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OBJECTIVE: To describe preferences in English

1. Label the pictures with the hobbies.


2. Answer the questions about yourself. Click on the answers. a. Do you practice any sports? Yes, I do / No, I dont b. Do you have any hobbies? Yes, I do / No, I dont c. Do you do skateboarding? Yes, I do / No, I dont d. Do you play football? Yes, I do / No, I dont 3. Select the correct word. a. Karen listen/listens to George. b. George plays/play the guitar. c. Karen and Sophie play/plays with everybody. d. They all smile/smiles. e. Stephen sing/sings too. 4. Type in the correct auxiliary verb Do or Does. a. ____________ she play tennis? b. ____________ they play football? c. ____________ he play basketball? d. ____________ they dance? e. ____________ he play volleyball? 5. In pairs, create a dialog applying the descriptions of hobbies and sports. A: Hello! How are you? B: Im fine! What sports do you like? A: I___________________________. What ______________________? B: I __________________________. What hobbies________________? A: I ________________________ and _______________________. B: Really! Cool!

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