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2) United States Patent Gunderson G4) APPARATUS FOR GENERATING (75) Inventor: Graham A Gunderson, Spokane, WA (us) (73) Assignee: Chava Energy LLC, Coral Gables, FL (wus) (4) Notice: Subject to any disclaimer, the term of this patent is extended or adjusted under 35 USC. 154(b) by 269 days. (21) Appl. Now 120827,719 (22) Filed: Dee. 3, 2008 Related US. Application Data (60) Provisional application No. 60/992,009, fled on De. 3, 2007 (1) Inch BosB 102 (2006.01) BOOB 1706 2006.01) HOLL 41/00 (2006.01) HO2K 35/00 (006.01) (32) US.CL. 3223/3; 310/26; 3100328; 3100311 367/157, 367/168 (58) Field of Classification Search 310126, 310/311, 328,323.01; 322/3; 367/153, 168 ‘See application file for complete search history. (56) References Cited US. PATENT DOCUMENTS 2044807 A * 61936. Noyes, Ie 367183 x 20 NG =O x2 Qe _ woof) Sean os SS io Se US 8,093,869 B1 Jan, 10, 2012 ‘US008093869B1 (10) Patent No. 4s) Date of Patent: 2101272 A * 121937 Scot ad Saokzet A + 71946 Hayes sorte 2990912 A * ¥1960. Miller 31026 doasinn A * 71980 Seymani s32139 070700 4 * 121962 Roth 3408. SANT A$ 41984 Batter a 310384 4300509 2 $9108 Mermelsein aaeaat Soarsx3 A + 91991 Builere a 310364 SSan005 A * 101990 Davidson 310328 * cited by examiner Primary Examiner — Button Mallins (74) Autornes, Agent, or Firm — Gary Hoenig, 6 ABSTRACT A ferromagnetic material having non-zero magnetoelstety andlor nonzero magnetostction is driven with vibratory rmecluanieal enerey at a frequency producing at least one resonant vibratory mode, by coupling a source of vibratory energy 10 the ferromagnetic stricture, The ferromagnetic ‘material threads atleast one conductive wine ot wie oil, and couples to at east one source of magnetic indvetion, and provides an electrical power output driven by the magnetic Jndvetion, The origin of vibratory energy andthe siteor sites ‘of magnetic induction are situated at distinct locations, sepa rated by a specific distance not less than the fundannestl Acoustic wavelength. Various combinations of acoustic wave- Tength, feromagnetic material type, and source of vibration pradce independent transfer coefficients between acoustic ‘and electromagnetic enemy which are either positive, ero, or egtive. 18 Claims, & Drawing Sheets = US. Patent T1i-1 Jan. 10,2012 Sheet 1 of 8 US 8,093,869 B1 lucbuincbolagh Dur Puw Pome “a win Ein BoneB Pawn Davee wn Brn Bunn QB Pw nw annie Bown Pawan Paonia Bun iy mn Aww er ror 98 ans FIGURE 1 US. Patent Jan, 10, 2012 Sheet 2 of 8 US 8,093,869 B1 FIGURE 2

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