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ADVERBS in dialogue

When we speak we can say things in many different ways. When writing stories, we need to show how the different characters speak. The word said doesnt tell us very much about how the sentence is spoken. By changing the verb said we can add more detail, for example:

Im going out, said Rebecca. Or Im going out! exclaimed Rebecca.

We can give even more detail by describing the verb (e.g. said, exclaimed, shouted, answered etc). To do this we use an adverb in our sentence, for example:

Many adverbs end in -ly. How many can you think of ?

Im going out! exclaimed Rebecca angrily.

Can you add adverbs to the following sentences to give more detail and to make them more exciting? Try to use a different adverb for each sentence. 1. Theres no milk left in the fridge, said Amit ___________ . 2. How do you make fairy cakes? asked Susan ___________ 3. What time are we going to the cinema? enquired Bert ____________ . 4. Its such a lovely day today! exclaimed Janet ____________ 5. I cant come out today Im afraid, Ive come down with tonsillitis, said Hamish ___________ .

. .

6. Wow, its a bit dark in that cave, I dont think I want to go in there alone, stated Lucy ________ . 7. How far is it to Whitby? asked Ruben __________ . 8. I wonder why its always so dark in the winter? said Ashleigh __________ . 9. I love Christmas time! said Peter ___________ . 10. How old are you? Sarah _____________ asked her teacher. Complete the following conversation (remember the rules for writing speech!): Are you going to the Christmas concert? asked Gemma ____________ ...
(What happens next?)

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