Human Resource Management System: 2. Purpose of The Stydy

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To develop a software application that supports the applicationspecif ic to the HR automation in an intranet specific to a companythere by allowing the integration of all the employees pertaining tothat organization. To keep track of all the other departmentsrelated to that organization such as marketing, development etc.To allow the HR of an organization to update the employee detailswhen ever there is a change in the employee profile pertaining tothat organization. To bring onto a string the employee specific suggestions and make them free to post their requirements to the HR t hu br ingin g t he o rgan iz ation mor e sp eci fi c rega rdin g t he maintenance of the organization


The HR center is a powerful application designed to allow companiest o s t r e a m l i n e t h e i r h u m a n r e s o u r c e t a s k s a n d m a n a g e r t h e i r employees more efficientlyEmployee and Company InformationEmployee Time, Attendence, and Leave RequestHR Documentation Management (i.e. insurance forms, W-2s etc.)The HR Center includes a comprehensive employee infor mationdatabase, work information, beneficiary information, and moreforea ch emp lo yee. I t co mes stan dar d wit h empl oyee s s er vi ceaccess allowing employees to update their personal in formation,request time off or input their daily timesheet entries. Italsohasrol e bas ed acc ess l evel cont rol tha t i s fun ctiona l l y bas ed on whether a user is an employee, a manager, or an HR admistrators.With HR center managers and HR admistrators can manage an track

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