Christmas Devotion

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JOHN 1:1 Devotion

Parallels of The Word of God and Jesus, surrounding His birth

JOHN 1:14 and I JOHN 5:7

1A. The Humility of the Humans who Helped the Word of God:
PSALM 68:11 and It's obedient overseers. Moses EXODUS 24:3-4 David. Jeremiah
JEREMIAH 36:4-8 Paul I TIMOTHY 1:15. They wrote, kept, guarded and even died
ensuring It's divine presentation. There are martyrs still today and yet to come
because of their obedience.

1B. The Humility of the Humans Who Helped The Birth of Jesus:
LUKE 1:45-53 Mary, a handmaiden. MATTHEW 1:18-19, 24-25. Joseph, astonishing
selfless patience. LUKE 2:8 The Shepherds, hard working stinky field-dwellers!

2A. The Martyrs Involved in the Keeping of the Word of God:

REVELATION 6:9 Killed for their testimony. REVELATION 20:4 Thank God for the
Scripture's preservation, purity, and perfect state: in the King James. PSALM
12:6 Purification is a painful process.

2B. The Martyrs Involved in the Birth of Jesus:

MATTHEW 2:16 The babies and young boys murdered under Herod's command. Imagine
the sorrow of these parents as God's birth is surrounded by such death. Mixed
emotions, for sure.

3A. The Lights Given to Guide People to The Word:

PSALM 78:14 A pillar of fire, lit to lead them to freedom. EXODUS 3:2-4 The
burning bush. "I must turn aside and see this great sight", he had to follow the
light he saw up there! It led him to be given God's Words, the Ten Commandments.
(Extra note: he brought the tablets, God's exact words, in his arms down the
mountain. The people were in sin, so the Word was broken... like our Lord was
broken for our sin... )

3B. The Lights Given to Guide the People to Jesus:

MATTHEW 2:2, 8-10 The Star of Bethlehem, the Kings had to follow the light they
saw up there! It led them to the Saviour. LUKE 2:15 The Lights around the
Angels that announced His arrival to a humble group of shepherds. Startled them
to the point of excitement to see where the baby lay...

The Word is Jesus. PSALM 33:4-11. I JOHN 1:1, and ISAIAH 40:8

By the way, wouldn't it be a wonderful thing if the Word were lying in our lap
more often, or in our arms while we lead a soul to Him? Very little is as
precious as a newborn Baby, and It's a precious precious Word, hold it carefully
in our hearts, with skill, and love.

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