/external speakers, LCD projector, and SMARTboard or whiteboard Computers for individual and small group use Headphones w/ microphone one per student Flash-drive or thumb-drive one per student Internet access for research and project creation World History textbook (electronic or hardcover) one per student Pen/pencils Notebook or paper

1. Introduction As a whole class, brain storm all the economic, technological, scientific, and social changes that occurred during the Industrial Revolution. At this point, all suggestions will be recorded using an instructors (allow approx 5 min for activity) 2. Students working with a partner, will create a four-column chart, either using paper and pencil or electronically, and categorize the changes into categories: Technological, Scientific, Economic, and Social.(allowing 15 min for activity) Teacher calls on groups to share out their factors and students will add factors from the group discussion to their individual chart. 3. Students, again working with their partner, will now analyze each of the factors for the short and long term effects of each of the factors in all categories. (allow approx 20 min) 4. Explain that student partner groups will choose one of the four columns and create a podcast, vodcast, or PowerPoint presentation highlighting the factors and their short and long term effects of industrialization on everyday life during the Industrial Revolution. ** Be sure that each of the categories are represented so it may be necessary to assign categories for equal representation of factors. They will need to do additional research on their factors as homework and be prepared with information to work on project tomorrow. 5. Ticket Out the Door (TOD) each group will turn slip of paper, before leaving for the day, stating which form of presentation (podcast, vodcast, or PowerPoint) they will be doing. Day Two 1. Introduction Review the expectations for the presentations and hand out grade rubric for project each must include sound/music, visual and/or audio depending on type of presentation, minimum

Interpersonal Intrapersonal Verbal/Linguistic Visual/Spatial Bodily-Kinesthetic Musical Naturalist * Logical/Mathematical* *Depending on factors selected

EDUC 522 Lesson Plan: Effects of Industrialization on Everyday Life During the Industrial Revolution Author: Mary Kleinvachter
2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. length of presentation, minimum number of factors, and must include both short and long-term effects on everyday life during the Industrial Revolution. Allow short time for questions for clarification. Distribute headphones/microphones to students. Students given balance of class-time to work with partner on computers creating their electronic project. Circulate around the classroom/computer lab, assisting as needed. Collect headphones/microphones to students and have students save work to flashdrives and turn off computers Remind students that presentations must be ready to present tomorrow. A copy of their presentation needs to be submitted electronically to teachers weebly pagewelcometomskleinvachtersclasses.weebly.com using assignment submission form.

Day 3 1. Student presentation Day. Make sure all needed electronic equipment ready for student presentations. 2. After each group presents, collect flashdrive with presentation. 3. At end of class, debrief on presentations and remind students that they will receive their grade for the presentation and project with rubric at beginning of tomorrows class and it will also be posted on electronic gradebook.

Students will create a four-column chart (in notebook or electronically) categorizing the factors of industrialization: economic, technological, scientific, and social. Charts will be recorded and kept in their interactive notebooks. Students create a electronic project - podcast, vodcast, or Power Point presentation highlighting the factors of industrialization and the short and long term effects on everyday life in the Industrial Revolution. (Will be graded in accordance with the electronic media rubric). Students will present their electronic project- podcast, vodcast, or PowerPoint to class. (Will be graded in accordance with the presentation rubric). ** See above for previously stated Multiple Intelligences

EDUC 522 Lesson Plan: Effects of Industrialization on Everyday Life During the Industrial Revolution Author: Mary Kleinvachter

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