Drugs and Alcohol

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Drugs and alcohol Website source

http://aacap.org/page.ww? name=Teens: +Alcohol+and+Other+Drugs&secti on=Facts+for+Families

Notes taken
What I learn about from this web site is that alcohol and drugs have a bad effect and that there are not just legal but illegal drugs being used like prescription drugs. An estimated 20
million adults in the United States abuse alcohol. More than half of these alcoholics started drinking heavily when they were teenagers.

http://www.abovetheinfluence.com/ facts/drugsalcohol

What I got from this website is what alcohol do to you and what are the effects that will you all your life if you use alcohol.

http://www.newscientist.com/article /dn9914-introduction-drugs-andalcohol.html

This website other types of drugs like LSD, mushrooms, and the socalled date-rape drugs rohypnol and GHB. I also learned that there are also animals that a habit of getting high. Most teen are susceptible to taking drugs or alcohol. This is a program that helps teens who have a drug problem to get over the drugs There are mostly facts about teens using drugs and statistics about drugs facts during the years.

http://www.newscientist.com/article /dn9914-introduction-drugs-andalcohol.html

http://www.webmd.com/parenting/n ews/20110824/social-networkingtied-to-teen-drug-alcohol-risk

http://www.ext.colostate.edu/pubs/ consumer/10216.html

This website showed what to do with a teen ager who has abused drugs and what the families can do to help the teen over his or her situation.

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