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Teaching Notes for Elementary English Grades 1 to 6

Teaching Notes

English Grades 1 to 6 Textbooks

Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education

Teaching Notes for Elementary English Grades 1 to 3


Teaching Notes for Elementary English Grades 1 to 6


Teaching Notes for Elementary English Grades 1 to 3

Table of Contents Message English Expressways 1 English for You and Me 2 English for You and Me (Reading) Grade 3 English for You and Me (Language) Grade 3 English for You and Me (Reading) Grade 4 English for You and Me (Language) Grade 4 English Expressways (Reading) Grade 5 English Expressways (Language) Grade 5 English for You and Me (Reading) Grade 6 English for You and Me (Language) Grade 6 iii 1 1 2 4 10 17 20 20 20 23


Teaching Notes for Elementary English Grades 1 to 6

English Expressways 1 Reading and Language Textbook

Justine Balajadia, Amber de Jesus, et al. S.D. Publication, Inc., Copyright 2008
Page No. Specific Part on the Page Description of Finding/s Recommended Correction or Revision

187 221

Line 14 No. 1, illustration C

Misleading phrase: play in the sun. The illustration is not realistic.

Explain the intended meaning of the phrase, play in the sun. Explain that the illustration is meant as a distractor.

English for You and Me 2 Reading and Language Textbook

Benita N. Miranda Book Wise Publishing House, Inc., Copyright 2008

Page No. Specific Part on the Page Description of Finding/s Recommended Correction or Revision

3 21 22 33 34 56 82 87 107 180 186 202 220 242

Bens 2nd dialog, line 2 No. 2

Wrong article Missing article Wrong word choice Direction lacks clarity. Lacking phrase Inappropriate word Wrong structure Direction lacks clarity. Wrong source Lacking words Awkward sentence Wrong verb tense Lacks clarity Redundant 1

The Little Clown, line 3 Act. 4 C, direction Puzzle, no. 1 No. 2 Act. 1, par. 1, 4th sentence Source Last sentence st before 1 box Mr. Galos last dialog Last sentence Lets Write, nd 2 sentence Act. 1, par. 1

Replace the with a. a thin boy. Replace with: 2. Where does the rain come from? Delete tall and. This little clown is strong. Replace with: Give antonyms for each pair of pictures below. Insert for the underlined word after antonym. Replace bright with clean and dry. Replace the period after moving with a comma and set in lower case the article the. Add as suggested by the words in parentheses after those. Replace the source with Aesops Fables. Add clothes now after washing. Replace with: They plant seeds of flowering plants They put a fence around the plants. Replace with: The palace is far. I cant fly, answered the bat. Replace with: Change the verbs in parentheses into the past form. Delete the second sentence.

Teaching Notes for Elementary English Grades 1 to 3

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Specific Part on the Page

Description of Finding/s

Recommended Correction or Revision


No. 2, 4th sentence

Inconsistent verb tenses and wrong pronoun

Replace with: Soon, they bore fruits.

English for You and Me 3 Reading Textbook

Benita N. Miranda Book Wise Publishing House, Inc., Copyright 2008

Page No. Specific Part on the Page Description of Finding/s Recommended Correction or Revision


Par. 1, 2 & rd 3 sentences No. 1, 2nd & 3rd sentences No. 4, sentence 1st


Inappropriate words used: The walls of the pupa case break Inaccurate facts Factual error Wrong preposition: Others lay their eggs in stones Missing preposition Wrong grammar: Crickets are another kind of insects. Missing word Awkward sentence: Sun is a heavenly body. Awkward sentence: You stay with us Lacks parallelism: Today, traveling is fast and more comfortable. Wrong preposition: ride in automobiles, on jeepneys, buses, bicycles, and motorcycles. Wrong choice of word 2


Replace with: The pupa skin splits and what do you think comes out? A fully-grown adult butterfly comes out. Replace 2nd & 3rd sentences with: They have front legs with a brush at the "elbow" that they use to clean themselves. Replace with: Spiders are not insects. Replace in with on. Others lay their eggs on stones Replace with: She can lay 100 eggs in a day. Delete s in insects. Crickets are another kind of insect. Replace with: Roy likes to read too. Replace with: The sun is a heavenly body. Replace with: Why dont you stay with us in the city? Replace with: Today, traveling is faster and more comfortable. Replace with: in automobiles or jeepneys or on buses, bicycles, or motorcycles. Replace somebody with anybody. I dont think anybody is here.

30 32 41 42 50 64

Par. A, 3rd sentence Par. 1, 4th sentence Act. 5, line 5 Par. 2, line 1 No. 1, line 4 Almas dialog, 2nd sentence Act. 2, par. 3, line 1

67 Act. 2, par. 3, line 6 Par. 4, sentence 1st


Teaching Notes for Elementary English Grades 1 to 6

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Description of Finding/s

Recommended Correction or Revision


Par. 4, line 3 5th sentence Act. 3, no. 4, line 4

Missing article: I saw garbage can. Poor choice words: injecting the patients Conceptual error Awkward phrase: somebody in the days to come Wrong word choice Factual error Missing punctuation marks Awkward sentence: red and beautiful roses. It is not realistic to grow orchids from their seeds. Missing word Wrong preposition: Milo was in the seashore Wrong choice of word: is heard a few minutes after Wrong choice of word Wrong choice of word Wrong grammar: No animals would Missing punctuation marks 3 of

Insert a before garbage can. I saw a garbage can. Replace with: giving medicines to the patients Replace with: 7. You dont see it, but it can blow down power lines and trees. Replace with: b. to be somebody in the future Replace largest with biggest. These were the teeth with the biggest cavities. Delete the sentence. Enclose the word Go in quotation marks. any food from the Go foods. Replace with: Lina brought beautiful red roses. Delete the two sentences: My child, we can get many seeds from them. We can grow many orchids from those seeds. Replace with: Today, I am going to learn how to swim. Replace with: Milo was by the seashore Replace with: The echo is heard a few seconds after one shouts Replace with: Take a deep breath. Replace much with many. 8. Rina eats too many candies, Delete s in animals. Enclose the words best in attendance in quotation marks.



No. 7


No. 1, letter b Par. 4, 4th sentence


Par. 4, 5th sentence 2nd to the last line Line 4



Par. 6, 4 & 5th sentences Par. 9, last sentence B, no. 2, lines 1, 3, and 5 Act. 2, line 6 Third line 3 No. 8 No. 3, letter a No. 3, line 1 Child,


109 113


118 125 137 139

Teaching Notes for Elementary English Grades 1 to 3

Page No.

143 147 148 152 158 162 165

nd 2 to the last par., last sentence

Specific Part on the Page

Description of Finding/s

Recommended Correction or Revision

Awkward sentence The illustration and the text do not jibe. Wrong verb: Are you going to be Inappropriate use of a noun Inappropriate use of a noun Wrong tense of the verb Wrong preposition Lacking s Poor word choice of

Par. 5, 2nd sentence 3rd from the last sentence Act. 1, no. 1, 4th sentence Par. 3, 2nd sentence No. 5 3rd from last line No. 2 above the box, 3rd sentence Column 2, line 7 Column 2, line 21

Replace with: Sometimes she was only half her size, like a semicircle. Replace the sentence with: In a stable, they found Joseph and Mary with the little Child Jesus in her arms. Replace with: Will you be sad or glad this year? Delete s in girls. There was no place where the girl could get water. Replace ants with ants. The ants bites were very painful. Replace dragged with drag. Replace with: A cat with a rat in its mouth. Add s to bite. nibble take in small bites Replace drop with amounts. drink in small amounts.


English for You and Me 3 Language Textbook

Benita N. Miranda Book Wise Publishing House, Inc., Copyright 2008
Page No. Specific Part on the Page Description of Finding/s Recommended Correction or Revision


Lesson 1 title Lesson 7, line 2

Lacking s Poor choice of word: Making Questions Poor choice of word: Giving Questions Wrong preposition: Filling Up Forms Poor choice of words: English Language Textbook has been your learning in English meaningful. 4

Add s to Thought. Words to Express Complete Thoughts Replace with: Asking Questions about the Pictures Replace with: Asking and Answering Questions Replace up with out.

iv Lesson 7, Line 4 vi Lesson 23, lines 2 & 4


Line 2

Replace with: English for You and Me has been . your learning English meaningful.

Teaching Notes for Elementary English Grades 1 to 6

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Specific Part on the Page

Description of Finding/s

Recommended Correction or Revision

Line 4 No. 1, line 2

4 No. 4 5 No. 4, no. 6 Line 7 11 Line 9

Wrong word in: And blow the birds above the sky, Missing preposition Unnecessary hyphens Wrong preposition Wrong use of the word up Wrong grammar: What words that have the same sound? Missing word: the health children said? Missing word Inappropriate words: These words have similar sounds. Misleading illustration: The farmers wife looks very young. Also, since the mice are blind, they should not be looking at the farmers wife. Wrong verb tense: They all run Wrong words in: Did you ever hear such a thing in your life? Wrong words Wrong words Wrong prepositions 5

Replace with: And blow the birds about the sky, Insert with between play and kites. play with kites Delete the hyphens in all-day. Replace with: 4. Joy lives with her father on the farm. 6. The birds up in the tree Delete up. But rice and dried meat. Delete that. What words have the same sound? Replace with: the Health Land children said? Replace with: What can you say about these words in each pair? Replace have with end with. These words end with similar sounds. Words that end with similar sounds are words that rhyme.

No. 3


Line 8

Line 10

Illustration 1

Use the illustration as a springboard to develop ability to focus and be analytical of the details of the illustration.


Three Blind Mice, line 3 Three Blind Mice, line 7 &8 Pussy Cat , line 4 Pussy Cat , line 7

They all ran after the farmers wife, Replace with: Did you ever see such a sight in your life? Replace with: Ive been to London to look at the Queen. Replace with: I frightened a little mouse under her chair. Replace with: In the corridor two boys were playing with their legs


No. 5, 2nd sentence

Teaching Notes for Elementary English Grades 1 to 3

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Description of Finding/s

Recommended Correction or Revision


Act. 5, par. 1, 1st sentence nd 2 to the last line Act. 7, no. 3 No. 14 No. 3 Last line Nos. 1, 2, & 6

Wrong preposition Wrong preposition Wrong preposition Missing preposition Wrong preposition Wrong sentence based on the referent Wrong verb tense Missing article Wrong preposition Unnecessary article Delete s in towards. Unnecessary article

26 27 28 29 33 34 40 43 44

Replace up with in. Fill in the missing Replace in with at. It will be held at my grandparents farm. Replace in with at. Invite your friends to spend a weekend at the farm Insert for between ask and some. You want to ask for some pieces of chalk. Replace at with on. They live on Eleventh Avenue Replace with: Where is the comma placed? Replace are with were. Insert the between spell and words. Did I spell the words correctly? Replace through with on the. (Mother calls Miss Garcia on the telephone.) Delete the before Rosal Building. Replace with: toward Diego Silang Street. Delete the before melchora aquino building. Replace with: directions on how to reach his house. give me the directions on how to go to his house? the right directions. Replace with: why Barangay Maligaya became a model barangay. Replace in with at. Add s to question. at your friends place. What questions will you ask him or her? Replace in with at. The papayas at Grandfathers farm are very sweet. Replace in with at. and Grandmother at the farm, said Linda. Replace in with at. What do the children like at the farm?

No. 7 Sentence in parentheses Par. 2 Nestors dialog, line 2 No. 2 A, Jays dialog, last line B, Mans dialog, 3rd line B, Jays dialog, last line No. 3, last line


Add s to direction.

54 No. 8, line 2 3rd from the last par., line 2 Last line 56 No. 3

Awkward clause: why Barangay Maligaya was a model barangay. Wrong preposition Wrong preposition Wrong preposition Wrong preposition 6


Teaching Notes for Elementary English Grades 1 to 6

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Specific Part on the Page

Description of Finding/s

Recommended Correction or Revision

57 58 61

Par. 1 Act. 4, no. 6 Write It Correctly, par. 2, line 4 The Monkeys and the Crocodile, line 1 Lines 1 & 9 Boxed text, no. 1, column 1 No. 8, line 2

Lacks clarity Inappropriate word Wrong number of noun in: of biscuit for her brother. Unnecessary comma Unnecessary commas Wrong preposition Missing preposition Wrong number of noun in: The box of crayon . Lacking s in vegetable Missing preposition Missing line Wrong preposition Inappropriate word Wrong preposition Wrong preposition Lacks clarity Inappropriate use of the word like Factual error 7

Replace with: Here are some pointers to remember in changing the meanings of words. Replace much with many. Replace with: of biscuits for her brother.

62 63 64

Delete the comma after Five. Delete the commas after Five and Four. Replace on with in. One little monkey is swinging in the tree. Insert on between pass and the. (Ours, Our) was able to pass on the muddy road. Replace with: The box of crayons belongs to Replace with: like to eat chopped vegetables and corn. Replace with: His neighbors often ask for some plants from him. Underline rendag. The town mayor awarded him a set of rendag tools. Replace in with from. from (8) gardens. Replace catch with shoot. I use a bow and arrow to shoot birds. Replace in with into. We like to swim and dive into the sea. Replace in with at. Mother and I stayed the whole day at the farm. Replace with: Words with s endings such as tells, brings, makes, and keeps Replace like with such as. Words without s such as Replace the sentence with: The butterfly helps in the pollination of plants.


2nd to the last line Act. 3, no. 1, line 2 Write It Correctly, no. 2 No. 6



83 85

Last line Line 8 Line 21


No. 5 1st column below the box


2nd column below the box Boxed text, no. 2

Teaching Notes for Elementary English Grades 1 to 3

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Description of Finding/s

Recommended Correction or Revision


Line 5 Act. 3, 2nd & 3rd sentences Line 4 Chart, 2 column, line 4 No. 4 No. 2 Line 2 No. 3 above the box, 2nd sentence Boxed text, line 3

Unnecessary article Sentences lack clarity, wrong preposition Wrong preposition Missing article in: reads newspaper Awkward sentence Wrong preposition Wrong verb tense Wrong word

95 100 101 102 104 107

Delete the after with. You and I always go with action words not ending in s. Replace with: Tell your classmates what you do in three or more sentences. Use some of the action words from the chart. Replace on with in. He rides in his boat every morning. Insert the between reads and newspaper. Replace with: My mother (attend, attends) cooking classes during Saturdays. Replace with: They (sail, sails) on the sea. Replace is with was. His school was not like yours. Replace stone with iron. They use iron tools today. Insert and phrases after words. Words and phrases like yesterday, last year Replace with: The Negritos shared with one another all the foods they gathered. Replace with: At the Farm Replace in with at. My friend and I at the farm. Replace with: Select the correct form of the verbs in parentheses. Replace with: The church bell rings every morning. Replace on with in. I ride in a jeepney. Replace on with in. 9. Cora writes in her diary every day. Replace in with on. 3. They see play on the seashore.


Missing words Awkward sentence: The Negritos shared together all the foods they gathered. Wrong preposition Wrong preposition Missing words Unnecessary apostrophe: The churchs bell Wrong preposition: 7. I ride on a jeepney Wrong preposition Wrong preposition: 3. They see play in the seashore. 8


Last line

In the Farm 111 In the Farm, 1st sentence Try Again, A


No. 3 117 No. 7 No. 9 120 B, no. 3

Teaching Notes for Elementary English Grades 1 to 6

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Description of Finding/s

Recommended Correction or Revision

B, no. 4 121 123 Par. 2, 2nd sentence Act. 2, line 2 Act. 5, lines 1 &2 B, no. 3, c Act. 3, line 1 God Loves Us Best, line 3 Act. 2, line 3 Act. 5, no. 1 Line 19 144 Line 21 Line 23 146 Act. 2, no. 2 Par. 1, line 2 147 Act. 5, line 1 156 158 Lets Listen Act. 1, line 1

Wrong preposition Inappropriate word Wrong preposition Inappropriate word & wrong preposition Wrong verb Wrong preposition Wrong preposition Wrong word Wrong grammar Insufficient explanation: Two tells number. Insufficient explanation: Round tells shape. Insufficient explanation: Big tells size. Wrong preposition Missing word Inappropriate word Wrong sentence Wrong pronoun

126 127 131 136 138 140

Replace on with in. 4. They ride in a boat. Replace grass grows with grasses grow. He lives in a place where tall grasses grow. Replace on with in. what they will do or say in the given situation. Replace with: Ask questions about the following situations and let your classmates answer in complete sentences. Replace am with are. c. are going to succeed Replace to with into. Change each statement into a question. Replace in with on. He protects us on our way. Replace word with phrase. in column B for each phrase in Add s to flower. picks flowers in the garden. Replace with: Two tells how many or a number. Replace with: Round tells what shape it is. Blue tells its color. Replace with: Big tells its size. Replace under with in. The old man walked in the rain. Insert mental before picture. They make the word clear and give a mental picture of the word. Replace right with correct. Choose the correct word for each blank. Replace with: Listen as your teacher reads the following poem. Replace it with them. Look at the pictures and read the sentences after them.

Teaching Notes for Elementary English Grades 1 to 3

English for You and Me 4 Reading Textbook

Benita N. Miranda Book Wise Publishing House, Inc., Copyright 2008
Page No. Specific Part on the Page Description of Finding/s Recommended Correction or Revision

1 sentence


2nd sentence Par. 2, 2 sentence


Poor choice of words: English 4 (Reading) contains Poor choice of word, unnecessary words Missing preposition Poor choice of word Wrong grammar Conceptual error Wrong pronoun Inaccurate Inappropriate word Wrong word Wrong choice of word: prevent it from wearing away. Lacking s in answer Lacking s in answer Wrong grammar: meaning of these words in the glossary and use them in a sentence. 10

Replace with: English for You and Me 4 contains . Replace with: The activities will improve your vocabulary and comprehension skills. Insert on between write and or and replace the with this. Do not write on or tear the pages of this book. Replace with: 1. We thank thee for your gifts to us. Replace it with them. words and write them on your paper. Replace with: 4. Rain falls from the ickth clouds in the sky. Replace they with it. 8. The wind hisperws to the trees when it passes by. Replace with: Dots are used to divide the words into syllables. Replace topmost with left. The first guide word found on the left Replace easy with easier. Looking up words in the dictionary is made easier because of the guide words. Replace with: and prevent it from eroding. Replace answer with answers. Write your answers on your paper. Replace answer with answers. Write your answers on your paper. Replace meaning with meanings and them with each. Look up the meanings of these words in the glossary and use each in a sentence.

Act. 1, no. 1 Par. 1, line 3

Act. 1, no. 4 No. 8

Par. 3, 2nd sentence Last par., 2nd sentence

Last sentence

11 12

Par. 3, line 4 Act. 1, last sentence Par. 1, last sentence


Think and Write, line 2

Teaching Notes for Elementary English Grades 1 to 6

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Description of Finding/s

Recommended Correction or Revision



Line 8 below illustration Line10 below illustration nd 2 to the last par., 2nd sentence Line 2 Last boxed text, line 6 nd 2 boxed text, last sentence Par. 2, 3 sentence

Inappropriate word Missing article Lacking s in medicine Awkward sentence: Do not put it where the sun can shine on it. Inappropriate word Missing words Awkward sentence: they heated the fresh eggs in the sun Awkward sentence Wrong preposition Wrong choice of word

Replace went with arrived. When he arrived home, Insert a after of. complaining of a headache. Replace with: A prescription slip is a written statement of the list of medicines a patient Delete the sentence and replace the last sentence with: Keep it away from sunlight and heat. Replace like with such as. crawl such as cabinets, ceilings, Insert from a after suffers. If the patient suffers from a continuous headache, consult a doctor. Replace with: they heated the fresh eggs under the heat of the sun until they were moist. Replace with: 2. The eggs are first placed under the heat of the sun until they are moist. Replace in with into. Get a basin and pour water into it. Replace with: 3. Put vinegar up to one inch of an empty bottle. Replace with: When we give directions, they must be simple and clear. When directions are written, read them carefully before following them. Replace with: Soil around the volcano became fertile the volcano threw out during eruptions. The volcano is a source of income for farmers living near the area. Replace with: when the volcano is calm. Insert the before activities. Replace with: Think of a word to fill in the blank. Replace answer with answers. Write your answers on your paper. Replace with: This story will tell you where they are found and how they were built.


20 21



Act. 1, no. 2 Boxed text, line 2


Act. 1, no. 3


Par. 2, 2nd & 3rd sentences

Wrong grammar

Par. 2, lines 5 to 8 31 Last line Par. 1, line 2 33 34 37 Act. 1, line 1 Act. 2, 2 sentence Think and nd Read, 2 sentence

Wrong grammar Wrong choice of word: when the volcano calms. Missing article Delete s in blanks. Lacking s in answer Pronouns referring to Rice Terraces are wrong. 11

Teaching Notes for Elementary English Grades 1 to 3

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Description of Finding/s

Recommended Correction or Revision

Par. 3, line 2 40 45 No. 4, 1st sentence Line 7 Lines 6 & 8 46 Last par. No. 1, line 2 48 No. 2

Missing comma Wrong grammar Missing preposition Wrong word choice Wrong subjectverb agreement Wrong grammar: especially in time of need. Awkward sentence

Insert comma (,) after first. At first, they farmed the lowlands Replace with: The children were walking barefoot on the seashore. Insert by after passed. the lake shore, they passed by the old womans garden. Replace unkindly with unkind. Replace tell with tells. Which of the following sentences tells about the first paragraph of the story? Replace with: especially in times of need. Replace with: 2. The younger person takes the elder's hand (usually someone at least 15 years older), bring it to his/her forehead to show respect. Replace have with put. We will put our gifts under the tree. Replace in with on. on the farm. Replace in with on. him with his work on the farm. Replace store with stores. 3. Jims father stores food a. sells b. distributes c. keeps 4. Jims family stores enough food Replace with: At noontime, they return to the seashore where they are met by fish vendors. Replace on with to. frogs and turtles clinging to small rocks. Replace in with with. tried to find fault with Daniel so that they could report him to the king. Replace o with O. Its your law, O King, and it is our duty Replace had with has. 4. The king has a trusted officer who knows about Replace with: 4. If you worship God, pay 5. If you capture something, do you 6. If you are a captive, are you

51 52 53 54

D, line 4 Par. 1 of letter, line 6 Par. 1, line 3 Words for Study, nos. 3 &4 No. 4, lines 4 &5

Inappropriate word Wrong preposition Wrong preposition Wrong subjectverb agreement

Wrong verb tense

56 No. 5, line 2 59 61 62 Last par. , line 4 Par. 5 No. 4 Nos. 4, 5, & 6, lines 16 to 19 Wrong preposition Wrong preposition Word not capitalized Wrong verb tense


Missing commas 12

Teaching Notes for Elementary English Grades 1 to 6

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Specific Part on the Page

Description of Finding/s

Recommended Correction or Revision

65 66 70 74

No. 5, line 6 Do It Right, no. 1 No. 3, 4th sentence Line 11

Wrong verb tense Inappropriate words Inappropriate sentence Wrong verb tense: Which they eat Conceptual error and awkward phrase: Muslims go through thirty days of fasting to burn away their sins. Wrong grammar Awkward phrase Wrong pronoun: Milo and his father went to their uncles place Wrong grammar Missing open quotation mark and comma Inappropriate verb Lacking s Lacking s Awkward sentence Inappropriate words Unnecessary article Wrong article Lacking s in hunter Lacking s in 13

Replace can with could. where poor people could stay in the free ward when they got sick. Replace with: 1. The announcer should speak loudly and clearly. Replace with: In the painting, two dead gladiators are being dragged across the floor. Replace eat with ate. Which they ate with a runcible spoon; Replace with: Muslims fast for thirty days to have their past sins forgiven. Replace with: The datu in a barrio sometimes gives a feast. Replace with: c. The whole month is for fasting, to have their past sins forgiven. Replace with: Milo and his father went to his uncles place Replace with: busy decorating their homes. Replace with: It is the farmers way of giving thanks, so we call it the farmers festival. Replace are with contains. Column A contains the headings Add s to Preparation. 1. Preparations made before the festival Add s to Name. b. Names of parents Replace to get with of getting. It is afraid of getting hurt. Replace with: The monkey took the bundle of wood and walked toward the town to sell it. Delete the before people. Replace a with the. The lion was caught in the trap. b. The hunters came. Add s to answer.


Par. 4, lines 3 &4

91 93

Par. 2, line 2 Act. 2, no. 3, c Par. 4, line 1


Par. 4, line 4 Last sentence Act. 1 line 2

95 97 98

Column A, no. 1 C, no. 1, b Last line Par. 2, 1st sentence No. 2


106 107

Par. 3, 2 sentence No. 1, b Do It Right,


Teaching Notes for Elementary English Grades 1 to 3

Page No.

Specific Part on the Page

Description of Finding/s

Recommended Correction or Revision

par. 1, last sentence Do It Right, line 11 108 111 112 113 Line 1 Par. 4, line 1 Par. 6, line 2 Words for Study, no. 1 Line 5 115 Par. 1, line 4 Par. 3 119 Par. 4, line 2 Par. 5, line 2 Think and Discuss Last sentence Act. 1, no. 2 125 Act. 2, no. 1 Act. 3, no. 1 126 Act. 3, no. 4 Act. 2, line 2 131 Example 132 134 No. 4, line 4 Par. 6, 1st sentence

answer Missing article Missing article Wrong verb tense Missing commas The options are not appropriate to the sentence structure. Awkward sentence Lacking s Missing pronoun Awkward sentence Inappropriate word Missing article and conjunction Missing conjunction Wrong subjectverb agreement Awkward sentence Missing preposition Missing article Lacking s in answer Wrong preposition Lacking s Missing article and conjunction 14

Write your answers on your paper. Insert the before rivers. Rainwater runs into the rivers that flow into the ocean. Insert the before rivers. Replace with: Ines has many wealthy and handsome suitors, his mother said. Insert commas before and after however. Replace with: a. ordinary b. extraordinary c. mediocre Magellan wanted the islands near Cebu to be ruled by Rajah Humabon. Ass s to shield. but the shields of their enemies stopped the bullets. Insert me after give. Can you give me three fried eggs Replace with: and took the bread out from his bag. Replace falls with rains. I must be on my way home before it rains. Replace with: Understanding the Cause and Effect Relationship Replace with: A cause and effect relationship Replace with: 2. There are a lot of termites Replace with: because he walked in the rain. Replace with: 1. Children play with kites Replace with: 4. A flood causes Replace with: Write your answers on your paper. Replace on with with. He walks with his crutches. Add s to handkerchief. handkerchiefs and stopped the cars from crossing the street. Insert the after showing and and after cause. Answer these questions showing the


Teaching Notes for Elementary English Grades 1 to 6

Page No.

Specific Part on the Page

Description of Finding/s

Recommended Correction or Revision

Think and Write, Par. 2 Par. 4, line 3 137 No. 4 Think and Discuss, nos. 1&3

Inappropriate verb Wrong verb tense Inappropriate preposition


Wrong verb tenses

Act. 2, 1st & 2nd sentences 139 No. 6 Par. 1, 2nd sentence 141 No. 3 Par. 4, line 2 142 Par. 4, line 4 Par. 4, line 5 Par. 4, line 6 Words for Study, line 1 143 No. 3 145 147 149 151 Par. 1, line 4 Do It Right, line 2 Par. 5, 2nd sentence Par. 1, line 3

Missing article and conjunction Wrong verb tenses Inconsistent verb tenses Inconsistent verb tenses Wrong subjectverb agreement Awkward sentence Awkward sentence Wrong word choice Confusing instructions Factual error Redundant Lacking s in answer Inappropriate words Lacking s 15

cause and effect relationships. Replace do with would. Which of these stories would you like Replace have with had. from those who had money to pay and treated the poor people for free. Replace on with into. 4. A person sent into ______ lives Replace with: 1. Jose Rizal taught the boys so they could speak the language. 3. Jose Rizal and the boys so the people would have clean water to drink. Replace with: Combine these pairs showing a cause and effect relationship. Use the words so, so that, or because Replace with: Rivers and brooks are dry. It didnt rain for months. Replace with: he visited his horses and saw to it that they were comfortable. Replace has with had. 3. How did del Pilar show that he had concern for other people? Replace with: They finally found who was under the rule of a sultan. Replace with: The sultan then asked the boys parents to go to him. Delete them after asked. Replace recovered with removed. Replace left with right. 3. A bile is secreted by the liver. Replace letter c with: c. a bitter fluid that aids in the digestion of fats Delete again. Replace with: Write your answers on your paper. Replace with: Who gives every blow to every tree? Add s to coin. continued to take out the coins and drop each

Teaching Notes for Elementary English Grades 1 to 3

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Specific Part on the Page

Description of Finding/s

Recommended Correction or Revision

No. 3, line 2 152 Act. 1, line 2 Line 9 165 Line 11 Line 3 166 Answer these questions, no. 2 Line 2 from the bottom Act. 1, par. 1, lines 6 & 7 Act. 2, no. 2 No. 10, 2 sentence

Wrong verb tense Wrong word choice Wrong preposition: Its fun to ride in boats Redundant: Chinese of China Incomplete instruction Inappropriate verb Poor choice of word Inappropriate word and missing preposition Wrong verb tense Wrong verb tense Wrong word choice: surrounded her, so she could not leave. Inaccurate information Wrong preposition Inaccurate information: Dark clouds fall as rain. Insufficient meaning Insufficient meaning Meaning should be in the same tense Meaning should be in the same tense Inappropriate word 16

Replace will with would. would not be caught in the heavy rain. Replace better with best. Replace in with on. Replace with: Asian group, the Chinese. Insert in your notebook after letters. Replace do with would. 2. Which of the places visited would you like to live in? Replace occurs with falls. Rain seldom falls. Replace with: But when she opened her cabin door, she saw people running and going up to the upper deck. Replace can with could. The jeeps had wings and they could fly. Replace can with could. 10. The frog could talk. Replace with: guarded her, so she could not leave. Replace with: The grasshopper has a series of air holes in the covering of its body. Air flows into these holes. Replace at with in. Master milk is now available in all Replace with: Clouds are visible water vapor floating in the sky. Add invite somebody to compete. Replace with: Something created either animate or inanimate. Replace with: charmed: delighted Replace gleamed with gleam. Replace other with another.

167 174 175


Par. 2, line 2

178 180 183

Par. 3, 2nd & 3rd sentences Last sentence Last par., 1st sentence Column 1, challenge, line 2 Column 1, creature


Column 2, enchanted Column 2, gleamed Column 2, gossip

Teaching Notes for Elementary English Grades 1 to 6

English for You and Me 4 Language Textbook

Benita N. Miranda Book Wise Publishing House, Inc., Copyright 2008
Page No. Specific Part on the Page Description of Finding/s Recommended Correction or Revision

7 15 24 29 35

Act. 2 Road map B, no. 2 Illustration of vinta Writing Words Correctly, no. 3 Nos. 1 & 6 No. 5 Line 7 Act. 2, line 2 No. 5 Act. 2, no. 9 Par. 1, line 2 Act. 1, line 2

No. 7 is missing Missing label Lacks clarity Wrong illustration of vinta Wrong word used Wrong grammar Inaccurate information Misleading sentence Wrong grammar: use them in a sentence. Missing preposition Wrong grammar Wrong pronoun Lacking s in answer Unclear instructions Inconsistent number of the noun used Awkward sentence Inappropriate words: police officers Lacks clarity 17

Replace numbers 8, 9, and 10 with 7, 8, and 9, respectively. Replace with: 2. If the call is not for you, say, Please hold your line, and call the person the caller wants to talk to immediately. Replace vinta with banca in letter e. Replace nose with mouth. Replace everyday with every day. Replace The with Some. Some people have to live in igloos After reading A sea surrounds an island, explain that an island may be surrounded by other bodies of water. Replace with: use each in a sentence. Insert for after asked. A Grade 1 child asked for candy Replace with: 9. My brother drew a (dog tail) on his bookmarker. Replace with: underlined words into their possessive form. Replace with: Write your answers on your paper. Replace with: Use each group of words in a sentence that uses the possessive form. Replace toy with toys. Replace taking part with one of the participants. Replace with: the uniform of the police officer Insert below after sentences. Discuss the new sentences you will

36 40 42 43 55 57


Act. 2, 1st sentence No. 8


Par. 2 Act. 1, line 2


Act. 2 2nd sentence

Teaching Notes for Elementary English Grades 1 to 3

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Description of Finding/s

Recommended Correction or Revision

make from the sentences below using possessive nouns. 69 Writing Words Correctly, no. 2 Last par. Par. 2, last sentence No. 2 79 No. 4 No. 10 80 83 104 No. 4 Par. 3, 2nd sentence Line 21 Act. 1, no. 1 106 Act. 2, no. 10 109 113 114 God Loves Us Best, line 2 Line 14 Act. 2 Inappropriate word Awkward sentence Awkward sentence Unclear instructions Unnecessary preposition Wrong grammar Wrong grammar 18 Extra letter-box Delete the last box. Replace with: The words separated by commas from the rest of the words in the sentences give a description Insert messages after what. The people know what messages the drums are telling them. Replace with: How do you get rid of flies from your homes Add s to place. Dirty canals are the breeding places Replace with: 10. Cleanliness is a concern Replace to with for. Replace with: Dont you think it would be funny to see a monkey pick a guava fruit with its tail? Replace with: Whom was the blind man waiting for? Replace with: 1. My sister helps me do my assignments. Delete shells and other and s in seafood. 10. Eating seafood make them strong and healthy. Replace with: He keeps us safe, Replace with: Whom would you like to see? Replace with: Rewrite the sentences using the correct pronouns for the words in parentheses. Do this in your notebook. Delete on. There were children crossing the street Replace everyday with every day. Replace everyday with every day.


Unclear sentence


Missing word Awkward sentence Inconsistent noun used Wrong article Wrong preposition Awkward sentence Wrong pronoun Awkward sentence


Act. 2, no. 5 Box 1, columns 1 & 2, no. 1, Box 2, column 2 The Reyes Family, line 3

121 125

Teaching Notes for Elementary English Grades 1 to 6

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Specific Part on the Page

Description of Finding/s

Recommended Correction or Revision

128 131 132 133

Nos. 12 & 14 Box 2, line 3 Act. 1, par. 1 Act. 3, no. 5 Act. 7, no. 1

Wrong grammar Redundant Unclear instructions Inappropriate pronoun for baby Factual error Redundant

Replace everyday with every day. Replace past form with past tense. Replace -ed form with past form. Replace with: 5. The little girl winked her eyes. Replace 15th century with 16th century. Delete the last on the seashore. They lie on the seashore and watch the other boys play. Replace with: There is a soft bed where you can rest your soft and shiny wings. The word lovely should be aligned with the other words in the column. Replace with: 4. Lenis dress is less expensive than Laras dress. Replace with: Give the correct comparative or superlative form of the adjective Replace (everyday) with (every day). Replace on with in. Replace instructions with: Copy these sentences in paragraph form. Insert the adverbs in the parentheses correctly in each sentence. Replace to the front with in front. Change one of the choices. Replace on with in. Following directions should be after Expressions denoting quantity. The poem titles are not alphabetically or chronologically arranged.


Writing Words Correctly, par. 2, line 4 Spiders last sentence Box, column 2 No. 4 Act. 2 Act. 3, line 3 Act. 5, line 1

147 152 161 164 167

Awkward sentence Misaligned word Unnecessary article Unclear instructions Wrong grammar Wrong preposition Unclear instructions Awkward prepositional phrase Confusing options, both choices may be correct Wrong preposition


Last par.


Act. 3, line 5 Act. 1, nos. 1

178 Act. 2, instructions



Not alphabetically arranged


Teaching Notes for Elementary English Grades 1 to 3

English Expressways 5 Reading Textbook

Evelyn B. Angeles, Agnes P. Galapon, et al. SD Publications, Inc., Copyright 2008
Page No. Specific Part on the Page Description of Finding/s Recommended Correction or Revision

10 135

No. 10

Incomplete definition Missing punctuation

Act. 5, no. 2

Replace with: A list of often difficult or specialized words with their definitions, often placed at the last pages of a book. Insert comma after accident and after witnessed.

English Expressways 5 Language Textbook

Evelyn B. Angeles, Agnes P. Galapon, et al. SD Publications, Inc., Copyright 2008

Page No. Specific Part on the Page Description of Finding/s Recommended Correction or Revision

103 123

Box, line 3 Act. 2, no. 5

Factual error Inappropriate word

Replace National Heroes Day with Bonifacio Day. Replace rice with palay.

English for You and Me 6 Reading Textbook

Elodie C. Cada Book Wise Publishing House, Inc., Copyright 2008

Page No. Specific Part on the Page Description of Finding/s Recommended Correction or Revision

5 6 10

Par. 14, 2nd sentence Act. 1, line 1 Letter i Using Prefixes, A, no. 3 Inside the box, -er or or Inside the box, -able

Wrong pronoun: It made her look prettier. Wrong grammar Awkward phrase Wrong pronoun

Replace with: They made her look prettier. Add s to meaning. Delete as used in the story. Replace what with who. who is a nonconformist? Replace who with that. Replace with: Comfortable means having a sense of or feeling of comfort. Replace with: Use these words in sentences.

Wrong pronoun Awkward: Comfortable means having the comfort. Wrong sentence: Use these words in 20



Line 3

Teaching Notes for Elementary English Grades 1 to 6

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Specific Part on the Page

Description of Finding/s

Recommended Correction or Revision


2 to the last line Pen Power, narrated portion, lines 9 to 12 Girls 2 dialog, 3rd sentence


a sentence. Missing article Lacks consistency in the tenses of the verbs used Insert a after even. not even a glimpse. Narrated parts should be in the past tense. Replace goes with went, sneaks with sneaked, plays with played, enters with entered, arrives with arrived, finds with found, gets with got, and cries with cried. Delete I trust you so much and even. Replace with: her two sisters and her brother make her lonely Insert go before back. I have to go back to the cave and Replace in with from. to be absent from class, Rogelio? Replace bounce back Ogie to his Dad with asked Ogie. Insert a close quotation mark () after the question mark (?). Delete the apostrophe in its. and well know its size, Insert a before stack. I know Ill have a stack of drawings for you! Replace swat with swatted. Replace bounced with __________? Replace will with would. Replace with: Copy the sentences that tell about the events in the story. Replace happy with happily. Replace with: 5. The Koran forbids eating of meat and blood of dead animals. Replace in with of. hell be out of the hospital. Replace with: Suddenly, Bobby felt happy, a magical feeling. Replace wiggle with shake (as the answer). Replace with: And the boys did not talk.


Awkward sentence Wrong subjectverb agreement Missing word Wrong preposition: to be absent in class, Rogelio? Inappropriate expression Missing quotation mark Wrong use of apostrophe Missing article Wrong tense Inappropriate choice Wrong tense Inappropriate sentence Wrong word choice Inappropriate words Wrong preposition Awkward sentence Inappropriate word Typo error 21

21 22

Par. 1, line 4 13th line from the bottom Par. 8, line 2


3rd from the last line Line 1


Line 10 Line 11

30 31 32

Boxed text Line 5, no. 5 Act. 2, line 1 Act. 2, no. 5


No. 5 Par. 8, line 1


Par. 10, 1 sentence


46 48

Act. 2, no. 3 No. 4, 2 sentence


Teaching Notes for Elementary English Grades 1 to 3

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Specific Part on the Page

Description of Finding/s

Recommended Correction or Revision

No. 4, choices a & b 49 55 60 61 72 80 90 92 108 109 110 111 116 Last sentence Act. 1, 1st sentence Act. 2, no. 1, line 2 Line 2 Line 2 Par. 8, 2nd sentence Act. 2, no. 2 Act. 1, no. 3 Act. 2, no. 1 Last line Act. 2, letter d Line 2 No. 7 No. 4, d 120 No. 9 123 No. 3, a

Redundant word: day Wrong tense of verb Wrong number of a noun Missing comma Options a and b do not fit the sentence structure. Wrong word choice: flesh of a deer Wrong phrase The choices lack parallelism. Awkward sentence Illogical Poor word choice Missing words Poor word choice Irrelevant phrase The options do not fit the sentence structure. Options are different parts of speech. Awkward Missing commas You should start with a capital letter. Unnecessary word Missing word Poor word choice Wrong pronoun 22

Replace with: a. The day was bright and happy. b. The day was gloomy and sad. Replace will receive with receives. Add s to meaning. Insert a comma after themselves. Replace with: a. easily push b. carefully handle Replace with: meat of a deer Replace By the by with By and by. Replace with: b. good posture c. inclined posture Replace with: 3. Selected areas of the airport are open to passengers only. Delete hiding in the bushes. Replace transmit with communicate. Insert to remind others after loud. d. People cried out loud to remind others to stop hurting the animals. Replace Execute with Organize. Delete and work on my homework. Revise the options to fit the sentence structure. Replace with: a. attack c. destruction Replace with: a. Lencho lifted up his soul because of loneliness. Replace with: Choose a partner, as well as the kind of music you feel comfortable with, to move in rhythm with. And presto! You are now dancing. Delete today. Insert familys between your and worth. Replace play with game. Replace you with one and add s to

124 128 139 145 147

Par. 4, 2 sentence


Act. 1, no. 8 Memory Power, no. 6 Memory Power, no. 4 Skills in

Teaching Notes for Elementary English Grades 1 to 6

Page No.

Specific Part on the Page

Description of Finding/s

Recommended Correction or Revision

Focus, par. 1, last sentence No. 5, e 148 Act. 2, no. 3, line 4 Act. 1, 1st sentence Act. 2, 2nd sentence 153 Act. 2, no. 7 Awkward Act. 2, no. 5 160 Act. 2, no. 7 Line 4 163 Line 26 166 206 Act. 2, no. 6 Column 1, propped Wrong preposition Wrong use of preposition Missing preposition Poor choice of words Wrong past form Wrong preposition Unnecessary phrase Poor word choices Wrong number of a noun Awkward sentence Not a sentence

describe. Delete using point of view. Replace with: At my age, swooning to Martin Nievera is something I wouldnt do anymore. Add s to meaning. Replace with: Then put a check before the sentence that tells that the atmosphere of the poem is very silent. Replace with: 7. The mooing of the cows could be heard by the riverside. Delete number 8 Replace of with to. Give importance to a persons right Replace to with among. Create an atmosphere of family solidarity among the readers. Delete at after told. Miss Racelis told them. Insert of between out and the. Miss Racelis came and told them to go out of the room. Replace total with full and from with by. He should be given full attention by everybody Replace sticked with stuck.


English for You and Me 6 Language Textbook

Elodie C. Cada Book Wise Publishing House, Inc., Copyright 2008

Page No. Specific Part on the Page Description of Finding/s Recommended Correction or Revision

C Exer. 2, par. 1 Exer. 2, no. 2

Inappropriate word

Redundant Awkward sentence 23

Replace instruction with: Identify the intonation pattern of the following sentences. Replace with: Copy and punctuate these sentences. After each sentence, put a / mark if it is Replace with: 2. Call her up on her cell phone.

Teaching Notes for Elementary English Grades 1 to 3

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Specific Part on the Page

Description of Finding/s

Recommended Correction or Revision

Exer. 2, no. 7 Exer. 3, 2 sentence


Missing word Awkward sentence Unnecessary article Inappropriate expression Awkward sentence Missing preposition Inappropriate word

Exer. 3, no. 1 9 10 Rouels 1st dialog Paulos dialog, 2nd sentence Exer. 1, no. 1 12 Exer. 2, column B, letter i Maam Orphas dialog, last sentence Maam Orphas 1st dialog, 2nd sentence Eugenes 2nd to the last dialog Move Your Pen, A Marthas dialog, 3rd to the last line Perlas last dialog Nos. 1 & 2 (bottom) 22 Remember, lines 7 and 8

Insert how between learn and to. Replace with: Give the correct stress on the word as you read each sentence. Replace with: 1. Lightning scares me to death. Replace with: Rouel: Mr. President, may I be recognized? Replace with: I move that the English Club sponsor the literary contests. Replace with: 2. Who presided over the meeting? Replace with: i. The meeting is ended. Insert a comma between then and while.


Awkward sentence

Wrong verb tense

Replace has with had and delete always. Replace that will make a person a success with will make a person successful. Replace with: Copy and fill out the information sheet below. Then, gather the data to find out how many of your classmates love to read. Replace two with Perla and Luisa. Replace with: The two of you are my real friends, arent you? Mention that there are exceptions. Combine the two sentences by using the conjunction that. A falling intonation means that the speaker is sure that the statement is true. Replace with: The whole class watched the ballet dancers. Replace with: He resembles the knight with a shining




Vague instruction


Inappropriate use of word Awkward sentence There are exceptions. Awkward sentences


23 24

Nos. 3 to 5 Nos. 6 to 7

Awkward sentence Lacking word with a silent letter 24

Teaching Notes for Elementary English Grades 1 to 6

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Specific Part on the Page

Description of Finding/s

Recommended Correction or Revision

sword. Nos. 9 to 10 A 25 1st comic strip 27 31 34 47 A, no. 2, last line Exer. 3, B nd 2 to the last line Remember, no. 1 Line 3, 2nd column Remember, exer. 3, no. 5 48 Spell It Right, no. 5 49 2nd to the last line Par. 3 50 No. 7, 1st bullet Remember 52 Exercise 2, no. 2 56 Exer. 1, instruction Remember, par. 2 No. 5, line 2 65 Nos. 1 & 2 Awkward sentence Inappropriate word Limited explanation Wrong pronoun Wrong examples 25 Awkward phrase Missing article Awkward sentence Awkward sentence Inadequate explanation Lacks fluidity Unnecessary pronoun Wrong word Missing word Limited to said that The plural of deer may be deer or deers. Words wrongly hyphenated Lacking word with a silent letter Awkward instruction Replace cleaned with wrote on. Replace with: Listen to your teacher as she reads the lines in the comic strip. Replace with: Im on study leave. The company sent me to finish my MBA here. Replace where you all are with where you are. Replace instructions with situations. Insert do between can and before. Explain that there are other introductory statements like told that, declared that, etc. Mention that deers is also acceptable. Delete hyphens. Replace with: rear admiral rear admirals editor in chief Replace with: 5. (Headlines, Headsline) motivates me to read the whole news. Insert the article a after as. The web serves as a Replace with: All of a sudden, no water came out of the faucet. Replace with: No water came out from the faucet. Add: Like other nouns, they may also be used as predicate nouns, direct objects, etc. Replace with: 2. She believes ____ (to dance) keeps her young. Replace an expression with a phrase. Add: Conjunctions like for, nor, yet, or so may also be used. Replace her with it. The cat didnt see it. Replace with: 1. Good weather is here so we can go swimming.


Teaching Notes for Elementary English Grades 1 to 3

Page No.

Specific Part on the Page

Description of Finding/s

Recommended Correction or Revision

Last par., last sentence Lines 1 & 2, nos. 8 & 9 Par. 1, 1 sentence

Awkward sentences Awkward sentences Factual error Awkward sentence Unclear instruction Wrong pronoun Wrong punctuation mark Wrong verb tense Factual errors Factual error



Par. 2, line 4 92 94 99 100 Exer. 2 No. 4 Ronalds dialog, 1st sentence Danilos dialog, last line 2nd box 101 3rd box 1st box, row 2, column 3 102 1st box, row 3, column 3 105 111 119 120 128 Par. 3, 2 sentence Last sentence Par. 1, 2nd sentence Par. 2, 1st sentence Letter, 1st sentence 2nd box, line 3

2. Enjoy the frolicking sun before the clouds cover it. Replace with: Dependent clauses are introduced by connectors like because. Replace with: 8. We can start the program unless the band is complete. 9. I was overloaded with work until he came. Replace to the province of Paoay with at the town of Paoay. Replace with: All eyes were focused on her. Replace with: Give a sentence using the present perfect tense of these verbs. Replace with: 4. How did copies of Christian books survive? Replace the question mark with a period. Replace with: had happened and are happening. Replace with: the famous adventure novels, Treasure Island and Kidnapped. Replace with: Walt Disney made cartoon films about Mickey Mouse, Replace with: cartoon films about Mickey Mouse, Donald Duck, and Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs. Replace with: The famous adventure novels, Treasure Island and Kidnapped. Replace with: We (go) ___ there by airplane. Insert the before adjectives. Delete through Arabic. Replace mummify with mummified. Delete d in celebrated. Replace of all with of the three vehicles.

Factual error

Factual error Wrong choice of word Missing article Unnecessary words Wrong verb tense Wrong verb tense Wrong word used 26

Teaching Notes for Elementary English Grades 1 to 6

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Description of Finding/s

Recommended Correction or Revision

130 137 143 151 154 157 159 160 161 168

Exer. 2, no. 2 Line 10 Line 2 Jeralds 5 dialog, last sentence Exer. 3, line 1 Line 10 Boxed letter, par. 3, line 4 Remember, no. 5 Spell It Right, line 2 Down, no. 2 Exer. 2, line 2

Inappropriate choices Wrong number of a noun Unclear instructions Missing conjunction Inappropriate word Inappropriate spelling Lacking and wrong preposition Missing article Wrong verb tense Unclear clue Inappropriate word

Replace with: 2. Yogurt is ____ than candies. a. delicious c. most delicious b. more delicious Add s to boat.

Insert and after go. Replace with with using. Replace ok with okay. Replace with: knowledgeable of and experienced on the position. Insert the after all. Replace with: Number 1 was done for you. Replace with: Your name written at the end of the letter Replace places with spaces.


Teaching Notes for Elementary English Grades 1 to 3

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