GameFAQs - Fortune Summoners - Secret of The Elemental Stone (PC) FAQ - Walkthrough by Dragonkyrie

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GameFAQs: Fortune Summoners: Secret of the Elemental Stone (PC) FAQ/Walkthrough by Dragonk

Fortune Summoners: Secret of the Elemental Stone: FAQ/Walkthrough by Dragonkyrie Version 1.00, Last Updated 2012-04-02 View/Download Original File Liked this FAQ? Click here to Hosted by GameFAQs recommend this item to other Return to Fortune Summoners: Secret of the Elemental Stone (PC) FAQs & Guides users.

1357913579135791357913579135791357913579 246802468024680246802468024680246802468 FrueSmoes Sce o teEeetlSoe(C otn umnr: ert f h lmna tn P) Wltruh akhog B Daokre y rgnyi Eal Daokregalcm mi: rgnyi@mi.o SatdFbur 6h 21 tre eray t, 02 Ls rvsdMrh3s,21 at eie ac 1t 02 Vrin10 eso .0 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

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*-----------* *----------* | | | | | [al o Cnet]| | Tbe f otns | | | | | *-----------* *----------* [TLF CR+] 1 . 2 . 3 . 4 . Itouto...........................[NR] nrdcin...........................ITD Cnrl.............................[TL] otos.............................CRS Cma..............................[OB] obt..............................CMT Wltruh...........................[LT] akhog............................WKH Dy1..........................[A0] a ...........................DY1 Dy2..........................[A0] a ...........................DY2 Dy3..........................[A0] a ...........................DY3 Dy4..........................[A0] a ...........................DY4 Dy5..........................[A0] a ...........................DY5 Dy6..........................[A0] a ...........................DY6 Dy7..........................[A0] a ...........................DY7


GameFAQs: Fortune Summoners: Secret of the Elemental Stone (PC) FAQ/Walkthrough by Dragonk

Dy8..........................[A0] a ...........................DY8 Dy9..........................[A0] a ...........................DY9 Dy1..........................[A1] a 0..........................DY0 Dy1..........................[A1] a 1..........................DY1 EdCnet.......................[NC] n otn........................EDT BnsQet...........................BSS ou uss..........................[NQ] 'h Ohr OhrCv'.................[NQ] Te te, te ae..................BS1 5 Bsir.............................[NT] . etay.............................MSR 6 Caatr............................[HC] . hrces............................CRT Ace...........................WGL rh...........................[DR] Sn............................WGL aa...........................[TR] Sel...........................FGL tla..........................[RR] 7 Ies..............................[NN] . tm...............................IVT a Cnuals.......................CSB . osmbe.......................[NM] b Waos.........................WOS . epn.........................[PN] c Amr..........................AMS . ro..........................[RR] d Acsois.......................ASS . cesre.......................[CR] e Csue.........................CTS . otms........................[SM] f Mselnos......................MCS . iclaeu......................[SN] g SeilIes......................SCS . pca tm......................[PL] 8 Sos..............................[HP] . hp...............................SPG 9 Bos..............................[XB] . ok...............................TTK 1.Msae.............................[SG] 0 esgs.............................MSS 1.Eta..............................[XR] 1 xrs..............................ETS 1.Ceis.............................[RT] 2 rdt..............................CDS


*----------* *----------* | | | | | | [nrdcin Itouto] | | | | | | *----------* *----------*

Ti gm i asd-coln RGwt a atsyeta big hs ae s iesrlig P ih n r tl ht rns bc tego odtmswe yupae gmso yu GA(rnw ak h od l ie hn o lyd ae n or B o o, o yu euao o poe.Ti i CreFla' tidtasae n or mltr r hn) hs s ap ugrs hr rnltd jpns idegm!Ys temi caatri act ltl gr aaee ni ae e, h an hrce s ue ite il aan O,myenta ct,sesgtagatsodo hrbc gi. k ab o s ue h' o in wr n e ak a altms ee we sege t sho.I yuhvntpae t l ie, vn hn h os o col f o ae' lyd CreFla' ohrgms Rcter A Ie So' Tl ad ap ugrs te ae, eeta: n tm hps ae n Catls:ATl o ToSses Ircmeda latcekn hneie ae f w itr, eomn t es hcig te oti yulk aiesyeso-epn dnencaln hm u f o ie nm-tl hpkeig ugo-rwig gons. odes I ayn hsqetos cmet,o ayhn t cnrbt t te f noe a usin, omns r ntig o otiue o h prsIv cmltdi ti gie fe fe t ealm a at 'e opee n hs ud, el re o mi e t daokregalcm Ntfigm aotayerr o cretos rgnyi@mi.o. oiyn e bu n ros r orcin i ti giei as wloen mte hwsal ee i i js n hs ud s lo ecm o atr o ml, vn f ts ut atp.Pes icuetewrs'otn Smoes o smtigs yo lae nld h od Frue umnr' r oehn o Icntl wa giefrwa gm yur tligaot As,i a el ht ud o ht ae o'e akn bu. lo t mkssr ta i' ntsa. ae ue ht ts o pm *fi' be avr ln tm snetels rvso o ti gie I ts en ey og ie ic h at eiin f hs ud, Imyntko tegm a wl ayoe Sry a o nw h ae s el nmr. or!

Udts pae: 21/2 Mi wltruhcmlt.Wrigo epnigBsir, /01 an akhog opee okn n xadn etay Ie Ls,adCaatr scin.. tm it n hrces etos. 2/97


GameFAQs: Fortune Summoners: Secret of the Elemental Stone (PC) FAQ/Walkthrough by Dragonk

21/2 Loigfrtefloigtig,Idapeit i i /61 okn o h olwn hns ' prcae t f yusn m a eali yuko ayo i. o ed e n mi f o nw n f t -Aydo ta i bakudramntrsnm i teBsir n rp ht s ln ne ose' ae n h etay -Ayie adisdsrpinntlse i iesls n tm n t ecito o itd n tm it -Hwmc EPi rqie frec lvlfo 42 o uh X s eurd o ah ee rm -2 -Ie dsrpin frtefloigSeilIes tm ecitos o h olwn pca tm: [tn Tbe 1,[tn Tbe 2,[adaeLnh, Soe alt ] Soe alt ] Hnmd uc] [oa Hr] ad[ht Io Oe Tph eb, n Wie rn r] -Aysceshde sufImse n ert/idn tf isd 22/2 Addsm if adtdisfo hlfleal. /01 de oe no n ibt rm epu mis 22/2 Md afwcretos Add[ivrRsr] /81 ae e orcin. de Sle oay. 30/2 Addanwie admd cretosaot[ivrRsr] /41 de e tm n ae orcin bu Sle oay. 31/2 Cnimdlcto o [ht Io Oe. /01 ofre oain f Wie rn r] 31/2 Addadtoa if o teueo tebos'oko Sod /81 de diinl no n h s f h ok Bo f wr Sces,'ertMgcTm' ad'ertTm o Mgc. ert' Sce ai oe, n Sce oe f ai' 32/2 Mr mnrcretos /31 oe io orcin. 32/2 Addsm mntrdos /61 de oe ose rp *----------* *----------* | | | | | | [otos Cnrl] | | | | | | *----------* *----------*


Yucnawy g t Otosi teMi Mn t cag yu cnrl o a las o o pin n h an eu o hne or otos t waee i mr cnein fryu o htvr s oe ovnet o o. BscCnrl ai otos ------------Teeaecnrl ta alcaatr hv.Seilaiiiswl hs r otos ht l hrces ae pca blte il b lse i asprt scin e itd n eaae eto. Lf arwky mv lf et ro e: oe et Rgtarwky mv rgt ih ro e: oe ih Dw arwky coc on ro e: ruh U arwky etrae o do/lc p ro e: ne ra r orbok Dul tpigtelf/ih arwkywl ltyurn obe apn h etrgt ro e il e o u. Pesn tedw arwkywiernigwl mk yu rsig h on ro e hl unn il ae o siet aso. ld o tp Etrky Sic btencaatr ne e: wth ewe hrces ''ky Slc/xmn/tak X e: eetEaieAtc ''ky Jm/acl C e: upCne ''ky Da wao/wthsel/raieIvnoy Z e: rw epnsic plsOgnz netr ''ky Eaie bsclylk ''kyecp n Atc V e: xmn, aial ie X e xet o tak ''ky UeHaigIe F e: s eln tm '1 ky Mi Mn &PryMme Sau F' e: an eu at ebr tts '2 ky Ueahaigie t ha,haspro wt lws F' e: s eln tm o el el esn ih oet preto hat rmiig ecn f elh eann '3 Ky tglsyu pryt flo yu sa sil o t fgt F' e: oge or at o olw o, ty tl, r o ih fel rey '4 ky cagsprymme btl sye wt mgc F' e: hne at ebr ate tls ih ai Fl mo:g alot ul on o l u 3/97


GameFAQs: Fortune Summoners: Secret of the Elemental Stone (PC) FAQ/Walkthrough by Dragonk

Hl mo:mdrt af on oeae Wnn mo:ltl mgc aig on ite ai Xe otmo:n mgc 'd u on o ai Mdpc:ha mgcol e ak el ai ny

'5 ky Sice btenselok F' e: wths ewe plbos '6 ky Cagsbtl ve F' e: hne ate iw Lce aco:cmr i cnee o tepae okd nhr aea s etrd n h lyr RdLc-n lcsot yu eeytre e oko: ok no or nm agt Ln:cmr cneshlwyi foto pae og aea etr afa n rn f lyr


*----------* *----------* | | | | | | [obt Cma] | | | | | | *----------* *----------*

Cma i ti gm intta es,t b hns,epcal obt n hs ae s' ht ay o e oet seily we yuv ol gtannmgclAce Temntr i hn o'e ny o o-aia rh. h oses n ti gm hsmr ban,sc ta te otnddeo cutr hs ae a oe ris uh ht hy fe og r one yu atcs Samn atcsi ti gm wntgtyuvr or tak. pmig tak n hs ae o' e o ey fr yune t tm yu atcs lk atc rgtatr a; o ed o ie or tak, ie tak ih fe yuboka eeyatc.Ec caatrsaiiiswl b o lc n nm tak ah hrce' blte il e eaoae o i adfeetscin Ti scini frsm lbrtd n n ifrn eto. hs eto s o oe bscif. ai no Teeaefv dfeetgm dfiute:Es,Nra,Hr, hr r ie ifrn ae ifclis ay oml ad Epr,adNgtae Ngtaei ol aalbeoc yuba xet n ihmr. ihmr s ny vial ne o et tegm a latoc.Yucncag tegm dfiut ayie h ae t es ne o a hne h ae ifcly ntm yuwn i tegm.Stigt hre dfiute gvsyu o at n h ae etn o adr ifclis ie o mr eprec fo mntr. oe xeine rm oses Ircmedhvn At-ur o,epcal we yur fgtn eomn aig uoGad n seily hn o'e ihig mr ta oemntr wihi ms o tetm.I yudcd oe hn n ose, hc s ot f h ie f o eie t tr i of teu arwkyi tegadky (aasae o un t f, h p ro e s h ur e. Sn hks lk ara wm we segad. ie el ip hn h urs) Teeaeattlo 2 Mrso Hrimi teetr gm. hr r oa f 0 ak f eos n h nie ae Ec oeicessyu lvlcpb oeadas icesste ah n nrae or ee a y n n lo nrae h aon o mnyyucncry Tehgetlvlatial i mut f oe o a ar. h ihs ee tanbe n ti gm i 2.Tehgetaon o cpe yucncryi hs ae s 3 h ihs mut f opr o a ar s 1000 4,0. Eprec Rqie PrLvl xeine eurd e ee: [] 0EP 1 X []20EP 2 5 X []50EP 3 0 X [] 4 [] 5 [] 6 [] 7 [] 8 [] 9 [0 1] [1 1] [2 1] [3 1] [4 1] 4/97


GameFAQs: Fortune Summoners: Secret of the Elemental Stone (PC) FAQ/Walkthrough by Dragonk

[5 1] [6 1] [7 1] [8 1] [9 1] [0 2] [1 2] [2 2] [3 1200EP 2] 3,0 X *oe yugtseilmscwe yuhtlvl2 o Ace Nt: o e pca ui hn o i ee 3 n rh Sas tt: Atc dtrie hwmc pyia dmg yud,s i i tak eemns o uh hscl aae o o o t s ms ueu frAce adntSn o Sel.Hne yusol ot sfl o rh, n o aa r tla ec, o hud uealyu [oe Dos o Ace s l or Pwr rp] n rh. Dfnerdcstedmg yutk fo pyia atcs ees eue h aae o ae rm hscl tak. Sii icesstedmg dn wt mgcatcs s i' prt nrae h aae oe ih ai tak, o ts ipratfrSn adSel.Ue[odCidDos o te. motn o aa n tla s Go hl rp] n hm Rss rdcstedmg yutk fo mgc eit eue h aae o ae rm ai. Teeaeafwsau efcsi ti gm. hr r e tts fet n hs ae Pioe:tk dmg oe tm,adi de NTg aa i yu osnd ae aae vr ie n t os O o wy f o aei adneno cv.UeVnmAa t gtrd r n ugo r ae s eo-wy o e i o i o Sn' aiiy f t r aas blt. Foe:imbl fratm pro,gtighted i rzn moie o ie eid etn i ns t Sep imbl fraln tm,gtightrdcstedrto, le: moie o og ie etn i eue h uain wl edi eeyta cue i i kle il n f nm ht asd t s ild Cnue:wl atc fin adfeaie ed we tm rn ofsd il tak red n o lk, ns hn ie us oto we eeyta cue i i kle u r hn nm ht asd t s ild Teeaeafwiesta peette ecp fez. hr r e tm ht rvn hm xet ree


*------------* *-----------* | | | | | | [akhog] Wltruh | | | | | | *------------* *-----------*

Wthtesiycytlfotn i temdl o nwee ac h hn rsa laig n h ide f ohr. "lmna Soe:soe ibe wt tepwro a EeetlSii, Eeetl tns tns mud ih h oe f n lmna prt wihgattewedro oeteaiiyt cnrlta eeet hc rn h ile f n h blt o oto ht lmn va'ai' i mgc. I tecutyo Sosom trecnuishv pse snete n h onr f cthl, he etre ae asd ic hy wr frtcetd Eeetlsoe aenwms-rdcdadwdl ee is rae. lmna tns r o aspoue n iey ue,mkn mgcaproa,cmopaepr o pol' lvs sd aig ai esnl omnlc at f epes ie. Ti i tesoyo oepriua yuggr wolvsi hs s h tr f n atclr on il h ie n Sosom." cthl.. 5/97


GameFAQs: Fortune Summoners: Secret of the Elemental Stone (PC) FAQ/Walkthrough by Dragonk

[A0] DY1

*------------* *-----------* | | | | | | [a 1 Dy ] | | | | | | *------------* *-----------*

*---------------------------------* | Tw o Tnies on f okns \ *-----------------------------------* |betv:Hl yu prns Ojcie ep or aet. | -Dsrysufi yu prn' bdom eto tf n or aets ero | -Mv acaei tesoaero oe rt n h trg om | -G t tewao soeadpc u akie o o h epn tr n ik p nf | |oses Mntr: | -Nn oe | |tm: Ies | -[oprCi]x5 Cpe on 3 -Udrer ()x [newa] F 1 | -[togilJie x Srngr uc] 1 -MlheCooae x [ese hclt] 2 | -[ese Cooae x Mlhe hclt] 2 -GenBrt x [re ee] 1 | -[og Do]x Tuh rp 1 -Udrer ()x [newa] M 1 | -[etm Do]x Mnaa rp 1 | -[utmKie Cso nf] | |Nt:Iesi ti gm,ee wt tesm nm,d NTsak *oe tm n hs ae vn ih h ae ae o O tc. *-----------------* Yupa temi caatrnmdAce Yuadyu fml hs o ly h an hrce ae rh. o n or aiy a js mvdi a teTw o Tnies G aedadepoeyu ut oe n t h on f okns. o ha n xlr or nwhue Frt tl t yu Dd Atrta,ha u tesar e os. is, ak o or a. fe ht ed p h tis adtl t yu Mm Sewnsyut gtrdo sm cae ad n ak o or o. h at o o e i f oe rts n bresi terbdom G aedadg truhtedo rgt arl n hi ero. o ha n o hog h or ih bhn hr eid e. Aprnl Acesie o gtigrdo tig i js dsryn paety rh' da f etn i f hns s ut etoig te wt hrsod Da yu sodaddsrytetobres hm ih e wr. rw or wr n eto h w arl, topt,adtesnl cae w os n h ige rt. Nwbfr yulae cektecoe fra[togilJie. o eoe o ev, hc h lst o Srngr uc] Fnyhwte tl yutiewe yugtmnyo ies un o hy el o wc hn o e oe r tm. LtslaetebdomadcekotAcesonbdom G u e' ev h ero n hc u rh' w ero. o p tesar t tetpfor h tis o h o lo. Cektebocs frabo tte 'aia Gr Mri Pr 11' hc h okae o ok ild Mgcl il ern at /2. G aedadra i js frtehc o i. o ha n ed t ut o h ek f t Cekyu dae(h oewt tedl adfoeso tp fr hc or rwrte n ih h ol n lwr n o) o 1 [oprCis. 0 Cpe on] I yucekyu suyds js t tergto tedae,yul f o hc or td ek ut o h ih f h rwr o'l fn abo cle 'oko SodSces.I ak yui yuwn id ok ald Bo f wr ert' t ss o f o at t ra i btaprnl i' tohr fryurgtnw o ed t u paety ts o ad o o ih o! NT: OE Atryuhv bae tegm oc,raigti bo i anwgm fe o ae etn h ae ne edn hs ok n e ae wl gatyusm o Acessil isatyiseda ter il rn o oe f rh' kls ntnl nta t hi 6/97


GameFAQs: Fortune Summoners: Secret of the Elemental Stone (PC) FAQ/Walkthrough by Dragonk

rqie lvl I' js altl botfryu nwgm. eurd ee. ts ut ite os o or e ae

Eaietecoe t tergto yu bdt fn [ese xmn h lst o h ih f or e o id Mlhe Cooae x. hclt] 2 Teceti tecre o yu ro i weeyucnsoeies h hs n h onr f or om s hr o a tr tm. Yu soaebxhlsu t 18ies or trg o od p o 2 tm. Nwg bc adtl t yu mte.Nwsewnsyut ps a o o ak n ak o or ohr o h at o o uh bgbxaanttelf wl o tesoaero.G bc t i o gis h et al f h trg om o ak o tefrtforadg truhtedo. h is lo n o hog h or Sml wl aanttegatcaeutli ht telf wl. ipy ak gis h in rt ni t is h et al Yud ntne t dsryteptadbre a te wl nt o o o ed o eto h o n arl s hy il o osrc tecae I yuacdnal dsrytecae js btut h rt. f o cietly eto h rt, ut wl bc otadi tesoaero.G bc adtl t ak ak u n n h trg om o ak n ak o Acesmmaan rh' o gi. G dw adtl t yu ddnw H wnsyut g t te o on n ak o or a o. e at o o o o h wao soeadpc u akie Laetehue Yuaenw epn tr n ik p nf. ev h os. o r o fe t epoeters o tetw. re o xlr h et f h on Etrtebidn lf o yu hue Cektedae rgt ne h ulig et f or os. hc h rwr ih nx t tedo fra[og Do] Laeadha altewy et o h or o Tuh rp. ev n ed l h a rgtt tenx ae. ih o h et ra Dsrytebre t yu lf fr5[oprCis. eto h arl o or et o Cpe on] Js frfn i yutl t tedgi wl flo yu ut o u, f o ak o h o t il olw o. Ha t telf adetrteIn Etrtero o telf ed o h et n ne h n. ne h om n h et ado tebosefteewl b tebo 'rn Mgc n n h okhl hr il e h ok Pak ai Eccoei' nylpda. Ei tero,g usar adcektedae wt tefoes xt h om o ptis n hc h rwr ih h lwr. I wl cnan1[ivrCi] Oesle ci i bscly t il oti Sle on. n ivr on s aial 1 [oprCis.Srney ti gm ol soscpe adgl 0 Cpe on] tagl, hs ae ny hw opr n od crec,n sle.Teeoe Iwl cnetsle it cpe urny o ivr hrfr, il ovr ivr no opr we Ils i i ies hn it t n tm. G t tevr lf o tescn foradcektecoe fra o o h ey et f h eod lo n hc h lst o [etm Do] Mnaa rp. Ei teInadha t tevr rgtadetrteBuiu. xt h n n ed o h ey ih n ne h otqe Etrtedo o tergtadg u tesar adeaiete ne h or n h ih n o p h tis n xmn h dae wt tetodls Yuwl gt[newa]frfmls. rwr ih h w ol. o il e Udrer o eae.. pnytif at he! Hr te cretysl [oe Goe]wihge i Amrso #. ee hy urnl el Wvn lvs hc os n ro lt 2 Teohrtig te sl aesml vnt iesta cag te h te hns hy el r ipy aiy tm ht hne h clro yu cohn.Ol tedessadhibnsaewaal oo f or ltig ny h rse n arad r erbe b Ace y rh. Cektesuyds wt tetdyba frtebo 'aia Gr hc h td ek ih h ed er o h ok Mgcl il Mri Pr 21' Ra i i yuwn.Laetesoeadetr ern at /2. ed t f o at ev h tr n ne tesre t telf o i.Etrtecoetbidn. h tet o h et f t ne h lss ulig Etrtedo o tergtadg t tevr edo tero. ne h or n h ih n o o h ey n f h om Cektecoe fr1[ivrCi]o 1 [oprCis.Ei hc h lst o Sle on r 0 Cpe on] xt adg u t tescn foradetrtenaetdo.Cek n o p o h eod lo n ne h ers or hc 7/97


GameFAQs: Fortune Summoners: Secret of the Elemental Stone (PC) FAQ/Walkthrough by Dragonk

tedaeso tevr lf fr[ese Cooae x.Tee h rwr n h ey et o Mlhe hclt] 2 hr i ntigt sei tero o tergts laetebidn. s ohn o e n h om n h ih o ev h ulig Etrtebidn t telf.Tedo o tefrtfori ne h ulig o h et h or n h is lo s lce.G t tescn foradsac tedesrwt te okd o o h eod lo n erh h rse ih h mro fra[re Brt.Itiki' aottm w pce irr o Gen ee] hn ts bu ie e ikd u ta dge.Ha bc t weeteInws tewao soe p ht agr ed ak o hr h n a; h epn tr i rgtnx t teIn s ih et o h n. Isd tewao soe g t tefrrgto tero ad nie h epn tr, o o h a ih f h om n cektedae fr[newa].ti oesfrmls Tedo hc h rwr o Udrer..hs n' o ae. h or hr i lce s tl t temnadgtta dge.I ee s okd o ak o h a n e ht agr t wl b eeignwwe yulaetewao so.Ha bc il e vnn o hn o ev h epn hp ed ak t yu hueadtl t yu prnst fns tedy o or os n ak o or aet o iih h a. Tegm wl akyui yuwn t sv.Yuwl b al t h ae il s o f o at o ae o il e be o mnal sv a in o oc yurahtesho tenx dy auly ae t ns r ne o ec h col h et a.

[A0] DY2

*------------* *-----------* | | | | | | [a 2 Dy ] | | | | | | *------------* *-----------*

*---------------------------------* | Tw o Tnies on f okns \ *-----------------------------------* |betv:G t sho. Ojcie o o col | |oses Mntr: | -Bu Sie le lm | -GenSie re lm | -Sae nk | |tm: Ies | -[eb x Hr] 3 | -[eb x Hr] 3 | *-----------------* I temrig yu mmwl gv yu3[eb] n h onn, or o il ie o Hrs. Hv yuntcdta cpuemciena tedo?Yucn ae o oie ht asl ahn er h or o a pa i fr2 C prty ly t o 0 P e r. I yug t tewaosso,yuwl ntc teesanw f o o o h epn hp o il oie hr' e wmntee Hv ahmru ca wt hradte yucngt oa hr. ae uoos ht ih e n hn o a e sm sodlsosfo hr Yusilcntbyaywaos oe wr esn rm e. o tl a' u n epn tog. huh T ei tw,g t tecohssoeadei t tergto i. o xt on o o h lte tr n xt o h ih f t I yufl dw tept,yuwl ls 5H ec tm s tynt f o al on h is o il oe P ah ie o r o t. o I tenx ae,teewl b toBu Sie.Sie'mu. n h et ra hr il e w le lms lc e p Wthtectcn adsetedaai mgcjs t ha yu ac h usee n e h rmtc ai ut o el or ake Sn,tehae gr wl nwacmayyut sho. nl. aa h elr il il o copn o o col 8/97


GameFAQs: Fortune Summoners: Secret of the Elemental Stone (PC) FAQ/Walkthrough by Dragonk

I yuhv ayeupetfrSn,eupte o hrnw As, f o ae n qimn o aa qi hm n e o. lo secnwa tesok adbrt a tecohssoe h a er h mcs n ees t h lte tr. Tenx ae wl cnanSae adaGenSie Yusol h et ra il oti nks n re lm. o hud hv n polmdfaigte.Cekteceto telde ae o rbe eetn hm hc h hs n h eg fr3[eb] Ha rgtt gtt teMns-ai MgcSho. o Hrs. ed ih o e o h iaaRts ai col

*---------------------------------* | Mns-ai MgcSho iaaRts ai col \ *-----------------------------------* |betv:Gta eeetlsoe Ojcie e n lmna tn. | -Tl t Sel ak o tla | -G epoetecv o xlr h ae | |oses Mntr: | -Sae nk | -GenSie re lm | |tm: Ies | -[oprCi]x8 Cpe on 5 | -[oe Do]x Pwr rp 1 | *-----------------* Wthtectcn.Acewl gtitoue t tecas We ac h usee rh il e nrdcd o h ls. hn i' tm t lanmgc i trsotyudnthv asoe ts ie o er ai, t un u o o' ae tn t ue Cl wl mninteebigoei sm nab cv. o s. om il eto hr en n n oe ery ae Yudcd t cekta cv ott sei yucnfn asoe o eie o hc ht ae u o e f o a id tn t ue o s. G aedadtl t altesuet i tero,btmk o ha n ak o l h tdns n h om u ae sr yutl t Sel,tegr o tefrlf.Tl t hra ue o ak o tla h il n h a et ak o e scn tm s sesosyuhreeetlsoe Yucnt eod ie o h hw o e lmna tn. o a' laetecasomutlsede s. ev h lsro ni h os o As,tebosefbhn hrhstebo 'aia Gr Mri lo h okhl eid e a h ok Mgcl il ern Pr 31' at /2. Laetecasomadsahteptnab t gta[oe Do] ev h lsro n ms h o ery o e Pwr rp. Etrtescn do t tergto tescn forad ne h eod or o h ih n h eod lo n teboseft yu lf wl cnan'aia Gr Mri Pr h okhl o or et il oti Mgcl il ern at 41' Ntiges t d hr uls yuwn t tl t sm nc. /2. ohn le o o ee nes o at o ak o oe ps Tesho lbayi tedo t tevr rgto tefrtfor h col irr s h or o h ey ih n h is lo. Teeaefu bosbtcno ra ayo te. hr r or ok u ant ed n f hm Aueu pro hr i tenre woeofc i lctdjs lf sfl esn ee s h us, hs fie s oae ut et o telbay Yucnrs teeadha u adas sv yu f h irr. o a et hr n el p n lo ae or pors.Seas slssm mdcn. rges h lo el oe eiie Teei ntiges t d hr s laetesho.Etrtera hr s ohn le o o ee o ev h col ne h od t tergto sho;i last tesho br.Etrtebr o h ih f col t ed o h col an ne h an adsahtebre o telf t gt4[oprCis.Dsryte n ms h arl n h et o e Cpe on] eto h caeo tergtt gt5mr [oprCis.Nwlaetebr rt n h ih o e oe Cpe on] o ev h an adg bc i.Jm o tecae te jm u t yu lf t ln n o ak n up n h rt, hn up p o or et o ad o tescn for Cektecetfr2 [oprCis.G t n h eod lo. hc h hs o 4 Cpe on] o o tevr rgto tero t gtbc t tefrtfor h ey ih f h om o e ak o h is lo. LaeteBr adei teae.Nwlaetesho b eiigt ev h an n xt h ra o ev h col y xtn o 9/97


GameFAQs: Fortune Summoners: Secret of the Elemental Stone (PC) FAQ/Walkthrough by Dragonk

tevr rgt h ey ih. Aodtefrtpt G dw tescn ptadcektecet vi h is i. o on h eod i n hc h hs t gt2 [oprCis.Jm bc u adcniu.Aodbt o e 5 Cpe on] up ak p n otne vi oh pt hr adg ps tegad Etrtecv. is ee n o at h ur. ne h ae

*---------------------------------* | Muti Cv onan ae \ *-----------------------------------* |betv:Epoetecv. Ojcie xlr h ae | |oses Mntr: | -GenSie re lm | -Hg Bt ue a | |tm: Ies | -[oprCi]x Cpe on 3 | -[eb x Hr] 3 | *-----------------* I' ago ie t awy hv yu wao dan Yul ts od da o las ae or epn rw. o'l ecutrsm sie adbt hr.Cniu t tenx none oe lms n as ee otne o h et ae. ra Etrtehl,kl tebt adlo tecetfr[eb x. ne h oe il h as n ot h hs o Hr] 3 G bc t teae wt temvn pafr. o ak o h ra ih h oig ltom Kl tebtbfr jmigot temvn pafr.G o il h a eoe upn no h oig ltom o n t tenx ae. o h et ra Dfa temntr adcniu o.. eet h oses n otne n. Dsrytecaefr3[oprCis. eto h rt o Cpe on] Yul ntc a epycetadnwwthtectcn.. o'l oie n mt hs n o ac h usee. Dntbte gigi tewtrfrnw yucntsi.) o' ohr on n h ae o o, o a' wm : Tm t g bc tewyyucm. ie o o ak h a o ae *---------------------------------* | Mns-ai MgcSho iaaRts ai col \ *-----------------------------------* |betv:G bc t tw. Ojcie o ak o on | |oses Mntr: | -Sae nk | -GenSie re lm | |tm: Ies | -Nn oe | *-----------------* I yuwn,yumyrs a tenreadsv bfr yug f o at o a et t h us n ae eoe o o bc hm. ak oe Sn wl acmayyubc t tw. aa il copn o ak o on 10/97


GameFAQs: Fortune Summoners: Secret of the Elemental Stone (PC) FAQ/Walkthrough by Dragonk

*---------------------------------* | Tw o Tnies on f okns \ *-----------------------------------* |betv:G hm. Ojcie o oe | |tm: Ies | -Nn oe | *-----------------* Yuaenwal t prhs waosfo tewaossoenw o r o be o ucae epn rm h epn tr o. I yug t teIn yuwl ntc a t hm f o o o h n, o il oie n l a..ak o i adh'lsyteesa eeetlsoei ta cv yuwr n el a hr' n lmna tn n ht ae o ee js a..tspoal ps alta wtrtog. ut t.i' rbby at l ht ae huh As,yucnnwrs adsv a teInlk a tenre lo o a o et n ae t h n ie t h us, ecp ta t rs yums py3[oprCis. xet ht o et o ut a Cpe on] I wl bcm ngtiewe yuetryu hm. t il eoe ihtm hn o ne or oe Yupoal hv eog mnyt saeb nwt gv te o rbby ae nuh oe o pr y o o ie h cpuemcieaty Blwaetepsil pie fo i: asl ahn r. eo r h osbe rzs rm t Acewl sy"w.. i yugttee rh il a aw." f o e hs: [onyBl] Buc al x2 2 [ueyEae] x6 Ddl rsr 1 [rn Cooae x3 Pak hclt] 2 [etm Do] Mnaa rp x0 3 [ui Dl] Cpd ol x1 2 Acewl sy"a! i yugttee rh il a yy" f o e hs: [ernCr] Mri ad x2 2 [ai Rne Cr]x7 Mgc agr ad 1 [urinBde Gada ag] x5 1 [ernGm Mri u] x 5 [oooaSrp Cpcl ta] x 5 [ernsSaf Mri' tf] x 1 Tenmesnx t te i tenme Ihv gte o ec h ubr et o hm s h ubr ae otn f ah ie t gv yua etmt o tecac yul gti.Te tm o ie o n siae f h hne o'l e t h Safsesipsil t gt. tf em mosbe o e.. FNLYgttesafatr17tis : IAL o h tf fe 7 re! D Sekt bt yu prns te g u t yu ro t tigr pa o oh or aet, hn o p o or om o rge asee cn. *------------* *-----------* | | | | | | [a 3 Dy ] | | | | | | *------------* *-----------*

[A0] DY3

*---------------------------------* | Muti Cv onan ae \ *-----------------------------------* |betv:G cekottecv aan Ojcie o hc u h ae gi. | -akt Sn Tl o aa 11/97


GameFAQs: Fortune Summoners: Secret of the Elemental Stone (PC) FAQ/Walkthrough by Dragonk

| -s Sn t sewa' i tewtr Ue aa o e hts n h ae | -ultelvr Pl h ee | |oses Mntr: | -GenSie re lm | -Hg Bt ue a | -Sae nk | |tm: Ies | -[lt Amr x Coh ro] 1 | -[odCidDo]x Go hl rp 1 | -[eb x Hr] 3 | -[oprCi]x8 Cpe on 4 | -[lmna Soe'oaet] Eeetl tn Elms' | *-----------------* Loslk yur gigt g bc t ta cv aan ok ie o'e on o o ak o ht ae gi. Yucnnwbysuffo yu Dd Ys yuhv t py o a o u tf rm or a. e, o ae o a. Yu myntc a'epOt oto udrByadSl.H wl o a oie Hl u' pin ne u n el e il akyut gta ie.Atryubigi t hm ta ie s o o e n tm fe o rn t o i, ht tm wl te b sl a tesoes i' ago ie t d s. il hn e od t h tr o ts od da o o o G aedadlaetetw,g altewyt sho.Sho o ha n ev h on o l h a o col col i ot btsilfe fe t uetenret rs adsv. s u, u tl el re o s h us o et n ae G t tesho br.Tl t Sn adsewl ji yui o o h col an ak o aa n h il on o n yu cv avnue. or ae detrs Yucnnwpa a Sn i yuwn.Pes'ne't sic o a o ly s aa f o at rs Etr o wth btenprymmes Sn' eeetlsoe [lmna Soe ewe at ebr. aas lmna tn, Eeetl tn 'oaet] wl as nwso u i yu seilivnoy Elms', il lo o hw p n or pca netr. Nwetrtecv.DntwryaotSn ntgtigps te o ne h ae o' or bu aa o etn at h mvn pafr,sewl so u aanoc yumv t tenx oig ltom h il hw p gi ne o oe o h et ae. ra Nwsic cnrlt Sn i odrt cekwa' i tewtr o wth oto o aa n re o hc hts n h ae. Gttruhtewtradfi telvr NwAcecngttruh e hog h ae n lp h ee. o rh a e hog to Nwyuhv cnrlo Aceaan Ha oe adtl t Sn. o! o o ae oto f rh gi. ed vr n ak o aa Etrtenx ae adpl telvr G truhtenwyulce ne h et ra n ul h ee. o hog h el nokd ae adetrtehl.Yuwl setopafrso can.Yu ra n ne h oe o il e w ltom n his o ms jm qikyt teohrsd bfr te fl.Oe tecet ut up ucl o h te ie eoe hy al pn h hs t gt[lt Amr.G bc adei teae. o e Coh ro] o ak n xt h ra Bctakadg dw tept Pl tescn lvradg t yu akrc n o on h i. ul h eod ee n o o or rgt Etrti tne.G t tefrlf adps tecaet ih. ne hs unl o o h a et n uh h rt o teeg btNTofteeg.Sic oe t Sn adhv hrjm h de u O f h de wth vr o aa n ae e up ot tewih.NwpesF TIE Sn sol sa pt Sic no h egt o rs 3 WC. aa hud ty u. wth bc oe t Ace Nwg udrtewih adpl telvrwt ak vr o rh. o o ne h egt n ul h ee ih asnsmo.Laeteae.Dntwryi Sn dentjm of u ybl ev h ra o' or f aa os' up f tepafr.Sel b rgtbhn yuwe yulaeta ro. h ltom h'l e ih eid o hn o ev ht om PesF i yu io i tebto lf udrF i sila aco. rs 3 f or cn n h otm et ne 3 s tl n nhr BsclyF tglsyu pryt flo yu sa sil o t aial 3 oge or at o olw o, ty tl, r o fgtfel. ih rey G lf.Tepla bokn ta pt sol b gn nw Etrte o et h ilr lcig ht ah hud e oe o. ne h tne.Jm oe teptadetrtefrtoeig G t te unl up vr h i n ne h is pnn. o o h rgtt fn acetwt a[odCidDo] Telf i nt ih o id hs ih Go hl rp. h et s o 12/97


GameFAQs: Fortune Summoners: Secret of the Elemental Stone (PC) FAQ/Walkthrough by Dragonk

acsil t yufrnw Ei ti ae adetrtenx tne cesbe o o o o. xt hs ra n ne h et unl t yu rgt o or ih. Bfr yutyt oe ta fnydo,g t tefrrgtfr eoe o r o pn ht ac or o o h a ih o tocet cnann [eb x ad4 [oprCis. w hss otiig Hr] 3 n 8 Cpe on] Wl,loslk i nesaky Tm t g altewybc. el ok ie t ed e. ie o o l h a ak Aan Sae gi. hm. O yu wybc yul rnit teby aan Tl t te n or a ak o'l u no h os gi. ak o hm frfni yuwn.Te'lb wneigwa yugy ddt o u f o at hyl e odrn ht o us i o tewtr(Wa teca cakr?'.Ei tecv fra h ae 'ht h rp rces!) xt h ae o n eet Nwrnaltewyhm adba u sae adbt vn. o u l h a oe n et p nks n as o tewy Wthtesee n h a! ac h cn. Sv i yuwn. ae f o at *------------* *-----------* | | | | | | [a 4 Dy ] | | | | | | *------------* *-----------*

[A0] DY4

*---------------------------------* | Mns-ai MgcSho iaaRts ai col \ *-----------------------------------* |betv:G hm. Ojcie o oe | |oses Mntr: | -nk Sae | -re Sie Gen lm | |tm: Ies | -Nn oe | *-----------------* Yu nx dywl bgnwt yui casaray Yuwl or et a il ei ih o n ls led. o il gi cnrlwe yur otie Tl t yu casae t an oto hn o'e usd. ak o or lsmts o sete uemgc WthSn dueCl,Cl fi Eles e hm s ai. ac aa os om om lp li' sit Elego foes Lo cet sm sai eetiiy kr, li rw lwr, en rae oe ttc lcrct, o teCasPeietdo rcso hronha.Yucn r h ls rsdn rp ok n e w ed o a as akSel t dmntaehrfr pwraan Tl t lo s tla o eosrt e ie oe gi. ak o tetahradsesy yucnwth Tl t hraanadse h ece n h as o a ac. ak o e gi n h wl aki yulandayhn.Js syys o n i yu il s f o ere ntig ut a e, r o f o wn.Yuwl alnwrtr t tecasom at o il l o eun o h lsro. Atraltl tl,caswl edfrtedy Fe fe t fe ite ak ls il n o h a. el re o tl t yu casae.Sel sr sud a aflltlk ak o or lsmts tla ue ons n wu o ie acranpro fo Rcter. eti esn rm eeta.. *---------------------------------* | Tw o Tnies on f okns \ *-----------------------------------* |betv:Oe tedo i tecv. Ojcie pn h or n h ae | -erhtesoaero Sac h trg om | -idteOdKy Fn h l e | -obc t tecv G ak o h ae | |oses Mntr: | -Nn oe 13/97


GameFAQs: Fortune Summoners: Secret of the Elemental Stone (PC) FAQ/Walkthrough by Dragonk

| |tm: Ies | -OdKy l e | *-----------------* Yuaefe t ra aon tdy O myent Yu msae o r re o om rud oa. r ab o. or esg tdyhsyu mmtligyut cm hm rgtaa.G hm oa a or o eln o o oe oe ih wy o oe adtl t yu mm Sel tl t yuaotta eeetl n ak o or o. h'l ak o o bu ht lmna soeyune. tn o ed Sn wl so u adyutowl sac frtesoetgte aa il hw p n o w il erh o h tn oehr i tesoaero.Sac tepto tefrlf o tero. n h trg om erh h o n h a et f h om Yuwntfn asoe btyul fn aky HM Iwne wa o o' id tn, u o'l id e. M, odr ht i oes!Wl,tm t ha bc t ta cv frtetid t pn? el ie o ed ak o ht ae o h hr tm! ie Imsr yucnfn yu wybc,btbfr ta Ircmed ' ue o a id or a ak u eoe ht eomn gaigSn u abt Teewl b abs fgti tecv. ern aa p i. hr il e os ih n h ae *---------------------------------* | Muti Cv onan ae \ *-----------------------------------* |betv:Oe tedo. Ojcie pn h or | |oses Mntr: | -GenSie re lm | -Bu Sie le lm | -Hg Bt ue a | -Sae nk | -Vl Seeo (os ie kltn Bs) | |tm: Ies | -[re Sok x Gen mc] 1 | -[ytr Jie x Msey uc] 1 | -[eoyPoo1 Mmr ht ] | -[odCidDo]x Go hl rp 1 | -[oe Do]x Pwr rp 1 | -[ytrosEeetlSoe Mseiu lmna tn] | -[tn Tbe 1 Soe alt ] | -[tn Tbe 2 Soe alt ] | *-----------------* Wl wa d yuko,tekyftprety Yuwl b isd el ht o o nw h e i efcl! o il e nie acsl/ugo lk paenw G t tergtadeaie atednen ie lc o. o o h ih n xmn tebnst cepSn ot G lf adha dw tesar. h oe o re aa u. o et n ed on h tis Etrtedo coett yu Etrtedo coett yuaan ne h or lss o o. ne h or lss o o gi. Sac teceto teRGT Teoeo telf i apio gs erh h hs n h IH. h n n h et s osn a ta.Yuwl fn a[re Sok.Ei tero adg bc truh rp o il id Gen mc] xt h om n o ak hog tedo o telf.Tedo yudd' g truhjs last h or n h et h or o int o hog ut ed o tesm ro.Nwetrtedo o tergt h ae om o ne h or n h ih. Jm oe teptadetrtedo.G lf adps tesoe up vr h i n ne h or o et n uh h tn bokoe tebu bto o tefor lc vr h le utn n h lo. G u tesar.Eaietesau.Dikn tewtrwl o p h tis xmn h tte rnig h ae il ha yuadyucnas sv hr.Laetero. el o n o a lo ae ee ev h om Ps tesoebokt tergtweetemvn pafr i.I uh h tn lc o h ih hr h oig ltom s t 14/97


GameFAQs: Fortune Summoners: Secret of the Elemental Stone (PC) FAQ/Walkthrough by Dragonk

wl lf tesoeu t tehge for Ps tebokof il it h tn p o h ihr lo. uh h lc f tepafr we i' hg eog adke psigtebokutl h ltom hn ts ih nuh n ep uhn h lc ni i' o tebu bto o tergt ts n h le otn n h ih. Tegt wl oe.Dsrytecaet gt[ytr Jie.Etr h ae il pn eto h rt o e Msey uc] ne truhtefnydos Yuwl gtyu frtMr o Hrim hog h ac or. o il e or is ak f eos. I icessyu lvlcpadteaon o mnyyucncry t nrae or ee a n h mut f oe o a ar. Yu mxlvlicessfo 3t 4adyucnnwhl 20 cpe or a ee nrae rm o n o a o od 00 opr isedo 10. nta f 00 Ps teboko tergtt tevr rgts yucnjm u uh h lc n h ih o h ey ih o o a up p t pl telvrwt temo smo.Laetero.Bctak o ul h ee ih h on ybl ev h om akrc adlaeti ro to G dw tesar o tergt G rgt n ev hs om o. o on h tis n h ih. o ih, jm oe tept adetrtero.Cniu rgtadtee up vr h is n ne h om otne ih n hr wl b tocet.Teoeo telf tigr asieta fo il e w hss h n n h et rges pk rp rm aoe Teoeo tergtcnan..ohn.Lm?Mye Yu bv. h n n h ih otis.ntig ae ab. o sol ntc tesieta nwtigr eeytm yuwl udr hud oie h pk rp o rges vr ie o ak ne i.B qikadjm O teta a i fls We i ge bc u, t e uc n up N h rp s t al. hn t os ak p i wl ata a eeao.Gtofadteesol b trecet! t il c s n lvtr e f n hr hud e he hss Oeo tefrrgtcnan [eoyPoo1.Oei tecne hs n n h a ih otis Mmr ht ] n n h etr a a[odCidDo] adtels oehsa[oe Do] [eoy Go hl rp, n h at n a Pwr rp. Mmr Poo1 i aseilie adcnb vee.I' apcueyu ht ] s pca tm n a e iwd ts itr o sweriri tegm.G bc dw adlaeti ro. a ale n h ae o ak on n ev hs om G t tefrlf adetrtefnydos Wthtectcn. o o h a et n ne h ac or. ac h usee Seeo!Ti i abs adh' ntee ta es o es md.. kltn hs s os n es o vn ht ay n ay oe. ta o Ijs sc.H' hr t ba wt Aceaoe I i ht r ut uk es ad o et ih rh ln. t s poal det tefc ta yu sodhsaflrah H cn rbby u o h at ht or wr a wu ec. e a as cs aselta pt ayn na hmt sep I yude lo at pl ht us noe er i o le. f o i, yul hv t mk yu wytruhtewoecv aan s o'l ae o ae or a hog h hl ae gi, o pes,dntde Bs wyt dfa hmi t tk hsht lae o' i. et a o eet i s o ae i is adke hmaa fo Sn wieSn ie teca oto hm o n ep i wy rm aa hl aa cs h rp u f i, r yucntk cnrlo Sn adyucnieteca oto hm o a ae oto f aa n o a c h rp u f i. Bscly ltAcetn teseeo wieSn dastedmg, aial, e rh ak h kltn hl aa el h aae epcal i Sn denthv ayga! seily f aa os' ae n er Nwta tevl seeo i dfae,g dw tesar.Rn o ht h ie kltn s eetd o on h tis u truhtehl ada teed.asiysoe Adwi,sm hog h al n t h n.. hn tn! n at oe widlvttn bnytigcle Cifnapasadtlsyu er eiaig un hn ald hfo per n el o ta ti eeetlsoei nwyus Wthtect btsd ht hs lmna tn s o or! ac h ue u a ctcn.Yuwl gtteies[ytrosEeetlSoe ad usee o il e h tm Mseiu lmna tn] n [tn Tbe 1&2.Eaietesau o tergti yu Soe alt ] xmn h tte n h ih f o wn.Loslk yuJS fnse tepoou.I yur paig at ok ie o UT iihd h rlge f o'e lyn tedm,i ed hr.I yuv gttefl gm,ltsg o! h eo t ns ee f o'e o h ul ae e' o n I wl syteBnsMn hsepne.Tegm wl rsat t il a h ou eu a xadd h ae il etr. Js la yu 'rlgeCerDt't cniu!Yuhv a ut od or Poou la aa o otne o ae n oto t d abnsqet.itrsig pin o o ou us..neetn!

[A0] DY5

*------------* *-----------* | | | | | | [a 5 Dy ] | | | | | | *------------* *-----------*

*---------------------------------* | Mns-ai MgcSho iaaRts ai col \ *-----------------------------------* 15/97


GameFAQs: Fortune Summoners: Secret of the Elemental Stone (PC) FAQ/Walkthrough by Dragonk

|betv:CekotWahraeTwro Ojcie hc u etevn oe r | teSrn o teWn h hie f h id | |oses Mntr: | -nk Sae | -re Sie Gen lm | |tm: Ies | -Nn oe | *-----------------* Yul gtarcpo wa hpee i tePoou adte o'l e ea f ht apnd n h rlge n hn wthaseea tesho.E,loslk yuls atbe.. ac cn t h col h ok ie o ot alt. Yu flo casae rcmedyut cekotteSrn o or elw lsmts eomn o o hc u h hie f teWn adteWahraeTwrfrCet o teWn. h id n h etevn oe o rss f h id Laetesho bidn.G bc t Tnies ev h col ulig o ak o okns. *---------------------------------* | Tw o Tnies on f okns \ *-----------------------------------* |betv:CekotWahraeTwro Ojcie hc u etevn oe r | teSrn o teWn h hie f h id | -Tl t tegada tesrn ak o h ur t h hie | -Tl t tegada ak o h rnm | -Dlvrtelnh eie h uc | -Tl t tewmni bu ak o h oa n le | -Dlvrtelte eie h etr | -Etrtesrn ne h hie | |oses Mntr: | -nk Sae | -re Sie Gen lm | -ohe Mtbe | |tm: Ies | -[oprCi]x0 Cpe on 3 | -[lm Ba]x Sie en 1 | -[urinDo]x Gada rp 1 | -[adaeLnh Hnmd uc] | -[oeLte] Lv etr | *-----------------* Nwwudb ago tm t cekottewaossoesne o ol e od ie o hc u h epn tr ic te hv nwies Ugaei yucnafr i.Hv yu hy ae e tm. prd f o a fod t ae o ntcdte[re Cohs ad[re Ht i tecohs oie h Gen lte] n Gen a] n h lte soe Yucneuptoeo Cifni yupee hmwaig tr? o a qi hs n hfo f o rfr i ern genised re nta. Ltsg cekotteSrn o teWn.G dw tesre e' o hc u h hie f h id o on h tet b tecohn soe te g altewylf adke gig y h ltig tr, hn o l h a et n ep on. Yuwl sea etac wt agad Tyt g i adh'l o il e n nrne ih ur. r o o n n el so yu tp o. Teei a odgan ta lvsnx do t yu Etrhr hr s n l rny ht ie et or o o. ne e hm adtl t hradsel syhrgado,tegad oe n ak o e n h'l a e rnsn h ur wowntltyui tesrn,hsfrotnhslnh Yu h o' e o n h hie a ogte i uc. o aret dlvrtelnht hm Yugta[adaeLnh. ge o eie h uc o i. o e Hnmd uc] Bigtegadhslnh H wntltyui js yttog. rn h ur i uc. e o' e o n ut e huh 16/97


GameFAQs: Fortune Summoners: Secret of the Elemental Stone (PC) FAQ/Walkthrough by Dragonk

G bc t teae wt teInadsoe.G altewylf o ak o h ra ih h n n trs o l h a et oto tw.Yul ecutrsm GenSie adMtbe. u f on o'l none oe re lms n ohes Ke gigutlyuseawmni abu desadagad ep on ni o e oa n le rs n ur. Dsrytecae aon tegadfr3[ivrCis o eto h rts rud h ur o Sle on] r 3 [oprCis,a[lm Ba] ada[urinDo] Nw 0 Cpe on] Sie en, n Gada rp. o tl t tewmni tebu desadAcewl tl hr ak o h oa n h le rs n rh il el e aottegadwnigt gtmrid Sel gv yua bu h ur atn o e are. h'l ie o [oeLte] Nwdlvrta t tegad Fnly h' Lv etr. o eie ht o h ur. ial, es gn!Etrtesrn.Sv a teInbfr i yuwn. oe ne h hie ae t h n eoe f o at

*---------------------------------* | Srn o teWn hie f h id \ *-----------------------------------* |betv:Epoetesrn. Ojcie xlr h hie | |oses Mntr: | -Bu Sie le lm | -Vpr ie | -Mri ekd | -Mri Mg ekd ae | -Hg Bt ue a | -Mri Lae (os ekd edr Bs) | |tm: Ies | -[eo-wy x VnmAa] 1 | -[ete Amr x Lahr ro] 1 | -[etrHr]x Bte eb 1 | -[ai Cny x Mgc ad] 1 | -[eoyPoo2 Mmr ht ] | -[odCidDo]x Go hl rp 1 | -[idCet1 Wn rs ] | *-----------------* Sic oe teSn.G truhtewtradpl telvr wth vr h aa o hog h ae n ul h ee. Sic bc t Aceadg dw tesar.G rgt Jm wth ak o rh n o on h tis o ih. up o telde adps tesoebokt teLF utli n h egs n uh h tn lc o h ET ni t flsof Jm dw adte ps tebokt teRGToe al f. up on n hn uh h lc o h IH vr tebto i wtr h utn n ae. Bfr yupoedrgto truhtewoe do,g al eoe o rce ih r hog h odn or o l tewylf t tenx ae adga yu scn Mr o Hrim h a et o h et ra n rb or eod ak f eos. Yu mxlvli nw5adyucnhl 40 cpe.G bc or a ee s o n o a od 00 opr o ak t tepeiu ae adetrtewoe do i tewtr Yu o h rvos ra n ne h odn or n h ae. o ne t pa a Sn i ti ae.Teeaealto mntr ed o ly s aa n hs ra hr r o f oses yune t tk o a Sn aoe Cs sil,te cs yu o ed o ae n s aa ln. at hed hn at or ieatc.I sol tk cr o te es.Cektetocet c tak t hud ae ae f hm ay hc h w hss o teohrsd fr[etrHr]ad[ai Cny.Yucnsad n h te ie o Bte eb n Mgc ad] o a tn o terdbto o tebto rgtsd t dantewtr n h e utn n h otm ih ie o ri h ae. Ntral nee ayoetog,uls yur hvn tobe o ely edd nmr huh nes o'e aig rul wt temntr wt Sn aoe ih h oses ih aa ln. G altewyrgtadg dw tesar.Jm ps te o l h a ih n o on h tis up at h pafrsadps tedo.Jm ps tescn sto pafrs ltom n as h or up at h eod e f ltom adteewl b tocet.Te cnan[eo-wy ad n hr il e w hss hy oti VnmAa] n [ete Amr. Lahr ro] 17/97


GameFAQs: Fortune Summoners: Secret of the Elemental Stone (PC) FAQ/Walkthrough by Dragonk

Jm bc ars adetrtedo.Jm u adcniu rgt up ak cos n ne h or up p n otne ih t tenx ae.Etrtewoe do.G rgtit tenx ae o h et ra ne h odn or o ih no h et ra adyuwl fn aohrMr o Hrim Yu mxlvli nw6 n o il id nte ak f eos! or a ee s o adyucnhl 60 cpe.Teei ntigi tero t n o a od 00 opr hr s ohn n h om o telf.G bc truhtedo adcniu rgt Sic oe h et o ak hog h or n otne ih. wth vr t Sn t gttruhtewtr I yucnttk cr o te o aa o e hog h ae. f o a' ae ae f h mntraoe g altewyrgtadsado tebto t ose ln, o l h a ih n tn n h utn o dantewtrt ltAcecm adtk cr o te.Ps te ri h ae o e rh oe n ae ae f hm uh h woe pafr t tergt jm u adcniu. odn ltom o h ih, up p n otne Atryutk cr o temntr,hv Sn g dw i tewtr fe o ae ae f h oses ae aa o on n h ae t gttocet.Te wl cnan[eoyPoo2 ada[od o e w hss hy il oti Mmr ht ] n Go CidDo] G o t tenx ae. hl rp. o n o h et ra Sic t Sn aan Teeaewytomn Mrishr s bs wth o aa gi. hr r a o ay ekd ee o et ie i t ueSil,te rnaltewyrgtadse o te da s o s hed hn u l h a ih n tp n h bto ta dan tewtr Oc temntr aetkncr o, utn ht ris h ae. ne h oses r ae ae f cektetocet fr[etrHr]ada[oe Do] G bc hc h w hss o Bte eb n Pwr rp. o ak adps tepafr t telf utli i nx t telde n uh h ltom o h et ni t s et o h eg. Jm u adse o tebto.Nwbctakaltewyt tedo up p n tp n h utn o akrc l h a o h or ta last temvn/aln pafrs Dntetrtedo ht ed o h oigflig ltom. o' ne h or btcniu lf dw i tesalwwtr Ps tebokad u otne et on n h hlo ae. uh h lc n etrtefnydos Wthtesee ne h ac or. ac h cn. Teewl b oeMri,Mri Mg,adMri Lae.Tk ot hr il e n ekd ekd ae n ekd edr ae u tetorglrmrisfrtte fns telae.G o t h w eua ekd is hn iih h edr o n o tenx ae adteewl b atidMr o Hrim Mxlvl h et ra n hr il e hr ak f eos. a ee i nw7adyucnhl 80 cpe.Cniu t tenx ae s o n o a od 00 opr otne o h et ra adyuwl oti [idCet1! n o il ban Wn rs ] G bc toaesadyuwl rnit teby.Atrta,lae o ak w ra n o il u no h os fe ht ev ti ae.I'lb eeig Wthtesee G bc t tw.Sn hs ra tl e vnn. ac h cn. o ak o on aa wl g hm.Yusol g hm to il o oe o hud o oe o.

[A0] DY6

*------------* *-----------* | | | | | | [a 6 Dy ] | | | | | | *------------* *-----------*

*---------------------------------* | Tw o Tnies on f okns \ *-----------------------------------* |betv:G t sho. Ojcie o o col | -Tl t Sn' mm ak o aas o | |oses Mntr: | -GenSie re lm | -Sae nk | | |tm: Ies | -Nn oe | *-----------------* Bfr yulaetw,g lo frSn.Yul sehrmmotie eoe o ev on o ok o aa o'l e e o usd adloslk Sn wntb a sho tdy G t sho o yu n ok ie aa o' e t col oa. o o col n or on w. 18/97


GameFAQs: Fortune Summoners: Secret of the Elemental Stone (PC) FAQ/Walkthrough by Dragonk

*---------------------------------* | Mns-ai MgcSho iaaRts ai col \ *-----------------------------------* |betv:G ceko Sn. Ojcie o hc n aa | |oses Mntr: | -GenSie re lm | -Sae nk | |tm: Ies | -Nn oe | *-----------------* G fn yu tahrt tl hrSn i sc.Te g bc t te o id or ece o el e aa s ik hn o ak o h casom Tyt laetecasomadtesho bl wl lsro. r o ev h lsro n h col el il rn.Po yu cntd 85wtotyu te.Atrcased, ig or o, a' o + ihu or os fe ls ns g bc t tw t ceko Sn.Tl t Sn.Ta' ta. o ak o on o hc n aa ak o aa hts ht *---------------------------------* | Tw o Tnies on f okns \ *-----------------------------------* |betv:G t Bres Ojcie o o ans. | |oses Mntr: | -GenSie re lm | -Mtbe ohe | -Bu Sie le lm | -Vpr ie | | |tm: Ies | -[oprCi]x0 Cpe on 30 | *-----------------* G cektebig t Bres I' fxd I yuke giglf o hc h rde o ans. ts ie! f o ep on et ps altesres yul eetal rahapt bokdb at l h tet, o'l vnuly ec ah lce y vnsadacetta cnan 3[odCis,o 30[oprcis. ie n hs ht otis Gl on] r 0 Cpe on] Bctakadetrtefrtsre yucm ars,i' tewy akrc n ne h is tet o ae cos ts h a t Bres Inr tecv adke gigutlyusecos Ti o ans. goe h ae n ep on ni o e rp. hs i teetac t Bres s h nrne o ans! *---------------------------------* | BresVlae ans ilg \ *-----------------------------------* |betv:Nn,js epoe Ojcie oe ut xlr. | |oses Mntr: | -Nn oe | |tm: Ies | -[oe Do]x Pwr rp 1 -[antCooae x Wlu hclt] 1 | -[ayk]x Tiai 1 -[ai Cny x Mgc ad] 1 | -[oprCi]x0 Cpe on 6 -[hs Ss]x Cet ah 1 | -[leScs x Bu ok] 1 -[og Do]x Tuh rp 1 | -[newa]()x Udrer M 1 -[ayk]x Tiai 1 | *-----------------* 19/97


GameFAQs: Fortune Summoners: Secret of the Elemental Stone (PC) FAQ/Walkthrough by Dragonk

Loslk tepol hr hv apolm tewn sopd ok ie h epe ee ae rbe; h id tpe. Wl,frnw ltsepoetetw.G t tefrlf ad el o o, e' xlr h on o o h a et n sahtevs fra[oe Do] Etrtenab wnml ms h ae o Pwr rp. ne h ery idil adsahtevssfra[ayk]adtecae fr1 n ms h ae o Tiai n h rts o 0 [oprCis.Laeti bidn adetrteoet te Cpe on] ev hs ulig n ne h n o h rgt Cektenab coe frapi o [leScs.G ih. hc h ery lst o ar f Bu ok] o usar adcektedae b telrevs frmns ptis n hc h rwr y h ag ae o e' [newa] Tewmnwntltyups hr s ltslae Udrer. h oa o' e o at e, o e' ev. Etrtenx bidn t tergt Cektedae t telf ne h et ulig o h ih. hc h rwr o h et o tedo frtebo 'aia Gr Mri Pr 51' Be a f h or o h ok Mgcl il ern at /2. en wiesnew ls ra oeo teeh? hl ic e at ed n f hs m Ei truhtedo o tergtadsahtept fra xt hog h or n h ih n ms h os o [antCooae.G bc truhtedosbc otie G Wlu hclt] o ak hog h or ak usd. o rgtutlyurahtewnml yufrtpse b.Tegr ih ni o ec h idil o is asd y h il b tega wl sl yu[rs Ml]fr8C i yuwn ay y h ot il el o Feh ik o P f o at n. Etrtewnml.Jm o tecae adjm u t rahte ne h idil up n h rts n up p o ec h bre.Dsryi fr5[ivrCis o 5 [oprCis. arl eto t o Sle on] r 0 Cpe on] Nwjm dw addsrytecaeo teRGTwt yu Dw o up on n eto h rt n h IH ih or on Sa sil Ps termiigcaet telf utlyucn tb kl. uh h eann rt o h et ni o a jm u t rahtecet Tecetcnan [ai Cny x. up p o ec h hs. h hs otis Mgc ad] 1 Ei tewnml.Etrtebidn t tergt xt h idil ne h ulig o h ih. Dsryteptnx t yufra[hs Ss] Tebosef eto h o et o o o Cet ah. h okhl t tefrrgthsabo bti' uraal.Ei tehue o h a ih a ok u ts nedbe xt h os adg lf adg dw tesre.Etrteie so.Te n o et n o on h tet ne h tm hp hy hv amc lre slcinta yu ddsso.Byayhn ae uh agr eeto hn or a' hp u ntig yune/at H sls[eia Pto],wihcncm i o edwn. e el Rvvl oins hc a oe n hnywe yur de isd acv o dnen H as hs ad hn o'e ep nie ae r ugo. e lo a sm nc ugae fryu ga,bti' epnie Teei oe ie prds o or er u ts xesv. hr s asoaecett tergtyucnue Cektecoe o trg hs o h ih o a s. hc h lst n tergtfra[og Do] Laeteso adetrteIn h ih o Tuh rp. ev h hp n ne h n. I css6C t rs hr.Sv i yuwn.Etrtedo o t ot P o et ee ae f o at ne h or n tergt Sac tedae wt tegatvs fr[ayk] h ih. erh h rwr ih h in ae o Tiai. Jm o tecaei tecre adjm u t tescn for up n h rt n h onr n up p o h eod lo. Cekteboseffrabo cle 'ertMgcTm' hc h okhl o ok ald Sce ai oe. Wl,i' tohr fryurgtnw O wl.Laetebidn. el ts o ad o o ih o. h el ev h ulig NT: OE Atryuhv bae tegm oc,raigti bo i anwgm fe o ae etn h ae ne edn hs ok n e ae wl gatyusm o Sn' sil isatyiseda ter il rn o oe f aas kls ntnl nta t hi rqie lvl I' js altl botfryu nwgm. eurd ee. ts ut ite os o or e ae Laetetw fo tewyyucm.We yur bc a te ev h on rm h a o ae hn o'e ak t h ra wt tesgps ta sy 'oBresVlae,ha od ih h inot ht as T ans ilg' ed lf i ta ae.Tenx ae sol hv aohrra ad et n ht ra h et ra hud ae nte od n tesg sol syi ge t WahraeTwr Etrti h in hud a t os o etevn oe. ne hs ra. od

*---------------------------------* | Otie usd \ *-----------------------------------* |betv:Gtt WahraeTwr Ojcie e o etevn oe | |oses Mntr: | -Mtbe ohe | -Bu Sie le lm 20/97


GameFAQs: Fortune Summoners: Secret of the Elemental Stone (PC) FAQ/Walkthrough by Dragonk

| -Vpr ie | -Mri ekd | |tm: Ies | -[andSlo]x Cne amn 1 | *-----------------* Teewl b acaeudralde Ps tecaet tergt hr il e rt ne eg. uh h rt o h ih aduei t gtu tee Yuwl seWahraeTwrnx.. n s t o e p hr. o il e etevn oe et. adteby.Wl,i' lce adyune t fn smoei n h os el ts okd n o ed o id oen n Breswt teky ImbtigteMyrhsi.Btbfr ta, ans ih h e. ' etn h ao a t u eoe ht ha lf ps teWahraeTwradke gigutlyurah ed et at h etevn oe n ep on ni o ec telk cle Lc Crdl.I yubektecaeadbre h ae ald oh auae f o ra h rt n arl na tebu mgca,sel tl yuntt bekhrlgae er h le aiin h'l el o o o ra e ugg. Wl,teesntigi i ayas Bekteptna tedc fr el hr' ohn n t nwy. ra h o er h ok o [andSlo] Nwg bc t BresVlae Cne amn. o o ak o ans ilg. *---------------------------------* | BresVlae ans ilg \ *-----------------------------------* |betv:Gttekyt WahraeTwr Ojcie e h e o etevn oe | -Tl t temni tewnml ak o h a n h idil | -tl t teMyro Bres ak o h ao f ans | |oses Mntr: | -Nn oe | |tm: Ies | -Nn oe | *-----------------* Bfr yutl t teMyr yune t tl t temnisd eoe o ak o h ao, o ed o ak o h a nie tewnml a tefrlf o tevlae Te,g tl t h idil t h a et f h ilg. hn o ak o temyr Wl trsoth denthv tekyete.Sae h ao. el un u e os' ae h e ihr hm. Hwvr yuhv nwifrainta tecvsnab myhv oee, o ae e nomto ht h ae ery a ae acet Ltsg cekte ot rs. e' o hc hm u. *---------------------------------* | Otie usd \ *-----------------------------------* |betv:Epoetecvs Ojcie xlr h ae. | |oses Mntr: | -Ccrt ooa | -Mtbe ohe | -Ylo Sie elw lm | -Kle Bt ilr a | |tm: Ies | -[antCooae x Wlu hclt] 3 | -[oprCi]x0 Cpe on 20 | -[etrHr]x Bte eb 3 | -[eb x Hr] 3 | -[togilJie x Srngr uc] 1 | *-----------------*



GameFAQs: Fortune Summoners: Secret of the Elemental Stone (PC) FAQ/Walkthrough by Dragonk

G dw tesre wt tegad Ke taeiglf utlyu o on h tet ih h ur. ep rvln et ni o rahacv.Ps ta cv t fn aohrcv.Etrte ec ae as ht ae o id nte ae ne h scn cv.G t teedt fn tocet.Oewl hv eod ae o o h n o id w hss n il ae [antCooae adoewl hv 20[oprCis.Ei te Wlu hclt] n n il ae 0 Cpe on] xt h cv adetrtefrtcv yupse.Do dw adjm ae n ne h is ae o asd rp on n up ars t fn acetwt [etrHr]x.Cniuudw te cos o id hs ih Bte eb 3 otne on h cv adei a tebto. ae n xt t h otm Poedrgtadars tewtro tepafrs Etrte rce ih n cos h ae n h ltom. ne h nx cv yuse Tebto wl cnantocet,oewt et ae o e. h otm il oti w hss n ih [eb x adoewt [togilJie.Ei ti cv ad Hr] 3 n n ih Srngr uc] xt hs ae n cniu mkn yu wyrgt Yul rahaohrcv a te otne aig or a ih. o'l ec nte ae t h ed Yul sefu soebok.Frtps teoeo tevr n. o'l e or tn lcs is uh h n n h ey rgtt tergtadit tewtr Poedt d tesm wt ih o h ih n no h ae. rce o o h ae ih teohrbok.Teesol b a2b 2fraino bok h te lcs hr hud e y omto f lcs i tewtro tergtnw Nwjm ars tewtradpl n h ae n h ih o. o up cos h ae n ul telvrwt tehatsmo.Dntbte t d tesm wt h ee ih h er ybl o' ohr o o h ae ih tewtro telf,tebok wntb eog t gtars. h ae n h et h lcs o' e nuh o e cos Frnw etrtetne o tergt Tewl wt tehat o o, ne h unl n h ih. h al ih h er smo sol b oe.Ke gigrgt Yumyntc acet ybl hud e pn ep on ih. o a oie hs t tergt D ntoe i,i cnan apio ta.Etrte o h ih. o o pn t t otis osn rp ne h tne bfr tecet Cniu lf adjm oe tept. unl eoe h hs. otne et n up vr h is Etrtetne a teed Teei apdsa hr..u tees ne h unl t h n. hr s eetl hr' ntig Wid Eaiei.Ado apasoto ti ar yy ohn. er. xmn t or per u f hn i, a!

*---------------------------------* | BresHlsDnen ans il ugo \ *-----------------------------------* |betv:Fn teWn Cet Ojcie id h id rs. | |oses Mntr: | -Ccrt ooa | -Mtbe ohe | -Ylo Sie elw lm | -Kbl ood | -Kle Bt ilr a | |tm: Ies | -[ut Sod x Rsy wr] 1 | -[oprCi]X3 Cpe on 24 | -[urinDo]x Gada rp 1 | -[etrHr]x Bte eb 1 | *-----------------* Frto al g lf adfi tesic wt tedaodsmo. is f l, o et n lp h wth ih h imn ybl Nwltscniu de it tednen G dw tesar.Te o e' otne ep no h ugo! o on h tis h ae t tergti cretybokd As tecaehsntig ra o h ih s urnl lce. lo h rt a ohn. I ti nx ae,g lf adtruhtewoe do.Teei a n hs et ra o et n hog h odn or hr s Mr o Hrimhr,co.Yu mxlvlsol nwb 8adyu ak f eos ee ol or a ee hud o e n o cnnwhl 1,0 cpe. a o od 000 opr Nwg bc t tepeiu ro. o o ak o h rvos om Teeaetosoebok hr.Frt ps teoeo tebto hr r w tn lcs ee is, uh h n n h otm s i i nx t teldeo tergtsd.Hr i adarm o t s et o h eg n h ih ie ee s iga: X --------X=soebok tn lc -=lde eg


GameFAQs: Fortune Summoners: Secret of the Elemental Stone (PC) FAQ/Walkthrough by Dragonk

X---X --->

Nx,ps tesoeboko teldet tergtadofte et uh h tn lc n h eg o h ih n f h eg.I sol ln o tesoebokblw Nwi sol de t hud ad n h tn lc eo. o t hud lo lk ti: ok ie hs X--> ----------X X--X --> X=soebok tn lc -=lde eg

Ps yu nwymd sako bok t tefrrgtadnwyu uh or el ae tc f lcs o h a ih n o o cngtu tee a e p hr. I tenx ae,do dw adyul ntc tegrol sau. n h et ra rp on n o'l oie h agye tte Yucnps i lk aboko cae Ps i t telf t gtt o a uh t ie lc r rt. uh t o h et o e o tecetu tee I cnan a[ut Sod. h hs p hr. t otis Rsy wr] G bc u t tetpo teae adg rgt G dw tesar. o ak p o h o f h ra n o ih. o on h tis Tk alf adteewl b acetwt 24[oprCis.G ae et n hr il e hs ih 3 Cpe on] o rgtadteewl b tobres Dsoyte fra[urin ih n hr il e w arl. etr hm o Gada Do] G bc t tepeiu ro addo bc dw t te rp. o ak o h rvos om n rp ak on o h bto.G rgtadg dw tesar. otm o ih n o on h tis G t tetprgto ti ae adg dw tesar.Yuwl se o o h o ih f hs ra n o on h tis o il e amvn bokt yu lf.T yu rgt yuwl ntc 3cae oig lc o or et o or ih, o il oie rts adasoebok Yune t ps ti soeboko tpo te n tn lc. o ed o uh hs tn lc n o f h mvn bok Yune t tm i rgt I tebokmse,lae oig lc. o ed o ie t ih. f h lc iss ev ti ro adtyaan Nwjm o tedul fotn soebok hs om n r gi. o up n h obe laig tn lc adgtt teohrsd.Oe tecetfr[etrHr]x.Nw n e o h te ie pn h hs o Bte eb 1 o fi telvr G bc t tepeiu ro adg t tergt lp h ee. o ak o h rvos om n o o h ih ae.Tegatmtlwih wl b mvn nw Idntrcmed ra h in ea egt il e oig o. o' eomn gtigcuhdb i.We i ge telws i cn jm o ad etn rse y t hn t os h oet t a, up n n poed Ke gigtlyurahfnydos Eaietedo. rce. ep on i o ec ac or. xmn h or Mse Mseiuviewl nwakyuhwmn grol saus itr ytrosoc il o s o o ay agye tte teeaei ti dnen Tease i 1 saus WthAce hr r n hs ugo. h nwr s 2 tte. ac rh cutptfly te etr Yul se.Sel? on iiul, hn ne. o'l e..tla! Nwyuaeakdt sv.Yusol. o o r se o ae o hud *---------------------------------* | CatexCt hrru iy \ *-----------------------------------* |betv:G cekfryu lte. Ojcie o hc o or etr | |oses Mntr: | -Nn oe | |tm: Ies | -[oprCi]x0 Cpe on 11 -[hrru Rl]x Catex ol 1 | -[ai Cny x Mgc ad] 1 -[togilJie x Srngr uc] 1 | -[etrHr]x Bte eb 1 -[ytr Jie x Msey uc] 1 | -[hs Ss]x Cet ah 1 -[oe Goe]x Wvn lvs 1 | -[newa]()x Udrer M 1 -[newa]()x Udrer F 1 | *-----------------* Wa wa?Nwyur sdel paiga Sel.Wa asde oh ht o o'e udny lyn s tla ht udn 23/97


GameFAQs: Fortune Summoners: Secret of the Elemental Stone (PC) FAQ/Walkthrough by Dragonk

cag.Wl,ltsg cekfrta lte sesepcig hne el e' o hc o ht etr h' xetn. Ltsepoeti nwct frt As,ga u Sel wt wa e' xlr hs e iy is. lo er p tla ih ht yuhv i yu ivnoy o ae n or netr. Nab i tefo soe Yucnbybedhr i yuwn.Tee ery s h od tr. o a u ra ee f o at hr i ntiges i teetog. s ohn le n hr huh Ps ta i tecohssoe Yucnugaeyu [oe Goe] at ht s h lte tr. o a prd or Wvn lvs t [lt Goe]hr.Teei as anc slcino nw o Coh lvs ee hr s lo ie eeto f e clr fryu prymmes G t tetpforo tesoead oos o or at ebr. o o h o lo f h tr n cektecoe fr5[ivrCis o 5 [oprCis.Cek hc h lst o Sle on] r 0 Cpe on] hc tebosefa tefrrgtfr'aia Gr Mri Pr 61' h okhl t h a ih o Mgcl il ern at /2. Laeteso. ev h hp Etrteie so t telf.Hr,yucnacs yu soae ne h tm hp o h et ee o a ces or trg adbysm ueu ies Yucnbyadge hr frSel i n u oe sfl tm. o a u agr ee o tla f yune oe G t tetpforadcektecoe o tergt o ed n. o o h o lo n hc h lst n h ih fra[ai Cny.Ta i alhr.LaeadetrteIn Etr o Mgc ad] ht s l ee ev n ne h n. ne tedo o tergto tescn for Cektecoe i ti h or n h ih n h eod lo. hc h lst n hs ro fr2 [oprCis.Ei adg t tetpforadetr om o 3 Cpe on] xt n o o h o lo n ne tero o telf.Cektecoe fr[etrHr] Nwg t h om n h et hc h lst o Bte eb. o o o tero o tergtadcektecoe fra[hs Ss] Tee h om n h ih n hc h lst o Cet ah. hr i ntiges t d hr uls yuwn t sv.Rsighr css s ohn le o o ee nes o at o ae etn ee ot 8C.Laeadcniu lf t teCatexBig.Ars i P ev n otne et o h hrru rde cos t wl b tewaossoebti sest b coe frtdy il e h epn tr u t em o e lsd o oa. Etrtebidn nx t tewaossoe Nwg truhte ne h ulig et o h epn tr. o o hog h do o tefrtforadyul wl it aro wt suf or n h is lo n o'l ak no om ih tf EEYHR.Nwcektedaeso tergtfrapi o VRWEE o hc h rwr n h ih o ar f [newa]()adcektebo seffr'eyAvnue Udrer M n hc h ok hl o Sx detrr Mnhy..DEaietegysbdfraltl smtigto otl'.X xmn h u' e o ite oehn o. Laeti ro,adetrtero o tescn for ev hs om n ne h om n h eod lo. Sac tedae a tefrlf fra[hrru Rl] Laeti erh h rwr t h a et o Catex ol. ev hs ro totebektejr o tetidforfr8[oprCis. om o h ra h as n h hr lo o Cpe on] Bektebreso tergttofr5mr [oprCis.Etr ra h arl n h ih o o oe Cpe on] ne tero o tetidforadcektecoe fra[togil h om n h hr lo n hc h lst o Srngr Jie.Teei ntiges hr s laetebidn. uc] hr s ohn le ee o ev h ulig Dsoytebre nx t tesoegtwyfr1 [oprCis. etr h arl et o h tn aea o 5 Cpe on] O lo!Cpuemcie!Sel wntpa te h ok asl ahns tla o' ly hm huh.etr tesoeayas Ti soeslscnyadcrsadteeae h tr nwy. hs tr el ad n ad n hr r alto kd hr.Cektedaesnx t tefrpaefr o f is ee hc h rwr et o h ielc o [ytr Jie.Laeti so adg truhtesoegtwy Msey uc] ev hs hp n o hog h tn aea wt teodmnnx t i. ih h l a et o t Etrtebidn coett yu Tebosefo tescn ne h ulig lss o o. h okhl n h eod forcnan 'aigBbe WtotRges btyucnt lo otis Nmn ais ihu ert' u o a' ra i.Cektecoe a teedfrapi o [oe Goe] ed t hc h lst t h n o ar f Wvn lvs. Ltslaeadetrtebidn t telf.Etrtruh e' ev n ne h ulig o h et ne hog telf do,tergtdo i lce.G t tescn for h et or h ih or s okd o o h eod lo adtebosefcnan aohruraal bo cle 'auos n h okhl otis nte nedbe ok ald Fblu Fruetlig ATrese Giet Fruetligsces' otn-eln: he-tp ud o otn-eln ucs! Cektedae b tebdfr[newa]() Hwmn pis hc h rwr y h e o Udrer F. o ay ar o udrerhv yusoe b nw..Laeti bidn ad f newa ae o tln y o?. ev hs ulig n g truhtesoeacwy Tehuet telf hsntigo o hog h tn rha. h os o h et a ohn f itrs uls yuwn t seabywt atno cnyi hs neet nes o at o e o ih o f ad n i ro. om 24/97


GameFAQs: Fortune Summoners: Secret of the Elemental Stone (PC) FAQ/Walkthrough by Dragonk

*---------------------------------* | MyekMnr abr ao \ *-----------------------------------* |betv:G cekfryu lte. Ojcie o hc o or etr | |oses Mntr: | -Nn oe | |tm: Ies | -[og Do]x Tuh rp 1 -[urinDo]x Gada rp 1 | -[etrOee]x -[odCidDo]x Lte pnr 1 Go hl rp 1 | -[oprCi]x6 -[etrHr]x Cpe on 10 Bte eb 5 | -[e Rbo]x Rd ibn 1 | -[etrHr]x Bte eb 1 | *-----------------* Lo,i' teMyekMnr yu hm.G lf adetrte ok ts h abr ao, or oe o et n ne h hue Bektebresfra[og Do] Ei adg it os. ra h arl o Tuh rp. xt n o no temnin Wl ae' yulvn alf.Abte adtre h aso. el rnt o iig ie ulr n he mis Yul b i Sel' ro.Cektedaesta ae ad. o'l e n tlas om hc h rwr ht r tle ta yufra[etrOee] Cektesuyds fr alr hn o o Lte pnr. hc h td ek o 1 [ivrCis o 10[oprCis.Wl rgtt te 6 Sle on] r 6 Cpe on] ak ih o h prri o tewl t tigrasee Cektecoe b otat n h al o rge cn. hc h lst y tedo fr[e Rbo] Teceto tergti asoae h or o Rd ibn. h hs n h ih s trg cet Peaefrdnendvn!Ei Sel' ro adetr hs. rpr o ugo-iig xt tlas om n ne tero rgto hr. h om ih f es Ti i hrfte' ro.Cektedaeso tergtfr hs s e ahrs om hc h rwr n h ih o [etrHr] Cektebosevso tergtfr'aia Bte eb. hc h okhle n h ih o Mgcl Gr Mri Pr 71' Laetero adg dw sar.Teei il ern at /2. ev h om n o on tis hr s ntigi tero lf o yu ro.Ps tefrtdo ad ohn n h om et f or om as h is or n etrtenx do.Cektedesrbtentetobd ne h et or hc h rse ewe h w es fra[urinDo] Ei tero adg dw tesar o o Gada rp. xt h om n o on h tis n tergta teei ntigi tergtotro.Etrte h ih s hr s ohn n h ihms om ne h do na tebto o tesar t etrtekthn Bekte or er h otm f h tis o ne h ice. ra h ptb tedo o tefrrgtfra[odCidDo] I yu o y h or n h a ih o Go hl rp. f o laetemnintruhtebc do i tekthn i wl la ev h aso hog h ak or n h ice, t il ed yut tecmtr.Teesntigt d teea temmn s o o h eeey hr' ohn o o hr t h oet o g teei yujs wn t ceki ot o hr f o ut at o hc t u. G bc t tefrtforadg lf.Etrtescn sto o ak o h is lo n o et ne h eod e f dul-or adtl t Rwn H wl gv yu[etrHr]x! obedos n ak o oe. e il ie o Bte eb 5 Laetemnr ev h ao. Teewl b a oto t g oe cma.I yuueSel' hr il e n pin o o vr obt f o s tlas X+Arwkyfr seladhrFr Wl sel mntrsol ro e ie pl n e ie al pl, ose hud ntps mc o atra. o oe uh f het Sv a teIni yuwn,te laei yuhv ntiges ae t h n f o at hn ev f o ae ohn le t d hr i Catex o o ee n hrru.

*---------------------------------* | Otie usd \ *-----------------------------------* |betv:Fn teWn Cet Ojcie id h id rs. | -Gtt Bres e o ans | -Epoetecvs xlr h ae | |oses Mntr: 25/97


GameFAQs: Fortune Summoners: Secret of the Elemental Stone (PC) FAQ/Walkthrough by Dragonk

| -Sae nk -Vpr ie | -Bu Sie -Ylo Sie le lm elw lm | -Mri ekd -Mtbe ohe | -Mri Mg ekd ae | -La Mri ed ekd | |tm: Ies | -[odCidDo]x Go hl rp 1 -[etrHr]x Bte eb 1 | -[oprCi]x0 Cpe on 35 | -[rnDge]x Io agr 1 | -[ai Rn]x Mgc ig 1 | -[ytr Jie x Msey uc] 1 | *-----------------* Js ke gigrgt Cektecetudrteldefra ut ep on ih. hc h hs ne h eg o [odCidDo] Etrtesre i tenx ae.Ysi ge Go hl rp. ne h tet n h et ra e t os t telk adntBresbtteessilsmtigtee o h ae n o ans u hr' tl oehn hr. Jm o telde t rahacetwt 30[oprCis.I up n h egs o ec hs ih 0 Cpe on] f yucos t g it tecv hr,bwr teei aLa Mri o hoe o o no h ae ee eae hr s ed ekd i tee I yucnkl i,g dw tetne adteewl n hr. f o a il t o on h unl n hr il b tocet.Oehs[rnDge]adoehs[ai Rn] e w hss n a Io agr n n a Mgc ig. Bctakaltewyt tesre adtesgps adcniu akrc l h a o h tet n h inot n otne rgt Yul cm ars a Inatrabt Rs adsv hr ih. o'l oe cos n n fe i. et n ae ee i yuwn.Te as sl afwtig hr.Etrtedo f o at hy lo el e hns ee ne h or o tefrtfor Dsrytevs fr5[oprCis.'aia n h is lo. eto h ae o Cpe on] Mgcl Gr Mri Pr 81'i as hr o tebosefb tebd il ern at /2 s lo ee n h okhl y h e. Cektedae btentetobd fra[ytr Jie.Lae hc h rwr ewe h w es o Msey uc] ev ti ro adg t tescn for Cektedesrbtente hs om n o o h eod lo. hc h rse ewe h bd t gt[etrHr] LaeteInwe yuaerayad es o e Bte eb. ev h n hn o r ed n g rgt Yul rnit vns btSel cnjs br te.Tee o ih. o'l u no ie, u tla a ut un hm hr i aceto teohrsd ta mgtb epy dpnigo wehr s hs n h te ie ht ih e mt, eedn n hte o ntyuwn t lo i bfr a Ace I hd30[oprCis. r o o et o ot t eoe s rh. t a 0 Cpe on] Ti paesol b fmla nw G altewyt BresVlae hs lc hud e aiir o. o l h a o ans ilg.

*---------------------------------* | BresVlae ans ilg \ *-----------------------------------* |betv:Fn tewn cet Ojcie id h id rs. | |oses Mntr: | -Nn oe | |tm: Ies | -Nn oe | *-----------------* Ntignwt d hr.Ha altewyt tepaewt te ohn e o o ee ed l h a o h lc ih h mnsadn b tecv.I sol b t telf o teIn a tnig y h ae t hud e o h et f h n. G isd tecv. o nie h ae *---------------------------------* | BresHlsDnen ans il ugo \ *-----------------------------------* |betv:Fn teWn Cet Ojcie id h id rs. | |oses Mntr: | -Ylo Sie elw lm 26/97


GameFAQs: Fortune Summoners: Secret of the Elemental Stone (PC) FAQ/Walkthrough by Dragonk

| -Ccrt ooa | -Kle Bt ilr a | -Kbl ood | -Sel (os tla Bs) | |tm: Ies | -[ees Rn]x Dfne ig 1 -[od Bed Mly ra] | -[oprCi]x5 -[idCet2 Cpe on 40 Wn rs ] | -[etrHr]x Bte eb 1 -[etrHr]x Bte eb 3 | -[etrHr]x Bte eb 3 | -[ai Cny x Mgc ad] 1 | *-----------------* Tepsaelf sol n lne b bokdbcueerir h asg et hud o ogr e lce eas ale Aceple telvrwt tedaodsmo.Rmme,d nt rh uld h ee ih h imn ybl eebr o o oe tecet i' apio gsta.Etrtetne.Etr pn h hs, ts osn a rp ne h unl ne tedul dost tednenb tepdsa.G rgtised h obe or o h ugo y h eetl o ih nta o dw tesar.Br teda vns Yuwl rahada f on h tis un h ed ie. o il ec ed ed Teeae4trhs btol oei lt Ueyu fr mgc n. hr r oce, u ny n s i. s or ie ai t lgtteohr3adtept sol oe. o ih h te n h ah hud pn Jm ars temvn soebok.D ntoe tecet i i up cos h oig tn lcs o o pn h hs, t s as apio gsta.Etrtewoe do.Wthotfrte lo osn a rp ne h odn or ac u o h sieta.Nwteewl b abnho da vnst br.Br pk rp o hr il e uc f ed ie o un un te i awys yucnjm u t telde I yums u,lae hm n a o o a up p o h eg. f o es p ev tero adi wl rst h om n t il ee. Teeae3cet wt a[ees Rn] 4 [ivrCis o hr r hss ih Dfne ig, 5 Sle On] r 40[oprCis,ad[etrHr] 5 Cpe on] n Bte eb. Bctakadfl dw tefrtpto yu wybc.G truh akrc n al on h is i n or a ak o hog tewoe do dw hr.G t tevr rgtt fn tocet. h odn or on ee o o h ey ih o id w hss Yul gt[etrHr]x ada[ai Cny.G dw tesar. o'l e Bte eb 3 n Mgc ad] o on h tis Jm t tergtsd t fn acetcnann [od Bed.Gos up o h ih ie o id hs otiig Mly ra] rs. Nwjm u adt telf sd t fn alvrwt acoe smo. o up p n o h et ie o id ee ih lvr ybl Pl i.G t tevr tplf o ti ae t cniu.Tept ul t o o h ey o et f hs ra o otne h ah sol b oe nw Yul rahtetligdos Sel wl on hud e pn o. o'l ec h akn or. tla il w tedos Yuwl fn teWn Cet h or. o il id h id rs! Yuwl nwrgi cnrlo Ace G isd tedosaan o il o ean oto f rh. o nie h or gi. ItikSel i jly Wl,tm t cthru.A ln a yu hn tla s el. el ie o u e p s og s o hthrbfr sei al t cs,sesol b n polm Dwsa i e eoe h s be o at h hud e o rbe. ontb i aueu mv hr t aodhrsd fr atcs Wl,yu s sfl oe ee o vi e ie ie tak. el o gtyu [idCet2.G bc t tero weetecetws Te e or Wn rs ] o ak o h om hr h rs a. h cetcnan [etrHr]x. hs otis Bte eb 3 Tm t gtoto hr!Sel wl acmayyubc.Isget ie o e u f ee tla il copn o ak ugs gigbc tewySel cm fo.I' ese adpoal fse. on ak h a tla ae rm ts air n rbby atr Oc yugtot yul ntc tewn hsbgnt bo aan ne o e u, o'l oie h id a eu o lw gi! Hwvr i seslk i' nteog t tr tewnmls Ges oee, t em ie ts o nuh o un h idil. us yuas ne teceti tetwr Nttdytog,yusol o lo ed h rs n h oe. o oa huh o hud g bc hm t Tniesfrnw o ak oe o okns o o. O yu wybc,yul rnit teby,te tedco.Los n or a ak o'l u no h os hn h otr ok lk yune t gtsm md frSn bc a Bres G t ie o ed o e oe es o aa ak t ans. o o tehrait Loslk teesamntrifsaini tecv h ebls. ok ie hr' ose netto n h ae weeh gostehrs Tm t kl te.Ha otteohr hr e rw h eb. ie o il hm ed u h te do adetrtecv. or n ne h ae 27/97


GameFAQs: Fortune Summoners: Secret of the Elemental Stone (PC) FAQ/Walkthrough by Dragonk

*---------------------------------* | Hr Fr Cv eb am ae \ *-----------------------------------* |betv:Certemntr Ojcie la h oses | |oses Mntr: | -Ylo Sie -Bb Mg (os elw lm ay ae Bs) | -Ccrt ooa | -Kle Bt ilr a | -Kbl ood | -Mcnd yoi | |tm: Ies | -[etrHr]x Bte eb 1 -[oprCi]x0 Cpe on 30 | -[eoyPoo4 Mmr ht ] -[oa Hr] Tph eb | -[togilJie x Srngr uc] 1 | -[odCidDo]x Go hl rp 1 | -[eia Dik x Rvvl rn] 1 | *-----------------* G lf,adyusol ntc 3cae nx t amval pafr. o et n o hud oie rts et o oebe ltom D NTdsrytecae.Sic oe t Sel adhv hrsado o O eto h rts wth vr o tla n ae e tn n TPo tepafr.Ntc yucnol gtu teeuigtecae. O f h ltom oie o a ny e p hr sn h rts Sic bc t Ace Mk sr Sel sasu tee Dsryte wth ak o rh. ae ue tla ty p hr. eto h cae adps tepafr oe t tergt Sic bc t Sel rts n uh h ltom vr o h ih. wth ak o tla t gtt tenx ae.Nt ta Sel cno ps tig lk Ace o e o h et ra oe ht tla ant uh hns ie rh s yucno sic te aon frti. o o ant wth hm rud o hs Ps tefrttne adg rgtt tenx ae.Teedcnan as h is unl n o ih o h et ra h n otis acetwt a[etrHr] G bc adetrtetne.D nt hs ih Bte eb. o ak n ne h unl o o oe teceto tergto ti ae,i i apio gsta.G pn h hs n h ih f hs ra t s osn a rp o lf adps tetne adg t tenx ae.Sic t Sel. et n as h unl n o o h et ra wth o tla Jm o tepafr adbr tevnsaa.Teei aceto te up n h ltom n un h ie wy hr s hs n h ohrsd ta cnan [eoyPoo4.Sic bc t Acet gt te ie ht otis Mmr ht ] wth ak o rh o e oto hr fse.Rtr t tels ae adetrtetne yu u f ee atr eun o h at ra n ne h unl o pse.G lf adueSel t br tevns Sic bc t Ace asd o et n s tla o un h ie. wth ak o rh t ps tebokot tebu bto blwtececn smo.Mk o uh h lc no h le utn eo h rset ybl ae yu wyrgtadetrtetne bfr te(o oe)wl wt te or a ih n ne h unl eoe h nw pn al ih h ceetsmo.Teedo ti tne wl hv acetwt a rsn ybl h n f hs unl il ae hs ih [togilJie.G bc adcniu rgtaddw tenx tne. Srngr uc] o ak n otne ih n on h et unl Ti nx ae i apet bgpae G a frtprgta yucn hs et ra s rty i lc. o s a o ih s o a adyusol raha ulttrhwt asae smo.UeSel n o hud ec n ni oc ih cls ybl s tla t lgti.G bc addo dw t tenx tne ta etnst o ih t o ak n rp on o h et unl ht xed o tergt Teesol b asoebok Ps i t tergtadue h ih. hr hud e tn lc. uh t o h ih n s i t rahtescn ulttrhwt tesae smo.Aan ue t o ec h eod ni oc ih h cls ybl gi, s Sel t lgti.Nwdo dw t tevr bto adbr aa tla o ih t o rp on o h ey otm n un wy tevnswt Sel.Lgttetidadfnltrhto Nwg bc h ie ih tla ih h hr n ia oc o. o o ak u adt teae ta bace t telf blwteetac o ti p n o h ra ht rnhs o h et eo h nrne f hs woeae.Tewl wt tesae smo sol b gn nw Dsoy hl ra h al ih h cls ybl hud e oe o. etr tecae a telf edfra[odCidDo] Etrtetne. h rts t h et n o Go hl rp. ne h unl Giglf i ada ed G altewyrgtadetrtetne. on et s ed n. o l h a ih n ne h unl Teeaetocet cnann [eia Dik ad3[odCis o hr r w hss otiig Rvvl rn] n Gl on] r 30[oprCis.Laeti ro. 0 Cpe on] ev hs om Bctakabtadte jm u t teldeyumyhv ntcd akrc i n hn up p o h eg o a ae oie erir Flo i adetrtetne.G rgtadetrti ale. olw t n ne h unl o ih n ne hs tne.Tergtedcnan aMr o Hrim Telf edcnan unl h ih n otis ak f eos. h et n otis afuti weeyucnha adsv a.I i rcmeddt d s onan hr o a el n ae t t s eomne o o o 28/97


GameFAQs: Fortune Summoners: Secret of the Elemental Stone (PC) FAQ/Walkthrough by Dragonk

a abs fgti cmn u.Laeti ro we yuaeray s os ih s oig p ev hs om hn o r ed. G dw telf wy Yuwl ecutrabb mg mntro o on h et a. o il none ay ae ose f srs Sildneos s KL I WT FR!!Tk ottekbls ot. tl agru, o IL T IH IE! ae u h ood adpeettemg fo csigaysel adi sol b n n rvn h ae rm atn n pls n t hud e o polm rbe. Cniu dee it tecv.Tenx ae cnan acetwt otne epr no h ae h et ra otis hs ih js wa yunee,a[oa Hr] Nwgtoto hr.Ejy ut ht o edd Tph eb. o e u f ee no tect ctcn a Sn' hue Nwei hrhue Sv i h ue usee t aas os. o xt e os. ae f yudlk. o' ie

[A0] DY7

*------------* *-----------* | | | | | | [a 7 Dy ] | | | | | | *------------* *-----------*

*---------------------------------* | Mns-ai MgcSho iaaRts ai col \ *-----------------------------------* |betv:Peaefrtefedti. Ojcie rpr o h il rp | -Tl t Cl ak o om | -G tl t yu mm o ak o or o | |oses Mntr: | -Sae nk | -GenSie re lm | |tm: Ies | -Nn oe | *-----------------* Loslk tecasi gigt KrtVlaetmro!Wth ok ie h ls s on o oa ilg oorw ac Sel b ma t yuadte g tl t Cl aot'ac'sak. tla e en o o n hn o ak o om bu fny ncs Yugy aegigt g altewyt CatexCt..o cny o us r on o o l h a o hrru ad. Wl,i' acac t tytoecpuemcie Sel rfsd h? el ts hne o r hs asl ahns tla eue, m Tewao soeteemyb oe to Tl t yu ohrcasae h epn tr hr a e pn o! ak o or te lsmts frfn Acewl wne wysmoewud'epit aht o u. rh il odr h oen ol pe no o srn'.s incn.Tl t tecaspe.fra auigrsos pig..o noet ak o h ls rz o n msn epne fo Cifnto rm hfo o. *---------------------------------* | Tw o Tnies on f okns \ *-----------------------------------* |betv:Peaefrtefedti. Ojcie rpr o h il rp | -Tl t yu mm ak o or o | -Tl t Sn' mm ak o aas o | -G t CatexCt frsetsik o o hrru iy o we tcs | |oses Mntr: | -Nn oe | |tm: Ies | -[oprCi]x0 Cpe on 6 | *-----------------* Mk yu wybc t Tniesadtl t yu mm Sewl gv ae or a ak o okns n ak o or o. h il ie 29/97


GameFAQs: Fortune Summoners: Secret of the Elemental Stone (PC) FAQ/Walkthrough by Dragonk

yu3 [oprCis.G tl t Sn' mmtoadsel as o 0 Cpe on] o ak o aas o o n h'l lo gv yu3 [oprCis.Ltsha t CatexCt nw Lae ie o 0 Cpe on] e' ed o hrru iy o. ev Tniesfo lf. okns rm et *---------------------------------* | Otie usd \ *-----------------------------------* |betv:Peaefrtefedti. Ojcie rpr o h il rp | -G t CatexCt frsetsik o o hrru iy o we tcs | |oses Mntr: | -GenSie -Siel Kbl re lm nvly ood | -Mtbe ohe -La Kbl (os ed ood Bs) | -Bu Sie le lm -Mri ekd | -Vpr ie -Mri Mg ekd ae | |tm: Ies | -[emi Sae x Mrad cl] 1 | *-----------------* Yucno gtt CatexCt tesm wyyuddwt Sel o ant e o hrru iy h ae a o i ih tla snetevnsrsanadSel i n lne wt yuayoe ic h ie epw n tla s o ogr ih o nmr. G dw tesre ta last telk.Aan ps tecae o on h tet ht ed o h ae gi, uh h rt t gtu t telde Ps teWahraeTwradetrte o e p o h eg. as h etevn oe n ne h nx ae t rnit acul adkbls Tk otteSiel et ra o u no ope n ood. ae u h nvly Kbl frtte telae.Atryusv te,te tl yu ood is hn h edr fe o ae hm hy el o ta teeaetnesudrtelk ta lt yugtt te ht hr r unl ne h ae ht es o e o h ohrsd,adte CatexCt i rgttee te ie n hn hrru iy s ih hr. We yurahtelk,sic t Sn t g dw tee Tee hn o ec h ae wth o aa o o on hr. hr aeabnho mrisdw tees wthot G lf adgt r uc f ekd on hr o ac u. o et n e tecetfra[emi Sae.Jm oto tewtradte h hs o Mrad cl] up u f h ae n hn g bc rgtsm t tl t teodmnnx t teba.H'l o ak ih oe o ak o h l a et o h ot el knl ltyuuehsba t tae btentelk nw idy e o s i ot o rvl ewe h ae o. Etrtecv nw ne h ae o. *---------------------------------* | Crdl Tnes auae unl \ *-----------------------------------* |betv:Peaefrtefedti. Ojcie rpr o h il rp | -G t CatexCt frsetsik o o hrru iy o we tcs | |oses Mntr: | -La Mri ed ekd | -Mri Mg ekd ae | -Ylo Sie elw lm | |tm: Ies | -[ai Cny x Mgc ad] 1 | -[etrHr]x Bte eb 3 | -[ieDw x Lf e] 1 | -[lt Goe]x Coh lvs 1 | *-----------------* Ti paei gigt b fl o la mris btte solnt hs lc s on o e ul f ed ekd, u hy hud' b tohr ayoe Poedadjm oe tewtrpt.Do e o ad nmr. rce n up vr h ae is rp dw it tesalwwtradetrtetne.O telf tee on no h hlo ae n ne h unl n h et hr i acetbti i apio gsta.G rgtadyuwl fn s hs u t s osn a rp o ih n o il id aMr o Hrim Pl ta lvro tesd to G bc t te ak f eos. ul ht ee n h ie o. o ak o h 30/97


GameFAQs: Fortune Summoners: Secret of the Elemental Stone (PC) FAQ/Walkthrough by Dragonk

bgnigae adg tplf adetrtetne.Teei ol einn ra n o o et n ne h unl hr s ny oewyfryut g hr.G dw ps tesnsmo adit n a o o o o ee o on at h u ybl n no tetne o tebto rgt h unl n h otm ih. Ke gigrgt Ps tetne.Jm oe tepto wtrad ep on ih. as h unl up vr h i f ae n teeaetocet wt [ai Cny ad[etrHr]x. hr r w hss ih Mgc ad] n Bte eb 3 G bc adetrtetne yupse. o ak n ne h unl o asd Yul b i alreoe cvr wt 3vr tl mval o'l e n ag pn aen ih ey al oebe pafrs Mv te aon s ta te aeeel sae fo ec ltom. oe hm rud o ht hy r vny pcd rm ah ohr Te g bc u adjm ars te.Poedit te te. hn o ak p n up cos hm rce no h nx ae. et ra UeSn hr.Teceti tewtrcnan [ieDw.G dw s aa ee h hs n h ae otis Lf e] o on lf i tewtradyul seaba.Dntgto i yt G et n h ae n o'l e ot o' e n t e. o lf adsac ascn cetfr[lt Goe] Nwgto te et n erh eod hs o Coh lvs. o e n h ba adi wl rs u.Fc rgtt pc u Aceadte fc ot n t il ie p ae ih o ik p rh n hn ae lf t gtt teohrsd.I temrishr aetomc fr et o e o h te ie f h ekd ee r o uh o Sn aoe js sil adrnfo te.I yucm hr wt aa ln, ut hed n u rm hm f o ae ee ih Sel erir tecet i tetne coe t tewtrwl tla ale, h hss n h unl lsr o h ae il b epy Etrteohrtne t gtoto hr. e mt. ne h te unl o e u f ee *---------------------------------* | Otie usd \ *-----------------------------------* |betv:Peaefrtefedti. Ojcie rpr o h il rp | -G t CatexCt frsetsik o o hrru iy o we tcs | |oses Mntr: | -Mri ekd | -Mri Mg ekd ae | -Bu Sie le lm | -GenSie re lm | -Sae nk | |tm: Ies | -[ytr Jie x Msey uc] 1 | -[ai Cny x Mgc ad] 1 | *-----------------* Rmme teba o tergt UeAcet ps i it tewtr eebr h ot n h ih? s rh o uh t no h ae. G aedadrd teba.Teei a iln wt tocet. o ha n ie h ot hr s n sad ih w hss Sac te fr[ytr Jie ad[ai Cny.Nwg bc ars erh hm o Msey uc] n Mgc ad] o o ak cos admk yu wylf t CatexCt! n ae or a et o hrru iy *---------------------------------* | CatexCt hrru iy \ *-----------------------------------* |betv:G bysetsik. Ojcie o u we tcs | -Tl t tecnyso onr ak o h ad hp we | -Tl t tecnyby ak o h ad o | -Fn rr cnyt taeteby id ae ad o rd h o | -Tl t tebkr onr ak o h aey wes | -Rtr t tecnyby eun o h ad o | |oses Mntr: | -Nn oe | |tm: Ies | -[oprCi]x0 Cpe on 3 31/97


GameFAQs: Fortune Summoners: Secret of the Elemental Stone (PC) FAQ/Walkthrough by Dragonk

| -[oe Do]x Pwr rp 1 | -[adaeTr] Hnmd at | -[ayk SetSik] Tiai we tcs | *-----------------* Yul rnit teby wojs buh tersetsik. o'l u no h os h ut ogt hi we tcs Ltsrs t tecnysoebfr te rnot Atal, e' uh o h ad tr eoe hy u u! culy bfr ta,etrtewaossoesnei i nwoe.Dsry eoe ht ne h epn tr ic t s o pn eto tebre na tesar fr3[ivrCis o 3 [oprCis. h arl er h tis o Sle on] r 0 Cpe on] G t tetpforadsac tedae o tevr rgtfr o o h o lo n erh h rwr n h ey ih o a[oe Do] Byayeupetyune te ha t tecny Pwr rp. u n qimn o ed hn ed o h ad soe Yucnpa teecpuemcie,adhl sa,20C tr. o a ly hs asl ahns n oy np 0 P aty.bttegadpiei.. [eedr Sod? Hr aete r..u h rn rz s.a Lgnay wr]! ee r h psil pie.Aan tenmesnx t teiesaeteaons osbe rzs gi, h ubr et o h tm r h mut Ihv proal wno ec ie.Iwntesodo m 5hty ae esnly o f ah tm o h wr n y t r, ww Ete Imlcyo ti cpuemcie altese t wn o. ihr ' uk r hs asl ahns o air o i ta teoebc a hm i ne t wnta Mri hn h n ak t oe n okns.sil ed o i ht ern Saf tf. Acewl sy"w.. i yugttee rh il a aw." f o e hs: [antCooae x Wlu hclt] 3 [ernGm x Mri u] 3 [rgnEae]x Dao rsr 2 [adtKtyBoie x Bni it rmd] 3 Acewl sy"a! i yugttee rh il a yy" f o e hs: [it Er]x Kty as 4 [ed Pkr]x Tdy ooa 1 [ernsCp]x Mri' ae 3 [rv Bnaa x Bae adn] 0 [eedr Sod x Lgnay wr] 1 I yug isd tesoe teei as te2 C cpuemcie f o o nie h tr, hr s lo h 0 P asl ahn hr a wl.Tl t teld a tecutr Sae sesl ee s el ak o h ay t h one. hm, h od ot NwAcewl b asakradg hn dw tebywo u. o rh il e tle n o ut on h o h buh tels sak I yurmme,Imnindabywt a ogt h at tc. f o eebr etoe o ih tno cnywe yuwr paiga Sel..e' g vsthm o f ad hn o ee lyn s tla.lts o ii i nw G truhtesoeacwy o. o hog h tn rha. O,etrtergtdo o tescn bidn hr.I i ulce h ne h ih or f h eod ulig ee t s nokd nw Teei annisd ta ak frdntos Yuhv a o. hr s u nie ht ss o oain. o ae coc t dnt 10t 1000C.I yudnt 1000cpe hie o oae 0 o 0,0 P f o oae 0,0 opr pee i oeg,te sewl gv yua[ivrRsr] Cekn ics n n o hn h il ie o Sle oay. hcig hrbosefusar yul fn abo cle 'ueNnCohs e okhl ptis o'l id ok ald Ct u lte Swn,ItoLvl.Ee mr o agv-wyta sespoal eig nr ee' vn oe f ieaa ht h' rbby sm fk..e' lae Ntiglf t d hr.Etrtelf do oe ae.lts ev. ohn et o o ee ne h et or o tesm bidn adyuwl seta tefruetle i tee f h ae ulig n o il e ht h otn elr s hr, wows' we yuwr paiga Sel.Tl t hr Sei ueu h ant hn o ee lyn s tla ak o e. h s sfl bcuesewl tl yui yuhv mse ayMrso Hrimu eas h il el o f o ae isd n ak f eos p t yu cretpiti tesoyie I yuv be floigti o or urn on n h trln. f o'e en olwn hs wltruh yul hv mse nn.; Laeti bidn adlts akhog, o'l ae isd oe ) ev hs ulig n e' g oe t tecnybyshuea tefrlf. o vr o h ad o' os t h a et Tl t tebyo tescn for H' aae yucm alte ak o h o n h eod lo. es mzd o ae l h wyfo Tniesjs frta cny H are t taeyu a rm okns ut o ht ad. e ges o rd o sm i yugv hmaohrkn o rr cny G bc t tevr oe f o ie i nte id f ae ad. o ak o h ey etac o Catexadetrtebkr.Tecul yusvd nrne f hrru n ne h aey h ope o ae erirwl b bc.Tl t tewmna tecutradsewl ale il e ak ak o h oa t h one n h il 32/97


GameFAQs: Fortune Summoners: Secret of the Elemental Stone (PC) FAQ/Walkthrough by Dragonk

gv yua[adaeTr] G bc t tecnybyadtae ie o Hnmd at. o ak o h ad o n rd hmtetr.Yu bsns i dn hr i Catex tm t ha i h at or uies s oe ee n hrru, ie o ed bc t Tnies ak o okns. *---------------------------------* | Otie usd \ *-----------------------------------* |betv:Rtr t Tnies Ojcie eun o okns. | |oses Mntr: | -Mri ekd | -Mri Mg ekd ae | -Bu Sie le lm | -GenSie re lm | -Sae nk | |tm: Ies | -Nn oe | *-----------------* Ys yuhv t g bc t ta tne wt altemrisad e, o ae o o ak o ht unl ih l h ekd n mk yu wytruhte aan ae or a hog hm gi. *---------------------------------* | Crdl Tnes auae unl \ *-----------------------------------* |betv:Rtr t Tnies Ojcie eun o okns. | |oses Mntr: | -La Mri ed ekd | -Mri Mg ekd ae | -Ylo Sie elw lm | |tm: Ies | -Nn oe | *-----------------* Bctakall tewy akrc lll h a. *---------------------------------* | Otie usd \ *-----------------------------------* |betv:Rtr t Tnies Ojcie eun o okns. | |oses Mntr: | -Mri ekd -GenSie re lm | -Mri Mg ekd ae | -Mtbe ohe | -Bu Sie le lm | -Vpr ie | |tm: Ies | -Nn oe | *-----------------* Rd teOdMnsba oe.G rgtadha bc t Tnies ie h l a' ot vr o ih n ed ak o okns. *---------------------------------* 33/97


GameFAQs: Fortune Summoners: Secret of the Elemental Stone (PC) FAQ/Walkthrough by Dragonk

| Tw o Tnies on f okns \ *-----------------------------------* |betv:G hm. Ojcie o oe | |oses Mntr: | -Nn oe | |tm: Ies | -Nn oe | *-----------------* Sn wl ha hm.G o aedadha hm to Tl t yu aa il ed oe o n ha n ed oe o. ak o or prnsadte cag it yu pjmsi yuaedn wt aet n hn hne no or aaa f o r oe ih yu bsns bfr tefedti tmro.G aedadsv. or uies eoe h il rp oorw o ha n ae

[A0] DY8

*------------* *-----------* | | | | | | [a 8 Dy ] | | | | | | *------------* *-----------*

*---------------------------------* | Mns-ai MgcSho iaaRts ai col \ *-----------------------------------* |betv:G t KrtVlae Ojcie o o oa ilg | |oses Mntr: | -Nn oe | |tm: Ies | -Nn oe | *-----------------* Yuwl satoftedyi cas Loslk Sel ral o il tr f h a n ls. ok ie tla ely ddlaewtotyuadSn.O wl.G aedadei te i ev ihu o n aa h el o ha n xt h sho fo tergt col rm h ih. *---------------------------------* | Otie usd \ *-----------------------------------* |betv:G t KrtVlae Ojcie o o oa ilg | |oses Mntr: | -GenSie re lm -Kbl ood | -Sae nk | -Ylo Sie elw lm | -Ccrt ooa | -Mcnd yoi | |tm: Ies | -[eb x Hr] 3 | -[oprCi]x5 Cpe on 60 | *-----------------* Atrabt yul cm ars yu flo casae.Teei fe i, o'l oe cos or elw lsmts hr s as awneighae weeyucnha o sv i nee.Cniu lo adrn elr hr o a el r ae f edd otne o,yucntg dw tesre hr ayas N sd tis n o a' o on h tet ee nwy. o ie rp. 34/97


GameFAQs: Fortune Summoners: Secret of the Elemental Stone (PC) FAQ/Walkthrough by Dragonk

Atroeo tomr aes.Sn wl dsper Wi,sesbe fe n r w oe ra..aa il iapa. at h' en cpue b sm ul Og.G bc adtk ta 'ieti'nw atrd y oe gy rs o ak n ae ht sd rp o. G t tetplf ldet fn acetwt [eb.G rgtt te o o h o et eg o id hs ih Hr] o ih o h nx ae.Yul cm ars acv wt bns Dntg i yt et ra o'l oe cos ae ih oe. o' o n e tog.G rgtaant tenx ae.Teei amrhn hr huh o ih gi o h et ra hr s ecat ee i yune ayhn.Teei as asoaecethr.Nwjm f o ed ntig hr s lo trg hs ee o up dw oftergteg.Yul fn atn tne ta lasbc on f h ih de o'l id iy unl ht ed ak t tepeiu ae.Teei acethr ta cnan 60 o h rvos ra hr s hs ee ht otis 5 [oprCis.G bc tewyyucm adetrteogli. Cpe on] o ak h a o ae n ne h r ar *---------------------------------* | OgLi r ar \ *-----------------------------------* |betv:Sv Sn. Ojcie ae aa | |oses Mntr: | -Og r -OgLce r aky | -OgAce r rhr -Bs Og os r | -Kbl ood | -Kle Bt ilr a | -Tugs Og hgih r | |tm: Ies | -[og Do]x Tuh rp 1 -[oe Do]x Pwr rp 1 | -[r Sae]x Og lyr 1 -[etrHr]x Bte eb 1 | -[od Bed x Mly ra] 1 | -[etrHr]x Bte eb 1 | -[eb x Hr] 1 | *-----------------* Jm ars tepafrsbfr te fl,te aodtesie up cos h ltom eoe hy al hn vi h pk ta adjm o i t gtu t telde Etrtedo.Poed rp n up n t o e p o h eg. ne h or rce adps tefrtsar dw.G dw tescn sto sar. n as h is tis on o on h eod e f tis Nwg lf adfl dw t tebto adetrtedo hr. o o et n al on o h otm n ne h or ee Ti cnb abttik.Teepafrswntfl altewy hs a e i rcy hs ltom o' al l h a dw btte mk teohrpafrsg u.Tels topafrs on u hy ae h te ltom o p h at w ltom rqiei s ta yulttels pafr rs eog btnt eur t o ht o e h at ltom ie nuh u o tomc s yucnsiljm ot i btas ta yucnjm o uh o o a tl up no t u lo ht o a up ofta ls pafr ot teohred Tik,btyul gti f ht at ltom no h te n. rcy u o'l e t eetal.Yul fn acetwt a[og Do] Atrta,tee vnuly o'l id hs ih Tuh rp. fe ht hr aetomvn pafrso wtr Jm ars adaodtesie. r w oig ltom n ae. up cos n vi h pks Teedcnan acetwt a [r Sae] Ueu.G bc ps h n otis hs ih n Og lyr. sfl o ak at test o pafrsadbc t tednenlk ae.Jm bc u h es f ltom n ak o h ugo-ie ra up ak p adg lf.Teeaetocet.Oe ol tergtcet wih n o et hr r w hss pn ny h ih hs, hc cnan [od Bed.Teceto telf i apio gsta. otis Mly ra] h hs n h et s osn a rp Nwg t tebto rgto ti ae.Teei acethr towt o o o h otm ih f hs ra hr s hs ee o ih [etrHr] G u tpt tergt Sahtecae t gt[eb. Bte eb. o p o o h ih. ms h rts o e Hr] G bc t tepeiu ro adg dw tesar yupse erir o ak o h rvos om n o on h tis o asd ale. Tk tebto pt.Tetplast ada ed Do dw abt ae h otm ah h o ed o ed n. rp on i adg rgttruhtenro psae Teedcnan acetwt n o ih hog h arw asg. h n otis hs ih a[oe Do] Jm bc u adcniu rgt Aodtesie Pwr rp. up ak p n otne ih. vi h pk tas Ps tegrol sau ot tebto.Do bc dw ad rp. uh h agye tte no h utn rp ak on n tewysol b oe nw G truhtewoe do. h a hud e pn o. o hog h odn or Yul b i acv ae nw wt alto og.Gtu t tetp o'l e n ae ra o, ih o f rs e p o h o 35/97


GameFAQs: Fortune Summoners: Secret of the Elemental Stone (PC) FAQ/Walkthrough by Dragonk

lf ae o ti cv.G truhtewoe do.Yul etra et ra f hs ae o hog h odn or o'l ne ro wt amval pafr,asau o tetprgtada om ih oebe ltom tte n h o ih n bto o tetplf.Frt ps tepafr t tergt utn n h o et is, uh h ltom o h ih. Nwps tesau ot tepafr.Ps tepafr utli o uh h tte no h ltom uh h ltom ni t i nx t tecne lde Ps tesau ot tecne lde s et o h etr eg. uh h tte no h etr eg. Ps tepafr t teohrsd o teldenw Ps te uh h ltom o h te ie f h eg o. uh h sau ot tepafr aan Ps tepafr wt tesau tte no h ltom gi. uh h ltom ih h tte t telfms sd adte ps tesau ot tebto.Yu o h etot ie n hn uh h tte no h utn or wr hr i dn.G bc t tepeiu ae. ok ee s oe o ak o h rvos ra Tewoe pafr wt tehatsmo a tetprgtsol h odn ltom ih h er ybl t h o ih hud nwb mvn.G ars addw tetne.G lf t fn a o e oig o cos n on h unl o et o id cetwt [etrHr] G rgtadgtars tepafr wt hs ih Bte eb. o ih n e cos h ltom ih teacesadetrtedo.G u tesar t fn afuti h rhr n ne h or o p h tis o id onan t ha adsv.Ei adg lf adetrtefnydos o el n ae xt n o et n ne h ac or. Wthtesee Srneyei mscfrti gm +sel = ac h cn. tagl pc ui o hs ae tla yusol onteeog.Tk otteTugs adLce,te o hud w hs rs ae u h hgih n aky hn wr o teBs.Nwta ti ms i cendu,g dw te ok n h os o ht hs es s lae p o on h sar.Ga teMr o Hrimhr,adltsgtoto hr. tis rb h ak f eos ee n e' e u f ee

*---------------------------------* | Otie usd \ *-----------------------------------* |betv:G t KrtVlae Ojcie o o oa ilg | |oses Mntr: | -Pio Mtbe osn ohe | -Sbra aect | -Kbl ood | -Ccrt ooa | -Mcnd yoi | |tm: Ies | -Nn oe | *-----------------* Js mk yu wyt tergt. ut ae or a o h ih.. *---------------------------------* | CablVle rna aly \ *-----------------------------------* |betv:G t KrtVlae Ojcie o o oa ilg | |oses Mntr: | -Pio Mtbe -VcosCcrt osn ohe iiu ooa | -Sbra aect -Ylo Sie elw lm | -Kbl ood | -Ccrt ooa | -Mcnd yoi | |tm: Ies | -[ete Cp]x Lahr ae 1 | -[oyWtr x Hl ae] 1 | -[oyWtr x Hl ae] 1 | -[odCidDo]x Go hl rp 1 | *-----------------* 36/97


GameFAQs: Fortune Summoners: Secret of the Elemental Stone (PC) FAQ/Walkthrough by Dragonk

G dw adetrtecv a tebto lf.Do dw,adg o on n ne h ae t h otm et rp on n o rgtfracetwt a[ete Cp] Nwg lf adetr ih o hs ih Lahr ae. o o et n ne tenx ae.Ke gigadg dw tetne.Pc u a h et ra ep on n o on h unl ik p Mr o Hrimhr.G bc adjm u adg rgt Ei te ak f eos ee o ak n up p n o ih. xt h cv. ae G rgt UeSn t gttruhtewtradbigteba o ih. s aa o e hog h ae n rn h ot t pc u Sel adAce Ke gigu telde adyuwl o ik p tla n rh. ep on p h egs n o il rahaohrcv.Etrtenx cv.G lf adei te ec nte ae ne h et ae o et n xt h cv.Pl telvrwt tedaodsmo adg rgtfra ae ul h ee ih h imn ybl n o ih o cetwt [oyWtr.G bc i tecv.Nwei tecv hs ih Hl ae] o ak n h ae o xt h ae fo tetprgt G lf adrd temvn pafr.Yuwl rm h o ih. o et n ie h oig ltom o il fn tocet wt aohr[oyWtr ada[odCidDo] id w hss ih nte Hl ae] n Go hl rp. Nwjs ke gigrgt Dntmn tesre a i' ada o ut ep on ih. o' id h tet s ts ed edfrnw I tegon..taig O wi,i' tehtsrns n o o. s h rud.semn? h at ts h o pig, tewtri ltrlyrd.wloet KrtVlae h ae s ieal e..ecm o oa ilg! *---------------------------------* | KrtVlae oa ilg \ *-----------------------------------* |betv:Epoetevlae Ojcie xlr h ilg. | -G t tehtsrns o o h o pig. | -Tl t temyr ak o h ao | -Tl t Ele ak o li | -G t teFr Srn o o h ie hie | |oses Mntr: | -Nn oe | |tm: Ies | -[o WtrSls x -[hs Ss]x Ht ae at] 1 Cet ah 1 -[togilJie x Srngr uc] 1 | -[idCooae x Mn hclt] 1 -[urinDo]x Gada rp 1 | -[rneBrt x Oag ee] 1 -[oe Do]x Pwr rp 1 | -[ytr Jie x Msey uc] 1 -[odCidDo]x Go hl rp 1 | -[og Do]x Tuh rp 1 -[newa]()x Udrer F 1 | *-----------------* Ruiewt yu cas Eeyn' ga yur sf adnwyu ent ih or ls. vroes ld o'e ae n o o cnepoeKrt Dsrytept bhn Cl adLo fr a xlr oa. eto h os eid om n en o [o WtrSls.Etrtefo soet telf.Sac te Ht ae at] ne h od tr o h et erh h dae a tergtfra[idCooae. rwr t h ih o Mn hclt] Temnhr slssvrliesicuigsm nwcsueclr. h a ee el eea tm nldn oe e otm oos Tewao soet tergthssm nc ugae,tog i' h epn tr o h ih a oe ie prds huh ts pet epnie Teie soenx do hsafwitrsig rty xesv. h tm tr et or a e neetn nwiestosc a te[ealLm] Aan soaei aalbe e tm o uh s h Rcl ap. gi, trg s vial hr a i eeyie so.Ircmedbyn lmsfrdnen ee s n vr tm hp eomn uig ap o ugos a mn o te yuhv t wl altewybc t gtot s ay f hm o ae o ak l h a ak o e u. LaeadetrteInSa Wthtectcn.Ltsnttk ev n ne h n/p. ac h usee e' o ae orbt yt G usar adetrtedo o tefrrgt u ah e. o ptis n ne h or n h a ih. Cektedae nx t tefrpaefr'aia Gr Mri hc h rwr et o h ielc o Mgcl il ern Pr 91' Te sac tecoe o tergtfra[odCid at /2. hn erh h lst n h ih o Go hl Do] Ei adha rgt rp. xt n ed ih. Etrtecv.Ei tecv b gigrgt Dntbte gig ne h ae xt h ae y on ih. o' ohr on dw ayo tetnesa te aeda ed /iacsil a te on n f h unl s hy r ed ns ncesbe t h mmn. oet 37/97


GameFAQs: Fortune Summoners: Secret of the Elemental Stone (PC) FAQ/Walkthrough by Dragonk

Etrtefrtbidn yurahatreiigtecv. ne h is ulig o ec fe xtn h ae Sac tecoe a teedfra [rneBrt.Jm o te erh h lst t h n o n Oag ee] up n h cae t rahtescn foradg t telf edt fn a rts o ec h eod lo n o o h et n o id cetwt [ytr Jie.Ei tebidn adetrtenx oe hs ih Msey uc] xt h ulig n ne h et n. G rgtadsac tecoe b tebdfra[og Do] Sac o ih n erh h lst y h e o Tuh rp. erh tedaesb tebdo teohrsd fra[hs Ss] Tl t h rwr y h e n h te ie o Cet ah. ak o temyri yuwn.Ei tebidn.Dsrytept rgto h ao f o at xt h ulig eto h os ih f tehuefra[urinDo] h os o Gada rp. Costesalbig adetrtenx hue Cektedaes rs h ml rde n ne h et os. hc h rwr b tedo fra[oe Do] Sac tebosefa tergt y h or o Pwr rp. erh h okhl t h ih edfr'aia Gr Mri Pr 1/2.I yulaetebidn n o Mgcl il ern at 01' f o ev h ulig adg rgt yul fn teby.G ps te addw,yul n o ih, o'l id h os o at hm n on o'l fn teFr Srn.I cnan mntr.W'lg teeltr id h ie hie t otis oses el o hr ae. Ltsg bc t teInadbtei tehtsrns Etrte e' o ak o h n n ah n h o pig! ne h do o tebto for Sac tedesrt tergtfr or n h otm lo. erh h rse o h ih o [newa]() Wthtectcn.Loslk w hv apolm Udrer F. ac h usee ok ie e ae rbe t sle Ayas bekteptbhn tetahrfra o ov. nwy, ra h o eid h ece o [togilJie.LaeteInadg tl t temyr Hh, Srngr uc] ev h n n o ak o h ao. aa nwyums fn arno pro wohsta ipratpmhe. o o ut id adm esn h a ht motn aplt G bc t teInadtl t Ele sesb tefrpaeo te o ak o h n n ak o li, h' y h ielc n h frtfor Get nwtepro wohstepmlti ls to is lo. ra, o h esn h a h ape s ot o. Sepoal wn t cekotteFr Srn.Ltsg.I yu h rbby et o hc u h ie hie e' o f o fro,tesrn i altewyes o tetw o altewy ogt h hie s l h a at f h on r l h a t tergteg o tw. o h ih de f on NT: OE I teMyrshue o tescn for teei abo cle n h ao' os, n h eod lo, hr s ok ald 'ertTm o Mgc o abosefta rqie Acesbotd Sce oe f ai' n okhl ht eurs rh' ose jm t rah Atryuhv bae tegm oc,raigti bo up o ec. fe o ae etn h ae ne edn hs ok i anwgm wl gatyusm o Sel' sil isatyised n e ae il rn o oe f tlas kls ntnl nta a terrqie lvl I' js altl botfryu nwgm. t hi eurd ee. ts ut ite os o or e ae *---------------------------------* | Fr Srn ie hie \ *-----------------------------------* |betv:Fn Knn Ojcie id ao | |oses Mntr: | -Pio Mtbe osn ohe | -RdSie e lm | -Pio Mcnd osn yoi | -GetSopo (os ra crin Bs) | |tm: Ies | -[asodNt] Pswr oe | *-----------------* G rgtadjm u tesoesest rahteuprae.Flo o ih n up p h tn tp o ec h pe ra olw tept t aohrae ada teedyusol fn acetwt h ah o nte ra n t h n o hud id hs ih a[aoaySaf.G bc,do bc dw bto adg lf fr Mhgn tf] o ak rp ak on otm n o et o abs fgt os ih. Bgsopo.I mgttk awie bti'leetal dewt i crin t ih ae hl, u tl vnuly i ih tetreo yubaigo i.Wthtepio.Yuwl big h he f o etn n t ac h osn o il rn Knnbc t teIn Sel gv yutepmhe adyul ao ak o h n. h'l ie o h aplt n o'l cp dw tepswr.Sud altl fny Wl,denthr t oy on h asod ons ite uk. el os' ut o ty G t tecv ta cnet KrtVlae Etrte r. o o h ae ht oncs oa ilg. ne h 38/97


GameFAQs: Fortune Summoners: Secret of the Elemental Stone (PC) FAQ/Walkthrough by Dragonk

frttne. is unl *---------------------------------* | KrtCvs oa ae \ *-----------------------------------* |betv:Fn tesuc. Ojcie id h ore | |oses Mntr: | -RdSie e lm -NwAeMcnd(os e g yoi Bs) | -Slmnr aaada -TxcMcnd oi yoi | -Dao Pp rgn u | -Pio Mcnd osn yoi | |tm: Ies | -[aysDge]x Ld' agr 1 -[rneSok x Oag mc] 1 | -[og Do]x Tuh rp 1 -[oprCi]x00 Cpe on 30 | -[ytr Jie x Msey uc] 1 -[urinDo]x Gada rp 1 | -[niPio Rn]x -[etrHr]x At-osn ig 1 Bte eb 3 | -[odCidDo]x Go hl rp 1 | *-----------------* Sem pae Ys tesemwl atal br yu As sadn tay lc. e, h ta il culy un o. lo tnig i tehtwtrtoln wl br yu G rgtadetrte n h o ae o og il un o. o ih n ne h tne.Ga ta Mr o Hrim Nwg bc adg lf.Do unl rb ht ak f eos. o o ak n o et rp dw.Etrtetne.G rgtadfi telvr G lf on ne h unl o ih n lp h ee. o et addo dw.Tesembokn yu wyhssopdadyucn n rp on h ta lcig or a a tpe n o a seasodsmo tee Cniu o.Yucnete g bto lf e wr ybl hr. otne n o a ihr o otm et o g rgt Te wl bt edi tesm pae Hwvr gig r o ih. hy il oh n n h ae lc. oee, on rgtwl gtyumr lo s Isgetgigrgt Giglf gt ih il e o oe ot o ugs on ih. on et es yutig Gigrgtwl bigyut a ae wt tocet o hn. on ih il rn o o n ra ih w hss wt a[aysDge]ada[og Do] Nwg dw t telf. ih Ld' agr n Tuh rp. o o on o h et I' pet srih frad D ntoe tecetyucm ars ts rty tagt owr. o o pn h hs o oe cos a i' js apio gsta.G t tetplf o ti ae s ts ut osn a rp o o h o et f hs ra adg truhtetne.Ha t tetprgtadps tesoe n o hog h unl ed o h o ih n uh h tn bokoe tesemvn ta' bokn tocet.Te cnan lc vr h ta et hts lcig w hss hy oti [odCidDo]ada [rneSok.Bctakadei ti Go hl rp n n Oag mc] akrc n xt hs ae tewyyucm.G bc truhti ae to ra h a o ae o ak hog hs ra o. Nwg lf addo dw t tebto ae wt tosoebok. o o et n rp on o h otm ra ih w tn lcs G lf adteeaetocet.Oea [ytr Jie adoe o et n hr r w hss nhs Msey uc] n n hsa [niPio Rn] Nwps tesoebokoe ta sem a n At-osn ig. o uh h tn lc vr ht ta vn ta' cniuul boigI sol gtpugdu b tebok et hts otnosy lwn.t hud e lge p y h lc. Cniu t tenx ae. otne o h et ra Yune t tm yu jmss tesemvnso teciigae' o ed o ie or up o h ta et n h eln rnt boig Nwyuraha ae wt amvn soebokwt alvr lwn. o o ec n ra ih oig tn lc ih ee ta soso sat i.So tebokadhv Acesa o i. ht tp r trs t tp h lc n ae rh ty n t Sic t Sn o Sel.Uetelvrs ta Acegt truh wth o aa r tla s h ee o ht rh es hog altesemvnssfl.Oc truh so tebokadsic l h ta et aey ne hog, tp h lc n wth bc t Ace Yumyhv ahr tm sen tels vn s ak o rh. o a ae ad ie eig h at et o sic btenAceadyu ohrcaatr qikyt se Oc wth ewe rh n or te hrces ucl o e. ne o teohrsd,fi tesic wt tecoe smo.Nwg n h te ie lp h wth ih h lvr ybl o o bc tewyyucm.Ps tebokoe tevn aant gt ak h a o ae uh h lc vr h et gi o e truhadg altewyu tplf adetrtetne hog n o l h a p o et n ne h unl yuwn truhbfr.Poedrgt Ti tm,tk telwr o et hog eoe rce ih. hs ie ae h oe pt. ah Cosuigtenwmvn pafr.Na teed dc t aod rs sn h o oig ltom er h n, uk o vi tesemte jm u a i sos G rgtt fn acetwt h ta hn up p s t tp. o ih o id hs ih a[urinDo] Te g bc lf sm t mk yu wyu t a Gada rp. hn o ak et oe o ae or a p o 39/97


GameFAQs: Fortune Summoners: Secret of the Elemental Stone (PC) FAQ/Walkthrough by Dragonk

cetwt 3 [odCi] o 30 [oprCis.Jm oe t hs ih 0 Gl ons r 00 Cpe on] up vr o tergtldewt tosoebok.Ps bt bok,tergt h ih eg ih w tn lcs uh oh lcs h ih oefrt dw oftergteg s te pl o tpo ec ohr n is, on f h ih de o hy ie n o f ah te. Te g dw adps te altewyt tergtt bokte hn o on n uh hm l h a o h ih o lc h semvn.Jm u adpl telvr G t teuprlf ae ta et up p n ul h ee. o o h pe et ra o ti paeadtesemvn teesol hv sopds yu f hs lc n h ta et hr hud ae tpe o o cnjm u nw G dw tetne.Wthasrnectcn. a up p o. o on h unl ac tag usee G atrte!A uul tk tewaetoeot terglr o fe hm s sa, ae h eks n u, h eua mcnd Te tetxcadte wr o tebs,tewidbu yoi. hn h oi n hn ok n h os h er le sro.Te se pio.Eeyhr.Atryuba te,Ace hom hy pw osn vrwee fe o et hm rh i gigt aktevlaest ltsrosi tehtsrns s on o s h ilgr o e hom n h o pig. Hhhhh.Ayas g truhtewoe do o tergtad aaaaa nwy, o hog h odn or n h ih n gtaMr o Hrim Tecethr as hs[etrHr]x. e ak f eos. h hs ee lo a Bte eb 3 Tepolmi fxd Gtotahr.Uiga[ealLm]svs h rbe s ie. e ut ee sn Rcl ap ae yuafwmnts Ejytehtsrn seewt sm fny o e iue. no h o pig cn ih oe un mmns oet. Alta maig.dsubn.Sv. l ht onn..itrig ae *------------* *-----------* | | | | | | [a 9 Dy ] | | | | | | *------------* *-----------*

[A0] DY9

*---------------------------------* | Mns-ai MgcSho iaaRts ai col \ *-----------------------------------* |betv:G hv asepvr Ojcie o ae leoe. | -Fn adtl t Sn id n ak o aa | -Tl t yu mm ak o or o | -Tl t Sn' mm ak o aas o | -G t CatexCt o o hrru iy | -G t teMyekMnr o o h abr ao | |oses Mntr: | -Sae nk | -GenSie re lm | |tm: Ies | -Nn oe | *-----------------* Tenx dybgn a sho.Sel ivtsyufrdne a h et a eis t col tla nie o o inr t hrhue Sesjs sae o tezmis u,maignie. e os. h' ut crd f h obe, h onn oss Yuwl fn Sn a tesho br.Tl t hradte o il id aa t h col an ak o e n hn mk yu wybc t Tniest gtpriso fo yu mm. ae or a ak o okns o e emsin rm or os Atryud ta,peaeadi' tm t ha ot fe o o ht rpr n ts ie o ed u! *---------------------------------* | Otie usd \ *-----------------------------------* |betv:Hv asepvra Sel'. Ojcie ae leoe t tlas | -G t CatexCt o o hrru iy | -G t teMyekMnr o o h abr ao | |oses Mntr: | -Bu Sie -Sae le lm nk 40/97


GameFAQs: Fortune Summoners: Secret of the Elemental Stone (PC) FAQ/Walkthrough by Dragonk

| -GenSie re lm | -Vpr ie | -Mtbe ohe | -Ylo Sie elw lm | |tm: Ies | -[amn Cca Clig oo] | *-----------------* Bfr w g t Catex g dw tera ta last eoe e o o hrru, o on h od ht ed o Bres Rmme ta cv wt ta wih?W cnfnlygt ans. eebr ht ae ih ht egt e a ial e ps i wt trepol.Etrtecv adg truhtedo. at t ih he epe ne h ae n o hog h or Hv Sn adSel sado tepafr u tp Mk te sa ae aa n tla tn n h ltom p o. ae hm ty adte ueAcet g udrtewih.Tetesr cet n hn s rh o o ne h egt h raue hs a teedcnan [amn Cca.I apast b aseilie. t h n otis Clig oo] t per o e pca tm W aedn hr!G bc t temi ra adjs ke giglf. e r oe ee o ak o h an od n ut ep on et Nt:I yuhl yu ddotadgv hm[ai Cny ad oe f o ep or a u n ie i Mgc ad] n [amn Cca,h wl sok[idCooae i hssoe Clig oo] e il tc Mn hclt] n i tr. I yucekyu msae diy yuwl ko ta tesoe hr f o hc or esgs al, o il nw ht h trs ee hv nwsufi sok Cek'mot Tebkr nwhs ae e tf n tc. hc e u. h aey o a [adaeTrs.Tecohssoehsacayepniecp fr Hnmd at] h lte tr a rz xesv ae o 1,0 C.Teie soewl nwspl [eo-wyS,[oy 280 P h tm tr il o upy VnmAa ] Hl Wtr,[ai Cny,ad[ealLm] I tewao soe i ae] Mgc ad] n Rcl ap. n h epn tr, f yutl t teby h wl tl yute sl aseilsodbt o ak o h o, e il el o hy el pca wr u ol a ngt Hm Ayas te hv sm nwwao ugae,i ny t ih. m. nwy, hy ae oe e epn prds f yucnafr i.Tecnysoedenthv ayhn nw o a fod t h ad tr os' ae ntig e. *---------------------------------* | MyekMnr abr ao \ *-----------------------------------* |betv:Hv asepvra Sel'. Ojcie ae leoe t tlas | -Epoehrhue xlr e os | -Hv dne ae inr | -Cekottecmtr hc u h eeey | |oses Mntr: | -Nn oe | |tm: Ies | -Nn oe | *-----------------* We yur dn wt bsns,g aedadetrteMyek hn o'e oe ih uies o ha n ne h abr Mnr Yucnepoei yuwn,tog yuarayddbfr. ao. o a xlr f o at huh o led i eoe EtrSel' ro frasotcnesto.Tl t eeyn ne tlas om o hr ovrain ak o vroe adcekotSel' ro adtero t telf.Atrta n hc u tlas om n h om o h et fe ht i sol b eeig Tl t Rwnt hv dne. t hud e vnn. ak o oe o ae inr Yul gtu i tengtt tk apebttemasfekyu o'l e p n h ih o ae e u h on ra o ot Yugtdesdadyugy aegigt g t tecmtr u. o e rse n o us r on o o o h eeey wtotRn.Bfr ta,rmme tesodta' ol sl a ihu aa eoe ht eebr h wr hts ny od t ngt So b tewao soebfr yug t ceki ot Nw ih? tp y h epn tr eoe o o o hc t u. o ltsg t tekthni temnradottebc do. e' o o h ice n h ao n u h ak or *---------------------------------* | CatexCmtr hrru eeey \ *-----------------------------------* 41/97


GameFAQs: Fortune Summoners: Secret of the Elemental Stone (PC) FAQ/Walkthrough by Dragonk

|betv:Fn otwa' cuigtenie Ojcie id u hts asn h os | |oses Mntr: | -Vl Bt ie a | |tm: Ies | -Nn oe | *-----------------* A yugttee yul hr rsln nie.O,i' js s o e hr, o'l ee utig oss h ts ut Sn.Yul ntc ta yucnps sm o tegaetns aa o'l oie ht o a uh oe f h rvsoe aon.Hm Ayas teesjs abnho bt hr.G rud m. nwy, hr' ut uc f as ee o dee it tecmtr.Mr bt.Ps tefrtgaetn epr no h eeey oe as uh h is rvsoe ta yucnps i ti ae t tevr lf.Asce etac ht o a uh n hs ra o h ey et ert nrne sol ppu.Etr hud o p ne. *---------------------------------* | CatexCtcms hrru aaob \ *-----------------------------------* |betv:Fn otwa' cuigtenie Ojcie id u hts asn h os | |oses Mntr: | -Got hs -Mse Got(os atr hs Bs) | -Vl Bt ie a | -Rtlsae atenk | -Seea Slir kltl ode | -GotMg hs ae | |tm: Ies | -[rp Ky x Cyt e] 1 -[oprCi]x20 Cpe on 10 | -[ealLm]x Rcl ap 1 -[rp Ky x Cyt e] 1 | -[rp Ky x Cyt e] 1 -[olHn] Dl ad | -[ytr Jie x -[eoyPoo6 Msey uc] 1 Mmr ht ] | -[cl Amr x Sae ro] 1 -[rp Ky x Cyt e] 1 | -[oktac] Pcewth -[rp Ky x Cyt e] 1 | *-----------------*

-[rp Ky x Cyt e] 1 -[rp Ky x Cyt e] 1 -[urinDo]x Gada rp 1 -[oe Do]x Pwr rp 1 -[odCidDo]x Go hl rp 1 -[hee'Ky Tivs e]

Toslyloiggot wl apa.Kl te.Ys yucn w il okn hss il per il hm e, o a htte.Atrta,sac tecetfra[rp Ky.Ulc i hm fe ht erh h hs o Cyt e] nok tedo a tergtadltsg dw tesar. h or t h ih n e' o on h tis Do dw abtadg lf.Teedhsacetwt a[eal rp on i n o et h n a hs ih Rcl Lm] G bc u adrgt Br truhteda vnswt Sel ap. o ak p n ih. un hog h ed ie ih tla adg truhtedo.Yul seaptt yu lf.We yu n o hog h or o'l e i o or et hn o do dw,sa o telfms sd o tepta teewl b rp on ty n h etot ie f h i s hr il e apafr t do o.Js hl telf arwky I yums, ltom o rp n ut od h et ro e. f o is js etrtedo o telf adyul edu i teae ut ne h or n h et n o'l n p n h ra bfr ti,adcnjm bc u adtyaan Atrmkn i o eoe hs n a up ak p n r gi. fe aig t n telde jm ars t telf adteesol b acetwt h eg, up cos o h et n hr hud e hs ih aohr[rp Ky.Jm dw adg truhtedo o telf. nte Cyt e] up on n o hog h or n h et G rgtadaodtesieta.G it tenx ae adue o ih n vi h pk rp o no h et ra n s te[rp Ky.Ps tesar adg u.Flo tept ad h Cyt e] as h tis n o p olw h ah n teewl b acetwt [ytr Jie.Ke giglf ad hr il e hs ih Msey uc] ep on et n teei aohrcet wt [cl Amr.G bc addw te hr s nte hs, ih Sae ro] o ak n on h sar nw tis o. Pl telvr G t tebto lf ae,br tevns ad ul h ee. o o h otm et ra un h ie, n sahteptb tetne fr1 [odCis o 10 [oprCis. ms h o y h unl o 2 Gl on] r 20 Cpe on] 42/97


GameFAQs: Fortune Summoners: Secret of the Elemental Stone (PC) FAQ/Walkthrough by Dragonk

G dw tetne. o on h unl Yuwl b i aro wt trebtoso tefor Js hv o il e n om ih he utn n h lo. ut ae yu pryec sado oebto admk sr te sa teeuig or at ah tn n n utn n ae ue hy ty hr sn teF ky Tewl o tergtwl oe.Flo tept. h 3 e. h al n h ih il pn olw h ah Tels ae sol hv aMr o Hrimadacetwt a h at ra hud ae ak f eos n hs ih [rp Ky.G bc t teae weeyuboeteptadg rgt Cyt e] o ak o h ra hr o rk h o n o ih. Uetekyadg dw tetne. s h e n o on h unl Yusol b i a ae wt wtraon yu G tergtwy o hud e n n ra ih ae rud o. o h ih a. Sac tecetfra[olHn] Hv Sn do dw i tewtr erh h hs o Dl ad. ae aa rp on n h ae o tergt Teei altl ceieo tergtwihhsa n h ih. hr s ite rvc n h ih hc a cetwt [eoyPoo6.Fl dw teptt gtbc u.Si hs ih Mmr ht ] al on h i o e ak p kp tenx wtrptadg dw tenx nx oe Teei acet h et ae i n o on h et et n. hr s hs hr to I hsaohr[rp Ky.Gtbc u teeadoe te ee o. t a nte Cyt e] e ak p hr n pn h do o telf.Etrtedo. or n h et ne h or Yul b i aro wt topafrsadalvrna teciig o'l e n om ih w ltom n ee er h eln. Hv oepro sa o tergtoe Hv topol jm u ae n esn ty n h ih n. ae w epe up p adsado telf oe Sic bc t tepro o te n tn n h et n. wth ak o h esn n h rgt wosol nwb al t pl telvr Cniu truh ih, h hud o e be o ul h ee. otne hog tedo. h or Do dw,ps tedosadg rgt te u aon te rp on as h or n o ih, hn p rud h pae Yusol rnit totmsoe ta cnb pse. lc. o hud u no w obtns ht a e uhd Ps tergtoea rgta yucn adtelf oea uh h ih n s ih s o a, n h et n s frlf a yucn Asce do sol ppu.G i.Wthfr a et s o a. ert or hud o p o n ac o tesieta hr.Jm ot teta adi wl bigyuu h pk rp ee up no h rp n t il rn o p t acetwt a[rp Ky.Oe tedo o tergt Yu o hs ih Cyt e] pn h or n h ih. o ne aohrkyt g o s g bc otadte etrte ed nte e o o n o o ak u n hn ne h do o telf.Yuwl fl dw it sm seeos Do or n h et o il al on no oe kltn. rp dw tepto telf adsa o tergtsd.Teeae on h i n h et n ty n h ih ie hr r tocet hr,oewt a[rp Ky adoewt a[urin w hss ee n ih Cyt e] n n ih Gada Do] rp. Do altewydw nwadfn acetwt a[oe Do] rp l h a on o n id hs ih Pwr rp. G lf t tenx ae addsrytebreso tevr lf o et o h et ra n eto h arl n h ey et fra[odCidDo] G ottedo.G bc t teae ta o Go hl rp. o u h or o ak o h ra ht hdtesietas G altewyrgtadulc tedo. a h pk rp. o l h a ih n nok h or Bfr yuetrtefnydos g rgtt fn afuti t eoe o ne h ac or, o ih o id onan o ha adsv.Nwg truhtedos el n ae o o hog h or. Ta goti s elre yucnsetepxltdeso i. ht hs s o nagd o a e h ieaens f t I lkst rs yuadsanagotadgotmg.We h i t ie o uh o n pw hs n hs ae hn e s dfae,h'ldo smtigitrsig Tesud hvnt eetd el rp oehn neetn. h ons ae' sopds ltscniu dw tesar. tpe o e' otne on h tis Do dw adg lf t fn acetwt a[rp Ky ad rp on n o et o id hs ih Cyt e] n aMr o Hrim Uetekyo tergtsd adg dw ak f eos. s h e n h ih ie n o on tesar.Rnit a itrsigsee h tis u no n neetn cn. S..l ta maigwsjs sm gad Hhhh,yugv ht onn a ut oe ur. aaaa o ie hmtepcewth H gvsyusmtigitrsigtog, i h oktac. e ie o oehn neetn huh a[hee'Ky.Sv yu gm.Ibtta kyulcsta Tivs e] ae or ae e ht e nok ht hg twr ue oe! *------------* *-----------* | | | | | | [a 1] Dy 0 | | | | | | *------------* *-----------*

[A1] DY0


GameFAQs: Fortune Summoners: Secret of the Elemental Stone (PC) FAQ/Walkthrough by Dragonk

*---------------------------------* | MyekMnr abr ao \ *-----------------------------------* |betv:Fn tetidcet Ojcie id h hr rs | -G t WahraeTwr o o etevn oe | |oses Mntr: | -Nn oe | |tm: Ies | -Nn oe | *-----------------* Mk yu wyt teWahraeTwr T gtteefo ae or a o h etevn oe. o e hr rm Catex ke gigrgt ps teWieRs In adg utl hrru, ep on ih, as h ht oe n, n o ni yusetera wt tesre sg ta sy WahraeTwr o e h od ih h tet in ht as etevn oe. Oc yugttee tekyft pretyi telc. ne o e hr, h e is efcl n h ok *---------------------------------* | WahraeTwr etevn oe \ *-----------------------------------* |betv:Fn tetidcet Ojcie id h hr rs | |oses Mntr: | -YugHry on ap | -Rtlsae atenk | -Kbl Ae ood c | -Hry ap | -Wvr (os yen Bs) | |tm: Ies | -[eia Dik x Rvvl rn] 1 -[etHr]x Bs eb 1 | -[ae o Lf] Wtr f ie -[lse Erig x Besd arn] 1 | -[ueSaf x Rn tf] 1 -[idCet3 Wn rs ] | -[togilJie x Srngr uc] 1 | -[ytr Jie x Msey uc] 1 | *-----------------* Oc yug i,yul me teby aan Gigrgto lf ne o o n o'l et h os gi. on ih r et last tesm ro.Teeaecet o ec sd o ti ed o h ae om hr r hss n ah ie f hs forbtbt aesietass dntbte.G t te lo u oh r pk rp o o' ohr o o h cne ae adjm u telde fo telf.Gtt te etr ra n up p h egs rm h et e o h ldeo tergtt cniu yu acn.Wthfrtehris eg n h ih o otne or set ac o h ape, dntltte do yubc t tebto foro yul hv o' e hm rp o ak o h otm lo r o'l ae t g bc t gtu hr aan G u tesar. o o ak o e p ee gi. o p h tis Yul ntc too tetrhsult Dntlgtte,tedo o'l oie w f h oce ni. o' ih hm h or wntoe.Ised ueSn t ptteALot Yul rnit o' pn nta, s aa o u h L u. o'l u no teby aan G u tesar ps te.Tesietas+ h os gi. o p h tis at hm h pk rp tehryscnuesilcnb rte anyn.G altewy h ap' ofs kl a e ahr noig o l h a rgtadg dw tesar.Jm ars temvn soebok ih n o on h tis up cos h oig tn lcs wieaodn tesie t rahacetwt a[ueSaf.G hl viig h pks o ec hs ih Rn tf] o bc t tepeiu ae. ak o h rvos ra Rd tepafr t tetpadps tesoeboks yucnrah ie h ltom o h o n uh h tn lc o o a ec telvr Yul gtt a oe ae.Jm oe t tevr rgt h ee. o'l e o n pn ra up vr o h ey ih t fn acetwt a[eia Dik.Jm u adoe t te o id hs ih Rvvl rn] up p n vr o h 44/97


GameFAQs: Fortune Summoners: Secret of the Elemental Stone (PC) FAQ/Walkthrough by Dragonk

lf sd aanadte bc ars t tergtt rahte et ie gi n hn ak cos o h ih o ec h scn cetta cnan a[ae o Lf] Jm bc ars eod hs ht otis Wtr f ie. up ak cos t telf adg t tenx ae. o h et n o o h et ra Jm ars temvn soebok t a ae wt tomr up cos h oig tn lcs o n ra ih w oe soebok.Ps teoeo tergtt tebto for te tn lcs uh h n n h ih o h otm lo, hn ps i s i i lf o telf eg o teldewt te uh t o t s et f h et de f h eg ih h scn soebok Ps tescn soebokoftelf eg eod tn lc. uh h eod tn lc f h et de adi sol ln o tebto bok Ps yu sako bok n t hud ad n h otm lc. uh or tc f lcs oe t telvrt rahi.Yul setegy aan Cniu vr o h ee o ec t o'l e h us gi. otne u tetwr p h oe! Fi tesic,adwthotfrasieta i temdl o lp h wth n ac u o pk rp n h ide f ti hlwy Fi ascn sic adgtt tergtsd adu hs ala. lp eod wth n e o h ih ie n p tesar.Do dw ofteeg o tergtt rahahde h tis rp on f h de n h ih o ec idn sargigdw. ti on on G lf adueAcet ps tepafr t tergt Hv o et n s rh o uh h ltom o h ih. ae Sn o Sel sa o tpo tepafr te ueAcet aa r tla ty n o f h ltom hn s rh o ps i bc s te cnrahtehge lde Pl telvr uh t ak o hy a ec h ihr eg. ul h ee wt tesa smo.G bc dw adg u tesar. ih h tr ybl o ak on n o p h tis Tecetcnan a[togilJie.Do dw t fn a h hs otis Srngr uc] rp on o id futi.Rs adsv.G rgtt fn aMr o Hrim Lae onan et n ae o ih o id ak f eos. ev truhtedo adcektecett fn [ytr Jie.G hog h or n hc h hs o id Msey uc] o t telf sd adetrtedo.G rgtadu t te o h et ie n ne h or o ih n p o h lf ps tesietast fn acetwt [etHr] G et at h pk rp o id hs ih Bs eb. o t tergtsd adps tedo;do ofteeg t rah o h ih ie n as h or rp f h de o ec acetwt a[lse Erig.Ueu aanttoehris hs ih Besd arn] sfl gis hs ape. G bc u adtruhtedo. o ak p n hog h or G lf,ps tenwoe wl wt tesa smo adu te o et at h o pn al ih h tr ybl n p h sar.Pl telvr Ke gig pl ascn lvr adke tis ul h ee. ep on, ul eod ee, n ep gigu.Pl atidlvr Yul rahada ed.?Fl of on p ul hr ee. o'l ec ed n.. al f teeg t rahsar gigu. h de o ec tis on p Srihfrad adn mntr.U tesar aan Wloe tagtowr, n o oses p h tis gi. ecm t tetpo WahraeTwr Nc,awvr.. ma,ca. o h o f etevn oe! ie yen.I en rp Lse t Sel adamfrteha.Wthfrhsfaeatcs itn o tla n i o h ed ac o i lm tak. H as lkst sa hsbt o tegon.Tyt sa i te e lo ie o lm i ut n h rud r o ty n h mdl o h cngs yuofteegs Oc yudfa i,i'l ide r e a ut o f h de. ne o eet t tl b ligteeo tegon.H,g dw tesar o tergt e yn hr n h rud m o on h tis n h ih. Ga teMr o Hrim Sae teceti tohg fryu rb h ak f eos. hm, h rs s o ih o o. Cl cmsadsvstedywt hssitfipn sil.Te om oe n ae h a ih i kr-lpig kls hy laeadyugt[idCet3!I yuhv oe uea[eal ev n o e Wn rs ] f o ae n, s Rcl Lm] I yu wyt tebto adot Mk yu wy ap. f or a o h otm n u. ae or a bc t Tnies ak o okns. *---------------------------------* | Tw o Tnies on f okns \ *-----------------------------------* |betv:G hm. Ojcie o oe | |oses Mntr: | -Nn oe | |tm: Ies | -Nn oe | *-----------------* 45/97


GameFAQs: Fortune Summoners: Secret of the Elemental Stone (PC) FAQ/Walkthrough by Dragonk

Sn wl g hm,ha hm to Hv a agmn,adsat aa il o oe ed oe o. ae n ruet n tr tedyi sho. h a n col *------------* *-----------* | | | | | | [a 1] Dy 1 | | | | | | *------------* *-----------*

[A1] DY1

*---------------------------------* | Mns-ai MgcSho iaaRts ai col \ *-----------------------------------* |betv:Fn othwt bektesa Ojcie id u o o ra h el | -Tl t Spi ak o oha | -G fn tefre hamse o id h omr edatr | |oses Mntr: | -Nn oe | |tm: Ies | -[ohasLte] Spi' etr | *-----------------* G aedadakSpi aotyu soe Sel gv yu o ha n s oha bu or tn. h'l ie o [ohasLte]adtl yut g fn tefre hamse Spi' etr n el o o o id h omr edatr nrho CatexCt.Co,yugy gtt si sho ad ot f hrru iy ol o us e o kp col n g fn hm Cifnsy w'efretn smtigiprat o id i. hfo as er ogtig oehn motn ta hpee rcnl..estligaothww sol rtr ht apnd eety.H' akn bu o e hud eun teWahraeTwrkyt temyra Bres h etevn oe e o h ao t ans. B tewy yucnee peaei Tniesadtl t y h a, o a vn rpr n okns n ak o yu prnswtotte wneigwyyur nti sho or aet ihu hm odrn h o'e o n col rgtnw ih o. *---------------------------------* | BresVlae ans ilg \ *-----------------------------------* |betv:Rtr teWahraeTwrky Ojcie eun h etevn oe e | -Tl t temyr ak o h ao | |oses Mntr: | -Nn oe | |tm: Ies | -[liaeWet Utmt ha] | *-----------------* Tk ascn t so b Breso tewyt cekotter ae eod o tp y ans n h a o hc u hi nwmvn wnmls O rgt g setemyrt rtr o oig idil! h ih, o e h ao o eun tekyadtl hmaottecet.Temyrwl gv yu h e n el i bu h rss h ao il ie o [liaeWet.Sud ei.Wne i tebkr i Catex Utmt ha] ons pc odr f h aey n hrru cnueti..m. a s *---------------------------------* | CatexCt hrru iy \ *-----------------------------------* |betv:Fn othwt bektesa Ojcie id u o o ra h el | -G fn tefre hamse o id h omr edatr | 46/97


GameFAQs: Fortune Summoners: Secret of the Elemental Stone (PC) FAQ/Walkthrough by Dragonk

|oses Mntr: | -Nn oe | |tm: Ies | -[liaeBed Utmt ra] | *-----------------* Ltsso b tebkr frt Tl t temnisd.Yu e' tp y h aey is. ak o h a nie o wl gv hmtewetadh'lbk [liaeBed fryu il ie i h ha n el ae Utmt ra] o o. Oc yur dn hr,g ei CatexCt fo telf o ne o'e oe ee o xt hrru iy rm h et f tecnysoe h ad tr. *---------------------------------* | Otie usd \ *-----------------------------------* |betv:Fn othwt bektesa Ojcie id u o o ra h el | -G fn tefre hamse o id h omr edatr | |oses Mntr: | -Kbl Ae ood c -YugHry on ap | -Tip Mooi rpy ycnd -Hry ap | -Pn Sie ik lm | -Rtlsae atenk | -Sbrpnhr ae-ate | |tm: Ies | -[oprCi]x80 -[eia Dik x Cpe on 15 Rvvl rn] 1 | -[ytr Jie x Msey uc] 1 | -[licihem Cetatra] | -[urinDo]x Gada rp 1 | -[ieDw x Lf e] 1 | *-----------------* Yul eetal rahacv.Etri.G rgt br truh o'l vnuly ec ae ne t o ih, un hog tevnsadps tesau t dc.UeSn t gtt te h ie n uh h tte o ok s aa o e o h ohrsd adbigteba oe.Ps tesau ot teba te ie n rn h ot vr uh h tte no h ot adtae t teohrsd.Ps tesau ofteba ps te n rvl o h te ie uh h tte f h ot at h do.UeSel aant br tevnsadte Acet ps or s tla gi o un h ie n hn rh o uh tesau o tebto.G truhtedo.Yul fn to h tte n h utn o hog h or o'l id w cet,oecnann 1 [odCis o 10 [oprCis hss n otiig 0 Gl on] r 00 Cpe on] adoewt a[ytr Jie.Ei ti cv.G lf t te n n ih Msey uc] xt hs ae o et o h nx ae fra eet Yul gta[licihem.G bc. et ra o n vn. o'l e Cetatra] o ak Etrtenx cv.Wthotfrasieta fo teciig ne h et ae ac u o pk rp rm h eln hr.Fgtyu wyt tevr lf fracetwt 80 ee ih or a o h ey et o hs ih 5 [oprCis,teg u tesar.Cniu lf.Etrte Cpe on] h o p h tis otne et ne h nx ae truhtebto lf.Jm o teldet fn a et ra hog h otm et up n h eg o id cetwt a[eia Dik.G bc tewyyucm a w ne hs ih Rvvl rn] o ak h a o ae s e ed t g bc t cekottetpadbt wy la t tesm o o ak o hc u h o n oh as ed o h ae paeayas lc nwy. G o telde adg rgt Ke gigadjm qikyo te o n h egs n o ih. ep on n up ucl n h woe cae t gtt tetplde Tenx ae cnan to odn rts o e o h o eg. h et ra otis w cet.Te cnan[urinDo]ad[ieDw. hss hy oti Gada rp n Lf e] Tl t temnhr.H' teGadGumn!Yuwl ak o h a ee es h rn orad o il gv hmte[liaeBed.H wl so yuasce pt ie i h Utmt ra] e il hw o ert ah btentetorcsweeyugy aesadn!Ltsntg ewe h w ok hr o us r tnig e' o o yt Il tl yunwi last tetwrw aeloigfr e, 'l el o o t ed o h oe e r okn o, 47/97


GameFAQs: Fortune Summoners: Secret of the Elemental Stone (PC) FAQ/Walkthrough by Dragonk

btw sol tae lf adg t teNrhCatexGadot u e hud rvl et n o o h ot hrru urps t peaeadepoefrt o rpr n xlr is. *---------------------------------* | NrhCatexGadot ot hrru urps \ *-----------------------------------* |betv:Fn othwt bektesa Ojcie id u o o ra h el | -G fn tefre hamse o id h omr edatr | |oses Mntr: | -Nn oe | |tm: Ies | -[oe Do]x Pwr rp 1 | -[etHr]x Bs eb 3 | -[oprCi]x3 Cpe on 1 | -[newa]()x Udrer F 1 | *-----------------* Dsoytebre b teInfra[oe Do] Etrte etr h arl y h n o Pwr rp. ne h InIe so.Saeteei n soaehr,btsilyu n/tm hp hm hr s o trg ee u tl o cnrs adsv.G t tescn foradsac tedae a et n ae o o h eod lo n erh h rwr btentebd fr[etHr] Etrtedo o tefrt ewe h es o Bs eb. ne h or n h is for g t tescn foradsac tedae fr1 lo, o o h eod lo n erh h rwr o 0 [oprCis.Dsrytebre o tetidforfr3mr Cpe on] eto h arl n h hr lo o oe [oprCis.Sac tedaesfr[newa]() Sac Cpe on] erh h rwr o Udrer F. erh tesuyds fr'aia Gr Mri Pr 1/2.Oc yur h td ek o Mgcl il ern at 11' ne o'e dn hr,g bc adg dw ta sce pt tegumn oe ee o ak n o on ht ert ah h orad soe yu Flo i t rahatwr Ys tehamse dd hwd o. olw t o ec oe. e, h edatr ue i i teesmwee aogwt abnho mntr.Fgrs s n hr oehr, ln ih uc f oses iue. *---------------------------------* | Acmg' Twr rhaes oe \ *-----------------------------------* |betv:Fn othwt bektesa Ojcie id u o o ra h el | -G fn tefre hamse o id h omr edatr | |oses Mntr: | -Pn Sie ik lm -Kbl Ae ood c | -Bb Aumg ay qaae -YugHry on ap | -Rtlsae atenk | -OgBwa r omn | -OgSodmse r wrsatr | |tm: Ies | -[idCooae x Mn hclt] 1 -[le Gu] | -[og Do]x Tuh rp 1 -[oo Sp Ptn a] | -[odCidDo]x Go hl rp 1 -[oakPls] Rzc oih | -[rhaesTwrKy -[eoyPoo7 Acmg' oe e] Mmr ht ] | -[ai Baee]x Mgc rclt 1 | *-----------------* G u tesar,g t tevr lf t fn acetwt [id o p h tis o o h ey et o id hs ih Mn Cooae,teg u testo sar yupse.G lf ad hclt] h o p h e f tis o asd o et n jm u telde t rahacetwt a[og Do] Jm up p h egs o ec hs ih Tuh rp. up u t tergtadg u tesar b alce wl.G lf p o h ih n o p h tis y okd al o et adu tesar.G rgtadoe tecett fn a n p h tis o ih n pn h hs o id [odCidDo] G bc lf addo ofteeg t rah Go hl rp. o ak et n rp f h de o ec a ae blw G u tesar. n ra eo. o p h tis 48/97


GameFAQs: Fortune Summoners: Secret of the Elemental Stone (PC) FAQ/Walkthrough by Dragonk

G lf adte ke jmigu adaon utlyurahmr o et n hn ep upn p n rud ni o ec oe sar.G u tesar.G rgtadga aMr o Hrim tis o p h tis o ih n rb ak f eos! Ps tewoe do a i' ada edfrnw G u adetr as h odn or s ts ed n o o. o p n ne tefnydos h ac or. Wl..iegig Mr wr fru.Btbfr ta,ltslo on. oe ok o s u eoe ht e' ok aon hsro.Cekrgtotboseffr'aia Gr rud i om hc ihms okhl o Mgcl il Mri Pr 1/2.Cektedaesb tedo o tefrrgt ern at 21' hc h rwr y h or n h a ih fr[rhaesTwrKy.G truhtewoe do.Yucn o Acmg' oe e] o hog h odn or o a rs o tebd hr i yuwn.Cektecoe fra et n h es ee f o at hc h lst o [ai Baee] Tesar hr la t tetpo tetwr Mgc rclt. h tis ee ed o h o f h oe, weeaMr o Hrimi fotn,bti' tohg fryut hr ak f eos s laig u ts o ih o o o rah W'lgtbc t i ltr Frnw g bc t teae ec. el e ak o t ae. o o, o ak o h ra rgtbfr w fudtefre hamse' ro. ih eoe e on h omr edatrs om G truhta woe do w pse b.Uetekyt ulc o hog ht odn or e asd y s h e o nok tegt.Hm loslk agatlbay Tm t eaiete al h ae m, ok ie in irr. ie o xmn hm l! Teffhseft tergthstebo yur loigfr h it hl o h ih a h ok o'e okn o. W ne gu,Ptnsp adRzkpls.Laetero ad e ed le oo a, n oa oih ev h om n g bc dw tesar t tepeiu ae. o ak on h tis o h rvos ra G lf adulc tegt.Jm ars tetn lde ad o et n nok h ae up cos h iy egs n g dw tesar.UeAceadps tesoeboko te o on h tis s rh n uh h tn lc n h lfms pafr wieSel o Sn i hligi dw.Te etot ltom hl tla r aa s odn t on hn hv oepro sado tergtotpafr.Hv teohr ae n esn tn n h ihms ltom ae h te tojm u tepafrst tehgetoe Hvn bt w up p h ltom o h ihs n. aig oh o te o i sol ps tepro o tergtotpafr f hm n t hud uh h esn n h ihms ltom u t telvr Sac tecetfr[le.Bctakt te p o h ee. erh h hs o Gu] akrc o h bgnigo ti tesar adg rgtaddo einn f hs ra as h tis n o ih n rp dw tept Tk tergtsar dw.Uetekyt gt on h i. ae h ih tis on s h e o e tepafrsmvn.Mk yu wyars.A teed tees h ltom oig ae or a cos t h n, hr' acetwt [oo Sp.Oemr igein t g.Do dw hs ih Ptn a] n oe nrdet o o rp on adg bc t tepeiu ae.G dw telf sar nw n o ak o h rvos ra o on h et tis o. G lf adte g dw tesar. o et n hn o on h tis Uetekyo telc t yu rgt Yuwntb al t se s h e n h ok o or ih. o o' e be o e i,s mk ala o fiho ti lde Jm a frrgta yu t o ae ep f at n hs eg. up s a ih s o cnadyusol ln o otiegon wt sm hris a n o hud ad n usd rud ih oe ape. G rgtadsac tecetfrte[oakPls] Yuhv o ih n erh h hs o h Rzc oih. o ae eeyhn t fxta batdpt G bc adfxi.O, vrtig o i ht lse o. o ak n i t h tegm ee rcmed yut sv i tebdombfr yu h ae vn eomns o o ae n h ero eoe o fxi. i t Yy apzl. a, uze Ps VIa frlf a yucn uh I s a et s o a. Ps I oftelf eg. uh X f h et de Ps VI oftergteg. uh II f h ih de Ps Voftergteg.I sol b o tpo VI. uh f h ih de t hud e n o f II Ps teVI+ sakt telf s i cvr telf hl o uh h IIV tc o h et o t oes h et af f teVII/ clm. h I/VI oun UeSel t br tevnsadstteV bokfe.teV s tla o un h ie n e h I lc re h I boksol ln o tetprgthl o teVI/ sak lc hud ad n h o ih af f h IIV tc. Ps ti woesakutli ht teI bok uh hs hl tc ni t is h X lc. Ps teV bokit iscretso. uh h I lc no t orc pt Ps teVIbokit isso. uh h I lc no t pt Ps teI bokoftelf eg,te oftergteg.I uh h V lc f h et de hn f h ih de t sol fl it tecretso. hud al no h orc pt UeSel t br tevnsAON btntudrteI bok s tla o un h ie RUD u o ne h I lc. UeAcet ps teI bokaltl t telf. s rh o uh h I lc ite o h et 49/97


GameFAQs: Fortune Summoners: Secret of the Elemental Stone (PC) FAQ/Walkthrough by Dragonk

UeSel t br tevnsudrteI bok s tla o un h ie ne h I lc. TeI boksol fl coet o o isso,adi i' nt h I lc hud al ls o r n t pt n f ts o, teesol b eog saeo tergto lf o i t ps i hr hud e nuh pc n h ih r et f t o uh t it pae no lc. Ps teIbokoftergteg.I sol fl it isso. uh h lc f h ih de t hud al no t pt Hv Sn o Sel sado tergtpafr s i' o te ae aa r tla tn n h ih ltom o ts n h gon. rud Ps teIIboko tpo i. uh h I lc n o f t Hv bt Sn adSel sado telf pafr.TeIIbok ae oh aa n tla tn n h et ltom h I lc sol nx t teldenw hud et o h eg o. UeAcet ps teIIbokot teldet telf. s rh o uh h I lc no h eg o h et Mv Sn adSel o tergtpafr nw oe aa n tla n h ih ltom o. Ps teIIbokoftelf eg adi sol fl it isso. uh h I lc f h et de n t hud al no t pt Rmme,i yums u,bekabokwt yu wao ad eebr f o es p ra lc ih or epn n tepzl wl rst Uetelvrt mk sr bok aena. h uze il ee. s h ee o ae ue lcs r et We yuaedn,tl t temgca.Ejyteeet. hn o r oe ak o h aiin no h vns Co,yucnnwuewn pwr Ltsuei t gtta ol o a o s id oe. e' s t o e ht Mr o Hrimu tee W hv oemr tigt d hr. ak f eos p hr. e ae n oe hn o o ee Bctakbc dw t telf sd weei oesu adhs akrc ak on o h et ie hr t pn p n a woe pak bitars lk teei amvn pafr,bt odn lns ul cos ie hr s oig ltom u teeint Teei acetw cnnwrahwt Aces hr s'. hr s hs e a o ec ih rh' botdjm.Tecetcnan [eoyPoo7.W hv ose up h hs otis Mmr ht ] e ae acul sost vstnwta w hv tejm bot ope pt o ii o ht e ae h up os. *---------------------------------* | Otie usd \ *-----------------------------------* |betv:G bc t sho. Ojcie o ak o col | |oses Mntr: | -Kbl Ae ood c | -Tip Mooi rpy ycnd | -Pn Sie ik lm | -Rtlsae atenk | -Sbrpnhr ae-ate | |tm: Ies | -[oprCi]x90 Cpe on 15 -[ytr Jie x Msey uc] 1 | -[togilJie x -[eoyPoo3 Srngr uc] 1 Mmr ht ] | -[eoyPoo5 x Mmr ht ] 1 | -[ht WaeOl x Wie hl i] 1 | -[osnDge]x Pio agr 1 | *-----------------* Rmme teae weew pce foes G bc teead eebr h ra hr e ikd lwr? o ak hr n jm ars wt tebot B tewy yucnuete up cos ih h os. y h a, o a s h botTIEi tear Tetocet hr cnan10[ivr os WC n h i. h w hss ee oti 5 Sle Cis o 10 [oprCis,ada[togilJie. on] r 50 Cpe on] n Srngr uc] Rmme ta cv w hdt gttruhudrtelk?G eebr ht ae e a o e hog ne h ae o tee Aothlwy teei sm vnsta cnb bre hr. bu afa, hr s oe ie ht a e und aa.Teei acetteeyucnnwrahwt Aceswn jm. wy hr s hs hr o a o ec ih rh' id up I cnan [eoyPoo5.Laeti pae t otis Mmr ht ] ev hs lc. G bc t teae wt teetac t teWn Srn.I' o ak o h ra ih h nrne o h id hie ts be sc aln tm.Teesaldewt aceto telf. en uh og ie hr' eg ih hs n h et I cnan [ht WaeOl. t otis Wie hl i] 50/97


GameFAQs: Fortune Summoners: Secret of the Elemental Stone (PC) FAQ/Walkthrough by Dragonk

EtrteWn Srn.Rmme weew frtfudorfrt ne h id hie eebr hr e is on u is Mr o Hrim Yusol ntc toulttrhsweei ak f eos? o hud oie w ni oce hr t ue t b.UeSel t lgtte adahde do wl apa. sd o e s tla o ih hm n idn or il per A teedaetrecet,wt [osnDge] [ytr Jie, t h n r he hss ih Pio agr, Msey uc] ad4 [ivrCis o 40[oprCis.Laeti pae n 5 Sle on] r 5 Cpe on] ev hs lc. G t sho.Atrtectcn,dntg i js yt Ha oe o o col fe h usee o' o n ut e. ed vr t ta Muti Cv ta w hvntvstdfrae.G t o ht onan ae ht e ae' iie o gs o o teae ta wsbokdb alteda vns Nwta w hv h ra ht a lce y l h ed ie. o ht e ae Sel,w cnfnlybr truhi al Tecethr cnan tla e a ial un hog t l. h hs ee otis [eoyPoo3.Nwetrsho. Mmr ht ] o ne col Wa?Ngt..owi.Dr uulymasabdtig ht ih?.n at ak sal en a hn. Wl,ti i srih fradutlyur dtrie t el hs s tagt owr ni o'e eemnd o ba teDr Wth G o dee. et h ak ic. o n epr *---------------------------------* | Lbrnho Ngt ayit f ih \ *-----------------------------------* |betv:Dfa teDr Wth Ojcie eet h ak ic | |oses Mntr: | -Vl Bt ie a -Seea Croa kltl oprl | -Prl Sie upe lm -GotWrok hs alc | -Rtlsae atenk -Bb Baeae ay lzmg | -OgCnuin -OgBwa r etro r omn | -Bb Aumg ay qaae -Seea Sren x (os kltl egat 2 Bs) | -IeDao Pp -Dr WthSln (os c rgn u ak ic eee Bs) | |tm: Ies | -[idCooae x Mn hclt] 1 -[rknLm] Boe ap -[ht Io Oe Wie rn r] | -[eia DikE]x -[oprCi]x50 Rvvl rn X 1 Cpe on 20 | -[ic BakKy x Pth lc e] 1 -[ic BakKy x Pth lc e] 1 | -[urinDo]x Gada rp 1 -[togilJie x Srngr uc] 1 | -[etHr]x Bs eb 1 -[ealLm]x Rcl ap 1 | -[ic BakKy x Pth lc e] 1 -[og Do]x Tuh rp 1 | -[ytr Jie x Msey uc] 1 -[trRd x Sa o] 1 | -[ic BakKy x Pth lc e] 1 -[eoyPoo8 Mmr ht ] | *-----------------* Jm u t teldewt acetfr[idCooae. up p o h eg ih hs o Mn hclt] Mk yu wyars adg dw tesar.Ti ae i ae or a cos n o on h tis hs ra s js srih ars.I tenx ae,g altewyt te ut tagt cos n h et ra o l h a o h tplf t fn acetwt [eia DikE] G bc,do o et o id hs ih Rvvl rn X. o ak rp dw adtk tedo o telf.UeAceswn jm t on n ae h or n h et s rh' id up o rahtewoe do aoe G i. ec h odn or bv. o n Tecetcnan [ic BakKy.Ga teMr o Hrim h hs otis Pth lc e] rb h ak f eos hr.G bc otadbc t tepeiu ro.G rgtad ee o ak u n ak o h rvos om o ih n dw tesar. on h tis G altewyrgtadg truhtewoe do.Yul b o l h a ih n o hog h odn or o'l e i acvr ae wt wtra tergtsd.UeSn' Mrad n aen ra ih ae t h ih ie s aas emi Rb o js ueSn t gti tewtr Tecet i tewtr oe r ut s aa o e n h ae. h hss n h ae cnan[urinDo]ad[etHr] G bc. oti Gada rp n Bs eb. o ak G u adps tesar.G t tevr lf.Dntoe te o p n as h tis o o h ey et o' pn h cet i' atlpr ta.Do dw adg bto lf t hs, ts eeot rp rp on n o otm et o 51/97


GameFAQs: Fortune Summoners: Secret of the Elemental Stone (PC) FAQ/Walkthrough by Dragonk

fn acetwt 20 [oprCis.G bc u aduete id hs ih 50 Cpe on] o ak p n s h sar yupse b. tis o asd y G altewyrgtt fn acetwt a[rknLm] G o l h a ih o id hs ih Boe ap. o altewybc lf,adlf ps tesar yucm i l h a ak et n et at h tis o ae n fo.Jm u adha rgtutlyurahawoe do.Etr rm up p n ed ih ni o ec odn or ne. Sv adha hr a tefuti i yuwn.G bc otad ae n el ee t h onan f o at o ak u n cniu gigrgt Yuwl rnit alce do.Uete otne on ih. o il u no okd or s h [ic BakKy t oe i.G dw tesar. Pth lc e] o pn t o on h tis UeAcesbotdjm t gtu teeadpl telvr s rh' ose up o e p hr n ul h ee. Etrtefnydos Hv abs fgtwt toSeea Srens ne h ac or. ae os ih ih w kltl egat. G dw tesar adgttecetadMr o Hrim o on h tis n e h hs n ak f eos. Tecetcnan aohr[ic BakKy.G bc adot h hs otis nte Pth lc e] o ak n u tefnydos h ac or. Rd tesoebokars t tergtfracetwt ie h tn lc cos o h ih o hs ih [togilJie.Jm ars t tergtfraohrcetwt Srngr uc] up cos o h ih o nte hs ih [ealLm] Rd aohrsoebokars adte do Rcl ap. ie nte tn lc cos n hn rp dw.Uetepafrst gtt atidcetta cnan on s h ltom o e o hr hs ht otis [aiinsOti] Mk yu wybc ars t tebto lf Mgca' uft. ae or a ak cos o h otm et o ti ae.Teesol b alce gt hr.Ueteky f hs ra hr hud e okd ae ee s h e yugtfo tepeiu bs fgt o o rm h rvos os ih. Dntoe teceta tetpo ti ae,i' atlprain o' pn h hs t h o f hs ra ts eeotto ta.G bto rgtps tesar dw t fn aohrfuti rp o otm ih at h tis on o id nte onan t sv adha a.Te g bc adps tesar aanad o ae n el t hn o ak n as h tis gi n g t tebto lf o ti ae.G dw teesar. o o h otm et f hs ra o on hs tis G t tevr tplf o ti ae adte do dw tept o o h ey o et f hs ra n hn rp on h i t rahtelwrae.Cektecethr fra[ic Bak o ec h oe ra hc h hs ee o Pth lc Ky.Laeti ae truhtetprgtnw e] ev hs ra hog h o ih o. Do dw adg rgt G t tetprgto ti ae adps rp on n o ih. o o h o ih f hs ra n as tesar gigu.Teei acethr ta rqie Aces h tis on p hr s hs ee ht eurs rh' botdjm.I cnan a[eert Rn] Nwg bc ps ose up t otis Clbiy ig. o o ak at tesar aanadg t tebto rgto ti ae.Tee h tis gi n o o h otm ih f hs ra hr sol b togrol sausyucnps.Ps teoeo hud e w agye tte o a uh uh h n n tergtt telf utlapi o fnydosapa. h ih o h et ni ar f ac or per Bfr yug truhtoedos g t tevr lf o teae eoe o o hog hs or, o o h ey et f h ra yuaecretyi utlyurahaso weeyune t ue o r urnl n ni o ec pt hr o ed o s Acesipoe jm.Eaieteseeo u teet fn rh' mrvd up xmn h kltn p hr o id [ht Io Oe.Nwg bc adg truhtedos Wie rn r] o o ak n o hog h or. UeSn t gtaceti tewtr I hsa[og Do] G s aa o e hs n h ae. t a Tuh rp. o ars uigteba adg truhtewoe do.G rgt cos sn h ot n o hog h odn or o ih fracetwt a[ytr Jie.Ti ae i srihfrad o hs ih Msey uc] hs ra s tagtowr. Wthotfrtefligsietasatrtesoebok.Ue ac u o h aln pk rp fe h tn lcs s tekyt ulc telc a teed G srih t tergt h e o nok h ok t h n. o tagt o h ih t fn aceta teedwt [trRd.Poedt tetp o id hs t h n ih Sa o] rce o h o rgto ti ae adg dw tesar. ih f hs ra n o on h tis Yuhv fu wy t g,tplf o rgto bto lf o rgt o ae or as o o o et r ih r otm et r ih. Ltsg bto lf frt Ke gigutlyurahawoe do, e' o otm et is. ep on ni o ec odn or g i.Hv Acewn botjm u t tecae Hv oeohr o n ae rh id os up p o h rt. ae n te pro sado tergtpafr s telf oege u weeAce esn tn n h ih ltom o h et n os p hr rh adtecaei.Ps tecaeot tepafr.Hv teohr n h rt s uh h rt no h ltom ae h te pro o tergtpafr gtofs tecaei nwa tebto. esn n h ih ltom e f o h rt s o t h otm Ps i oftepafr.Hv Sn o Sel aansado te uh t f h ltom ae aa r tla gi tn n h rgtpafr s i i o tegon,adte ueAcet ps ih ltom o t s n h rud n hn s rh o uh tecaeot tergtpafr.Hv Acewn botjm ot h rt no h ih ltom ae rh id os up no 52/97


GameFAQs: Fortune Summoners: Secret of the Elemental Stone (PC) FAQ/Walkthrough by Dragonk

telf pafr.Te gtSn ADSel t sado telf h et ltom hn e aa N tla o tn n h et pafr to Te gtAceofaduehrt ps tecaeot ltom o. hn e rh f n s e o uh h rt no tebto.Sac tecetfra[ic BakKy.Bctakt h utn erh h hs o Pth lc e] akrc o tero wt tefu pts G bto rgtnw Poedrgt h om ih h or ah. o otm ih o. rce ih adyuwl gtyu 2t o FNLMr o Hrim Cnrt! n o il e or 0h r IA ak f eos! ogas G rgtadteei afuti t sv adha.G bc t te o ih n hr s onan o ae n el o ak o h fu pt ae aan G dw tesar o telwrfor or ah ra gi. o on h tis n h oe lo. Yusol b otietecsl b agrol sau.Jm dw o hud e usd h ate y agye tte up on t tergtadteesol b alc,ueteky We yu o h ih n hr hud e ok s h e. hn o gtt teae wt tesalsoebikpafrs ueAces e o h ra ih h ml tn rc ltom, s rh' wn botdjm t gtu t tevr tpweeaceti.I id ose up o e p o h ey o hr hs s t cnan [eoyPoo8.G ars adetrtefnydos otis Mmr ht ] o cos n ne h ac or. Cniu ars adgtactcn.I' tefgto tegm! otne cos n e usee ts h ih f h ae SesmosSeea SrensadBakPnhr.Sehsasel h umn kltl egat n lc ates h a pl ta smosdgesaon hr Sehsaohrselta sras ht umn agr rud e. h a nte pl ht ped abnho dr eeg aon adoeta mksalredr uc f ak nry rud n n ht ae ag ak eeg rn.As sm widhmeigtig nry ig lo oe er amrn hn. Wi.wsta tefgto tegm?Woeviei ta?Ges at.a ht h ih f h ae hs oc s ht us tig ae' oe yt.wl,ejytenc ctcns Adceis hns rnt vr e..el no h ie usee. n rdt. Tecaspeietgvsyuanme..42.i teDr Wrd h ls rsdn ie o ubr.67..n h ak ol, na tebgnig teewsalce do ta rqie 4nmes er h einn, hr a okd or ht eurd ubr. Loslk w wl uei i w ee edu bc teeaan ok ie e il s t f e vr n p ak hr gi. *oe I apasta eeygm hsadfeetnme t oe Nt: t per ht vr ae a ifrn ubr o pn tedo s b sr t wieyusdw smwee h or o e ue o rt or on oehr!


*------------* *-----------* | | | | | | [n Cnet Ed otn] | | | | | | *------------* *-----------*

Tuhb tl,teesol altl bto edgm cnet rt e od hr' ny ite i f n ae otn. O laigtegm,yul b i Tnies Yu gm i nw n odn h ae o'l e n okns. or ae s o sta tepitrgtbfr yudfae Dr WthSln. e t h on ih eoe o eetd ak ic eee Teol tiglf t d i pttoenmesi telce h ny hn et o o s u hs ubr n h okd dosadgtafwuiu ies G t sho adetrte or n e e nqe tm. o o col n ne h Dr Wrdaan ak ol gi. *---------------------------------* | Lbrnho Ngt ayit f ih \ *-----------------------------------* |betv:Cekottelce ro. Ojcie hc u h okd om | |oses Mntr: | -Vl Bt ie a -Seea Croa kltl oprl | -Prl Sie upe lm -GotWrok hs alc | -Rtlsae atenk -Bb Baeae ay lzmg | -OgCnuin -OgBwa r etro r omn | -Bb Aumg ay qaae -BakPnhr lc ate | -IeDao Pp -BakHry c rgn u lc ap | |tm: Ies | -[ytr Jie x Msey uc] 1 -[idCooae x Mn hclt] 1 | -[air x Rpe] 1 53/97


GameFAQs: Fortune Summoners: Secret of the Elemental Stone (PC) FAQ/Walkthrough by Dragonk

| -[togilJie x Srngr uc] 1 | -[an' Boc]x Sits roh 1 | -[oprCi]x00 Cpe on 50 | *-----------------* Rfrt tedrcin fo peiu admk yu wyt te ee o h ietos rm rvos n ae or a o h FRTfuti.Fo tee js ke gigi alf IS onan rm hr, ut ep on n et drcinadyusol rahtedo eetal.Pti te ieto n o hud ec h or vnuly u n h nme tecaspeietgv yu I'lulc.G i! ubr h ls rsdn ae o. tl nok o n G rgtadyuwl rahsietaswt aceti tecne o ih n o il ec pk rp ih hs n h etr cnan a[ytr Jie.G bc addo dw teptad otig Msey uc] o ak n rp on h i n so yu do a tefrtpsaet telf.Hpo tesie tp or rp t h is asg o h et o n h pk tasadrd te u t acetwt [air.Do dw ad rp n ie hm p o hs ih Rpe] rp on n sac teceta tebto fra[togilJie.G bc erh h hs t h otm o Srngr uc] o ak addo dw aant tenx psae ti tm o tergt n rp on gi o h et asg, hs ie n h ih sd.Flo tept addo dw aptaan Mk sr t hg ie olw h ah n rp on i gi. ae ue o u telf wl.Teedo ti ae cnan tocet wt h et al h n f hs ra otis w hss ih [an' Boc]ad4 [odCis o 40 [oprCis.Do Sits roh n 0 Gl on] r 00 Cpe on] rp dw aanfracetwt 1 [odCis o 10 [oprCis. on gi o hs ih 0 Gl on] r 00 Cpe on] Fi telvrt tlpr bc otiete4dgtcdddo. lp h ee o eeot ak usd h -ii oe or G bc i.Do dw tept ti tm sopn a tescn o ak n rp on h i, hs ie tpig t h eod lf ae.Tecetbtentesie cnana[idCooae. et ra h hs ewe h pks oti Mn hclt] Do dw adhgtergtsd.G t teohrsd o ti rp on n u h ih ie o o h te ie f hs psaeaddo dw hgigtergtsd.Pl telvr yu asg n rp on ugn h ih ie ul h ee, o gteeyhn hr. o vrtig ee Cnrt,yuddeeyhn i ti gm.Fo teedn,Im ogas o i vrtig n hs ae rm h nig ' gesn teewl b asqe t ti gm!Idntko aot usig hr il e eul o hs ae o' nw bu yubtIlo fradt i.Tak frraig o u ok owr o t hns o edn.


~~*--------------------*~ ~*--------------------*~~ | | | | | | [ou Qet] Bns uss | | | | | | ~~*--------------------*~ ~*--------------------*~~

Yuwl b i a ioae ae aa fo temi gm.Yu o il e n n sltd ra wy rm h an ae o wntb al t laeutlyufns tebnsqet Wa o' e be o ev ni o iih h ou us. ht yuer drn teqetwl b kp i yu mi gm! o an uig h us il e et n or an ae *oe Oc yucmlt abnsqet yucno d i aan Nt: ne o opee ou us, o ant o t gi s yusol d eeyhn aalbei ec oe o o hud o vrtig vial n ah n!

[NQ] BS1

*---------------------* *--------------------* | | | | | | [TeOhr OhrCv' 'h te, te ae] | | | | | | *---------------------* *--------------------*

*---------------------------------* | Otie usd \ *-----------------------------------* |betv:Epoeteohr ohrcv. Ojcie xlr h te, te ae | |oses Mntr: | -GenSie re lm | -Bu Sie le lm 54/97


GameFAQs: Fortune Summoners: Secret of the Elemental Stone (PC) FAQ/Walkthrough by Dragonk

| -Sae nk | -Mtbe ohe | |tm: Ies | -[rs Ml]x Feh ik 1 | -[eb x Hr] 3 | -[oprCi]x0 Cpe on 2 | *-----------------* T yu lf i amnwowl sl yusm tig. o or et s a h il el o oe hns [rs Ml] Feh ik : 8C P [eb Hr] : 1 C 0 P [eo-wy VnmAa] : 7C P [rneSod Boz wr] :30C 8 P [atesBae]:15C Mtrs etr 5 P [lt Amr Coh ro] :20C 8 P

Dsoytecaelf o temnwt tega fr[rs Ml]x. etr h rt et f h a ih h ot o Feh ik 1 Temgca t tefrlf cnha yufr8C.Yucnas h aiin o h a et a el o o P o a lo sv hr.Teei ntiges hr s ha rgtt tenx ae. ae ee hr s ohn le ee o ed ih o h et ra Jm u o teldet fn acetwt [eb x.Jm dw ad up p n h eg o id hs ih Hr] 3 up on n etrtept.G rgtt fn acetwt 2 [oprCis. ne h ah o ih o id hs ih 0 Cpe on] G bc tewyyucm adcniu rgt Ti wl b tefrt o ak h a o ae n otne ih. hs il e h is tm yuecutrMtbe.Terds cnptyut sepad ie o none ohes hi ut a u o o le n te sotsigr a yu Te hr to hy ho tnes t o. hy ut o. Etrtecv. ne h ae *---------------* ---------------| TeOhr OhrCv h te, te ae \ *----------------* ------------ ---|betv:Epoe Ojcie xlr. | |oses Mntr: | -GenSie re lm | -Bu Sie le lm | -Hg Bt ue a | -Mtbe ohe | |tm: Ies | -[kltnSrp x Seeo ta] 1 | *-----------------* Yuwl ntc tewtr Dntbte jmigdw teewt o il oie h ae. o' ohr upn on hr ih Sn,teei ntig G rgtadetrtedo.G rgtad aa hr s ohn. o ih n ne h or o ih n dw tesar.Ke gigrgtadte etrtefrtdo on h tis ep on ih n hn ne h is or yuse o e. GtSn t se o terdbto adte ueF t mk hrsa. e aa o tp n h e utn n hn s 3 o ae e ty Cniu rgtt fn acetcnann a[kltnSrp.G otne ih o id hs otiig Seeo ta] o bc ottedo admk sr Sn i floigyu Cniu rgt ak u h or n ae ue aa s olwn o. otne ih. Yuwl ecutrsm mr mtbe.Wthfrteranyn o il none oe oe ohes ac o hi noig sepds.G dw tesar. le ut o on h tis 55/97


GameFAQs: Fortune Summoners: Secret of the Elemental Stone (PC) FAQ/Walkthrough by Dragonk

Get aohrseeo.O wi,ahpflseeo?Wl,a lat ra, nte kltn h at oeu kltn el t es ti oei akn yuncl t kl hm Uetesm srtg hs n s sig o iey o il i. s h ae taey a bfr.Atryudfa hm h wl rqetsmtig Hwvr s eoe fe o eet i, e il eus oehn. oee, ta' teedo ti bnsqet Yupoiet so b t se hts h n f hs ou us. o rms o tp y o e hmaansm tm.As,Iwl syi nw ti i teOL i gi oe ie lo il a t o, hs s h NY bnsqetaalbergtnw Sd ou us vial ih o. a.


*-------------* *-------------* | | | | | | [etay Bsir] | | | | | | *-------------* *-------------*

*---------------------------------*-----------* |Bb Aumg ay qaae |Bb Baeae ay lzmg | | Dos rp: | Dos rp: | | [ae Cp]x Wtr ae 1 | [ieCp]x Fr ae 1 | *---------------------------------*-----------* *----------------------------------* -----------*-----------*----------|Hg Bt ue a |Kle Bt ilr a |Vl Bt ie a | | Dos rp: | Dos rp: | Dos rp: | | [ayk]x Tiai 1 | [etrHr]x Bte eb 1 | [etrHr]x Bte eb 1 | *----------------------------------* -----------*-----------*----------*------------*------------* -------------------------|Ccrt ooa |VcosCcrt iiu ooa | | Dos rp: | Dos rp: | | [antCooae x | [antCooae x | Wlu hclt] 1 Wlu hclt] 1 *------------*------------* -------------------------*---------------------------------*-----------* |Dao Pp rgn u |IeDao Pp c rgn u | | Dos rp: | Dos rp: | | [rgnFn]x Dao ag 1 | [rgnFn]x Dao ag 1 | *---------------------------------*-----------* *--------------------------* -------------*------------|Got hs |GotMg hs ae | | Dos rp: | Dos rp: | | [hs Mrhalw x | [rknLm] Got asmlo] 1 Boe ap | *--------------------------* -------------*------------|GotWrok hs alc | | Dos rp: | | [rknLm] Boe ap | *-------------------------* *---------------------------------------------*-----------*-----------* |YugHry on ap |Hry ap |BakHry lc ap | | Dos rp: | Dos rp: | Dos rp: | | [hce Lg x Cikn e] 1 | [hce Lg x Cikn e] 1 | [lels Rn]x | Sepes ig 1 *---------------------------------------------*-----------*-----------* *----------------------------------* -----------*-----------*----------|Kbl ood |Siel Kbl nvly ood |Kbl Ae ood c | | Dos rp: | Dos rp: | Dos rp: | | [ut Sod x Rsy wr] 1 | Ntig ohn | [ogwr]x Lnsod 1 | *----------------------------------* -----------*-----------* 56/97


GameFAQs: Fortune Summoners: Secret of the Elemental Stone (PC) FAQ/Walkthrough by Dragonk

*---------------------------------------------*-----------*-----------* |Mri ekd |Mri Mg ekd ae |La Mri ed ekd | | Dos rp: | Dos rp: | Dos rp: | | [andSlo]x | [ekdSae x Cne amn 1 Mri cl] 1 | [andSlo]x | Cne amn 1 *---------------------------------------------*-----------*-----------* |Slmnr aaada | | Dos rp: | |[aaadrSae x| Slmne cl] 1 *---------------------* *---------------------------------*-----------* |Mtbe ohe |Pio Mtbe osn ohe | | Dos rp: | Dos rp: | | [oe]x Hny 1 | [oe]x Hny 1 | *---------------------------------*-----------* *-----------*-----------------------------------------------*-----------* |Mcnd yoi |Pio Mcnd osn yoi |TxcMcnd oi yoi | | Dos rp: | Dos rp: | Dos rp: | | [we Msro]x | [we Msro]x | Set uhom 2 Set uhom 2 | *-----------*-----------------------------------------------*-----------* |Tip Mcnd rpy yoi | | Dos rp: | | Ntig ohn | *-----------* -----------*----------------------------------* -----------*-----------*----------|Og r |OgAce r rhr |Tugs Og hgih r | | Dos rp: | Dos rp: | Dos rp: | | [etrHr]x Bte eb 1 | | Ntig ohn | *----------------------------------* -----------*-----------*----------|OgLce r aky |OgBwa r omn |OgSodmse r wrsatr | | Dos rp: | Dos rp: | Dos rp: | | Ntig ohn | [etHr]x Bs eb 1 | [etHr]x Bs eb 1 | *----------------------------------* -----------*-----------*----------|OgCnuin r etro | | Dos rp: | | [r Sod x Og wr] 1 | *---------------------* *---------------------------------------------*-----------*-----------* |Sbra aect |Sbrpnhr ae-ate |BakPnhr lc ate | | Dos rp: | Dos rp: | Dos rp: | | [it Er]x Kty as 1 | [itgoe]x Ktylvs 1 | [itgoe]x Ktylvs 1 | *---------------------------------------------*-----------*-----------* *----------------------------------* -----------*-----------*----------|GenSie re lm |Bu Sie le lm |Ylo Sie elw lm | | Dos rp: | Dos rp: | Dos rp: | | [ayk]x Tiai 1 | [lm Ba]x Sie en 1 | [lm Ba]x Sie en 1 | *----------------------------------* -----------*-----------*----------|RdSie e lm |Pn Sie ik lm |Prl Sie upe lm | | Dos rp: | Dos rp: | Dos rp: | | [etrHr]x Bte eb 1 | [etrHr]x Bte eb 1 | [etHr]x Bs eb 1 | *----------------------------------* -----------*-----------*----------*---------------------------------------------*-----------*-----------* |Seea Slir kltl ode |Seea Croa kltl oprl |Seea Sren kltl egat | | Dos rp: | Dos rp: | Dos rp: | | [rsa Sul x | [rsa Sul x | [rsa Sul x | Cytl kl] 1 Cytl kl] 1 Cytl kl] 1 *---------------------------------------------*-----------*-----------* 57/97


GameFAQs: Fortune Summoners: Secret of the Elemental Stone (PC) FAQ/Walkthrough by Dragonk

*----------------------------------* -----------*-----------*----------|Sae nk |Vpr ie |Rtlsae atenk | | Dos rp: | Dos rp: | Dos rp: | | [ayk]x Tiai 1 | [eo-wy x VnmAa] 1 | [etrHr]x Bte eb 1 | *----------------------------------* -----------*-----------*----------Bse: oss Vl Seeo ie kltn HpflSeeo oeu kltn La Mri ed ekd Sel tla La Kbl ed ood Bs Og os r GatSopo in crin NwAeMcnd e g yoi Mse Got atr hs Wvr yen Dr WthSln ak ic eee


*-------------* *-------------* | | | | | | [hrces Caatr] | | | | | | *-------------* *-------------*

*-------* -------|Ace[DR]| rh WGL *-------* -------Sil: kls []ls 1Sah Absc dwwr-rigsig Ht aotadi foto te ai, onadacn wn. is bu n n rn f h ue.Dentivlesepn frad sr os' nov tpig owr. Cmad ''Ky omn: X e []hut 1Trs Asml,srih sodtrs.Fse ta arglrsah ipe tagt wr hut atr hn eua ls. Cmad Dw Arw+''Ky omn: on ro X e []ol 1Rl Tml twr -o truh-eeist ddeatcso gt ube oad r hog nme o og tak r e tedo o te. h rp n hm Cmad Dw Arwte RgtArw omn: on ro hn ih ro []athe 1Crwel Crwelaa fo teeey aodn atcs athe wy rm h nm, viig tak. Cmad Dw Arwte Lf Arw omn: on ro hn et ro []ieSah 1Wd ls Awd,cetlvlsahwihalw yut se frfrad ie hs-ee ls hc los o o tp a owr. Pwru,btlae yuoe frammn. oefl u evs o pn o oet Cmad RgtArw+''Ky omn: ih ro X e 58/97


GameFAQs: Fortune Summoners: Secret of the Elemental Stone (PC) FAQ/Walkthrough by Dragonk

[]npTrs 1Sa hut Mk asa tr adtrs bhn yusl.Bt ti adte ae np un n hut eid oref oh hs n h nra trs cnb dn qikytgte. oml hut a e oe ucl oehr Cmad Lf Arw+''Ky omn: et ro X e []upik 1Jmkc Ajmkc i ueu frcoigwt a eeyo we yufn upik s sfl o lsn ih n nm r hn o id yusl uamd oref nre. Cmad RgtArwte U Arwte ''Ky omn: ih ro hn p ro hn X e []rigSah 1Acn ls Asahwihac uwr wl aoeteue' ha.Ht aron ls hc rs pad el bv h srs ed is ibre fe hre ta nra atcs os adr hn oml tak. Cmad U Arw+''Ky omn: p ro X e []ontb 2Dwsa Avnrbefnsigmv ta ivle jmigit tearad eeal iihn oe ht novs upn no h i n samn it tegon,sodfrt lmig no h rud wr is. Cmad Wieflig Dw Arw+''Ky omn: hl aln, on ro X e []ob Sah 3Cmo ls Ascn atc yucnueimdaeyatryu Sah wih eod tak o a s meitl fe or ls, hc sig yu baebc u admksyuse frad wns or ld ak p n ae o tp owr. Cmad AtruigSah U Arw+''Ky omn: fe sn ls, p ro X e []he Sah 5Wel ls Arligsahatc wihsrksteeeyfo blw Cpbe oln ls tak hc tie h nm rm eo. aal o mvn truheeislk arl. f oig hog nme ie ol Cmad RgtArwte Dw Arwte ''Ky omn: ih ro hn on ro hn X e []ob Wd Sah 7Cmo ie ls Acmiainatc wihalw frawd sahatranra obnto tak hc los o ie ls fe oml sah ls. Cmad AtraSah RgtArw+''Ky omn: fe ls, ih ro X e []npSah 9Sa ls Wi aon adsahacitri tefc.Cncmoit ohr hp rud n ls rte n h ae a ob no te mvsjs lk Sah oe ut ie ls. Cmad Lf Arwte ''Ky omn: et ro hn X e [0Kih' Tus 1]ngts hrt Cag fraduigyu soda alne ntulk amutd hre owr sn or wr s ac, o nie one kih.Cnpec truhmlil fe addfne. ngt a ire hog utpe os n eess Cmad Wiernig Dw Arw+''Ky omn: hl unn, on ro X e [2LaigSah 1]epn ls Atcnqei wihteue lasfraddrn awd sahfr ehiu n hc h sr ep owr uig ie ls o mr pwr Ttlyubokbe oe oe. oal nlcal. Cmad U Arwte RgtArwte ''Ky omn: p ro hn ih ro hn X e [4Tiln Sah 1]wrig ls 59/97


GameFAQs: Fortune Summoners: Secret of the Elemental Stone (PC) FAQ/Walkthrough by Dragonk

Asmral sahwihac uwr adbhn teue.Dasget oesut ls hc rs pad n eid h sr el ra dmg t ayhn atmtn t fakyu aae o ntig tepig o ln o. Cmad Lf Arwte Dw Arwte ''Ky omn: et ro hn on ro hn X e [7TeFl Mo 1]h ul on Apwru sodtcnqeta cmie afradsmral ad oefl wr ehiu ht obns owr oesut n asinn sah Iceil ptn aantaron fe. pnig ls. nrdby oet gis ibre os Cmad Wiejmig U Arw+''Ky omn: hl upn, p ro X e [0Bse Trao( M) 2]utr ond 3 P Smosahg traowt wnswihsahlk bae.Cssvr umn ue ond ih id hc ls ie lds at ey qiky mkn i es t uei cmiainwt sodatcs ucl, aig t ay o s n obnto ih wr tak. Aalbedrn Uio. vial uig nsn [XUio*(0M) X]nsn 1 P Oeo tegets frso mgc wihalwteue t uie n f h raet om f ai, hc lo h sr o nt bdl wt a eeetl tmoaiygiigpwru mgcl oiy ih n lmna, eprrl ann oefl aia aiiis blte. Ti lt Acejm tomr tmsfrattlo trejms hs es rh up w oe ie o oa f he up. [XWn Trs* X]id hut A aiiywihtasom dfeecsi arpesr fo sod n blt hc rnfrs ifrne n i rsue rm wr sahsit mgclbae,alwn teue t atc fo aa. lse no aia lds loig h sr o tak rm fr Aalbedrn Uio. vial uig nsn *vial we yubektesa o yu eeetlsoe Aalbe hn o ra h el n or lmna tn

*-------------* |Sn [TR]| aa WGL *-------------* Sil: kls []tf Sak 1Saf mc Sakafewt yu saf Sn' nttesrnetgr i mc o ih or tf. aas o h togs il n tewrd s ti i abto als-ic mv. h ol, o hs s i f atdth oe Cmad ''Ky(owr sak omn: X e Frad mc) Lf Arw+''Ky(akadsak et ro X e Bcwr mc) []ae Sot 1Wtr ho Frsabl o mgclwtra afe Nestm t caec,s ie ot f aia ae t o. ed ie o olse o i i iefciea coerne t s nfetv t ls ag. Cmad Dw Arw+''Ky(oml omn: on ro X e Nra) RgtArw+''Ky(ogrne ih ro X e Ln ag) U Arw+''Ky(i so) p ro X e Ar ht

[]imn Ds ( M) 1Daod ut 3 P Atc mgcwihfezsteabetwtrvpri tearit tak ai hc ree h min ae ao n h i no msiecytl aoetecse adsnste sahn dw uo asv rsas bv h atr n ed hm msig on pn fe.Cnfez fe. os a ree os 60/97


GameFAQs: Fortune Summoners: Secret of the Elemental Stone (PC) FAQ/Walkthrough by Dragonk

[]elWtr( M) 1Ha ae 4 P Sohsijre wt hl wtr Rsoe 6 t 10H. ote nuis ih oy ae. etrs 0 o 0 P []hed( M) 3Sil 2 P Cetsamgclsil aon tetre.Sile trestk rae aia hed rud h agt hedd agt ae hl dmg &sfe n selitruto.Sil fdswt af aae ufr o pl nerpin hed ae ih dmg.Ol oeal cnb sile. aae ny n ly a e hedd []le Ms ( M) 4Sep it 3 P Cetsacodo fgwihwl pteeiswti t sep rae lu f o hc il u nme ihn o le. Sepn eeiswl cniu t seputlte tk sbtnil leig nme il otne o le ni hy ae usata aonso dmg. mut f aae []pah( M) 5Sls 2 P Frsblso mgclwtri aldrcin.Teblscnb ie ot f aia ae n l ietos h ot a e bokdaddnththr,btteselcnb cs vr qiky lce n o' i ad u h pl a e at ey ucl. []emi Rb ( M) 6Mrad oe 2 P Evlp alnab ale i arbbls alwn te t mv ad neos l ery lis n i ube, loig hm o oe n beteudrae fratm.Yuwl doni tebbl dsiae rah newtr o ie o il rw f h ube ispts udrae! newtr []ubdSul ( M) 7Tri qal 3 P Cetsmgclri.Toewoaehtb teri wl sfe a rae aia an hs h r i y h an il ufr dces i terdfne erae n hi ees. []epBc 8La ak La bcwrs ddigicmn atcsaddsacn yusl ep akad, ogn noig tak n itnig oref fo teeey rm h nm. Cmad Dw Arwte Lf Arw(oml omn: on ro hn et ro Nra) Dw Arwte RgtArw(lp on ro hn ih ro Fi) []elWtrI ( M) 9Ha ae I 6 P Sohsijre wt pwru hl wtr Rsoe 10t 20H. ote nuis ih oefl oy ae. etrs 8 o 4 P [1FreFed( M) 1]oc il 5 P Sae eeg aon a al adicessterpyia atc hps nry rud n ly n nrae hi hscl tak pwr Ti selcnol b atv o oepro a atm. oe. hs pl a ny e cie n n esn t ie [3Atdt ( M) 1]nioe 4 P Haigmgcwihpre tebd o aypios eln ai hc ugs h oy f n osn. [4DaodDs I ( M) 1]imn ut I 6 P Atc mgcwihfezsteabetwtrvpri tearit tak ai hc ree h min ae ao n h i no msiecytl aoetecse adsnste sahn dw uo asv rsas bv h atr n ed hm msig on pn fe.Mr pwradcytl ta lvl1 os oe oe n rsas hn ee . [5Sil I ( M) 1]hed I 5 P 61/97


GameFAQs: Fortune Summoners: Secret of the Elemental Stone (PC) FAQ/Walkthrough by Dragonk

Cetsamgclsil aon tetre.Asrsmr dmg ta rae aia hed rud h agt bob oe aae hn lvl1 Ol oeal a atm myb sile. ee . ny n ly t ie a e hedd [7Mro Iae( M) 1]irr mg 5 P Cetstomro iae o a al.Tecpe rpiaeal rae w irr mgs f n ly h ois elct l pyia atcsmd b tetre.Cnol b ue o oe hscl tak ae y h agt a ny e sd n n al a atm. ly t ie [9Tlprain( M) 1]eeotto 6 P Rtrstecse adhrale t asf lcto.Hwvr sm eun h atr n e lis o ae oain oee, oe aesd ntalwtlprain ra o o lo eeotto. [1WtrBo ( M) 2]ae lw 8 P Snsfrhamsiewv o wtri foto tecse,srkn ed ot asv ae f ae n rn f h atr tiig aleeismlil tms l nme utpe ie. [3Ha Ms (2M) 2]el it 1 P Sohsteijre o alale aon tecse wt ams o ote h nuis f l lis rud h atr ih it f hl wtr Rsoe 10t 20H. oy ae. etrs 8 o 4 P

*---------------* |Sel [RR]| tla FGL *---------------* Sil: kls []tb 3Sa Siea aypeea wodrst gttocoeuigyu dge. wp t n lbin h ae o e o ls sn or agr Cmad ''Ky(owrs omn: X e Frad) Lf Arw+''Ky(akad) et ro X e Bcwrs []ieHnln 3Fr adig Ue RylSaltspwrt stfe adosalsalm. ss oa cre' oe o e os n btce fae Cmad Dw Arw+''Ky(rud omn: on ro X e Gon) RgtArw+''Ky(ieot ih ro X e Frbl) U Arw+''Ky(i) p ro X e Ar []epBc 3La ak La bcwrs ddigicmn atcsaddsacn yusl ep akad, ogn noig tak n itnig oref fo teeey rm h nm. Cmad Dw Arwte Lf Arw(oml omn: on ro hn et ro Nra) Dw Arwte RgtArw(lp on ro hn ih ro Fi) []ieWl ( M) 3Fr al 3 P Cetswlso fr wihdmg eeis Tewlsaevr rae al f ie hc aae nme. h al r ey dfiutt pntaewieatv. ifcl o eert hl cie []hsr( M) 4Cae 4 P Luce blso fr a fe.Teblswl caetertre anhs al f ie t os h al il hs hi agt adaevr acrt. n r ey cuae 62/97


GameFAQs: Fortune Summoners: Secret of the Elemental Stone (PC) FAQ/Walkthrough by Dragonk

[]hei ( M) 7Ponx 4 P Srkseeisi foto yuwt afaigbr.Cnol srk tie nme n rn f o ih lmn id a ny tie a eeyoc prcs,bthsahg rneadsotcs tm. n nm ne e at u a ue ag n hr at ie []iitgae( M) 9Dsnert 3 P Eie a ar o dsrcini aldrcin,vprzn ayfe mts n ua f etuto n l ietos aoiig n os tuhdb i.De ntwr o tressrne ta tecse. oce y t os o ok n agt togr hn h atr [1Bae( M) 1]ld 3 P Frstosinn bae o faeaon tecse.Teebae om w pnig lds f lm rud h atr hs lds srk ayfeta apoce tecse. tie n o ht prahs h atr [2Ifro( M) 1]nen 5 P St alreptho gon i foto tecse alz fra es ag ac f rud n rn f h atr bae o tm.Fe wti tebaetk cntn dmg utlte gtot ie os ihn h lz ae osat aae ni hy e u. [4Lf Fre( M) 1]ie oc 4 P Ue tepwro ha adcuaet soh atre' ijre. ss h oe f et n org o ote agts nuis Nta efciea wtr btrsoe 6 t 10H. o s fetv s ae, u etrs 0 o 0 P [6Itretr( M) 1]necpo 5 P Frscutesfaigarw uwr fo tegon t srk ie onls lmn ros pad rm h rud o tie eeis icuigaron oe.Cnb cs qiky nme, nldn ibre ns a e at ucl. [7Fr Wl I ( M) 1]ie al I 6 P Cetswlso fr wihdmg eeis Mc mr pwru ta rae al f ie hc aae nme. uh oe oefl hn lvl1 ee . [9PonxI ( M) 1]hei I 7 P Srkseeisi foto yuwt afaigbr.Mc mr tie nme n rn f o ih lmn id uh oe pwru ta lvl1 oefl hn ee . [0Cae I ( M) 2]hsr I 8 P Luce blso fr a fe.Mc mr pwru ta lvl1 anhs al f ie t os uh oe oefl hn ee . [1Epoin( M) 2]xlso 9 P Snsfrhabl o faewihepoe i ateedu fsin ed ot al f lm hc xlds n rmnos aho, daigsagrn dmg t ayeeisi ahg ae. eln tgeig aae o n nme n ue ra [3Creu (1M) 2]ebrs 1 P Smostegadon o Hl,Creu,t dfn teue. umn h urhud f el ebrs o eed h sr Creu' H i bsdo tecse' Sii. ebrss P s ae n h atrs prt


*------------* *-----------* | | | | | | [tm] Ies | | | | | | *------------* *-----------*



GameFAQs: Fortune Summoners: Secret of the Elemental Stone (PC) FAQ/Walkthrough by Dragonk

*----------* ----------| | |Cnuals[NM]| osmbe CSB | | *----------* ----------[eb Hr] Hrscletdi alclfrs;ee teselhls eb olce n oa oet vn h ml ep yufe altl bte.Rsoe 7-0 H. o el ite etr etrs 010 P [etrHr] Bte eb Arr hr fudol o hg muti paswihgos ae eb on ny n ih onan ek hc rw aogiewiefoes Rsoe 1020H. lnsd ht lwr. etrs 6-0 P [etHr] Bs eb Aspeeyrr hr fudol aogiesucso urml ae eb on ny lnsd ore f cmltl pr wtr Rsoe 3040H. opeey ue ae. etrs 2-0 P [eo-wy VnmAa] Asal sik bonpl md fo gon-phrs ml, tny rw il ae rm rudu eb. I yucnsoahi,i wl cr pioig f o a tmc t t il ue osnn. [eo-wyS VnmAa ] A ee mr ptn pio-ugn pl!Isptnymas n vn oe oet osnprig il t oec en ta ee lwdssaeefcie alwn oepuht ht vn o oe r fetv, loig n oc o crymlil dss ar utpe oe. [ieDw Lf e] Sra ti lqi aon t rsoe1020H t alpry ped hs iud rud o etr 6-0 P o l at mmes I' md fo hl wtradhny ebr! ts ae rm oy ae n oe. [eia Dik Rvvl rn] Ti spreeg diki md fo 1 rr igeins fo hs ue-nry rn s ae rm 3 ae nrdet, rm seilhrst te brs Rsoe oeal t fgtn pca eb o re ak. etrs n ly o ihig cniinwt 1010H. odto ih 2-6 P [eia DikE] Rvvl rn X Aseil hg-otRvvlDik Rsoe oeal t fgtn pca, ihcs eia rn. etrs n ly o ihig cniinwt 2030H. odto ih 4-2 P [ese Cooae Mlhe hclt] Adwrpsae setcooaeta mlsi yu muh edo-hpd we hclt ht et n or ot. Rsoe altl H.(etrs2-0H) etrs ite P Rsoe 53 P [eaaDo] Mtm rp Acnydo sae lk a eeal Cmsi Srwer,Mln ad rp hpd ie n ybl. oe n tabry eo, Lmn adOag faos Rsoe altl H. eo, n rne lvr. etrs ite P (etrs4-0H) Rsoe 05 P [ayk] Tiai Fs-hpdsak md fo bkdwetfle wt ba pse ihsae ncs ae rm ae ha ild ih en at. Acelvstee Rsoe sm H. rh oe hs. etrs oe P (etrs5-0H) Rsoe 06 P [lm Ba] Sie en Ajlyensae lk asie Genoe aelce,bu oe elba hpd ie lm. re ns r yhe le ns aemn,ylo oe aelmn Rsoe afi bto H. r it elw ns r eo. etrs ar i f P (etrs9-2 H) Rsoe 010 P [antCooae Wlu hclt] Cooaecnywt awlu isd.B crflwe btn dw hclt ad ih ant nie e aeu hn iig on o i o yul hr yu teh Rsoe sm H. n t r o'l ut or et! etrs oe P 64/97


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(etrs1010H) Rsoe 2-7 P [rs Ml] Feh ik Feh hatyml srih fo 'h tp.Ntjs cep rs, elh ik tagt rm te a' o ut ha, bti rsoe afi bto H. u t etrs ar i f P (etrs9-1 H) Rsoe 010 P [adaeTr] Hnmd at Atr wt setsie o apeo tp Ipsil tsy at ih we lcs f pl n o. mosby at. Rsoe 1020H. etrs 8-4 P [o SrnsBn Ht pig u] Abnsemdwt tentrlsemo teKrthtsrns u tae ih h aua ta f h oa o pig. Tetphstesmo o teKrtsrnso i.Rsoe h o a h ybl f h oa pig n t etrs 2020H. 0-5 P [we Msro] Set uhom Adlcos ntiiu msro.Rsoe 1010H. eiiu, urtos uhom etrs 2-8 P [we Sik] Set tcs 'we Sik'aeasakcnyta spoel hs26 Set tcs r nc ad ht upsdy a 5 faos icuigrr oe.Etn oersoe 8-2 H. lvr, nldn ae ns aig n etrs 010 P [ai Cny Mgc ad] Scigo ti mseiu,yttsy cnydo rsoe ukn n hs ytros e at, ad rp etrs 5-0M. 07 P [idCooae Mn hclt] Acooaerc wt CB,aceia wihclsadrlxs hclt ih ih AA hmcl hc am n eae yu Afwpol pee i i hny btcooaewrsto o. e epe rfr t n oe, u hclt ok o. Etn ti rsoe 1010M. aig hs etrs 2-4 P [ernGm Mri u] Gmbaddwt teMgclGr Mri caatr Rsoe u rne ih h aia il ern hrce. etrs 51 M. -0 P [andSlo] Cne amn Cne fs -seiial,slo.Eti rsoe 1010H. and ih pcfcly amn a t etrs 0-5 P [hrru Rl] Catex ol Teseilybedrl o Catex Md etrl fo h pcat ra-ol f hrru. ae niey rm Breswet Etn i rsoe 6-0 H. ans ha. aig t etrs 010 P [od Bed Mly ra] Bedwt ovosml o i.Etn ti wudmk yusc! ra ih biu od n t aig hs ol ae o ik (etrs1-0H) Rsoe 02 P [oe] Hny Hatyaddlcoshny Rsoe 1020H. elh n eiiu oe. etrs 8-4 P [rn Cooae Pak hclt] Cooaewfr ta cm wt aseilsikrta pt a hclt aes ht oe ih pca tce ht us 'rn Sel o waee yusiki i..upsdy Pak pl' n htvr o tc t t.spoel. Rsoe 7-0 H. etrs 010 P [oyWtr Hl ae] Sraigti hl wtraon wl rsoe1010H t te pedn hs oy ae rud il etr 4-6 P o h woepry hl at. [hs Mrhalw Got asmlo] Asf,setmrhalwi tesaeo agot Etn i ot we asmlo n h hp f hs. aig t 65/97


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wl rsoe2020H. il etr 0-6 P [hce Lg Cikn e] Atne,jiyciknlg wt ahn o sie Etn i edr uc hce e, ih it f pc. aig t rsoe 2020H. etrs 2-8 P [oe Do] Pwr rp Amseiu -adrte siy-cnydo ta srntes ytros n ahr pc ad rp ht teghn toewoeti.IcessAtc praety hs h a t nrae tak emnnl. (ds12pit) Ad - ons [og Do] Tuh rp Amseiu -adVR cey-cnydo ta srntes ytros n EY hw ad rp ht teghn toewoeti.IcessDfnepraety hs h a t nrae ees emnnl. (ds12pit) Ad - ons [odCidDo] Go hl rp Amseiu -adodyclig-cnydo ta srnhes ytros n dl amn ad rp ht tegtn toewoeti.IcessSii praety hs h a t nrae prt emnnl. (ds12pit) Ad - ons [urinDo] Gada rp Amseiu -adkn o ar adtsees-cnydo ta ytros n id f iy n atls ad rp ht srntestoewoeti.IcessRss praety teghn hs h a t nrae eit emnnl. (ds12pit) Ad - ons [togilJie Srngr uc] Asrne odyfaoe jieta praetyicessMxH. tag, dl-lvrd uc ht emnnl nrae a P (ds24pit) Ad - ons [ytr Jie Msey uc] Asrne odyfaoe jieta praetyicessMxM. tag, dl-lvrd uc ht emnnl nrae a P (ds24pit) Ad - ons [ealLm] Rcl ap Lgtn ti lm wl isatysn yut tels sf pae ihig hs ap il ntnl ed o o h at ae lc yuwr i.Teeaepae i cntb ue,hwvr As, o ee n hr r lcs t a' e sd oee. lo oc ue,i bek. ne sd t ras *--------* --------| | |Waos[PN]| epn WOS | | *--------* --------[rneSod Boz wr] Asml sotwr md fo boz. ipe hrsod ae rm rne (rh/5Atc) Ace+ tak [rnSod Io wr] Aco-okn sodmd o io.Sadr eupet olloig wr ae f rn tnad qimn frgad eeyhr. o urs vrwee (rh/1 Atc) Ace+0 tak [ut Sod Rsy wr] Ti wsoc awnefllnsod bttebaei hs a ne odru ogwr, u h ld s rsyaddl.Silhseog o a eg t b ueu.. ut n ul tl a nuh f n de o e sfl. (rh/1 Atc) Ace+3 tak [hrsod Sotwr] Asotwr frayn es,ti selbaei a hrsod o noe le hs te ld s gol-ie wao frAce Wl-aacdadsap odyszd epn o rh. elblne n hr. 66/97


GameFAQs: Fortune Summoners: Secret of the Elemental Stone (PC) FAQ/Walkthrough by Dragonk

(rh/2 Atc) Ace+0 tak [r Sae] Og lyr A ecatdbaemd t hn Og.I' tesz o asot n nhne ld ae o ut rs ts h ie f hr sod bti ifit geiu hr o Og. wr, u t nlcs rvos am n rs (rh/2 Atc) Ace+0 tak [ogwr] Lnsod AbtbgfrAce btasrossellnsodalte i i o rh, u eiu te ogwr l h sm.Wt ti,yulo tepr o asodmn..el ae ih hs o ok h at f wrsa!.wl, sod-il wrsgr. (rh/3 Atc) Ace+2 tak [atr Sod Bsad wr] Akn o lnsodwt a etne bae wedbewt id f ogwr ih n xedd ld, ilal ih oeo tohns.frms pol.Ral kn o hg fr n r w ad..o ot epe ely id f ue o Ace rh. (rh/4 Atc) Ace+5 tak [eedr Sod Lgnay wr] Tepcaehdaco sodo i,btteata baei.. h akg a ol wr n t u h cul ld s. wl,'eedr'sau aie eeishtwt ti cn el lgnay tts sd, nme i ih hs a b ptt sep e u o le. (rh/2 Atc) Ace+6 tak [hs Batr Got lse] Aseilbsadsodta i iceil efcieaant pca atr wr ht s nrdby fetv gis teuda.Temkrwne t cl i smtiges,bt h ned h ae atd o al t oehn le u wscnicdntt. a ovne o o (rh/4 Atc) Ace+8 tak [ateSod Btl wr] Ti baewsfre b amse sodmt t b lgtr hs ld a ogd y atr wrsih o e ihe, srne,adbte blne ta ayohr togr n etr aacd hn n te. (rh/6 Atc) Ace+0 tak [atesBae] Mtrs etr Awoe sikfrdsigmtrse.As qiehny odn tc o utn atess lo ut ad fr'utn'ohrtig.. o dsig te hns. (aa+ Atc) Sn/4 tak [rnSaf Io tf] Asafmd fo io.I' hlo s..hsmgtatal tf ae rm rn ts olw o.ti ih culy b a io pp,adntara saf. e n rn ie n o el tf.. (aa+ Atc) Sn/8 tak [ernsSaf Mri' tf] Arpiao Mri' tligsaf Ake Pplrwt elc f erns akn tf, nl. oua ih grs Ntatal ta bdo asaf ete. il. o culy ht a f tf, ihr (aa+ Atc/4Sii/8MxM) Sn/4 tak+ prt+ a P [aoaySaf Mhgn tf] Asafmd fo epnie rc-okn mhgn. tf ae rm xesv, ihloig aoay Asltl batfl bouey euiu. (aa+2Atc/8Sii) Sn/1 tak+ prt [odnSod Woe wr] Awoe patc sod Ral asuei mr ta ayhn, odn rcie wr. ely ovnr oe hn ntig btas srrsnl ueu frsl-ees. u lo upiigy sfl o efdfne (aa+6Atc) Sn/1 tak 67/97


GameFAQs: Fortune Summoners: Secret of the Elemental Stone (PC) FAQ/Walkthrough by Dragonk

[ueSaf Rn tf] Md fo mlei-l wo adisrbdwt rns sae ae rm ilnaod od n ncie ih ue, tvs sc a ti aeiceil vlal. uh s hs r nrdby aube (aa+4Atc/1 Sii) Sn/2 tak+6 prt [trRd Sa o] Oeo tebs sae aalbefrmgcues Tetp n f h et tvs vial o ai sr. h i o terdi sae lk asa. f h o s hpd ie tr (aa+0Atc/2 Sii) Sn/4 tak+4 prt [etrOee] Lte pnr Asml lte oee.Siltcnclyawao. ipe etr pnr tl ehial epn (tla+ Atc) Sel/4 tak [rnDge] Io agr Adge md o io.Nc adtuh btabthayad agr ae f rn ie n og, u i ev n hr t ue epcal i yuae' srn. ad o s, seily f o rnt tog (tla+ Atc) Sel/8 tak [odl Rne] Adge md seiial frproa dfne Lgtad agr ae pcfcly o esnl ees. ih n fiheigysap rgtnnl hr. (tla+2Atc) Sel/1 tak [osnDge] Pio agr Adge wt adedu creta trstebodo ayn agr ih rafl us ht un h lo f noe i ct it pio. t us no osn (tla+5Atc) Sel/1 tak [aysDge] Ld' agr Adge md seiial frwmn t b ue i sl-ees. agr ae pcfcly o oe, o e sd n efdfne I' atatv loig ytes t ue.adqieefcie ts trcie okn, e ay o s..n ut fetv. (tla+8Atc) Sel/2 tak [ai Dge] Mgc agr Adge ibe wt mgclpwr frueb mgcas agr mud ih aia oe, o s y aiin. (tla+8Atc/1 Sii) Sel/3 tak+0 prt [air Rpe] Arpe dsge frproa dfne Srrsnl lgt air eind o esnl ees. upiigy ih. (tla+8Atc) Sel/6 tak [ht Sod Wie wr] (rh/8 Atc) Ace+0 tak *-------* -------| | |Amr[RR]| ro AMS | | *-------* -------[lt Amr Coh ro] Amrmd fo tikpee o coh Cnasr sm ro ae rm hc ics f lt. a bob oe fil srossok,dsiebigmd o coh A ary eiu hcs ept en ae f lt. fvrt o mrilatss aoie f ata rit. (rh/aaSel/5Dfne AceSn/tla+ ees) [ete Amr Lahr ro] Amrmd fo lahr Dentpoiemc poeto, ro ae rm ete. os' rvd uh rtcin btsilcmotbywaal bnahyu cohs u tl ofral erbe eet or lte. (rh/aaSel/1 Dfne AceSn/tla+0 ees) 68/97


GameFAQs: Fortune Summoners: Secret of the Elemental Stone (PC) FAQ/Walkthrough by Dragonk

[hc Lahr Tik ete] Amrmd fo tolyr o lahr Poie bte ro ae rm w aes f ete. rvds etr poeto,bti gt rte ht. rtcin u t es ahr o.. (rh/aaSel/1 Dfne AceSn/tla+6 ees) [odnAmr Woe ro] Lahramrsplmne wt woe pae a ciia ete ro upeetd ih odn lts t rtcl pit.Agetda i yucntafr mtlamr ons ra el f o a' fod ea ro. (rh/2 Dfne Ace+2 ees) [rneAmr Boz ro] Amrmd fo es-ofsinboz.Ceprta ohr ro ae rm ayt-aho rne hae hn te mtlamr,btjs a cmesm wtotbiga ea ros u ut s ubroe ihu en s poetv. rtcie (rh/3 Dfne Ace+0 ees) [cl Amr Sae ro] Amrmd fo mntoslzr sae.Lgtadbrl ro ae rm osru iad cls ih n aey itree wt mgc s mgcuescnuei to nefrs ih ai, o ai sr a s t o! (rh/aaSel/3 Dfne AceSn/tla+8 ees) [rnAmr Io ro] Amrmd fo tikio pae.Ofr getpoeto, ro ae rm hc rn lts fes ra rtcin bti' ral hayadlosugil. u ts ely ev n ok nany (rh/4 Dfne Ace+8 ees) [aiinsOti] Mgca' uft Cohsmd frueb mgcas Tecohi ecatdt lte ae o s y aiin. h lt s nhne o poiespro poeto,gvn i smlrdfnie rvd ueir rtcin iig t iia eesv poete t 'el amr rpris o ra' ro. (aaSel/5 Dfne+4Rss) Sn/tla+0 ees/2 eit [oe Goe] Wvn lvs Goe wvnfo wiewo.Go frkeigyu hnswr, lvs oe rm ht ol od o epn or ad am adte poiealtl bto poeto. n hy rvd ite i f rtcin (rh/aaSel/2Dfne AceSn/tla+ ees) [lt Goe] Coh lvs Sml goe dsge t poettewae' hnsadam. ipe lvs eind o rtc h errs ad n rs Icessdfne nrae ees. (rh/aaSel/4Dfne AceSn/tla+ ees) [itgoe] Ktylvs Goe mdldatrctpw,sapcasadal Icess lvs oee fe a as hr lw n l. nrae atc pwr tak oe. (rh/aaSel/6Atc/6Dfne AceSn/tla+ tak+ ees) [rneGutes Boz anlt] Gutesmd o boz.Abtdl,btte fl a anlt ae f rne i ul u hy il n ipratdfniegpi ra amr motn eesv a n el ro. (rh/1 Dfne Ace+0 ees) [lt Cp] Coh ae Asml cp,pplraogavnuesi ruhwahr ipe ae oua mn detrr n og ete. Icessbt knso dfnesihl. nrae oh id f ees lgty (rh/aaSel/2Dfne+ Rss) AceSn/tla+ ees/4 eit [ete Cp] Lahr ae Atiklahrcp.Icessbt knso dfne hc ete ae nrae oh id f ees. (rh/aaSel/4Dfne+ Rss) AceSn/tla+ ees/6 eit 69/97


GameFAQs: Fortune Summoners: Secret of the Elemental Stone (PC) FAQ/Walkthrough by Dragonk

[eocCp] Hri ae Aco cp md frhri avnues Icessbt ol ae ae o eoc detrr! nrae oh knso dfne id f ees. (rh/aaSel/8Dfne+6Rss) AceSn/tla+ ees/1 eit [ernsCp] Mri' ae Awie hoe cp o tesr ta Mri was Grs ht, odd ae f h ot ht ern er. il lv i frta,admgcueslv i frtebns oe t o ht n ai sr oe t o h ou M i poie. P t rvds (rh/aaSel/2Dfne+ Sii/2Rss/8MxM) AceSn/tla+ ees/4 prt+ eit+ a P [ieCp] Fr ae Amgccp ta rdcsfr dmg. ai ae ht eue ie aae (rh/aaSel/8Dfne+6Rss) AceSn/tla+ ees/1 eit [ae Cp] Wtr ae Amgccp ta rdcswtrdmg. ai ae ht eue ae aae (rh/aaSel/6Dfne+0Rss) AceSn/tla+ ees/1 eit [hs Ss] Cet ah Wa i aon yu cett wr ofcl!Yul lo a rp t rud or hs o ad f od o'l ok btwid tog. i er, huh (rh/aaSel) AceSn/tla [newa]() Udrer F Tpcludrerfrwmn yia newa o oe. (rh/aaSel) AceSn/tla *----------* ----------| | |Acsois[CR]| cesre ASS | | *----------* ----------[ees Rn] Dfne ig Agle,ecatdrn md frmgcaswocntwa odn nhne ig ae o aiin h a' er amr Ti rn rie dfne ro. hs ig ass ees. (rh/aaSel/4Dfne AceSn/tla+ ees) [niPio Rn] At-osn ig Amgclrn wihpoet yuadcnpeetpioig aia ig hc rtcs o n a rvn osnn. (rh/aaSel/6Dfne AceSn/tla+ ees) [lse Erig Besd arn] Apet erigwihipoe yu mgcrssac ad rty arn hc mrvs or ai eitne n mksi vr hr frfe t cnueyu ae t ey ad o os o ofs o. (rh/aaSel/6Rss) AceSn/tla+ eit [an' Boc] Sits roh Aboc md t b tecmainpeet teeeetlsoe roh ae o e h opno ic o h lmna tn Slhe.Besdwt poetv pwr i icessal iped lse ih rtcie oe, t nrae l aiiisadpeet pioig cnuin admgclsep blte n rvns osnn, ofso, n aia le. (rh/8Atc/8Dfne+ Sii/8Rss/8MxH/8MxM) Ace+ tak+ ees/8 prt+ eit+ a P+ a P [ai Rn] Mgc ig Arn wihmkstewae fe mr siie. ig hc ae h err el oe prtd (rh/aaSel/5Sii) AceSn/tla+ prt [ai Erig Mgc arn] Act ltl erigwihgetyfriisteue' sii. ue ite arn hc ral otfe h srs prt (rh/aaSel/1 Sii) AceSn/tla+2 prt 70/97


GameFAQs: Fortune Summoners: Secret of the Elemental Stone (PC) FAQ/Walkthrough by Dragonk

[ai Baee] Mgc rclt Agle baee wihRAL bltr teue' sii. idd rclt hc ELY oses h srs prt (rh/aaSel/2 Sii) AceSn/tla+0 prt [lels Rn] Sepes ig Amgclrn wihpoet yuadmksi hre frfe t ll aia ig hc rtcs o n ae t adr o os o ul yut sep o o le. (rh/aaSel/6Rss) AceSn/tla+ eit [eert Rn] Clbiy ig Adlctl-rfe,etaaatygme rn wihbltr eiaeycatd xrvgnl-emd ig hc oses tesii admgclrssac o iswae. h prt n aia eitne f t err (tla+0Sii/1 Rss) Sel/3 prt+5 eit [urinBde Gada ag] AtyGada bdefo teMri sre;esnilymd fr o urin ag rm h ern eis setal ae o paiga aGada.Isrbdwt teFv Otso te lyn s urin ncie ih h ie ah f h Gadas sc a 'la U EeyDy. urin, uh s Cen p vr a' (rh/aaSel/5MxH) AceSn/tla+ a P [oooaSrp Cpcl ta] Asrpmdldatrtemseiu aia kona a'oaoa. ta oee fe h ytros nml nw s Cpcl' Myeyul b lcyi yuwa i? ab o'l e uk f o er t (rh/aaSel/3Atc) AceSn/tla+ tak [kltnSrp Seeo ta] Mr 'oh ta ct,ral,bti de se t b ago lc oe gt' hn ue ely u t os em o e od uk cam Js mn teeeie,oa? hr. ut id h ylnr ky (rh/aaSel/8Rss) AceSn/tla+ eit [ivrRsr] Sle oay Abatflsle rsr.Icessbt dfnesoe we eupe, euiu ivr oay nrae oh ees crs hn qipd a wl a friyn yu sii. s el s otfig or prt (rh/aaSel/1 Dfne+0Sii/1 Rss) AceSn/tla+2 ees/1 prt+2 eit [ed Pkr] Tdy ooa Asufdvrino temseiu cetr Pkr, tfe eso f h ytros raue ooa hc..os smtiggo i yuhgi,aprnl. oehn od f o u t paety (rh/aaSel/3Dfne+ Rss) AceSn/tla+ ees/4 eit [emi Sae Mrad cl] Acamcatdfo tesaeo amrad Rdcsteaon hr rfe rm h cl f emi. eue h mut o wtrdmg aue tks f ae aae sr ae. (rh/aaSel) AceSn/tla [aaadrSae Slmne cl] Acamcatdfo tesaeo aslmne.Rdcsteaon hr rfe rm h cl f aaadr eue h mut o fr dmg aue tks f ie aae sr ae. (rh/aaSel) AceSn/tla [rv Bnaa Bae adn] Ti cuaeisiig(oewudsy'ucd-nprn' bnaadie hs org-nprn sm ol a siieisiig) adn rvs tewae t inr dfneaddvt tesle t teatc. h err o goe ees n eoe hmevs o h tak (rh/aaSel/1 Atc/1 Dfne+0Sii/1 Rss) AceSn/tla+0 tak-0 ees/1 prt-0 eit [it Er] Kty as Ahibn wt odltl cter o i.Frsm rao,waig arad ih d ite a as n t o oe esn ern ti flsyuwt fln fr,icesn yu atc addfne hs il o ih eie uy nraig or tak n ees. (rh/aaSel/6Atc/6Dfne AceSn/tla+ tak+ ees) 71/97


GameFAQs: Fortune Summoners: Secret of the Elemental Stone (PC) FAQ/Walkthrough by Dragonk

[rsa Sul Cytl kl] Afeks sulmd o cytl Wokoswomd i -o wyraih kl ae f rsa! h nw h ae t r h bthligi icessyu mxM. u odn t nrae or a P (aaSel/2 MxM) Sn/tla+0 a P [ui Dl] Cpd ol Act ltl aglmso fne ppe. ue ite ne act igr upt (rh/aaSel) AceSn/tla [i] Wg Ahipee aric. (rh/aaSel) AceSn/tla *-----------------* | | |Csue [SM]| otms CTS | | *-----------------* DessHibns=Ace rse/arad rh Sok/ees=Sn mcsBrt aa Oti/ibn =Sel uftRbos tla CohsHt =Cifn lte/as hfo [leDes Bu rs] Asaladdescmiainst Vr lgtades t hw-n-rs obnto e. ey ih n ay o mv aoti. oe bu n [re Des Gen rs] Asaladdescmiainst Vr lgtades t hw-n-rs obnto e. ey ih n ay o mv aoti. oe bu n [e &BakDes Rd lc rs] Asaladdescmiainst Vr lgtades t hw-n-rs obnto e. ey ih n ay o mv aoti. oe bu n [rneDes Oag rs] Asaladdescmiainst Vr lgtades t hw-n-rs obnto e. ey ih n ay o mv aoti. oe bu n [rw Des Bon rs] Asaladdescmiainst Vr lgtades t hw-n-rs obnto e. ey ih n ay o mv aoti. oe bu n [leSok Bu mc] Asokaddescmiainst Tesokhsbg mc-n-rs obnto e. h mc a i, hnypces ad okt. [re Sok Gen mc] Asokaddescmiainst Tesokhsbg mc-n-rs obnto e. h mc a i, hnypces ad okt. [e &BakSok Rd lc mc] Asokaddescmiainst Tesokhsbg mc-n-rs obnto e. h mc a i, hnypces ad okt. [rw Sok Bon mc] Asokaddescmiainst Tesokhsbg mc-n-rs obnto e. h mc a i, hnypces ad okt. [rneSok Oag mc] Asokaddescmiainst Tesokhsbg mc-n-rs obnto e. h mc a i, 72/97


GameFAQs: Fortune Summoners: Secret of the Elemental Stone (PC) FAQ/Walkthrough by Dragonk

hnypces ad okt. [leOti] Bu uft Arcl-aesio-ieoti.Pretfrloig ihymd alrlk uft efc o okn watya sho! elh t col [e Oti] Rd uft Arcl-aesio-ieoti.Pretfrloig ihymd alrlk uft efc o okn watya sho! elh t col [re Cohs Gen lte] Tn cohssial frasufdaia. iy lte utbe o tfe nml [leCohs Bu lte] Tn cohssial frasufdaia. iy lte utbe o tfe nml [e Cohs Rd lte] Tn cohssial frasufdaia. iy lte utbe o tfe nml [e Hibn] Rd arad Asml hibn. ipe arad [lc Hibn] Bak arad Asml hibn. ipe arad [leHibn] Bu arad Asml hibn. ipe arad [re Hibn] Gen arad Asml hibn. ipe arad [elwHibn] Ylo arad Asml hibn. ipe arad [e Brt Rd ee] Act ltl brt ue ite ee. [re Brt Gen ee] Act ltl brt ue ite ee. [rw Brt Bon ee] Act ltl brt ue ite ee. [rneBrt Oag ee] Act ltl brt ue ite ee. [e Rbo] Rd ibn Arbo md fo tefns o mtras Pretfr ibn ae rm h iet f aeil. efc o aclbiyo agr. eert f il [leRbo] Bu ibn Arbo md fo tefns o mtras Pretfr ibn ae rm h iet f aeil. efc o aclbiyo agr. eert f il [re Ht Gen a] Atn htsial frasufdaia. iy a utbe o tfe nml [leHt Bu a] Atn htsial frasufdaia. iy a utbe o tfe nml [e Ht Rd a] 73/97


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Atn htsial frasufdaia. iy a utbe o tfe nml [leScs Bu ok] Te'e.scs Ntigmr. hyr..ok. ohn oe [re Scs Gen ok] Te'e.scs Ntigmr. hyr..ok. ohn oe *-----------* -----------| | |Mselnos[SN]| iclaeu MCS | | *-----------* -----------[o] Pt Amtlpt Vtlfrcoigsusadses ea o. ia o okn op n tw. [ueyEae] Ddl rsr A eae sae lk atuh ruhmn Vr pplrwt by. n rsr hpd ie og, og a. ey oua ih os [rgnEae] Dao rsr A eae sae lk adao.Ec oei nmdatradao n rsr hpd ie rgn ah n s ae fe rgn wihdao-lyr fuh hdosbtlsaanti teps. hc rgnsaes ogt ieu ate gis n h at Rdi Vlao bu i Tudrot teeaesvni ttl e s ocn, le s hnebl; hr r ee n oa. [onyBl] Buc al Abl wihi suedul buce ta nra,md wt te al hc s tpnosy onir hn oml ae ih h pwr.o SINE MGCLSINE oe..f CEC! AIA CEC! [ernCr] Mri ad A ilsrtdcr soigtepoaoito te'aia Gr n lutae ad hwn h rtgns f h Mgcl il Mri'soiswihgrslv.Tervresd o tecr ern tre hc il oe h ees ie f h ad dtisMri' 'ertMgc. eal erns Sce ai' [ai Rne Cr] Mgc agr ad Acletbecr frte'ai Rne Atri'sre,wih olcil ad o h Mgc agr lena eis hc by lv.Ti cr hsoeo tehre -Fr Rne,Wtr os oe hs ad a n f h eos ie agr ae Rne,Wn Rne,o ErhRne. agr id agr r at agr [adtKtyBoie Bni it rmd] Aboieo actdesdu lk abni.Dsien-n lkn rmd f a rse p ie adt ept ooe iig bnis Bni Ktyi odypplr adt, adt it s dl oua. [newa]() Udrer M Tpcludrerfrmn yia newa o e. [o WtrSls Ht ae at] Abt-ae adtv md fo mnrl &slsfo tecvso ahwtr diie ae rm ieas at rm h ae f M.Dpi Pti yu bt frapral htsrnseprec! t eo. u n or ah o otbe o pig xeine [rknLm] Boe ap Aboe lm.Yucntsaetefeigta i mgtsilb rkn ap o a' hk h eln ht t ih tl e ueu smhw. sfl oeo.. [olHn] Dl ad A oddl' hn.Wee.ddters g?. n l ols ad hr..i h et o.. [r Sod Og wr] Asodcatdfra og Iceil dsrcie bti' to wr rfe o n r. nrdby etutv, u ts o hayfrAcet uewtotrfrigi.. ev o rh o s ihu eogn t. *-----------* 74/97


GameFAQs: Fortune Summoners: Secret of the Elemental Stone (PC) FAQ/Walkthrough by Dragonk

| | |SeilIes[PL]| pca tm SCS | | *-----------* -----------[l Sod Od wr] A odsodta wsagf fo Acesfte.I' be butd n l wr ht a it rm rh' ahr ts en lne t b apatc baeadhsn ra ctigpwr o e rcie ld n a o el utn oe. [utmKie Cso nf] AseilkieAcesfte odrdfo telclwao so. pca nf rh' ahr ree rm h oa epn hp [ytrosEeetlSoe Mseiu lmna tn] A eeetlsoefudi tecv na sho.Frsm rao, n lmna tn on n h ae er col o oe esn ispwri sae.. t oe s eld. [lmna Soe'iped] Eeetl tn Slhe' Aceswn eeetlsoe Oeo tefu GetSoe md rh' id lmna tn. n f h or ra tns ae proal b Mns-ai,wt tepwro teKn o Wn, esnly y iaaRts ih h oe f h ig f id Ela oi. [lmna Soe'oaet] Eeetl tn Elms' Sn' wtreeetlsoe Stit teha o hrsaf i i aas ae lmna tn. e no h ed f e tf, t s abatflsabu-re. euiu e-legen Nt:I bgol we Sn i i yu pry oe n a ny hn aa s n or at. [lmna Soe'oa Salt] Eeetl tn Ryl cre' Sel' eteeypwru,batfl rdeeetlsoe Sel tlas xrml oefl euiu, e lmna tn. tla wasi o hrbaee.I bastepwro teKn o Fr, er t n e rclt t er h oe f h ig f ie Agr. lon Nt:I bgol we Sel i i yu pry oe n a ny hn tla s n or at. [tn Tbe 1 Soe alt ] [tn Tbe 2 Soe alt ] [tn Tbe] Soe alt Oeo tosoetbesfudwt tesae eeetlsoe Te n f w tn alt on ih h eld lmna tn. h mto frbekn tesa i witno i i AcetRnra. ehd o raig h el s rte n t n nin eoin [idCet1 Wn rs ] Alrecetegae wt tesaeo awn.Gte altre ag rs nrvd ih h hp f ig ahr l he t bektesa o teeeetlsoe o ra h el n h lmna tn. [idCet2 Wn rs ] Alrecetegae wt tesaeo awn.Gte altre ag rs nrvd ih h hp f ig ahr l he t bektesa o teeeetlsoe o ra h el n h lmna tn. [idCet3 Wn rs ] Alrecetegae wt tesaeo awn.Gte altre ag rs nrvd ih h hp f ig ahr l he t bektesa o teeeetlsoe o ra h el n h lmna tn. [l Ky Od e] Alre odkyfudi tesoaero o Aceshue ag, l e on n h trg om f rh' os. [rp Ky Cyt e] Kyfudi teCatexCtcms Cno b ue eswee e on n h hrru aaob. ant e sd lehr. Wl beko ue il ra n s. [hee'Ky Tivs e] Akyyugtfo Ae i teCatexCtcms Frel te e o o rm lx n h hrru aaob. omry h poet o bnis Wa cudi g t? rpry f adt. ht ol t o o 75/97


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Nt:Trsit [oe Ky oc ue a WahraeTwr oe un no Twr e] ne sd t etevn oe [oe Ky Twr e] Tekyt oe teetac o teWahraeTwr h e o pn h nrne f h etevn oe. Soe fo BresVlaeln ao tln rm ans ilg og g. [rhaesTwrKy Acmg' oe e] Kyfudi teAcmg' Twr Cno b ue eswee e on n h rhaes oe. ant e sd lehr. Wl beko ue il ra n s. [asodNt] Pswr oe Ant wt teacetpswr t etrteKrthtsrnswitn oe ih h nin asod o ne h oa o pig rte o i.Bttepswr isl,u.. n t u h asod tef h. [ohasLte] Spi' etr A itouto lte adesdt tefre hamse o te n nrdcin etr drse o h omr edatr f h Mns-ai MgcSho,witnb M.Spi. iaaRts ai col rte y s oha [adaeLnh Hnmd uc] [adaeTr] Hnmd at Atr wt setsie o apeo tp Ipsil tsy at ih we lcs f pl n o. mosby at. Nt:Trsit acnual ie x atrisuei soyporsin oe un no osmbe tm 3 fe t s n tr rgeso. [ayk SetSik] Tiai we tcs Teeae26faoso setsik,spoel.Adtiaii hr r 5 lvr f we tcs upsdy n ayk s aogterrs. mn h aet Nt:Trsit acnual ie x atrisuei soyporsin oe un no osmbe tm 5 fe t s n tr rgeso. [oa Hr] Tph eb [licihem Cetatra] Ti rr foe i si t bighpiest toewofn i. hs ae lwr s ad o rn apns o hs h id t I i,i fc,apwru mdcnligein. t s n at oefl eiia nrdet [amn Cca Clig oo] Cooaeigein lae wt CB,avr cligceia aet hclt nrdet odd ih AA ey amn hmcl gn. [ae o Lf] Wtr f ie Rr wtrspoel danfo teFiySrns wihi si ae ae upsdy rw rm h ar pig, hc s ad t etn oeslfsa. o xed n' iepn [liaeWet Utmt ha] Rr wethretdol oc eeytnyas we cran ae ha avse ny ne vr e er, hn eti peoeamk i psil. hnmn ae t osbe [liaeBed Utmt ra] Bedbkdfo teutmt wet Sf,sel wnefl ad ra ae rm h liae ha. ot mls odru, n atxueta wudstsyaygumn. etr ht ol aif n orad [oktac] Pcewth Apcewthfudi teCatexCtcms Frel blne t oktac on n h hrru aaob. omry eogd o teMyekFml. h abr aiy [le Gu] Asml ahsv md fo aia mro. ipe deie ae rm nml arw [oo Sp Ptn a] Js a tePtnte gosoto cak i wlsadohrtn ut s h oo re rw u f rcs n al n te iy sae,s de isspfl i cak i ayojc. pcs o os t a il n rcs n n bet 76/97


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[oakPls] Rzc oih Apls md fo Rzc soe Ue t cenadpls oih ae rm oak tn. sd o la n oih pteyadwant otr n hto. [ht Io Oe Wie rn r] Arr io oeta i mc tuhrta nra io adsie wt ae rn r ht s uh oge hn oml rn n hns ih apal oaecnewe setd ery plsec hn mle. [ht WaeOl Wie hl i] Rr oldanfo rrrwiewae.A igein i cran ae i rw rm ae ht hls n nrdet n eti mgcltos aia ol. [eoyPoo1 Mmr ht ] Apoorp ta rclstemmr o a avnue i ti cs, htgah ht eal h eoy f n detr; n hs ae 'rh adSn' FrtAvnue. Ace n aas is detr' [eoyPoo2 Mmr ht ] Apoorp ta rclstemmr o a avnue i ti cs, htgah ht eal h eoy f n detr; n hs ae 'etn Cifn. Meig hfo' [eoyPoo3 Mmr ht ] Apoorp ta rclstemmr o a avnue i ti cs, htgah ht eal h eoy f n detr; n hs ae 'tlasMmr' Sel' eoy. [eoyPoo4 Mmr ht ] Apoorp ta rclstemmr o a avnue i ti cs, htgah ht eal h eoy f n detr; n hs ae 'rh v.Sel' Ace s tla. [eoyPoo5 Mmr ht ] Apoorp ta rclstemmr o a avnue i ti cs, htgah ht eal h eoy f n detr; n hs ae 'aasDsr' Sn' eie [eoyPoo6 Mmr ht ] Apoorp ta rclstemmr o a avnue i ti cs, htgah ht eal h eoy f n detr; n hs ae 'eaigi teSrns. Rlxn n h pig' [eoyPoo7 Mmr ht ] Apoorp ta rclstemmr o a avnue i ti cs, htgah ht eal h eoy f n detr; n hs ae 'h Dne Pry. Te inr at' [eoyPoo8 Mmr ht ] Apoorp ta rclstemmr o a avnue i ti cs, htgah ht eal h eoy f n detr; n hs ae 'h SoeUsae' Te tn neld. *------------* *-----------* | | | | | | [hp] Sos | | | | | | *------------* *-----------*


*--------* --------|ono Tnies Tw f okns| *--------* --------Am Soe rs tr --------[rneSod Boz wr] :30C 8 P [atesBae]:15C Mtrs etr 5 P [rnDge] Io agr :40C 5 P [lt Amr Coh ro] :20C 8 P 77/97


GameFAQs: Fortune Summoners: Secret of the Elemental Stone (PC) FAQ/Walkthrough by Dragonk

(fe Poou) Atr rlge [rnSod Io wr] :70C 8 P [rnSaf Io tf] :30C 5 P [ete Amr Lahr ro] :50C 6 P Buiu otqe ------[oe Goe] :10C Wvn lvs 8 P [leDes Bu rs] : 9 C 0 P [re Des Gen rs] : 9 C 0 P [leHibn] : 5 C Bu arad 0 P [re Hibn]: 5 C Gen arad 0 P [leSok Bu mc] : 8 C 5 P [e Brt Rd ee] : 4 C 2 P [re Cohs : 3 C Gen lte] 8 P [re Ht Gen a] : 2 C 2 P Ie Soe tm tr --------[etm Do] Mnaa rp [eb Hr] [eo-wy VnmAa] [o] Pt

: 5C P : 1 C 0 P : 7C P : 6 C 0 P

(fe 'epn Ot) Atr Hlig u' [ayk] Tiai : 1 C 2 P [lm Ba] Sie en : 6C P [antCooae : 1 C Wlu hclt] 4 P [etrHr] Bte eb : 1 C 8 P [ieDw* Lf e] : 9 C 6 P *eurs[oe]&[oyWtr rqie Hny Hl ae] [idCooae* :20C Mn hclt] 9 P *eurs[ai Cny &[amn Cca rqie Mgc ad] Clig oo] [eia Dik* :30C Rvvl rn] 5 P *eurs[ae o Lf]&[licihem rqie Wtr f ie Cetatra] [ealLm] Rcl ap* :50C 0 P *eurs[rknLm]&[ht WaeOl rqie Boe ap Wie hl i] [ht Sod* Wie wr] :3,0 C 350 P *eurs[ht Io Oe &[r Sod rqie Wie rn r] Og wr] CpueMcie asl ahn -------------2 C aty 0 P r Psil Pie: osbe rzs Acewl sy"w.. i yugttee rh il a aw." f o e hs: [onyBl] Buc al [ueyEae] Ddl rsr [rn Cooae Pak hclt] [etm Do] Mnaa rp [ui Dl] Cpd ol Acewl sy"a! i yugttee rh il a yy" f o e hs: [ernCr] Mri ad 78/97


GameFAQs: Fortune Summoners: Secret of the Elemental Stone (PC) FAQ/Walkthrough by Dragonk

[ai Rne Cr] Mgc agr ad [urinBde Gada ag] [ernGm Mri u] [oooaSrp Cpcl ta] [ernsSaf Mri' tf] *------------* ------------|iaaRtsMgcSho| Mns-ai ai col *------------* ------------Nre us ---[eb Hr] :1 C 0 P [eo-wy : 7C VnmAa] P *-------* -------|ans Vlae Bres ilg| *-------* -------Ie Soe tm tr --------[eb Hr] : 1 C 0 P [etrHr] Bte eb : 1 C 8 P [eo-wy VnmAa] : 7C P [i] Wg : 10C 5 P [rnSod Io wr] : 70C 8 P [hrsod Sotwr] :280C ,0 P [rnDge] Io agr : 40C 5 P [ete Amr Lahr ro] : 50C 6 P [hc Lahr Tik ete] : 90C 5 P [odnAmr Woe ro] :160C ,5 P [eia Dik Rvvl rn] : 30C 5 P [rneDes Oag rs] : 10C 3 P [elwHibn]: Ylo arad 5 C 0 P Gr (ett ga) il nx o ot -----------------[rs Ml]:8C Feh ik P *-------------* |hrru Ct| Catex iy *-------------* Bkr aey ----[hrru Rl]: 7C Catex ol P (fe Dy8 atr a ) [adaeTr] :2 C Hnmd at 4 P Buiu otqe ------[oe Goe] Wvn lvs : [lt Goe] Coh lvs : [e &BakDes : Rd lc rs] [rneDes Oag rs] : [lc Hibn] Bak arad : [elwHibn] : Ylo arad [re Sok Gen mc] : [e &BakSok : Rd lc mc] [e Brt Rd ee] :

10C 8 P 60C 2 P 10C 3 P 10C 3 P 3 C 0 P 5 C 0 P 8 C 5 P 15C 2 P 4 C 2 P



GameFAQs: Fortune Summoners: Secret of the Elemental Stone (PC) FAQ/Walkthrough by Dragonk

[re Brt Gen ee] [leOti] Bu uft [re Oti] Gen uft [leRbo] Bu ibn [re Rbo] Gen ibn [leScs Bu ok] [re Scs Gen ok] [leCohs Bu lte] [leHt Bu a] [newa]() Udrer F [newa]() Udrer M (fe Dy8 atr a ) [eocCp] Hri ae

: : : : : : : : : : :

4 C 2 P 10C 0 P 10C 0 P 8 C 0 P 10C 4 P 2 C 8 P 2 C 8 P 3 C 8 P 2 C 2 P 7 C 5 P 7 C 5 P

:1,0 C 280 P

Ie Soe tm tr --------[eb Hr] : 1 C 0 P [etrHr] : 1 C Bte eb 8 P [eo-wy VnmAa] : 7C P [eia Dik :30C Rvvl rn] 5 P [etrOee]:10C Lte pnr 8 P [lt Amr Coh ro] :20C 8 P [oe] Hny : 2 C 4 P [hs Ss] Cet ah : 7 C 8 P (fe Dy8 atr a ) [eo-wyS VnmAa ] [oyWtr Hl ae] [ai Cny Mgc ad] [ealLm] Rcl ap

: 4 C 0 P : 6 C 5 P :10C 2 P :50C 0 P

CnySoe ad tr ---------[ese Cooae : 8C Mlhe hclt] P [etm Do] Mnaa rp : 5C P [ayk] Tiai : 6C P [lm Ba] Sie en :1 C 2 P [antCooae :1 C Wlu hclt] 4 P [ernCr] Mri ad :2 C 0 P [ai Rne Cr]:2 C Mgc agr ad 0 P CpueMcie asl ahn -------------20C aty 0 P r Psil Pie: osbe rzs Acewl sy"w.. i yugttee rh il a aw." f o e hs: [antCooae Wlu hclt] [ernGm Mri u] [rgnEae] Dao rsr [adtKtyBoie Bni it rmd] Acewl sy"a! i yugttee rh il a yy" f o e hs: [it Er] Kty as [ed Pkr] Tdy ooa [ernsCp] Mri' ae [rv Bnaa Bae adn] [eedr Sod Lgnay wr] 80/97


GameFAQs: Fortune Summoners: Secret of the Elemental Stone (PC) FAQ/Walkthrough by Dragonk

CpueMcie asl ahn -------------2 C aty 0 P r Psil Pie: osbe rzs Acewl sy"w.. i yugttee rh il a aw." f o e hs: [onyBl] Buc al [ueyEae] Ddl rsr [rn Cooae Pak hclt] [etm Do] Mnaa rp [ui Dl] Cpd ol Acewl sy"a! i yugttee rh il a yy" f o e hs: [ernCr] Mri ad [ai Rne Cr] Mgc agr ad [urinBde Gada ag] [ernGm Mri u] [oooaSrp Cpcl ta] [ernsSaf Mri' tf] Am Soe rs tr --------[hrsod Sotwr] [ogwr] Lnsod [rnSaf Io tf] [aoaySaf Mhgn tf] [odl Rne] [hc Lahr Tik ete] [rneAmr Boz ro]

: : : : : : :

280C ,0 P 550C ,0 P 30C 5 P 290C ,0 P 100C ,5 P 90C 5 P 260C ,0 P

(fe Dy8 atr a ) [atr Sod Bsad wr] :1,0 C 050 P [ateSod Btl wr] :1,0 C 800 P [ai Dge] Mgc agr : 970C ,0 P [cl Amr Sae ro] : 480C ,0 P [rnAmr Io ro] : 980C ,0 P [rneGutes : 280C Boz anlt] ,0 P (tngt a ih) [hs Batr Got lse] *------* ------|oa Vlae Krt ilg| *------* ------Suei Soe ovnr tr ------------[o SrnsBn : 3 C Ht pig u] 0 P [odnSod Woe wr] :80C 5 P [o WtrSls :20C Ht ae at] 4 P [e Cohs Rd lte] : 6 C 8 P [e Ht Rd a] : 4 C 8 P [rw Des Bon rs] :10C 3 P [e Hibn] Rd arad : 3 C 0 P [rw Sok Bon mc] :15C 2 P [rw Brt Bon ee] : 7 C 5 P [e Oti] Rd uft :10C 6 P [e Rbo] Rd ibn : 8 C 0 P 81/97

:1,0 C 250 P


GameFAQs: Fortune Summoners: Secret of the Elemental Stone (PC) FAQ/Walkthrough by Dragonk

Am Soe rs tr --------[ogwr] Lnsod : 550C ,0 P [atr Sod Bsad wr] :1,0 C 050 P [aoaySaf Mhgn tf] : 290C ,0 P [aysDge] Ld' agr : 430C ,0 P [cl Amr Sae ro] : 480C ,0 P [rnAmr Io ro] : 980C ,0 P [rneGutes : 280C Boz anlt] ,0 P Ie Soe tm tr --------[etrHr] : Bte eb 1 C 8 P [eo-wyS : VnmAa ] 4 C 0 P [oyWtr Hl ae] : 6 C 5 P [eia Dik : 30C Rvvl rn] 5 P [ai Cny Mgc ad] : 10C 2 P [ealLm] : 50C Rcl ap 0 P [ete Cp] :110C Lahr ae ,0 P [ai Erig :420C Mgc arn] ,0 P *------------* ------------|ot CatexGadot Nrh hrru urps| *------------* ------------Muti CtIn onan a n --------------[etrHr] Bte eb : 1 C 8 P [eo-wyS VnmAa ] : 4 C 0 P [ieDw Lf e] : 9 C 6 P [eia Dik : Rvvl rn] 30C 5 P [ai Cny Mgc ad] : 10C 2 P [ealLm] Rcl ap : 50C 0 P [ai Baee]:1,0 C Mgc rclt 100 P [rneSok Oag mc] : 15C 2 P [rneBrt Oag ee] : 7 C 5 P

*------------------* ------------------|usd btenCatexadBres Otie ewe hrru n ans| *------------------* ------------------WieRs In ht oe n ------------[rs Ml] : 8C Feh ik P [etrHr]: 1 C Bte eb 8 P [eo-wy : 7C VnmAa] P [lt Cp] :50C Coh ae 2 P *---------------------------* |usd Es o teOgLi| Otie at f h r ar *---------------------------* TaeigMrhn rvln ecat ----------------[etrHr] : Bte eb 1 C 8 P [eo-wy VnmAa] : 7C P [eia Dik : 30C Rvvl rn] 5 P [hrsod Sotwr] :280C ,0 P [rnSaf Io tf] : 30C 5 P 82/97


GameFAQs: Fortune Summoners: Secret of the Elemental Stone (PC) FAQ/Walkthrough by Dragonk

[odl Rne] :100C ,5 P [hc Lahr : 90C Tik ete] 5 P [rneAmr :260C Boz ro] ,0 P [ai Rn] Mgc ig :160C ,0 P


*------------* *-----------* | | | | | | [ok] Bos | | | | | | *------------* *-----------*

I yueaievrospae i tegm lk bosevs yu f o xmn aiu lcs n h ae ie okhle, o wl otnfn abo ta yucnra.Albos tercnet il fe id ok ht o a ed l ok, hi otn adlctoswl b lse hr.Te'ejs frkcs nt n oain il e itd ee hyr ut o ik, o ipratt pors i teata soyiea al. motn o rges n h cul trln t l.. *-----------------------------------* -----------------------------------|Bo o SodSces 'ok f wr ert' | |Lcto:Acesbdom tbet telf o Acesbd oain rh' ero, al o h et f rh' e. | *-----------------------------------* -----------------------------------|Atryuhv bae tegm oc,raigti bo i anwgm | fe o ae etn h ae ne edn hs ok n e ae |wl gatyusm o Acessil isatyiseda ter il rn o oe f rh' kls ntnl nta t hi | |rqie lvl I' js altl botfryu nwgm. eurd ee. ts ut ite os o or e ae | *-----------------------------------* -----------------------------------*-----------------------------------* -----------------------------------|TeAheeet o Mns-ai' 'h civmns f iaaRts | |Lcto:Mns-ai MgcSho lbay oain iaaRts ai col irr | *-----------------------------------* -----------------------------------*-----------------------------------* -----------------------------------|EeetlSoe &Mgc 'lmna tns ai' | |Lcto:Mns-ai MgcSho lbay oain iaaRts ai col irr | *-----------------------------------* -----------------------------------*-----------------------------------* -----------------------------------|AcetRnra teVnse Kndm 'nin eoi, h aihd igo' | |Lcto:Mns-ai MgcSho lbay oain iaaRts ai col irr | *-----------------------------------* -----------------------------------*-----------------------------------* -----------------------------------|TeEm Mt &Msey 'h l: yh ytr' | |Lcto:Mns-ai MgcSho lbay oain iaaRts ai col irr | *-----------------------------------* -----------------------------------*-----------------------------------* -----------------------------------|HbyHr Hretn' 'ob eb avsig | |Lcto:BresVlae huergto frtwnml oain ans ilg, os ih f is idil | *-----------------------------------* -----------------------------------*-----------------------------------* -----------------------------------|Sce MgcTm' 'ert ai oe | |Lcto:BresVlae rgtdo i In scn forbosef | oain ans ilg, ih or n n, eod lo okhl *-----------------------------------* -----------------------------------|Atryuhv bae tegm oc,raigti bo i anwgm | fe o ae etn h ae ne edn hs ok n e ae |wl gatyusm o Sn' sil isatyiseda ter il rn o oe f aas kls ntnl nta t hi | |rqie lvl I' js altl botfryu nwgm. eurd ee. ts ut ite os o or e ae | *-----------------------------------* -----------------------------------*-----------------------------------* 83/97


GameFAQs: Fortune Summoners: Secret of the Elemental Stone (PC) FAQ/Walkthrough by Dragonk

|Sce Tm o Mgc 'ert oe f ai' | |Lcto:KrtVlae myrshue scn forbosef oain oa ilg, ao' os, eod lo okhl | *-----------------------------------* -----------------------------------|Atryuhv bae tegm oc,raigti bo i anwgm | fe o ae etn h ae ne edn hs ok n e ae |wl gatyusm o Sel' sil isatyiseda ter il rn o oe f tlas kls ntnl nta t hi | |rqie lvl I' js altl botfryu nwgm. eurd ee. ts ut ite os o or e ae | *-----------------------------------* -----------------------------------*-----------------------------------* -----------------------------------|MseflVlaeBidn' 'atru ilg ulig | |Lcto:BresVlae Myrshue bosefo scn for | oain ans ilg, ao' os, okhl n eod lo *-----------------------------------* -----------------------------------*-----------------------------------* -----------------------------------|Nmn Bbe WtotRges 'aig ais ihu ert' | |Lcto:CatexCt,frthueatrgigtruhtesoe | oain hrru iy is os fe on hog h tn | acwy bosefo scn for rha, okhl n eod lo | *-----------------------------------* -----------------------------------*-----------------------------------* -----------------------------------|Fblu Fruetlig ATrese Giet Fruetlig 'auos otn-eln: he-tp ud o otn-eln | | Sces ucs! | |Lcto:CatexCt,scn hueatrgigtruhtesoe | oain hrru iy eod os fe on hog h tn | acwy lf do,bosefo scn for rha, et or okhl n eod lo | *-----------------------------------* -----------------------------------*-----------------------------------* -----------------------------------|Ct NnCohsSwn,ItoLvl 'ue u lte eig nr ee' | |Lcto:CatexCt,scn hueatrgigtruhtesoe | oain hrru iy eod os fe on hog h tn | acwy rgtdo,bosefo scn for rha, ih or okhl n eod lo | *-----------------------------------* -----------------------------------*-----------------------------------* -----------------------------------|'rn MgcEccoei' Pak ai nylpda | |Lcto:TeIn ro a bto lf,bosef oain h n, om t otm et okhl | *-----------------------------------* -----------------------------------| | |'o t fi sit wt wn mgc,'unactit agbi Hw o lp krs ih id ai' Tr a no oln | |wt plmrh,'aemgcds ta'lke 'mluhn frvr;| ih oyop' Mk ai ut htl ep e agig oee' |mse cmd-aiinBrznge oe altecasclmgcl atr oeymgca iea os vr l h lsia aia | |pak!Nwyutocnb amse paksg! rns o o o a e atr rn-ae | | | *-----------------------------------* -----------------------------------*-----------------------------------* -----------------------------------|'eyAvnue Mnhy Sx detrr otl' | |Lcto:CatexCt,bidn lf o wao soe do nx oain hrru iy ulig et f epn tr, or et | | t bto o sar,bosefa lf ed o otm f tis okhl t et n | *-----------------------------------* -----------------------------------| SeilEiin pca dto | | | |-nteSuhSa,greu mgcasgte..ohv dest O h ot es ogos aiin ahr.t ae ul o | |tedah! h et? | | | |-eyAmrPoo -s rvaig te'esadlu! Sx ro hts o eeln, hyr cnaos | | | |-pca Bns 'oeyAvnue GrsIv Se I Dnen' Seil ou: Lvl detrr il 'e en n ugos! | | | *-----------------------------------* -----------------------------------*-----------------------------------* 84/97


GameFAQs: Fortune Summoners: Secret of the Elemental Stone (PC) FAQ/Walkthrough by Dragonk

|MgcPtFxn I Fv Mnts' 'ai o iig n ie iue! | |Lcto:Acmg' Twr telbay ffhseft tergt oain rhaes oe, h irr, it hl o h ih | *-----------------------------------* -----------------------------------| | |'orpi asatrdmgclpt frtgu altepee bc T ear htee aia o, is le l h ics ak | |tgte.Scn,sot tecak adegswt PtnSp oehr eod moh h rcs n de ih oo a, | |adfnly pls i t asiewt aRzc-tn-eie n ial, oih t o hn ih oaksoedrvd | |plsigaet' oihn gn. | | | *-----------------------------------* -----------------------------------*-----------------------------------* -----------------------------------|'aia Gr Mri Pr 11' Mgcl il ern at /2 | |Lcto:Acesbdom bosef oain rh' ero, okhl | *-----------------------------------* -----------------------------------| -ernadteGbi CvMri n h oln ae | | | |'oti i PnVlae Ifnlymd i! Tegr wt te S hs s o ilg. ial ae t' h il ih h | |gle ti-aldhi loe u addw tesre;tevlae odn wntie ar okd p n on h tet h ilg | |see lnl,smhw emd oey oeo. | | | |Teol pro o tesre wsa odmn wowsgvn Mri h ny esn n h tet a n l a, h a iig ern | |-orti-aldhrie-acroslo. u wntie eon uiu ok | | | |Mri wsamme o teJa-ai mgcgid a 1,sewsis| ern a ebr f h enPre ai ul; t 4 h a t |yugs mme..n,mn wudsy isms pwru. onet ay ol a, t ot oefl | |'m,lo aon,Mri.Ntasnl cid Gestermr aot| Hm ok rud ern o ige hl. us h uos bu |cide gigmsighr aetu atral.' hlrn on isn ee r re fe l.. | | | |Teviecm fo,o alpae,Mri' pn saf Fryuse | h oc ae rm f l lcs erns ik tf. o o e, |ta saf nmdAke ke tetnuso mn a aygo saf | ht tf, ae nl, nw h oge f e, s n od tf |sol. hud | | | |-ob cniud. T e otne.. | | | *-----------------------------------* -----------------------------------*-----------------------------------* -----------------------------------|'aia Gr Mri Pr 21' Mgcl il ern at /2 | |Lcto:teBuiu,tk do o rgt scn forsuyds oain h otqe ae or n ih, eod lo td ek | | wt tetdyba ih h ed er | *-----------------------------------* -----------------------------------| | |'m,lo aon,Mri.Ntasnl cid Gestermr Hm ok rud ern o ige hl. us h uos | |aotcide gigmsighr aetu atral.'Mri bu hlrn on isn ee r re fe l.. ern | |nde a hrsafscmet 'esol aksmoewolvs odd t e tf' omn. W hud s oen h ie | |hr wa te ko aotwa' hpeighr,btwo.. ee ht hy nw bu hts apnn ee u h?.' | | | |I wste ta Mri ntcdteodmneen hrbmsdy t a hn ht ern oie h l a yig e euel; | |sewle oe,itoue href adiqie a t wa teod | h akd vr nrdcd esl, n nurd s o ht h l |mnke o testain a nw f h iuto. | | | |'rm.. bgnteodmn pniey 'twudv be 'otto | Hmm.' ea h l a, esvl. I ol'e en bu w |wesaota orwebin bgndspern o u.I' n ek g ht u e ars ea iapai' n s ts o | |msey tog,ls;i' gbi-ok n dutaoti. ytr, huh as ts olnwr, o ob bu t' | | | |'olnwr? Mri akd bikn.'hae'teodmn Gbi-ok' ern se, lnig O y, h l a | |rsodd soln,teesawoepc o te ifsiganab | epne, cwig'hr' hl ak f hm netn ery |cv.W togtte hrls eog bfr,btnw.' ae e huh hm ames nuh eoe u o.. | | | |' woepc o Gbis'Mri rpae,hrfc btaigmr A hl ak f oln, ern eetd e ae eryn oe | 85/97


GameFAQs: Fortune Summoners: Secret of the Elemental Stone (PC) FAQ/Walkthrough by Dragonk

|ta altl bto wry hn ite i f or. | | | |'y!Te'ersosbe w'esr o i!Te'ltk alor Ae hyr epnil, er ue f t hyl ae l u | |cide,i w ltte!Adi w dnthl teoe aray hlrn f e e hm n f e o' ep h ns led | |tkn.pes,ls,i yur ral wt temgcgid.hl ae..lae as f o'e ely ih h ai ul..ep | |u! s' | | | |Mri cniee frammn bfr ndig ''ld wa Icn ern osdrd o oet eoe odn. Il o ht a, | |sr Iv ol oemr qeto:weestecv? i. 'e ny n oe usin hr' h ae' | | | |-ob cniud. T e otne.. | | | *-----------------------------------* -----------------------------------*-----------------------------------* -----------------------------------|'aia Gr Mri Pr 31' Mgcl il ern at /2 | |Lcto:Mns-ai MgcSho,i yu casomo te oain iaaRts ai col n or lsro n h | | boseft tefrlf okhl o h a et | *-----------------------------------* -----------------------------------| | |Afwhusltr Mri sodi foto teywigmwo te e or ae, ern to n rn f h ann a f h | |cv etac,wihsee t cnueaydyih wihpse ae nrne hc emd o osm n algt hc asd | |truhisjw.'ak dn,nsy sel..tsagbi cv, hog t as Dr, ak at, mly.i' oln ae | |frsr, Akemtee t n oei priua.'olntwn t | o ue' nl utrd o o n n atclr Wud' at o |typcigorwytruhta drns uadd.' r ikn u a hog ht akes nie.. | | | |'el te, Mri si wt asie'tsago tigId hv Wl, hn' ern ad ih ml,i' od hn o ae | |a ad Ray' n i! ed? | | | |Akesge.'iet er m ke?Weee yuae Mri. nl ihd Tm o an y ep hnvr o r, ern' | |Wt ta,Mri hl hrsafaot ih ht ern ed e tf lf. | |'eiea mrmr..mrrrr!Lgt sie Mri cid Mrmr, eoeu. eiuaa ih, hn! ern re. | | | |A hrcy Akestpbgnt go lk atrh Fryuse t e r, nl' i ea o lw ie oc. o o e, | |wt hrcat adhrwlpwr Mri cudcs aymgcsel | ih e hn, n e iloe, ern ol at n ai pl |kont mno bat nw o a r es. | | | |-ob cniud. T e otne.. | | | *-----------------------------------* -----------------------------------*-----------------------------------* -----------------------------------|'aia Gr Mri Pr 41' Mgcl il ern at /2 | |Lcto:Mns-ai MgcSho,i tecasomo te oain iaaRts ai col n h lsro n h | | scn for bosefo tefrlf eod lo, okhl n h a et | *-----------------------------------* -----------------------------------| | |Mri (n,ntetrl b hsoncoc,Ake poedd ern ad o niey y i w hie nl) rcee | |crflyit tecvr.Tecv wsdm,cnee i sm aeul no h aen h ae a ap ovrd n oe | |uietfal sbtnewihgemdi Akeslgt Adte ndniibe usac hc lae n nl' ih. n h | |sec!I nal oepwrdMri (huhAkewsfruae tnh t ery vroee ern tog nl a otnt | |eog t lc ans) Sedhv t ws hrcp frawe atr | nuh o ak oe. h' ae o ah e ae o ek fe |ti. hs | | | |Adte tearwsrn b dedu cis fo seigynwee | n hn h i a et y rafl re; rm emnl ohr, |tegbisdseddo Mri fo aldrcin.Tersod h oln ecne n ern rm l ietos hi wrs | |wr bn adrsy terbw adarw saladrdclu.. ee et n ut, hi os n ros ml n iiuos. | |btee teecudb dal we cae i tril pio,ad u vn hs ol e edy hn otd n erbe osn n | |tewaoslsigota Mri wr. h epn ahn u t ern ee | | | |-ob cniud. T e otne.. | 86/97


GameFAQs: Fortune Summoners: Secret of the Elemental Stone (PC) FAQ/Walkthrough by Dragonk

| | *-----------------------------------* -----------------------------------*-----------------------------------* -----------------------------------|'aia Gr Mri Pr 51' Mgcl il ern at /2 | |Lcto:BresVlae huergto Myrshue seft oain ans ilg, os ih f ao' os, hl o | | telf o tedo h et f h or | *-----------------------------------* -----------------------------------| | |'ern b crfl Ee tog te'ejm srms toewaos | Mri, e aeu! vn huh hyr up hip, hs epn |cud.'Mri md n rpy ised serie Akead bce | ol.. ern ae o el; nta, h asd nl n, akd |aantawl,bgnicnighrFr Wl sel Btte.. gis al ea natn e ie al pl. u hn. | | | |Tegbisltrlysopdi tertak,seigysie b a | h oln ieal tpe n hi rcs emnl ezd y |nmls,vieesfa.Lk tesiesbfr tesn te aees ocls er ie h pdr eoe h u, hy | |sure aa i eeydrcin 'htws.. Mri si, crid wy n vr ieto. Wa a?.' ern ad | |bikn hree. lnig e ys | | | |Akemd acmet 'u.Ike te wr wa,btIdd' nl ae omn: Hh nw hy ee ek u int | |epc 'mt rnTA esl.. Mri' fc wsstwt xet e o u HT aiy.' erns ae a e ih | |dtriain 'twudb ago ie fru t flo te,I eemnto. I ol e od da o s o olw hm | |tik' hn. | | | |-ob cniud. T e otne.. | | | *-----------------------------------* -----------------------------------*-----------------------------------* -----------------------------------|'aia Gr Mri Pr 61' Mgcl il ern at /2 | |Lcto:CatexCt,CohsSoe Tpforbosef oain hrru iy lte tr, o lo okhl | *-----------------------------------* -----------------------------------| | |Mri to atrtefeiggbis caigte it tedph ern ok fe h len oln, hsn hm no h ets | |o tecv.Eetal,tecv wdndadsopdi ada ed | f h ae vnuly h ae iee n tpe n ed n. |SiigAkeslgtit tefrcre,seswtegbis hnn nl' ih no h a onr h a h oln | |hdldaanttewl,qieigi fa.Sepn fwr wt hr| ude gis h al uvrn n er tpig oad ih e |fc st Mri si:'o'eteoe woto tecide o Pn | ae e, ern ad Yur h ns h ok h hlrn f o, |ae' yu Tl m weete ae' rnt o? el e hr hy r! | | | |Tegbis hwvr sml wiprdadtebe ee mr h oln, oee, ipy hmee n rmld vn oe | |fihfly adsikdaa fo Mri a seapoce. rgtul, n hre wy rm ern s h prahd | |Akecmetd 'hydntse t udrtn tetnu o mn nl omne: Te o' em o nesad h oge f a, | |Mri.Od Idepc te t sekaltl o i.. Mri ern d, ' xet hm o pa ite f t.' ern | |nde.'ohn fri,te. RiigAkeaot seicne: odd Ntig o t hn' asn nl lf, h natd | |'eiea mrmr,mrrrr!Gbis sektetnu o mn' | Mrmr, eoeu eiuaa oln, pa h oge f a! | | |-ob cniud. T e otne.. | | | *-----------------------------------* -----------------------------------*-----------------------------------* -----------------------------------|'aia Gr Mri Pr 71' Mgcl il ern at /2 | |Lcto:MyekMnr fte' ro,lf bosef oain abr ao, ahrs om et okhl | *-----------------------------------* -----------------------------------| | |'lae N hrs Dntkl! suae tegbis wonwsoe | Pes! o ut! o' il' qekd h oln, h o pk |tetnu o mn h oge f a. | | | |' dntwn t hr yu btyu btyune t tl mI o' at o ut o, u o, u o ed o el e' | |Mri wsitrutdb oeo tegbiswodrdt se ern a nerpe y n f h oln h ae o tp | |fradsihl.'s W aePncide!N hrs'Mri' ee | owr lgty U! e r o-hlrn o ut! erns ys 87/97


GameFAQs: Fortune Summoners: Secret of the Elemental Stone (PC) FAQ/Walkthrough by Dragonk

|wdndi sok 'ht Yur tecide fo Pn Bthw.' iee n hc. Wa? o'e h hlrn rm o? u o.. | | | |'ecm t cv t sapradpa,btei wth secm ad W ae o ae o cme n ly u vl ic, h ae n | |md u ul adfle orhaswt bdtogt! tegbi ae s gy n ild u ed ih a huhs' h oln | |wie,a hsfloswiprdadfaflynde i areet ald s i elw hmee n erul odd n gemn. | | | |'nei wth.. A vl ic?.' | |'esaprhm,btgonus te seorul bde adtyt | W cme oe u rw-p, hy e u gy ois n r o |hr u!S w rnbc hr,adwe tegonuscm hr t ut s o e u ak ee n hn h rw-p oe ee o | |kl u,w saete aa wt sod adagr btw wn t g | il s e cr hm wy ih wrs n ne, u e at o o |hm! Tasrndw tegbi' fc.'u nworgonusht | oe' er a on h olns ae Bt o u rw-p ae |u adsn yut kl u!N hrs N kl! s n ed o o il s o ut! o il' | | | |Mri' hn isicieywn u t hrmuhi hro.'hs erns ad ntntvl et p o e ot n orr Ti | |i..oyuko weetewthwn? s.d o nw hr h ic et' | |Tegbi wiprdaan 'eunso,sesi.. h oln hmee gi. Rtr on h ad.' | | | |Js a tegbi asee,Mri hadsmtiges bhn hr | ut s h oln nwrd ern er oehn le eid e: |tesudo foflso tecvr for Adte wr gtig h on f otal n h aen lo. n hy ee etn | |ee coe. vr lsr | | | |-ob cniud. T e otne.. | | | *-----------------------------------* -----------------------------------*-----------------------------------* -----------------------------------|'aia Gr Mri Pr 81' Mgcl il ern at /2 | |Lcto:WieRs In OtiebtenCatexadBres oain ht oe n, usd ewe hrru n ans | *-----------------------------------* -----------------------------------| | |'aab! goldMri,a tenwarvlsepdit Akes Ymna' rwe ern s h e ria tpe no nl' | |lgt Sewstle ta Mri,addesdi sc awya t ih. h a alr hn ern n rse n uh a s o | |eps a mc si o hrlg adblya psil wt big xoe s uh kn n e es n el s osbe ih en | |'neet (hte sesceddwsaohrmte etrl) idcn' wehr h ucee a nte atr niey. | |Hrhi wswv adee mr bodta Mri' -tog tedr | e ar a ay n vn oe ln hn erns huh h ak |rosbtae tefc ta tenwgr' bodhi wsetrl ot eryd h at ht h e ils ln ar a niey | |atfca.Adhrer..ugse sews' ee hmn riiil n e as.sgetd h ant vn ua. | | | |O sen Mri,hroe-aeu fc titdit ams o n eig ern e vrmd-p ae wse no ak f | |srrs adanyne 'ern Lk,ti i s TTLYasokr'| upie n noac. Mri! ie hs s o OAL hce! |Hrviedipdwt sram 'o hr t,lk,bs u m go e oc rpe ih acs. Yu ee o ie ut p y od | |tm aan' ie gi? | | | |' sol'ekonyuwr bhn ti,Ymna'yle Mri. I hudv nw o ee eid hs aab! eld ern | |'h ddyutr teecide it gbis' Wy i o un hs hlrn no oln? | |'h?Wl,lk,t tlyhv ardam o drns adcnus, | Wy el ie o al ae a ry f akes n oqet |dh'Ymnaserd rlighree.'u teeltl kd ae | u! aab nee, oln e ys Bt hs ite is r, |lk,soo uees Te'ewa adwmy Admg-gy to' ie ooo sls! hyr ek n ip! n eaul, o. | | | |Mri cudfe avi bligi hrfrha.'o'ehril, | ern ol el en ugn n e oeed Yur orbe |Ymna I te'en uet yu cag te bc! aab. f hyr o s o o, hne hm ak' | |'hnete bc?Hmm,nh ta' tomc wr,ttlybgs'| Cag hm ak mmm a, hts o uh ok oal ou. |Ymnasi fipnl. aab ad lpaty | | | |Wt asg,Mri loe Ymnai teee gil.' se I' ih ih ern okd aab n h y, rmy I e. ts | |cm dw t ti,te.. RiigAkeaoehrha,secid | oe on o hs hn.' asn nl bv e ed h re |ot 'eieamrmr..mrrRR!Daoso fae pns toe| u: Mrmr eoeu. eiuAA rgn f lm, uih hs |bfr m! eoe e' | | | |-ob cniud. T e otne.. | | | 88/97


GameFAQs: Fortune Summoners: Secret of the Elemental Stone (PC) FAQ/Walkthrough by Dragonk

*-----------------------------------* -----------------------------------*-----------------------------------* -----------------------------------|'aia Gr Mri Pr 91' Mgcl il ern at /2 | |Lcto:KrtVlae In tk do o scn for dae oain oa ilg, n, ae or n eod lo, rwr | | btentebd ewe h es | *-----------------------------------* -----------------------------------| | |'eiea mrmr..eiuAA Daoso fae pns toe Mrmr, eoeu.mrrRR! rgn f lm, uih hs | |bfr m! A Mri' cmad tofae i tesae o daos | eoe e' t erns omn, w lms n h hps f rgn |srn fo tegon adbgnt ls ota Ymna pug rm h rud n ea o ah u t aab. | |'O,O,HTHTHT LK,I TTLYBRS'Ymnaatmtd YW W O O O! IE T OAL UN! aab tepe | |t buc aott aodtefae,ee sikn hreft te o one bu o vi h lms vn tcig esl o h | |ciigsmhw bttefaedaoswr rlnls. eln oeo, u h lm-rgn ee eetes | | | |'kykyky Il cag tebasbc,js cl ofyu gos'| Oaoaoa! 'l hne h rt ak ut al f or on! |secidota ls. h re u t at | | | |Mri lwrdhrsaf adtefae vnse i apf o soe | ern oee e tf, n h lms aihd n uf f mk. |Ymna hrhi nwsgiiatyls bod,mtee t href | aab, e ar o infcnl es lne utrd o esl: |'tpdoto cnrlhmnmgcues Ti i s mg-ae.' Sui u f oto ua ai sr. hs s o ealm.. | | | |-ob cniud. T e otne.. | | | *-----------------------------------* -----------------------------------*-----------------------------------* -----------------------------------|'aia Gr Mri Pr 1/2 Mgcl il ern at 01' | |Lcto:KrtVlae hueo vr rgto vlaeps cv oain oa ilg, os n ey ih f ilg at ae | *-----------------------------------* -----------------------------------| | |Mri goee a tewth wt hrhnso hrhp,a te ern lwrd t h ic, ih e ad n e is s h | |aoeetoe wthatmtdt ba sm o teahoto hr frmnind ic tepe o et oe f h s u f e | |hi.'aab,yupoie.. ar Ymna o rmsd.' | |'ie s ps! Ymnaserd bfr sgigadriighr Lk, o uh' aab nee, eoe ihn n asn e | |hnsa tecwrn gbis 'aia-aia-aia!Cide, ad t h oeig oln. Rdclmnclbdcl hlrn | |rtr t yu oiia frs' eun o or rgnl om! | | | |Tegbissoeadsimrdwt abih lgt adwe i h oln hn n hmee ih rgt ih, n hn t | |sbie,isedo gbis teesodaggl o atnse, usdd nta f oln, hr to age f soihd | |dlgtdcide. eihe hlrn | | | |'a!Imntul ayoe' Yy ' o gy nmr! | |'o w cng bc t tevlae' Nw e a o ak o h ilg! | |'o wr awy knaul,tog. Yu ee las id gy huh' | |'hn yufrsvn u,ms! Tak o o aig s is' | | | |A oe tecide rnoe t hgMri i gaiue.wihws | s n, h hlrn a vr o u ern n rttd..hc a |altl mr ta asnl mtradahl-algr cudmng. | ite oe hn ige ee-n--aftl il ol aae |'e,hy nw Imga yur alsf,btI u,cnt.AA! Hy e, o, ' ld o'e l ae u , m a'..AH | |B crflweeyuhg' e aeu hr o u! | | | |-ob cniud. T e otne.. | | | *-----------------------------------* -----------------------------------*-----------------------------------* -----------------------------------|'aia Gr Mri Pr 1/2 Mgcl il ern at 11' | |Lcto:NrhCatexGadot In do o frtfor ds oain ot hrru urps, n, or n is lo, ek | | o tetidfor n h hr lo | *-----------------------------------* 89/97


GameFAQs: Fortune Summoners: Secret of the Elemental Stone (PC) FAQ/Walkthrough by Dragonk

| | |'o lk,wt ta dn,Imttlyfipn ti cnysad S, ie ih ht oe ' oal lpig hs ad tn. | |Ltr! Tkn avnaeo tefc ta Mri wsbre udra | aes' aig datg f h at ht ern a uid ne |ggl o etuisi cide,Ymnahsiydre aa. age f nhsatc hlrn aab atl atd wy | | | |'aab,wi'cidMri,bti wsn ue Ymnarahdte | Ymna at re ern u t a o s; aab ece h |cv etac adwsgn. ae nrne n a oe | | | |'el Ymnassilvr go a temgco rnigaa,a Wl, aab' tl ey od t h ai f unn wy t | |lat'cmetdAke(on oei priua) es, omne nl t o n n atclr. | | | | | |-ob cniud. T e otne.. | | | *-----------------------------------* -----------------------------------*-----------------------------------* -----------------------------------|'aia Gr Mri Pr 1/2 Mgcl il ern at 21' | |Lcto:Acmg' Twr boseft tevr rgt oain rhaes oe, okhl o h ey ih | *-----------------------------------* -----------------------------------| | |'el Ymnassilvr go a temgco rnigaa,a Wl, aab' tl ey od t h ai f unn wy t | |lat'cmetdAke(on oei priua) es, omne nl t o n n atclr. | | | |Mri sge a seutnldhreffo tecide.'h' ern ihd s h nage esl rm h hlrn Ses | |poal oft po smtiges..u a lattecide o rbby f o lt oehn t es h hlrn f | |Pnaesf, secnlddwt awn. o r ae' h ocue ih ik | | | |Mri' wloeo rtrigt tevlaewsteedu,adte | erns ecm n eunn o h ilg a rmnos n h |prnsbre hrudrnal a mn hg a tercide hd aet uid e ne ery s ay us s hi hlrn a. | |Ee s,sedcie teivtto t sa frtewloehm vn o h elnd h niain o ty o h ecm-oe | |clbainfrtecide,peern t rtr t teMgcGid| eerto o h hlrn rfrig o eun o h ai ul |t rpr hrsces o eot e ucs. | | | |A te stoto tera,Akegv awsflkn o sg. s hy e u n h od nl ae itu id f ih | |'o sr w cud' hv sae frtepry Icudueago Yu ue e olnt ae tyd o h at? ol s od | |plsig.'Mri sokhrha.'hnw gtbc t tegid | oihn.. ern ho e ed We e e ak o h ul, |Imsr w'lhv aohrjbt d.Adwt arato lk ta,| ' ue el ae nte o o o n ih ecin ie ht |Icntwi! a' at' | | | |A Mri stfrho tera bc t Ja-ai,hrse ws s ern e ot n h od ak o enPre e tp a, | |pras js abtlgtr ehp, ut i ihe. | | | |-h Ed Te n | | | *-----------------------------------* ------------------------------------


*-------------* *-------------* | | | | | | [esgs Msae] | | | | | | *-------------* *-------------*

Teebsclytl yuwa yusol b digo wa yu hs aial el o ht o hud e on r ht o sol d nx.Hnsfrwe yuaesuk hud o et it o hn o r tc.

# Dt Sn ae et --- --------N.1 o Dy1 a

Fo rm Tte il Msae esg: ---- --------- --------------- -----------------Ace rh Mvn! oig Tdyw'emvn i. oa er oig n


GameFAQs: Fortune Summoners: Secret of the Elemental Stone (PC) FAQ/Walkthrough by Dragonk

Iws Icudg ih ol o epoealo Tni xlr l f okns,btIgtahl es u ot ep MmadDd o n a! N.2 o Dy2 a Ace rh NwSho! e col M nwsho,Mnsy e col iaa RtsMgcSho,i ai ai col s js t tews o ut o h et f Tnies AlIhv okns! l ae t d i g rgtdw o o s o ih on tesre adoto h tet n u f tw.Iwne wa a on odr ht 'ai sho'i lk? mgc col s ie Ihp Imk alto oe ae o f nwfins e red! Hy Ace Temue, rh! h on ti cv i m,Lo an ae s e en adCui' sce n hpls ert bs!S dntivt ae o o' nie yusl i ayoe oref n nmr, siefrban! lm-o-ris Ihdn ie Ine a o da ed a eeetlsoet n lmna tn o uemgc AdCl s ai. n om si ta soyh tl ad ht tr e od m wsabnho le! e a uc f is Ta mayae Bt ht enfc! u, sho' oftdy ad cols f oa, n teessmtig.Im hr' oehn..' gnacekottecv on hc u h ae abtmr. i oe Iwn yucmn at o oig srih hm atr tagt oe fe sho,Ace N sd col rh. o ie tis rp! Iwn t Aceshue et o rh' os t pa tdy W wr o ly oa. e ee sacigtesoae erhn h trg ro fra eeetl om o n lmna soehrgadaue tn e rnm sd t hv,btisedw o ae u nta e fudti odky A on hs l e. ky.Iwne i i e.. odr f t ulcs.wud' ta nok..olnt ht b widtog? e er huh Ti i S CO!Wy hs s O OL a i tebc o tecv, n h ak f h ae w fudaral od e on ely l eeetlsoeadto lmna tn n w mseiu soetb ytros tn alt!I u,tikI es , m hn dopdoesmwee rpe n oehr, tog..nwy w hd huh.Aya, e a Ms CasPeiet is ls rsdn ra teohroe ad ed h te n, n aprnl,t lf te paety o it h

N.3 o

Dy3 a

Cl om

Muti Cv onan ae

N.4 o

Dy3 a

Ace rh

OeMr Ty n oe r!

N.5 o

Dy4 a

Mm o

T Ace o rh

N.6 o

Dy4 a

Sn aa

A AcesHm t rh' oe

N.7 o

Dy5 a

Ace rh

W FudASoe e on tn! Bt. u..


GameFAQs: Fortune Summoners: Secret of the Elemental Stone (PC) FAQ/Walkthrough by Dragonk

sa o tesoead el n h tn n cr Cifns.u, ue hfo'..m amnsi?Hsfremiesa i ogt fltig..ene u hn!.w ed teetige cle hs hnis ald 'rsso teWn' Cet f h id. Aprnl te'lb paety hyl e i pae rltdt n lcs eae o tewn..aaadte h id.Sn n h ohr tiktebs tes hn h et paet satloig lc o tr okn wl b teSrn o il e h hie f teWn hr i Tni h id ee n okns adWahrae es n etevn Twrna Bres s oe er ans, o w'ld ta! el o ht N.8 o Dy5 a Wao So epn hp Onr we Fo te rm h Wao So epn hp Hy ltls csoe! e, itet utmr Iv gtsm nwwa 'e o oe e epn i soki yu os n tc f o wn t cm sete! at o oe e hm

N.9 o

Dy6 a

Ace rh

WeesSn?. Sn dd' cm t hr' aa.. aa int oe o sho tdy.Imgna col oa..' on g mk sr sesoa o ae ue h' ky oc sho' oe. ne cols vr TeMyrSy.. Temyro Bres h ao as. h ao f ans tl u ta teesa od s ht hr' ceti Wahrae rs n etevn Twr bttekyws oe, u h e a soe b tivsa tln y hee ln tm ao Bo H og ie g! o! e si teesol b ad hr hud e aohrceti te nte rs n h cvsna Bres bt ae er ans, u tevlaescnt h ilgr a' se t fn i.Im em o id t ' gnag tk alo! on o ae ok T Bres o ans Acrigt Rwn te codn o oe, h scn Ceto te eod rs f h Wn i lkl lctd id s iey oae i acv na te n ae er h vlaeo Bres I ilg f ans. ms ha t Bresa ut ed o ans t oc. ne N!Temdcn Sn o h eiie aa nest gtbte ed o e etr hs' arvd Ine ant rie! ed t g t tehrait o o o h ebls i Bresadse n ans n e wa' wogo.. hts rn r. W wl b haigot e il e edn u o orfedti tm n u il rp oorw Yumybig ro. o a rn tit cpe' wrh hry oprs ot o sak.Mk sr t f ncs ae ue o tk cr o aypeae ae f n rp

N.1 o 0

Dy6 a

Ace rh

N.1 o 1

Dy6 a

Sel tla

N.1 o 2

Dy6 a

Ace rh

TeMdcn' h eiies Msig! isn?

N.1 o 3

Dy7 a

M.Spi Tmro' Fed s oha oorws il Ti rp


GameFAQs: Fortune Summoners: Secret of the Elemental Stone (PC) FAQ/Walkthrough by Dragonk

aain tdy rtos oa. N.1 o 4 Dy7 a Sn aa TeTi' h rps Tmro! oorw AceadIaehaig rh n r edn t CatexCt t by o hrru iy o u sak frtefed ncs o h il ti tmro.Ihp rp oorw oe w cnmng t gt e a aae o e toeTiaifaoe hs ayk-lvrd SetSik Cl mn we tcs om etoe.. ind. Yy n mr wiig a, o oe atn, tefedti i O!I h il rp s N hp m adSn ad oe e n aa n Sel gtt tk a tla e o ae nc bt tgte i ie ah oehr n tehtsrns h o pig. O n!Sn gtkd h o aa o inpe b mntr! apd y oses Weedte tk hr! hr' hy ae e? Iwsral,ral a ely ely sae frawie bt crd o hl, u w mngdt sv Sn! e aae o ae aa AdSel' jie u n tlas ond s frteti t Krt o h rp o oa! Nww js hv t g o e ut ae o o truhCablVle hog rna aly adi' srih o n ts tagt n 'ilKrt tl oa! W cm alti wy e ae l hs a, truhog,fr ad hog rs ie n prl ol t fn ot ei, ny o id u tehtsrnsae' h o pig rnt foig!Ti i alwn? hs s b sr!W hv t gtt ud e ae o e o tebto o ti!Fr h otm f hs o tego o tepol h od f h epe o Krt ntrly f oa, aual! W algtt sa oe e l e o ty vr a Sel' huett tlas os o ngt Sel lvsi ih! tla ie n Catex Ijs ne hrru; ut ed t akSn t cm ad o s aa o oe n w'lg! el o Alsoe i Catex l trs n hrru hv nwiesi sok ae e tm n tc. Cm tk alo tdy oe ae ok oa! W hadasayvie e er cr oc fo tegaead rm h rvyr bhn Sel' hue eid tlas os! Sel wnst g tla at o o loigfrtesuc okn o h ore o tevie btI f h oc, u dntral wnag, o' ely an o adIdnttikAce n o' hn rh

N.1 o 5

Dy8 a

Ace rh

TeTi' TDY h rps OA!

N.1 o 6

Dy8 a

Cifn hfo


N.1 o 7

Dy8 a

Ace rh

Sn' Sf!Yy aas ae a!

N.1 o 8

Dy8 a

Sel tla

TeKrtSrns h oa pig

N.1 o 9

Dy9 a

Ace rh

Sepvr leoe!

N.2 o 0

Dy9 -hrru a Catex .. ..

(d Nw A) e Mrhnie ecads!

N.2 o 1

Dy9 a

Cifn hfo

Say.. cr!.


GameFAQs: Fortune Summoners: Secret of the Elemental Stone (PC) FAQ/Walkthrough by Dragonk

wnst ete.. at o ihr. N.2 o 2 Dy1 a 0 Sn aa TeTidCet h hr rs Sho i oftdy s col s f oa, o Ace Sel,adIal rh, tla n l dcddt g loig eie o o okn frtetidcet I o h hr rs. wne weeo Erh odr hr n at i cudb?Mye t ol e ab smweeAcevstd oehr rh iie arayadfro led n ogt aot.. bu?. S tekyw gtfo o h e e o rm Ae ral WSteky lx ely A h e t WahraeTwr o etevn oe ta toetivssoe ht hs hee tl fo Bress ln rm ans o og ao Irmme te g! eebr h Myro Bressyn ao f ans aig aceti i ti rs s n hs twr.w js ne oe..e ut ed t fgr otwee o iue u hr! M.Spi si w s oha ad e sol tl t tefr hud ak o h oe hamse o r edatr f Mns-ai t lan iaaRts o er hwt usa m ee o o nel y lmna soe Sesi etl tn! h ad h lvsi atwr e ie n oe nrho Catex. ot f hrru.. Iwne wa kn o odr ht id f pro h i? esn e s Avr,vr sayod ey ey cr l mnlvsi ti a ie n hs twr Nww hv t oe! o e ae o sac i adfn a erh t n id wyt fxteptw a o i h o e acdnal boe cietly rk! W fnlylfe te e ial itd h sa o m eeetl el n y lmna soe adi' s tn, n ts o co!Invrwudv ol ee ol'e gesdi' oeo te use ts n f h GetTige Mnsra hnis iaa Rtshrefmd! ai esl ae Wt ti soe Icn ih hs tn, a cs Uio wt at nsn ih Cifn I' S CO! hfo! ts O OL Icntwi t gt a' at o e bc t sho ad ak o col n ba! rg A i Aceseeetl s f rh' lmna soebigtelgn tn en h eedr Slhe ws' ay iped ant eog o asokr I nuh f hce, NVRwudhv gesd EE ol ae use m RylSaltws y oa cre a

N.2 o 3

Dy1 a 0

Ace rh

WahraeTwr etevn oe

N.2 o 4

Dy1 a 1

Ace rh

TeOdHamse h l edatr

N.2 o 5

Dy1 a 1

Sn aa

TeBoe Pt h rkn o

N.2 o 6

Dy1 a 1

Ace rh

TeSa h el I Lfe! s itd

N.2 o 7

Dy1 a 1

Sel tla

TeFu h or GetSoe ra tns


GameFAQs: Fortune Summoners: Secret of the Elemental Stone (PC) FAQ/Walkthrough by Dragonk

oc cle Aaonad ne ald lgr n i as oeo teFu s lo n f h or GetSoe.Bt. ra tns u.. de ti ma Fte os hs en ahr le?H tl m hs id e od e i cmaymd Ryl opn ae oa Salt Imbgnig cre! ' einn t tikIne t pt o hn ed o u hmudrasolgt. i ne ptih.. N.2 o 8 Dy1 a 1 Ace rh TeDr Wth h ak ic O n,tesho' i h o h cols n tobe TeDr Wth rul! h ak ic ue hrmgct sc sd e ai o uk i it teDr Wrd t no h ak ol, adnweeyn' be n o vroes en tre t soe..o und o tn..T sv tesho,adal ae h col n l orfins w HV t u red, e AE o ba teDr Wth et h ak ic! Sn,Sel,Cifn aa tla hfo! Ltstk ta nsy e' ae ht at odhgdw!Js wi, l a on ut at eeyn..el sv vroe.w'l ae yu Ipoie o! rms!


*-------------* *------------* | | | | | | [xrs Eta] | | | | | | *-------------* *------------*

Fnltl bt hr adteelk qoe adsc.. u ite is ee n hr ie uts n uh.

-fyutl t adg i mgtflo yuaon ta ae. I o ak o o, t ih olw o rud ht ra -fyurnaon M.Hre,h'lso yu I o u rud r anl el tp o. -fyubekacranpti sho,Smwl syh' gnatl! I o ra eti o n col a il a es on el -o cnpa mgcrc,ae,csoswt sm o tekd aon sho. Yu a ly ai okpprsisr ih oe f h is rud col (inn 3tmsi arwwl wnyua ie. Wnig ie n o il i o n tm) "mm M.Spi,cnyuntuemgcwtotadna soe" Um, s oha a o o s ai ihu etl tn? -rh Ace "h i' gta aonisd i?Na! O, ts o n cr nie t et" -rh Ace "tsbcueo cide lk YUta w'lnvrmthte I' eas f hlrn ie O ht el ee ac h mgcaaeyo Sosod" ai cdm f cthl. -r Hre M. anl "eiea mrmr..EIUARAA Mrmr, eoeu.MRRR-AA! Bakor eae,bcm ack! lcbad rsr eoe ae" -ao Knn "e,nwltspa _______"(aegnrtsrno prs) Hy o e' ly ______! gm eeae adm hae -ae Kt "o srns.ral,hwwrhes. Ht pig..ely o otls.. Tog amtel,altl dpwt Spi wudb huh ditdy ite i ih oha ol e WA WA AEYUKD DIGHR? SO,SO! H- HT R O IS ON EE! HO HO" 95/97


GameFAQs: Fortune Summoners: Secret of the Elemental Stone (PC) FAQ/Walkthrough by Dragonk

-r Hre M. anl "htteca cakr? Wa' yugy d t teWTR!Ima, Wa h rp rces! htd o us o o h AE? en hw!." o?.. -om Cl *-------------------------------------------------------------------------* | | | Yufud.avr nuhybo udrtebd o on.. ey agt ok ne h e! | | | | Ace Hy weedti ld' cohsg? rh: e, hr' hs ays lte o | | Adwyssepsdlk ta? ta wy.. n h' h oe ie ht o a..ed ht a?. | | | | Mn HyeHY N loiga ohrpol' poet a: ehyE! o okn t te epes rpry | | wtotpriso! ihu emsin | | | *-------------------------------------------------------------------------* | | | Mn Lse.trepiso udrerlf..ota' tnmr a: es..he ar f newa et.s hts e oe | | dy o ntneigt d ayludy as f o edn o o n anr. | | | | Ace Hh I yuv gttrepis ta' tredy. rh: u? f o'e o he ar, hts he as | | Aeyubda mt,mse? r o a t ah itr | | | | Mn A,teinrneo yuh Udrersgttosds a: h h goac f ot! newa' o w ie! | | I yurvrete,yucnke 'mgigfrafwmr dy! | f o ees hm o a ep e on o e oe as | Ti i ciia koldefrltri lf,grs hs s rtcl nweg o ae n ie il! | | Aeyuwiigti dw?SetAmgt,gtapn r o rtn hs on we lihy e e! | | | | Ace Ooo,oa,Isenw rh: ooh ky e o! | | | | Sel:Pes tl m yur nttkn asnl wr h sy tla lae el e o'e o aig ige od e as | | srosy eiul. | | | *-------------------------------------------------------------------------* *-------------* *------------* | | | | | | [rdt] Ceis | | | | | | *-------------* *------------*


Hl i awy wloe Aan cnatm a daokregalcm ep s las ecm. gi, otc e t rgnyi@mi.o. I mlil pol tl m aottesm tigbfr Iudt, f utpe epe el e bu h ae hn eoe pae tefrtpro wl rcietecei.I yuwn t g b h is esn il eev h rdt f o at o o y acrannm we Icei yu pes ltm ko. eti ae hn rdt o, lae e e nw

SW-Cretdtasaigcmaysnm,CreFla K orce rnltn opn' ae ap ugr Da -Poie telvlAcelan WelSah Dy rvdd h ee rh ers he ls Kodtr8 -Cretdsm drcin i Lbrnho Ngt hlSae8 orce oe ietos n ayit f ih adgv if o [ae Cp]ie. n ae no n Wtr ae tm Mtes-Cretdboe ptpzl isrcin,cnimd ahr orce rkn o uze ntutos ofre ta eeygm hsadfeetnme cmofred ht vr ae a ifrn ubr ob o n gm ro,poie if o [ivrRsr]ie. ae om rvdd no n Sle oay tm Pakoby-Poie ifraino [ieCp]adcnimd lntno rvdd nomto n Fr ae n ofre ta yums dnt 1000C a oc t teNn ht o ut oae 0,0 P t ne o h u 96/97


GameFAQs: Fortune Summoners: Secret of the Elemental Stone (PC) FAQ/Walkthrough by Dragonk

t gtte[ivrRsr] o e h Sle oay. Don-cnimdadpoie [ht Io Oe dsrpinad hr ofre n rvdd Wie rn r] ecito n drcin,as ifre m o teproeo sm bos ietos lo nomd e f h ups f oe ok ta gv sil eryi anwgm+ ht ie kls al n e ae See-eaoae o teiprattigCifnwstlig tv lbrtd n h motn hn hfo a akn aot sgetdeaoaigo tewidgpb tecet bu, ugse lbrtn n h er a y h hs wt [eoyPoo5 ih Mmr ht ] Aoyos-Bogtt atnintenneitn [eb x o Dy1 nnmu ruh o teto h o-xsat Hr] 3 n a , tp i MgclGr Mri Pr 1/2 adaddta yo n aia il ern at 11, n de ht wnig3tmsi rc,ae,csoswl wnyua inn ie n okpprsisr il i o n ie. tm Aoyos-poie mn msigdosfo mntr adsvrl nnmu rvdd ay isn rp rm oses n eea ie do dsrpin. tm rp ecitos ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Ti giei cprgtdb Daokre Pes tl m i ayn es i hs ud s oyihe y rgnyi. lae el e f noe le s tkn cei frti. aig rdt o hs Wbie wt gvnpriso t hv gieo terst aelse blw ests ih ie emsin o ae ud n hi ie r itd eo: -aeascm GmFq.o -aerdrcm Gmsaa.o -hapae.o Cetlntcm -uecet.o Sprhascm -esee.o Noekrcm -hac.o Cetccm -aeselcm Gmrhl.o I yuwudlk t adti giet yu wbieadyu wbiei nt f o ol ie o d hs ud o or est n or est s o lse aoe pes cnatm a daokregalcmt gtm itd bv, lae otc e t rgnyi@mi.o o e y apoa FRTo Iwl ntalwi.. prvl IS r il o lo t. ..n hr' tepowyt syi. .ad ees h r a o a t Ti myb ntb rpoue udraycrusacsecp frproa, hs a e o e erdcd ne n icmtne xet o esnl piaeue I myntb pae o aywbst o ohriedsrbtd rvt s. t a o e lcd n n e ie r tews itiue pbil wtotavnewitnpriso.Ueo ti gieo ayohr ulcy ihu dac rte emsin s f hs ud n n te wbst o a apr o aypbi dslyi srcl poiie,ada e ie r s at f n ulc ipa s tity rhbtd n voaino cprgt ilto f oyih. Altaeak adcprgt cnandi ti dcmn aeondb ter l rdmrs n oyihs otie n hs ouet r we y hi rsetv taeakadcprgthles epcie rdmr n oyih odr. Cprgt21 Rce Ce oyih 02 ahl hn ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Fortune Summoners: Secret of the Elemental Stone: FAQ/Walkthrough by Dragonkyrie Version 1.00, Last Updated 2012-04-02 View/Download Original File Hosted by GameFAQs Return to Fortune Summoners: Secret of the Elemental Stone (PC) FAQs & Guides


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