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Once the basic properties of the sucker rods and the design parameters of the rod string are established, the next step in designing the string is to calculate the rod loads during pumping operations. This information is used to size the pumping unit. Consider the reciprocating motion of the polished rod and the actions of the traveling and standing valves during the pumping cycle. Throughout this cycle, the load on the sucker rod string varies continuously. The maximum load occurs shortly after the beginning of the upstroke, when the traveling valve closes. The polished rod must carry the full weight of the fluids, the rods, and the added inertial effects that occur as the motion of the rods is reversed. This is known as the Peak Polished Rod Load, or PPRL. The minimum load occurs shortly after the beginning of the downstroke, as the traveling valve opens. At that point, the rods no longer carry the fluid load and the inertial effects are reversed, thereby reducing the total rod load below the weight of the rods in the produced fluids. This is known as the Minimum Polished Rod Load, or MPRL. To calculate the maximum and minimum rod loads, we begin with the PPRL. This is equal to

PPRL = W - Br + Fo + I
Where W = weight of rods in air, lb Br = buoyancy of rods in fluids, lb Fo = weight of fluid column, lb I = effects of inertial and acceleration forces, lb.

Br = 0.128 W
Where = specific gravity of the produced fluid, dimensionless W = weight of rods in air, lb 62.4 = density of water, lb/cu ft 488 = density of steel, lb/cu ft.


It is important to not exceed the maximum allowable rod stress. To calculate the maximum rod stress, we may use the Modified Goodman equation

SA= (0.25 T + 0.5625 Smin) x SF

where: SA = maximum allowable rod stress, psi T = minimum tensile strength, psi Smin = minimum rod stress, psi SF = service factor

Smin = MPRL/Polished rod area

Table 1: Service Factors for Sucker Rods (after Brown, 1980) API GradeD Rods API GradeC Rods Service 1.00 1.00 Non-corrosive 0.90 0.65 Salt water 0.70 0.50 Hydrogen sulfide

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