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Homework Grid: Ms McNeillys Year 5 2012 Please Note: This homework is for one week

Week Beginning: Monday 14/05/12

Reading: (Monday-Friday for 20 minutes each night) Read to someone else. Listen to someone read to you. Read silently. Read aloud to your pet.

Due Date: Friday 18/05/12

Social Time: Talk to your family about something you have learned. A new Maths term. A new game from school What you learned in English

Housework minimum 3 times: Wash the dishes. Hang washing out. Help prepare dinner. Make every ones lunch Clean your room.

Spelling: Learn your two lists of 10 spelling words by doing: Look-Cover-Write-Check each word you dont know three times at least.

Physical Activity: Swim Walk Jog Ride a bike Play a sport

Writing: This week write a creative writing piece of your choice. 400 words maximum. Bring it in each day so we can work on them as a group

Maths: Do the 4.4 worksheet on sign post mentals.

Extra Maths: Work on the long division sheet questions 1, 4, 8 and 9

History Think about life in colonial Australia. Write down 10 things you would have to do differently in your everyday life.

Teacher / Parent comments.

Please complete each section

Dot points are examples only. If you have a different idea that fits the category please do it. Parents must initial in the boxes to show you completed tasks.

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