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RE: Spokespersons for Technical Briefing Page 1 of 4 Donahue, Brian From: Donahue, Brian Sent: January 19, 2012 2:09 PM Burton, Ron Jenkins, Randy ‘Subject: FW: Spokespersons for Technical Briefing Ron ...good to go. From: Vachon, Kathryn Sent: January 19, 2012 1:42 PM ‘To: Donahue, Brian; Jenkins, Randy Ce: Belle-Isle, Alain Subject: RE: Spokespersons for Technical Briefing Yes. Thursday, Feburary 2 is confirmed. The briefing is booked for 11:30 am in the National Press Theatre. Kathryn Vachon Tel (613) 998-1530 From: Donahue, Brian Sent: January 19, 2012 1:03 PM To: Jenkins, Randy Ce: Vachon, Kathryn Subject: RE: Spokespersons for Technical Briefing yes Ive been in touch with him ...also spoke to Alain in the hall way ...we need to confirm the date as def. ‘Thursday Feb. 2 From: Jenkins, Randy january 19, 2012 11:48 AM ‘To: Vachon, Kathryn; Donahue, Brian ‘Subject: RE: Spokespersons for Technical Briefing Brian... was just speaking with Bob Lambert (A/Director NL)... he is okay with Ron Burton being involved. maybe you can touch base with Ron. Randy From: Vachon, Kathryn ‘Sent: January 19, 2012 9:55 AM To: Donahue, Brian cz Jenkins, Randy ‘Subject: RE: Spokespersons for Technical Briefing Hi Brian, ‘Absolutely - We do have lots of material -no problem there. Just might need someone. tn aa,te fram ur team should we need clarifications on any of the information. My hope is to have the*°422833_1-000001 products on Monday. RE: Spokespersons for Technical Briefing Page 2 of 4 Kathryn Vachon Tel (613) 998-1530 From: Donahue, Brian Sent: January 19, 2012 9:49 AM To: Vachon, Kathryn; Jenkins, Randy Ce: Belle-sle, Alain ‘Subject: RE: Spokespersons for Technical Briefing Hi guys ...end of week is tomorrow and Im pretty well booked today and tomorrow. As for backgrounders, there should be lots already off the shelf as to how we enforce the seal hunt, etc, Randy | imagine a uniform C&P would be appropriate for Feb. 2 ...thats not too far away should we ask someone (Marcel ? Ron ?) From: Vachon, Kathryn ‘Sent January 19, 2012 9:34 AM To: Jenkins, Randy Cc: Belle-Isle, Alain; Donahue, Brian ‘Subject: RE: Spokespersons for Technical Briefing Hi Randy/Brian, We don't necessarily need some bilingual, so any of the three would work. As for the information, the more general explanation is what we would be looking to provide. Of course, journalists might ask for more specific. information, but the session will be moderated, and we would just direct those enquiries to media relations. ‘We are aiming to have the backgrounders drafted by end of week to get into approvals so | will get back to you very soon on that ‘Thanks for your cooperation! Kathryn Vachon Tel (613) 998-1530 From: Jenkins, Randy ‘Sent: January 19, 2012 9:15 AM To: Vachon, Kathryn Cc: Belle-Isle, Alain; Donahue, Brian ‘Subject: RE: Spokespersons for Technical Briefing Ihave meetings scheduled for all day on Thursday and Friday... Depending what the committment is I may be able to squeeze away for 1/2 hr... otherwise perhaps one of the regional Chiefs could come for it (e.g Ron. Burton - NL region) if you are looking for uniform presence... s it bilingual or English interview? If bilingual we may wish to bring in someone from Quebec (John Choiunard or Marcel Picard). With respect to questions on stats and violations we would only be prepared to provide generalities and discuss in general sense our approaches... not specific cases. For prep please keep Brian in the Loop as | am tied up on C&P 2012 review work and in Vancouver next week. Thanks. ‘A0422933_2-000002 RE: Spokespersons for Technical Briefing Page 3 of 4 From: Vachon, Kathryn Sent: January 19, 2012 8:54 AM To: Jenkins, Randy Cc: Belle-Isle, Alain ‘Subject: FW: Spokespersons for Technical Briefing Hi Randy, Communications is organizing a media technical briefing on seals for February 2 (likely National Press Theatre/11:30 am) and it has been suggested that we have someone from C&P on the panel (with Science and Resource Management) to explain/respond to questions about monitoring and enforcement of the seal hunt. Are you available, or is someone else you could ‘nominate’? ‘We will also likely need your assistance/input in developing backgrounders for the event. The briefing is part of what is unofficially being called "Seals Day on the Hill" - and will complement two ministerial photo ops. | won't go into too much detail, but perhaps we can chat later today if you're around. Thanks! Kathryn Vachon Senior Communications Advisor | Conseillere principale en communication Fisheries and Oceans Canada | Péches et Océans Canada Telephone | Téléphone (613) 998-1530 Government of Canada | Gouvernement du Canada From: Buie, Jennifer Sent: January 18, 2012 7:03 PM ‘To: Vachon, Kathryn; Burns, Adam; Maclnnis, Sidney Ce: Belle-Isle, Alain ‘Subject: Re: Spokespersons for Technical Briefing ‘Suggest also C and P come to field q's on enforcement and violations From: Vachon, Kathryn To: Burns, Adam; MacInnis, Sidney; Bule, Jennifer Cc: Belle-Isle, Alain Sent: Wed Jan 18 15:36:59 2012 ‘Subject: RE: Spokespersons for Technical Briefing Hi Adam, | have spoken with Sidney, who was working to pull the information together, but what we are looking for from Resource Management is a one-pager that describes in plain language the key elements of the management framework for seals. In terms of actual format -communications can help refine that once we have some draft content - but basically a paragraph or two max for the key headings from the IFMP. | suggested to Sidney that ‘memos might be a good place to look for simple explanations and also pointed him to existing FAQs on the website that he can cut and paste from freely. For the presentations, | don't think media training is absolutely necessary since presenters should be speaking strictly to questions about their topic and referring anything else to media relations, but | defer to ‘Alain on that one. ‘A0422933_3.000003 Hope that helps. 8.19(1) RE: Spokespersons for Technical Briefing Page 4 of 4 Kathryn Vachon Tel (613) 998-1530 January 18, 2012 3:13 PM ‘Vachon, Kathryn; Gills, Dave; Simon Patrice (Ottawa); Bue, Jenifer; Day, Robert; Potter, ule; Verile,Josbe Annie; Macinis,Siéney Ce: Bele-se, Alain Subject: RE: Spokesperson for Technical Briefing In terms of the format of the information, what are you looking for? As for who is presenting, does it have to be someone with media training? Adam January 18, 2012 3:03 PM To: Gillis, Dave; Simon, Patrice (Ottawa); Burns, Adam; Buie, Jennifer; Day, Robert; Potter, Julie; Verville, Josée Annie; Macinnis, Sidney Ce: Belle-Isle, Alain ‘Subject: Spokespersons for Technical Briefing Hello everyone, Just wanted to send a quick follow-up to our meeting this morning on the Technical Briefing on February 2. ‘As discussed, in order to ensure the necessary approvals and translation for backgrounders we will need to have something ready by the end of the week on the topics discussed this morning. Once you provide us with the content we can help in the editing for plain language and layout/formatting. Comms will also go through ‘our existing approved QBAs to provide you with the relevant existing messaging | will also need to confirm who will be presenting from Science, Resource Management and IAD as soon as possible. From this morning it sounded like Patrice for Science, Adam or Jen for RM? And Julie for AD? Finally, as discussed we are looking at how to include industry representatives in the days events and will be discussing options for the technical briefing with MinO. Some of the names discussed today were — We would appreciate other suggestions of stakeholder who might be willing to speak to the media on that day as well | will keep you in the loop as we get all the details worked out. Thanks for your cooperation! Kathryn Vachon Senior Communications Advisor | Conseillere principale en communication Fisheries and Oceans Canada | Péches et Océans Canada Telephone | Téléphone (613) 998-1530 Government of Canada | Gouvernement du Canada ‘A0422933_4.000004 LL eee eee Ee RE: Spokespersons for Technical Briefing Page 1 of 4 Donahue, Brian From: Donahue, Brian Sent: January 19, 2012 1:05 PM tT Burton, Ron ‘Subject: RE: Spokespersons for Technical Briefing Ron ....comms will confirm the dat asap ..thx. From: Burton, Ron Sent: January 19, 2012 12:27 PM To: Donahue, Brian ‘Subject: RE: Spokespersons for Technical Briefing It does not matter too much about the paying. | can get Bob to approve and we can JV after ifneeded. As soon as you know where this briefing will take place let me know as | want to book a room in a hotel if it is located outside 200 Kent. | will travel the day before and come to 200 Kent for most of the day to review material plus meet with some other folks. From: Donahue, Brian Sent: Thursday, January 19, 2012 1:07 PM To: Lambert, Robert; Burton, Ron Subject: RE: Spokespersons for Technical Briefing OK Ill tell Randy ...he's booked on something else that day il tell him he’s paying as well -) From: Lambert, Robert Sent: January 19, 2012 11:34 AM To: Burton, Ron; Donahue, Brian ‘Subject: RE: Spokespersons for Technical Briefing ''m fine with Ron doing it From: Burton, Ron Sent: 2012-January-19 12:12 PM To: Donahue, Brian; Lambert, Robert ‘Subject: Re: Spokespersons for Technical Briefing \My calendar is open that week. | am good to go if Bob is good with i. From a C and P regional perspective Jerry Walsh is an option also. 'm good either way. Bob?? From: Donahue, Brian To: Picard, Marcel; Burton, Ron Sent: Thu Jan 19 11:27:34 2012 ‘Subject: FW: Spokespersons for Technical Briefing faa aeesetoncone| SN EE Le eee RE: Spokespersons for Technical Briefing Page 2 of 4 need a C&P in uniform for seals media briefing Feb. 2 in Hottawa Jenkins will pay ...any takers ? From: Donahue, Brian Sent: January 19, 2012 9:49 AM To: Vachon, Kathryn; Jenkins, Randy Ce: Belle-Isie, Alain ‘Subject: RE: Spokespersons for Technical Briefing Hi guys ...end of week is tomorrow and Im pretty well booked today and tomorrow. As for backgrounders there should be lots already off the shelf as to how we enforce the seal hunt , etc. Randy | imagine a uniform C&P would be appropriate for Feb. 2 ...thats not too far away should we ask ‘someone (Marcel ? Ron ?) From: Vachon, Kathryn Sent: January 19, 2012 9:34 AM To: Jenkins, Randy Cc: Belle-Isle, Alain; Donahue, Brian ‘Subject: RE: Spokespersons for Technical Briefing Hi Randy/Brian, We don't necessarily need some bilingual, so any of the three would work. As for the information, the more general explanation is what we would be looking to provide. Of course, journalists might ask for more specific information, but the session will be moderated, and we would just direct those enquiries to media relations. We are aiming to have the backgrounders drafted by end of week to get into approvals so | will get back to you very soon on that ‘Thanks for your cooperation! Kathryn Vachon Tel (613) 998-1530 Sent: January 19, 2012 9:15 AM To: Vachon, Kathryn Ce: Belle-Isle, Alain; Donahue, Brian ‘Subject: RE: Spokespersons for Technical Briefing Ihave meetings scheduled for all day on Thursday and Friday... Depending what the committment is | may be able to squeeze away for 1/2 hr... otherwise perhaps one of the regional Chiefs could come for it (e.g Ron Burton - NL region) if you are looking for uniform presence... s it bilingual or English interview? If bilingual we may wish to bring in someone from Quebec (John Choiunard or Marcel Picard). With respect to questions on stats and violations we would only be prepared to provide generalities and discuss in general sense our approaches... not specific cases. For prep please keep Brian in the Loop as | am tied up on C&P 2012 review work and in Vancouver next week. Thanks. From: Vachon, Kathryn Sent: January 19, 2012 8:54 AM To: Jenkins, Randy Cec: Belle-Isle, Alain ‘Subject: FW: Spokespersons for Technical Briefing ‘A0422035_2-000006 ee eee ene ae RE: Spokespersons for Technical Briefing Page 3 of 4 HiRandy, Communications is organizing a media technical briefing on seats for February 2 (likely National Press Theatre/11:30 am) and it has been suggested that we have someone from C&P on the panel (with Science and Resource Management) to explain/respond to questions about monitoring and enforcement ofthe seal hunt. Are you available, or is someone else you could ‘nominate’? We will also likely need your assistance/input in developing backgrounders for the event. ‘The briefing is part of what is unofficially being called "Seals Day on the Hill" ~ and will complement two ministerial photo ops. | won't go into too much detail, but perhaps we can chat later today if you're around. Thanks! Kathryn Vachon Senior Communications Advisor | Conseillere principale en communication Fisheries and Oceans Canada | Péches et Océans Canada kathryn.vachon@dfo-mpo.g¢. Telephone | Téléphone (613) 998-1530 Government of Canada | Gouvernement du Canada From: Buie, Jennifer Sent: January 18, 2012 7:03 PM To: Vachon, Kathryn; Burns, Adam; Macinnis, Sidney Ce: Belle-Isle, Alain ‘Subject: Re: Spokespersons for Technical Briefing ‘Suggest also C and P come to fleld q's on enforcement and violations From: Vachon, Kathryn To: Burns, Adam; Macinnis, Sidney; Buie, Jennifer Cc: Belle-Isle, Alain Sent: Wed Jan 18 15:36:59 2012 Subject: RE: Spokespersons for Technical Briefing Hi Adam, | have spoken with Sidney, who was working to pull the information together, but what we are looking for from Resource Management is a one-pager that describes in plain language the key elements of the management ‘framework for seals. In terms of actual format communications can help refine that once we have some draft ‘content - but basically a paragraph or two max for the key headings from the IFMP., | suggested to Sidney that memos might be a good place to look for simple explanations and also pointed him to existing FAQs on the website that he can cut and paste from freely, For the presentations, | don't think media training is absolutely necessary since presenters should be ‘speaking strictly to questions about their topic and referring anything else to media relations, but | defer to Alain on that one. Hope that helps. Kathryn Vachon Tel (613) 998-1530 ‘40422935_3.000007 8.19(1) enemas ee RE: Spokespersons for Technical Briefing Page 4 of 4 From: Buns, Adam ‘Sent: January 18, 2012 3:13 PM ‘To: Vachon, Kathryn; Gili, Dave; Simon, Patrice (Ottawa); Bui, Jennifer; Day, Robert; Potter, Jue; Vervil, Josée Annie; Macimis, Sidney Ce: Beles, Ain Subject: RE: Spokespersons for Technical Briefing In terms of the format of the information, what are you loo! ing for? ‘As for who is presenting, does it have to be someone with media training? ‘Adam From: Vachon, Kathryn Sent: January 18, 2012 3:03 PM To: Gillis, Dave; Simon, Patrice (Ottawa); Burns, Adam; Bule, Jennifer; Day, Robert; Potter, Julie; Verville, Josée Annie; MacInnis, Sidney Cc: Belle-Isie, Alain ‘Subject: Spokespersons for Technical Briefing Hello everyone, Just wanted to send a quick follow-up to our meeting this morning on the Technical Briefing on February 2. ‘As discussed, in order to ensure the necessary approvals and translation for backgrounders we will need to have something ready by the end of the week on the topics discussed this moming. Once you provide us with the content we can help in the editing for plain language and layout/formatting. Comms will also go through ‘our existing approved Q&As to provide you with the relevant existing messaging. | will also need to confirm who will be presenting from Science, Resource Management and IAD as soon as possible. From this morning it sounded like Patrice for Science, Adam or Jen for RM? And Julie for |AD? Finally, as discussed we are looking at how to include industry representatives in the days events and will be discussing options for the technical briefing with MinO. Some of the names discussed today were 7)’ We would appreciate other suggestions of stakeholder who ‘might be willing to speak to the media on that day as well. | will keep you in the loop as we get all the details worked out. Thanks for your cooperation! Kathryn Vachon Senior Communications Advisor | Conseillere principale en communication Fisheries and Oceans Canada | Péches et Océans Canada Telephone | Téléphone (613) 998-1530 Government of Canada | Gouvernement du Canada ‘A0422935_4.000008 eee eee ne eee e nen cn nee ne ee RE: Spokespersons for Technical Briefing Page 1 of 5 Donahue, Brian From: Burton, Ron Sent: January 23, 2012 9:17 PM To: Vachon, Kathryn; Jenkins, Randy; Donahue, Brian Cc: Belle-Isle, Alain ‘Subject: RE: Spokespersons for Technical Briefing 8.19(1) am on the road all this week folks in St. John's. | will be checking my email and will review the attached info by mid-week. Do not hesitate to email or call my cell if you need to speak to me. Ron. Sent: January 20, 2012 5: To: Jenkins, Randy; Donahue, Brian Belle-Isle, Alain; Burton, Ron ‘Subject: RE: Spokespersons for Technical Briefing ‘Thanks Randy/Brian/Ron ‘We will make sure to include Ron in any further emails about the briefing ‘As discussed, we have drafted a backgrounder which is attached. In addition to provding it to media at the briefing we will be posting on the seals page of the website. Let me know if you have any comments or concems, ‘Thanks and have a great weekend! Kathryn Vachon Tel (613) 998-1530 From: Jenkins, Randy Sent: January 20, 2012 3:36 PM To: fachon, Kathryn; Donahue, Brian Belle-Isle, Alain ‘Subject: RE: Spokespersons for Technical Briefing Ron Burton, Area Chief NL Region, will be uniformed C&P person there. From: Vachon, Kathryn Sent: January 19, 2012 1:42 PM To: Donahue, Brian; Jenkins, Randy Belle-Isle, Alain ‘Subject: RE: Spokespersons for Technical Briefing Yes. Thursday, Feburary 2 is confirmed. The briefing is booked for 11:30 am in the National Press Theatre. Kathryn Vachon ‘A0422936_1-000009 Tel (613) 998-1530 eee ee RE: Spokespersons for Technical Briefing Page 2 of 5 From: Donahue, Brian Sent: January 19, 2012 1:03 PM To: Jenkins, Randy fachon, Kathryn Subject: RE: Spokespersons for Technical Briefing yes Ive been in touch with him ..2lso spoke to Alain in the hall way ..we need to confirm the date as def. Thursday Feb. 2 From: Jenkins, Randy Sent: January 19, 2012 11:48 AM To: Vachon, Kathryn; Donahue, Brian Subject: RE: Spokespersons for Technical Briefing Brian... was just speaking with Bob Lambert (A/Director NL)... he is okay with Ron Burton being involved. maybe you can touch base with Ron. Randy From: Vachon, Kathryn ‘Sent January 19, 2012 9:55 AM To: Donahue, Brian Ce: Jenkins, Randy ‘Subject: RE: Spokespersons for Technical Briefing Hi Brian, ‘Absolutely - We do have lots of material -no problem there. Just might need someone to go to from your team should we need clarifications on any of the information. My hope is to have the docket moving with products on Monday Kathryn Vachon Tel (613) 998-1530 From: Donahue, Brian Sent: January 19, 2012 9:49 AM fachon, Kathryn; Jenkins, Randy Cc: Belle-Isle, Alain ‘Subject: RE: Spokespersons for Technical Briefing Hi guys ...end of week is tomorrow and Im pretty well booked today and tomorrow. As for backgrounders there should be lots already off the shelf as to how we enforce the seal hunt , etc. Randy | imagine a uniform C&P would be appropriate for Feb. 2 ...thats not too far away should we ask ‘someone (Marcel ? Ron ?) From: Vachon, Kathryn ‘Sent: January'19, 2012 9:34 AM Jenkins, Randy Ce: Belle-Isie, Alain; Donahue, Brian pnezebse = 2200010) ‘Subject: RE: Spokespersons for Technical Briefing LLL ee RE: Spokespersons for Technical Briefing Page 3 of 5 Hi Randy/Brian, ‘We don't necessarily need some bilingual, so any of the three would work. As for the information, the more general explanation is what we would be looking to provide. Of course, journalists might ask for more specific information, but the session will be moderated, and we would just direct those enquiries to media relations. We are aiming to have the backgrounders drafted by end of week to get into approvals so | will get back to you very soon on that ‘Thanks for your cooperation! Kathryn Vachon Tel (613) 998-1530 From: Jenkins, Randy Sent: January 19, 2012 9:15 AM To: Vachon, Kathryn Cc: Belle-Isle, Alain; Donahue, Brian Subject: RE: Spokespersons for Technical Briefing | have meetings scheduled for all day on Thursday and Friday... Depending what the committment is I may be able to squeeze away for 1/2 hr... otherwise perhaps one of the regional Chiefs could come for it (e.g Ron Burton - NL region) if you are looking for uniform presence... is it bilingual or English interview? ff bilingual we ‘may wish to bring in someone from Quebec (John Choiunard or Marcel Picard). With respect to questions on stats and violations we would only be prepared to provide generalities and discuss in general sense our ‘approaches... not specific cases. For prep please keep Brian in the Loop as | am tied up on C&P 2012 review work and in Vancouver next week. Thanks. From: Vachon, Kathryn ‘Sent: January 19, 2012 8:54 AM To: Jenkins, Randy Cc: Belle-Isle, Alain ‘Subject: FW: Spokespersons for Technical Briefing Hi Randy, ‘Communications is organizing a media technical briefing on seals for February 2 (likely National Press Theatre/11:30 am) and it has been suggested that we have someone from C&P on the panel (with Science and Resource Management) to explain/respond to questions about monitoring and enforcement of the seal hunt. Are you available, or is someone else you could ‘nominate’? ‘We will also likely need your assistance/input in developing backgrounders for the event. ‘The briefing is part of what is unofficially being called "Seals Day on the Hill" - and will complement two ministerial photo ops. I won't go into too much detail, but perhaps we can chat later today if you're around, Thanks! Kathryn Vachon Senior Communications Advisor | Conseillere principale en communication Fisheries and Oceans Canada | Péches et Océans Canada [rem pr oO LLL RE: Spokespersons for Technical Briefing Page 4 of 5 Telephone | Téléphone (613) 998-1530 Government of Canada | Gouvernement du Canada From: Bule, Jennifer Sent: January 18, 2012 7:03 PM To: Vachon, Kathryn; Burns, Adam; MacInnis, Sidney Cc: Belle-Isle, Alain ‘Subject: Re: Spokespersons for Technical Briefing ‘Suggest also C and P come to field q's on enforcement and violations. From: Vachon, Kathryn To: Burns, Adam; Macinnis, Sidney; Bule, Jennifer Cc: Belle-Isle, Alain Sent: Wed Jan 18 15:36:59 2012 Subject: RE: Spokespersons for Technical Briefing Hi Adam, have spoken with Sidney, who was working to pull the information together, but what we are looking for from Resource Management is a one-pager that describes in plain language the key elements of the management framework for seals. in terms of actual format -communications can help refine that once we have some draft content - but basically a paragraph or two max for the key headings from the IFMP. | suggested to Sidney that ‘memos might be a good place to look for simple explanations and also pointed him to existing FAQs on the website that he can cut and paste from freely, For the presentations, | don't think media training is absolutely necessary since presenters should be speaking strictly to questions about their topic and referring anything else to media relations, but | defer to Alain on that one, Hope that helps. Kathryn Vachon Tel (613) 998-1530 From: Bums, Adam Sent January 18, 2012 3:13 PM To: Vachon, Kathryn Gills, Dave; Simon, Patrice (Ottawa); Bue, Jennifer; Day, Robert; Potter, Jule; Vervile, Josée Annie; Macinls,Sténey Ce: Beles Alain Subject: RE: Spokesperson for Technical Briefing In terms of the format of the information, what are you looking for? As for who is presenting, does it have to be someone with media training? Adam From: Vachon, Kathryn Sent: January 18, 2012 3:03 PM To: Gills, Dave; Simon, Patrice (Ottawa); Burns, Adam; Bule, Jennifer; Day, Robert;A0422936_4.000012, Josée Annie; Macinnis, Sidney — enn eee a RE: Spokespersons for Technical Briefing Page 5 of 5 Cc: Belle-Isie, Alain Subject: Spokespersons for Technical Briefing Hello everyone, Just wanted to send a quick follow-up to our meeting this morning on the Technical Briefing on February 2. ‘As discussed, in order to ensure the necessary approvals and translation for backgrounders we will need to have something ready by the end of the week on the topics discussed this morning. Once you provide us with the content we can help in the editing for plain language and layout/formatting. Comms will also go through our existing approved Q&As to provide you with the relevant existing messaging. | will also need to confirm who will be presenting from Science, Resource Management and IAD as soon as possible, From this morning it sounded like Patrice for Science, Adam or Jen for RM? And Julie for IAD? Finally, as discussed we are looking at how to include industry representatives in the days events and will be discussing options for the technical briefing with Min. Some of the names discussed today were s.19(1) ‘We would appreciate other suggestions of stakeholder who ‘might be willing to speak to the media on that day as well | will keep you in the loop as we get all the details worked out. Thanks for your cooperation! Kathryn Vachon Senior Communications Advisor | Conseillere principale en communication Fisheries and Oceans Canada | Péches et Océans Canada Telephone | Téléphone (613) 998-1530 Government of Canada | Gouvernement du Canada ‘A0422936_5.000013, CO rr a rent ieeattRo Seals Technical Briefing Page | of | Logue, June From: Knight, Morley Sent: January 27, 2012 12:01 PM To: Burns, Adam Subject: Re: Seals Technical Briefing Sounds good. | will be happy to review it, From: Burns, Adam To: Knight, Morley Ce: Buie, Jennifer Sent: Fri Jan 27 12:18:17 2012 Subject: Seals Technical Briefing Hi Morley, I wanted to make sure that you were aware of the developments related to “Seals Day” that the Minister's Office is organizing on the Hill for Feb 2. This day is piggy-backed onto the Northern Lights trade show happening on the same day. The purpose of “seals day” is to put focus on the government's support for the seal industry. The primary event will be a walk about of the trade show by our Minister with some of his colleagues. In addition there will be a technical briefing for Hill media on the seal hunt. For this technical briefing, they have asked that it be non-DG level officials who can speak only to factual information. Currently, someone from science, C&P and myself are part of this panel. Jen is pulling together a few opening comments that | can deliver which | will first share with you. Otherwise, the only answers | will give will be factual. Anything outside of that will not be accepted by the moderator. Comms has scheduled a practice session for us as well. I'm not concerned about doing it, but FYI, IAD has decided that they will not participate. Comms has agreed that market access questions will not be directed to me, but rather the moderator (from Comms) will take on the questions and commit to get back to the journalist. Adam ‘A0422950_1-000014 12/03/2012 Logue, June Potter, Julie January 19, 2012 9:12 AM ‘Simon, Patrice (Ottawa); Vachon, Kathryn; Gilis, Dave; Burns, Adam; Buie, Jennifer; Day, Robert; Verville, Josée Annie; Macinnis, Sidney Belle-Isle, Alain; Abraham, Christine RE: Spokespersons for Technical Briefing ‘Agree with Patrice about the film. 'm pretty sure there's a copy somewhere in comms. But it's the kind of film you have to sit and watch. Its not like background images; you have to pay attention. Julie Julie Potter International Fisheries Advisor//Conseillére en péches internationales Atlantic and Americas Regional Affairs Bureau // Bureau des affaires régionales concernant Atlantique et les Amériques International Affairs Directorate /! Direction générale des affaires internationales Strategic Policy Sector // Secteur des politiques stratégiques Fisheries & Oceans Canada // Péches & Océans Canada Tel: (613) 993-1898 Fax: (613) 990-9574 Email: julie potter 8.19(1) ‘Simon, Pabice (Ofaway January 18, 2012 5:27 PM Vachon, Kathryn Gils, Dave; Bums, Adam; Bue, Jennifer; Day, Robert; Potter, Jule; Verille, Josée Annie; Macinnis, Sidney Bele-isie, Alain; Abraham, Crristine RE: Spokesperson for Technical Briefing I'm unsure whether | wll be available on February 2 s0 Christine Abraham will be an alternate spokeperson. Proper spelling is | | } | | | i ‘There's a good film that was done a few years ago on the seal hun. It's called: "Phoque, le film". You may consider using it during that day or even inviting the person (Raoul Jomphe) that made the film. I saw him in interview before and he does good. Patrice | Frome Vachon, Kathryn Sent: Sanvary 18, 2012 3:03 PM To: Gis, Dave; Simon, Patrice (Ottawa); Burns, Adam; Bue, Jennifer; Day, Robert; Poter, ule; Vervile, Josée Annie; Macias, Sidney ce: Bele-Isie, Alain ‘Subject: ‘Spokesperson for Technical Briefing Hello everyone, Just wanted to send a quick follow-up to our meeting this morning on the Technical Briefing on February 2. A0422952_1.000015 ‘As discussed, in order to ensure the necessary approvals and translation for backgrounders we will need to have ‘something ready by the end of the week on the topics discussed this morning. Once you provide us with the content we ccan help in the editing for plain language and layoutformatting. Comms will also go through our existing approved Q&AS to provide you with the relevant existing messaging Lill also need to confirm who will be presenting from Science, Resource Management and IAD as soon as possible. From this morning it sounded like Patrice for Science, Adam or Jen for RM? And Julie for IAD? Finally, as discussed we are looking at how to include industry representatives in the days events and will be discussing ‘options for the technical briefing with MinO. Some of the names discussed today were Denis Longapee (sic) from the Maggies and Rob Cahill. We would appreciate other suggestions of stakeholder who might be willing to speak to the media on that day as well | will keep you in the loop as we get all the details worked out. Thanks for your cooperation! Kathryn Vachon ‘Senior Communications Advisor | Conseillere principale en communication Fisheries and Oceans Canada | Péches et Océans Canada kathryn.vachon@¢ Telephone | Téléphone (613) 998-1530 Government of Canada | Gouvernement du Canada ‘A0422952_2.000016 MacInnis, Sidney From: Burns, Adam Sent: January 30, 2012 10:10 AM To: Buie, Jennifer; MacInnis, Sidney ‘Subject: RE: Seal "speech" Can you share with regions too please. From: Buie, Jennifer Sent: January 30, 2012 10:06 AM To: Macinnis, Sidney Ce: Burns, Adam Subject: Seal “speech” ‘Can you please have ready by end of day for Adam's review. | have asked Sandra C to provide you with some high-level material on the seal industry on the north, given that this will be done in conjunction with the Northern Lights conference, Jennifer Buie Manager - Resource Management Atiantic| Gestionnaire - Gestion des ressources Atlantique Ecosystems and Fisheries Management | Ecosystémes et Gestion des péches Fisheries and Oceans Canada | Péches et Océans Canada 200 Kent Street | 200 rue Kent Ottawa ON K1A OE6 Jennifer ‘Telephone | Téléphone 613-990-0096 (new/nouveau) Facsimile | Télécopleur 613-954-1407 Government of Canada | Gouvernement du Canada ‘A0422953_1-000017 MacInnis, Sidney From: Burns, Adam Sent: January 18, 2012 1:25 PM Te Macinnis, Sidney; Buie, Jennifer i? McDougall, Joan Subject: RE: Seal Briefing - Minister's Feb 3 Trip to QC-Seal activities What level were they looking for? From: Macinnis, Sidney Sent: January 18, 2012 11:46 AM To: Burns, Adam; Buie, Jennifer McDougall, Joan ‘Subject: Seal Briefing - Minister's Feb 3 Trip to QC-Seal activities Hello Jen/Adam. Here is an outtine of the meeting this morning, ‘The Minister wants to hold a technical briefing for journalists on Feb 2 (morning) on all things seal. Our presentation will focus on: 41) Science - species and status 2) RM - outline of management framework in the IFMP 3) Policy - concept of responsible use. We have to draft backgrounders by the end of the week and send to Kathryn Vachon. They advised that there are already quite a bit of background already writen, but | will put something together for our part. We also need to advise who will make the presentation from Resource Management. ‘Sidney Macinnis Fisheries Resource Management Officer Station 138006 Ottawa, Ontario (613) 991-6947 (613) 990-7051 (fax) A0422954_1.000018 I Lee SEE as a Page 1 of T Macinnis, Sidney From: Romberg, Stefan Sent: January 30, 2012 12:57 PM To! Macinnis, Sidney Ce: Courchesne, Sandra Subject: RE: arctic seal fishery ‘Attachments: CANADIAN ARCTIC SEAL FISHERY.doc. Hey Sidney: does this stuff help you with the arctic seals??? Stefan Romberg Senior Fisheries Resource Management Officer/Agent Principal, Gestion des Péches Resource Management/Direction de la Gestion des Ressources Ecosystems and Fisheries Management/Ecosystemes et Gestion des Péches Fisheries and Oceans/Péches et Océans 200 Kent Street/200 rue Kent, 138002 Tél: 613-990-9185 Fax: 613 954-1407 e-mail: ‘A0422955_ 1.000019 27/02/2012 CANADIAN ARCTIC SEAL FISHERY Background * Inthe Arctic, five species of seals are harvested for subsistence purposes: ringed, bearded, harp, hooded and harbour. Of these, ringed, bearded and harp comprising the greatest proportion. ‘© There is no commercial harvest of ringed seal or bearded seal in Canada. Ringed and bearded seals are harvested primarily for subsistence, and are managed regionally, © There are few detailed abundance estimates for Canadian populations of ringed seals, and none for bearded seals. There is no harvest data on ringed, bearded, harp, hooded and harbour seal hunts in the Canadian arctic. ‘© Management of ringed and bearded seals in Canada are managed under the Fisheries Act and the Marine Mammal Regulations, which identify regional Sealing Areas in Arctic and Atlantic waters, as well as certain land claims agreements, ‘* Beneficiaries under land claims agreements, Indians and Inuit do not require a license to harvest seals for food, social and ceremonial purposes. © Non-aboriginal residents may harvest seals without a license for food only in Sealing Areas 1 to 4. In all other Areas, non-Aboriginal hunters must apply for a sealing license. claims have been settled, e.g. Inuvialuit Settlement Region, Nunavut Settlement Area, Nunavik Marine Region, Labrador Inuit Settlement Area. ‘In these areas, DFO co-manages marine mammal resources with individual wildlife management structures established under each land claim agreement, including the Fisheries Joint Management Committee (FIMC) in the western Arctic, the Nunavut Wildlife Management Board (NWMB) in Nunavut, the Nunavik Marine Region Wildlife Board (NMRWB) in Nunavik (northern Quebec), and the Torngat Joint Fisheries Board (TJFB) in Labrador. * DFO and its co-management partners jointly set management priorities for species within each settlement area. At present, no management objectives have been identified for ringed or bearded seals in the Canadian Arctic (Sealing Areas | -3). ‘* Since 2010, there have been reports of sick and dead seals in eastern Canada, Alaska, New England, the Northwest Territories, Nunavut, Newfoundland and | / | | | | | i { | | ‘* Acco-management framework has been established in areas where aboriginal land ‘90422055, 2.000020 Labrador, Greenland and Russia. © The type of disease and cause of the illness is not known. Fisheries and Oceans Canada staff are working with the Public Health Agency of Canada and Canadian Cooperative Wildlife Health Centres, and colleagues in the United States to determine the cause of the illness Key Message: © The seal hunt is very important to the Inuit for subsistence, social and economic purposes. A0422955_ 3.000021 farine Mammal Regulations Page lof 1 Beg Bremer ates Mec cola ston Canada Department of Justice Marine Mammal Regulations (SOR/93-56) Regulations are current to 2012-01-18 and last amended on 2011-02-10. Previous Versians APPLICATION 3. These Regulations apply in respect of the management and control of (2) fishing for marine mammals and related activities in Canada or in Canadian fisheries waters; and (0) fishing for marine mammals from Canadian fishing vessels in the Antarctic. 3.1 Despite paragraph 3(a), these Regulations do not apply to fishing for marine mammals that is authorized by an aquaculture licence issued under the Pacific Aquaculture Regulations. '$0R/2010-270, 5. 13. PARTI GENERAL, Licensing 4. (1) Subject to subsections (2) and 32(1), the Minister may, on application and payment Of the fee set out in column TI of an item of the table to this subsection, issue a licence referred to in column I of that item. TABLE Column 1 Column Tr Item Ucence Fee r Fishing Licence (2) Beluga (2) No charge ()— Bowhead whale () No charge (©) Cetacean other than beluga, bowhead whale, narwhal or (c) $5 right whale (2) Narwhal (@) No charge (e) Seal ~ personal use @ $5 (Seal — commercial use mM $5 (a) Nuisance seal (9) $5 (P) Walrus (m) $5 2 Seal Fishery Observation Licence $25 3 Marine Mammal Transportation Licence No charge 4. Collector Vessel Licence $25 (2) A licence to fish for narwhal shall not be issued to a person other than an Inuk. 'S0R/2003-103, s. 2 Date Modified: 2012-01-27 .80422955_4.000022 htip:/Nlaws-lois justice’SOR-93-56/page-2.html Fisheries and Oceans Canada is the federal department responsible for managing the seal harvest. Seals are a valuable natural cso and the vas, been seal harvest. Pe an economic mainstay for numerous rural communities in Atlantic Canada, Quebec and the North. As a time-honoured tradition, Canada's seal harvest supports many coastal families who derive up to 55% of their annual income from this practice. The commercial harp seal harvest occurs in March and April in areas off Eastern Newfoundland and Labrador and the southern Gulf of St. Lawrence. Specific locations are variable and depend on ice formation as most harvesting takes place on ice floes where harp seals congregate. The harvest is usually over by mid-May. The total allowable catch for harp seals is split between two areas: 70 per cent for the waters off Newfoundland and Labrador and 30 per cent for the southern Gulf. ‘A0422955_ 5.000023, The vast majority of commercial sealing in Canada is for harp seals. The grey seal harvest takes place on the Scotian Shelf and in the southern Gulf of St. Lawrence. Primarily, harvesting occurs on coastal islands, as grey seals congregate on land. In the Arctic, five species of seals are harvested for subsistence purposes: ringed, bearded, harp, hooded and harbour. Of these, ringed, bearded and harp comprise the greatest proportion of seals harvested. All individuals, with the exception of Aboriginal peoples in traditional or customary fishing areas, require either a commercial or personal use licence to harvest seals. Currently, a licence freeze is in place meaning no new commercial sealing licences will be issued. A0422955_ 6.000024 In 2011, there were approximately 14,000 commercial licences issued to seal harvesters, but only 5,000 to 7,000 of those were active. Harvesters will often renew their licence and not use it, as they may not know at the start of the season if they will participate in the harvest. In addition, failure to renew the licence would result in it being unavailable the following year. In addition to commercial licences, there were approximately 2,700 personal use sealing licences issued in 2011. In 2009, a number of amendments to the Marine Mammal Regulations, which are the regulations governing the harvest, came into force to further enhance the humaneness of the Canadian seal harvest. This includes the requirement that seal harvesters must follow a strict three-step process to ensure that seals are killed quickly and humanely. This process applies to all seal harvesters with commercial or personal use licenses. A0422955_7-000025 In 2011, approximately 1,700 seal harvesters attended training sessions on humane harvest techniques. The participation of seal harvesters was voluntary and this demonstrates their commitment to understanding and learning the proper methods of harvesting seals. Ko Onishie noSored 1 The harp seal population in Canada has grown from less than 2 million in the early 1970s to just less than 8 million today. The Department manages this population using the precautionary principle, which is described in the species’ Integrated Fisheries Management Plan, developed in collaboration with our scientists, the industry and other stakeholders. The 2011 harp seal total allowable catch was set at 400,000, up-frem-the, 2010-quote0f330,000 animats, while the grey seal total allowable catch was set at 60,000, up-fronrthe 2010 quoteofSt;000ammals. The hooded seal total allowable catch has been 8,200 and this has been stable for a number of years. ‘A0422955_ 8.000026 CANADIAN SEAL FISHERY Fisheries and Oceans Canada is the federal department responsible for managing the seal harvest. Seals are a valuable natural resource, and the seal harvest is an economic mainstay for numerous rural communities in Atlantic Canada, Quebec and the North. As a time-honoured tradition, Canada's seal harvest supports many coastal families who derive up to 55% of their annual income from this practice. The commercial harp seal harvest occurs in March and April in areas off Eastern Newfoundland and Labrador and the southern Gulf of St. Lawrence. Specific locations are variable and depend on ice formation as most harvesting takes place on ice floes where harp seals congregate. The harvest is usually over by mid-May. The total allowable catch for harp seals is split between two areas: 70 per cent for the waters off Newfoundland and Labrador and 30 per cent for the southern Gulf. ‘A0422955_ 9.000027 The vast majority of commercial sealing in Canada is for harp seals. The grey seal harvest takes place on the Scotian Shelf and in the southern Gulf of St. Lawrence. Primarily, harvesting occurs on coastal islands, as grey seals congregate on land. In the Arctic, five species of seals are harvested for subsistence purposes: tinged, bearded, harp, hooded and harbour. Of these, ringed, bearded and harp comprise the greatest proportion of seals harvested. All individuals, with the exception of Aboriginal peoples in traditional or customary fishing areas, require either a commercial or personal use licence to harvest seals. Currently, a licence freeze is in place meaning no new commercial sealing licences will be issued. ‘A0422955_10-000028 In 2011, there were approximately 14,000 commercial licences issued to seal harvesters, but only 5,000 to 7,000 of those were active. Harvesters will often renew their licence and not use it, as they may not know at the start of the season if they will participate in the harvest. In addition, failure to renew the licence would result in it being unavailable the following year. In addition to commercial licences, there were approximately 2,700 personal use sealing licences issued in 2011. In 2009, a number of amendments to the Marine Mammal Regulations, which are the regulations governing the harvest, came into force to further enhance the humaneness of the Canadian seal harvest. This includes the requirement that seal harvesters must follow a strict three-step process to ensure that seals are killed quickly and humanely. This process applies to all seal harvesters with commercial or personal use licenses. ‘A0422955_11-000029 In 2011, approximately 1,700 seal harvesters attended training sessions on humane harvest techniques. The participation of seal harvesters was voluntary and this demonstrates their commitment to understanding and learning the proper methods of harvesting seals. The harp seal population in Canada has grown from less than 2 million in the early 1970s to just less than 8 million today. The Department manages this population using the precautionary principle, which is described in the species’ Integrated Fisheries Management Plan, developed in collaboration with our scientists, the industry and other stakeholders. The 2011 harp seal total allowable catch was set at 400,000, up from the 2010 quota of 330,000 animals, while the grey seal total allowable catch was set at 60,000, up from the 2010 quota of 50,000 animals. The hooded seal total allowable catch has been 8,200 and this has been stable for a number of years. ‘A0422955_12.000030 QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS TAB QUESTION(S) z] Which species of seals are harvested? 2 | Who can hunt seals? How many licences were issued in 2011? 3 How many seals are harvested each year and what is the value? 4 | You mentioned the Precautionary Principle — What does that | mean? 5 What tools are used to harvest seals and are they humane? 6 | Where are seals harvested? : - 7 | What is the Government of Canada doing to promote animal welfare in the seal harvest? 8 _ | Whatis the three-step process, exactly? 9 | What can you tell us about the Marine Mammal Regulations? 10 | What is the position of Fisheries and Oceans Canada on training for seal harvesters? 11 _| Is the harp seal harvest endangering the harp seal population? 12 | Does the Canadian government allow seal harvesters to harvest whitecoat seals? 13 | Why would targeted removals be contemplated for grey seals? 14 | Are Canadian harvesting practices worse and more inhumane compared to other countries? 15 | Are observers allowed to view the seal harvest? If so, what are the conditions? 40422955_13-000031 1. Which species of seals are harvested? Harp seals account for almost all the seals harvested commercially, with greys and hooded representing a very small portion. | 1,500 ringed seals and between 50-200 bearded seals are estimated to be | taken annually for subsistence use. There is no commercial harvest of harbour seals. A0422955_14.000032 2. Who can hunt seals? How many licences were issued in 2011? Only individuals with a valid sealing licence, or Aboriginal peoples participating in a susbsistence hunt in designated areas, are legally allowed to harvest seals. Commercial: In 2011, there were approximately 14,000 commercial licences issued to seal harvesters, but only an estimated 5,000 to 7,000 of those were active. A freeze on new commercial seal licences is in effect for all areas of Atlantic Canada and Quebec. Person: Approximately 2,700 personal use sealing licences were issued in 2011. It allows the holder to take up to six seals for personal consumption. ‘A0422955_15.000033 3. How many seals are harvested each year and what is the value? We exercise a high level of scientific rigour in determining sustainable levels for the total allowable catch. A population survey takes place every three to five years and the total allowable catch is established by managers working with scientists to ensure a sustainable level of harvesting. However, since 2006, there has been a drop in the landings, and the harvest has fallen to less than 10% of the total allowable catch. This has been due to unfavourable ice conditions and unstable markets. In 2011, the total allowable catch was 400,000. See Next Page for Tables A0422955_16-000034 Table 1 - Total Allowable Catch and Landings — Harp seal Year TAC Landings | Landed (# of seals) | (# of seals) | Value ($) "2006 | —_325,000[ 354,867] 34,300,000 2007 | _270,000| 224,745 | 12,200,000 | 2008 275,000| __217,857| 6,800,000 2009 280,000 76,195 | 800,000 | 2010 | 330,000! 69,101 1,300,000 | 2011 400,000] 37,145] 745,000 Table 2 - Total Allowable Catch and Landings — Grey seal | Year TAC Landings | Landed | (# of seals) | (# of seals) |_Value (S) | 2006 __ 10,400 1,804] 420 2007 | __—-9,000 393; _—:1680 2008 12,000; ‘1,472 90) 2009 50,000 | 254| 45 | 2010 50,000 al aaa0) 2011 | 60,000 195 0} A0422955_17-000035 4. You mentioned the Precautionary Principle — What does that mean? This means that TAC decisions are based on long-term conservation and sustainability principles and take into consideration the Department’s Management Plan, scientific advice, as well as consultation with industry. The commercial seal harvest, like other fisheries managed by DFO, incorporates the precautionary principle to management with the objective that the seal population remains at a healthy level. ‘A0422955_18.000036 5. What tools are used to harvest seals and are they humane? The Marine Mammal Regulations stipulate that only high-powered rifles, shotguns firing slugs, or hakapiks may be used in the seal harvest. Seal harvesters in the Magdalen Islands, the Quebec North Shore and in Western Newfoundland and Labrador, where about 30 per cent of the harvest occurs, use both rifles and hakapiks. Seal harvesters on the ice floes on the waters east of Newfoundland and Labrador, where 70 per cent of the harvest occurs, primarily use rifles. Changes in 2009 to the Marine Mammal Regulations prohibit the use of the hakapik as the instrument for the initial strike of seals over the age of one year because of the thickness of the skull. (IF PRESSED — RESPONSIVE ONLY) ~ A hakapik is an efficient tool designed to harvest the animal quickly and humanely. ‘A0422955_19.000037 6. Where are seals harvested? Approximately 70 per cent of the commercial harvest occurs on the Front in Newfoundland and Labrador, while about 30 per cent occurs in the southern Gulf of St. Lawrence. There are also subsistence harvests in the Canadian Arctic and Greenland. ae ‘A0422955_20.000038 7. What is the Government of Canada doing to promote animal welfare in the seal harvest? The Government of Canada has strict science-based regulations, which are reviewed regularly, to ensure a humane harvest and regulations contain explicit requirements for how these tools must be used, and for assessing the consciousness of the seal. In 2009, a number of amendments to the Marine Mammal Regulations came into force to further enhance the humaneness of the Canadian seal harvest. The amendments introduced Canada’s science-based, three-step process to ensure a humane harvest. The updated regulations also provide clarity for anyone monitoring or observing the harvest, who must be able to distinguish good practice from bad practice when it comes to animal welfare. The harvest is monitored very closely and non-compliance with regulations and licence conditions are taken very seriously. ae ‘A0422955_21-000039 8. What is the three-step process, exactly? The three-step process for harvesting seals is a science-based approach developed to ensure that seals do not suffer unnecessarily. It came into force on February 12, 2009 and the three steps are: Step 1) "Striking" - Seal harvesters must shoot or strike animals on the top of the cranium, with either a firearm or a hakapik or club; Step 2) "Checking" - The seal harvester must palpate both the left and right halves of the cranium, following striking (either with a firearm, hakapik or club), to ensure that the skull has been crushed. This ensures that the seal is irreversibly unconscious or dead; Step 3) "Bleeding" — The seal harvester must bleed the animal by severing the two axillary arteries located beneath the front flippers and must allow a minimum of one minute to pass before skinning the animal. Bleeding ensures that the seal is dead. ‘A0422955_22.000040 9. What can you tell us about the Marine Mammal Regulations? The Marine Mammal Regulations are a set of rules that govern the taking (fishing, hunting) and treatment of marine mammals in Canada. The regulations are part of the Fisheries Act and they were enacted on February 4, 1993. The most recent updates occurred in 2009 when DFO made amendments with respect to two sections involving the Minister’s authority to grant seal fishery observation permits as well as Amendments dealing with sealing methods to further enhance the humaneness of the seal harvest. This was the three-step process, which came into force on February 12, 2009. ae ‘A0422955_23-000041, 10. What is the position of Fisheries and Oceans Canada on training for seal harvesters? The Department supports the advancement of seal harvester training and will work with industry to advance this initiative, given the voluntary take-up of the training. Training and certification fall within the jurisdiction of provinces and territories, which are responsible for the development and delivery of these programs. In 2011, approximately 1,700 seal harvesters attended the training session on humane harvest techniques. The participation of seal harvesters was voluntary and this demonstrates their commitment to understanding and learning the proper methods of harvesting seals. Continued on Next Page ‘A0422955_24.000042 Professionalization and compliance are vital to the success of the industry’s long-term marketing efforts. The Department encourages the sealing industry to work together and with the federal, provincial, and territorial governments to continue to build their professional capacity. DFO is also working with CFIA and the provinces and territories to determine the type of training and/or tools that may be needed in order to meet international food handling requirements. ‘A0422955_25.000043 11. Is the harp seal harvest endangering the harp seal population? No. On the contrary, the Northwest Atlantic harp seal population is healthy and abundant with an estimated population of approximately 8 million animals, more than four times what it was in the 1970s. A0422955_26-000044 12. Does the Canadian government allow seal harvesters to harvest whitecoat seals? The harvesting of harp seal pups (whitecoats) and hooded seal pups (bluebacks) is illegal in Canada and has been since 1987. The seals that are harvested are self-reliant, independent animals. A0422955_27-000045 13. Why would targeted removals be contemplated for grey seals? Since the collapse of the Atlantic cod fishery in the 1990s, there have been limited signs of recovery. Removals of grey seals would be considered as it is one of the few things we could do to attempt to assist cod recovery. We have already stopped direct catches of cod, reduced by-catch to minimum, and implemented a forage fish policy for species that cod would eat. These management actions appear to be insufficient to allow cod to recover in the southern Gulf of St. Lawrence. One of the remaining things we could do to assist cod recovery is to attempt to lower seal predation. A commercial harvest is currently not occurring and thus targeted removals would be a management option. an 180422955 _28.000046, 14, Are Canadian harvesting practices worse and more inhumane compared to other countries? Canadian harvesting practices are among the best in the world. They are guided by rigorous animal welfare principles that are internationally recognized by virtually all independent observers. The Government of Canada monitors the seal harvest closely and it is committed to enforcing the regulations to the fullest extent of the law. aie A0422955_29-000047 15. Are observers allowed to view the seal harvest? If so, what are the conditions? Observers have been and will continue to be able to monitor Canada’s seal harvest. Every year, permits are made available through the local departmental offices to persons interested in observing the seal fishery. It is recommended that anyone who wants an observation permit contact DFO in advance to find out the details for the application process and to ensure that there is sufficient time to process the application for the permit. Seal observation permits are valid for one day and can be renewed on a daily basis. Continued on Next Page oe ‘A0422955_30-000048 The Marine Mammal Regulations stipulate that the observer rules apply to the entire harvest, no matter where it is taking place. Observers with a valid permit can approach within 10 metres of where the hunt is taking place. Those without a permit must stay at least a half nautical mile away. All permit holders must abide by the conditions of their permit. Fishery officers and other government agents are at sea, in the air and on the ice monitoring the activities of seal harvesters and persons with observation permits. Violations of the conditions of observation permits could result in warnings, or charges under the Marine Mammal Regulations. ae A0422955_31-000049 RE: Spokespersons for Technical Briefing Page |of 4 Lambert, Robert From: Lambert, Robert Sent: 2012-January-19 1:04 PM To: Burton, Ron; Donahue, Brian ‘Subject: RE: Spokespersons for Technical Briefing I'm fine with Ron doing it From: Burton, Ron Sent: 2012-January-19 12:12 PM To: Donahue, Brian; Lambert, Robert ‘Subject: Re: Spokespersons for Technical Briefing My calendar is open that week, | am good to go if Bob is good with it. From a C and P regional perspective Jerry Walsh is an option also. I'm good either way. Bob?? From: Donahue, Brian To: Picard, Marcel; Burton, Ron Sent: Thu Jan 19 11:27:34 2012 Subject: FW: Spokespersons for Technical Briefing need a C&P in uniform for seals media briefing Feb. 2 in Hottawa_...Jenkins will pay ...any takers ? From: Donahue, Brian Sent: January 19, 2012 9:49 AM To: Vachon, Kathryn; Jenkins, Randy Cc: Belle-Isle, Alain ‘Subject: RE: Spokespersons for Technical Briefing Hi guys ...end of week is tomorrow and Im pretty well booked today and tomorrow. As for backgrounders there should be lots already off the shelf as to how we enforce the seal hunt, etc. Randy | imagine a uniform C&P would be appropriate for Feb. 2 ...thats not too far away should we ask someone (Marcel ? Ron ?) From: Vachon, Kathryn Sent: January 19, 2012 9:34 AM To: Jenkins, Randy Ce: Belle-Isle, Alain; Donahue, Brian ‘Subject: RE: Spokespersons for Technical Briefing Hi Randy/Brian, We don't necessarily need some bilingual, so any of the three would work. As for the information, the more general explanation is what we would be looking to provide. Of course, journalists might ask for more specific information, but the session will be moderated, and we would just direct those enquiries to media relations. 2012-03-08 ‘40423554_1.000050 RE: Spokespersons for Technical Briefing Page 2.0f 4 ‘We are aiming to have the backgrounders drafted by end of week to get into approvals so | will get back to you very soon on that Thanks for your cooperation! Kathryn Vachon Tel (613) 998-1530 From: Jenkins, Randy Sent: January 19, 2012 9:15 AM To: Vachon, Kathryn Ce: Belle-Isle, Alain; Donahue, Brian Subject: RE: Spokespersons for Technical Briefing | have meetings scheduled for all day on Thursday and Friday... Depending what the committment is | may be able to squeeze away for 1/2 hr... otherwise perhaps one of the regional Chiefs could come for it (e.g Ron Burton NL region) if you are looking for uniform presence... is it bilingual or English interview? If bilingual we may wish to bring in someone from Quebec (John Choiunard or Marcel Picard). With respect to questions on stats and Violations we would only be prepared to provide generalities and discuss in general sense our approaches... not specific cases. For prep please keep Brian in the Loop as | am tied up on C&P 2012 review work and in Vancouver next week. Thanks. From: Vachon, Kathryn Sent: January 19, 2012 8:54 AM To: Jenkins, Randy Cc: Belle-Isle, Alain ‘Subject: FW: Spokespersons for Technical Briefing Hi Randy, ‘Communications is organizing a media technical briefing on seals for February 2 (likely National Press ‘Theatre/1 1:30 am) and it has been suggested that we have someone from C&P on the panel (with Science and Resource Management) to explain/respond to questions about monitoring and enforcement of the seal hunt. Are you available, ois someone else you could ‘nominate’? ‘We will also likely need your assistance/input in developing backgrounders for the event. ‘The briefing is part of what is unofficially being called "Seals Day on the Hill” - and will complement two ministerial photo ops, | won't go into too much detail, but perhaps we can chat later today if you're around. Thanks! Kathryn Vachon Senior Communications Advisor | Conseillere principale en communication Fisheries and Oceans Canada | Péches et Océans Canada Telephone | Téléphone (613) 998-1530 Government of Canada | Gouvernement du Canada 2012-03-08 A0423554_2.000051 RE: Spokespersons for Technical Briefing Page 3.0f4 From: Buie, Jennifer Sent: January 18, 2012 7:03 PM To: Vachon, Kathryn; Burns, Adam; MacInnis, Sidney Ce: Belle-Isle, Alain Subject: Re: Spokespersons for Technical Briefing ‘Suggest also C and P come to field q's on enforcement and violations From: Vachon, Kathryn To: Burns, Adam; MacInnis, Sidney; Buie, Jennifer Ce: Belle-Isle, Alain Sent: Wed Jan 18 15:36:59 2012 ‘Subject: RE: Spokespersons for Technical Briefing Hi Adam, Ihave spoken with Sidney, who was working to pull the information together, but what we are looking for from Resource Management is a one-pager that describes in plain language the key elements of the management framework for seals. In terms of actual format -communications can help refine that once we have some draft content - but basically a paragraph or two max for the key headings from the IFMP. | suggested to Sidney that ‘memos might be a good place to look for simple explanations and also pointed him to existing FAQs on the ‘website that he can cut and paste from freely. For the presentations, | don't think media training is absolutely necessary since presenters should be speaking strictly to questions about their topic and referring anything else to media relations, but | defer to Alain on that one. Hope that helps. Kathryn Vachon Tel (613) 998-1530 From: Sums, Adam ‘Sent: Sanuary 18, 2012 3:13 PM ‘To: Vachon, Kathryn; Gils, Dave; Simon, Patrice (Otawa); Bule, Jenner; Day, Raber; Potter, Jule; Vere, ste Anni; Mactnnis,Stney Belles, Alain Subject: RE: Spokesperson for Technical Briefing In terms of the format of the information, what are you looking for? {As for who is presenting, does it have to be someone with media training? Adam From: Vachon, Kathryn ‘Sent: January 18, 2012 3:03 PM To: Gils, Dave; Simon, Patrice (Ottawa); Burns, Adam; Buie, Jennifer; Day, Robert; Potter, Julie; Verville, Josée Annie; Macinnis, Sidney 2012-03-08 ‘A0423554_3.000052 RE: Spokespersons for Technical Briefing Page 4.0f 4 Cc: Belle-Isle, Alain ‘Subject: Spokespersons for Technical Briefing Hello everyone, Just wanted to send a quick follow-up to our meeting this morning on the Technical Briefing on February 2. ‘As discussed, in order to ensure the necessary approvals and transiation for backgrounders we will need to have something ready by the end of the week on the topics discussed this morning. Once you provide us with the content we can help in the editing for plain language and layout/formatting. Comms will also go through our existing approved Q8As to provide you with the relevant existing messaging, {will also need to confirm who will be presenting from Science, Resource Management and IAD as soon as Possible. From this morning it sounded like Patrice for Science, Adam or Jen for RM? And Julie for AD? Finally, as discussed we are looking at how to include industry representatives in the days events and will be discussing options for the technical briefing with Min. Some of the names discussed today were Denis Longapee (sic) from the Maggies and Rob Cahill. We would appreciate other suggestions of stakeholder who ‘might be wiling to speak to the media on that day as well, will keep you in the loop as we get all the details worked out. Thanks for your cooperation! Kathryn Vachon Senior Communications Advisor | Conseillere principale en communication Fisheries and Oceans Canada | Péches et Océans Canada kathryn. Telephone | Téléphone (613) 998-1530 Government of Canada | Gouvernement du Canada 2012-03-08 ‘0423554 _4.000053, Burton, Ron March 9, 2012 8:49 AM Strowbridge, Trudy ATIP A-2011-00322 Thursday, February 02, 2012 6:21 PM To: Jenkins, Randy Subject: Re: How was media scrum? - call me at 613 990 0108 if you can Just landed in Halifax. Tt was uneventful! Only had a couple questions. One reporter asked me if we had changed our enforcement protocols for when observers are present and there is a potential for violence. I replied that FO are trained to handle all types of scenarios in all types of fisheries and being prepared for any violent situation is a core part of ALL FO training. I can't remember the first question original Message - From: Jenkins, Randy To: Burton, Ron Sent: Thu Feb 02 15:54:45 2012 How was media scrum? - call me at 613 990 0108 if you can ‘A0423555_1-000054 Burton, Ron March 9, 2012 8:48 AM ‘Strowbridge, Trudy ATIP A-2011-00322 From: Burton, Ron Sent: Thursday, February 02, 2012 6:13 aM To: Horwood, Harvey; Reid, Boyd; Bddison, sheldon Subject: Seal related sentence Gents, I am in Ottawa doing a seal briefing today. I am unable to access DVS! I need one example of a successful humane harvest type conviction and resulting fine/prohibition I know we have has some with a $1000 fine and prohibition from sealing. I can't recall if the prohibition has been for 1 week or 1 year. Need a good one asap. ‘Thanks Ron ‘A0423556_1-000055 Strowbridge, Trudy From: Burton, Ron Sent: March 9, 2012 8:46 AM Te Strowbridge, Trudy Subject: ATIP A-2011-00322 -Original Message- From: Burton, Ron Sent: Wednesday, February 01, 2012 11:49 PM To: Jenkins, Randy; Vachon, Kathryn Subject: Re: C&P speech/intro comments Ok, I will add a line clarifying that point. - Original Message From: Jenkins, Randy To: Burton, Ron; Vachon, Kathryn Sent: Wed Feb 01 23:17:55 2012 Subject: Re: C&P speech/intro comments Tt might be best to ensure that it is clear that the number individuals is much fewer than the number violations... - Original Message From: Burton, Ron To: Jenkins, Randy; Vachon, Kathryn Sent: Wed Feb 01 22:15:50 2012 Subject: Re: C&P speech/intro comments Ihave that point noted in my side notes if asked a question. Are you saying that I include it in my initial remarks? - Original Message - From: Jenkins, Randy To: Burton, Ron; Vachon, Kathryn Sent: Wed Feb 01 23:13:48 2012 Subject: Re: C&P speech/intro comments Factual... Straight forward... Highlighting violation potential to lead to other questions... Need to explain that most violations attributed to only few individuals. = Original Message - From: Burton, Ron To: Jenkins, Randy; Vachon, Kathryn Sent: Wed Feb 01 22:08:58 2012 Subject: C&P speech/intro comments Attached are my opening comments/speech for tomorrows media briefing. It is 90% identical to the fact sheet that will be released with a few comments added. Tt should take me about 3.5 to 4 minutes. Any concerns let me know! ! RB ‘0423557_1-000056 The Government of Canada is committed to ensuring a safe, well- managed, and humane seal harvest in accordance with the rules set out in the Marine Mammal Regulations (MMR) and the conditions of licensing as authorized by the Fishery General Regulations. Monitoring control and surveillance (MCS) of the seal harvest is the responsibility of the Conservation and Protection Branch of the Department of Fisheries and Oceans. Fishery officers have the primary responsibility for MCS activities and enforcement of the commercial seal harvest in Canada. Their main objectives in monitoring the harvest are to ensure: * Effective Monitoring, Control and Surveillance of the seal hunt in the Gulf of Saint-Lawrence and in the Newfoundland & Labrador (Front) Areas; An orderly, well-managed seal hunt with a high level of compliance with seal fishery management measures, rules and regulations. Enforcement of regulations and licence conditions with respect to proper hunting techniques and tools (humane harvest by the three step process of striking, checking and bleeding being the main focus); ‘A0423557_2.000057 = Monitoring of and compliance with quotas, including hail, log and landings verification. Compliance with the regulatory provisions and licence conditions applicable to observation of the seal hunt. = A coordinated flow of accurate information to support decision-making. A number of tools and surveillance methods are employed for a well-balanced enforcement program including: aerial surveillance; remote monitoring using a high resolution, helicopter- mounted, gyro stabilized camera system vessel monitoring systems (satellite tracking); at-sea patrols and inspections; dockside and landing site patrols and inspections; and inspections at buyer and processor facilities. In addition, the Canadian Coast Guard provides support when. required. Monitoring and enforcement is provided, as needed, by the Royal Canadian Mounted Police and the Quebec provincial police. At-sea observers may also be randomly deployed to individual sealing vessels. While observers do not have ‘0423557_3-000058 enforcement powers they complement the monitoring done by fishery officers by immediately reporting any irregularities. Proactive measures such as education and awareness were a key component of Fishery Officers work. Fishery Officers worked with industry to deliver sealer information sessions to commercial sealers as well as separate sessions with Personal Use sealers. Sealers who fail to observe humane harvesting practices, licence conditions, and catch requirements are penalized. During the 2011 harvest, there were 60 reported violations, of which 31 were related to humane harvesting. This is a significant decrease from the 140 violations investigated in 2010. Any violations of Canada’s regulations are taken very seriously. The consequences of such illegal actions are decided by the court and could include court-imposed fines, licence prohibitions and the forfeiting of catches, fishing gear, vessels and vehicles. ‘0423557_4-000059 Strowbridge, Trudy From: Burton, Ron Sent March 8, 2012 8:35 AM To: Strowbridge, Trudy; Rodgers-Grouchy, Donna Subject: ATIP A-2011-00322 Ladies, ‘This email relates to the above noted ATIP. Ron original Message Ron. Wednesday, February 01, 2012 9:10 AM To: Jenkins, Randy; Vachon, kathryn Subject: C and P media lines Should I be sending this to either of you? I had a look at the media lines last night and I think we should emove the following line: "Monitor by_catchs of seals". We REALLY do NOT want to get into one of the sources of seal bycatch. If the question happen to come up I can easily deal with it outside of closed season etc, but one of the issues we have had in the past is seals being caught in lumpfish nets. We have not had that problem in the past few years so let's reduce the opportunity that it will come up. Ron ‘A0423560_1-000060 Burton, Ron March 8, 2012 8:38 AM ‘Strowbridge, Trudy, Rodgers-Grouchy, Donna ATIP A-2011-00322 From: Burton, Ron Sent: Wednesday, February 01, 2012 11:03 PM To: Jenkins, Randy; Vachon, Kathryn Subject: Re: VOCM tweet I agree, I just copied the tweet as an FYI. They were advised through the media like everyone else. - Original Message - From: Jenkins, Randy To: Burton, Ron; Vachon, Kathryn Sent: Wed Feb 01 22:18:27 2012 Subject: Re: VOCM tweet What does that mean?Rably? - Original Message - From: Burton, Ron To: Vachon, Kathryn; Jenkins, Randy Sent: Wed Feb 01 20:46:21 2012 Subject: VOCM tweet on twitter a short while ago: Seal Day tomorrow in Ottawa. Darin King will be there. NL federal Liberals say they haven't been informed. ‘40423566_1-000061 len, Christine Choueiri, George on behalf of XNCR, ComApproval/Approbation December 15, 2011 10:35 AM Stanek, Frank Carkner, Melanie; Belle-Isle, Alain; Burns, Adam; Day, Robert; Beelen, Christine Ce: Subject: CC: 889/11 HO - MEP: Sealer Support Media Event on Pariiament Hil Attachments: 889.pdf; 889_MEP.pdf Bonjour, ‘This electronic copy is for your information only. The hard copy is going through approvals in a Communications red docket, Cette copie électronique est pour votre information seulement. La copie papier circule pour approbation dans un dossier rouge de la Direction des communications. 2 BD 889.pdt (22 KB) 889_MEP.pdt (36 KB) George Choueiri Public Enquiries and Management Support Clerk ‘Communications Branch / Direction générale des communication Fisheries and Oceans Canada / Péches et Océans Canada 200 Kent Street Room: 136228 Ottawa, Ontario KIA OES Tel / Tél: 613-949-9105 Fax / Télécop: 613-993-8277 E-mail / Courrie!: George.Choueiri@¢fo-mpo ‘A0423585_1-000062 Communications APPROVAL FORM / FORMULAIRE D'APPROBATION MESSAGE EVENT PROPOSAL Docket # 889/11 [Project Tite & No: SEALER SUPPORT MEDIA EVENT ON PARLIAMENT HILL [Thre et no. de projet [Requested By: Communications Date 14-Dec-2011 [Demande par [Date Bue: ~~ 24-Dec-2011 lEchéance Name | Tire ___Nom [Communications Manager ‘Alain Belletsle {Gestionnaire, Communications ‘980-0208 Director, PASC Rhonda Walker-Sisttie Ditectrice, APCS a _ _ IDG, Intemational Affairs Michael Pearson DG, Affaires intemationales (14wo88) 7 [ADM, Stratogic Policy France Pégeot (148032) |Sous-ministre adjoint, politiques ‘Susan Gardner-Barclay Directrice générale, Communications Deputy Minister David Bevan delégue [Deputy Minister Claire Dansereau [Sous-ministre 7 uo _— Minister Minister Ministre PCO TPMO PCO7PMO ‘Additional instructions/Renseignements supplémentaires: The event is scheduled for February 1, 2012. Supporting communications products will be finalized, as required, if/when this proposal is approved. C.C Adam Burns, Robert Day C. Program material in preparation / Matériel connexe Briefing note / Note d'information ‘en cours d'élaboration par le Programme G Presentation / Présentation i Other / Autre Estimated delivery date / Contact / Date approx. de livraison Personne-ressource Bae Bittern oes Bonen ot octane Contact: oe Pick-up 8-613-913-5954 —A0423585_2-000063 Message Event Proposal Date: February 1, 2012 Modia Market: National Media Location: Parliament Hill / Westin Hotel English Media Spokesperson: Minister (Ottawa, Ontario) Ashfield French Media Spokesperson: TBC ‘Multicultural Media Spokesperson: NA THR EVER Roy od PROACTIVE EVENT OR INVITATION ‘© Proactive event Timeline: + TBC with Nunavut group EVENT ‘+ Walk about through the Arts and Cultural Pavilion at the Northern Lights 2012 Business and Cultural Showcase in Ottawa, Ontario (see: + Photo-op on the Hil with seal pins being put on Ministers Ashfield, Penashue and Agghukaq GOVERNMENT OF CANADA FUNDING / PARTNER FUNDING (IF APPLICABLE) ‘= The Northem Lights 2012 Business and Cultural Showcase is sponsored in part by the Allantic Canada Opportunities Agency, the Canadian Norther Economic Development Agency, the Province of Newfoundland and Labrador, and Territory of Nunavut, There is no funding announcement planned as part of this proposed event \VENUE DESCRIPTION + The Ministers will visit exhibitors ofthe show’s Arts and Cultural Pavilion at the Ottawa Convention Centre, where Inuit arts and crafts will be on display, including seal products. + Foyer of the House of Commons MEDIAINVITED?: + Yes ~to be done by DFO MINISTER'S REGIONAL OFFICE CONTACTED? + TBC OTHER PARTICIPANTS (MPs, PROVINCIAL REPS, STAKEHOLDERS, ETC) + Ministers Ashfield, Penashue, Aglukkag Possibly WIP + Seal industry officials (T8C) AUDIENCE SIZE AND DESCRIPTION / TARGET AUDIENCES, ‘+ Media event (photo op only) STRATEGIC OBJECTIVES + This event provides an opportunity to reiterate the Government of Canada’s commitment to the sealing industry and promote it as a producer of healthy, safe, sustainable natural resource products. ‘wlapprovalleapihq201 Niadumep_sealdayonthehill doc Last saved by: Alain Belle-Isle Revised: 15-Dec-11 10:19 AM oe ‘A0423585_3.000064 : ’ oo VISUALIMESSAGE(S) "iSong DESIRED PICTURE (STILL) + Ministers walking about craft fi venus taking to vendors (particularly of seal products) {Ministers receiving seal pina inthe Foyer ofthe House of Commons Before Question Petiod ACTUAL SPEAKING BACKDROP + Inuitarts and crafts exhibits LENGTH OF SPEECH + NA TONE + Upbeat, positive ATTIRE + Business WRITTEN MESSAGE(S). 2 NEWS RELEASE HEADLINE GOVERNMENT OF CANADA SUPPORTS SEALERS DESIRED HEADLINE ‘+ Government shows its support for Canadian sealers DESIRED SOUNDBITE / KEY NEWS RELEASE SOUNDBITE ‘+ ‘Our government is committed to supporting the livelihoods of northern and coastal Canadians. Sealing ‘supports thousands of families in Canada’s East and the Eastern Arctic by making responsible use of a safe, healthy and sustainable resource.” KEY MESSAGES + Our government is committed to supporting the livelihoods of northern and coastal Canadians. ‘+ Sealing supports thousands of families in Canada's East and the Eastem Arctic by making responsible use ofa safe, healthy and sustainable resource. * Canadian sealers, processors, artisans, and Inuit produce some of the world's finest quality products and we will continue to defend their right to trade these products freely and legally anywhere they choose. + There are around 8 milion harp seals in the Northwest Atlantic, more than three times population in the 1970s. This is a healthy and sustainable population. KEY QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS Qi —_Whatis the status of the seals market accoss agreement signed with China in January? at ‘a key market among many being considered by the Canadian industry as it continues to diversify its ‘The Government of Canada continues to support the industry to ensure ongoing access for its products abroad, including in China. Canada has initialed an agreement with China that wil provide Canadian exporters an opportunity to set edible seal products there. We have provided the Chinese authorities with clear evidence of the safety and {uaity of our seal product exports and we are discussing with the Chinese government next steps to establish trade for Canadian products as soon as possible. \We understand that international ant-sealing lobbyists are currently promoting opposition to seal products in China. This was to be expected, as was their deliberate use of misinformation to advance their cause. ‘There is a potentially significant demand for seal products in China and we believe that Chinese consumers should be free to make their own purchasing decisions based on the facts ~ that the Canadian seal harvest ‘w:\approvallcapihq\201 INiadmep_sealdayonthehill. doc Created on: 14-Dec-I1 Last saved by: Alain Belle-Isle Created by: Alain Belle-Isle Revised: 15-Dec-11 10:19 AM Comms #: 889/11 0423585_ 4.000065 Page 2 of 4 * DRAFT is sustainable, humane, and economically important to Canadian coastal communities, Claims tot ‘contrary are simply unfounded. Thave heard that there is an outbreak of disease in ringed seals in the United States and Canadian Arctic. What impact will this have on negotiations with China? My officials have recelved reports of some dead seals being found in the Arctic United States and Canada, Ringed seals ~ which are not marketed commercially are the only seal species affected Fisheries and Oceans Canada is currently working alongside other Government departments to investigate the reports, ‘The population of harp seals, which are typically the species marketed commercially, is healthy and ‘abundant and remains safe for human consumption. ‘What is the status of Canada’s challenge of the European Union seal ban at the World Trade Organization? (Answer provided by the Department of Foreign Affairs and International Trade) ‘At Canada's request, the World Trade Organization established a dispute settlement panel on March 25, 2011 to examine the European Union's regulations that ban seal products, ‘The next step is to select the panelists to hear the case. We are coordinating with Norway, another complainant, in this process. “There is no definitive timetable for the case yet. Panel proceedings take on average approximately 15 months before a report is made public and a decision rendered. ‘What is the Department doing to develop a market for grey seals products? Fisheries and Oceans Canada continues to work with its provincial, territorial partners to ensure Canadian products have full access to international markets. ‘The Government of Canada and the Provinces and Territories are also supporting research and development activities that will help the industry develop a viable market for its seal products. For its part, Fisheries and Oceans Canada has introduced developmental allocations to three industry groups, including the Nunatsiavut Government, to suppor the development of value added projects that wll support a strong and viable seating industry for the futur. RESEARCH NEEDS NIA. ROLLOUT © - “ oer COMMUNICATIONS PRODUCTS 100 OOOOwBoOoORoo wwe Media Advisory Speech News Release Backgrounder(s) Fact Sheet (on s the product) Biographies Talking Points asa MP. / Caucus Kit Props (describe) Post-Event Media (Twitter, Facebook) Web Content Photo Release Other (describe) For Information Is and sealing — facts about the animal, facts about the process of s ‘wilapprovallcap\hq)201 liadimep_sealdayonthehill. doc Created on: 14-Dec-11 Last saved by: Alain Belle-sle Created by: Alain Belle-Isle Revised: 15-Dec-11 10:19 AM ‘Comms #: 889/11 Page 3 of 4 A0423585_5.000066 DRAFT 1 Comment OTHER BACKGROUND INFORMATION: + Several high profile personalities will be participating in the Northem Lights 2012, including: ‘The Honourable Jean Charest, Premier of Quebec; ‘The Honourable Kathy Dunderdale, Premier of Newfoundland and Labrador, is Excellency David Jacobson, United States Ambassador to Canada; bis Excellency Georgiy Memdov, Ambassador of the Russian Federation to Canada; and Environmentalist David Suzuki MEDIA PLAN PLANNING 1B Live Coverage (check if yes) - we can expec lve coverage if WIP attends 2 Photographer CO Readout o0000 STRATEGY ‘* To maximize coverage (national and regional). This will be done through ulilization of the Department's media relations team in Ottawa, who will be contacting media directly. PROMOTING THE EVENT Media Advisory + No Contacting Media + Yes FOLLOW-UP MEDIA (ONE-ON-ONES) English/French/Mutticutural Media Interviews ‘= Arranging interviews with sealing industry and media to discuss the potential for growth in that industry MEP APPROVED BY: Eni Filitor Dec 14 ‘Communications Contact: Program Contact: Alain Belle-Isle, 613-990-0210 Robert Day, 613-991-6135 ‘wilapprovallcaplhqa0T iumep_sealdayonthehill.doc Created on: 14-Dec-11 Last saved by: Alain Belles Created by: Alain Belle-Isle Revised: 15-Dee-11 10:19 AM Comms #: 889/11 ‘80423585 6.000087 Page 4 of 4 Vachon, Kathryn Fro Vachon, Kathryn Sent January 12, 2012 3:14 PM Te Day, Robert Subj MEP for Seals Day Attachments: MEP_SealDayontheHill doc Hi Robert, Here is the MEP that was approved back in December. As | mentioned, some details have changed but for general information purposes you could pass this along as itis approved. Note that the reception is not included in the MEP - since its more of an "MP" event - but my understanding is that the Ministers are planning to attend the reception being hosted at the Convention Centre by the Nunavut Arts and Crafts Association on Feb 2. MEP_sealDayonthe Hiledoe (103 .. Kathryn Vachon Senior Communications Advisor | Conseillere principale en communication Fisheries and Oceans Canada | Péches et Océans Canada Telephone | Téléphone (613) 998-1530 Government of Canada | Gouvernement du Canada ‘40423587_1-000068 DRAFT Message Event Proposal Date: February2, 2012 Media Market: National Medi | Location: Parliament Hill Westin Hotel English Media Spokesperson: Minister | (Ottawa, Ontario) Ashfield | French Media Spokesperson: TBC ‘Multicultural Media Spokesperson: N/A THE EVENT PROACTIVE EVENT OR INVITATION ‘= Proactive event ‘Timeline: + TBC with Nunavut group EVENT * Wal about trough te Arts and Cultural Pavion atthe Northem Lights 2012 Business and Cut Showcase in Ottawa, Ontario (see: «+ Photoop onthe Hl hoe pine beg pl or Mitr Aah, Penashve and Agta GOVERNMENT OF CANADA FUNDING / PARTNER FUNDING (IF APPLICABLE): ‘+ The Northom Lights 2012 Business and Cultural Showcase is sponsored in part by the Atlantic Canada ‘Opportunities Agency, the Canadian Northern Economic Development Agency, the Province of "Newfoundland and Labrador, and Territory of Nunavut. There is no funding announcement planned as part ofthis proposed event. ‘VENUE DESCRIPTION ‘+ The Ministers will visit exhibitors ofthe shows Arts and Cultural Pavilion at the Ottawa Convention Centre, \where Inuit arts and crafts will be on display, including seal products, + Foyer ofthe House of Commons MEDIA INVITED? + Yes ~to be done by DFO MINISTER'S REGIONAL OFFICE CONTACTED? + TEC OTHER PARTICIPANTS (MPs, PROVINCIAL REPS, STAKEHOLDERS, ETC) + Ministers Ashfield, Penashue, Agiukkaq + Possibly WIP ‘+ Seal industry officials (TBC) AUDIENCE SIZE AND DESCRIPTION / TARGET AUDIENCES + Media event (photo op only) ‘STRATEGIC OBJECTIVES ‘+ This event provides an opportunity to reiterate the Govemment of Canada's commitment to the sealing industry and promote it as a producer of healthy, safe, sustainable natural resource products, documents and setingsipryeeolovalsetingsemporary intemetfilesolk44\nep_sealdayonthehill @).doe Created on 14-Dee-11 Las saved by: vachonk Created by: Alun Belletsle Taodadsi? 2.000608 ""” Comms # 889/11 Page 1 of 4 DRAFT VISUAL MESSAGE(S) DESIRED PICTURE (STILL) ‘+ Ministers walking about craft fair venue taking to vendors (particularly of seal products) ‘+ Ministers receiving seal pins in the Foyer of the House of Commons before Question Period. ACTUAL SPEAKING BACKDROP + Inuit arts and crafts exhibits LENGTH OF SPEECH + NA TONE + Upbest, positive ATTIRE Business WRITTEN MESSAGE(S) NEWS RELEASE HEADLINE GOVERNMENT OF CANADA SUPPORTS SEALERS. DESIRED HEADLINE. ‘Government shows its support for Canadian sealers DESIRED SOUNDBITE / KEY NEWS RELEASE SOUNDBITE ‘= "Our government is committed to supporting economic opportunities in our northern and coastal regions. ‘Sealing isan important economic driver in many communities of Canada's East and the Eastern Arctic by making responsible use of a safe, healthy and sustainable resource.” KEY MESSAGES ‘+ Our government is committed to supporting economic prosperity in northern and coastal regions ofthe county ‘+ Sealing provides important economic benefits in many communities in Canada’s Atantic Provinces and the Eastern Arctic by making responsible use of a safe, healthy and sustainable resource. ‘+ Canadian sealers, processors, atsans, and Inuit produce some of the world's finest quality products and ‘we will continue to defend their right to trade these products freely and legally anywhere they choose. ‘+ There are around 8 millon harp seals in the Northwest Atlantic, more than three times population in the 1970s; grey seals number around 360,000, or ten times the number found in the 1970s. These are healthy and sustainable seal populations. ‘+The commercial and subsistence harvests in Atlantic Canada and the North are sustainably managed and 4o not put the long-term health of seal populations at risk + The harvest is closely regulated, including a strict three-step process for harvesting seals designed to ensure the highlevel of animal welfare possible. KEY QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS Q1 Whats the status of the seals market access agreement signed with China in January? ‘Al China is @ key market among many being considered by the Canadian industry as it continues to diversity its business. The Government of Canada continues to collaborate withthe industry to ensure ongoing access for its products abroad, including in China ‘Canada has initialed an agreement with China that will provide Canadian exporters an opportunity to sell edible seal products there. We have provided the Chinese authorities with clear evidence of the safety and ualty of our seal product exports and we are discussing withthe Chinese government next steps to establish trade for Canadian products as soon as possible, ‘eldocuments and setings\pryceolocal settings temporary internet filesiolk44\mep_sealdayonthehill (3).doe Created on: 14-Dec-11 Last saved by: vachonk ‘Created by: Alain Belle-Isle fad 17-tan.19 2.00 DM ‘Comms #: 889/11 "A0423587_3-000070 Page 2 of 4 DRAFT We understand tat ternational ant-saing obyists are current prometing oppostion fo sea products in China. ‘We believe that Chinese consumers should be free to make their own purchasing decisions based on the facts ~ that the Canadian seal harvest is sustainable, humane, and economically important to Canadian coastal communities. Claims to the contrary are simply unfounded. 2 Ihave heard that there is an outbreak of disease In ringed seals in the United States and Canadian ‘Arctic. What impact will this have on negotiations with China? ‘2 My officials have received reports of some dead seals being found in the Arctic United States and Canada. Ringed seals ~ which are not marketed commercially — are the only seal species affected Fisheries and Oceans Canada is currently working alongside other Government departments to investigate the reports, ‘The population of harp seals, which are typically the species marketed commercially, is healthy and abundant and remains safe for human consumption. 3 Whatlis the status of Canada’s challenge of the European Union seal ban at the World Trade Organization? (Answer provided by the Department of Forelgn Affairs and International Trade) A3 At Canada's request, the World Trade Organization established a dispute settiement panel on March 25, 2011 to examine the European Union's regulations that ban seal products, ‘The next stop is to select the panelists to hear the case, We are coordinating with Norway, another ‘complainant, in this process, There is no definitive timetable forthe case yet Panel proceedings take on average approximately 15 months before a report is made public and a decision rendered, 4 Whats the Department doing to develop a market for grey seal products? ‘Ad Fisheries and Oceans Canada continues to work with provincial, tetra partners fo ensure Canadian products have ful acoess to international markets ‘The Government of Canada and the Provinces and Temtories ae also supporting research and development actives that wil help the industry develop a viable market for ts seal product, For its pat, Fisheries and Oceans Canada has invoduced developmental allocations to three industry groups, incuding the Nunatsiavut Government, to support the development of value added products that will support a strong and viable sealing industy forthe fate. RESEARCH NEEDS + NA ROLLOUT COMMUNICATIONS PRODUCTS 1 Media Acvisory Speech Gl News Release BY Backgrounders) Ba Fact Sheet (on seals and sealing facts about the animal, facts about the process of sealing and facts about the product) 1D Biographies GF Takking Points a o 0 a ‘documents and seingsipryceclocel settings temporary intemetHlesok4dnep_sealdayonthehill @) doo Created on: M-Dee-11 Last saved by: vachonk Created by: Alain Belles Paarl 8 to 12 200 DM (Comms #: 889/11 ‘N0433587_4-000071 Page 3 of 4 DRAFT Web Content Photo Release Other (describe For Information Comment oo0000 (OTHER BACKGROUND INFORMATION: + Several high profile personales wl be participating in te Northem Lights 2012, including ‘The Honoureble Jean Charest, Premier of Quebec; “The Honourable Kathy Dunderdale, Premier of Newfoundland and Labrador, His Excellency David Jacobson, United States Ambassador to Canada; His Excellency Georgiy Memdov, Ambassador ofthe Russian Federation to Canada; and Environmentalist David Suzukl MEDIA PLAN PLANNING 1] Live Coverage (check ifyes) — we can expect lve coverage if WIP attends Bg Photographer OO Readout STRATEGY '* Tomaximize coverage (national and regional) This will be done through utlization ofthe Department's ‘media relations team in Ottawa, who will be contacting media directy. PROMOTING THE EVENT Media Advisory + No Contacting Media «Yes FOLLOW-UP MEDIA (ONE-ON-ONES) EnglistvFrench/Mutticultural Media Interviews ‘+ Arranging interviews with sealing industry and media to discuss the potential for growth in that industry MEP APPROVED BY: Erin Filter Dec 14 Communications Contact: Program Contact: 5 Alain Belle-Isle, 613-990-0210 Robert Day, 613-991-6135 "documents and setingapryeccTocal stingstemporary item flesol@@mep_seadayontichil @).doe Created on: M-Deo-11 Last saved by: vachonk Crested by; Alan Bell-Ise Resize ton? 0 PM Comma bao "Abad3507- 8600072 Page 4 of 4 Vachon, Kathryn Vachon, Kathryn January 18, 2012 2:18 PM Belle-Isle, Alain MEP_SealDayontheHill. doc Attachments: MEP_SealDayontheHlil,doc Here's the MEP -{ will work on a one-pager on the tech briefing MeP_SealDayonthe Hil. doc (111. ‘A0423588_1-000073 DRAFT Message Event Proposal Date: February 2, 2012 Media Market: National Media Location: Parliament Hill Ottawa Convention | English Media Spokesperson: Minister Centre (Ottawa, Ontario) Ashfield French Media Spokesperson: TBC Multicultural Media Spokesperson: N/A PROACTIVE EVENT OR INVITATION ‘* Proactive event Timeline: ‘+ Media technical briefing by DFO on Canada’s sealing industry ‘© -Photo-op with key seal stakeholders and Ministers at the Norther Lights Business and Cultural Showcase ‘+ 1:48 pm — Photo-op of Ministers receiving seal pin prior to Question Period. ‘© Meet and greet photo-op with Northem Canadian sealing stakeholders and seal skin artisans at the Arts ‘and Cultural Pavilion at the Northem Lights 2012 Business and Cultural Showcase in Ottawa, Ontario (see: rnorthernlightsottawa, com) + Photo-op in the Foyer of the House of Commons with seal pins being put on VVIP (TBC), Ministers Ashfield, Penashue and Aglukkag by representatives from Canada's North ‘= Technical briefing with DFO officials on Canada’s sealing industry which will highlight: DFO science on seal ‘species found in Canada including studies on current population status and ecosystem interactions between seals and other marine lfe, the management of Canada’s commercial and subsistence seal harvests, and the sustainabilty of Canada's commercial seal harvest. GOVERNMENT OF CANADA FUNDING / PARTNER FUNDING (IF APPLICABLE): ‘© The Norther Lights 2012 Business and Cultural Showcase is sponsored in part by the Atlantic Canada Opportunities Agency, the Canadian Northern Economic Development Agency, the Province of Newfoundland and Labrador, and Territory of Nunavut. There is no funding announcement planned as part of this proposed event. VENUE DESCRIPTION + The Ministers will visit with invited exhibitors of the show's Arts and Cultural Pavilion at the Ottawa Convention Centre, where Inuit arts and crafts will be on display, including seal products. + Foyer of the House of Commons for pinning ceremony prior to Question Period. + National Press Theatre for media technical briefing MEDIA INVITED? + Yes~to be done by DFO MINISTER'S REGIONAL OFFICE CONTACTED? + TEC OTHER PARTICIPANTS (MPs, PROVINCIAL REPS, STAKEHOLDERS, ETC) + Ministers Ashfield, Penashue, Aglukkaq + Possibly VIP + Seal industry officials (TBC) ‘eidocuments and settings\vachonkilocal settings\temporary internet ilesolked\mep_sealdayonthehill (2) doe Last saved by: vachonk Revised: 18-Jan-12 2:17 PM ‘Comms #: 889/11 Page 1 of S ‘A0423588_2-000074 DRAFT AUDIENCE SIZE AND DESCRIPTION / TARGET AUDIENCES ‘+ Media event (photo op and technical briefing ~ not for attribution) STRATEGIC OBJECTIVES + This event provides an opportunity o reiterate the Government of Canada’s commitment to the sealing industry and promote it as a producer of healthy, safe, sustainable natural resource products. VISUAL MESSAGE(S) DESIRED PICTURE (STILL) ‘+ Ministers meeting with creators and vendors of seal products ‘+ Ministers receiving seal pins in the Foyer of the House of Commons before Question Period. ACTUAL SPEAKING BACKDROP oT ats and eras exhib LENGTH oF SPEECH ane TONE r NUpbeat, postive aTTRE o baninoss WRITTEN MESSAGE(S) : ae NEWS RELEASE HEADLINE GOVERNMENT OF CANADA SUPPORTS SEALERS DESIRED HEADLINE + Government shows its support for Canadian sealers DESIRED SOUNDBITE / KEY NEWS RELEASE SOUNDBITE + "Our government is committed to supporting economic opportunities in our northern and coastal regions, ‘Sealing is an important economic driver in many communities of Canada’s East and the Easter Arctic by ‘making responsible use of a safe, healthy and sustainable resource.” KEY MESSAGES ‘+ Our government is committed to supporting economic prosperity in northem and coastal regions of the country. ‘+ Sealing provides important economic benefits in many communities in Canada's Allantic Provinces and the Eastem Arctic by making responsible use of a safe, healthy and sustainable resource. ‘= Canadian sealers, processors, artisans, and Inuit produce some of the world's finest quality products and We will continue to defend their right to trade these products freely and legally anywhere they choose. ‘+ There are around 8 milion harp seals in the Northwest Atlantic, more than three times population in the 1970s; grey seals number around 360,000, or ten times the number found in the 1970s, These are healthy and sustainable seal populations. ‘+ The commercial and subsistence harvests in Atlantic Canada and the North are sustainably managed and do not put the long-term health of seal populations at risk. ‘+ The harvest s closely regulated, including a strict three-step process for harvesting seals designed to censure the high-level of animal welfare possible. ‘edocuments and settings\vachonklocalsettingsitemporary internet flesiolked\mep_sealdayonthehill (2).doe Created on: 14-Dec-I1 Last saved by: vachonk Revised: 18-Jan-12 2:17 PM ‘Comms #: 889/11 Page 2 of $ ‘A0429588_3.000075 DRAFT KEY QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS a a as as aS ‘What impact will the Russian ban import of seal products have on the Canadian seal harvest? ‘The extent ofthis ban is not yet clear. We are following up with the Russian Federation to get a better understanding of the nature and extent of the apparent trade restrictions. We will work with the Russian Federation to ensure ongoing access for Canadian seal products in that market. The Canadian sealing industry continues to promote market opportunities worldwide, and this effort is not limited to harp seals or only pelts. What impact does the Duke University study linking climate change to increased seal pup mortality have on the management of Canada’s seal harvest? ‘The study, which was funded by IFAW, is not raising any new questions. The Department's scientists have ‘actually been studying the potential impacts of ice conditions on harp seals for many years. The current population remains abundant and is not at risk; in fact, it has grown fourfold in the last forty years to reach ‘near historical highs not seen since at least the 1950s and probably longer. While i's true that harp seals ‘equir ice for giving birth and rearing their young; without access to stable ice, these seals may simply ‘modify their behaviour accordingly overtime. ‘The reality is that the Canadian seal harvest is closely monitored and managed under the Precautionary ‘Approach to ensure the resource is conserved for generations to come. A wide range of factors, including changing ice conditions and their potential impact on seal mortality rates, are carefully analyzed each year ‘and taken into account when making management decisions. ‘What is the status of the seals market access agreement signed with China in January 20117 CChina is a key market among many being considered by the Canadian industry as it continues to diversity its business. The Government of Canada continues to collaborate with the industry to ensure ongoing ‘access for its products abroad, including in China. ‘Canada has initialed an agreement with China that will provide Canadian exporters an opportunity to sell edible seal products there. We have provided the Chinese authorities with clear evidence of the safely and {quality of our seal product exports and we are discussing with the Chinese government next steps to establish trade for Canadian products as soon as possible. ‘We understand that international anti-sealing lobbyists are currently promoting opposition to seal products in China, We believe that Chinese consumers should be free to make thelr own purchasing decisions based on the facts ~ that the Canadian seal harvest is sustainable, humane, and economically important to Canadian, ‘coastal communities. Claims to the contrary are simply unfounded, Ihave heard that there is an outbreak of disease in ringed seals in the United States and Canadian Arctic. What impact will this have on negotiations with China? My officials have received reports of some dead seals being found in the Arctic United States and Canada, Ringed seals — which are not marketed commercially - are the only seal species affected. Fisheries and Oceans Canada is currently working alongside other Government departments to investigate the reports. “The population of harp seals, which are typically the species marketed commercially, is healthy and ‘abundant and remains safe for human consumption. What is the status of Canada’s challenge of the European Union seal ban at the World Trade ‘Organization? (Answer provided by the Department of Foreign Affairs and International Trade) ‘At Canada's request, the World Trade Organization established a dispute settlement panel on March 25, 2011 to examine the European Union's regulations that ban seal product. ‘endocuments and settings\vachonk local settings\temporary internet files\oked\mep_sealdayonthehill 2).doc Created on: 14-Dec-11 Last saved by: vachonk Created by: Alain Belle-Isle Revised: 18-Jan-12 ‘Comms #: 889/11 Page 3 of S DRAFT The next step is to select the panelists to hear the case. We are coordinating with Norway, another complainant, inthis process. There is no definitive timetable for the case yet. Panel proceedings take on average approximately 15 months before a report is made public and a decision rendered. Q6 What is the Department doing to develop a market for grey seal products? ‘AB Fisheries and Oceans Canada continues to work with provincial, tertorial partners to ensure Canadi products have full access to intemational markets. ‘The Government of Canada and the Provinces and Territories are also supporting research and. development activities that will help the industry develop a viable market for its seal products. For its part, Fisheries and Oceans Canada has introduced developmental allocations to three industry groups, including the Nunatsiavut Government, to support the development of value added products that will support a strong and viable sealing industry forthe future, RESEARCH NEEDS . NA ROLLOUT. ee a i COMMUNICATIONS PRODUCTS Media Advisory 1 Speech News Release )_Backgrounder(s): Status of seal populations in Canada, Management of Canada's Seal Harvest, ‘Sustainability of the Commerical seal harvest and the Responsible Use of seal products Fact Sheet (on seals and sealing) ~ existing web-based materials will be updated prior to event Biographies ‘Talking Points aaa MP. / Caucus Kit Props (describe) Post-Event Media (Twitter, Facebook) — news release and photos to be tweeted on DFO site and photos ‘offered to participating Ministers and stakeholders for posting on their Facebook pages Web Content Photo Release ‘Other (describe) For Information ‘Comment moowBoow: mo! ooo OTHER BACKGROUND INFORMATION + Several high profile personalities will be participating in the Northem Lights 2012, including: ‘© The Honourable Jean Charest, Premier of Quebec; ‘©The Honourable Kathy Dunderdale, Premier of Newfoundland and Labrador; © His Excellency David Jacobson, United States Ambassador to Canada; © His Excellency Georgiy Memdov, Ambassador of the Russian Federation to Canada; and. © Environmentalist David Suzuki MEDIA PLAN PLANNING a Live Coverage (check if yes) — we can expect live coverage if VVIP attends [Photographer CO Readout ‘documents and settings\wachonkllocal settingstemporary intemet filesioiked\mep_sealdayonthehill (2).doe Created on: 14-Dec-I1 Last saved by: vachonk Created by: Alain Belle-Isle Revised: 18-Jan-12 2:17 PM ‘Comms #: 889/11 Page 4 ofS ‘A0423588_5-000077 DRAFT ‘+ To maximize coverage (national and regional). This willbe done through a media advisory to the Parliamentary Press Gallery and utilization of the Department's media relations team in Ottawa, who will be contacting media directly. ‘© All questions not directly related to information being presented by DFO officials at the technical briefing will be directed to DFO media relations. ‘© DFO will also contact liaise with key industy stakeholders in order to provide contact information to media, PROMOTING THE EVENT Media Advisory + Yes: Contacting Media ~ Yes FOLLOW-UP MEDIA (ONE-ON-ONES) English/French/Mutticutural Media Interviews © Arranging interviews with sealing industry and media to discuss the potential for growth in that industry MEP APPROVED BY: Erin Filter Dec 14 ‘Communications Contact: Program Contac Alain Belle-Isle, 613-990-0210 Robert Day, 613-991-6135 ‘e:documents and settings vachonk\local settings\emporary internet fileswolkedumep_sealdayonthehill (2) doc Created on: 14-Dec-I1 Last saved by: vachonk Created by: Alain Belle-Isle Revised: 18-Jan-12 2:17 PM ‘Comms #: 889/11 Page 5 of $ ‘A0423588_6-000078 Vachon, Kathryn Vachon, Kathryn January 18, 2012 4:07 PM Filter, Erin Belle-isle, Alain MEP_SealDayontheHiill.doc Importance: High Attachment MEP_SealDayonthebiil.doc Hi Erin, Ihave attached an updated version of the MEP for February 2 to reflect the changes to events and the addition of the technical briefing. You'll note that | have the technical briefing down for 11:30 am in the National Press Theatre. | had hoped for a slightly early time but this is the first opening on the 2nd. If you don't think this is workable we can explore other options for location. If you are ok with this time let me know and | will reserve. | met with programs today to discuss the tech briefing in more detail and | should be able to provide you with confirmed speakers on the various fopics in the next day or so. Alain would likely moderate the session. Rhonda has asked that we send the revised MEP back to the Associate DM for information prior to sending it to PCO, ‘which I will do once | have heard back from you! ‘MEP_SealDayonthe Hifkdoe (112 ‘Thanks! Kathryn ‘A0423590_1-000079 Date: February 2, 2012 Location: Parliament Hill Ottawa Convention | English Media Spokesperson: Minister Centre (Ottawa, Ontario)/ National | Ashfield Frees iheare) French Media Spokesperson: TBC ‘Multicuttural Media Spokesperson: N/A THE EVENT 9 8 eee PROACTIVE EVENT OR INVITATION ‘© Proactive event Timeling ‘+ ~Photo-op with key seal stakeholders and Ministers at the Norther Lights Business and Cultural Showcase ‘+ 11:30 am ~ Media technical briefing by DFO on Canada's sealing industry ‘+ 1:45 pm — Photo-op of Ministers receiving seal pin prior to Question Period ‘+ Meet and greet photo-op with Northern Canadian sealing stakeholders and seal artisans at the Arts and CCuttural Paviion at the Norther Lights 2012 Business and Cultural Showcase in Ottawa, Ontario (see: wwnw.northernlightsottawa,com), ‘+ Photo-op in the Foyer of the House of Commons with seal pins being put on WIP (TBC), Minis Penashue and Aglukkag by representatives from Canada’s North ‘+ Technical briefing with DFO officials on Canada’s sealing industry which will highlight: DFO science on seal ‘species found in Canada including studies on current population status and ecosystem interactions between seals and other marine lfe; the management of Canada’s commercial seal harvests, and the sustainable use and socio-economic value of the seal harvest. fs Ashfield, GOVERNMENT OF CANADA FUNDING / PARTNER FUNDING (IF APPLICABLE): ‘* The Northern Lights 2012 Business and Cultural Showcase is sponsored in part by the Atlantic Canada ‘Opportunities Agency, the Canadian Northern Economic Development Agency, the Province of Newfoundland and Labrador, and Territory of Nunavut. There is no funding announcement planned as part of this proposed event. VENUE DESCRIPTION +The Ministers wil visit with invited exhibitors of the show's Arts and Cultural Pavilion at the Ottawa Convention Centre, where Inuit arts and crafts will be on display, including seal products. + Foyer of the House of Commons for pinning ceremony prior to Question Period. + National Press Theatre for media technical briefing MEDIA INVITED? + Yes=to be done by DFO MINISTER'S REGIONAL OFFICE CONTACTED? + TBC OTHER PARTICIPANTS (MPs, PROVINCIAL REPS, STAKEHOLDERS, ETC) + Ministers Ashtield, Penashue, Aglukkaq + Possibly WIP + Inuit and Northem officials and artisans + Seal industry offcials (TBC) ‘ehdocuments and settings\achonkilocal settings temporary internet files\olked\mep_sealdayonthehill (2)-doe Created on: 14-Deo-I1 Last saved by: vachonk Created by: Alain Belle-Isle Revised: 18-Jan-12 3:55 PM Comms #: 889/11 Page 1 ofS ‘A0423590_2.000080 DRAFT AUDIENCE SIZE AND DESCRIPTION / TARGET AUDIENCES. ‘+ Media event (photo op and technical briefing — not for attribution) STRATEGIC OBJECTIVES + This event provides an opportunity to reiterate the Government of Canada's commitment fo the sealing industry and promote it as a producer of healthy, safe, sustainable natural resource products. VISUAL. MESSAGE(S). DESIRED PICTURE (STILL) ‘+ Ministers meeting with creators and vendors of seal products ‘+ Ministers receiving seal pins in the Foyer of the House of Commons before Question Period. ACTUAL SPEAKING BACKDROP + Inuit arts and crafts exhibits LENGTH OF SPEECH + NA TONE + Upbeat, positive ATTIRE + Business WRITTEN MESSAGE(S, NEWS RELEASE HEADLINE GOVERNMENT OF CANADA SUPPORTS SEALERS. DESIRED HEADLINE ‘+ Government shows its support for Canadian sealers DESIRED SOUNDBITE / KEY NEWS RELEASE SOUNDBITE * ur government is commited to supporting economic oportuntisin our northern and coastal regions is an important economic driver in many communities of Canada’s East and the Eastem Arctic by ‘responsible use of a safe, healthy and sustainable resource.” KEY MESSAGES ‘+ Our government is committed to supporting economic prosperity in northern and coastal regions of the ‘county. ‘= Sealing provides important economic benefits in many communities in Canada's Atlantic Provinces and the Eastem Arctic by making responsible use of a safe, healthy and sustainable resource. ‘+ Canadian sealers, processors, artisans, and Inuit produce some of the word's finest quality products and ‘we will continue to defend their right to trade these products freely and legally anywhere they choose. ‘+ There are around 8 milion harp seals in the Northwest Atlantic, more than three times population in the 1970s; grey seals number around 350,000, or ten times the number found in the 1970s. These are healthy and sustainable seal populations. ‘+ The commercial and subsistence harvests in Atlantic Canada and the North are sustainably managed and do not put the long-term health of seal populations at risk. ‘+The harvest is closely regulated, including a strict three-step process for harvesting seals designed to censure the high-level of animal welfare possible. ‘eldocuments and settings\vachonkilocal settings\temporary internet filesioked\mep_sealdayonthehill (2).doc Created on: 14-Dec-I1 Last saved by: vachonk Created by: Alain Belle-Isle Revised: 18-Jan-12 3:55 PM Comms #: 889/11 A0423590_3-000081 Page 2 of S DRAFT KEY QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS: at A 2 B as a8 ‘What impact will the Russian ban import of seal products have on the Canadian seal harvest? The extent of this ban is not yet clear. We are following up with the Russian Federation to get a better Understanding of the nature and extent of the apparent trade restrictions, We will work with the Russian Federation to ensure ongoing access for Canadian seal products in that market. The Canadian sealing industry continues to promote market opportunities worldwide, and this effort is not limited to harp seals or only pelts ‘What impact does the Duke University study linking climate change to Increased seal pup mortality have on the management of Canada's seal harvest? ‘The study, which was funded by IFAW, is not raising any new questions. The Department's scientists have actually been studying the potential impacts of ice conditions on harp seals for many years. The current Population remains abundant and is not at risk; in fac, it has grown fourfold in the last forty years to reach ‘ear historical highs not seen since at least the 1950s and probably longer. While it's true that harp seals require ice for giving birth and rearing their young; without access to stable ice, these seals may simply ‘modify their behaviour accordingly over time. ‘The realty is that the Canadian seal harvest is closely monitored and managed under the Precautionary ‘Approach to ensure the resource is conserved for generations to come. A wide range of factors, including changing ice conditions and their potential impact on seal mortality rates, are carefully analyzed each year and taken into account when making management decisions, What is the status of the seals market access agreement signed with China in January 20117 China is a key market among many being considered by the Canadian industry as it continues to diversify its business. The Government of Canada continues to collaborate withthe industry to ensure ongoing ‘access for its products abroad, including in China ‘Canada has initialed an agreement with China that will provide Canadian exporters an opportunity to sell edible seal products there. We have provided the Chinese authorities with clear evidence of the safety and quality of our seal product exports and we are discussing with the Chinese government next steps to establish trade for Canadian products as soon as possible. We understand that international anti-sealing lobbyists are currently promoting opposition to seal products in China, We believe that Chinese consumers should be free to make their own purchasing decisions based on the {acts ~ that the Canadian seal harvest is sustainable, humane, and economically important to Canadian ‘coastal communities. Claims to the contrary are simply unfounded. have heard that there is an outbreak of disease in ringed seals in the United States and Canadian ‘Arctic. What impact will this have on negotiations with China? My officials have received reports of some dead seals being found in the Arctic United States and Canada, Ringed seals ~ which are not marketed commercially ~ are the only seal species affected, Fisheries and Oceans Canada is currently working alongside other Government departments to investigate the reports ‘The population of harp seals, which is typically the species marketed commercially is healthy and abundant and safe for human consumption. ‘What is the status of Canada’s challenge of the European Union seal ban at the World Trade Organization? (Answer provided by the Department of Foreign Affairs and International Trade) ‘At Canada’s request, the World Trade Organization established a dispute settiement panel on March 25, 2011 to examine the European Union's regulations that ban seal products. ‘ehdocuments and settings\vachonkilocal settings\emporary internet filesiolked\mep_sealdayonthehill 2).doc (Created on: 14-Dee-11 Last saved by: vachonk Created by: Alain Belle-Isle Revised: 18-Jan-12 3:55 PM Comms #: 889/11 Page 3 of S ‘A0423590_ 000082 DRAFT ‘The next step is to select the panelists to hear the case, We are coordinating with Norway, another ‘complainant, in this process. ‘There is no definitive timetable for the case yet. Panel proceedings take on average approximately 18 months before a report is made public and a decision rendered. Q6 —_Whatiis the Department doing to develop a market for grey seal products? AB Fisheries and Oceans Canada continues to work with provincial, territorial partners to ensure Canadian products have full access to intemational markets, ‘The Government of Canada and the Provinces and Territories are also supporting research and development activities that wil help the industry develop a viable market for its seal products. For its part, Fisheries and Oceans Canada has introduced developmental allocations to three industry groups, including the Nunatsiavut Government, to support the development of value added products that will support a strong ‘and viable sealing industry for the future. RESEARCH NEEDS 7 NA ROLLOUT °°: coer aet sear a euape eercap ties COMMUNICATIONS PRODUCTS 1 Media Advisory DD Speech News Release D2 _Backgrounder(s): Status of seal populations in Canada, Management of Canada's Seal Harvest, Sustainability of the Commerical seal harvest and the Responsible Use of seal products Fact Sheet (on seals and sealing) ~ existing web-based materials vill be updated prior to event Biographies Talking Points asa MP. / Caucus Kit Props (describe) Post-Event Media (Twiter, Facebook) - news release and photos to be tweeted on DFO site and photos to participating Ministers and stakeholders for posting on their Facebook pages Web Content Photo Release Other (describe) For information Comment pe ooogo: OTHER BACKGROUND INFORMATION: + Several high profile personalities willbe participating in the Northern Lights 2012, including: © The Honourable Jean Charest, Premier of Quebec; ‘©The Honourable Kathy Dunderdale, Premier of Newfoundland and Labrador; (© His Excellency David Jacobson, United States Ambassador to Canada, © His Excellency Georgiy Memdov, Ambassador of the Russian Federation to Canada ‘© Environmentalist David Suzuki MEDIA PLAN PLANNING 1B] Live Coverage (check if yes) ~ we can expect lve coverage if VIP attends Photographer 1 Readout ‘documents and settings\vachonkilocalsettingsitemporary internet filesiolked\mep_sealdayonthehill (2).doc Created on: 14-Dec-I1 Last saved by: vachonk Created by: Alain Belle-Isle Revised: 18-Jan-12 3:55 PM Comms #: 889/11 Page dof ‘A0423590_5-000083 DRAFT ‘* To maximize coverage (national and regional). This will be done through a media advisory to the Parliamentary Press Gallery and utilization of the Department's media relations team in Ottawa, who will be ‘contacting media directly ‘+ Allquestions not directly related to information being presented by DFO officials at the technical briefing will be directed to DFO media relations. ‘+ DFO will also liaise with key industry stakeholders in order to provide contact information to media, PROMOTING THE EVENT Media Advisory + Yes Contacting Media + Yes FOLLOW-UP MEDIA (ONE-ON-ONES) English/French/Mutticultural Media Interviews ‘© Arranging interviews with sealing industry and media to discuss the importance of Canadian sealing, MEP APPROVED BY: Exin Filter Dec 14 ‘Communications Contac Program Contact: Alain Belle-Isle, 613-990-0210 Robert Day, 613-991-6135 ‘e:Wdocuments and settings vachonk\local settings\emporary internet filestolkedunep_sealdayonthehill 2).doe Created on: 14-Dec-11 Last saved by: vachonk Created by: Alain Belle-Isle Revised: 18-Jan-12 3:55 PM ‘Comms #: 889/11 Page 5 of 5 ‘80423590_6-000084 Vachon, Kathryn. From: Fitter, Erin Sent: January 18, 2012 4:11 PM Te Vachon, Kathryn ce Belle-Isie, Alain Subject: RE: MEP_SealDayontheHildoc Attachments: MEP_SealDayonthetill (2).doc ‘Amazing and thanks! MEP_seaIDayonthe Hil (2).d0¢( ‘A-couple of small changes! ‘Appreciate the update. From Vachon, Kathryn Sent: SJanvary 18, 2012 4:07 PM To: Filter, erin ce Bele, Alain Subject: MEP_SeaiDayonthetfil doc Importance: High HiEFin, | have attached an updated version of the MEP for February 2 to reflect the changes to events and the addition of the technical briefing. You'll note that | have the technical briefing down for 11:30 am in the National Press Theatre. | had hoped for a slightly early time but ths is the first opening on the 2nd. If you don't think this is workable we can explore ther options for location. If you are ok with this time let me know and I will reserve. | met with programs today to discuss the tech briefing in more detail and | should be able to provide you with confirmed speakers on the various topics in the next day or so. Alain would likely moderate the session Rhonda has asked that we send the revised MEP back to the Associate DM for information prior to sending it o PCO, ‘which | will do once | have heard back from you! << File: MEP_SealDayontheHill doc >> Thanks! Kathryn A0423591_1.000085 DRAFT Message Event Proposal ‘Media Market: National Media Parliament Hil/ Ottawa Convention | English Media Spokesperson: Minister Centre (Ottawa, Ontario National | Ashfiele | — French Media Spokesperson: TBC ‘Multicultural Media Spokesperson: NIA THE EVENT PROACTIVE EVENT OR INVITATION + Proactive event Timeline: + with key sal stakeholders and Ministers the Noxhem Lights Business and Cultural Showease + 11/30 am Media technical britng by DFO on Canada’s seating industy + 148 pm Photo-op of Ministers receiving seal pn prior to Quoston Period ‘+ Meat and greet photo-op with Norther Canadian seaing stakeholders and seal artisans atthe Arts and Cultural Paviion athe Norther Lights 2012 Business and Cultural Showcase in Otawa, Ontario (see smighsotawa com) + Photo-op in the Foyer of te House of Commons with seal pins being put on VVIP (TRC), Ministers Ashld, Penashue and Aglukkaq by representatives trom Canada's North ‘+ Technical briefing with DFO oficials on Canada’s seating industry which wil highlight: DFO science on seal pecies found in Canada Including studies on current population status and ecosystom interactions between seals and other marine ie; the management of Canada's commercial seal harvesls, and the Sustanable use and soco-economic value ofthe seal harvest. (GOVERNMENT OF CANADA FUNDING / PARTNER FUNDING (IF APPLICABLE): * The Norther Lights 2012 Business and Cultural Showcase Is sponsored in part bythe Atantic Caneda Opportunies Agency te Canasian Norther Economie Development Agency, the Province of ‘Newoundland and Labrador, and Terry of Nunawt. There fs ne funding announcement planned 2s pat cof his proposed event. VENUE DESCRIPTION 2 "The Minster wl st with Invtedexhibtors ofthe show's Arts and Cuftural Pavion atthe Otawa Convention Gente, where ul ais and cats wil bo on cisplay, lung seal products. + Foyer of he House of Commens fer pinning ceremony prior to Question Period 4 Natonal Press Theatre for media technical being (MEDIA INVITED? + Yes =t0 be done by DFO MINISTER'S REGIONAL OFFICE CONTACTED? + yes OTHER PARTICIPANTS (MPs, PROVINCIAL REPS, STAKEHOLDERS, ETC). * + Moisters Ashflel, Penashue, Aglutkag Pe Possiiy WIP Inult and North offcias and artisans Seal industy offs (TEC) "EMsumiens and selling vaghonk local sings lemporas ineraet Aeswinedimep_sealdavonthehil @hdos (Created om: 18Jan-12 Last saved by Filter (Created by: Alsn Beletsle ‘Revised: 18-Jan-12 4-10 PM (Comms # 889/11 Page 1 ofS A0423591_2-000086 DRAFT AUDIENCE SIZE AND DESCRIPTION / TARGET AUDIENCES ‘Media event (photo op and technical Beting — nt fr atribution) STRATEGIC OBJECTIVES 2 This event proves an opportunity to reterate the Government of Canads's commitment othe sealing Industry and promote ita a producer of heathy, sae, sustainable natura resource products, VISUAL'MESSAGE(S) ©" DESIRED PICTURE (STILL) + Miisters meeting with creators and vendors of seal products {1 Moisersrecelving sal pin in the Foyer af the House of Commons before Question Period. eS ACTUAL SPEAKING BACKDROP nuit arts and eras exits LENGTH OF SPEECH SNR TONE 1 Upbeat, postive ATTIRE 2 Business WRITTEN'MESSAGE(S)" 1) 2 NEWS RELEASE HEADLINE. (GOVERNMENT OF CANADA SUPPORTS SEALERS DESIRED HEADLINE ‘+ Government shows its support for Canadian sealers DESIRED SOUNDBITE / KEY NEWS RELEASE SOUNDBITE ‘+ “Our government is commited to supporing economic opportunities in our nothorn and coastal regions. ‘Sealing san Important economic ver In many communities of Canada’s East and the Eastem Aric by making responstbia use ofa safe, heathy and sustainable resource” KEY MESSAGES ‘+ Our governments commited to supporting economic prosperty in northar and coastal regions of the county, ‘+ Sealing provides important economic benefits in many communities in Canada's Alanic Provinces and the Enstem Arete by making responsible use of a sao, healthy and sustainable resource. + Canadian sealer artisans, and ult produce some ofthe word's fest quality products and ‘we will conte to defend hel right fo rade these products Feely and legaly anywhere they choose ‘+ There are around 8 milion harp seals inthe Northwest Alantc, more than three tes popuaton in the 1970e: grey seal number around 350,000, o ten times the number found inthe 1970s. These ae heathy and sustainable seal popuaions ‘+ The commercial and Subsistence harvests in Alanic Canada and the North are sustainably managed and, donot pt hg longterm heath of seal populations at ek. 1+ The halvest i closely regulated lcuding a tet tee-siep proses for harvesting Seals desaned to ‘encue the high-level of animal welfare possible, "Moc nei ad Selig Wachon local sing Vemporary inert flesolnedep_sealdavontbehil 2 (@adoe (Created on: 18-lan-12 Last saved by iltesE, ‘Created by: Alain Belle-tsle Revised: 18-Jan-12 4:10 PM ‘Comms #: 889/11 Page 2 ofS ‘A0423591_3-000087 DRAFT KEY QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS. Qt What impact wll the Russian ban import of seal products have on the Canadian seal harvest? ‘AZ The extent of hs ban not yet clear. We are folowing up with the Russian Federation to get a beter understanding ofthe nature ad extort oft apparel vade resticbons. We wil wrk wth tho Russian Federation to ensure ongoing access for Canadhan seal produes in tal markt. The Canadian sealing Industry continues to promate market opportuniies worldwige, and this efor snot lined to harp seals oF ‘only pets. G2 What impact does the Duke University study linking climate change to Increased seal pup mortality hhave on the management of Canada's seal harvest? A2 The study, which was funded by IFAW, snot aising any new questions. The Departments scents have Actually cen studying the potental impacts of ce conditions on hap seals for many years. The curent ‘opulaton remains abundant and snot tris; nfl, has grown fourfold in holst forty years to reach ‘ear Pistorical highs not seen since at east tho 1980s and probably longer. Whe is tue Pat harp seals equi ice for giving birth and rearing ter young; without access 10 sable ce, these seals may simpy ‘madi the behaviour accordingly overtime, ‘Tho realty is thatthe Canadian sect harvest is closely mentored and managed under the Precautionary [Approach to ensure the roseurce Is conserved for goneratons fo come. A wide range of factors, including ‘hanging ice conditons and ter potental impact on seal morality rats, are caretly analyzed each year {and taken into account when making management decisions 3 Whats tho status ofthe seals market access agreomont signed with China in January 20117 B China is key market among many being considered by the Canadian industy as itcontnues to diversity 4s business, Tho Government of Canada continues fo collaborate withthe indus to ensure ongoing access forts products abroad, nctuding in Chin. Canada has inlalod an agreement with China hat wil provide Canadian exporters an opportunity to sol ‘edible seal products there. We have provided the Chinese authorities with clear evidence ofthe safety and ily of our seal product exports and we are dlscussing withthe Chinaso government next ste to. bch Wade for Canacian products as soon as possible, \We understand that niermational ant-sealing lobbyists are curently promoting opposition to seal products inch. We botiove that Chinese consumers shouldbe free to make ther own purchasing decisions based on the facts ~ thal the Canaéian seal harvests sustainable, humane, and economicaly important to Canadian coastal communities, Claims tothe contrary aro simply unfounded. Q4 1 have hoard that thoro isan outbroak of deoase in ringod seals In tho United Statos and Canadian ‘Act. What impact wil this have on negotiations with China? ‘A4—My offciats nave received repr of some dead seals being found in the Arctic United States and Canada, Ringed seals which aro not marketed commercially ~ are the only seal species afocted. Fisheries and Oceans Canada's curenty working alongside other Government departments to Investigate the repos. ‘The population of harp seals, which is typically the species marketed commercial is healthy and abundant and Safe for human consumption . (QS Whatis the status of Canada's challenge of the European Union seal ban atthe World Trade Organization? (Answer provided by the Department of Foreign Affairs and Intemational Trade) wince] seas imemer lesa aT ‘ido ‘Created on: L812 Last saved by: lier ‘Created by: Alsi Belle-sle Revised: 18-Jan-12 410 PM ‘Comms # 889/11 Page 30f 5 (Deleted: w approvaenpb201 ) Nadine searono do A0423591_4-000088 DRAFT AS AtCanada's request, the Wortd Trade Organization established a dispute setlement panel on March 25, 2017 to examine the European Unions regulations that ban seal products ‘Tho nest stop isto sloct the panelists io hear the case. We ar coordinating with Norway, another complainants this process, There Is no defiive timetable for he case yet, Panel proceedings take on average approximatoly 15 months before a report is made public and a decision mere, 2 What is the Department doing to develop a market for grey seal products? |AB_ Fisheries and Oceans Canada continues to work wih provincial, terior partners to ensure Canadian ‘products have full access to international markets. ‘The Government of Canada and the Provinces and Toritores are also suppertng research and evelopment active that vil ep the industy devalop a able market forks seal product, For ts part, Fisheries and Oceans Canada has itrducad developmental allocations to tree industry groups, including {he Nunatsiavut Goverment, to suppor the developmen of value added products that wil support a strong ‘and viable sealing industry forthe fur, RESEARCH NEEDS: + NA ROLLOUT 5 Te ‘COMMUNICATIONS PRODUCTS BZ Media Advisory G Spee Nows Release Backgrounders: Stats of sel populations in Canada, Management of Canada's Seal Harvest Sustanaily of the Commerical seal nrvest andthe Responsible Uso of sea products 5 Fact Sheet (on seals and sealing) ~ existing web-based materials wil be updated prior to event Blog MP caucus kit BE. Props desenbe) Seal Pins Deleted: CI [Ey Post Event Meca (wie, Facebok) ~ news rele aid phlosto be Weed on OFO ate and photo (Other (¢aserbe) For information 1G Comment Q 1 Photo Relesse o 5 ‘OTHER BACKGROUND INFORMATION: ‘+ Several high profle personalities wil be patcpaing in he Norther Lights 2012, incuding: ‘The Honourable Jean Charest, Premier of Quebec, ‘The Honourable Katty Dunderdale, Premier of Newfoundland and Labrador, His Excalloncy David Jacabson, Usted States Ambassador to Canada; His Excallncy Georaly Memdov, Ambassador ofthe Russian Federation to Canada; and Environmentalist David Suz Deleted wrprovfzapg21 Nadie alone ee MEDIA PLAN: 2 PLANNING ‘BD Uve Coverage (check iyo) ~ we can expect ive coverage it WIP atten: Ei_Photographer (Created on: 18Jan-12 Last saved by: Elite ‘Created by: Alain Belle-Isle Revised: 18-Jan-12 4:10 PM Comes #: 889/11 Page 40f5 A0423591_5-000089 DRAFT Readout STRATEGY *+Tommasimize coverage (national and regional). This willbe done through a modia advisory to the Parlamantary Press Gallery and lizatlon ofthe Departments media relations team in Ottawa, who willbe contacting media direct + Al questions not directly elated to information being presented by DFO officials at he technical breting wil be directed to DFO media relations. + DFO wil sso lise wih Key industry stakeholders in order o provide contact information to meth PROMOTING THE EVENT Media Advisory oven Contacting Mecia ves FOLLOW-UP MEDIA (ONE-ON-ONES) EnglstvFrenchuticutural Meta Intrvows ‘+ ranging interviews wit sealing industy and media to discuss the importance of Canadian sealing. MEP APPROVED BY: ‘rin Filter want Deleted: Deo a ‘Communications Contact: Program Contact Alain Belle-Isle, 613-990-0210 Robert Day, 613-991-6135 1 Deleteas Hebeet "veatenis and segs wachonk local stings emporanyinemel flesoinedimen-soaldavonthehil doe (Created on: L8sane12 Last saved by: EilliterE (Created by: Alain Belle-sle Revised: 18-Jan-12 410 PM Comms # 889/11 Page 5 of 5 A0423591_« Machon, Kathryn, From: Belle-Ile, Alain Sent: January 18, 2012 4:22 PM To: XNCR, ComApprovaliApprobation Ce: Vachon, Kathryn; Walker-Sisttie, Rhonda; Beelen, Christine Subject: FW: MEP_SealDayontheHilldoc (docket 889) Attachments: MEP_SealDayontheHil (2) doc ‘To Approvals: the changes requested from MinO below have been made and saved on the shared drive. Could you please send the updated version to the Associate DM for info with the following note: ‘The MEP was updated to include a background media tech briefing, requested by MinO, to help balance media coverage in the short and medium term. Communications is working with Strategic Policy, Science, and Ecosystems and Fisheries Management to identify expert spokespersons. We are also coordinating with other departments such as the Canadian Food inspection Agency and the Department of Foreign Affairs and International Trade, as well as interested provinces, territories, and other stakeholders. The MEP can now be sent to PCO for approval. Merci! Atain From: liter, Grin Sent: January 18, 2012 4:11 PM Tor Vachon, Kathryn ce: Bolles, Aain Subject: RE: MEP_SealDayontheti. doc 7 ‘and thanks! 'MEP_SealDayonthe (2).d0¢ (. ‘A couple of small changes! ‘Appreciate the update. Vachon, Katyn January 18, 2012 Filter, Eri Bele-Isle, Alain MEP_SeaiDayonthetil.doc High PM. | have attached an updated version of the MEP for February 2 to reflect the changes to events and the addition of the technical briefing. You'll note that | have the technical briefing down for 11:30 am in the National Press Theatre. | had hoped for a slightly early time but this is the first opening on the 2nd. If you don't think this is workable we can explore ‘ther options for location. If you are ok with this time let me know and | will reserve. | met with programs today to discuss the tech briefing in more detail and I should be able to provide you with confirmed speakers on the various topics in the next day or so. Alain would likely moderate the session. Rhonda has asked that we send the revised MEP back to the Associate DM for information prior to sending it to PCO, ‘hich Iwill do once | have heard back from you! «<< File: MEP_SealDayontheHill.doc >> A0423592_1-000091 ‘Thanks! Kathryn ‘A0423592_2-000092 DRAFT Message Event Proposal ‘ebruary 2, 2012 ‘Media Market: National Media Location: Parliament Hill/ Ottawa Convention | English Media Spokesperson: Minister Contre (Ottawa, Ontarioy National | Ashfield Soe eae, French Media Spokesperson: TEC ‘Multicultural Media Spokesperson: NIA LS a THE EVENT PROACTIVE EVENT OR INVITATION + Proactive event S Timetine: + 14 am=Phote-op wit key seal stakeholders and Ministers a he Northern Lights Business and Cutural Showcase +1180 am Media technical briefing by DFO on Canads's sealing industry + 1:45 pm Photo-op of Ministers receiving seal pin prior to Question Period ‘Meet and greet photo-op with Northern Canadian eeaing stakeholders and seal arsans atthe Arts and CCutural Paviton atthe Norther Lights 2012 Business and Cultural Showease in Odawa, Ono (eee wo nosthesniighisottawa com). + Photo-op in the Foyer of te House of Commons wih seal pins being put on VVIP (TBC), Ministers Ashfeld PPenachuo and Aglukkag by representatives trom Canada's North + Techical biting with DFO officlls on Canada's sealing industry which wil high: DFO sclence on seal spocies found in Canada incuding stules on current population status and ecosystem interactions Between seals and cher marine Me; the management of Canada's commercial seal harvests, andthe Sustainable use and sodo-economic val ofthe seal harvest. GOVERNMENT OF CANADA FUNDING / PARTNER FUNDING (IF APPLICABLE): ‘+ The Norther Lights 2012 Business and Cultural Showcases sponsored in par by the Atlantic Canada Opportunities Agency, the Canadian Northem Economie Development Agency, the Province of Newioundland and Labrador, and Teriory of Nunavut. There ine funding announcement planned as pat ofthis proposed event VENUE DESCRIPTION +The Minster wil vis wih Invited exhibors ofthe shows Ats and Cultural Paviion atthe Otawa Convention Gente, where Inu arts and crafts willbe on dspay, inctuding soal products. Foyer of he House of Commons for pining ceremeny prior to Question Period. 1 Natonal Press Thearo for media techrical boting, MEDIA INVITED? + Yes =to be done by FO MINISTER'S REGIONAL OFFICE CONTACTED? sys (OTHER PARTICIPANTS (MPs, PROVINCIAL REPS, STAKEHOLDERS, ETC) * + Minislers Ashfield Penashue; Aglukkaq. Bo, 2 Possioly Wir a 2 lnuitana Norther offeats and artisans 1 Sealindusty ofits (TBC) | 7"Zidteiens nnd snes acoilocal seat Timonten OO ‘Gesedon-18JaneI2 [Las saved by: Alain Bele-sle Created by, Alin Bell-ise Revised: 16-Jan12 4.16 PM Comms #55911 Page 1 of ‘A0423592_3-000093 | DRAFT [AUDIENCE SIZE AND DESCRIPTION / TARGET AUDIENCES {Media event (oto op and techalal briefing —nat or attribution) [STRATEGIC OBJECTIVES ‘This event proves an opportunity to reiterate the Government of Canada's commitment othe sealing industy and promote tas a producer of healty, safe, sustainable natural resource product. VISUAL/MESSAGE(S) DESIRED PICTURE (STILL) ‘+ Ministers meeting with creators and vendors of seal products 1 Ministers recahving seal pins inthe Foyer cf the House of Commons before Question Period. ‘ACTUAL SPEAKING BACKOROP Inui ants and erats exits LENGTH OF SPEECH NA TONE + Upbeat, postive ATTIRE. Business| WRITTEN MESSAGE(S): NEWS RELEASE HEADLINE ‘GOVERNMENT OF CANADA SUPPORTS SEALERS. DESIRED HEADLINE ‘+ Government shows its suppor for Canadian sealers DESIRED SOUNDBITE / KEY NEWS RELEASE SOUNDBITE +» "Our government is commited 1 supporting economie opportunites in our northern and coastal reglons. ‘Sealing is an mportant economic deve in many communibes of Caneda’s East and te Easlom Arce by ‘making responsible Use ofa sae, healthy and sustainable resource KEY MESSAGES ‘+ Our government is commited to supporting economic prosperity in northern and coastal regions ofthe county. + Sealing proudes important economic benefits in many communities in Canada's Alanic Provinces and the Eastem Arctic by making responsible use of a sao, healty and sustainable resource, ‘+ Canadian sears, processor, artisans, and Inul produce some ofthe words finest quality products and we wil continue 6 defend thelr right to trade these products rely and logaly anywere they choose. ++ There are around 8 milion harp soa inthe Northwest Alan, more than tree tes population inthe 1070s; grey seals number around 360,000, orton mes the number found in the 1870. These are healthy 4nd sustainable seal popuations. +The commercial and Subsistence harvests in Alanis Canada and the North are sustainably managed and do not put he longterm heath of seal populations at sk. +The harvest ie osely regulated, Inctuting a sick hree-siep process for harvesting seals designed to censure the high-level at animal welfare possible. a x nd setngsvachoni loc a chil (Created on: 18-Jan-12 Last save by: Alan BelleIse Created by. Alain Belletle ‘Revised: 18-Jan-12 4:16 PM (Comms #: 889/11 Page 2 ofS ‘A0423592_4-000094 DRAFT KEY QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS a #2 a2 a as a What impact wil the Russian ban import of seal products have on the Canadian soal harvest? ‘The extent ofthis ban isnot yet ler. We are folowing up with the Russian Federation to gota better understanding ofthe nature and exient ofthe apparent ade restcton. We wi work with te Russian Federation to ensure ongoing acces fr Canadian seal products n hat market. The Canadian sealing inausty continues to promote market opportunites wordwide, and tis efforts not lite to harp seals oF only pets ‘what impact doos the Duko University study linking climate change to increased seal pup mortalty have on the management of Canads’ssoal harvest? “The study, which was funded by IFAW, isnot asing any new questions. The Department's scientists have actualy Been studying the poteial impacts oficecondltons on harp seals for many years. The curent Population remains abundant and isnot at risk: n fact, thas grown fourfold inthe ast forty years to rach hear historical highs not seen since at lest the 1950s and probably longer. While i's tue tat harp seals require ce for givng birt and rearing the young; without access fo stable Ic, these seals may simply ‘madiy their behaviour accordingly overtime ‘The realty is that the Canadian seal harvest is closely monitored and managed under the Precautionary ‘Approach fo ensure the resource ls conserved fr generations fo come. A wide range of factors, Including Changing ce eondtions and thet potental impact on seal mortalty rates, are caretly analyzed each year land taken into account when making management decisions. ‘What isthe status ofthe soals market accos China isa key market among many being considered by the Canadian industry ast continues to diversity ie busines. The Government of Canada contines to colaborate withthe Indust to ensure ongoing access ors products abroad, including in China Canada has inalod an agreement wth China that wil provide Canacian exporters an opportunity to sal! ‘ible seal products here. We have provided the Chinese authorles with cear evidence ofthe safely and {ually of our seal product exports and we are discussing withthe Chinese government net Stops to {stabish Vade for Canadian products as soon as possible, \We understand that international ant-sealing lobbyists are curenty promoting opposition to seal products inchina. rooment signed with Chi In January 20117 \We beleve that Chinese consumers shouldbe fre fo make their own purchasing decisions bated onthe facts ~ that the Canadian seal harvest is sustainable, humane, and ecanomicaly important io Canadian, ‘coattal communis, Claime to the contrary are sinpiy unfounded ‘Ihave hoard that thoro fs an outbreak of dlsoaso In ringod soals in tho United States and Canadian ‘Aretle. What impact wil ths have on negotiations with China? My officials have received reports of some dead seals being found inthe Arctic United States and Canada, Ringed seals - wich are not marketed commercialy ~ are the only seal species affected Fisheries and Oceans Canad is curenty working alongside other Government departments fo investigate te reports, ‘The population of harp goals, which I typleally the species marketed commercialy, is heathy and abundant ‘nd Sate for human consumption. What isthe status of Canada’s challenge of the European Union seal ban atthe World Trade. ‘Organization? (Answer provided by the Department of Foreign Affairs and International Trade) ‘At Ganala'sroquos, the World Trade Organization established a depute setement panel on March 25, * 2017 to examine the European Union's reguatons that ban seal products Created on: 18Jan-12 Last saved by: Alnin Belleisle Created by: Alain Belletle Revised: 18-Jan-12 4:16 PM Comms #: 889/11 Page 30f5 Deleted: 1¢-Deett ‘A0423592_5.000095 DRAFT “The neat stp sto select the panelists to hear the case, We are coordinating with Nonvay, anath complainant inthis process, ‘Tere sno definitive timetable forthe case yet anol proceedings take on average approximately 15 months before a reprt is made public an a decision readeced 26 What is the Department ing to develop a market fr groy seal products? ‘AB Fisheris and Oceans Canada continues to work wth provincial tetra partners to ensure Canadian products have ful access fo intomational markets. ‘The Goverment of Canada and the Provinces and Terres are also supporting research and development activites tat wil Hep the industy davelop a able markt forts seal products. For ts pat, Fisheries and Oceans Canada has introduced developmental allocation fo thre industry group, incuding 18 Nunatsiavut Government, to suppor the development of value added product that wil suppor a strong and vable sealing industry forthe fut. RESEARCH NEEDS NA ROLLOUT COMMUNICATIONS PRODUCTS 1 Mesa Advisory 1G Specch 1B News Retoase a. ackgrounder(s): Status of seal populatons in Canada, Management of Canada's Seal Harvest, ‘Sustanably of he Commerical sal harvest and the Responsible Usa of seal products {2 Fact Sneet (on seals and sealing) - existing web-based materials willbe updated prior to event Biographies TelrsPos aaa MP. caucus Kt g a Props (describe) Seal Pins Post-Evert Media (Twiter, Facebook) news release and photos to be tweeted on DFO site and photos Q a 1D) Other (describe) 1G) For information comment ‘OTHER BACKGROUND INFORMATION: ‘+ Several high profi personals wil be partcpating inthe Norther igh 2012, incuding ‘0 The Honourable Jean Charest, Premier of Quebec, ‘© The Honourable Kathy Dunderdale, Premier of Newfoundland and Labrador, © His Excoloncy David Jacobeon, Uritod States Ambassador to Canada; © His Excellency Georgiy Memdov, Ambassador of he Russian Federation to Canada; and ‘© Enwronmentast Davis Sur MEDIA PLAN PLANNING . 1 Live Coverage (check yes) — we can expect ive coverage if IP atends, : Photographer * 1 Resdout ad stings vachond local stings 7 [davon (Created on: 18-Jan-12 Last saved by: Alin Blle-lsle (Created by: Altin Belle-tsle Revised: 18-Jan-12 416 PM (Comms # 889/11 Page 40f5 ‘A0423592_6-000096 DRAFT ‘+ To maximize coverage (national and gional). This wil be dane through a media advisory to the Parliamentary Press Gallery and utization ofthe Department's media relations team in Gtawa, who willbe contacting media dct. ‘+ Aquestions not direct elated to information being presented by DFO offcials at the technical briefing wil be dreced to DFO modia eiatons *+ DFO will aso liaise with Key industry stakeholders in or provide contact iformation to media PROMOTING THE EVENT Media Aavieory ves Contacting Media aves FOLLOW-UP MEDIA (ONE-ON-ONES) EnglistvFrenct/Mulicutural Media Interdiows ‘+ Arranging interviews with sealing industry and media to ciscuss Importance of Canadian sealing, ep approven ay: Stone et ‘Communications Contact: Program Contact: Alain Belle-Isle, 613-990-0210 Robert Day, 613-991-6135. ‘ Deed prong Reese elated se | "Ziimmanandscinatacha oat siimanien aoe Cremedom tani? Las sed by: Alan Bele Grea by Alan Belt Teruel esa ete Comma sant Page Sot ‘A0423592_7-000097 Beelen, Christine From: Belle-Isle, Alain Sent: January 18, 2012 4:22 PM To: XNCR, ComApproval/Approbation Ce: Vachon, Kathryn; Walker-Sisttie, Rhonda; Beelen, Christine Subject: FW: MEP_SealDayontheHill.doc (docket 889) Attachments: MEP_SealDayontheHil (2).doc To Approvals: the changes requested from MinO below have been made and saved on the shared drive. Could you please send the updated version to the Associate DM for info with the following note: ‘The MEP was updated to include a background media tech briefing, requested by MinO, to help balance media coverage in the short and medium term. Communications is working with Strategic Policy, Science, and Ecosystems and Fisheries Management to identity expert spokespersons. We are also coordinating with other departments such as the Canadian Food Inspection Agency and the Department of Foreign Affairs and International Trade, as well as interested provinces, territories, and other stakeholders. ‘The MEP can now be sent to PCO for approval. Merci! Alain From: Sent: January 18, 2012 4:11 PM. Tor Vachon, Kathryn ce: BeleIsle, Alain Subject: RE: MEP. SealDayonthetl doc “i? and thanks! (MEP_SealDayonthe il (2).doe ( A.couple of small changes! Appreciate the update, From: Vachon, Kath Sent: January 18, 2012 4:07 PM To: Filter, Ex ce Bele-Ise, Alain Subject: MEP SealDayonthetil.doc Importance: High HiErin, | have attached an updated version of the MEP for February 2 to reflect the changes to events and the addition of the technical briefing. You'l note that | have the technical briefing down for 11:30 am in the National Press Theatre. | had hoped for a slightly early time but this is the first opening on the 2nd. if you don't think this is workable we can explore ‘other options for location. If you are ok with this time let me know and I will reserve. | met with programs today to discuss the tech briefing in more detail and | should be able to provide you with confirmed speakers on the various topics in the next day or so. Alain would likely moderate the session. Rhonda has asked that we send the revised MEP back to the Associate DM for information prior to sending it to PCO, which I will do once I have heard back from you! << File: MEP_SealDayontheHiill.doc >> ‘A0423594_1.000098 Thanks! Kathryn A0423594_2.000099 DRAFT Message Event Proposal Date: February 2, 2012 ‘Media Market: Nations! Media Location: Parliament Hill/ Ottawa Convention | English Media Spokesperson: Minister Centre (Ottawa, Ontarioy National | Ashfield Press Theatre French Media Spokesperson: TBC Multicultural Media Spokesperson: NIA THE EVENT PROACTIVE EVENT OR INVITATION + Proactive event Timetine: + 11am Phote-op wit Key seal stakeholders and Ministers a the Noshem Lights Business and Cultural Showcase + 11:30 am-~ Media technical briefing by DFO on Canada's seating industry {145 pm Photo-op of Ministers receiving seal pin prior to Question Period ‘+ Meet and greet photo-op with Northern Canadian sealing stakeholders and soa! artisans a he Ais and CCutural Pavilon atthe Norner Lights 2012 Business and Cultural Showcase in Otawa, Onto (aoe won + Photo-op in he Foyer ofthe House of Commons with seal pins being put on WIP (TEC), Ministre Ashe, Penashve and Agiukkaq by representatives from Canada's North + Tectrical briefing with DFO offils on Canada's sealing industy which wil highight: DFO science on seal species found in Canada Incuding tudes on current population status and ecosystem interactions, between seals and cher marine Ife; the management of Canada's commercial seal Raves, snd the sustainable use and socioeconomic value of he seat harvest. [GOVERNMENT OF CANADA FUNDING / PARTNER FUNDING (IF APPLICABLE}: ‘+The Norther Lights 2012 Business and Cultural Showcase Is sponsored in pat by the Atlante Canada ppartuniies Agency, the Canadian Norther Economie Development Agency. the Provinea of 'Newounaland and Cabrador, and Tertory of Nunavut. There Is no unding announcement planned as pat ofthis proposed event ‘VENUE DESCRIPTION 2 The Ministre wil vst with invited exhibitors of the show's As and Cutural Paviion athe Ottawa Convention Conte, where ult ats and cra wl be on aepay, inctodng seal products, + Foyer ofthe House of Commons for pining ceremony rior to Question Period. ‘National Press Theatre for media fechnial beeing MEDIA INVITED? + Yes done by DFO MINISTER'S REGIONAL OFFICE CONTACTED? oye OTHER PARTICIPANTS (MPs, PROVINCIAL REPS, STAKEHOLDERS, ETC) + Monitors AshfeW: Penashoe;Agiukkag~ : 2 Possiby wip {ult and Norther officials and artisans {Seal industy ofcials (TBC) | chdocuments and settings\betlenclocal seuings\emporary internet iles.olk2hO\men_sealdavonthehill (2. doe (Created on: 18-Jan-12 Last saved by: Alain Beetle Created by: Alain Belletsle Revised: 18-Jan-12 4.16 PM (Comms 889/11 Page 1 ofS A0423594_3.000100 DRAFT AUDIENCE SIZE AND OESCRIPTION / TARGET AUDIENCES 4 Media event photo op and technical briefing —not fe tribution) [STRATEGIC OBJECTIVES. + Tis event proves an opportuni to rterate the Government of Cane and pamote tas a producer of healthy. commitment tothe sealing industy sustainable natural rasoures products, DESIRED PICTURE (STILL) ‘Ministers meeting with crestors and vendors of seal products ‘Ministers receiving seal pins inthe Foyer of tho House of Commons before Question Por ACTUAL SPEAKING BACKOROP nui arts and erats exits LENGTH OF SPEECH 2 NA TONE 2 Upbest, postive ATTIRE 2 Business| WRITTEN MESSAGE(S) NEWS RELEASE HEADLINE (GOVERNMENT OF CANADA SUPPORTS SEALERS DESIRED HEADLINE ‘+ Government shows its support for Canadian sealers DESIRED SOUNDEITE / KEY NEWS RELEASE SOUNDBITE ‘+ "Our government is commited to supporting economic opportunites In our northern and coastal gions. Sealing isan imporant economic arver In many communities of Canada's East and te Easier Arce by ‘making responsible use of@ safe, healthy and sustamabio resource." KEY MESSAGES ‘+ Our governments commited to supporting economic prospenty in nothem and coastal regions of the county. + Sealing provides important economic bene in many communities in Canada's Alantc Provinces and the Este Arce by making responsible use ofa safo,Nealfty and sustainable resource. ‘+ Ganatian sealers, procassor, artisans, and init produce come ofthe word's fest quality products and \we wil continue to defend ther righ trade these products feel and legally anywhere thoy choose. ‘+ Thore are around 8 mition harp seals in the Northwest antic, more than tres times population nthe 41700, grey seals number around 380,000, ortan times the number found inthe 4070s, These are heathy and sustainable seal popuations. ‘+ The commorcial and subsistonce harvests in Aaniic Canada and the North are sustainably managed and <4 not put the long-term healt of seal populations at sk + Thaharvest ie clotaly regulated, incuding a evict three-step process for harvesting eeals designed to" censure the high-level at animal weltate posible. 6 |“ Gibcuments and seringstheelenelcal seins Memporan inte hlestolk2bOinen_sealdayonthehil tos (Created on: 18san-12 Last saved by: Alain Belle-sle (Created by: Alan Belletsle Revised: 18-Jan-12 4:16 PM (Comms: 889/11 Page 2 of 5 /A0423594_4-000101 DRAFT 21 what impact will the Russian ban import of seal products have on the Canadian seal harvest? KEY QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS: ‘AZ The extent ofthis ban isnot yt clear, We ar following up vith the Russian Federation to get a beter understanding ofthe nature and extent ofthe apparent rage resticions. We wll wark wih the Russian Federation to ensure ongoing access for Canadian seal produc In tht market. The Canadian sealing Inausty continues to promote market opportunibes werlawice, and this efor Is not imtod To arp seal or only pes, G2 What impact doos the Duke University study linking climate change to Increased seal pup mortally hhavo on the management of Canada’s seal harvest? ‘AZ The study, hich was funded by IFAW, isnot alsing any new questions. The Departments scents have actually Been studying the potent! impacts of ce condtions on harp seals for many yeas. The curent Population remains abundant and snot at risk; infact. has grown fourfold in tha lat fry years te reach hear hstoral high not seen since at east be 1850s and probably longer. While its tue hat harp Seals requ ee for giving bith and rearing tele young, without access to sable ice, ese seals may simply ‘modiy ther behaviour accordingly overtime, ‘The realty i thatthe Canadian seal harvests cosely monitored and managed under the Precautionary ‘Approach fo ensure the resource is conserved for generations to come. A wi range f factors, Incudng changing ce conditons and ther potential impact on seal moral ates, are careful analyzed each year land taken ito account when making management decision. ‘AS China isa key market among many being considered by the Canadian industry as it continues to diversity is business. The Government of Canada continues to colaborate wih the indus to ensure ongoing aceess forts products abroad, inciuding in China. Canada has inital an agrooment with Chia that wil provide Canadian exportrs an opportunity to sell edible seal products there. We have provided the Chinese auhorties wih Gear evidence of he safety and ‘ual of cur seal product expocs ana we are dlecussing wih te Chinese government nex steps 10, {stabch Wade for Canaan products as soon as possibo. |We understand that intemationalan-sealing lobbyists are curently promoting opposton to seal products in china, Wie belleve that Chinese consumers shouldbe fee to make ther own purchating decisions bated onthe ‘acts ~ thatthe Canadian seal harvests sustainable, humane, ané economically important te Canaan coastal communities. Claims tothe contrary are simply unfounded. Q4 Ihave hoard that thor isan outbroak of disoaso In ringed soals In tho United Statos and Canadian Arete. What Impact will this have on negotiations with China? ‘AS My offcials have received reprt of some dead teal being found inthe Arctic United States and Canad Ringed seals which are not marketed commercialy~are the only seal species affected. Fisheries and Oceans Canada is curently working alongside other Government departments to investigate the report. “The population of harp soa, which is typically the species markated commercially is healthy and abundant and Sate foe human consumption 5 What s the status of Canada's challonge of tho European Union seal ban at tho World Trade. y.____.-{ Deleted wpyravaeapbga0o1 ‘Organtzation? (Answer provided by the Department of Foreign Affars and International Trade) [ede sednont AS At Canada's roquos, the Word Trade Organization established a dispute satiement panel on March 28, © 2017 fo examine he European Union's reguatons that ban eal products, | eidocumenis and setingseelenclocal stings Uemporany inert ieswolkabOmep_sealdayonthehil() doe (Created on: 18Jan-12 Last saved by: Alain Belle-sle (Created by: Alain Belletsle Revised: 18-Jan-12 4.16 PM (Comms #889711 Page 3 of 5 A0423594_5-000102 DRAFT ‘The next step iso selec he panei to hear the case, We are coordinating with Norway, another complainant inthis process, ‘Ther ie no deintive timetable forthe case yet. Panel proceedings take on average approximatoly 18 months before a report is made public anda decision rendered 2 Whats the Department doing to develop a market fr gry seal products? 'AB Fisheries and Oceans Canada continues to work wih provincial, terior parners to ensure Canadian products have ul access to intematonal markets ‘The Government of Canada and the Provinces and Terris ae alto supporting research and evelopment acivies that wl help the industry develop a viable market forts seal products, For its pat, Fisheles and Ooeans Canade has introduced developmental allocator to hres industry groups, Icudiog the Nunatsiavut Goverment, to support the development of value added producs that wil support a strong and able sealing industry forthe future [RESEARCH NEEDS NA ROLLOUT ‘COMMUNICATIONS PRODUCTS {5 Fact Sheet (on seals and sealing) ~exsting web-based materials wil be updated prior to event Biographies “Talking Points aa a o & MP. caucus Props (doserbo) Seal Pins (Post Event Media Twiter, Facebook) - news release and photos tobe tweeted on OF site and photos fo paricpating Masters and stakeholders for postng on ther Facebook pages, "Web Content Photo Release (ter (deseabe) For information Comment t coogo OTHER BACKGROUND INFORMATION: + Several high prof personals will bo participating inthe Norther Lights 2012, inducing: ‘2 The Honourable Jean Chatest, Premie’of Quebec, ‘The Honourable Kathy Dunderdale, Premier of Newfoundland and Labrador, His Excalloney David Jacobson, United Sites Ambassador lo Canada, His Excalloney Georgly Memdov, Ambassador ofthe Russian Federation to Canada; and Environmentalist David Suzi. MEDIA PLAN PLANNING . 1B Live Coverage (check ys) - wo can expect ive coveraga if WIP atends 2 Photographer 1B Reaaout . Deleted Fo 7” eixjosuments nd settings besienclocal settingsiemporary intemet filesolk2bUimep sealdavonthehill (2) doc (Created on: 18-Jan-12 Last saved by: lin Blle-ile (Created by: Alan Belletsle Revised 18-Jan-12 4:16PM (Comms #: 889/11, Page 4 ofS ‘A0423594_6.000103 DRAFT STRATEGY ‘+ To maximize coverage (natonal an regional). This will be done through a med Paclamentary Prose Gallery and ulzation of the Department's media relations contacting media rect. ‘+ A questions not direct related to information being presented by DFO officials atthe technical briefing wil, be directed to DFO media relations, ‘+ DEO wi aso tase wih koy industry stakeholders in order to provide contact information to media. PROMOTING THE EVENT Media Advisory ves Contacting Media yes FOLLOW-UP MEDIA (ONE-ON-ONES) EnglstFrenchMuticuturl Media Intoriows ‘Arranging interviews with sealing Industry and media to dscuss the importance of Cenadlan sealing. [MEP APPROVED 8 in Fitor “an 17 Communications Contact: Program Contact ‘Alain Belle-tsle, 613-990-0210 Robert Day, 613-991-6135 : Deleted vagroategiar Taney seule | 7 $dbeamens and etn beelenioel somes emporan. item iesolbOmne_salayonthehil doe Created on 18-12 Last saved by lain Bllele Created by: Alsin Belle-tsle Revised: 18-Jan-1216 PM ‘Comms # 889/11 Page 5 ofS RE: MEP_SealDayontheHiill.doc Page 1 of 2 Vachon, Kathryn From: Filter, Erin Sent: January 19, 2012 9:04 AM Te Vachon, Kathryn Cc: Belle-Isle, Alain ‘Subject: Re: MEP_SealDayontheHill.doc That's true. ‘Weill keep it there, | guess. Not ideal, but we'll have to make it work. From: Vachon, Kathryn To: Filter, Erin Ce: Belle-Isle, Alain Sent: Thu Jan 19 09:02:20 2012 ‘Subject: RE: MEP_SealDayontheHill.doc | wish, but that's the absolute earliest availability at the National Press Theatre, we could look at other possible venues...the benefit of the NPT is that itis so much easy to coordinate and control a briefing there. On the other hand, since there will be no cameras at the briefing and only cameras, at the photo-ops it might stil work out since it would really be the same people going to both. Kathryn Vachon Tel (613) 998-1530 From: Fillter, Erin Sent: January 19, 2012 8:57 AM ‘To: Vachon, Kathryn Ce: Belle-Isle, Alain ‘Subject: Re: MEP_SealDayontheHil.doc Is there any way we can do it earlier? Media can't be at an 11am photo-op at the same time as an 11:30 tech briefing. From: Vachon, Kathryn To: Filter, Erin Ge: Bele Tse, Alain wu Jan 19 08:56:01 2012 Subject RE: MEP_SealDayontheHill.doc ‘Thanks Erin, Just to confirm, 11:30 at the National Press Theatre works for you? If so | will book today. Kathryn Vachon 05/03/2012 ‘A0423595_1.000105 RE: MEP. SealDayontheHlill.doc Tel (613) 998-1530 From: Filter, Era Sent: January 18, 2012 4:11 PH ‘To: Vachon, Kathryn Ce: Baletee, Alain ‘Subjects RE: MEP_SealDayonthei doc ‘Amazing and thanks! << File: MEP_SealDayontheHill (2) doc >> ‘A.couple of small changes! Appreciate the update. From: Vachon, Katyn Sent: anvary 18, 2012 4:07 PM To: Filter, rin Ce: Bolles, Alain Subject: MEP_SealDayontheHlldoc Importance: High HiErin, Page 2 of 2 | have attached an updated version of the MEP for February 2 to reflect the changes to events and the addition of the technical briefing. You'll note that | have the technical briefing down for 11:30 am in the National Press Theatre. | had hoped for a slightly early time but this is the first opening on the 2nd. if you don't think this is workable we can explore other options for location. If you are ok with this time let me know and | will reserve. | met with programs today to discuss the tech briefing in more detail and | should be able to provide you with ‘confirmed speakers on the various topics in the next day or so. Alain would likely moderate the session, Rhonda has asked that we send the revised MEP back to the Associate OM for information prior to sending it to PCO, which | will do once | have heard back from you! << File: MEP_SealDayontheHill.doc >> ‘Thanks! Kathryn 05/03/2012 A0423595_2.000106 RE: MEP_SealDayontheHill.doc Vachon, Kathryn Page 1 of 2 From: Filter, Erin Sent: January 19, 2012 8:57 AM To: Vachon, Kathryn Cec: —_Belle-Isle, Alain ‘Subject: Re: MEP_SealDayontheHill doc Is there any way we can do it earlier? Media can't be at an 11am photo-op at the same time as an 11:30 tech briefing, From: Vachon, Kathryn To: Filter, Erin Cc: Belle-sle, Alain Sent: Thu Jan 19 08:56:01 2012 Subj : MEP_SealDayontheHilldoc ‘Thanks Erin, Just to confirm, 11:30 at the National Press Theatre works for you? If so | will book today. Kathryn Vachon Tel (613) 998-1530 From: Filter, Ein Sent: January 18, 2012 4:11 PM Vachon Kathryn ce: elle-se, Asin Subject: RE: MEP_SealDayontheil,doc ‘Amazing and thanks! << File: MEP_SealDayontheHill (2).doc >> ‘A couple of small changes! Appreciate the update, From: Vachon Kathryn Sent: January 18, 2012 4:07 PM iter, En ce: Beles, Asin Subject: MEP_SealDayonthebi.doc Importance: High HiErin, have attached an updated version of the MEP for February 2 to reflect the changes to events and the addition of the technical briefing. You'll note that | have the technical briefing down for 11:30 am in the National Press ‘Theatre. | had hoped for a slightly early time but this is the first opening on the 2nd. If you don't think this is 05/03/2012 ‘A0423598_1.000107 RE: MEP_SealDayonthel Il.doc Page 2 of 2 workable we can explore other options for location. If you are ok with this time let me know and I will reserve. I met with programs today to discuss the tech briefing in more detail and | should be able to provide you with confirmed speakers on the various topics in the next day or so. Alain would likely moderate the session. Rhonda has asked that we send the revised MEP back to the Associate DM for information prior to sending it to PCO, which | will do once I have heard back from you! << File: MEP_SealDayontheHill. doc >> Thanks! Kathryn /A0423598_2-0001 05/03/2012 ae hon, Kathryn. XNGR, ComApproval/Approbation January 19, 2012 2:05 PM ‘’ Filler, Erin; Mottram, Barbara; Walker-Sisttie, Rhonda; Beelen, Christine; Vachon, Kathryn; Belle-isle, Alain FOR APPROVAL: 889/11 HQ-MEP: SEALER SUPPORT MEDIA EVENT ON PARLIAMENT HILL, FEBRUARY 2, 2012 Attachments: MEP_SealDayontheHill doc Hi Carlotta, Please see the attached MEP for your appoval. The event is scheduled for February 2, 2012. MESSAGE EVENT PROPOSAL SEALER SUPPORT MEDIA EVENT ON PARLIAMENT HILL MeP_SealDayonthe Hlkdoe (£21 .. Should you have any questions or concerns, please contact Alain Belle-Isle at 613-990-0210 or Christine Beelen at 613-991-0323. ‘Thank you, Melanie Communications Branch/Direction générale des communications {813.988.0996 | facsimile /elécopieur 613-999-8277 XNCR, ComApprovalpprobalion Fisheries ana Oceans Canada | 200 Kent St. Otawa, ON K1A OES Péches et Océans Canada | 200, rue Kent Ottawa, ON K1A 0&6 Government of Canada | Gouvernement du Canada ‘A0423599_1.000109 Message Event Proposal Date: February 2, 2012 Media Market: National Media Location: Parliament Hill Ottawa Convention | English Media Spokesperson: Minister Centre (Ottawa, Ontario)/ National | Ashfield ee French Media Spokesperson: TBC Multicultural Media Spokesperson: N/A THE EVENT) 00" PROACTIVE EVENT OR INVITATION © Proactive event Time! ‘+t am— Photo-op with key seal stakeholders and Ministers al the Norther Lights Business and Cultural ‘Showcase ‘= 11:30 am ~ Media technical briefing by DFO on Canada’s sealing industry ‘+ 1:45 pm —Photo-op of Ministers recelving seal pin prior to Question Period ‘+ Meet and greet photo-op with Northern Canadian sealing stakeholders and seal artisans at the Arts and Cultural Pavilion atthe Northem Lights 2012 Business and Cultural Showcase in Ottawa, Ontario (see: www ‘+ Photo-op in the Foyer of the House of Commons with seal pins being put on VVIP (TBC), Ministers Ashfield, Penashue and Aglikkag by representatives from Canada’s North * Technical briefing with OF officials on Canada’s sealing industry which will highlight: DFO science on seal ‘species found in Canada including studies on current population status and ecosystem interactions between seals and other marine life; the management of Canada's commercial seal harvests, and the sustainable use and socio-economic value ofthe seal harvest. GOVERNMENT OF CANADA FUNDING / PARTNER FUNDING (IF APPLICABLI '* The Norther Lights 2012 Business and Cultural Showcase is sponsored in part by the Atlantic Canada ‘Opportunities Agency, the Canadian Northem Economic Development Agency, the Province of "Newfoundland and Labrador, and Teritory of Nunavut. There is no funding announcement planned as part of this proposed event. VENUE DESCRIPTION +The Ministers will visit wth invited exhibitors of the show's Arts and Cultural Pavilion at the Ottawa Convention Centre, where Inuit arts and crafts will be on display, including seal products. + Foyer of the House of Commons for pinning ceremony prior to Question Period, + National Press Theatre for media technical briefing (MEDIA INVITED? + Yes -to be done by DFO MINISTER'S REGIONAL OFFICE CONTACTED? + yes OTHER PARTICIPANTS (MPs, PROVINCIAL REPS, STAKEHOLDERS, ETC) ‘+ Ministers Ashfield, Penashue, Aglukkaq Possibly VVIP- + Inuit and Northem officials and artisans + Seal industry officials (TBC) jocuments and settings wachonk\local setings\temporary internet filesioiked\nep_sealdayonthehill (5) doe Created on: 18-Jan-12 Last saved by: Melanie Auger Created by: Alain Belle-sle Revised: 19-Jan-12 1:41 PM Comms #: 889/11 ABDBOATEN 19 4an! +9 Page 1 of 5 10423899. 2.000110 AUDIENCE SIZE AND DESCRIPTION / TARGET AUDIENCES. + Media event (photo op and technical briefing ~ not fr attribution) STRATEGIC OBJECTIVES + This event provides an opportunity to reiterate the Government of Canada’s commitment to the se: ‘and promote it as a producer of healthy, safe, sustainable natural resource products. ing industry VISUAL MESSAG DESIRED PICTURE (STILL) + Ministers meeting with creator + Ministers receiving seal pins 1@ Foyer of the House of Commons before Question Period. ACTUAL SPEAKING BACKDROP + Inuit arts and crafts exhibits LENGTH OF SPEECH + NA TONE + Upbeat, positive ATTIRE + Business WRITTEN: MESSAGE(S)""* NEWS RELEASE HEADLINE GOVERNMENT OF CANADA SUPPORTS SEALERS. DESIRED HEADLINE ‘+ Government shows its support for Canadian sealers. DESIRED SOUNDBITE / KEY NEWS RELEASE SOUNDBITE ‘+ ‘Our government is committed to supporting economic opportunities ‘Sealing is an important economic driver in many communities of Can: ‘making responsible use of a safe, healthy and sustainable resource.” northern and coastal regions. 's East and the Eastern Arctic by KEY MESSAGES ‘+ Our government is commited to supporting economic prosperity in northern and coastal regions of the county. ‘+ Sealing provides important economic benefits in many communities in Canada's Atlantic Provinces and the Easter Arctic by making responsible use of a safe, healthy and sustainable resource. + Canadian sealers, processors, artisans, and Inuit produce some of the world's finest quality products and ‘we will continue to defend their right to trade these products freely and legally anywhere they choose. ‘+ There are around 8 million harp seals in the Northwest Atlantic, more than three times population in the 1970s; grey seals number around 350,000, or ten times the number found in the 1970s. These are healthy and sustainable seal populations. ‘+ The commercial and subsistence harvests in Atlantic Canada and the North are sustainably managed and do not put the long-term health of seal populations at risk. ‘+The harvest is closely regulated, including a strict three-step process for harvesting seals designed to ensure the high-level of animal welfare possible. ‘ehdocuments and settings\vachonk local settings\temporary internet filesoiked\mep_sealdayonthebill (5).doc Created on: 18-Jan-12 Last saved by: Melanie Auger Created by: Alain Belle-tsle Revised: 19-Jan-12 1:41 PM Comms #: 889/11 ‘80423699 _3-000111 Page 2 of KEY QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS at a2 a B What impact will the Russian ban import of seal products have on the Canadian seal harvest? ‘The extent of this ban is not yet clear. We are following up with the Russian Federation to get a better understanding of the nature and extent of the apparent trade restrictions. We will work with the Russian Federation to ensure ongoing access for Canadian seal products in that market. The Canadian sealing industry continues to promote market opportunities worldwide, and this effort is not limited to harp seals or only pelts, What impact does the Duke University study linking climate change to increased seal pup mortality, have on the management of Canada's seal harvest? ‘The study, which was funded by IFAW, is not raising any new questions. The Department's scientists have ‘actually been studying the potential impacts of ice conditions on harp seals for many years. The current Population remains abundant and is not at risk; in fact, it has grown fourfold in the last forty years to reach ‘ear historical highs not seen since at least the 1950s and probably longer. While it's true that harp seals require ice for giving birth and rearing their young; without access to stable ice, these seals may simply ‘modify their behaviour accordingly over time. ‘The realty is that the Canadian seal harvest is closely monitored and managed under the Precautionary ‘Approach to ensure the resource is conserved for generations to come. A wide range of factors, including ‘changing ice conditions and their potential impact on seal mortality rates, are carefully analyzed each year ‘and taken into account when making management decisions, What is the status of the seals market access agreement signed with China in January 20117 China is a key market among many being considered by the Canadian industry as it continues to diversity its business. The Government of Canada continues to collaborate with the industry to ensure ongoing ‘access for its products abroad, including in China, ‘Canada has initialed an agreement with China that will provide Canadian exporters an opportunity to sell edible seal products there. We have provided the Chinese authorities with clear evidence of the safety and ualty of our seal product exports and we are discussing with the Chinese government next steps to establish trade for Canadian products as soon as possible. We understand that international ant-sealing lobbyists are currently promoting opposition to seal products, in China, We believe that Chinese consumers should be free to make their own purchasing decisions based on the facts ~ that the Canadian seal harvest is sustainable, humane, and economically important to Canadian Coastal communities. Claims to the contrary are simply unfounded. have heard that there is an outbreak of disease in ringed seals in the United States and Canadian ‘Arctic. What impact will this have on negotiations with China? My officials have received reports of some dead seals being found in the Arctic United States and Canada. Ringed seals —which are not marketed commercially ~ are the only seal species affected, Fisheries and Oceans Canada is currently working alongside other Government departments to investigate the reports. ‘The population of harp seals, which is typically the species marketed commercially, is healthy and abundant and safe for human consumption. What is the status of Canada’s challenge of the European Union seal ban at the World Trade Organization? (Answer provided by the Department of Foreign Affairs and International Trade) ‘At Canada's request, the World Trade Organization established a dispute settlement panel on March 25, 2011 to examine the European Union's regulations that ban seal products, ‘ehdocuments and settings\vachonkilocal settings\temporary internet filesiolked\mep_sealdayonthehill (5).doe Created on: 18-Jan-12 Last saved by: Melanie Auger Created by: Alain Belle-Isle Revised: 19-Jan-12 1:41 PM Comms #: 889/11 ose TBaS” Page 3 of S ‘The next step is to select the panelists to hear the case. We are coordinating with Norway, another ‘complainant, in this process. ‘There is no definitive timetable for the case yet. Panel proceedings take on average approximately 16 months before a report is made public and a decision rendered. 6 —_Whatiis the Department doing to develop a market for grey seal products? ‘A Fisheries and Oceans Canada continues to work with provincial, territorial partners to ensure Canadian products have full access to international markets, ‘The Government of Canada and the Provinces and Territories are also supporting research and. development activities that will help the industry develop a viable market for its seal products. For its part, Fisheries and Oceans Canada has introduced developmental allocations to three industry groups, including the Nunatsiavut Government, to support the development of value added products that will support a strong and viable sealing industry for the futur. RESEARCH NEEDS - NA ROLLOUT COMMUNICATIONS PRODUCTS: Media Advisory CD Speech News Release 02 Backgrounder(s): Status of seal populations in Canada, Management of Canada’s Seal Harvest, ‘Sustainability of the Commerical seal harvest and the Responsible Use of seal products Fact Sheet (on seals and sealing) existing web-based materials will be updated prior to event Biographies Talking Points Ba MP. /Caucus Kit Props (describe) Seal Pins Post-Event Media (Twitter, Facebook) — news release and photos to be tweeted on DFO site and photos fed to participating Ministers and stakeholders for posting on their Facebook pages Web Content Photo Release Other (describe) Fer formation comment Oooso3280R00R: OTHER BACKGROUND INFORMATION: + Several high profile personalities willbe participating n the Northem Lights 2012, including: ©The Honourable Jean Charest, Premier of Quebec; ‘The Honourable Kathy Dunderdale, Premier of Newfoundland and Labrador; His Excellency David Jacobson, United States Ambassador to Canada, His Excellency Georgiy Memdov, Ambassador of the Russian Federation to Canada; and Environmentalist Oavid Suzuki. MEDIA PLAN PLANNING BJ. Live Coverage (check if yes) — we can expect live coverage if VVIP attends [Photographer Readout ‘eldocuments and settings\vachonk local settings\temporary internet filesolked\mep_sealdayonthebill (5).doc Created on: 18-Jan-12 Last saved by: Melanie Auger Created by: Alain Belle-Isle Revised: 19-Jan-12 1:41 PM Comms #: 889/11 ‘A0423599_5.000113 Page 4 of 5 STRATEGY ‘© To maximize coverage (national and regional). This will be done through a media advisory to the Parliamentary Press Gallery and utiization of the Department's media relations team in Ottawa, who willbe ‘contacting media directly. ‘= All questions not directly related to information being presented by DFO officals atthe technical briefing wil be directed to DFO media relations. ‘© DFO will also liaise with key industry stakeholders in order to provide contact information to media. PROMOTING THE EVENT Media Advisory + Yes Contacting Media + Yes FOLLOW-UP MEDIA (ONE-ON-ONES) English/French/Mulicultural Media Interviews ‘© Arranging interviews with sealing industry and media to discuss the importance of Canadian sealing, MEP APPROVED BY: Erin Filler Jan 17 ‘Communications Contact: Program Contact: Alain Belle-Isle, 613-990-0210 Robert Day, 613-991-6135 ‘eiddocuments and settings\vachonkilocal settings\temporary internet filesiolked\mep_sealdayonthehill (5).doc Created on: 18-Jan-12 Last saved by: Melanie Auger Created by: Alain Belle-Isle Revised: 19-Jan-12 1:41 PM ‘Comms #: 889/11 APPROVED 18-JAN-12 Page 5 of S ‘A0423599_6.000114 Message Event Proposal Date: February 2, 2012 ‘Media Market: National Media Location: Parliament Hill/ Ottawa Convention | English Media Spokesperson: Minister Centre (Ottawa, Ontario National | Ashfield Ee nee French Media Spokesperson: TBC ‘Multicultural Media Spokesperson: N/A ae PROACTIVE EVENT OR INVITATION ‘© Proactive event Timetine: ‘+—Photo-op with key seal stakeholders and Ministers at the Northern Lights Business and Cultural Showcase ‘+ 14:30 am ~ Media technical briefing by DFO on Canada’s sealing industry ‘= 1:45 pm — Photo-op of Ministers receiving seal pin prior to Question Period ‘© Meet and greet photo-op with Northern Canadian sealing stakeholders and seal artisans at the Arts and Cultural Pavilion at the Northern Lights 2012 Business and Cultural Showcase in Ottawa, Ontario (see: ‘ww. ‘+ Photo-op in the Foyer of the House of Commons with seal pins being put on VVIP (TBC), Ministers Ashfield, Penashue and Aglukkaq by representatives from Canada's North ‘+ Technical briefing with DFO officials on Canada's sealing industry which will highlight: DFO science on seal species found in Canada including studies on current population status and ecosystem interactions between seals and other marine life; the management of Canada's commercial seal harvests, and the sustainable use and socio-economic value of the seal harvest. GOVERNMENT OF CANADA FUNDING / PARTNER FUNDING (IF APPLICABLE): ‘+ The Northem Lights 2012 Business and Cultural Showcase is sponsored in part by the Atlantic Canada Opportunities Agency, the Canadian Northem Economic Development Agency, the Province of Newfoundland and Labrador, and Territory of Nunavut. There is no funding announcement planned as part of this proposed event. VENUE DESCRIPTION + The Ministers will visit with invited exhibitors of the show's Arts and Cultural Pavilion at the Ottawa Convention, Centre, where Inuit arts and crafts will be on display, including seal products, Foyer of the House of Commons for pinning ceremony prior to Question Period. + National Press Theatre for media technical briefing MEDIA INVITED? + Yes to be done by DFO MINISTER'S REGIONAL OFFICE CONTACTED? + yes OTHER PARTICIPANTS (MPs, PROVINCIAL REPS, STAKEHOLDERS, ETC) Ministers Ashfield, Penashue, Aglukkaq + Possibly WIP + Inuit and Northern officials and artisans. + Seal industy officials (TBC) ‘ehdocuments and settings\vachonkilocal settings\temporary internet files\olked\mep_sealdayonthehill (3).doe (Created on: 18-Jan-12 Last saved by: Melanie Auger Created by: Alain BelleIsle Revised: 19-Jan-12 1:41 PM Commas # 539/11 Berean oe ‘0423600, 7-000118 AUDIENCE SIZE AND DESCRIPTION / TARGET AUDIENCES + Media event (photo op and technical briefing — not for attribution) STRATEGIC OBJECTIVES + This event provides an opportunity to reiterate the Government of Canada’s commitment to the sealing industry ‘and promote it as a producer of healthy, safe, sustainable natural resource products. VISUAL MESSAGE(S) DESIRED PICTURE (STILL) ‘+ Ministers meeting with creators and vendors of seal products ‘+ Ministers receiving seal pins in the Foyer of the House of Commons before Question Period. ACTUAL SPEAKING BACKDROP + Inuit arts and crafts exhibits LENGTH OF SPEECH + NA TONE + Upbeat, positive ATTIRE + Business WRITTE! iMESSAGE(S)*/ NEWS RELEASE HEADLINE GOVERNMENT OF CANADA SUPPORTS SEALERS. DESIRED HEADLINE ‘© Government shows its support for Canadian sealers, DESIRED SOUNDBITE / KEY NEWS RELEASE SOUNDBITE ‘+ “Our government is commited to supporting economic opportunities in our northern and coastal regions. ‘Sealing is an important economic driver in many communities of Canada's East and the Eastem Arctic by ‘making responsible use of a safe, healthy and sustainable resource.” KEY MESSAGES ‘© Our government is committed to supporting economic prosperity in northern and coastal regions of the country ‘+ Sealing provides important economic benefits in many communities in Canada's Atlantic Provinces and the Eastern Arctic by making responsible use of a safe, healthy and sustainable resource. ‘= Canadian sealers, processors, artisans, and Inuit produce some of the world's finest quality products and ‘we will continue to defend their right to trade these products freely and legally anywhere they choose. ‘© There are around 8 milion harp seals in the Northwest Aantic, more than three times population in the 1970s; grey seals number around 350,000, or ten times the number found in the 1970s. These are healthy and sustainable seal populations. ‘©The commercial and subsistence harvests in Atlantic Canada and the North are sustainably managed and do not put the long-term health of seal populations at risk. ‘+The harvest is closely regulated, including a strict three-step process for harvesting seals designed to censure the high-level of animal welfare possible. ‘eidocuments and settingsivachonk local settings temporary internet filesiolked\mep_sealdayonthehill (3). doe Created on: 18-Jan-12 Last saved by: Melanie Auger Created by: Alain Belle-Isle Revised: 19-Jan-12 1:41 PM ‘Comms #: 889/11 A0423600_2-000116 ~ Page 2 of S KEY QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS: a AQ a2 a3 As ‘What impact will the Russian ban import of seal products have on the Canadian seal harvest? ‘The extent ofthis ban is not yet clear. We are following up with the Russian Federation to get a better understanding of the nature and extent ofthe apparent trade restrictions. We wall work with the Russian Federation to ensure ongoing access for Canadian seal products in that market. The Canadian sealing industry continues to promote market opportunities worldwide, and this effort is not limited to harp seals or only pets. What impact does the Duke University study linking have on the management of Canada's seal harvest? ate change to Increased seal pup mortality “The study, which was funded by IFAW, is not raising any new questions. The Departments scientists have actually been studying the potential impacts of ice conditions on harp seals for many years. The current population remains abundant and is not at risk; in fact, it has grown fourfold in the last forty years to reach ‘ear historical highs not seen since at least the 1950s and probably longer. While i's true that harp seals require ice for giving birth and rearing their young; without access to stable Ice, these seals may simply ‘modify their behaviour accordingly over time. ‘The really is that the Canadian seal harvest is closely monitored and managed under the Precautionary ‘Approach to ensure the resource is conserved for generations to come. A wide range of factors, including ‘changing ice conditions and their potential impact on seal mortality rates, are carefully analyzed each year ‘and taken into account when making management decisions, ‘What is the status of the seals market access agreement signed with China in January 20117 China is a key market among many being considered by the Canadian industry as it continues to diversity its business. The Government of Canada continues to collaborate with the industry to ensure ongoing access for its products abroad, including in China. ‘Canada has initialed an agreement with China that will provide Canadian exporters an opportunity to sell edible seal products there. We have provided the Chinese authorities with clear evidence of the safety and uality of our seal product exports and we are discussing with the Chinese govemment next steps 10 establish trade for Canadian products as soon as possible, ‘We understand that international anti-sealing lobbyists are currently promoting opposition to seal products in China, We believe that Chinese consumers should be free to make thelr own purchasing decisions based on the facts ~ that the Canadian seal harvest is sustainable, humane, and economically important to Canadian ‘coastal communities. Claims to the contrary are simply unfounded. have heard that there is an outbreak of disease in ringed seals in the United States and Canadian Arctic. What impact will this have on negotiations with China? (My officials have received reports of some dead seals being found in the Arctic United States and Canada. Ringed seals — which are not marketed commercially ~ are the only seal species affected, Fisheries and Oceans Canada is currently working alongside other Government departments to investigate the reports. ‘The population of harp seals, which is typically the species marketed commercially, is healthy and abundant and safe for human consumption. What is the status of Canada’s challenge of the European Union seal ban at the World Trade Organization? (Answer provided by the Department of Foreign Affairs and International Trade) ‘At Canada’s request, the World Trade Organization established a dispute settlement panel on March 25, 2011 to examine the European Union's regulations that ban seal products. ‘cidocuments and settingslvachonk\local setings\temporary intemet filesolked\mep_sealdayonthehill(3).doe, Created on: 18-Jan-12 Last saved by: Melanie Auger Created by: Alain Belle-Isle Revised: 19-Jan-12 1:41 PM Comms #: 889/11 APPROVED 18-JAN-12 Page 3 of 5 (A0423600_: 000117 ‘The next step isto select the panelists to hear the case, We are coordinating with Norway, another ‘complainant, inthis process. ‘There is no definitive timetable for the case yet Panel proceedings take on average approximately 15 months before a report is made public and a decision rendered. Q6 What is the Department doing to develop a market for grey seal products? ‘6 Fisheries and Oceans Canada continues to work with provincial, territorial partners to ensure Canadian products have full access to international markets. ‘The Government of Canada and the Provinces and Territories are also supporting research and development activities that will help the industry develop a viable market for its seal products. For its par, Fisheries and Oceans Canada has introduced developmental allocations to three industry groups, including the Nunatsiavut Government, fo support the development of value added products that will support a strong ‘and viable sealing industry for the future. RESEARCH NEDA oa RECOM rotates ‘COMMUNICATIONS PRODUCTS: Media Advisory Speech (News Release [_Backgrounder(s): Status of seal populations in Canada, Management of Canada’s Seal Harvest, Sustainability of the Commerical seal harvest and the Responsible Use of seal products Fact Sheet (on seals and sealing) — existing web-based materials will be updated prior to event Biographies ‘Talking Points aaa MP. Caucus Kit Props (describe) Seal Pins Post-Event Media (Twitter, Facebook) ~ news release and photos to be tweeted on DFO site and photos 10 participating Ministers and stakeholders for posting on their Facebook pages Web Content Photo Release Other (describe) For Information Comment aeaeeaes| ooogo: OTHER BACKGROUND INFORMATION: ‘+ Several high profile personalities will be participating n the Northem Lights 2012, including: The Honourable Jean Charest, Premier of Quebec; ‘The Honourable Kathy Dunderdale, Premier of Newfoundland and Labrador, is Excellency David Jacobson, United States Ambassador to Canada, bis Excallnoy Georaly Mero, Ambassador of the Russian Federation fo Canada; and vironmentalist David Suzuki MEDIA PLAN PLANNING [Bd Live Coverage (check if yes) — we can expect live coverage if VWIP attends [a Photographer Readout 00000 ‘e:Wdocuments and settings\vachonkilocal settings\emporary internet filesiolked\mep_sealdayonthehill (3).doc Created on: 18-Jan-12 Last saved by: Melanie Auger Created by: Alain Belle-Isle Revised: 19-Jan-12 1:41 PM (Comms #: 889/11 APPROVED I8-JAN-12 Page 4 of S ‘A0423600_4.000118 ‘STRATEGY ‘+ To maximize coverage (national and regional). This will be done through a media advisory to the Parliamentary Press Gallery and utilization of the Department's media relations team in Ottawa, who will be ‘contacting media directly ‘+ _Allquestions not directly related to information being presented by DFO officials at the technical briefing wil be directed to DFO media relations. '* DFO will also liaise with key industry stakeholders in order to provide contact information to media. PROMOTING THE EVENT Media Advisory » Yes Contacting Media * Yes FOLLOW-UP MEDIA (ONE-ON-ONES) English/FrenctvMulticultural Media Interviews ‘© Arranging interviews with sealing industry and media to discuss the importance of Canadian sealing MEP APPROVED BY: Erin Filter an 17 Communications Contact: Program Contact: Alain Belle-Isle, 613-990-0210 Robert Day, 613-991-6135 ‘documents and settings vachonk\local setings\temporary intemet filesolked\mep_sealdayonthehll(3).doe Created on: 18-Jan-12 Last saved by: Melanie Auger Created by: Alain Belle-Isle Revised: 19-Jan-12 1:41 PM Comms #: 889/11 A0423600_5-000119 Page 5 of S Pryce, Chevens From: Vachon, Kathryn Sent: 2012-January-25 9:25 AM To: Stanek, Frank; Carkner, Melanie Subject: RE: Feb 2 -Technical Briefing - Seals Attachments: MEP_SealDayontheHilldoc 2 MEP_SealDayo het. doc (124 Ihave the MEP - haven't had a chance to do a formal briefing note yet. Kathryn Vachon Tel (613) 998-1530 ‘Stanek, Frank January 25, 2012 9:22 AM ‘Vachon, Kathryn; Carkner, Melanie ‘Accepted: Feb 2 Technical Briefing - Seals January 25, 2012 2:00 PM-2:30 PM (GMT-05: Your office ) Eastern Time (US & Canada). Iwill ask Melanie to j us. Is there a briefing note that we can read in advance? Frank /A0423604_1-000120 Message Event Proposal Date: February 2, 2012 Media Market: National Media ‘Location: Parliament Hill/ Ottawa Convention | English Media Spokesperson: Minister Centre (Ottawa, Ontario)/ National | Ashfield [reee sheets French Media Spokesperson: TBC ‘Multicultural Media Spokesperson: N/A THE EVENT PROACTIVE EVENT OR INVITATION ‘© Proactive event Timeti ‘= —Photo-op with key seal stakeholders and Ministers at the Norther Lights Business and Cultural ‘Showcase ‘= 11:30 am — Media technical briefing by DFO on Canada's sealing industry ‘© 1:45 pm — Photo-op of Ministers receiving seal pin prior to Question Period ‘+ Meet and greet photo-op with Northern Canadian sealing stakeholders and seal artisans at the Arts and Cultural Pavilion at the Northern Lights 2012 Business and Cultural Showcase in Ottawa, Ontario (see: wu, ‘+ Photo-op in the Foyer of the House of Commons with seal pins being put on VVIP (TBC), Ministers Ashfield, Penashue and Aglukkag by representatives from Canada's North ‘+ Technical briefing with DFO officials on Canada's sealing industry which wil highlight: DFO science on seal species found in Canada including studies on current population status and ecosystem interactions. between seals and other marine lfe; the management of Canada's commercial seal harvests, and the sustainable use and socio-economic value of the seal harvest. GOVERNMENT OF CANADA FUNDING / PARTNER FUNDING (IF APPLICABLE): ‘* The Norther Lights 2012 Business and Cultural Showcase Is sponsored in part by the Atlantic Canada. Opportunities Agency, the Canadian Northem Economic Development Agency, the Province of [Newfoundland and Labrador, and Territory of Nunavut. There is no funding announcement planned as part ofthis proposed event. ‘VENUE DESCRIPTION +The Ministers wil visit wth invited exhibitors ofthe show's Arts and Cultural Pavilion atthe Ottawa Convention Centre, where Inuit ats and crafts will be on display, including seal products. + Foyer ofthe House of Commons for pinning ceremony prior to Question Period. + National Press Theatre for media technical briefing MEDIA INVITED? ‘+ Yes~tobe done by DFO MINISTER'S REGIONAL OFFICE CONTACTED? + yes OTHER PARTICIPANTS (MPs, PROVINCIAL REPS, STAKEHOLDERS, ETC) + Ministers Ashfield, Penashue, Aglukkag + Possibly WIP ‘+ Inuit and Northem officials and artisans + Seal industy officials (TBC) ‘cldocuments and settings\prycec\local setings\emporary internet filesolk44\mep_sealdayonthehill. doc Created on: 18-Jan-12 Last saved by: Melanie Auger Created by: Alain Belle-Isle Reviead: 10.tan19 at PM Comms # 889/11 “A0423604_2-000121 Page 1 of 5 AUDIENCE SIZE AND DESCRIPTION | TARGET AUDIENCES ‘+ Media event (photo op and technical briefing — not for attribution) ‘STRATEGIC OBJECTIVES ‘+ This event provides an opportunity to reterate the Government of Canada’s commitment tothe: and promote it as a producer of healthy, safe, sustainable natural resource products. VISUAL MESSAGE(S) DESIRED PICTURE (STILL) ‘+ Ministers meeting with creators and vendors of seal products ‘+ Ministers receiving seal pins in the Foyer of the House of Commons before Question Period, ACTUAL SPEAKING BACKDROP ‘© Inuitarts and crafts exhibits LENGTH OF SPEECH + NA TONE ‘+ Upbeat, positive ATTIRE Business WRITTEN MESSAGE(S) NEWS RELEASE HEADLINE GOVERNMENT OF CANADA SUPPORTS SEALERS. DESIRED HEADLINE ‘© Government shows its support for Canadian sealers DESIRED SOUNDBITE / KEY NEWS RELEASE SOUNDBITE. ‘= ‘Our government is committed to supporting economic opportunities in our northern and coastal regions. ‘Sealing is an important economic driver in many communities of Canada's East and the Eastern Arctic by making responsible use of a safe, healthy and sustainable resource. KEY MESSAGES ‘+ Our government is committed to supporting economic prosperity in northern and coastal regions of the county. + Sealing provides important economic benefits in many communities in Canada's Alantic Provinces and the Easter Arctic by making responsible use of a safe, healthy and sustainable resource. + Canadian sealers, processors, artisans, and init produce some of the world's finest quality products and _we will continue to defend ther right to trade these product freely and legally anywhere they choose. + There are around 8 milion harp seals inthe Northwest Atlantic, more than three times population in the 1870s; grey seals number around 350,000, or ten times the number found inthe 1970s. These are healthy and sustainable seal populations. +The commercial and subsistence harvests in Atantic Canada and the North are sustainably managed and do nat put the long-term health of seal populations at risk. + Theharvestis closely regulated, including a stict tree-step process for harvesting seals designed to censure the high-level of animal welfare possible. ‘ehdocuments and setings\pryceclocal seltingstemporary internet filesolk¢4imep_sealdayonthehill. doc Created on: 18-Jan-12 Last saved by: Melanie Auger Created by: Alain Belle-Isle Ragagaeoa’a-cooigs ‘Comms #: 889/11 = Page 2 of 5 KEY QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS a 2 & as ‘What impact will the Russian ban import of seal products have on the Canadian seal harvest? ‘The extent ofthis ban isnot yet clear. We are following up with the Russian Federation to get a better Understanding of the nature and extent ofthe apparent trade restrictions. We will work with the Russian Federation to ensure ongoing access for Canadian seal products in that market. The Canadian sealing Indus continues to promote market opportunites worwide, and thse sot ited to harp seas or iy pet What impact does the Duke University study linking climate change to increased seal pup mortality hhave on the management of Canada’s seal harvest? ‘The study, which was funded by IFAW, isnot raising any new questions. The Department’ scientists have actually been studying the potential impacts of ice conditions on harp seals for many years. The current Population remains abundant ands not at risk; in fact. it has grown fourfold inthe las forty years to reach ‘ear historical highs not seen since at least the 1950s and probably longer. While i's true that harp seals require ice fr giving bith and rearing their young; without access to stable ice, these seals may simply modi their behaviour accordingly overtime ‘The realty is that the Canadian seal harvest is closely monitored and managed under the Precautionary Approach to ensure the resource is conserved for generations to come. A wide range of factors, including ‘changing ice conditions and their potential impact on seal mortality rates, are carefully analyzed each year and taken into account when making management decisions. ‘What is the status of the seals market access agreement signed with China in January 2011? China is a key market among many being considered by the Canadian industry as it continues to diversity its business. The Government of Canada continues to collaborate withthe industry to ensure ongoing access for its products abroad, including in China Canada has initialed an agreement with China that will provide Canadian exporters an opportunity to sell edible seal products there. We have provided the Chinese authorities with clear evidence of the safety and ualty of our seal product exports and we are discussing with the Chinese government next steps to establish trade for Canadian products as soon as possible. We understand that international ant-sealing lobbyists are currently promoting opposition to seal products in China, We believe that Chinese consumers should be free to make their own purchasing decisions based on the facts ~ that the Canadian seal harvest is sustainable, humane, and economically important to Canadian ‘coastal communities. Claims to the contrary are simply unfounded. | have heard that there is an outbreak of disease in ringed seals in the United States and Canadian ‘Arctic. What impact will this have on negotiations with China? My offcials have received reports of some dead seals being found in the Arctic United States and Canada, Ringed seals ~ which are not marketed commercially ~ are the only seal species affected Fisheries and Oceans Canada is currently working alongside other Government departments to investigate the reports, ‘The population of harp seals, which is typically the species marketed commercially, is healthy and abundant ‘and safe for human consumption. ‘What is the status of Canada’s challenge of the European Union seal ban at the World Trade Organization? (Answer provided by the Department of Foreign Affairs and international Trade) ‘At Canada's request, the World Trade Organization established a dispute settlement panel on March 25, 2011 to examine the European Union's regulations that ban seal products. jocuments and setings\pryceo Vocal settings temporary intemetfilesiolk4@imep_sealdayonthchilldoe (Created on: 18-fan-I2 Last saved by: Melanie Auger Created by: Alain Belle-Isle Rec aiey Zeeiss ‘Comms # 889/11 ‘0423604 "4.000123 Page 3 of 5 ‘The next step is to select the panelists to hear the case. We are coordinating with Norway, another complainant, inthis process. ‘There is no definitive timetable forthe case yet. Panel proceedings take on average approximately 15 months before a report is made public and a decision rendered. 28 What Is the Department doing to develop a market for grey seal products? & Fisheries and Oceans Canada continues to work with provincial, territorial partners to ensure Canat products have full access to international markets, ‘The Government of Canada and the Provinces and Terttories are also supporting research and development activities that will help the industry develop a viable market for its seal products. For its pat, Fisheries and Oceans Canada has introduced developmental allocations to three industry groups, including ‘Nunatsiavut Government, to support the development of value added products that will support a strong ‘and viable sealing industry forthe future. RESEARCH NEEDS + NA ROLLOUT COMMUNICATIONS PRODUCTS: By Media Acvisory Speech News Release Backgrounders): Status of seal populations in Canada, Management of Canada's Seal Harvest, Sustanabily of the Commerical seal harvest and the Responsible Use of seal products Fact Sheet (on seals and sealing) ~ existing web-based materials will be updated prior to event Biographies Talking Points 8a MP. (Caucus Kit Props (describe) Seal Pins Post-Event Media (Twitter, Facebook) — news release and photos to be tweeted on DFO site and photos ed to participating Ministers and stakeholders for posting on their Facebook pages. ‘Web Gontent Photo Release Other (descrive) For Information Comment ac OOokO0geR08008: OTHER BACKGROUND INFORMATION: ‘+ Several high profile personalities will be participating in the Northern Lights 2012, including: ‘The Honourable Jean Charest, Premier of Quebec; ‘The Honourable Kathy Dunderdale, Premier of Newfoundland and Labrador; His Excellency David Jacobson, United States Ambassador to Canada; His Excellency Georgiy Memdov, Ambassador ofthe Russian Federation to Canada; and Environmentalist David Suzuki MEDIA PLAN PLANNING 1) Live Coverage (check tyes) — we can expect live coverage if WVIP attends 1d Photographer i Readout 0000 ‘ehdocuments and setings\prycecllocal setings\emporary intemet filesolk44\mep_sealdayonthehll. doe, (Created on: 18-Jan-12 Last saved by: Melanie Auger ” Alain Bel erica 10. Tan. 0 1-41 DM Created by: Alain Belle-Isle Pauaaiehd Fobose Comms #: 889/11 Page 4 of 5 STRATEGY ‘+ Tomaximize coverage (national and regional). This will be done through a media advisory to the Parliamentary Press Gallery and utilization of the Department's media relations team in Ottawa, who will be ‘contacting media directy. ‘= Allquestions not directly related to information being presented by DFO officials atthe technical briefing wil be directed to DFO media relations. ‘+ DFO wil also liaise with key industry stakeholders in order to provide contact information to media. PROMOTING THE EVENT Media Advisory + Yes Contacting Media = Yes FOLLOW-UP MEDIA (ONE-ON-ONES) English/French/Mutticuttural Mecta Interviews ‘© Arranging interviews with sealing industry and media to discuss the importance of Canadian sealing, MEP APPROVED BY: Erin Filter Jan 17 ‘Communications Contact: ‘Program Contact: Alain Belle-Isle, 613-990-0210 Robert Day, 613-991-6135 ‘chdocuments and setings\pryceelocal settingsemporary internet fileswolk¢4\mep_sealdayonthehill.doc Crentod on: 18 ne12 Last saved by: Melanie Auger Created by: Alain Belle-Isle Rjoazae04 6-000128 ‘Comms #: 889/11 Page 5 of 5 FOR APPROVAL: 889/11 HQ-MEP: SEALER SUPPORT MEDIA EVENT ON PARLI..... Page | of 1 Vachon, Kathryn From: Walker-Sisttie, Rhonda Sent: January 25, 2012 1:29 PM To: Vachon, Kathryn Subject: FW: 889/11 HQ-MEP: SEALER SUPPORT MEDIA EVENT ON PARLIAMENT HILL, FEBRUARY 2, 2012 Attachments: MEP_SealDayontheHiil comments.doc From: Collins, Carlotta [] Sent: January 25, 2012 1:02 PM To: XNCR, ComApproval/Approbation; Beelen, Christine Ce: Walker-Sisttie, Rhonda; McRae, Cathy Subject: 889/11 HQ-MEP: SEALER SUPPORT MEDIA EVENT ON PARLIAMENT HILL, FEBRUARY 2, 2012 Hi, this is okay with tracked changes. 05/03/2012 ‘A0423606_1.000126 Date: February 2, 2012 | Media Market: National Media Message Event Proposal - | Deleted: Tac Location: Parliament Hill/ Ottawa Convention | English Media Spokesperson: Minister Deleted: documents and | Centre (Ottawa, Ontario) National | Ashfield setigt, beta Setingtcnponey tenet | Press Theatre French Media Spokesperson:,[BD ‘Multicultural Media Spokesperson: N/A THE EVENT PROACTIVE EVENT OR INVITATION Proactive event Timeline: ‘+ 11am~ Photo-op with key seal stakeholders and Ministers at he Norther Lights Business and Cutral Showcase + 11:90 am-~ Media technical briefing by DFO on Canada's sealing industry {145 pm™ Photo-op of Mists reeling seal pin prior to Question Period EVENT ‘+ Mest and greet photo-p with Northern Canadian sealing stakeholders and soal artisans atthe Ats and ‘Catal Pavilon at the Northem Lights 2012 Business and Cultural Showcase in Ottawa, Ontario (see am norteroighisotawe com) + Pholo-op inthe Foyer ofthe House of Commons with seal pins being put on VWIP (TBC), Ministers Ashfield, Penashue and Agukkag by representatives rom Canada’s North + Technical briefing with OFO ofcils on Canada's sealing industry which wil highlight: DFO science on se ‘species found in Canada including stuaies on current population status and ecosystem interactions ‘Detweon seals and other marine Ie; the management of Canada's commercial seal harvests, andthe ‘Sustainable use and secio-econonie value ofthe teal harvest, (GOVERNMENT OF CANADA FUNDING / PARTNER FUNDING (IF APPLICABLE): ‘+ The Northem Lights 2012 Business and Cultural Showease Is eponsored in part by the Atlantic Canada ‘Opportunities Agency, the Canaslan Northern Economie Development Agency, the Province of "Newloundland and Labrador, and Terry of Nunavut. Thee Is no funding announcement planned as part ‘ofthis proposed event, VENUE DESCRIPTION +The Ministers wil vist wth inte extbors ofthe show's Ats and Cultural Pavlon atthe Otawa Convention Centro, where Iu ats and eas wil be on apa, including seal product i Foyer of he House of Commons fr pining coremony por Question Period k 1 Natonal Press Theare for media technical being f MEDIA INVITED? ip + Yosto be done by OFO i MINISTER'S REGIONAL OFFICE CONTACTED? } yes I (OTHER PARTICIPANTS (MPs, PROVINCIAL REPS, STAKEHOLDERS, ETC) . ah + Ministers Ashe, Penashve, Aglukkag Possiby VIP. Inuit and Norther ofcials and aan ‘ashonklocal si MlesolRed ney seal dnvonihehi commen (Created on: 25-Jan-12 Last saved by: Privy Council Office / bureau du Conse (Created by: Alain Belle-Isle rive (Comms #: 889/11 Revised: 2S-fan-12 1224 PM APPROVED ISJAN=I2 Page ofS fetathatenep ayn ‘Deleted cscunens and | eine cliasion | Sengstenpry ene Fiesobsodinep sealdayobei ae Deleted: wisprovatew ng 201 Nadeep_alionb oe Inserted ours and serings bert ‘tings tenor tere ‘tame seaspotei onmetedor gered documents and {eft 308ee sedeyondesit (oeletd a ‘A0423606_2-000127 + Sea industry ofits (TEC) [AUDIENCE SIZE AND DESCRIPTION / TARGET AUDIENCES ‘| Media event photo op and technical breing not fr atbuton) STRATEGIC OBJECTIVES + This event provides an opportunity to reiterate the Government of Canada's commitment to the eeaing industry and promote a a producer of healty, safe, sustainable natural resource products. [ Deleted: «documens and aoe. | flesh 2a nep_seadeyntiell | Soomro VISUALAMESSAGE(S) DESIRED PICTURE (STILL) 2 vitor meeting wih crestor and vendors of ssl products 1 Mnitors recog seal pin inthe Foyer of te House of Conmons before Question Pod. [ACTUAL SPEAKING BACKDROP ae axe Setrsemperey ere Feai0dene belaytel | & oe iit ats od ea Thserted: «sume ad Tout as end eras ets teint hte teingtanpcny tenet LENGTH OF SPEECH Fegaktatne vant oN fenmens ee TONE Inserted: «une + Upbeat, positive ATTIRE fegah0de seldom. 2 Bness WRITTEN MESSAGE(S): 2% S000, NEWS RELEASE HEADLINE (GOVERNMENT OF CANADA SUPPORTS SEALERS, DESIRED HEADLINE. | + Harper Government shows its suppor for Canadian sealers DESIRED SOUNDBITE / KEY NEWS RELEASE SOUNDITE ‘+ "Our governments commited to supporting economic opportunites in our nrthem and coastal regions. ‘Sealing is an important economic diver n many communites of Canada's East and the Easiem Arce by ‘making responsible use of @ ste hea a sustanabe resource” KEY MESSAGES ‘+ Our governments commited to supporting economic prosper in northem and coasta regions of he county. i + Seating provides imprint economic benefits in many commuritisin Canada's Aan Provinces and the Eestem Artic by making responsble Use of Safe, heal end sustainable resource. H + Canadian sealers, processor, artisans, and inul produce some ofthe work's nest quality products andj we wil continue to etend ther night to irade these produc ey and legally anywhere they choose. | + Thor ae sroon 8 mon harp sais in he Nobwest Atlan, more han te tes ppuaioninthe | {Sie roy wen mow oun 360.00 ents’ fund ie Tee hve we eathy | and cutie sel populations : +The commarcal and susstenc harvests in Atanc Canada andthe Noth are sustainaby mangoes and” Spoat pu eon heath of sal popu a : ‘+The harvests dosely regulated, cluding a set three-siep process for harvesting seals designed to (Deleted 1 va Pn [esieiediataraucirats ensure the highiove of animal welfare possible |Z aosaents and stings vachonk cal setinps temporary internet Hes olkedep_scaldavonihehil comments @hdos (Created on: 25-Jan-12 Last saved by: Privy Council ice / bureau ds Created by: Alain Belle-Ile rset Comms #: 889/11 Revised: 25-Jan-12 12:24PM. APPROVID, 2 Page 2 0f5 A0423606_3-000128 Deleted: winyronatcap ban) Nadine pales KEY QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS lat x as Moses and stings vashonh local seingssempony nse HlsoIRedine_Sealshyonibehi sommes What impact wil the Russian ban on the Import of seal products have on the Canadian seal harvest? ‘The extent ofthis ban isnot yet clear. We are following up with the Russian Federation to get a beter Lnderetanding ofthe nature and extort ofthe apparent trade restcuons. We wil work wih the Russian Federation to ensure ongoing access for Canadian seal products in that market. The Canadian sealing Indust continues to promote market opportunites wordwide, and tis ofr isnt limited te harp seals or only pets. What impact does the Duke University study linking climate change to Increased seal pup mortally hhave on the management of Canada's seal harvost? ‘The study, which was funded by IFAW, isnot raising ay new questions. The Dopartmont's scientists have actually Beon studying he potetal impacts fice conditons on harp seas for many years. The current. opuiaton remains abundant and snot at isk; n fact has grown fourfold in the last forty years to roach Fear historical highs not seen slace at east tho 1980s and probably longer. While I's te that harp seal. Fequre co for giving bith and rearing Tek young; without access 1 stable co, these seals may simply ‘modiy their behaviour accordingly over time, ‘The realty is thatthe Canadian seal harvests closely monitored and managed under the Precautionary ‘Approach to ensure the resource fs conserved fr generations to come. A wide range of factors, including ‘hanging ce condtions and ter potential impact on seal morality rates, are carefuly analyzed each year land taken into account when making management decsons. What i the status of the seals market access agreement signed with China in January 20117 Chine isa key market among many being considered by the Canadian industry a5 continues to dveriy fs busines. The Government of Canada contnvs to collaborate with the inst to ensure ongoing, access for is products abroad, including in China ‘Canada has inaled an agreement wit Chia that wil provide Canadian exporters an opportunity to sll ‘edie seal products ere. We have provded the Chinese auhorites wi clear evidence of th safety and {ually of our seal product exports and we ae discussing with the Chinese government next stops to estabsh rade for Canadian products as soon as possible, ‘We understand thatifemationalan-sealing lobbyist are curently promoting opposition o seal products inChina. ‘We belive that Chinese consumers shouldbe free to make thelr own purchasing decisions based on the {acts ~ thatthe Canadian seal harvest is sustainable, humane, and economically important to Canadian ‘coastal communities. Claims to the contrary re simply unfounded. ' have hoard that there Is an outbreak of dlasase In ringed seals Inthe United States and Canadian Acti. What impact wll this have on negotiations with China? ve received report of ome dead seal berg fund inthe Arce Und States and Cana, ‘which are not marketed commefiqly- are the only seal spec Fisheries and Oceans Canada’s curertly working alongside tier Government departments to investigate the report, “The population otharp seals, wbich s typical the species markotad commercial, is healthy and abundant and Safe for human consumption, 2) doe ‘Created om: 2 Last saved by: Privy Council Office bureau du Conseil Greed by Alin Belese pve ‘Comms #889711, Revised Jan? 1224 PM ‘APPROVED [SJAN=12 Page 30f5 [ecco a poverey secre nt Sette cena Sms Delta gd | Sepe cttnes gern are ae Seng tempera none erat sayeth Inserted: dosumen nd feng. salina! ‘etn empory ene Fiesa0dnep seconde. ‘A0423606_4.000129 QS What is the status of Canada's challenge ofthe European Union seal ban atthe World Trad Organtzation? (Answer provided by the Department of Foreign Aars and International Trade) AS ALCanada's request, the World Trade Organization estabished a dispute settement panel on Mach 25, 2011 to examine the European Union's reguations thal ban veal produc ‘Te next stop iso select the panes to hear the case. We are coordinating with Norway, another complainant inthis process. ( Deteted ocumens nd “Ther is no Geintive timetable or the case yt. ‘ign ec step eet and proceedings tke on average approximately 18 months beloeaeportismade pubic and a dection | tnsvlanoaehit rendered commen z [Deleted scones nd 25 _Whatis the Department doing to devalop a markot for gry sl product? ‘igre ‘ingen aneet ‘AS Fsheries and Oceans Canada continues o wrk wih provincial, teritoral partners fo ensue Canadian syn prodete have hl czas ointrnaonal marl. . ‘The Goverment of Canada and the Provinces and Tertois ar algo supporting research and | Rastep eatounalhs > << File: MA_SealsDay.doc >> << File: Scenario Note - Pinning Ceremony (eal Day on the Hill).doc >> ‘A0423622_2.000145 EBAUCHE FICHE D’INFORMATION Le marché pour les produits canadiens du phoque Les phoques sont chassés depuis des centaines d’années pour servir de nourriture, de combustible, d'habillement et pour d'autres produits. L'utilisation et la commercialisation des produits du phoque ont beaucoup évolué au fil des ans. Les produits du phoque au Canada La valeur économique des produits du phoque pour I'économie canadienne repose en premier lieu sur ce qu'il est convenu d'appeler la « valeur des débarquements » de la récolte. Dit plus simplement, il s'agit de la valeur des phoques prélevés, avant transformation, pour les chasseurs de phoque. En 2006, la valeur totale des débarquements de phoques se chiffrait & 34,3 millions de dollars. II s'agissait d'un niveau record, qui a eu des retombées positives sur d'autres secteurs de l'économie. Les vétements en peaux de phoque, par exemple manteaux, bottes, mitaines et divers articles en cuir, sont a la fois chauds et imperméables, ce qui en fait des vétements pratiques et recherchés dans les régions du Nord du Canada oii le climat est des plus Tigoureux. La peau de phoque est un produit naturel issu de exploitation durable de ressources naturelles La viande de phoque est un élément important du régime alimentaire des Inuits et constitue également un produit alimentaire traditionnel dans les communautés cétiéres de l'Atlantique. Le paté de nageoires de phoque est un met traditionnel trés prisé a Terre-Neuve-et-Labrador. La viande de phoque est servie de plus en plus souvent dans les restaurants, en particulier au Québec, et on lui a fait une place de choix sur le menu du restaurant du Parlement. L'huile de phoque est encore utilisée de nos jours comme combustible dans les localités inuites et certaines autres localités nordiques. En outre, comme cette huile est riche en oméga-3, elle est vendue comme produit de santé et commercialisée au Canada sous diverses marques de commerce. Les produits du phoque sur le marché international Pendant des décennies, le Canada a été le plus grand exportateur mondial de produits du phoque. Lincertitude sur les marchés mondiaux, y compris la récession et les restrictions visant I'accés aux marchés, comme I'interdiction de l'Union européenne (UE) visant les produits du phoque, a eu des répercussions sur les exportations au cours des derniéres années. C'est pourquoi le Canada a demandé des consultations fficielles, selon le processus de réglement des différends, auprés de !Organisation mondiale du commerce (OMC), afin de contester I'interdiction imposée par I'UE. ‘-Mlocuments and settings\vachonk local settingstemporary internet filesioked\fs_seals_markets_fr.doc (Créé te : 27-Jan-12 Demier enregistrement effectué par : vachonk ‘Créé par : vachonk Révag423622_3-000146 Page I de 2 EBAUCHE Malgré ces difficultés, les statistiques relatives aux exportations montrent quil existe une demande mondiale pour les produits du phoque. Entre 2006 et 2011, le Canada a exporté des produits du phoque pour une valeur de plus de 40 millions de dollars (US) dans plus de 35 pays. Ces produits comprenaient des peaux de phoque, des vétements 4 valeur ajoutée et des produits comestibles du phoque (huile et viande). L'expansion et le maintien de 'accés aux marchés sont d'une importance primordiale pour les pays exportateurs comme le Canada. En tant que membre de Organisation mondiale du commerce, le Canada appuie un systéme commercial international axé sur des régles et estime que les consommateurs devraient avoir la possibilité de prendre leurs propres décisions avisées d'achat.. L'imposition d'interdictions ou de restrictions relatives aux produits du phoque crée un dangereux précédent pour d'autres produits qui font objet du commerce mondial. Utilisation durable et avenir des produits canadiens du phoque La position du Canada relativement la conservation des phoques est conforme au principe d'utilisation durable des ressources naturelles préconisé par l'Union internationale pour la conservation de la nature. Ce principe se fonde sur un équilibre entre la conservation de la biodiversité et la possibilité d'exploiter les ressources naturelles de maniére a en retirer des avantages économiques, sociaux et culturels sur une base durable. Le Canada effectue une surveillance étroite de la chasse aux phoques et applique de maniére rigoureuse la réglementation visant la chasse aux phoques. Un suivi des populations de phoques au Canada est effectué et les niveaux de prélévement parla chasse sont ajustés au besoin, en fonction des relevés scientifiques et des estimations des populations de phoques. Le Canada est fortement en faveur d’échanges commerciaux équitables et ouverts et revendique le droit d'exploiter ses ressources, y compris ses ressources biologiques marines, de fagon durable. ‘ehdocuments and settings\vachonkilocal settings\temporary internet files\olked\fs_seals_markets_ff.doc (Créé le : 27-Jan-12 Derier enregistrement effectué par: vachonk (Créé par : vachonk ‘RéviA0423622_4-000147 Paoe? An? DRAFT Fact Sheet - Web Monitoring and Control of the Seal Harvest The Government of Canada is committed to ensuring a safe, well-managed, and humane seal harvest in accordance with the rules set out in the Marine Mammal Regulations (MMR) and the conditions of licensing. Fishery officers have the primary responsibilty for Monitoring-Control-Surveillance (MCS) activities and enforcement of the commercial seal harvest in Canada. Their main objectives in ‘monitoring the harvest are to: * enforce regulations including the three-step process for humanely killing seals and the ban on harvest of whitecoat or blueback seals; © Maintain accurate reporting of landings and quota compliance; and *__ Monitor by-catches of seals. Annumber of tools and surveillance methods are employed for a well-balanced enforcement program including: © aerial surveillance; «remote monitoring using a high resolution, helicopter-mounted, gyro stabilized camera system ‘+ vessel monitoring systems (satellite tracking); ‘+ _at-sea patrols and inspections; + dockside and landing site patrols and inspections; and ‘+ inspections at buyer and processor facilities. documents and settings\vachonk Vocal settings\temporary intemet flesioiked\fs_seal_mes.doc Created on: 20-Jan-12 Last saved by: vachonk Created by: vachonk Revised: 27-Jan-12 1:18 PM Docket # 60/12 ‘A0423622_ 5.000148, Page 1 of 2 In addition, the Canadian Coast Guard provides support when required, and monitoring and enforcement is provided, as needed by the RCMP and the Quebec provincial police. At-sea observers may also be randomly deployed to individual sealing vessels. While observers do not have enforcement powers they complement the monitoring done by fishery officers by immediately reporting any irregularities. Sealers who fail to observe humane harvesting practices, licence conditions, and catch requirements are penalized. During the 2011 harvest, there were 60 reported violations, of which 31 were related to humane harvesting. This is a significant decrease from the 140 violations investigated in 2010. Any violations of Canada's regulations are taken very seriously. The consequences of such illegal actions are decided by the court and could include court-imposed fines, licence prohibitions and the forfeiting of catches, fishing gear, vessels and vehicles. ‘eidocuments and settings\vachonk local settings\temporary internet filesolked\s_seal_mes.doc Created on: 20-Jan-12 Last saved by: vachonk Created by: vachonk Revised: 27-Jan-12 1:18 PM Docket # 60/12 ‘80423622 6-000149 EBAUCHE Feuillet d'information - Web SUIVI ET CONTROLE DE LA CHASSE AUX PHOQUES Le gouvernement du Canada s'est engagé d'une part a assurer la sécurité de méme que la bonne gestion de la chasse aux phoques et d'autre part a ce qu'elle se déroule sans cruauté conformément aux ragies établies dans le Réglement sur les mammiféres marins (RMM) et aux conditions régissant "attribution des permis. Les agents des péches assument la principale responsabilité des activités de suivi, de controle et de surveillance (SCS) et de 'application des réglements régissant la chasse commerciale du phoque au Canada. Leurs principaux objectifs au chapitre du suivi de la chasse se résument comme suit + appliquer la réglementation, notamment faire respecter le processus en trois étapes qui permet de tuer les phoques sans cruauté de méme que ‘interdiction de la chasse aux blanchons et aux jeunes phoques a dos bleu; + établir des rapports précis sur les débarquements et la conformité aux quotas; * faire le suivi des prises accessoires faites dans le cadre d'autres péches. Divers outils et diverses méthodes de surveillance sont utilisés pour assurer un programme application bien équilibré, notamment + la surveillance aérienne; + la surveillance a distance au moyen d'un systéme de caméra gyrostabilisé & haute résolution monté a bord d'un hélicoptére; des systémes de surveillance des navires (suivi par satellite); des patrouilles et des inspections en mer; des patrouilles et des inspections a quai et sur les lieux de débarquement; des inspections aux installations de l'acheteur et aux sites de transformation ‘chdocuments and settings\vachonk local settings\temporary internet filesolked\(s_seal_mes_fr.doc (Créé le : 30-janv.-12 Demier enregistrement effectué par : vachonk Se Révision 20-iany 19 8-14 Page 1 de 2 ‘A0423622_7-000160 EBAUCHE En outre, la Garde cétiére canadienne fournit un appui en navires et en hélicoptéres au besoin et la GRC de méme que Ia police provinciale du Québec effectuent au besoin des taches de surveillance et d'application. Des observateurs indépendants des péches sont parfois déployés au hasard sur des navires phoquiers. Bien que les observateurs ne soient pas investis de pouvoirs d'application de la loi, ils viennent appuyer le travail de surveillance des agents des p&ches en signalant immédiatement les irrégularités. Les chasseurs qui ne respectent pas les méthodes de chasse sans cruauté, les conditions de leur permis ou les exigences rattachées aux captures sont pénalisés. Durant la saison de chasse 2011, 60 infractions ont été signalées. De ce nombre, 31 étaient liées a la méthode de chasse sans cruauté. Cela représente une diminution significative par rapport aux 140 infractions ayant fait objet d'une enquéte en 2010. Toutes les infractions a la réglementation canadienne sont prises trés au sérieux. Les conséquences de ces actes illégaux sont déterminées par la Cour et comprennent entre autres imposition d'amendes par le tribunal et la confiscation des prises, des engins de péche (ou de chasse), des navires, des véhicules et des permis. ‘eidocuments and settings\vachonk local settings\temporary intemet files\olked\fs_seal_mes_fr.doc Cré€ te : 30-janv.-12 Demier enregistrement effectué par : vachonk ‘Créé par : vachonk Riqo423622_8-000157 Page 2 de 2 DRAFT Fact Sheet - Web Managing Canada's Commercial Seal Harvest Seals are a valuable natural resource, and the seal harvest is an economic mainstay for rural communities in Atlantic Canada, Quebec and the North. ‘The seal harvest is managed through an Integrated Fisheries Management Plan. The plan identifies the main objectives and requirements for the harvest and provides for more informed stakeholder input into management decisions while promoting a common understanding of the basic “rules” for the sustainable management of the resource. Important management aspects include: Ensuring the Sustainability of the Seal Harvest The annual Total Allowable Catch (TAC) sets the upper limit of what can be harvested commercially in any given year. TAC decisions are based on long-term conservation and ‘sustainability principles and take into consideration the department's Management Plan, scientific advice, as well as consultation with industry. The commercial seal harvest, like other fisheries managed by DFO, incorporates the precautionary approach to management with the objective that the seal population remains at a healthy level Population estimates are revised annually through a scientific peer-review process that includes departmental scientists as well as experts from academia, non-government organizations and, in certain cases, the industry. These estimates rely on information from various sources, including regular overflights of whelping and breeding areas, sample collection and analysis (eg. reproductive rates), and comprehensive surveys conducted every three or four years. Participation in the Harvest Harvesters require either a commercial or personal use licence to harvest seals. A freeze on new commercial seal licences is in effect for all areas of Atlantic Canada and Quebec (with the exception of Aboriginal sealers, and the harvest for grey seals). Since 1995, residents adjacent to sealing areas throughout Newfoundland and Labrador and Quebec have been allowed to harvest up to six seals for their own use. Aboriginal peoples and non-Aboriginal coastal residents who reside north of 53°N latitude can continue to harvest seals for subsistence purposes without a licence. Fishing Seasons/Areas Seasons and areas for the seal harvest are set by the Marine Mammal Regulations (MMR). The season for the commercial harvest of harp and hooded seals is established in consultation with sealing fleets taking into account environmental and biological conditions. The exact dates for the annual harvest can be adjusted by Variation Orders to accommodate changing umstances. documents and settings\wachonkilocal settings\temporary internet filesiolked\f_seal_mgmt.doc Created on: 19-Jan-12 Last saved by: vachonk Created by: vachonk Revised: 31-Jan-12 12:15 PM Docket # 60/12 Page 1 of 2 ‘A0423622_9.000152 DRAFT ‘The majority of harp sealing occurs between late March and mid-May, beginning around the third week in March in the southern Gulf of St. Lawrence, and about the second week in April off Newfoundland and Labrador (the Front). The timing of harvest activities in the northern Gulf of St. Lawrence depends largely on the movement of ice floes on which seals are located. The peak commercial harvest in this area is generally in early April. ‘The grey seal harvest generally begins in mid-February on coastal islands off Nova Scotia and the Southern Gulf of St. Lawrence. Consultations The Atlantic Seal Advisory Committee is the primary consultative body between the Department and sealing stakeholders. The committee meets annually to develop advice for the Minister on management issues, and provide information and updates on a variety of related activities such as market access and international trade issues. Regional consultation meetings also occur prior to the Atlantic Seal Advisory Committee meeting to report on issues of interest to local seal harvesters and to determine prirotity items to be discussed at the Atlantic-wide meeting. ‘cidocuments and settingsachonk\local settings\temporary internet filesolked\fs_seal_mgmt.doc Created on: 19-Jan-12 Last saved by: vachonk. Created by: vachonk Revised: 31-Jan-12 12:15 PM Docket # 60/12 ‘A0423622_10-000183 Page 2 of 2 DRAFT BACKGROUNDER The Market for Canadian Seal Products Seals have been harvested for food, fuel, clothing and other products for hundreds of years. Over time, the use and market for seal products has evolved considerably. Seal Products in Canada The economic value of seal products to the Canadian economy begins with what is called the ‘landed value’ of the harvest. Quite simply, this is the pre-processed value of the harvest to the harvesters. In 2006, the total landed value of the seal harvest was C$34.3 million. This was an historic high value that had a trickle down effect in other sectors of the economy. Sealskin garments, including coats, boots, mittens and leather items, are both warm and waterproof, making them practical and prized in Canada's harsh Northern regions. Sealskin is a natural product of a sustainable harvest of natural resources. Seal meat constitutes an important part of the Inuit diet and is also a traditional food in many Atlantic coastal communities. Flipper pie is a traditional favourite in Newfoundland and Labrador. Seal meat is also increasingly featured in restaurants, especially in Quebec, and has been showcased on the menu of the Parliamentary Restaurant. Seal oil continues to be used for fuel in Northern and Inuit communities and is also found in Omega 3 health products, which are marketed in Canada under various brand names Seal Products in the International Market For decades, Canada has been the largest global exporter of seal products. Uncertainty in global markets, including the recession and market access restrictions, such as the European Union (EU) seal products ban has had an impact on exports in recent years. Canada is currently appealing the EU ban through the World Trade Organization (WTO) dispute settlement process. Despite the challenges, export statistics demonstrate that there is global demand for seal products. Between 2006 and 2011, Canada exported over $40 million (US) worth of seal products to more than 35 countries, including seal pelts, value-added garments, and edible seal products (oil and meat). Expanding and maintaining access to markets is of paramount importance for exporting countries such as Canada. As a member of the World Trade Organization, Canada supports a rules-based global trading system and believes that consumers should have the opportunity to make their own informed purchasing decisions. The imposition of ‘documents and settings\vachonklocal settings temporary interetRilesoIked\s_seals_markels doo Created on: 25-Jan-12 Last saved by: vachonk Created by: vachonk Revised: 31-Jan-12 12:15 PM Docket # 60/12 Page 1 of 2 (80423622_11-000154 DRAFT bans or restrictions on seal products creates a dangerous precedent for other products which are traded globally Sustainable Use and the Future of Canadian Seal Products Canada's position on the conservation of seals is consistent with the International Union for the Conservation of Nature’s principle of the sustainable use of natural resources. This principle notes the balance between conserving biodiversity and the opportunity to derive economic, social and cultural benefit in a sustainable manner. Canada monitors the seal harvest closely and enforces seal harvest regulations to the fullest extent of the law. The seal populations in Canada are monitored and harvest levels are adjusted as needed, based on scientific surveys and estimation of seal populations. Canada strongly believes in fair and open trade and the right to harvest its resources, including living marine resources, in a sustainable manner. ‘eiddocuments and settings\vachonk local setings\emporary internet filesioiked\fs_seals_markets.doc Created on: 25-Jan-12 Last saved by: vachonk Created by: vachonk Revised: 31-Jan-12 12:15 PM Docket # 60/12 Page 20f2 ‘A0423622_12-000185 EBAUCHE Feuillet de documentation Phoques et Sciences 4 Péches et Océans Canada Le Canada compte six espéces de vrais phoques + Phoque du Groenland Phoque gris Phoque a capuchon Phoque annelé Phoque commun Phoque barbu Parmi ces phoques, le phoque du Groenland et le phoque gris font l'objet de recherches scientifiques ciblées au ministére des Péches et des Océans (MPO) Phoques du Groentand Taille : Les phoques du Groeniand adultes mesurent entre 1,7 & 2,0 m de long et pésent entre 140 et 190 kg. Habitudes alimentaires et incidence sur I'écosystéme : Les phoques du Groenland se nourrissent d'une variété de poissons tels que le capelan, la morue, le hareng, le chabot, le flétan noir, le sébaste et la plie canadienne. Ils consomment également des crustacés, des crevettes et des crevettes tachetées. Le ministére des Péches et des Océans a mené de nombreuses études sur les interactions liges aux phoques du Groenland, dont deux ateliers tenus en 2007 et en 2008, ot on a tenté d’évaluer effet des phoques du Groenland sur les stocks de poisson. Ces résultats laissent croire que la prédation du phoque du Groenland n'est pas un facteur important jusqu‘ici dans absence du rétablissement de la morue et que la faible productivité caractérisant le rétablissement est associge a une faible abondance du capelan. Dans le golfe du Saint- documents and seitings\vachonlocal settings\temporary internet filesoiked\fs_sealsscience_frdoc Cree le : 30-jany.-12 Demier enregistrement par: vachonk CCréé par : vachonk 1a0423622_13-000156 Page I de 9 EBAUCHE Laurent, les relations ne sont pas explicites. L'absence du rétablissement de la morue semble grandement attribuable a un piétre recrutement de la morue occasionné par une faible biomasse des reproducteurs (une conséquence de la péche et de Ia prédation). Les études démontrent que la prédation par les phoques du Groenland pourrait nuire au recrutement, mais qu'elle est de moindre importance pour le rétablissement que les conditions océanographiques. Reproduction et cycle de vie : Les femelles mettent bas a un seul petit par année entre la fin février et la fin mars. Les nouveau-nés pésent environ 11 kg et sont de 80 4 85 cm de long. lis, sont allaités pendant 12 jours avec du lait dont la teneur en gras peut aller jusqu’a 48 % et engraissent plus de 2,2 kilogrammes par jour. Lorsque les petits sont sevrés, les femelles quittent la banquise pour s'accoupler. Les petits commencent a muer en blanchon (pelage blanc) vers 14 jours. A trois semaines, ils ont complétement mué et on les appelle des « brasseurs » & cause de la fagon dont ils nagent Espérance de vie : 25 435 ans Répartition : Les phoques du Groenland fréquentent les eaux arctiques et subarctiques de "Atlantique Nord. L'espéce se répartit en trois populations distinctes, chacune se reproduisant sur des aires de mise bas bien précises. Le stock de I’Atlantique Nord-Ouest (figure 2), le plus imposant, se situe dans les eaux littorales de l'Est du Canada. Cette population se divise davantage en deux troupeaux distincts en s'appuyant sur l'aire de reproduction. Le troupeau de la région du Front se reproduit au large du Labrador et de Terre-Neuve et le troupeau du Golfe se reproduit a proximité des fles-de-la-Madeleine au milieu du golfe du Saint-Laurent. Un second troupeau, la population de la mer du Groenland, met bas au large du sud-ouest du Groeniand tandis que le troisiéme troupeau (mer Blanche/mer de Barents) met bas dans la mer Blanche, au nord de la Russie. Aire de réparition, voies migratoires et aires de mise bas des phoques du Groentand dans "Atlantique du Nord- ‘Ouest Tendances démographiques : documents and settings\vachonk Vocal settingstemporary intemet Alesiolked\s_sealsscience_fi.doc (Créé le: 30-janv.-12 Demierenrevistrement nar: vachonk (Gréé par : vachonk A0823622_14-000157, Pane? da EBAUCHE La population du phoque du Groenland demeure saine et abondante. On lévalue a l'heure actuelle a environ 7,7 millions dindividus. Elle est egérement en baisse par rapport au chiffre de 8,3 millions en 2008, mais elle se rapproche des niveaux les plus élevés observés depuis le début de la surveillance dans les années 1950. Certaines données porteraient a croire que la population des phoques du Groenland dans I'Atlantique Nord-Ouest a peut-étre atteint les niveaux qui se rapprochent de ceux de sa capacité de charge naturelle, soit le nombre maximal diindividus d'une espéce en particulier qui peut étre soutenu par !écosystéme de cette espéce. La légére baisse enregistrée dans I'évaluation de la population actuelle du phoque du Groenland au Canada est attribuable a un état des glaces défavorable depuis les cing demiéres années, combiné a de nouvelles données indiquant des taux de reproduction inférieurs a la moyenne depuis 2008. Les phoques du Groenland ont besoin de glaces stables pour une reproduction fructueuse. L’état des glaces dans le golfe et la région du Front est actuellement a son niveau le plus bas depuis 1969 ou non loin de celui-ci, c'est-a-dire depuis le début de la mesure des séries chronologiques. Le Ministére surveille la situation de prés et toute hausse de mortalité causée par les glaces cette année sera prise en considération lorsquil s'agira de prendre des décisions de gestion futures, 1950 1955 1960 1965 1970 1975 1980 1985 1990 1995 2000 2005 2010 Yoar Evaluation des tendances démographiques récentes des phoques du Groenland de Atlantique Nord-Ouest. Etat de conservation au Canada : Les phoques du Groenland sont les seules espéces de mammiféres marins au Canada qui ne sont pas évaluées par le Comité sur la situation des espéces en péril au Canada (COSEPAC). ‘eidocuments and settings\vachonkllocal settingsitemporary intemet filesiolked\fs_sealsscience_f.doe Créé le 30-janv.-12 Dernier enregistrement par : vachonk (Créé par : vachonk Révision : 30-Jany.-12 8:25 Page 3 de 9 A0423622_15-000158 EBAUCHE Phoques a1 Taille : Les phoques gris adultes males mesurent entre 2,5 et 3,3 m de long et pésent entre 170 et 400 kg. Les femelies sont beaucoup plus petites mesurant entre 1,6 et 2,0 m de long et pesant entre 100 et 250 kg Habitudes alimentaires et incidence sur 'écosystéme : Les phoques gris se nourrissent d'une grande variété de poissons, notamment la morue, les poissons plats, le hareng, la raie, la pieuvre et les homards. Le ministére des Péches et des Océans a entrepris plusieurs études sur la relation entre le phoque gris et la morue. Dans le cadre du processus d'avis scientifique en octobre 2010, il a conclu que la prédation par le phoque gris était le facteur qui contribuait le plus a la hausse de la mortalité des gros individus de morue dans le sud du golfe du Saint- Laurent, mais qu'l ne limitait pas le rétablissement de la morue au large de la partie est du plateau néo-écossais. A la méme réunion, on a conclu que, méme si la prédation du phoque gris sur la morue est importante sur le plateau néo-écossais, elle explique moins de 25 % de la mortalité de la morue, alors qu'elle pourrait représenter prés de 50 % chez les gros individus dans la partie sud du golfe. Reproduction et cycle de vie : Les bébés phoques gris naissent a partir de la fin janvier jusqu’au début février dans l'Atlantique Nord-Ouest. Durant leur période d'allaitement de deux semaines, ils doublent leur poids qui atteint environ 50 kg au sevrage. Au cours de leur premier mois, leur pelage blanc mue en une fourrure adulte dense imperméable et ils partiront bientot pour la mer afin d'apprendre a nager seuls. Espérance de vie : 30 4 40 ans Répartition : Les phoques gris se trouvent sur les deux rives de l'océan Atlantique Nord-Ouest ‘Au Canada, on les trouve dans le golfe du Saint-Laurent sur les cétes du Québec, du Nouveau- Brunswick, de I'lle-du-Prince-Edouard, de la Nouvelle-Ecosse et de Terre-Neuve. Tendances démographiques La population du phoque gris a progressé de facon constante au cours des trois demniéres décennies. La taille de la population totale estimative du phoque gris a la fin de la saison de reproduction de 2010 (y compris les bébés phoques) était de 348 900. C'est quatre pour cent (4 %) de plus que estimation équivalente de 335 200 en 2009. ‘cdocuments and settings wachonk local setings\temporary internet flesiolked\fs_sealsscience_ft.doc Créé le : 30-janv.-12 Dernier enregistrement par : vachonk ‘Cr par : vachonk Révicion © Waiany <1 8:95 Page 4 de 9 ‘A0423622_16-000159 EBAUCHE i il i i a a oe oa 6 eet ven 10 00, 105 RO mS 0 my Esstern Shore Teal ats 9m $865 1990 685 2000 2005 2010, 190 1805 1860 1905 2009 2008 2010 Yer Yer Evaluation des tendances démographiques récentes des phoques gris de Atlantique Nord-Ouest. Etat de conservation au Canada : Le Comité sur la situation des espéces en p (COSEPAC) a désigné les phoques gris « non en péril » en avril 1999. documents and settings\vachonk local settings\temporary internet files\olked\fs_sealsscience_fr.doc (Cree le: 30-janv-12 ‘Demier enregistrement par : vachonk eee Pusicines 0A bon tn Pagesdes "A0423622_17-000160 Phoques & capuchon Taille : Les males adultes mesurent en moyenne 2,6 métres de long et pésent entre 300 et 460 kg. Les femelles mesurent en moyenne 2,03 métres de long et pésent entre 145 et 300 kg. Habitudes alimentaires : Le régime alimentaire du phoque a capuchon varie selon la région. It inclut le calmar, le fiétan noir, le sébaste, la morue, la grande argentine, les amphipodes, Foursin vert et le capelan. Reproduction et cycle de vie : Les phoques a capuchon donnent naissance sur une banquise de la mi-mars a la fin mars. Les bébés phoques naissent avec un pelage bleu ardoise (dos bleu) qui mue entre 15 ou 27 mois. Les femelles allaitent leurs jeunes pendant quatre jours en moyenne seulement, oi ils doublent leur poids. Espérance de vie : 30 ans Répartition : Le phoque capuchon se trouve seulement dans lire de répartition de la partie centrale et nord-ouest de Atlantique, soit de Svalbard a est au golfe du Saint-Laurent & ouest. On compte deux populations distinctes. La population de la mer du Groentand mise bas sur la banquise au nord de Ilslande. La population de Atlantique Nord-Ouest mise bas dans la région du Front (au large de la céte du nord de Terre-Neuve et du sud du Labrador), dans le sud du golfe du Saint-Laurent ainsi que dans le détroit de Davis (entre le Groentand et le Nord du Canada). Aprés la saison de reproduction, les phoques capuchon de I'Atlantique Nord- Ouest se dispersent pour se nourrir et migrent vers de zones de mue au sud-est du Groeniand. Aprés la mue en juillet, ils migrent le long du littoral du Groenland jusqu’a la baie de Baffin et le détroit de Davis ot ils se nourrissent avant de retourner dans les aires de reproduction a la fin de Ihiver, ‘Tendances démographiques : L'abondance des phoques a capuchon est évaluée a partir d'un modéle démographique qui incorpore les données sur les taux de reproduction, les prélévements et les relevés périodiques des nouveau-nés. Les tendances historiques dans Tabondance des phoques a capuchon dans Atlantique Nord-Ouest sont mal connues, mais on présume que la population se situe a des niveaux historiques ou au-dessus de ces niveaux et quils vont en grandissant. Au Canada, la population totale estimative en 2005 (demniére Evaluation) était de 593 500. On estime que la population des phoques a capuchon de la mer ‘ehdocuments and settings\vachonk local settings\temporary internet filesiolked\fs_sealsscience_fr.doe (Cre le : 30-janv.-12 Demier enregistrement par : vachonk CCréé par : vachonk RA0423622_18-000164 Pave 6 de 9 EBAUCHE du Groenland a été réduite a moins de 30 % de ses chiffres historiques avec une taille démographique actuelle d'environ 85 800. Etat de conservation au Canada : Le Comité sur la situation des espéces en péril au Canada (COSEPAC) a désigné les phoques & capuchon « non en péril » en avril 1986. Phoques annelés Taille : La plus petite espace de [a famille des phocidés, les phoques annelés mesurent en moyenne environ 1,5 m de long et pésent entre 50 et 70 kg. Habitudes alimentaires : Les phoques annelés mangent une variété de petites proies, dont les mysidacés, les crevettes, la morue polaire et le hareng, 'éperlan, le corégone, le chabot, la perche et les crustacés. Reproduction et cycle de vie : Les femelles donnent naissance a un seul petit en mars ou en avril. Les petits sont sevrés aprés un mois et acquiérent une couche épaisse de graisse. Espérance de vie : 25 430 ans Répartition : Les phoques annelés résident dans les eaux arctiques et sont communément associés a des boucs de glace flottante et des banquises. Le phoque annelé maintient un trou de respiration dans la glace, ce qui iui permet dlutiliser habitat de banquise que les autres phoques n'utilisent pas. Les phoques annelés ont une répartition circumpolaire a partir de 35° N environ en allant vers le Péle Nord et elle a lieu dans toutes les mers de l'océan Arctique. Dans le Pacifique Nord, on les retrouve dans la partie sud de la mer de Béring et ils s’étendent aussi loin au sud que les mers d'Okhotsk et du Japon, Tendances démographiques : Trés peu est connu sur la population des phoques annelés. Toutefois, la North Atlantic Marine Mammal Commission (NAMMCO) estime qui faudrait prés de 1,2 million de phoques annelés pour remplacer le nombre de phoques chassés et tués par les ours blancs dans la baie de Baffin ‘documents and seftings\vachonk\local settings\temporary internet flesiolked\fs_sealsscience_fi.doe Cré6 le: 30-jany.-12 Demier enregistrement par ; vachonk (Cré par : vachonk 10423622 19.000162 Page 7 de 9 EBAUCHE Etat de conservation au Canada : Le Comité sur la situation des espéces en péril au Canada (COSEPAC) a désigné les phoques a capuchon « non en péril » en avril 1989. Le sous-comité des mammiféres marins du COSEPAC a recommandé de faire une nouvelle évaluation, Taille : Les adultes peuvent mesurer 1,85 m de long et peser environ 130 kg. Habitudes alimentaires : Les phoques communs dans le Canada atlantique se nourrissent principalement de hareng, de goberge, de morue, de capelan et de calmar. Reproduction et cycle de vie : La naissance des petits a lieu chaque année sur la céte. La saison de mise bas varie selon la région ayant lieu en février pour les populations dans les latitudes inférieures et aussi tard qu‘en juillet dans la zone subarctique. Les petits seuls sont capables de nager et de plonger dans les quelques heures qui suivent leur naissance et sont allaités pendant trois a quatre semaines doublant ainsi leur poids avant le sevrage. Espérance de vie : 30 a 35 ans pour les femelles et 20 4 25 ans pour les males. Répartition : Les phoques communs se trouvent le long des cétes maritimes tempérées et arctiques de I'hémisphére nord. On les trouve dans les eaux cétiéres de Atlantique Nord et du Pacifique ainsi que dans celles de la met Baltique et de la mer du Nord. Au Canada, on peut les trouver dans les eaux cétiéres de la Colombie-Britannique, du Nunavut, du Manitoba, de Ontario, du Québec, du Nouveau-Brunswick, de Ille-du-Prince-Edouard, de la Nouvelle~ Ecosse et de Terre-Neuve-et-Labrador. Tendances démographiques : La population globale du phoque commun est de 5 a 6 millions, mais les sous-espéces dans certains habitats ont été réduites ou éliminées en raison d'éruptions de maladie (notamment le virus de la maladie de Carré (VMC)) et de confit avec les humains. Les populations de phoques communs en Colombie-Britannique augmentent depuis la fin de la chasse en 1967. L'abondance au Canada atlantique est inconnue, mais on pense quielle a été réduite en raison de la chasse et du programme de primes qui s'est terminé au début des années 1970. On estime de 20 000 a 30 000 la population des phoques communs au Canada atlantique. ‘eidocuments and settings\vachonk local settings\emporary internet filesoiked\fs_sealsscience_fr.doc Créé le: 30-janv.-12 Demier enrraistroment nar « vachonl Créé par : vachonk RA0423622_20-000163, EBAUCHE Etat de conservation au Canada : Le Comité sur la situation des espéces en péril au Canada (COSEPAC) a désigné les phoques communs « non en péril » en novembre 2007. Phoques barbus ao Taille : Le phoque barbu mesure de 2,1 m a 2,7 mde long environ et pése entre 200 et 430 kg, Habitudes alimentaires : Le phoque barbu se nourrit d'une variété de petites proies le long du plancher océanique, notamment le crabe, la mye, le calmar et des petites quantités de poissons. Ses moustaches servent d'antennes dans les sédiments de fonds meubles Reproduction et cycle de vie : Dans I'Arctique canadien, les bébés phoques naissent en mai Plus au sud, en Alaska, la plupart des bébés phoques naissent a la fin avril. lis naissent sur de petits boucs de glace flottante dans des eaux peu profondes et ils entrent dans 'eau quelques heures seulement aprés leur naissance et deviennent rapidement des plongeurs chevronnés. Lallaitement a lieu pendant 18 a 24 jours, période au cours de laquelle ils engraissent 4 un rythme de 3,3 kg par jour. 5 ans Espérance de vi Répartition : Les phoques barbus se trouvent dans hémisphére nord avec une répartition circumpolaire qui ne s’étend pas plus loin au nord que 80° N. Au Canada, les phoques barbus se trouvent partout dans 'Arctique et le long du littoral du Labrador au sud de la partie nord de Terre-Newve. Tendances démographiques : Inconnues Etat de conservation au Canada : Le Comité sur la situation des espéces en péril au Canada (COSEPAC) definit état des phoques barbus sous « données insuffisantes ». ‘eiddocuments and settings vachonk local settingstemporary internet filesiolked\fs_sealsscience_fr doc (Cre le :30.janv.-12 Dernier enregistrement par: vachonk (Créé par : vachonk p0423622_21-000168 Page 9 de 9 DRAFT Fact Sheet Seals and Science at Fisheries and Oceans Canada There are six species of seals in Canada: «Harp seal Grey seal Hooded seal Ringed seal Harbour seal Bearded seal ‘Among these, harp and grey seals are the subject of focused science efforts at DFO. Size: Adult harp seals range from 1.7 to 2.0m in length and weigh between 140 and 190 kg. Feeding habits and impact on the ecosystem: Harp seals eat a varied diet of fish such as capelin, cod, herring, sculpin, Greenland halibut, redfish, and plaice. They also consume crustaceans, shrimps and prawns. DFO has conducted numerous studies on harp seal interactions including three workshops held in 2007, 2008 and October 2010, which evaluated the effect of harp seals on fish stocks These results suggest that harp seal predation is not a significant factor in the lack of cod recovery to date, and that cod recovery is being affected by low productivity associated with low capelin. In the Gulf of St. Lawrence, relationships are not explicit. The lack of cod recovery seems mainly due to poor cod recruitment resulting from low spawner biomass (a consequence of fishing and predation). Studies show that predation by harp seals could affect recruitment, but this is less important than oceanographic conditions on recovery. ‘cidocuments and settings\vachonk local setings temporary internet filesiolkedWs_sealsscience doc Created on: 25-Jan-12 Last saved by: vachonk (Created by: vachonk Revised: 31-Jan-12 9:01 AM Docket # 59/12 A0423622_22-000165 Page 1 of 9 DRAFT Reproduction and life cycle: Females bear a maximum of one pup per year, between late February and late March. Newborn pups weigh around 11 kg and are 80-85 cm long. They are nursed for 12 days on milk containing up to 48% fat and gain over 2.2 kilograms per day. Once the pups are weaned, the females leave the ice to mate. The pups begin to moult their Whitecoat at around 14 days old. By three weeks of age they have completed their moult and ate referred to as a ‘beater’ because of the way in which they swim, Lifespan: 25-35 years Distribution: Harp seals are restricted to the north Atlantic where they are separated into three separate populations, each of which uses a specific pupping site. The Northwest Atlantic stock (Fig. 2), which is the largest, is located off eastern Canada. This population is further divided into two separate herds based on the breeding location, The Front herd breeds off the coast of Labrador and Newfoundland, and the Gulf herd breeds near the Magdalen Islands in the middle of the Gulf of St. Lawrence. A second stock, the Greenland Sea, pups off south east Greenland while the third stock (White Sea/Barents Sea) pups in the White Sea, in northern Russia a | ¢ 4 ¥_ * es ve ¥ Range, migratory pathways and whelping locations of harp seals in the northwest Atlantic, Population trends: The harp seal population remains healthy and abundant. It is currently estimated at just under 8 million animals, down slightly from 2008, but still at highest levels observed since monitoring began in the 1950s. There is some evidence to suggest that the Northwest Atlantic harp seal population may be reaching levels close to its natural carrying capacity, which is the maximum number of individuals of a particular species that can be sustained by that species’ ecosystem. The slight decrease in the estimate of the current harp seal population in Canada is due to unfavourable ice conditions over the past few years, combined with new data indicating lower than average reproductive rates since 2008. Harp seals require stable ice for successful reproduction. Ice conditions in the Gulf and at the Front are currently at, or near, the poorest on ‘eldocuments and settings\vachonk local setings\temporary internet flesioiked\fs_sealsscience.doc Created on: 25-Jan-12 Last saved by: vachonk Created by: vachonk Revised: 31-Jan-12 9:01 AM Docket # 59/12 ‘A0423622_23-000166 Pace ?.0f9 record since 1969, the beginning of the measurement time-series. The Department is monitoring this situation closely, and any increased ice-related mortality this year will be taken into consideration when making future management decisions, | 8000000 | | 8000000 7000000 6000000 + 6000000 4000000, 3000000 2000000 ‘1000000 1950 1955 1960 1965 1970 1975 1980 1985 1990 1995 2000 2005 2010 Year Total population Estimated recent population trends of northwest Atlantic harp seals. Conservation status in Canada: Harp seals are the only species of marine mammals in Canada not assessed by the Committee on the Status of Endangered Wildlife in Canada (COSEWIC). ‘eldoouments and settings\vachonk\local settings emporary internet filesiolked\fs_sealsscience doc Created on: 25-Jan-12 Last saved by: vachonk (Created by: vachonk Revised: 31-Jan-12 9:01 AM Docket # 59/12 A0423622_24-000167 Page 3 of 9 Grey Seals Size: Male adult grey seals range from 2.5 to 3.3 m in length and weigh between 170 and 400 kg. Females are much smaller, ranging from 1.6-2.0 m in length and weigh between 100 and 250 kg Feeding habits and impact on the ecosystem: Grey seals feeds on a wide variety of fish including cod, fiatfish, herring, skate, octopus and lobster. DFO has undertaken a number of studies on the relationship between grey seals and cod. As part of Science Advisory Process in October 2010, it concluded that predation by grey seals was the greatest contributor to increased mortality in large southern Gulf of St. Lawrence cod, but that grey seals were not limiting cod recovery off the eastern Scotian shelf. At the same meeting, it was concluded that, while grey seal predation on cod is important on the Scotian Sheff, it explained less than 25% of the cod mortality, whereas it could account for around 50% in large cod in the southern Gulf Reproduction and life cycle: Grey seal pups are born in late January to early February in the ‘Western Atlantic, During their two week nursing period, pups double their weight reaching approximately 50 kg at weaning. Within their first month, they shed their white coat, grow dense waterproof adult fur, and soon leave for the sea to learn to fish for themselves. Lifespan: 30 to 40 years Distribution: Grey seals are found on both shores of the North Atlantic Ocean. In Canada they are found in the Gulf of St. Lawrence off the shores of Quebec, New Brunswick, Prince Edward Island, Nova Scotia and Newfoundland. Population trends: ‘The Grey seal population has risen steadily over the last three decades. The total estimated grey seal population size at the end of the 2010 breeding season (including pups) was 348,900. This is four per cent higher than the equivalent estimate for 2009 of 335,200. ‘clddocuments and settings\vachonk local setings\temporary internet filesoiked\fs_ sealsscience.doc Created on: 25-Jan-12 Last saved by: vachonk (Created by: vachonk Revised: 31-Jan-12 9:01 AM Docket # 59/12 ‘A0423622_25.000168 Dane A af ssbie out a g & 7 g ij i” % g i i vm vos oe an a woes oy es sD oo Eastern shore Tota 2 = ‘i 2] : / g 8 = a a q ag 23 g 3 z : ‘woo ios) 108 mon aE mo coms 100 ee ao 20 Estimated recent population trends of northwest Atlantic grey seals, Conservation status in Canada: The Committee on the Status of Endangered Wildlife in Canada (COSEWIC) designated grey seals 'Not at Risk’ in April 1999. ‘documents and settings Wachonk Vocal settings\temporary intemet filesiolked\s_sealsscience.doe Created on: 25-Jan-12 Last saved by: vachonk. Created by: vachonk Revised: 31-Jan-12 9:01 AM Dovket # 59/12 A0423622_26-000169 Page 5 of 9 DRAFT Size: Adult males average 2.6 metres in length and weigh between 300-460 kg. Females average 2.03 metres in length and weigh between 145-300 kg. Feeding habits: The Hooded seal's diet varies regionally and includes: Squid, Greenland halibut, redfish, cod, Atlantic Argentine, amphipods, euphausiids, and capelin. Reproduction and life cycle: Hooded seals give birth on pack ice during mid to late March, Pups are born with a slate blue-grey coat (biueback) which they moult at either 15 or 27 months of age. Females nurse their pup an average of only 4 days, during which the pup doubles in size Lifespan: 30 years. Distribution: The hooded seal is only found in the central and western North Atlantic range from Svalbard in the east to the Gulf of St. Lawrence in the west. There are two distinct populations of hooded seals. The Greenland Sea population pups on the ice north of Iceland The Northwest Atlantic population pups at the Front (off the coast of northern Newfoundiand / southern Labrador), in the southern Gulf of St. Lawrence, and in the Davis Strait (between Greenland and northern Canada). After the breeding season, Northwest Atlantic hooded seals disperse to feed and migrate to the moulting areas off southeast Greenland. After moulting in July, they migrate along the Greenland coast to Baffin Bay and Davis Strait where they feed before returning to the breeding areas in late winter. Population trends: Abundance of hooded seals is estimated from a population model that incorporates data on reproductive rates, removals and periodic pup productions. Historical trends in abundance of Northwest Atlantic hooded seals are poorly known, but itis believed that the population is at or above historical levels and is increasing. In Canada, theestimated total population in 2005 (last assessment) was 593,500. Greenland Sea hooded seals are estimated to have been reduced to less than 30% of their historical numbers with a current population size of approximately 85,800. Conservation status in Canada: The Committee on the Status of Endangered Wildlife in Canada (COSEWIC) designated hooded seals ‘Not at Risk’ in April 1986. ‘eldocuments and settings\vachonkAlocal settings\temporary intemet filesioiked\fs_sealsscience.doc Created on: 25-Jan-12 Last saved by: vachonk Created by: vachonk Revised: 31-Jan-12 9:01 AM Docket # 59/12 ‘A0423622_27-000170 Paoe Kf DRAFT Size: The smallest species in the seal family, Ringed seals average about 1.5min length and weigh between 50-70 kg, Feeding hal iinged seals eat a wide variety of small prey including mysids, shrimp, Arctic cod, herring, smelt, whitefish, sculpins, perch, and crustaceans. Reproduction and life cycle: Females give birth to a single pup in March or April. Pups are weaned after one month and build up a thick layer of blubber. Lifespan: 25 to 30 years. Distribution: Ringed seals reside in Arctic waters and are commonly associated with ice floes and pack ice. The Ringed seal maintains a breathing hole in the ice allowing it to use ice habitat that other seals cannot. Ringed seals have a circumpolar distribution from approximately 35°N to the North Pole, occurring in all seas of the Arctic Ocean. In the North Pacific, they are found in the southern Bering Sea and range as far south as the Seas of Okhotsk and Japan. Population trends: Little is known about the population of Ringed seals, however the North Atlantic Marine Mammal Commission (NAMMCO) estimates that approximately 1.2 million ringed seals would be needed to account for a proportion of the number of seals harvested and killed by polar bears in Baffin Bay. Conservation status in Canada: The Committee on the Status of Endangered Wildlife in Canada (COSEWIC) designated ringed seals ‘Not at Risk’ in April 1989. The COSEWIC Marine Mammal Subcommittee has recommended that there be a new assessment, ‘ehdocuments and settings\vachonk local settings\temporary internet files\olkcd\fs_sealsscience.doc (Created on: 25-Jan-12 Last saved by: vachonk Created by: vachonk Revised: 31-Jan-12 9:01 AM. Docket # 59/12 pach as ‘A0423622_28-000171 Harbour Seals Size: adults can attain a length of 1.85 m and weigh about 130 kg Feeding habits: Harbour seals feed primarily upon herring, pollock, cod, capelin and squid Reproduction and life cycle: Birthing of pups occurs annually on shore. The timing of the upping season varies with location, occurring in February for populations in lower latitudes, and as late as July in the subarctic zone. Pups are capable of swimming and diving within hours and nurse for three to four weeks, doubling their weight by the time of weaning. Lifespan: 30-35 years for females and 20-25 years for males. Distribution: Harbour seals are found along temperate and Arctic marine coastlines of the ‘Northern Hemisphere. They are found in coastal waters of the northern Atlantic and Pacific ‘Oceans, as well as those of the Baltic and North Seas. In Canada, they may be found off the coastal waters of British Columbia, Nunavut, Manitoba, Ontario, Quebec, New Brunswick, Prince Edward Istand, Nova Scotia, and Newfoundland and Labrador, Population trends: The global harbour seal population is 5-6 milion, but subspecies in certain habitats have been reduced or eliminated through outbreaks of disease (especially the phocine distemper virus) and conflict with humans. Populations of Harbour seals in British Columbia have been increasing since hunting ended in 1967. Abundance in Atlantic Canada is unknown but thought to have been reduced due to a hunt and bounty program that ended in the early 1970s. There are an estimated 20,000 to 30,000 Harbour seals in Atlantic Canada Conservation status in Canada: The Committee on the Status of Endangered Wildlife in Canada (COSEWIC) designated harbour seals 'Not at Risk’ in November 2007. jocuments and settings\vachonk local settings\temporary internet filesiolked\fs_sealsscience.doc Created on: 25-Jan-12 Last saved by: vachonk Created by: vachonk Revised: 31-Jan-12 9:01 AM Docket # 59/12 ‘A0423622_29-000172 Page 8 of 9 DRAFT Bearded Seals Size: The Bearded seal reaches about 2.1 m to 2.7 m in length and weighs between 200 - 430 ig Feeding habits: The Bearded seal feeds on a variety of small prey found along the ocean floor, including crabs, clams, squid, and small amounts of fish. Its whiskers serve as feelers in the soft bottom sediments. Reproduction and life cycle: In the Canadian Arctic, seal pups are born in May. Further south, in Alaska, most pups are bom in late April. Pups are born on small drifting ice floes in shallow waters and enter the water only hours after they are born, and quickly become proficient divers. Mothers nurse for 18-24 days, during which time the pups grow at an average rate of 3.3 kg per day. Lifespan: 25 years. Distribution: Bearded seals are found in the Northern Hemisphere with a circumpolar distribution that does not extend farther north than 80°N. In Canada, Bearded seals are found throughout the Arctic and along the Labrador coast south to northern Newfoundland, Population trends: unknown Conservation status in Canada: The Committee on the Status of Endangered Wildlife in Canada (COSEWIC) defines the status of bearded seals as ‘Data Deficient’. ‘ehdocuments and settings\vachonk local setings\temporary internet filesiolked\s_sealsscience.doe Created on: 25-Jan-12 Last saved by: vachonk Created by: vachonk Revised: 31-Jan-12 9:01 AM Deceet Fe: ‘A0423622_30-000173 Page 9 of 9 8.19(1) Sealing Industry Stakeholders to be recommended to media as spokespersons Fur Institute of Canada — deals with all product forms and has a seals committee NTL NuTan Furs Ltd. — Chair of FIC seals Committee NL sisi Lie TAMASU Seal Products Inc. Qc ini REE 1 Ass. des chasseurs de phoques des iles Qc ‘0423622_31-000174 Message Event Proposal Date: February 2, 2012 Media Market: National Media Location: Parliament Hill Ottawa Convention | English Media Spokesperson: Minister Centre (Ottawa, Ontarioy/ National | Ashfield Coe French Media Spokesperson: TBC Multicultural Media Spokesperson: NIA THE EVENTS aac ORG PROACTIVE EVENT OR INVITATION + Proactive event Timeline: ‘+—Photo-op with key seal stakeholders and Ministers at the Northern Lights Business and Cultural Showcase = 11:30 am ~ Media technical briefing by DFO on Canada’s sealing industry ‘+ 1:45 pm —Photo-op of Ministers receiving seal pin prior to Question Period Meet and greet photo-op with Northem Canadian sealing stakeholders and seal artisans at the Arts and Cultural Pavilion at the Northern Lights 2012 Business and Cultural Showcase in Ottawa, Ontario (see: ‘yaw. ‘= Photo-op in the Foyer of the House of Commons with seal pins being put on VVIP (TBC), Ministers Ashfield, Penashue and Aglukkaq by representatives from Canada's North, ‘+ Technical briefing with DFO officials on Canada’s sealing industry which will highlight: DFO science on seal ‘species found in Canada including studies on current population status and ecosystem interactions between seals and other marine life; the management of Canada's commercial seal harvests, and the sustainable use and socio-economic value of the seal harvest. GOVERNMENT OF CANADA FUNDING / PARTNER FUNDING (IF APPLICABLE): ‘© The Norther Lights 2012 Business and Cultural Showcase is sponsored in part by the Atlantic Canada Opportunities Agency, the Canadian Northern Economic Development Agency, the Province of "Newfoundland and Labrador, and Territory of Nunavut. There is no funding announcement planned as part of this proposed event. VENUE DESCRIPTION + The Ministers wil visit with invited exhibitors of the show's Arts and Cultural Pavilion at the Ottawa Convention Centre, where Inuit arts and crafts will be on display, including seal products. + Foyer of the House of Commons for pinning ceremony prior to Question Period, + National Press Theatre for media technical briefing MEDIA INVITED? + Yes~tobe done by DFO MINISTER'S REGIONAL OFFICE CONTACTED? + yes OTHER PARTICIPANTS (MPs, PROVINCIAL REPS, STAKEHOLDERS, ETC) . ters Ashfield, Penashue, Aglukkaq + Possibly VIP + Inuit and Norther offic ‘and artisans ‘ehdocuments and settings\vachonk local settings\temporary internet files\olked\mep_sealdayonthehill (4).doc Created on: 18-Jan-12 Last saved by: Melanie Auger Created by: Alain Belle-Isle Revised: 26-Jan-12 3:14 PM (Comms #: 889/11 APPROVED 18-JAN-I2 A0423622_32-000175 Page 1 of 5 + Seal industry officials (TBC) AUDIENCE SIZE AND DESCRIPTION / TARGET AUDIENCES. ‘+ Media event (photo op and technical briefing — not for attribution) STRATEGIC OBJECTIVES. ‘+ This event provides an opportunity o reiterate the Goverment of Canada’s commitment to the sealing industry and promote it as a producer of healthy, safe, sustainable natural resource product. VISUAE'MESSAGE(S)" 9° DESIRED PICTURE (STILL) ‘+ Ministers meeting with creators and vendors of seal products ‘+ Ministers receiving seal pins in the Foyer of the House of Commons before Question Period. ‘ACTUAL SPEAKING BACKDROP + Inuit ats and crafts exhibits LENGTH OF SPEECH + NA TONE + Upbeat, positive ATTIRE + Business NEWS RELEASE HEADLINE GOVERNMENT OF CANADA SUPPORTS SEALERS. DESIRED HEADLINE ‘+ Government shows its support for Canadian sealers DESIRED SOUNDBITE / KEY NEWS RELEASE SOUNDBITE ‘© ‘Our government is committed to supporting economic opportunities in our northem and coastal regions. ‘Sealing is an important economic driver in many communities of Canada’s East and the Eastem Arctic by ‘making responsible use of a safe, healthy and sustainable resource.” KEY MESSAGES '* Our government is committed to supporting economic prosperity in northern and coastal regions of the ‘county. ‘+ Sealing provides important economic benefits in many communities in Canada's Atlantic Provinces and the Easter Arctic by making responsible use of a safe, healthy and sustainable resource. ‘+ Canadian sealers, processors, artisans, and Inuit produce some of the world's finest quality products and ‘we will continue to defend their right to trade these products freely and legally anywhere they choose. ‘+ There are around 8 milion harp seals in the Northwest Atlantic, more than three times population in the 1970s; grey seals number around 360,000, or ten times the number found in the 1970s, These are healthy and sustainable seal populations. ‘+The commercial and subsistence harvests in Atlantic Canada and the North are sustainably managed and do not put the long-term health of seal populations at risk +The harvest is closely regulated, including a strict three-step process for harvesting seals designed to ensure the high-level of animal welfare possible. "documents and settingsWachonk Vocal settings temporary internet hlesoikednep_sealdayonthehill (@) doe Created on: 18-Jan-12 Last saved by: Melanie Auger Created by: Alain Belle-Isle Revised: 26-Jan-12 3:14 PM ‘Comms #: 889/11 APPROVED 1R-1AN-12 ‘A0423622_33-000176 KEY QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS at a2 a2 as Aa as What impact will the Russian ban import of seal products have on the Canadian seal harvest? ‘The extent of this ban is not yet clear. We are following up with the Russian Federation to get a better understanding of the nature and extent of the apparent trade restrictions. We will work with the Russian Federation to ensure ongoing access for Canadian seal products in that market. The Canadian sealing industry continues to promote market opportunities worldwide, and this effort is not limited to harp seals or ‘only pelts ‘What impact does the Duke University study linking climate change to increased seal pup mortality have on the management of Canada’s seal harvest? ‘The study, which was funded by IFAW, is not raising any new questions. The Department's scientists have actualy Been studying the potental impacts of ce conditions on harp seals for many years. The current Population remains abundant and isnot at sk; in fact, it has grown fourfold in the las forty years to reach hear historical highs not seen since at east the 1960s and probably longer. While i's tre that harp seals require ie fr giving bith and rearing their young; without access to stable ice, these seals may simply modi their behaviour accordingly overtime. ‘The realty is that the Canadian seal harvests closely monitored and managed under the Precautionary ‘Approach to ensure the resource is conserved for generations to come. A wide range of factors, including changing ice conditions and their potential impact on seal mortality rates, are carefully analyzed each year and taken into account when making management decisions, ‘What is the status of the seals market access agreement signed with China in January 20117 China is a key market among many being considered by the Canadian industry as it continues to diversify its business. The Government of Canada continues to collaborate with the industry to ensure ongoing access for its products abroad, including in China, ‘Canada has initialed an agreement with China that will provide Canadian exporters an opportunity to sell edible seal products there. We have provided the Chinese authorities with clear evidence of the safety and {quality of our seal product exports and we are discussing with the Chinese government next steps 10 ‘establish trade for Canadian products as soon as possible. ‘We understand that intemational anti-sealing lobbyists are currently promoting opposition to seal products. in China, ‘We believe that Chinese consumers should be free to make their own purchasing decisions based on the facts -- that the Canadian seal harvest is sustainable, humane, and economically important to Canadian ‘coastal communities. Claims to the contrary are simply unfounded, have heard that there is an outbreak of disease in ringed seals in the United States and Canadian Arctic. What impact will this have on negotiations with China? My officials have received reports of some dead seals being found in the Arctic United States and Canada. Ringed seals - which are not marketed commercially — are the only seal species affected, Fisheries and Oceans Canada is currently working alongside other Government departments to investigate the reports. ‘The population of harp seals, which is typically the species marketed commercially, is healthy and abundant and safe for human consumption. What is the status of Canada’s challenge of the European Union seal ban at the World Trade Organization? (Answer provided by the Department of Foreign Affairs and International Trade) ‘elddocuments and settings\vachonk local settings\temporary internet filesiolked\mep_sealdayonthehill (4).doc Created on: 18-Jan-12 Last saved by: Melanie Auger Created by: Alain Belle-Isle Revised: 26-Jan-12 3:14 PM ‘Comms #: 889/11 APPROVED 18-JAN-12 Page30f5 ‘A0423622_34.000177 ‘AS At Canada's request, the World Trade Organization established a dispute settlement panel on March 25, 2011 to examine the European Union's regulations that ban seal products. ‘The next step is to select the panelists to hear the case. We are coordinating with Norway, another ‘complainant, in this process. ‘There is no definitive timetable for the case yet. Panel proceedings take on average approximately 15 months before a report is made public and a decision rendered, Q6 Whats the Department doing to develop a market for grey seal products? ‘AG Fisheries and Oceans Canada continues to work with provincial, teritorial partners to ensure Canadian products have full access to intemational markets. ‘The Government of Canada and the Provinces and Territories are also supporting research and. development activities that will help the industry develop a viable market for its seal products. For its part, Fisheries and Oceans Canada has introduced developmental allocations to three industry groups, including the Nunatsiavut Government, to support the development of value added products that will support a strong and viable sealing industry forthe future. RESEARCH NEEDS * NA ROLLOUT Oe COMMUNICATIONS PRODUCTS BQ Media Advisory 1 Speech’ BQ News Release Bq Backgrounder(s): Status of seal populations in Canada, Management of Canada's Seal Harvest, Sustainability ofthe Commerical seal harvest and the Responsible Use of seal products ct Sheet (on seals and sealing) ~ existing web-based materials will be updated prior to event Biographies ‘Talking Points ea MP. / Caucus Kit Props (describe) Seal Pins Post-Event Media (Twitter, Facebook) — news release and photos to be tweeted on DFO site and photos Offered to participating Ministers and stakeholders for posting on their Facebook pages Web Content Photo Release Other (describe) For Information Comment EOR008; Oooo: OTHER BACKGROUND INFORMATION: ‘Several high profile personaites will be participating in the Northem Lights 2012, including: ‘©The Honourable Jean Charest, Premier of Quebec; ‘The Honourable Kathy Dunderdale, Premier of Newoundiand and Labrador, His Excellency David Jacobson, United States Ambassador to Canada; His Excellency Georgiy Memdov, Ambassador of the Russian Federation to Canada; and Environmentalist David Suzuki MEDIA PLAN PLANNING ‘eldocuments and settings vachonk\local settings\temporary internet flesiolked\mep_sealdayonthehill 4).doc Created on: 18-Jan-12 Last saved by: Melanie Auger Created by: Alain Belle-Isle Revised: 26-fan-12 3:14 PM Comms #: 889/11 ‘APPROVED 18-JAN-12 ‘A0423622_36-000178 Page 4 of {Live Coverage (check i yes) ~ we can expect live coverage if WIP attends © Photographer CO Readout STRATEGY '* To maximize coverage (national and regional). This wil be done through a media advisory to the Parliamentary Press Gallery and utilization of the Department's media relations team in Ottawa, who will be contacting media directly ‘+ Allquestions not directly related to information being presented by DFO officials at the technical briefing wil bbe directed to DFO media relations. '* DFO wil also liaise with key industry stakeholders in order to provide contact information to media. PROMOTING THE EVENT Media Advisory + Yes Contacting Media - Yes FOLLOW-UP MEDIA (ONE-ON-ONES) English/FrenchyMultcultural Media Interviews ‘© Arranging interviews with sealing industry and media to discuss the importance of Canadian sealing, MEP APPROVED BY: Erin Fliter' Jan 17 ‘Communications Contact: Program Contact Alain Belle-Isle, 613-990-0210 Robert Day, 613-991-6135 ‘ehddocuments and settings\vachonk\local settings\temporary internet fles\olked\mep_sealdayonthehill (4).doc Created on: 18-Jan-12 Last saved by: Melanie Auger Created by: Alain Belle-Isle Revised: 26-Jan-12 3:14 PM ‘Comms #: 889/11 APPROVED 18-JAN-12 ‘80423622_36-000179 Page 5 of S Maggies Sealer Info Page 1 of 5 Vachon, Kathryn From: Walker-Sisttie, Rhonda Sent: January 31, 2012 12:55 PM To: Vachon, Kathryn Cc: Fowler, Nancy ‘Subject: FW: Maggies Sealer Info Hi, was the open letter/statement in the MEP? From: Filter, Erin Sent: January 30, 2012 10:36 AM fachon, Kathryn; Mottram, Barbara Cc: Fowler, Nancy; Kennedy, Jeff; Le Couteur, Guylaine; Andow, Terry; Nott, Fred; Walker-Sisttie, Rhonda ‘Subject: Re: Maggies Sealer Info Thank you. ‘Much appreciated For follow-up today, we'll need to go over the check-list items from last week’s meeting ~ identify photo-op #1 fentity media to share media advisory final products (including advisory) = stakeholders lst (I have contacted some - who has the dept contacted? Have we alerted via ASAC? Will anyone from their group be issuing supportive statements?) = who will be on the reference list for media as supportive provinciallindustry reps who will speak on this issue? - book photographer From: Vachon, Kathryn To: Filiter, Erin; Mottram, Barbara Ce: Fowler, Nancy; Kennedy, Jeff; Le Couteur, Guylaine; Andow, Terry; Nott, Fred; Walker-Sisttie, Rhonda Sent: Mon Jan 30 10:29:48 2012 ‘Subject: RE: Maggies Sealer Info 8.19(1) Hi Erin, Ihave asked Patrice Simon, Director, Ecosystem Science to call to invite, as he knows him well. il let you know what he says. Kathryn Vachon Tel (613) 998-1530 From: Filter, Erin Sent: January 30, 2012 10:01 AM To: Vachon, Kathryn; Mottram, Barbara Cc: Fowler, Nancy; Kennedy, Jeff; Le Couteur, Guylaine; Andow, Terry; Nott, Fred; Walker-Sisttie, Rhonda ‘Subject: RE: Maggies Sealer Info Minister Blaney's office will be making contact with the Province of Quebec at the political level - please have 05/03/2012 ‘A0423623_1.000180 Maggies Sealer Info Page 20f 5 8.19(1) departmental officials make contact at the officials level - there are no issues with departmental officials contacting other departmental officials | don't think | have the authority to authorize a budget for travel for the | We'll have to cross that bridge if they ask, but my understanding is they are coming already. E From: Vachon, Kathryn Sent: January 30, 2012 9:42 AM To: Fillter, Erin; Mottram, Barbara Cc: Fowler, Nancy; Kennedy, Jeff; Le Couteur, Guylaine; Andow, Terry; Nott, Fred; Walker-Sisttie, Rhonda Subject: RE: Maggies Sealer Info HiErin, .19(1) 1 just sat down with Nancy and Rhonda quickly to discuss the items below, as 1 wasn't comfortable moving forward with all of them. And like you, | am also swamped with the various components of pulling this day together and managing the rest of my files in Alain's absence. | will work with program to contact the ‘oday about their participation in the pinning ceremony, however, in speaking with QC region they were asking whether the department would be able to help with transportation 649(1 Would need to have a sense on that before having someone contact them. There was some thought that he might have already been plannig to come to Ottawa, but unfortunately it now sounds like that is not the case... {can also ask Association about contacting and of course make the changes to the news release. Finally | wil coordinate with the program to contact officals in NF, Nunavut and QC to ensure they have information about the event. Itis felt that contacting the Province of Quebec about their Minister's participation and a statement is something your office really should organize since there are political elements to it. Thanks! Kathryn Vachon Tel (613) 998-1530 From: Filter, Erin Sent: January 30, 2012 8:48 AM To: Vachon, Kathryn; Mottram, Barbara Ce: Fowler, Nancy; Kennedy, Jeff; Le Couteur, Guyl ‘Subject: RE: Maggies Sealer Info 8.19(1) ‘Also, can you see if Minister Penashue on Thursday? Pin Min Aglukkaq, Also, we should make sure itis noted on the News Release that both the Nunavut Craft Council AND the Government of Nunavut donated the seal pins. E ine; Andow, Terry; Nott, Fred From: Filiter, Erin Sent: January 30, 2012 8:40 AM To: Vachon, Kathryn; Mottram, Barbara Cc: Fowler, Nancy; Kennedy, Jeff; Le Couteur, Guylaine; Andow, Terry; Nott, Fred A0423623_2-000181 95/03/2012 Page 3 of 5 $191, age 3 of ‘Subject: RE: Maggies Sealer Info Hi Kathryn, Our office is severely short staffed this week - we have 4 out of 10 out sick or away and simply don't have the ‘manpower to manage all of this. Would you mind making contact with the today and asking them if they will be a part of the QP photo-op? Also, could you please ask someone in programs to please alert the Province of Quebec and see if they are interested in 1) putting out a supportive statement on that day 2) be a part of photo-op 1 3) if their Minister or other government rep will be in town, does their Minister want to sit in the House of Commons and be recognized by the speaker? Also, would you please make contact atthe officials level with the Provinces of Nunuvut, NFLD and QC to make sure their officials have all of the information they need? Thanks, Ein From: Vachon, Kathryn Sent: January 30, 2012 8:23 AM To: Mottram, Barbara Cc: Filter, Erin; Fowler, Nancy ‘Subject: RE: Maggies Sealer Info Hi BarbiErin, s.19(1) Not sure if you have been able to get hold of Denis, but | was given a name and contact number for Gil Theriault 4 ‘who may be easier to get hold of if you can't reach Denis. His number 18.418-¥B0-1 /40 (Cell: 410-¥5/-¥222). Kathryn Vachon Tel (613) 998-1530 From: Mottram, Barbara Sent: January 27, 2012 5:05 PM To: Vachon, Kathryn Cc: Filliter, Erin; Fowler, Nancy ‘Subject: RE: Maggies Sealer Info Okay, thank you. Can you please answer part two of my question. Thanks ‘Sent: January 27, 2012 5:04 PM To: Mottram, Barbara; Fowler, Nancy Filter, Erin Subj Maggies Sealer Info 05/03/2012 ‘A0423623_3.000182 Maggies Sealer Info Page 4 of 5 .19(1) Hi Barbara, ‘When we met yesterday with Erin we agreed that should be asked to participate in the pinning ‘ceremony. My understanding from Erin’s request for his info is that your office will be extending the invite. We ‘spoke with comms in QC this morning and were told that he was likely to be coming to Ottawa for the 2nd, From: Mottram, Barbara To: Vachon, Kathryn; Fowler, Nancy Ce: Filter, Erin Sent: Fri Jan 27 16:18:00 2012 Subject: FW: Maggies Sealer Info Hikathymn, Can you provide me with clarification of your email below? Also, now that Minister Blaney is participating in Seal Day, can we take a second look at who we are involving from Quebec and ensure that we have the right people? Photo Ops etc, Please advise. With thanks, Barbara From: Filliter, Erin Sent: January 27, 2012 12:22 PM To: Vachon, Kathryn; Fowler, Nancy Ce: Mottram, Barbara Subject: Re: Maggies Sealer Info ‘Thanks Kathryn! I'm off for the afternoon - Barb will be stick-handling this for the afternnon, From: Vachon, Kathryn To: Fillter, Erin; Fowler, Nancy Sent: Fri Jan 27 11:58:43 2012 Subject: Maggies Sealer Info s.19(1) HiErin, | should have waited another minute, it would have saved me an email. Here is the contact information. ‘The president of Association des chasseurs de phoques des lles-de-la-Madeleine (ACPIM) is He can be reached at" """ "~~ ar Their website is ni mm! | believe ~ would be interested in participating in Ottawa, and if he is available would also speak on behalf of the Quebec seal harvesting industry. Kathryn Vachon Tel (613) 998-1530 From: Filter, Erin ‘Sent: January 27, 2012 9:59 AM /A0423623_4.000183 05/03/2012 Maggies Sealer Info Page 5 of 5 ‘To: Vachon, Kathryn; Fowler, Nancy Subject: Rollout Here is the roll-out doc | put together for our team FYI-- Blaney is in. Can you please send me the name and contact info for the Maggies Sealer? E << File: SEAL DAY ON THE HILL ROLL OUT.doc >> 05/03/2012 ‘A0423623_5.000184 8.19(1). ~ = Maggies Sealer Info Page 1 of Vachon, Kathryn From: Vachon, Kathryn Sent: January 31, 2012 12:58 PM To: ‘Walker-Sisttie, Rhonda Ce: Fowler, Nancy Subject: RE: Maggies Sealer Info Attachments: MEP_SealDayonthebill doc no. Kathryn Vachon Tel (613) 998-1530 From: Walker-Sisttie, Rhonda Sent: January 31, 2012 12:55 PM To: Vachon, Kathryn Ce: Fowler, Nancy ‘Subject: FW: Maggies Sealer Info Hi, was the open letter/statement in the MEP? From: Filter, Erin Sent: January 30, 2012 10:36 AM To: Vachon, Kathryn; Mottram, Barbara Cc: Fowler, Nancy Kennedy, Jeff; Le Couteur, Guylaine; Andow, Terry; Nott, F ‘Subject: Re: Walker-Sisttie, Rhonda Thank you. Much appreciated. For follow-up today, well need to go over the check-lst items from last week's meeting. ~ identify photo-op #1 - identify media to share media advisory final products (including advisory) - stakeholders list (| have contacted some - who has the dept contacted? Have we alerted via ASAC? Will anyone from their group be issuing supportive statements?) = who will be on the reference list for media as supportive provincial/industry reps who will speak on this issue? ~ book photographer From: Vachon, Kathryn To: Filter, Erin; Mottram, Barbara Ce: Foie, Nancy: Kennedy, Jeff; Le Couteur, Guylaine; Andow, Terry; Nott, Fred; Walker-Sisttie, Rhonda : Mon Jan 30 10:29:48 2012 subject: RE: | 05/03/2012 A0423624_1.000185 Page 20f 5 HiErin, Ihave asked Patrice Simon, Director, Ecosystem Science to call to invite Denis, as he knows him well. let you know what he says. Kathryn Vachon Tel (613) 998-1530 From: Fillter, Erin Sent: January 30, 2012 10:01 AM To: Vachon, Kathryn; Mottram, Barbara Cc: Fowler, Nancy; Kennedy, Jeff; Le Couteur, Guylaine; Andow, Terry; Nott, Fred; Walker-Sisttie, Rhonda Subject: RE: | Minister Blaney's office will be making contact with the Province of Quebec at the political level - please have departmental officials make contact at the officials level - there are no issues with departmental officials, contacting other departmental officals \ don't think | have the authority to authorize a budget for travel for the Maggie's sealers. Well have to cross that bridge if they ask, but my understanding is they are coming already. E From: Vachon, Kathryn Sent: January 30, 2012 9:42 AM To: Filiter, Erin; Mottram, Barbara Cc: Fowler, Nancy; Kennedy, Jeff; Le Couteur, Guylaine; Andow, Terry; Nott, Fred; Walker-Sisttie, Rhonda Subject: RE: Maggies Sealer Info HiErin, | just sat down with Nancy and Rhonda quickly to discuss the items below, as | wasn't comfortable moving forward with all of them, And like you, | am also swamped with the various components of pulling this day together and managing the rest of my files in Alain’s absence. | will work with program to contact the oday about their participation in the pinning ceremony, however, in speaking with QL region tney were asking wnether the department would be able to help with transportation costs. | would need to have a sense on that before having someone contact them. There 8.19(1V05 some thought that he might have already been plannig to come to Otawa, but unfortunately it now sounds ike that is not the case. lean also ask it the Nunavut Craft Association about contacting and of course make the changes to the news release. Finally, | will coordinate with the program to contact officials in NF, Nunavut and QC to ensure they have information about the event. Itis felt that contacting the Province of Quebec about their Minister's participation and a statement is something your office really should organize since there are political elements to it. ‘Thanks! Kathryn Vachon Tel (613) 998-1530 /A0423624_2-000186 05/03/2012 Page 3 of 5 From: Filliter, Erin Sent: January 30, 2012 8:48 AM To: Vachon, Kathryn; Mottram, Barbara : Fowler, Nancy; Kennedy, Jeff; Le Couteur, Guylaine; Andow, Terry; Nott, Fred ‘Subject: RE: Maggies Sealer Info Aso, can you see if to "pin" Minister Penashue on Thursday? ‘The Nunavut Craft council will Pin Min Aglukkaq, ‘Also, we should make sure itis noted on the News Release that both the Nunavut Craft Council AND the ‘Government of Nunavut donated the seal pins. E 8.19(1)_ From: Filter, Erin ‘Sent: January 30, 2012 8:40 AM To: Vachon, Kathryn; Mottram, Barbara Cc: Fowler, Nancy; Kennedy, Jeff; Le Couteur, Guylaine; Andow, Terry; Nott, Fred Subject: RE: Maggies Sealer Info Hi Kathryn, Our office is severely short staffed this week - we have 4 out of 10 out sick or away and simply don't have the manpower to manage all ofthis. Would you mind making contact with the Sealing association today and asking them if they will be a part of the QP photo-op? ‘Also, could you please ask someone in programs to please alert the Province of Quebec and see if they are interested in 1) putting out a supportive statement on that day 2) be a part of photo-op 1 3) if their Minister or other government rep will be in town, does their Minister want to sit in the House of Commons and be recognized by the speaker? Also, would you please make contact at the officials level with the Provinces of Nunuvut, NFLD and QC to make Sure their officials have all ofthe information they need? Thanks, Erin From: Vachon, Kathryn Sent: January 30, 2012 8:23 AM To: Mottram, Barbara Ce: Filter, Erin; Fowler, Nancy Subject: RE: Maggies Sealer Info HiBarb/Erin, ‘Not sure if you have been able to get hold of Denis, but | was given a name and contact number for Gil Theriault {at the Maggies Sealing Association office) who may be easier to get hold of if you can't reach Denis, His number is 418-986-1746 (cell: 418-937-9222). Kathryn Vachon Tel (613) 998-1530 05/03/2012 A0423624_3.000187 Page 4 of 5 From: Mottram, Barbara Sent: January 27, 2012 To? Vachon, Kathryn Cc: Filter, Erin; Fowler, Nancy ‘Subject: RE: Maggies Sealer Info 205 PM ‘Okay, thank you. Can you please answer part two of my question ‘Thanks From: Vachon, Kathryn '$.19(Qent: January 27, 2012 5:04 PM To: Mottram, Barbara; Fowler, Nancy Cc: Filter, Erin Subject: Re: Hi Barbara, When we met yesterday with Erin we agreed that should be asked to participate in the pinning ceremony. My understanding from Erin's request for his info is that your office will be extending the invite. We ‘spoke with comms in QC this morning and were told that he was likely to be coming to Ottawa for the 2nd, From: Mottram, Barbara To: Vachon, Kathryn; Fowler, Nancy Ce: Filter, Erin Sent: Fri Jan 27 16:18:00 2012 ‘Subject: FW: Hi Kathy, Can you provide me with clarification of your email below? Also, now that Minister Blaney is participating in Seal Day, can we take a second look at who we are involving from Quebec and ensure that we have the right people? Photo Ops ete. Please advise. With thanks, Barbara From: Filter, Erin Sent: January 27, 2012 12:22 PM To: Vachon, Kathryn; Fowler, Nancy Ce: Mottram, Barbara Subject: Re: ‘Thanks Kathryn! ''m off for the afternoon - Barb will be stick-handiing this for the afternnon From: Vachon, Kathryn To: Filter, Erin; Fowler, Nancy Sent: Fri Jan 27 11:58:43 2012 Subject: 05/03/2012 ‘A0423624_4.000188 Page 5 of S $.19(1) HiErin, | should have waited another minute, it would have saved me an email. Here is the contact information. The president of Association des chasseurs de phoques des lles-de-1a-Madeleine (ACPIM) in participating in Ottawa, and if he is available would also speak on behalf of the Quebec seal harvesting industry. Kathryn Vachon Tel (613) 998-1530 From: Filter, Erin Sent: January 27, 2012 9:59 AM Vachon, Kathryn; Fower, Nancy Subject: Rollout Here is the roll-out doc | put together for our team FYI- Blaney is in. Can you please send me the name and contact info for the Maggies Sealer? E <> 05/03/2012 A0423624_5.000189 Message Event Proposal Date: February 2, 2012 ‘Media Market: National Media Location: Parliament Hill/ Ottawa Convention | English Media Spokesperson: Minister Centre (Ottawa, Ontario)/ National | Ashfield Cee nea French Media Spokesperson: TBC Multicultural Media Spokesperson: N/A THE EVENT PROACTIVE EVENT OR INVITATION © Proactive event Timeline: + Photoop wh key seal stakeholders and Mites a the Norther Lights Business and Cutal ‘+ 11:30 am ~ Media technical briefing by DFO on Canada's sealing industry ‘+ 1:45 pm — Photo-op of Ministers receiving seal pin prior to Question Period ‘© Mest and greet photo-op with Norther Canadian sealing stakeholders and seal artisans at the Ars and Cultural Paviion atthe Norther Lights 2012 Business and Cultural Showease in Ottawa, Ontario (se, ‘www northernlghtsotawa, com). + Photo-op in the Foyer ofthe House of Commons with sel pins being put on WIP (TAC), Ministers Ashfel, Penashue and Aglukkaq by representatives from Canada’s North '* Technical briefing with DFO officials on Canada’s sealing industry which will highlight DFO science on seal species found in Canada including stucies on current population status and ecosystem interactions between seals and other marine life; the management of Canada's commercial seal harvest, andthe sustainable use and soco-economic value of he seal harvest. ‘GOVERNMENT OF CANADA FUNDING / PARTNER FUNDING IF APPLICABLE): ‘The Norther Lights 2012 Business and Cultural Showcase is sponsored in part by the Atlantic Canada Opportunities Agency, the Canadian Northem Economic Development Agency, the Province of "Newfoundland and Labrador, and Territory of Nunavut. There is no funding announcement planned as part ofthis proposed event. VENUE DESCRIPTION ‘+The Ministers wil visit with invited exhibitors ofthe show’s Arts and Cultural Pavilion atthe Ottawa Convention Centre, where Inuit arts and crafts wil be on display, including seal products. + Foyer of the House of Commons for pinning ceremony prior to Question Period, + National Press Theatre for media technical briefing MEDIA INVITED? + Yes tobe done by DFO MINISTER'S REGIONAL OFFICE CONTACTED? + yes OTHER PARTICIPANTS (MPs, PROVINCIAL REPS, STAKEHOLDERS, ETC) + Ministers Ashfield, Penashue, Aglukkaq + Possibly WIP + Inuit and Northem officials and artisans ‘documents and setings\pryceeVocal settings emporary internet filesiolk#4\mep_sealdayonthehill (2).doc Created on: 18-Jan-12 Last saved by: Melanie Auger Created by: Alain Belle-Isle Revised: 26-Jan-12 3:14 PM Comms # 889/11 ABOBANTER 8o vast 39 ‘0423624. 6-000190 Page 1 of 5 ‘+ Seal industry officials (TBC) AUDIENCE SIZE AND DESCRIPTION / TARGET AUDIENCES + Media event (photo op and technical briefing — not for attribution) STRATEGIC OBJECTIVES + This event provides an opportunity to reiterate the Government of Canada's commitment tothe sealing industry and promote it as a producer of healthy, safe, sustainable natural resource products. VISUAL MESSAGE(S) DESIRED PICTURE (STILL) + Ministers meeting with creators and vendors of seal products + Ministers receiving seal pins in the Foyer of the House of Commons before Question Period, ACTUAL SPEAKING BACKDROP ‘© Inuitarts and crafts exhibits LENGTH OF SPEECH + NA TONE + Upbeat, positive ATTIRE + Business WRITTEN MESSAGE(S) NEWS RELEASE HEADLINE (GOVERNMENT OF CANADA SUPPORTS SEALERS DESIRED HEADLINE ‘+ Government shows its support for Canadian sealers DESIRED SOUNDBITE / KEY NEWS RELEASE SOUNDBITE ‘= *Our government is committed to supporting economic opportunities in our northern and coastal regions. Sealing is an important economic driver in many communities of Canada's East and the Eastern Arctic by ‘making responsible use of a safe, healthy and sustainable resource. KEY MESSAGES ‘+ Our government is committed to supporting economic prosperity in northern and coastal regions of the ‘county. ‘+ Sealing provides important economic benefits in many communities in Canada's Aantic Provinces and the Easter Arctic by making responsible use of a safe, healthy and sustainable resource. + Canadian sealers, processors, artisans, and Inuit produce some of the world's finest quality products and ‘we will continue to defend their right to trade these products freely and legally anywhere they choose. + There are around 8 milion harp seals in the Northwest Atlantic, more than three times population inthe 1970s, grey seals number around 350,000, or ten times the number found in the 1970s. These are healthy ‘and sustainable seal populations. +The commercial and subsistence harvests in Atlantic Canada and the North are sustainably managed and do not put the long-term health of seal populations at risk. +The harvest is closely regulated, including a strict three-step process for harvesting seals designed to ensure the high-level of animal welfare possible, ‘documents and settings prycee\local settingsemporary internet filesiolk44\mep_sealdayonthehill(2).doc Created on: 18-Jan-12 Last saved by: Melanie Auger Created by: Alain Belle-Isle Revised: 26-Jan-12 3:14 PM Comms #: 889/11 ADBBAWEN 18.1 4N19 ‘0423624. 7-000191 Page 2 of $ KEY QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS a a2 Be Os ‘What impact will the Russian ban import of seal products have on the Canadian seal harvest? ‘The extent ofthis ban is not yet clear. We are folowing up with the Russian Federation to get a better Lnderstanding of the nature and extent ofthe apparent trade restrictions. We will work withthe Russian Federation to ensure ongoing access for Canadian seal products in that market. The Canadian sealing industry continues to promote market opportunities worldwide, and this effort is not limited to harp seals or only pets, ‘What Impact does the Duke University study linking climate change to increased seal pup mortality have on the management of Canada's seal harvest? ‘The study, which was funded by IFAW, is not raising any new questions. The Department's scientists have ‘actually been studying the potential impacts of ice conditions on harp seals for many years. The current Population remains abundant and is not at risk; in fact, ithas grown fourfold inthe last forty years to reach ‘near historical highs not seen since at least the 1950s and probably longer. While i's true that harp seals require ice for glving birth and rearing thelr young; without access to stable ice, these seals may simply ‘modify their behaviour accordingly over time. ‘The reality is that the Canadian seal harvest is closely monitored and managed under the Precautionary ‘Approach to ensure the resource is conserved for generations to come. A wide range of factors, including ‘changing ice conditions and their potential impact on seal mortality rates, are carefully analyzed each year ‘and taken into account when making management decisions. What is the status of the seals markot access agreement signed with China in January 20117 CChina is a key market among many being considered by the Canadian industry as it continues to diversity its business. The Government of Canada continues to collaborate with the industry to ensure ongoing ‘access for its products abroad, including in China, ‘Canada has initialed an agreement with China that wil provide Canadian exporters an opportunity to sell ‘edible seal products there. We have provided the Chinese authorities with clear evidence of the safety and ualty of our seal product exports and we are discussing with the Chinese goverment next steps to establish trade for Canadian products as soon as possible. We understand that international ant-sealing lobbyists are curently promoting opposition to seal products in Chir We believe that Chinese consumers should be free to make their own purchasing decisions based on the facts — that the Canadian seal harvest is sustainable, humane, and economically important to Canadian ‘coastal communities. Claims to the contrary are simply unfounded. have heard that there is an outbreak of disease in ringed seals in the United States and Canadian Arctic. What impact will this have on negotiations with China? My officials have received reports of some dead seals being found in the Arctic United States and Canada Ringed seals - which are not marketed commercially ~ are the only seal species affected, Fisheries and Oceans Canada is currently working alongside other Government departments to investigate the reports, ‘The population of harp seals, which is typically the species marketed commercially, is healthy and abundant ‘and safe for human consumption. ‘What Is the status of Canada’s challenge of the European Union seal ban at the World Trade Organization? (Answer provided by the Department of Foreign Affairs and international Trade) "\documents and settings\prycec\local setings\emporary internet flesiolk44\mep_sealdayonthehill 2).doc (Created on: 18-Jan-12 Last saved by: Melanie Auger Created by: Alain Belle-Isle Revised: 26-Jan-12 3:14 PM Comms #: 889/11 ADDDOWET 18-1AN.19 0423624 8.000192 Page 3 of 5 AS At Canada's request, the World Trade Organization established a dispute settlement panel on March 25, 2011 to examine the European Union's regulations that ban seal products. “The next step is to select the panelists to hear the case. We are coordinating with Norway, another Complainant, inthis process. ‘There is no definitive timetable forthe case yet. Panel proceedings take on average approximately 15 months before a report is made public and a decision rendered 26 What Is the Department doing to develop a market for grey seal products? ‘AB Fisheries and Oceans Canada continues to work with provincial, teritorial partners to ensure Canadian products have full access to international markets, ‘The Government of Canada and the Provinces and Terttores are also supporting research and development activities that will help the industry develop a viable market for its seal products. For its pat, Fisheries and Oceans Canada has introduced developmental allocations to three industry groups, including the Nunatsiavut Government. to support the development of value added products that will support a strong ‘and viable sealing industry forthe futur. RESEARCH NEEDS + NA ROLLOUT COMMUNICATIONS PRODUCTS 12 Media Advisory 1 Speech News Release Backgrounder(s): Status of seal populations in Canada, Management of Canada’s Seal Harvest, ‘Sustainabilty of the Commerical seal harvest and the Responsible Use of seal products, Fact Sheet (on seals and sealing) — existing web-based materials wll be updated prior to event Biographies ‘Talking Points 8A MP. / Caucus Kit Props (describe) Seal Pins Post-Event Media (Twitter, Facebook) ~ news release and photos to be tweeted on DFO site and photos 0 participating Ministers and stakeholders for posting on their Facebook pages ‘Web Content Photo Release Other (describe) For Information, ‘Comment aBOwOoy cao i Ooo0go:; (OTHER BACKGROUND INFORMATION: + Several high profile personaities willbe participating in the Northern Lights 2012, including: ‘©The Honourable Jean Charest, Premier of Quebec; ‘0 The Honourable Kathy Ounderdale, Premier of Newfoundland and Labrador; ‘0 His Excellency David Jacobson, United States Ambassador to Canada; ‘0 His Excellency Georgly Memdov, Ambassador of the Russian Federation to Canada; and ‘© Environmentalist David Suzuki. MEDIA PLAN PLANNING "documents and settings\prycec\local settings temporary internet files\olk44unep_sealdayonthehill (2). doe Created on: 18-Jan-12 Last saved by: Melanie Auger Created by: Alain Belle-Isle Revised: 26-Jan-12 3:14 PM ‘Comms #: 889/11 ADDBAVEN 18-1AN.19 A0423624_9-000193 Page 4 of 5 [Live Coverage (check ifyes) ~ we can expect live coverage if WIP attends Photographer GF Readout ‘STRATEGY ‘© Tomaximize coverage (national and regional). This willbe done through a media advisory to the Pariamentary Press Gallery and utilization of the Department's media relations team in Ottawa, who will be ‘contacting media directly. * All questions not directly related to information being presented by DFO officals atthe technical briefing wil bbe directed to DFO media relations. ‘= DFO will also liaise with key industry stakeholders in order to provide contact information to media. PROMOTING THE EVENT Media Advisory + Yes Contacting Media * Yes FOLLOW-UP MEDIA (ONE-ON-ONES) EnglishvFrench/Mutticutural Media Interviews ‘© Arranging interviews with sealing industry and media to discuss the importance of Canadian sealing MEP APPROVED BY: Erin Fltor ‘lan 17 Communications Contact: Program Contact: Alain Belle-Isle, 613-990-0210 Robert Day, 613-991-6135 ‘esdocuments and settingsiprycecllocal setingsitemporary internet filesiolk4@\mep_sealdayonthehill (2).doc Created on: 18-Jan-12 Last saved by: Melanie Auger Created by: Alain Belle-Isle Revised: 26-Jan-12 3:14 PM ‘Comms #: 889/11 ABDDAWEN 19 TAN 19 ‘0423624 _10-000194 Page 5 of $ Vachon, Kathryn Vachon, Kathryn January 31, 2012 2:40 PM Filter, Erin XNCR, ComApprovaliApprobation RE: Media Advisory Thanks Erin, | will see if this can be transiated in house. | checked with approvals and the media advisories don't require PCO approval since our MEP was approved. Kathryn Vachon Tel (613) 998-1530 From: Filter, En ‘Sent: January 31, 2012 2:38 PM To: ‘Vachon, Kathryn Subject: Media Advisory Hi Kathryn, ‘As discussed, I've split the Media Advisories into 2 - it was getting unwelldy as one. ‘The media advisory for the morning photo-op can be issued tomorrow afternoon by 1pmEST to the press gallery and on market wire. The media advisory for the main photo-op and technical briefing (approved this morning) can be issued widely on marketwie, to the press gallery and to regions at 10amEST tomorrow. ‘Thanks for understanding :) Erin << File: MA_SealsDay - momning.doc >> /A0423625_1-000195 Beelen, Christin« From: XNCR, ComApproval/Approbation February 1, 2012 9:11 AM Filter, Erin Mottram, Barbara; Walker-Sisttie, Rhonda; Beelen, Christine; Vachon, Kathryn FOR APPROVAL: 68/12 HQ-STM: Open Letter to MPs - Seal Day Attachments: STM_Seal Day_E.doc HiErin, Please see the attached statement for your approval. OPEN LETTER TO ALL MEMBERS OF PARLIAMENT AND SENATORS ON SEAL DAY ON THE HILL FROM MINISTERS ASHFIELD, AGLUKKAQ, BLANEY AND PENASHUE STM Seal ay_E.doc (59 KB) Note: The purpose of this statement is to build support for Seal Day on the Hill scheduled for February 2, 2012. Hiélene Tache Direction générale des communications/Communications Branch {613-991-6603 | facsimil/tlécopieur 613-953-8277 Helene TacheBdfo-mpo.gcca Péches et Ootans Canada | 200, rue Kent Ottawa, ON KIA OF6 Fisheries and Oceans Caneda | 200 Kent St Ottawa, ON KIA 0E6 ‘Gouvernement du Canada | Government of Canada A0423626_1-000196 DRAFT JOINT MINISTERIAL STATEMENT [Sper letter to All Members of Parliament and Senators on Seal Day on the Hill from Ministers Ashfield, Aglukkag, Blaney and Penashue_ February 1, 2012 Dear Colleagues: On February 2°, 2012, all Members of Parliament and Senators will have an opportunity to support Canada's northern and coastal communities Sealing is an important economic and cultural driver in Canada's eastern, arctic and northern communities. It is a long-standing and integral part of Canada’s rural culture and a way of life for thousands of Canadians, As a sign of support for the individuals who rely on the sustainable seal harvest in Canada, we are asking all Members of Parliament and Senators to show their support by wearing a seal fur lapel pin in the House of Commons and Senate Chambers on February 2", 2012. The lapel pins will be made available to Members and Senators in their lobbies and are provided by the Nunavut Government and the Nunavut Arts and Crafts Association. For more information on Canada's sustainable seal harvest, please visit the website entitled “Seals and Sealing in Canada” at the following URL: gp/seal-phoque/index-eng.htm. While in Ottawa for the Northern Lights 2012 Business and Cultural Showcase, representatives from Canada’s North will also discuss the sealing industry with officials and federal representatives. For more information on the Northern Lights 2012 Business and Cultural Showcase being held in Ottawa, please visit We encourage all Members of Parliament and Senators to explore these unique events. Sincerely, Minister Keith Ashfield, Minister of Fisheries and Oceans Minister Leona Aglukkag, Minister of Health and Minister responsible for the North Minister Steven Blaney, Minister of Veterans Affairs Minister Peter Penashue, Minister responsible for Newfoundland and Labrador cwdocuments and settings\beelencilocal settingslemporary internet fles\oK2b0\sim_seal day_e.doc Created on: 31-Jan-12 Last saved by: Melanie Auger Created by: Nancy Fowler Revised: 31-Jan-12 3:32 PM COMMS 68/12 Page 1 of 1 ‘80423626_2-000197 Page(s) 000198 tola 000199 Is(are) under consultation Page 1 of 2 Vachon, Kathryn From: Fowier, Nancy Sent: February 2, 2012 9:52 AM To: Larocque, Joshua; Cheeseman, Leslie Ce: Vachon, Kathryn; Beelen, Christine Subject: Fw: Tomorrow's Canada site feature (Feb. 2) Importance: High Hi Josh or Leslie - 'm so sorry to bug you about this. Would you please send Gabrielle 1-2 transiated ‘did you know’ facts about the seal fishery? | would recommend pulling from the key messages in the QRB. Thanks! N From: Maheux, Gabrielle To: Beelen, Christine Cc: Mian, Irfan ; Duguay, Mélanie, ; Van Der Voort, Melissa; Fowler, Nancy; Vachon, Kathryn; Walker-Sistie, Rhonda; McRae, Cathy Sent: Thu Feb 02 09:44:48 2012 ‘Subject: RE: Tomorrow's Canada site feature (Feb. 2) Good morning Christine, ‘We would like to highlight the following event on the Canada site today and need your help to complete the package that will be sent infor posting, Event: Min, Aglukkag (for DFO), Min. Ashfield (DFO) "Seal Day" on the Hill, Ottawa ON Photos (As previously discussed) We would like 2-3 photo options from the event to choose from, with captions. Photos do not necessarily need to be approved by your Minister's Office but we will leave it to your discretion as long as we have them ASAP today. “Did You Know” (DYK) Fact ‘Along with the Canada site feature, we would also lke to change the DYK fact (bottom right-hand corner of Canada site homepage) to promote the announcement or issue. A few guidelines: Please provide 1-2 different DYK options in both English and French and we will make the selection ‘DYK facts can be pulled directly from the existing/approved products but should include a link somewhere in the text back to the online version of the news release or a related GoC site where a visitor can find more information, ‘DYK facts are generally only one sentence given space limitations on the Canada site. We've attached a document to this email with a few examples of past facts to give you a sense of the length, style and tone. While photos may take some time to be returned from an event, we encourage you to provide the DYK options at your earliest convenience given they usually come from existinglapproved material. Ifyou have any questions, don't hesitate to contact me. Please remember to copy all of the contacts above in your response. ‘Thanks in advance for your collaboration! 09/03/2012 ‘A0423628_1-000200 Page 2 of 2 Gabrielle Maheux New Media Offcer| Agente, Nouveaux medias Privy Couneil Office | Bureau du Conseil privé Communications & Consultations 63 Sparks Street, Sth floor 63, rue Sparks, Se étage Ottawa (Ontario) KIP 5A6 (613) 952-4912 gabrielle From: Beelen, Christine [] Sent: 2012-02-01 2:59 PM To: Maheux, Gabrielle Ce: Mian, Irfan; Duguay, Mélanie; Van Der Voort, Melissa; Fowler, Nancy; Vachon, Kathryn; Walker-Sisttie, Rhonda; McRae, Cathy ‘Subject: RE: Tomorrow's Canada site feature (Feb. 2) We will have a departmental photographer at the event. She should be able to forward you photos shorty after the event. Christine Beelen Associate Director, Public Affairs and Strategic Communications Fisheries and Oceans Canada 136240 200 Kent Street OTTAWA, Ontario K1A OES 613-991-0323 From: Maheux, Gabrielle [mailto:Gabrielle] Sent: February 1, 2012 2:45 PM To: Beelen, Christine Ce: Mian, Irfan; Duguay, Mélanie ‘Subject: Tomorrow's Canada site feature (Feb. 2) Hi Christine, | was wondering if you knew whether or not there would be a photographer for tomorrow's event- Min. Aglukkag (for DFO), Min. Ashfield (DFO) "Seal Day" on the Hill, Ottawa ON? Thank you! Gabrielle Maheux ‘New Media Officer | Agente, Nouveaux medias Privy Council Office | Bureau du Conseil privé ‘Communications & Consultations 63 Sparks Street, Sth floor | 63, rue Sparks, Se étage Ottawa (Ontario) KIP SA6 (613) 952-4912 gabrielle. 09/03/2012 A0423628_2-000201 Page(s) 000202 tola 000205 Is(are) under consultation

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