Katalyst Wealth - A Free Guide To Grow Your Wealth by 190 Times

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A free guide to grow your wealth by 190 times Only for Patient investors


Content Index
We will grow our wealth by 190 times. What about you? Slide #3 Compounding Rightly called the 8th wonder Slide #4 Patience is the key Slide #5 Some common sense though not so common Slide #6 Hamburger and Stocks Whats the correlation Slide #7 Overcome your EGO It hampers the investment process Slide #8 Opportunity cost of EGO Slide #9 You too can grow your wealth Only with a right mind set Slide #10

We will grow our wealth by 190 times. What about you ?

Dear Readers, Becoming filthy rich is not a dream anymore...provided you start looking at stocks as partial ownership of businesses.

At Katalyst Wealth we will grow our wealth by 100 to 400 times over the next 20 years. We are very much contented about the same and believe if given a chance all of you reading this too would be very happy on achieving such a feat. If you have already started believing that we are going to work very hard then you got it wrong because we are going to work our normal self, however its been made sure that our money is going to work very hard for us.


Compounding Rightly called the 8th wonder

By now, you may have already started thinking that why 100 times to 400 times, well then that's because we are not very sure if we will b able to grow our wealth at a compounded rate of 25% or 35% over the next 20 years. However we would be too happy to settle somewhere around 30% over the longer term. If you are confused, then please have a look at the below table that shows how our one time investment of 1 lakh would grow over a period of 2, 5, 10, 15, and 20 years, assuming annual return of 8%, 25%, 30% and 35% p.a.

As mentioned above, we have been recording an average of around 37% since last 3 years by investing in stocks (well, the bank FDs give a maximum of 10% and that too taxable so not an option for us over the longer term), however 50% is not sustainable on a longer term basis of say 8-10 years, so we are pretty much comfortable settling for somewhere around 30% (SENSEX has been compounding at a rate of approximately 17%, so 30% is not an up hill task).


Patience is the key !!

As can be observed from previous slide, over time the effect on your wealth can be staggering. Consider: If you had invested 1 lakh in large caps in 1991, today you would have 1 crore. Not bad. But if you had put that same 1 lakh in High quality stocks from Mid-cap space, you would have 2-4 crore!! Well thats why we wanted you to be patient. The real power of compounding comes with time. The earlier you start saving and investing in right stocks, the more your money can work for you. Over a longer term even a difference of 2% return per annum can make a difference of 1 crore to your wealth. It is important to understand that a good quality stock with robust fundamentals and strong growth prospects are eventually tomorrows large-cap stock. Being Mid-cap in nature, they are not widely tracked and researched, and are therefore not on the radar of most institutional investors.

Being a Small investor adds to your advantage

Thankfully we are not dealing with the problems faced by many fund managers of managing a huge fund and thus limited opportunities of investing only in large cap stocks. We have a whole universe of small and mid cap stocks to pick from which makes 30% Compounded annual growth rate quite achievable.


Some common sense though not so common

Common sense means paying attention to the obvious. This is not as easy as it sounds. We all have vivid imaginations, and we tend to get lost in our fantasies. When fantasy replaces common sense, life becomes farcical and even tragic. It's very easy to get lost in the fantasies of stock markets created by your broker or advisor and therefore it's all the more important to apply common sense when taking a plunge into the world of investments and trading. Let's learn the lessons of Common Sense w.r.t. stock markets: 1. Did you ever realize when your broker or advisor asked you to trade intraday and guaranteed that you can manage a daily return of 0.5-1% or let's say 10% per month by trading in equities then why did he himself not trade? 2. Did you realize that if hes so sure about 10% monthly return, why did he himself not get a loan of 5 Lakhs from the bank at 1% monthly interest and traded with the same for 9% effective return and thus pocketed 45,000 each month. 3. Did you ever ask yourself that why do 98% of the intraday, short term, momentum seeking, and F&O traders lose and why does the worlds third richest person advises you against trading? Well, if you had asked such basic questions and applied common sense you could have saved many Lakhs that you may have lost in your greed for quick and easy money. It's time for you to introspect and find out if you are one of the above poor investor who is always at the losing side or you are one of the smart ones. www.katalystwealth.com

Hamburger and stocks Whats the correlation?

Here is what Warren Buffett had to ask investors in his 1997 letters to shareholders [Please read carefully in order to understand the most basic principle of investing in stocks] If you plan to eat hamburgers throughout your life and are not a cattle producer, should you wish for higher or lower prices for beef? Likewise, if you are going to buy a car from time to time but are not an auto manufacturer, should you prefer higher or lower car prices? These questions, of course, answer themselves. But now for the final exam: If you expect to be a net saver during the next five years, should you hope for a higher or lower stock market during that period? Many investors get this one wrong. Even though they are going to be net buyers of stocks for many years to come, they are elated when stock prices rise very fast and depressed when they fall. In effect if we draw a corollary, they rejoice because prices have risen for the Cars they will soon be buying. This reaction makes no sense. Only those who will be sellers of equities in the near future should be happy at seeing stocks rise. Prospective purchasers should much prefer lower prices.


Overcome your EGO It hampers the investment process

It's no surprise that while making outstanding stock purchases, a certain percentage of errors in purchasing are sure to occur. Fortunately the long range profits from really good stocks should more than balance the losses from a normal percentage of such mistakes. This is particularly true if the mistake is recognized quickly. However here we would like to point out one very important aspect of behavioral finance which most of the people suffer from. There is a complicating factor that makes the handling of investment mistakes more difficult. This is the ego in each of us. None of us likes to admit that we have been wrong. If we have made a mistake in buying a stock but can sell the stock at a small profit, we somehow lose any sense of having been wrong. On the other hand, if we sell at a small loss we are quite unhappy about the whole matter. This reaction, while completely natural and normal, is probably one of the most dangerous in which we can indulge ourselves in the entire investment process. More money has probably been lost by investors holding a stock they really did not want until they could "at least come out even" than from any other single reason. Over the time, it's been realized that people are at an extreme discomfort when asked to exit from bad investments in losses. They wish to first see the same stock reviving to their purchase price (which does not happen in most of the cases of bad investment decisions) and only then do they want to exit from the stock.


Opportunity cost of EGO

Lets understand why the approach of not exiting from bad investments in losses is not good for investors. Say suppose you had invested in Stock A at Rs 100 based on someones free advice. Some months later the stock comes down to Rs 80 and you also find out (after carrying out a detailed research) that the company you are invested in is not good. Now, in such a case most of the people would pray and wait for the stock to rebound back to Rs 100, though it may not happen forever. However for the above case, We would suggest one to cut the losses by exiting from the counter and invest the same amount in some other good company after carrying out complete due-diligence. The concept behind the same is very simple. The probability of recovering your losses is higher in case of good companies than in bad companies . Transactions involved Selling bad stock from your portfolio and buying a new stock of a good company. By just paying 1% transaction cost you can save a great deal on opportunity cost of missing out on good investments. Everyone makes bad investment decisions (even the likes of Buffett, Jhunjhunwala did), however it is important to acknowledge them to yourself and thus avoid riding on to your losses. www.katalystwealth.com

You too can grow your wealth Only with a right mind set
We believe even you can manage to grow your wealth if you don't fall victim to the following problems faced by most of the investors: Activity syndrome. [We come across many people (let's call them Mr. X) who tell us that they can manage a daily return of 0.5-1% or let's say 10% per month by trading in equities. So, beware Mr. Buffett, Mr. Gates, Ambani brothers and the new breed of billionaires because if Mr. X starts with a trading capital of 1 lakh as on today, he will surpass you all in next 25 years with his 36 lakh crore wealth. I think by now we should have had many such billionaires, but somehow not a single person comes to mind. You probably know, what we mean !!] Phobia of watching your investments go down by 10-15% over the short term. Impatient enough to hold a good undervalued stock for a period of 1 year and more. Check the returns on your investments on a daily basis. As you must have already observed, becoming filthy rich is not a dream anymore, provided you use the "Power of compounding, Common Sense and Patience smartly enough. Most importantly these Powers are at a disposal of everyone, while some use it smartly by saving and investing early while most of the people fritter it away in their greed for quick and easy money.




Our Philosophy
In Depth Analysis
At Katalyst Wealth we are passionate about sharing our philosophy of value investing, and enabling every individual to become successful investor. We invest and suggest opportunities arising out of inefficiencies in the Indian stock markets based on Graham style bargains and high-quality businesses available below their conservatively estimated intrinsic value. Our background is in fundamental research and we leave no stone unturned when we research a company. We strongly believe in the golden rule of investing: fundamentals and results come first, hope later. We ask the tough questions that others cant or wont. We dont use simple point estimates or rely on managements pro-forma presentations. We know that accounting is not standardized and easily manipulated, and we do not hesitate to point out when a company is managing earnings or trying to hide something.


Our Philosophy
Objective and Independent
We aim to level the playing field between investors and public companies. Our research is completely objective and Katalyst Wealth is not affiliated with any long or short funds, nor do we accept research fees from the companies that we cover. With no in-house trading department, sales quotas to meet, or underwriting operations, our analysts provide completely independent research. The success of our company is a function of the investment returns earned by our clients. Our independence ensures that our clients interests are first.

Delivering on Customers trust

At Katalyst Wealth, we believe the most valuable asset of a business organization is the trust and credibility it enjoys among its customers. Built consciously over years, trust has to be maintained continually through unstinted commitment to quantity and quality of deliverables, and proactive responsiveness to customer needs.


Our Team
Suresh has had a wide ranging and rich career spanning more than 40 years in technology and capital markets. He holds a B. Tech in Electrical Engineering from IIT Kanpur and PGDM from IIM Calcutta. His holistic guidance has benefited Katalyst Wealth in entering an arena hitherto occupied by conventional players.
Suresh Agarwal

Ekansh Mittal

Ekansh enjoys digging up obscure, small and mid-cap gems (high quality businesses with moats) which almost no one in the analyst community is tracking. Ekanshs first love has always been the financial markets and he has followed them both as an investor and a commentator. An avid reader, Ekansh spends most of his time sifting through annual reports, books, periodicals, trade magazines, and websites studying great businesses and looking for his next market-beating stock. Apurva has had a distinguished career with Price Waterhouse, KPMG & Ernst & Young. His areas of expertise are buy side and sell side financial due diligence services as part of transaction advisory engagements. He has worked for Private Equity and strategic investors as part of execution team in 15+ transactions. His penchant lies for understanding the business drivers of the company by analyzing operational parameters and discussion with management on strategic and business issues.

Apurva Garg


Research Process
We are not momentum players. We are not interested in point estimates. In our view, there are no short cuts or rules of thumb. Each company requires a unique research approach and it begins with a careful review of its financial disclosures. We believe a detailed analysis of the disclosure and accounting choices made by management can often provide insight into risks that maybe unknown or underappreciated by the Street. It looks simple in theory. But in practice, it takes good old-fashioned discipline and hard work. We dont chase hot stock tips, nor do we rely on supercomputers or fancy algorithms. We dont have a surefire system for timing the market (all good ways to lose money). We seek out well-managed companies with unbeatable products or services whose stocks are undervalued or unknown by most investors and offer the very best to you. For the same we log countless hours researching and crunching numbers before recommending a company. We look for the following traits in the stocks of companies we invest and recommend: Companies that have the ability to generate high returns on capital employed because of the presence of a sustainable moat Can grow earnings at a rapid pace without requiring access to outside capital markets Are run by able, honest, and owner-oriented managers. Can be purchased at valuations where the growth component of value equation comes free.


Research Process
Our stock recommendations incorporate four key analytical categories: Business Operations: Often the market loses sight of fundamentals and gets caught up in the story. Our analytical techniques ensure that the story is supported by the fundamentals. Corporate Governance: Understanding how an executive team is compensated provides insight into its business objectives and accounting choices. We have learned that nothing in accounting happens without a reason and understanding that reason allows us to gauge shareholder value creation and the overall quality of management. Balance Sheet: Time and time again, accounting scandals and unexpected losses prove that what is off the balance sheet is often more important that what is on the balance sheet. It is only through a detailed review of financial disclosures that such exposures can be uncovered. Cash Flow: Companies go bankrupt because they run out of cash, not earnings. Our reports focus on the sustainability of cash flows, not just earnings.


What is Katalyst Wealth
Ans: Katalyst Wealth is an independent equity/stock research and fund management company dedicated to building the world's greatest investment community. At Katalyst Wealth we are passionate about sharing our philosophy of value investing, and enabling every individual to become successful investor. Our research is completely objective and Katalyst Wealth is not affiliated with any long or short funds, nor do we accept research fees from the companies that we cover. With no in-house trading department, sales quotas to meet, or underwriting operations, our analysts provide completely independent research. The success of our company is a function of the investment returns earned by our clients. Our independence ensures that our clients interests are first.

What kind of services we offer?

Ans: We offer investment advisory services and wealth management services through our various offerings like: 1. 2. 3. Alpha Portfolio Alpha Plus Portfolio and Katalyst Wealth Portfolio Advisory Service.


How are we different from other equity research houses, trading calls service providers and brokerage houses?
Ans: Did you ever realize when your broker/trading calls service provider asked you to trade intraday and guaranteed that you can manage a daily return of 0.5-1% or let's say 10% per month by trading in equities for 15-20 days, then why did he himself not trade? Did you realize that if hes so sure about 10-15% monthly return, why did he himself not get a loan of 5 Lakhs from the bank at 1% monthly interest and traded with the same for 9-14% effective return and thus pocketed 45,000-70,000 each month. Did you ever ask yourself that why do 98% of the intraday, short term, momentum seeking, and F&O traders lose and why does the worlds third richest person advises you against trading? You probably know what we mean. At Katalyst Wealth we believe in guiding and helping people through wealth creation from one of the best but ignored asset class i.e. Equities/Stocks. At Katalyst Wealth we Put our money where our mouth is. We cover/suggest only those stocks where we would personally like to invest our money or that of our clients.

Does Katalyst Wealth have brokerage facilities? Do you recommend any brokerages?
Ans: No, we are not a brokerage house. We are an independent equity research and wealth management firm. You are encouraged to choose a broker you are comfortable with.


For whom all are the services suitable?
Ans: Our services are suitable for investors with the following profile: 1. If you look at ownership of stocks as part ownership of businesses. 2. If you are patient and serious about sustainable and long term wealth creation. 3. If you understand the fact that stock prices are the slave of earnings and sooner than later they start reflecting the same.

For whom all are the services not suitable?

Ans: Our Services are not suitable for the investors with the following profile: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. If you suffer from Activity syndrome and need constant activity (buying/selling) in the market. If you consider 1 year as a very long period for investment. If you consider stock investing as gambling. If you want entertainment and time pass from stock market rather than wealth creation. If you believe, you can make money on intraday and weekly basis consistently by trading in equities.

What are arbitrage/special opportunity calls?

Ans: Risk arbitrage opportunities arise out of announced corporate transactions such as takeovers, mergers, demergers, special dividends, share buybacks, and bankruptcy restructurings. Special situations are temporary parking places for cash waiting to be invested in high-quality businesses or statistical bargains.


What kind of support is provided to clients?
Ans: All the members are provided 24X7 support through our dedicated research analyst assigned to each member. Our assigned analysts are available 24X7 on both mail and phone for any query resolving.

If I have any other queries besides the ones listed here, where should I contact?
Ans: For any other queries besides the ones listed, please drop a mail at info@katalystwealth.com


Katalyst Wealth

Registered & Corporate office: B-47, 1st Floor, Dayanand Colony, Lajpat Nagar IV, New Delhi 110024 Ph.: 011-41730606 Mob: +91-9818866676 Email: info@katalystwealth.com


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