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Student Teaching Evaluation

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tudent Teacher



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Proyidc a summary description of thc atudent teache/s performance related to the ll{TASC Strnd.rdr: 1 : Discipline lftowledge & Undestanding; 2: Undectrnding Studmt Dcvdopncnq 3: Responsivencee Dudng Lse$nr; 4: lnstrudional Vaddy; 5: Leaming Envl]onments; 6: Efiecdrr. Gonmunication Sitills; 7: lnstruction and Cuni. lum Planning; 8: As:essmenb LeameE & Sbatcgies; 9: Relleciive Practices; 10: Rdationshipa: Colleagu* tnd Communlly.

Amanda Gade successfully completed her student teaching experience in a kindergarten classroom at Peach Plains Elementary School. Peach Plains is part ofthe Grand Haven Area
Public School System and would be considered a suburban school. The words capable and professlonal come to mind with Amanda. ln every situation ln which l've

observed her this semester these words are accurate. Her planning and preparation have been outstanding. She is always energetic, enthusiastig and prepared. Her lessons, filled with music,

motion, and variety showed that she understood the needs and capabilities of her young students, She was flexible and adaptable; two very necessary traits for an elementary teacher.
Her cooperating teacher, on one of my visits stated, 'She does so well, I could go home."

Amanda was passionate about students and their success. she recognized students' individuality and consistently looked for ways which would improve academic and personal
skills. She regularly and frequently praised her students. When their lessons involved being

active she was active with them. Her use of classroom technology helped with academic and

management items. Her students loved using the Smartboard.

Amanda wrote and taught a multi lesson unit called "Living Things." This unit, although

primarily science oriented, also involved several other subjects and activities. Amanda's students had a very positive learning experience with this unit.
Outside of the classroom Amanda is community service minded. She has served on the Student Council for Exceptional Children, partlcipated with two other Peach Plains staff on their

trlathlon team, helped start an intervention team at Peach Plains, and is involved with a program called Safe Routes to School.
Amanda would be an excellent addition to any teaching staff; it is a pleasure to highly



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