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1. Which symbol in the Answer Figure completes the sequence in the Problem Figure ?

2. Which of the Answer Figures belongs in neither group?

3. Which of the Answer Figures belongs in neither group?

4. Which of the Answer Figures fits the missing space in the Question Figure?

Answers 1. C - The question figure is rotated clockwise through 90 degrees each time. 2. D & E - Group 1 shapes are all straight lines, group 2 shapes are all curved. 3. A, B & D - Same color shapes are diagonally opposite (Group1) or above/below (Group 2). 4. D - Each row and column contains one line of each type. You will find the correct answers at the end of the test. Change the box with the question marks (???) by one of the three on the right side (a,b,c):
1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

6. 7. 8. 9.


(01.b) (03.a) (05.a) (07.c) (09.c) (02.b) (04.a) (06.b) (08.a) (10.b)

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