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DOM Events
Web Pages: Behaviour


DOM: Events
User or browser initiated Detected using event handlers
Inline with XHTML Registered in script

"Things that happen...."

Events can be programmatically invoked

Use object methods e.g.
document.getElementById('thisBox').focus() ...would cause a focus event, which could be handled by... <input type="text" name="user" id="thisBox" onfocus="runThis();" />
JISC Netskills


DOM: Simple (inline) event handlers

Part of XHTML specification (not script)
Attribute of element in which the event will occur
<a href="somewhere.html" onclick="runThis();">Click me</a> <h1 onmouseover="hilite('on');" onmouseout="hilite(off');">Hello</h1> <form method="post" action="somescript" onsubmit="return validation();"> ...etc... </form>

Remember XHTML is lowercase

onclick="" not onClick=""
JISC Netskills



DOM: Event handler registration

Event handlers can be registered within a script
No need for XHTML event handler attributes Several ways of doing this, linked to evolution of DOM Can get confusing (i.e. prepare to run into some browser differences)
function clickAlert() { alert('You clicked me!'); }

"Traditional method"
document.getElementById("goClick").onclick = clickAlert

IE "Event attachment"

W3C "advanced/standard method"

JISC Netskills


DOM: Ready or Loaded?

Script can be triggered to run as soon as the page has been rendered on screen (using onLoad) to ensure objects required actually exist However script access to the DOM can occur before the page is rendered on screen
Parse HTML Assemble DOM Apply CSS Start rendering screen content Finish rendering screen content
JISC Netskills

DOM is ready for scripting

Script in page contents can be processed load event occurs


DOM: Detecting "DOM ready"

Standard method is to add an event listener for the DOMContentLoaded event occurring for the document
document.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", doSomething, false)

Unfortunately IE doesn't support this

Both addEventListener and the detection of DOMContentLoaded

Workaround is to get IE to load up a (dummy) script file and tell you when that has happened

JISC Netskills

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