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EE Servlet/JSP Tutorial
Second cookbook, getting started with Model 2: Servlet and JSP Implementing the Edit/Update, Add

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Cookbook: Intro to Serlvets and JSP

This cookbook in the Java EE Servlet /JSP tutorial
covers building CRUD Operations in a Model 2 architecture

This is a continuation of Building a simple listing in

JSP using Java EE and Servlets (Part 1).

This is part 2, must do part 1 rst Part 1 Slides Covers working with Servlet doGet/doPost methods, JSTL,
redirec8on versus forwarding

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Redux: About tutorial

Very liNle knowledge of HTML, Java and JSP is assumed HTML and Java not covered length, but pointers in the right

Focus is Java Servlets and JSP (Java Server Pages) Use whatever IDE you would like, but direc8ons focus on

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Redux: App you are building



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1 Java EE Servlet Tutorial: Implementing a basic CRUD listing 2 Adding a link to the book listing to edit a book 2.1 Adding an edit book link to book-list.jsp listing 3 Adding a link to the book listing to add a book 3.1 Adding an add book link to book-list.jsp listing 4 Servlet doGet to load a Book form 4.1 doGet 4.2 doGet() delegate to book-form.jsp page 4.3 doGet() delegate to book-form.jsp page 5 Rendering the book form HTML 5.1 book-form.jsp Renders form to update or add a Book 5.2 book-form.jsp using JSTL c:choose to display update or add status 5.3 book-form.jsp using JSTL c:if to hidden id eld for edit/update operation 6 Creating a doPost method to handle the form submission 6.1 doPost 7 Quick review of what we have so far 7.1 ./WebContent/WEB-INF/pages/book-form.jsp full listing 7.2 ./WebContent/WEB-INF/pages/book-list.jsp full listing 7.3 ./src/META-INF/beans.xml full listing 7.4 ./src/com/bookstore/ 7.5 ./src/com/bookstore/ full listing (testing only) 7.6 ./src/com/bookstore/ full listing 7.7 ./src/com/bookstore/web/ 7.8 ./src/com/bookstore/web/ 8 Technical debt 9 Cookbooks and Tutorials

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Where we leX o in last example

BookListServlet uses a BookRepository object (DAO) to load a
list of books

BookListServlet then delegated to book-list.jsp to render the

book lis8ng with JSTL and Unied EL

In this cookbook,

add a link to the book lis9ng for edi9ng a book add a link so that the end user can add a new book to the lis9ng Create backend Servlets to handle new links on book lis9ng

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Model 2 MVC
Model View Controller

Book BookRepositoryImpl BookRepository

book-form.jsp book-list.jsp

BookListingServlet BookEditorServlet

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Add a new link to book-lis8ng.jsp

Add link to edit opera8on Edit opera8on pulls up form with details of Book 8tle that is clicked Uses <a href= Uses expression pageContext.request.contextPath/book to address new Edit Servlet Servlet created later, id parameter implies edit opertaion EL expression pageContext.request.contextPath refers to the URI, web app (war le) is mapped to in Servlet container

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Edit Link on Title

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What gets rendered

The following links with URI (/bookstore) of webapp get rendered when book- lis8ng.jsp loads

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Adding a add a book link to book lis8ng

Now that links are going to URI /book, You need a Servlet that handles links

For add opera9on and edit opera9on

New BookEditorServlet will handle both add and edit book func8ons

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Add Link Above Table

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@WebServlet("/book") maps BookEditorServlet to the URI /

Common to load a form from a doGet method, and to handle

the form submission via doPost

Follows REST and HTTP principles GET opera8ons reads data,

later POST data modies data

doGet method uses id being empty or not to

determine if this is a load "Add Book Form" or load "Update Book Form" opera9on

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BookEditorServlet.doGet loads edit/add form

Add Link

Edit Link

doGet is load form operation


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Model 2 and BookEditorServlet.doGet

In Model 2, Servlets (controllers/ac8ons) prepares model data for the view This includes date formagng

Notice book is mapped into request scope book will get used from book-form.jsp

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Model 2 and BookEditorServlet.doGet (cont)

To render the HTML form, the servlet delegates to book-form.jsp


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book-form.jsp (1 of 3)

book-form.jsp renders form to edit book If present then edit opera8on, otherwise add opera8on

JSTL c:choose, c:otherwise to display correct 9tle based on Update (Edit) or Add opera9on

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book-form.jsp (2 of 3)

Uses Unied EL to render values and then just plain HTML for form elds

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book-form.jsp (3 of 3)

hidden id property is rendered if edit (Update) opera8on Cancel buNon takes them back to lis8ng (/book/ is lis8ng). Submit buNon POST form to BookEditorServlet.doPost (dened next)

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if id request parameter is null then BookEditorServlet.doPost
calls bookRepo.addBook,

otherwise it calls bookRepo.updateBook

Then, doPost redirects to /book/

redirect means an extra hit to the server, basically telling browser to load another link Not forward like before because of bookmarking Remember URL /book/ (ending in slash) represents a collec9on of
books, while /book (no slash) represents a single book lis9ng

If doPost did a forward, then browser would show wrong link for Use sendRedirect instead of a forward for bookmarking
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Review of CRUD lis8ng

Book Form


Book Lis8ng ./WebContent/WEB-INF/pages/book-list.jsp

Servlet that loads Book (doGet) form and handles Book form submissions (doPost). ./src/com/bookstore/web/

Needed for Java EE dependency injec8on (CDI) ./src/META-INF/beans.xml

Servlet that looks up a list of books and displays the lis8ng ./src/com/bookstore/web/

Domain/model object ./src/com/bookstore/

Repository implementa8on using Java collec8ons (just for tes8ng)


Interface to Book Repository so we can swap it out with JDBC, JPA, JCache and MongoDB version later


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