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Being a successful "troll whisperer"

Doug Fisher, Univ. of S.C. Why even care? Social media is all the rage and needs an evolving skill set Possible new jobs or a component of many others as they evolve Can fit with a copy editor's skills Needs attention to, but not obsession with, detail People skills (you do deal with reporters, right?) Tuned to the legal niceties - last (and first) line of defense One of the keys: Remembering that folks in most online communities are not journalists; they react almost exactly the opposite We tend to thrive on conflict; they often are easily offended and shy away We tend to respond to criticism by deflecting it or charging forward to do better; they tend to be sensitive to it. o If person A improperly criticizes B, and you criticize A for doing so, you might lose both. o We must be sensitive to the cues and be part moderator but also part support person. Goals are different: Ours is to get the story, get the information out; theirs is often nuanced and multifaceted. Yes, to get information, but also to establish friendships and connections/community. "Voice" vs. style: Voice wins. Removing anything, even the most off the wall, can bring suspicions. The goal is to leave things up, not be heavy handed and react precipitously. Sec. 230 of the Communications Decency Act does give some leeway. A good community* Feeling of ownership Welcoming of newcomers Sharing of knowledge Building of social capital Authentic conversation Interactivity, not passivity Respect A good moderator* Knows community must be built, not just created Enforces rules - but gently. Encourages community norms. Recruits/evangelizes Emulates behavior Knows both civility & nastiness are contagious

Troll: Someone who posts derogatory (or sometimes just incoherent) messages to bait responses. Flamer: One who essentially SHOUTS back at others online, usually with vulgar language (and often all caps). Sock puppet: Alternative online identity created to deceive by making it seem another person is posting. Meat puppet: Someone falsely claiming exceptional expertise or who praises a product based on false experience. Object: create buzz. Astroturfing: Creating false impression of grassroots movement or support by postings through things like sock puppets or just anonymously.

(*adapted from Howard Rheingold and others.)

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