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Hey, all! Zappo23 here.

So, you want to be the very best like no one ever was, but don't want to have to travel all over Kanto, Johto, Hoenn, Sinnoh or Unova to catch 'em all? Do you despise GTS for all the nasty random people that send you hacked Pokemon that screw up your game? Well, I'm here to cure all your ills about playing Pokemon. This tutorial will show you how to create legitimate Pokemon using Pokegen. FIRST THINGS FIRST For general knowledge, I created this tutorial because I have spent countless hours scouring the Internet for solutions to the problems I was having with my own Pokemon setup. I finally found all the answers I was looking for, and decided to compile everything into one comprehensive tutorial so that everything you need to know about using your PokeGen properly is in one easy-to-understand place. This tutorial is going to take you through the process of creating a Pokemon and making it legitimate WITHOUT the use of Action Replay codes. This tutorial will be as detailed as I can make it. Now, before you do anything, I recommend creating a folder on your desktop as shown below (and yes, my desktop background is a kickass painting of Tentacool).

DOWNLOAD LINKS Tool(s) you'll need: PokeGen 3.0.4 (this is the most recent version available as of May 2012) WinRAR or WinZIP (my preference is WinRAR because it is easier to use, and therefore is the archiver program that I will be using) NOTE: Download links lead you to website

CREATING YOUR POKEMON After you've downloaded everything, find where your PokeGen was saved and go to that folder.

When you download the file, it should have the same name and icon as displayed above if you use WinRAR. Double-click the file and you should see this:

Now, extract the files to your POKEMON GTS folder, and double-click PokeGen. A new window will open on your Desktop:

What the hell is all this crap? Am I meant to understand what all this means? NO WORRIES. I will walk you through the creation process step-by-step. It is here that Bulbapedia becomes very useful. But I'm getting ahead of myself. SELECTING YOUR POKEMON First, let's pick a Pokemon. My favorite Pokemon is Fearow, so let's make it.

As you can see, you can choose from any of the 649 Pokemon. Be warned, though: Gen V Pokemon -- or, Pokemon from Black and White versions -- will NOT work in Gen IV (Diamond/Pearl/Platinum/HeartGold/ SoulSilver) games. So, we have Fearow. Now it's time to fill in its stats. First, we'll need to select the desired level for the Pokemon. To be modest (and not make the game too easy), we'll put this Fearow at Lv.20. Note that based on the level you choose for your Pokemon, the box labeled "Experience" will populate with a corresponding number. DO NOT CHANGE THIS NUMBER. Leave that box alone. Seriously, if you touch it I will break your fingers.

CREATING YOUR POKEMON'S STATS Next, we need to figure out the stats, so click the "Stats" tab. Don't worry about the other selections on this first tab, as we will come back to them later. You can do pretty much whatever you want, as long as you adhere to strict guidelines about the Pokemon's stats. So you can't really do whatever you want.

So, here is the "Stats" tab. As you can see, basic stats for Fearow are listed: HP, Attack, Defense, Sp. Atk, Sp. Def, and Speed. The most important part of setting Fearow's stats are the Individual Values, or IVs for short. Do NOT randomize your IVs. This will mess up the legitimacy of your Pokemon. Instead, in order to calculate your Pokemon's stats, we will first need to look at its Bulbapedia entry. Find the section on your Pokemon's Bulbapedia page titled "Base Stats." Fearow's looks like this:

These are important to know. The numbers unders Stat are how we will determine Effort Values, or EVs. Do not even worry about the Range section. Once you have found your Pokemon's base stats, your Stats screen on Pokegen should look like this:

Notice how the numbers under "EV" match the base stats. As you add the numbers to the "EV" column, the numbers in the "Stat" column will automatically adjust. Also, note that the box titled "EV total" begins to fill. The maximum EV number cannot exceed 510, so it's okay if you want to add a couple extra EV points to your favorite stats. WARNING: DO NOT ALTER THE NUMBERS IN THE STAT COLUMN. Now that we have our effort values, it's time to calculate our Individual Values. There is a very difficult mathematical equation that we can use to determine IVs. But for time's sake, I'll just show you the easy way. offers a great IV calculator that, based on the information you enter for your Pokemon, will tell you what your IVs should be lickity split.

I took the liberty of filling out the information for Fearow so it is already here for you, completely filled out. Again, taking the information from the "Stat" and "EV" columns in PokeGen, fill out the corresponding boxes on the left side calculator. Push at the bottom of the screen, and be amazed as "Individual Values" in the upper right hand corner is automatically filled. These are the value you will take with you to PokeGen.

You will now notice that while your overall stats have not changed, the characteristic and Hidden Power type for your Pokemon will change. Fearow is now impetuous and silly (like me), and its Hidden Power type is Ice. If you ever teach this Fearow "Hidden Power," it will likely turn Dragon, Flying, Ground, and Grass types to Pokemonsicles. ATTACKS Now, this next part is pretty straightforward. With the help of Bulbapedia yet again, we will determine our Pokemon's attacks based on its level and what it can learn.

As you can see here, No attacks have been chosen. Bulbapedia has the complete list of moves that your Pokemon can naturally learn, be taught using a TM/HM, learn by breeding, or by tutoring. NOTE: If you ARE choosing to create Fearow, there are currently no moves in Gen V that it can learn from tutoring. For the sake of this demonstration, we will only use the list of moves that Fearow can learn naturally.

Please note the red-boxed areas. First, at the top is a selection of generations. Make absolute certain that you are on the correct move-set for your Pokemon. If you're making a Pokemon for Black Version, make sure that you select Gen V, HG/SS for Gen IV, etc. Selecting the wrong move-set can make your Pokemon illegitimate in your game, and the move you selected for it may not even show up in your game (will appear as blank). Second, the column on the left signifies the level at which Fearow can learn its moves. Our Fearow is Lv.20, so we will NOT teach it Mirror Move or Drill Peck. It's NOT READY FOR SUCH POWER!!! So basically our selection is limited to moves it can learn from the "Start" of its existence (or Lv.1) to Lv.17. NOTE: Not every Lv.20 Pokemon will be limited to "Start-Lv.17." Other Pokemon may be able to learn moves at 18, 19, and 20. But you already knew that (See? I TOLD you this would be comprehensive).

As you can see, I have selected four moves based on the legal move-set provided in Bulbapedia. Pretty simple here. Start typing in the name of the move you selected, and it will auto-populate with the move name AND the PP number. To keep your Pokemon legal, don't touch the PP Ups dropdown. They increase the number of maximum times you can use the move, but really, do you NEED more? I doubt you'll use Peck 35 times in one battle. OT/MISC

Okay, this is where we figure out your Trainer ID. This will probably be the most difficult part of making your Pokemon legit. But don't worry, I'm going to walk you through each step clearly and concisely. If you want your PokeGen Pokemon to look as if it was captured by you in-game, it needs your Trainer ID and name. But there are two parts to this step. The first part, easily enough, is to fill in your character's Trainer name and ID. You can find these on your Trainer card in-game. The trick is getting your Secret ID, which cannot be seen plainly. There are Action Replay codes out there that will enable you to find your Secret ID. There is a slightly more difficult way of doing it that involves your DNS and DS Wifi settings. NOTE: Details on how to connect your DS to your DNS server through your WiFi connection will be explained later. For the sake of keeping us on track, I will NOT explain in this section how to connect your DS to your DNS server via WiFi. If you have an Action Replay, chances are you already know how to use it, so I will just post the codes at the end of this tutorial for you, and you can go from there. For everyone else who does NOT have Action Replay, this next section is for YOU. Obviously, in order for the game to recognize a Pokemon as YOURS and not as a trade, the information in the boxes must match PERFECTLY.

For reasons I cannot explain, I will not be using my actual in-game trainer information, so please bear with me. The name is not real, the Trainer ID is not real, and the Secret ID will not be real, either. Okay, okay, enough with the rambling. Time to show you how to get your Secret ID. First things first, log onto You will need to register an account in order to do anything, so fill out your information where it prompts you. NOTE: is ONLY compatible with Gen IV and Gen V Pokemon games. It will only work with Diamond/Pearl/Platinum/HeartGold/SoulSilver and White/Black.

You won't have to enter your email if you are only using PokeCheck to find your Secret ID. Keep in mind, however, that PokeCheck is not specifically used for Pokemon hacking. It is a sharing site, and you may choose to become a frequent member of their community. Once you have created your account, the page will look something like this:

The red box at the top of the image is very important. In order to access PokeCheck to find your Secret ID, you must enter that DNS number:

If you are using a DS, DSi, DSi XL, or DS Lite, access the Nintendo WFC Settings button in the Main Menu of your Pokemon game. Select Connection 1, and scroll down to where it reads Auto-obtain DNS. If it is set to "Yes," change it to "No." You will then be prompted to enter the DNS number next to Primary DNS. Click the Edit button, and enter the DNS number: Test your connection to make sure you can connect, then press Save Settings so you don't lose your changes, and then back out and start your game. If you are using a 3DS, select System Settings on the Home Menu and then tap Internet Settings. If you are using a 3DS, select System Settings on the Home Menu and then tap Internet Settings. Tap Connection Settings, and select Connection 1. Select Change Settings. Tap the arrow to the right so you see a menu that reads IP Address, DNS, Proxy Settings, and MTU Value. Click DNS. Change Auto-obtain DNS to "No," and then click Detailed Setup. Click Primary DNS and enter the above DNS number. When you exit, it will prompt you to save and then conduct a connection test. Once you're confirmed, exit out and start your Pokemon game. The next step is to go to your GTS in-game. In Diamond/Pearl/Platinum, the GTS is located in Jubilife City and is only available after you defeat Roark. In HeartGold/SoulSilver, the GTS is located in Goldenrod City. Go to the counter, speak with the lady, and save your game. Once inside the GTS, you must opt to Deposit/Offer a Pokemon that you caught in that game. Traded Pokemon will not provide the answers you seek.

Once you select your Pokemon, choose "Deposit/Offer." After this, you must fill out information for a Pokemon you'd like in return. Don't worry, you won't lose your Pokemon. Select anything you'd like, and then select "Yes." After a few seconds, you will receive a message "That Pokemon may not be offered for trade!" NOTE: If you are using Pokemon Black/White, you should receive an error code 13266. DO NOT BE ALARMED. This means that the Deposit/Offer was successful. Now, return to and make sure you are still logged in. Click the most pertinent information you need is located. and you will be brought to the next page, where

Oh, look! It's another Fearow! Under the column labeled "SID" is where you will find your secret ID, so once you have that, let's head back over to the PokeGen.

Now that the Secret ID has been added in, it's time to return to the Main tab.

Notice that the "Happiness" and "Ability" boxes were filled in. Happiness of the Pokemon can range from 0-255, so you can make it super grumpy, super happy, or somewhere in between.

The ability of the Pokemon is determined (again) by what is in its Bulbapedia. You can't go wrong with Bulbapedia. The last major thing to sort out on the Main tab is the PID. This will help determine the Pokemon's legitimacy. In order to engage the PID menu, press the "F" button next to the PID box.

The above image is what you should see in YOUR PID Finder. In yours, uncheck the "Shiny" box, because we don't want our Pokemon to be Shiny. On the left, notice the section under "IVs." Exactly what we did before, but now you must match the numbers in the dropdowns to the stats in the boxes. The center dropdowns have +, -, and = . Put them all to +, as displayed below, and then select "Search." Don't worry about anything else on this menu, it doesn't matter.

Note the red highlighted boxes. After the search is complete, Fearow's Speed stat will jump from 2 to 29. That's because Speed is its best stat. This may happen with YOUR Pokemon, depending on which stat is the highest. Next, the PID is found! At this point, you would highlight the selection and press "OK," and you will be taken back to the Main tab, where your Pokemon's PID is now visible. NOTE: Fearow's PID search only turned up one result. Depending on which Pokemon you use, more PID results may be produced. It is at your sole discretion which PID you choose.


Here, it's pretty self-explanatory. You want the Pokemon to look legit, so you have to pick a place where you met it. You can also select the ball that it was "captured" in. Choose the level that it was "caught" at, and select the date of its "capture." Finally, the circumstances of the encounter can range from a building to tall grass. It's your call, just make it look good. Another thing, you absolutely HAVE to make sure that your generation is selected. It's okay that I am bringing this up now, because the changes you have made will not be affected.

The final step to save.

Remember your POKEMON GTS folder on the desktop? Create a folder inside labeled PKMN. This is where you're going to save.

GAME OVER And that is how you create and save a Pokemon using the PokeGen program on your desktop. In the next section, I will teach you how to send that Pokemon to your DS using ShinyGTS.

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