Goose Eggs Final May 2012

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Goose Eggs

Egg of Eternal Light

By Sofie E. Dalton

Shadow Rock kneeled quietly in the shadows, listening. Noises echoed all around. Mother Goose and her egg were both near, very near. He crept closer, closer Hey, what do we do now? asked Wain Eal. Uhh, grunted Shadow Rock, youre supposed to be quiet! Why did I get pared up with you for this important expedition? Wain Eal shrugged, how I am supposed to know that? King Samos decides my fate. Your fate shall be death, if you dont be quiet, hissed Shadow Rock, going back to looking. Wain Eal did the same. Then, Mother Goose turned away. Nows our chance, get the secret weapon!! Wain Eal pulled out a gold cross bow, stolen from Magician Brook and got ready to fire. Wait, wrong way! cried Shadow Rock. A guard heard him. Lights blared and next thing he knew Wain Eal fired the bow. A guard fired his silver bow too. The streams crossed. NO!!!!!! yelled Shadow Rock. Then there was a flash of light and Mother Gooses five powerful eggs flew to different parts of the world. Once recovered from the blow, Shadow Rock looked at Wain Eal and they fled. Lucky for them, they escaped. And the world of Sarantio was in grave danger.

Chapter One
Nathan raked leafs and dust aside. His father was out hunting with his older brother Stephan, and he was left with the chores a girl was supposed to have. Nathan would much rather be hunting with his father and brother, catching deer, and rabbit, Nathan wished he wasnt the youngest. The world he lived in (Sarantio) was dived into four parts, Peaks, which were the mountains, Gorms which were where the swamps and ocean were, the Oaks which were near the forest, where he lived, and the Valleys, which were, the valleys. Nathan loved his home but recently the hunt had been very poor especially in the Oaks. Nathan had wanted to leave the Oaks but his father said that the journey is too far and hard especially for Nathan. What did he know? Nathan knew he could make the journey, but his father still wouldnt let him no matter how much he complained. Just then, Nathan saw two figures walking toward him. It was Nathans father and brother! Nathan hoped they would have food, but as they got closer, he saw that they had nothing but their bows. Nathans father Jo stopped to put down his bow and then wiped his head. Finally, Jo looked back up and said the hunt is getting poorer by the minute. Jo stopped again then said I am going to a town meeting tonight in at the town square, and Im taking Leelee, the horse. Nathan gasped; Jo never rode horses, not anymore, why now. Jo continued I should be back by midnight, please dont follow me. Then Jo got up and went back in the house. Wow, was the hunt really that bad? asked Nathan. Yes, and now that I am fifteen and almost a man, I should be able to go to town meetings said Stephan.

And I should be able to hunt, said Nathan. Stephan shook his head, Youre not strong enough. Nathan was about to retort when Jo came out of the house and said off to the meeting, and then he kissed both of their heads and left. Well, what? Nathan started but then he saw Stephan riding on horse behind Jo, going to the meeting. Without thinking, Nathan ran after them.

Chapter Two
By the time he was at the meeting place, Nathan was out of breath. He walked into the town square where many people were walking around and talking. Nathan decided that first; he would look for Stephan who HAD to be near by and try to avoid seeing his father. All the sudden, a news paper flew in his face. By the time Nathan removed it he heard someone reading it.

Goose Eggs Stolen!!!!!

For years, Mother Goose has been a prime power source in these lands. But recently, two men that work for our cruel new leader King Samos, caused problems. The men caused a power explosion that sent Mother Gooses eggs flying around the world. Rumor has it that the Governor will send three children on a quest. By Mic Pearce Harsh, said the person that read the article. Yeah, said his companion, sending children is madness.

Nathan now knew why the meeting was going on. Nathan wished he knew how to read, but his father couldnt afford to send him and Stephan to education class. Nathan put the thought to the back of his mind and continued to look for Stephan. Nathan just sighed and moved on; he just wanted to find Stephan. Many people were wandering around the meeting place; while others were selling delicious foods. Nathans stomach rumbled he hadnt had a proper meal for weeks, maybe even months! The only person rich in these lands was the Oak leader, Master Sulver and even HE didnt get the right food. Putting his troubles aside, Nathan walked down the market road, still looking for Stephan who seemed unfindable. As Nathan neared the center of the market, he heard a loud voice booming from the speakers high wood podium. Nathan stopped walking and turned to face the speaker. On the podium stood a short stout man in an expensive blue coat with silver buttons and a tall blue hat. Hello, can every one hear me? asked the man. A mumbled yes went through the crowd. OK good, the man cleared his throat. My name is Evan Omar; I am our beloved governor Master Sulvers chief adviser. Evan cleared his throat again, anyway, the reason of this meeting is Mother Gooses five powerful eggs were lost. A gasp went through the crowd. I know, I know, a huge tragedy. Yet we must not despair. Evan paused for a second then continued. A child from this town that is eleven or over will go on a quest to find the missing eggs. A gasp went up through the crowd. Nathans stomach tightened, HE was eleven. What if Evan picked him for the quest? That wasnt what he wanted, was it? Suddenly, Nathan felt someone tapping

his shoulders. He turned around and saw a young girl about his age. She had long strawberry blond hair, and bright green eyes. Hey, said the girl as Evan was talking. What, Nathan asked. Can you believe that theyre going to pick a young kid, I hope it isnt me, she said. Shh, Im trying to listen, who are you anyway? Kristie, she said fiddling with her scarf. My parents work for Mr. Omar or Evan. Kristie fiddled with her scarf some more. Nathan was about to reply, when Evan said three children from different parts of the land will be chosen. Then Evan paused, and YOU will be one of them, said Evan pointing at Nathan.

Chapter Three
What!! cried Nathan, what!! cried Stephan, WHAT!!!! cried Jo. Is that your family? asked Kristie. Nathan didnt know what to say and or do. His head was spinning, his mind was racing and the world was blurring before Nathans eyes. Jo quickly stepped up front. There must have been some mistake, this is my son and he should not be here. Evan shook his head, this boy is the right one and the decisions already has been made. He is my son and I will not allow this, said Jo stubbornly crossing his arms and holding his head high. Too bad, said Evan, take the boy and be off!! Next thing Nathan knew, he was wrestled into a bag. All Nathan could say was STOP!, and then everything went black.

Nathan woke up in a dark dreary room. The walls were plain gray and made of stone. It took a few moments before Nathan remembered what happened.

Meeting, Evan Omar, Kristie, Goose Eggs, the right one, Stephan, father. Nathan
couldnt believe it, how could he go on a quest like this? Then Nathan realized that he was half in a sack, there were more empty ones in the room. Just then, someone said who are you? Nathan screamed and turned around. It was just a boy, a boy about Nathans age. Who are you asked the boy? This particular boy had blond hair and blue eyes. He also was wearing a light blue buttoned shirt, and, his face was very grimy with dirt. Nathan, who are you? Rephan, the boy replied fiddling with his shoe lace, Im from the Gorms. Swamps, said Nathan disgusted. Its not that bad, said Rephan looking at Nathan. Sorry, Nathan mumbled. Dont be, I wont hold a grudge, said Rephan. Good. There was a long silence. Did they choose you too for the quest? asked Nathan. Yah, said Rephan, pretty harsh. Nathan managed a small smile, he liked Rephan. Then, the boys noticed another moving lump on the other side of the room. Whats that? asked Rephan. I dont know, said Nathan suspiciously. Nathan carefully walked up to the bag and opened it. There was a scream and then a girl popped out of the bag. She had light brown hair and meadow green eyes. Ahhh, cried Rephan. Stop screaming and tell me what you want, said the girl crossing her arms. Nathan began to speak: Im Nathan, this is Rephan, and we were forced to go on a quest to find missing goose eggs. The girl shrugged, so was I, and by the way, my names Jill. Hi ya Jill, said Rephan shaking Jills hand, the name is Rephan if you didnt catch that, Im from the Gorms. Gross, said Jill, Im from the Peaks, where are you from? Nathan realized Jill was talking to him. The Oaks, Nathan replied, my family hunts a lot. Nice, you both live in decent

places, some more decent then others, said Jill looking at Rephan. Its not that bad, cried Rephan throwing his hands in the air, Jill rolled her eyes. So I assume none of us want to do this quest thing, said Nathan. No, said Rephan, actually it sounds kind of interesting, said Jill. Nathan and Rephan looked, and were shocked. Really? asked Rephan, totally, said Jill, in fact, I think you boys are just scared. No!!!! cried Nathan and Rephan. I just want something more challenging, said Nathan. Jill turned to face him, really are you sure? Positive, said Nathan with pride sticking his chin up. Same here, said Rephan. Jill looked like she was going to laugh. Sure, and I can touch the crescent moon. This isnt a joke, started Rephan, but then, there was a loud creaking sound from above. Whats that? asked Rephan. Oh no, theyre coming! cried Jill. Whos they? asked Nathan. The guys that brought us in here, answered Jill. They didnt put you to sleep? asked Rephan. They put you to sleep? said Jill. Suddenly, there were footsteps, loud footsteps. There here, quick, hide! cried Jill. Nathan ran to a large bag and went in it, while Rephan hid in a small bag, and Jill hid in a regular sized bag. Then the door flew open, and men in white suits with sunglasses, came in. Where are they! barked one. How am I supposed to know, said another. The men huddled together and talked in low voices so Nathan couldnt hear them. Then the first man said: get the sacks and move out, the sleepy dust should wear out soon. The other men nodded and went toward the sacks. Nathan bit his lip, what would happen to Jill and Rephan, and him!?

Then, Nathan felt himself being lifted into the air and then he knew his sack was being carried. Since Nathan heard no problem with seeing any of them, Jill and Rephan must be safe. Nathan merely just lay there and let himself get carried away.

Nathan didnt know how, but he fell asleep. He didnt want to; he wanted to know what was going on. All Nathan knew is when he woke up, he was in a courtyard. Nathan looked up and realized that he was in a chair and his head was on a little round table. Sitting down across from him was Jill, slumped against another table near a stone wall that went around a beautiful spring. Rephan was lying down on that wall near Jill. There was a beautiful glittering stone patio around the courtyard and behind him were amazing flowers in full bloom. Then, Nathan came back to reality; Jill and Rephan were still asleep. Nathan sprang out of his chair. Rephan, Rephan, cried Nathan shaking Rephan back and forth, wake up!!! Uhh, said Rephan turning his head around and around before he opened his eyes. What, who, how, where are we, how did we get here? asked Rephan half sitting up, half lying down. Nathan shook his head, I dont know. Then, groaning could be heard from a nearby table. Who is that? asked Rephan. Jill, said Nathan. The two ran towards Jill who was mumbling in her sleep. Jill, get up, cried Rephan shaking Jill. What, where, where, WHERE AM I? Jill cried out. She got up, kicking over the table in the process and turned to face Nathan and Rephan.

Oh, its just you guys, she said. Yah, its just us, said Rephan in a mimicking tone. We dont know where we are either, but those guys must have taken us, said Nathan. OK, I want to go home now, said Rephan. Does it look like we have a choice? snapped Jill. All I was saying is.. STOP, cried Nathan. We dont know where we are, therefore; we need to find out where we are and how to get home, IS THAT CLEAR? Yes, OK, sure, mumbled Rephan and Jill. Nathan sighed, hed never yelled at someone before, and it didnt feel good. Lets just walk around, someones got to live around here, said Jill turning and climbing over one of the walls that surrounded the patio and starting into a glade that mostly consisted of flowers. Reluctantly, Nathan and Rephan followed her. All around them were lush flowers of all kind and other plants growing from the ground. Uh, Jill, I dont think this is, started Rephan before a loud noise went out. What was that? asked Jill quickly spinning around. Dont ask me, said Rephan. Maybe the people that put us here want us to do the quest, and are still here, suggested Nathan. Jill shook her head, the people that took us here are not the people that want us to go on the quest. How do you know? asked Nathan, I just do, Jill responded. Hey guys dont mean to burst your bubble, but these people are getting closer. Oh boy, said Jill. They might be good, protested Nathan. I know theyre not, said Jill, really. Well I think, started Nathan but he didnt get finish for two guys with swords and old fashion nunchucks appeared out of the bushes. Great, this is pleasant, mumbled Rephan. No time for jokes, said Jill and then, surprisingly, Jill kicked the man with the sword in the guts.

Nathans mouth fell open in awe. What the. Started Rephan, but then he got pushed down on the ground by the guy with nunchucks. Luckily Jill appeared and started kicking, slash, punching the guy that pushed Rephan. Nathan and Rephan just watched in awe as Jill fought the two men on her own, and she was winning! Not for long. Jill got smashed to the ground and then kicked around. Look Shadow Rock, we got a good one, said the guy with the nunchucks. I know Clash Lighting, I know, said Shadow Rock. No, they got Jill! cried Rephan; Ill go get her! No! cried Nathan, but it was too late. Rephan sprang forward and ran to the man called Shadow Rock and kicked him hard on the back. Shadow Rock sprung around and hit Rephan with his sword, hard. Rephan fell to the ground. Nathan gasped. Hey, wheres the other one, said Clash Lightning. I know there was another one, said Shadow Rock. Nathan didnt know what to do, his heart was pumping, and he had a headache. How could he, go against those guys? Jill was ten times better than him and she still got crushed, and Rephan, he couldnt think about it. How could Nathan get passed these people without getting pummeled, or worse?

Chapter Four
Nathan just sat there as he watched the men pace around looking for him. He didnt have a clue what to do. But then, Nathan saw one of Jills eyes open. His heart leaped. Jill gave him a quiet sign, then turned around and kicked one of the men. Just as he fell to the ground Jill got up, grabbed Rephan, and ran towards Nathan. Go, go, GO! Nathan turned around and ran. The men were hot on their trail, Nathan knew it. He ran faster than he ever had before. Then, Nathan came to a cliff and stopped, below it was a large river. Jill stopped behind him dragging Rephan.

Her hair was a mess, and her face was covered in dirt. Jump, she cried. Before Nathan could respond, Jill pushed him, and Nathan, was falling. A scream escaped his lips. Big rocks were in the river, and river was getting closer. The air stung his eyes as Nathan fell. It hurt him to think of what would happen when he hit those rocks. Then, somehow out of the blue, Nathan plunged, in icy cold water. Struggling to surface, everywhere he looked, Nathan saw blue and foam. Im dead, I know I am, he thought. Finally, Nathan managed to surface. Coughing, Nathan turned his head around and saw Jill struggling to keep herself, and Rephan surfaced. Nathan felt himself go down at all the bumps, and there were a ton. Then Nathan heard Jill scream: WATER FALL! Nathan turned around and saw she was right. Water was rushing forward to a massive water fall. Nathan panicked, he cried out: JILL!!!!!!!!!!!!! REPHAN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! HELP!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Seeing the waterfall was getting closer, with no land near, Nathan felt himself slip down the waterfall, with one last cry.

When Nathan woke up, everything was green. Thats when Nathan realized he was lying face down on wet moss. Nathan pushed himself up, or tried, then fell down exhausted. Where am I? He thought. Nathan wondered how he was still alive after the fall. With all the effort he had, Nathan pushed himself up once more. This time by rolling on his side Nathan could sit up. Looking around he found that everywhere were moss beds at the bottom of a little pool. Lying on moss across from him was Rephan whose head was down too.


Rephan! cried Nathan pushing himself down so he could get to Rephan. He half swam, half walked, to Rephan. Finally Nathan pulled himself up to reach Rephan and turned him over on his back. Rephan groaned and turned from side to side. Panicked, Nathan didnt know what to do when Rephan mumbled Jill. Rephan, wake up! said Nathan. Rephan groaned again, and then opened his eyes. What, what happened? he asked. We fell down a waterfall and got knocked out. Oh boy, said Rephan grunting as he sat up. Do you know where Jill is? Wait, started Nathan looking around. No, I dont know where Jill is! Rephan pushed himself off the moss and turned towards an opening where water ran down in a stream. We got to go look for her, he said starting forward. Wait! cried Nathan, we have no idea what we might find, for all I know those men could be out there. Jill could be hurt, protested Rephan. I know, but still, said Nathan biting his lip, I dont know if, Nathan paused again then turned to Rephan and said lets find Jill. It was hard swimming through the little stream. At some points, it was too big, others too small, some too shallow, others deep. Rephan was by far a better swimmer then Nathan, but even he had trouble swimming through the current plus they were both tired. With a last stroke, Nathan heaved himself on a rock followed by Rephan, they were both exhausted. Nathan shook out his wet hair and gave out a big sigh. I, I cant do this Rephan, youre such a better swimmer than me and Im already tired. Rephan gave a big sigh as well. We cant give up; we have to do it for Jill. The boys looked forward and found miles more of swimming ahead of them with no sign of Jill. Nathan turned back to Rephan and said we need to get help, we need to go home and get help, otherwise well have no hope to help Jill. Rephan

started to protest but then Nathan said maybe we can even get help somewhere closer, like a home nearby. Rephan stared out in the distance then responded. Well find someone who knows where Jill could be, there has to be a person. Nathan nodded in agreement. But, well still have to swim in till we find civilization, and if we find Jill we just have to find a doctor and take Jill there. Deal, said Nathan and the boys shook hands and climbed back in the water. The swim father down was even harder, strong currents pushed them back. Less than halfway down, Nathan was more tired than hed ever been; the current was getting really bad. Right before Nathan felt like it was over for him, Rephan yelled look! A maroon colored cottage was in view. People were coming out with drinks and bags. A shop and a place to stay, thought Nathan. Just the idea of having something warm and shelter made him smile. Head toward the cottage! cried Nathan. Rephan followed him towards the place. Finally, Nathan and Rephan clasped on a grassy bank near the cottage. When Nathan looked up, a kind woman with gray curly hair and a purple apron was standing in front of them. Oh dear! she cried, You boys better come inside. Next thing he knew, Nathan and Rephan were both picked up by strong men and taken inside a large room in the cottage. There they were put on comfy green chairs where the women sat across from them. Welcome to the Madison Inn, my name is Mary, Im the inn keeper. Nathan gave a sigh then said hello, my name is Nathan and this is Rephan. Hey, said Rephan. It is a pleasure to meet you but what happened? asked Mary. Both


boys went silent. Then Nathan said we were in our court yard, when some men chased us off the waterfall. Oh my, almost the same thing happened to another girl who came here, but she was unconscious. Nathan and Rephans eyes went wide. Who was the girl? asked Rephan. Well, her name is Jill. Nathan and Rephan cried at the same time we know her! Then, that moment, Jill walked in the room. Guys? she said in surprise. Jill, we thought you were dead, or hurt or badly injured! cried Rephan. I was the last two, she said with a little laugh. But, what happened? asked Nathan. Im going to leave you kids in private, said Mary quickly walking away. Jill sat where she had been sitting. OK, tell us everything, said Rephan. Then you tell me everything that happened to you two. OK. Well, Jill started, I was unconscious when I fell off the waterfall. I dont know where you guys went, but I floated down the river until Marys eighteen year old nephews Martin and Clark, found me on their way home from the inn. They took me to Mary who treated me until I was better. Then Mary let me stay at the inn, and Ive been here for a day. We were out for that long! cried Rephan. Apparently, said Jill, now what happened to you guys? OK, started Nathan, so we were knocked out in some mossy bank. When we woke up we thought you were hurt, and tried to find you. Then, we found the inn after some swimming, finished Rephan. Jill looked at both of them quietly then looked at the ground. We have to do the quest, she said. What, are you crazy? asked Rephan. I found out one of the


guys who attacked us was Shadow Rock, he was one of the men that scattered eggs. OK said Nathan. Jill grunted. You dont get it, those men are working for King Samos, and they stole something really important. Well what was it? asked Rephan, a crossbow, from Magician Brook, one of the finest magicians in the world. How do you know all this? asked Nathan. Theres a man here who is one of the people that wants us to go on the quest. Why should we go on any quest, those men tried to kill us?! said Rephan. Jill shook her head, they arent the same people. Well who are they?! cried Nathan exasperated. Jill gave a loud sigh, they are people that want us to go on a quest to FIND THE EGGS, and do you not get that? But, we have no idea where to go, said Rephan. Robin will tell us, said Jill. Whos Robin? asked Nathan. The man that wants us to go on the quest, answered Jill There was silence for a second and then Mary walked back in the room. Sorry to interrupt but I want to know whats going on, she said crossing her arms. Nathan gave a deep breath then stood and said we have been chosen to go on a quest to find some eggs, we need help. Mary looked confused. Maybe I can explain, said a tall dark haired man walking in the room. He stared at them with deep eyes. I think I may have some answers.


Chapter Five
Who are you? asked Nathan. Robin, I work for the DKS society. Everyone looked at him with confusion. Defeat King Samos society, he said. Hello Jill, he said. Hi, Jill replied, these are my friends Nathan and Rephan. So I see, Robin replied. You all ran away from your quest. Uh, those men tried to kill us, said Rephan. No, they merely tried to take you to where your quest started, but now I will have to take you. Robin moved towards them. Oh no, hes going to kill us, said Rephan. Then, Nathan had an idea. No, he wants to make us heroes, father would be so proud. Suddenly Rephan seemed in with that. Take us there, said Rephan. Robin smiled, I will escort you and then tell you your mission. Everyone nodded. There were of course goodbyes from and to Mary who wished them luck. Then, the three travelers and one DKS man left the inn. So, how are we going to get where were going? asked Nathan. Boat, answered Robin. On this river, snorted Rephan with some sarcasm. Yes in fact, we are using a boat to get to the Princes valley. None of us nowhere that is, said Jill. Merely the place your quest will begin, nothing more, said Robin. I still dont get how we are going to get there by boat, said Rephan. Neither do I, it actually sounds dangerous on this river, said Nathan. We are using a special boat, said Robin. I dont understand! cried Nathan. This doesnt make sense; we are traveling on a boat, across this skinny river, to get to a valley. Shouldnt we just go by horse!?


I understand your frustration, said Robin, but you have to trust me, I am a professional at this kind of stuff. I still dont think we should go by boat, said Rephan. You need to trust me, said Robin. And here is our boat. Robin was pointing at a skinny canal on the river that looked barely big enough to fit the four of them. Hah, hah, funny stuff Robin, wheres the real boat? asked Rephan. This is it, replied Robin. But thats impossible, this boat is too small and it looks too old, said Jill. Dont worry, just get in it, said Robin as they neared the boat. Nathan shook his head, its not safe and we could easily get hurt. Robin turned to face him. Are you saying that you dont trust me? Yes, said Nathan, I dont, this is not safe at all. Robin nodded his head, its your choice, and you dont have to- Hey guys, get in the boat. It has a ton of space, said Jill who had plopped down in the boat which still looked tiny. Jill, what are you doing? asked Nathan. He turned to Robin and said if this is some type of trick? Get in Nathan, its really big, said Rephan who was also sitting down in the boat. Nathan looked from Robin to his friends and then to the boat. Well, I

better do it so I can go and become a hero, thought Nathan. So then, carefully and
slowly, Nathan crept in to the little boat. At once Nathan was surprised! It had enough space to be a.. big boat? The boat had tons of space! On the other side of the boat was Jill, and in the middle Rephan. Nathan stared in shock at Robin who was standing on the shore. Alright, you three must sail north, which is that way, said Robin pointing forward,

to get to the Princes valley. Wait youre not going with us? asked Nathan. No, Robin replied plainly. But how will we know where to go? asked Jill. I just told you, he replied simply. How will we know where to stop? asked Rephan. Trust me, youll know, said Robin. Were kind of having trouble trusting you, said Rephan. Robin just sighed and said off you go, and he pushed their boat forward and it kept moving. Wait, we dont know what were doing, cried Nathan hanging over the back of the boat. Stop the boat! Jill cried. No can do, said Robin waving to them and walking away. This is a suicide mission! cried Rephan. But their cries were ignored as Robin faded into the mist. Nathan was one hundred percent sure they all were going to die. The ride was rocky; Nathan was jostled around in his seat. Rephan, and even Jill, looked terrified as well. Nathan didnt know what to do.

Chapter Six
The river was narrow, and Jill was currently trying to come up with a plan. OK, we need to get out of here, so, at the Princes Valley, where ever that is, if we even know where that is, well get off and try to find our clue. Uh, Jill this isnt a treasure hunt, its a quest to save the world, said Rephan lying down on the other side of the boat. Jill gave Rephan a glare, and then kept thinking. Nathan was brainstorming how they were going to find out where theyre going after the Princes Valley. Were done, thats it we are hopeless, how can we find out where were supposed to go, this is hopeless, said Rephan. Dont give up, said Nathan.


Maybe someone else from the DKS society will be at the Princes Valley and help us, said Jill. Yah, maybe, replied Rephan, I just think this is impossible and kids shouldnt be doing this. Well be special kids, said Nathan, well be famous. Rephan still wasnt convinced. So Nathan said tell me about your family. Rephan looked up, what? Your family, what are they like? Rephan sighed, Well, there are six kids and two adults. Im part of a big family. Nathan nodded, go on. Er, well, we live in the Gorms; we all have pet frogs too. Cool, said Jill, keep talking. There are three boys and three girls, Rephan stuttered, and our names are Lily whos sixteen, Mathew whos fourteen, Jasper whos thirteen, me and Im twelve, Canada whos eight, and Mara whos five. Wow, you do have a big family, said Nathan. No kidding, said Jill. Yah, said Rephan. There was a brief silence and then Rephan asked Jill, so, what about your family? Jill shrugged, not many kids, its just me; my dad helps train birds that fly through the Peaks. My mom is a housewife, she runs our house. I go to education class and my teacher says Im at the top of my game. Cool, said Nathan embarrassed, Jill lived such a good life while he was poor. What about your family? asked Jill. Oh, started Nathan, well, its just my father, older brother Stephan, and I. We live on a farm in the Oaks. I clean up our barn a lot, and.. Thats it.


Cool, we all have interesting families, said Jill. You mean you do! snapped Rephan. What? asked Jill. Not everyone can afford education class, or a good home, my family fights for food! snapped Nathan. You guys are. Started Jill. Just say it, poor were POOR and youre lucky and RICH!!!! exclaimed Rephan. Im so sorry, said Jill but Nathan and Rephan didnt speak for the rest of the ride. Soon, the boat just stopped, just like that, right in front of an island. This is it, said Rephan. I guess so, said Nathan. Jill remained silent as the three climbed off the boat. As they walked forward, Nathan asked Jill how did you fight those men before we fell off the waterfall? None of your business, Jill snapped. Nathan was taken aback for a while then continued to walk forward. The three were silent for the whole walk, but then they found the badger. As Nathan pondered upon if this was really the place, and what to do next. Then as he was walking someone said hey, what ya doing. Nathan looked down in shock as he saw a badger. What? said the badger, its not polite to stare. By that time, Jill and Rephan had also noticed the badger and were also staring at it. What is with you people, you look like you never saw a talking badger before. It was awhile before Rephan said we havent. Oh well then, too bad, my name is Cornelius and I am head of. Well nothing really, but hi. Hi, said Jill with a small wave. Regaining himself, Nathan asked are we at the Princes Valley? Yes indeed, replied Cornelius. Great, said Nathan.


There was an awkward moment of silence and then Jill said listen Mr. Cornelius, were on a quest to find Mother Gooses missing eggs and we were told to go here, would you possibly know anything about our quest, or what were supposed to do now. So youre the quest people, Ive heard of your quest but I dont what youre supposed to do, I didnt even know you all were coming here. Do you live here? asked Rephan. Yes I do, in fact Ive lived here my entire life, said Cornelius. Are there any more of you? asked Jill. Suddenly Corneliuss face grew full of sorrow. No, he replied quietly, I am the only one left. Nathan, Jill and Rephan all looked at him confused. What happened? asked Nathan. Cornelius sighed then began to speak, a long time ago, when I was very young, I lived with one hundred other badgers. We were happy here until King Samos; well Prince Samos back then, came here with his father King George the III. They wanted to make a new colony here for their kingdom. Of course, we didnt want them here, and our brave Prince Ouster said that they could share the island with us, but they wouldnt listen. They exterminated us all, except me. I got away. And let me tell you, this island is named after Prince Ouster, not Prince Samos. Thats so sad! cried Jill. Wait, this is place is called the Princes Valley, but its an island, stated Nathan. This was a valley and an island years ago, but now, its just an island, said Cornelius sadly, so many things have changed here since Prince Samos and King George the III came here, it changed everything, Cornelius looked if possible, even more sad now. Nathan sighed then said Im sorry.


Cornelius looked up, if you want to find where youre supposed to go, or what youre supposed to do, go to the Fates and ask them. Then Cornelius bounded away. Without knowing what they were doing, the three followed him.

Chapter Seven
Nathan didnt know that badgers could run so fast, especially sad badgers. Cornelius ran through trees and bushes while the three followed him. Stepping over trees and bushes, while they snagged his pants, wasnt very fun for Nathan. After what seemed like an eternity, Nathan found himself climbing out of some trees and bushes, to finally find him following Cornelius towards what seemed to be a pirate ship that crashed on land. As Nathan neared the ship, he saw that it had several holes in the ship; it looked like it been hit by several cannons. What is this place, asked Jill in awe. It looks, like a ship, said Rephan. A pirate ship, said Nathan. It fell out of the sky eons ago, no living survivors were found, said Cornelius. What do you mean, living? asked Nathan in worry. Cornelius smiled, ghosts. Ghosts? asked Jill. Ten ghosts, my people called them the Fates. What exactly are the Fates? asked Rephan. So Cornelius began to speak the Fates are wise people, who died centuries ago, long before I was born. They were dead when this ship crashed but they wont speak of the ships crash. They give you advice, if you really need it. Nathan looked at the ship, then at Cornelius, at his friends, then back at the ship. Sighing, Nathan turned his head and said Ill go. What! exclaimed Rephan. Jill shook her head. No Nathan, I know I was mean to you butThats not why Im going, cried Nathan, Im going because I want to find where were going, OK.

Rephan and Cornelius slowly nodded. Jill still shook her head and walked closer to Nathan, so close, he could see the tears forming in her eyes and see her lip start to quiver. No Nathan, dont Ill do it, please. Nathan still shook his head, Ill be all right, he said putting his hand on her shoulder. Then Nathan turned around, and walked to the ship. Slowly, Nathan approached the ship wondering if the Fates could hear his loud heartbeat. Closer, closer, finally Nathan was right at the mouth of the ship. Nathan turned his head and found an opening in the ship. It was a blown-upsplintery looking entrance but hey, it was an entrance. Nathan took a deep breath, and then walked to the opening. Pulling himself up, Nathan was able to climb in the entrance. OK, here we go Nathan thought. The ship was cold and musty; it looked like it hadnt been used for centuries. Nathan pushed aside some debris and walked forward. The ships planks groaned in protest at every step and shadows flickered through the ship. Nathan walked through what seemed to be a long hallway looking around at what seemed to be old papers of some sort. The papers were on the wall and they looked like they had people on them, kings by the looks of it. As the hallway ended, Nathan saw mist, he heard moans. The Fates, he whispered under his breath. Green, blue, purple, red, white! All these mists swirled around Nathan. Fear consumed Nathan, his heart was pounding then Who are you? Nathan spun around to locate the source of the voice. Immediately, Nathan saw it, or her. A woman, quite beautiful, but in mist form, all white floated around him. Uh, hi, my name is Nathan, Im here to find out where my friends Jill, Rephan and

I should go on our quest to find Mother Gooses missing eggs, do you know where we go? Hmmm, said the lady and that was when Nathan realized many ladies like her, were floating around him. It has been so long since we last had a visitor, you seek answers, we will give them to you but, you must never say my name, IS THAT CLEAR! she hissed. Yes! cried Nathan. Good, said the lady more softly, my name is Gloria, and here are your directions, go to the Red Sea, find the man who wears red, and ask him, got it. Yes, exclaimed Nathan thanks for your help. Gloria smiled, thank you, then in a swirl of mist, she and the rest of the Fates disappeared. Nathan gave a sigh of relief and turned around to go back.

The Red Sea, cried Nathan as he ran back. We need to go to the Red Sea and find the man who wears red. Rephan frowned, how are we supposed to do that, the Red Sea, that isnt even in King Samoss land. You know about it? asked Nathan. Rephan nodded. The Red Sea is a dangerous place, said Jill (who seemed to have gotten over crying). Cornelius looked upset, you cant go there, its too dangerous, evil people live there, nine out of ten people get hanged every day! We have to do our quest, said Nathan. Cornelius shook his head. You cant.


We have to, for our world, said Rephan. But, started Cornelius, it was nice meeting you, said Jill putting her hand on Corneliuss shoulder. The pleasure was mine, said Cornelius bowing. Nathan sighed then asked how do we get to the Red Sea? Cornelius gave a reluctant sigh then said go south to the gate guards of Sarantio, tell them two words Red Sea, dont talk to anyone who wants to sell you something at the Red Sea, be careful, OK. The three nodded. With a sad face, Cornelius said good luck. Thanks, replied Nathan.

When the three got in their boat, everyone said Im sorry at the same time. Nathan looked around then smiled. Then Jill said the way I beat up those guys was, I, Jill paused, my father trained me to fight birds that might attack me. Thats cool, said Rephan. Jill smiled. Now, started Nathan, we need to find out how to get to the Red Sea, Robin didnt tell us how to get there. Maybe we can say go to the Red Sea or something, said Rephan. This isnt a joke, started Jill. But just then, the boat started moving quickly. I guess thats right, said Nathan very surprised. Tell me about it, said Jill also in shock. The boat was moving forward towards some large trees on a grassy bank. I guess were going to the Red Sea, said Nathan. Rephan and Jill nodded without saying a word. After a moment of silence, Jill asked but how long will it take, we dont have much time. Yah, the Red Sea is miles away, how can we get there. Nathan frowned, searching his brain for answers. I dont know, I think we should just sail


and see where the boat takes us, Nathan said. Since it was all they could do, the three waited as the boat carried them forward.

When Nathan woke up, the first thing that came to his mind was are we at the Red Sea yet? Second thing was if so are we in the Red Sea? After a while, Nathan remembered he had fallen asleep and needed to get up. As he sat up a hand clamped in front of his mouth. Dont move, said a rough voice. Nathan stayed perfectly still as he was picked up out of the boat and carried forward. His friends were not in the boat, they must have been taken. And they must be in the Red Sea area. Many other men with scarfs around their mouths like cowboys- were standing by in punk clothes, carefully watching Nathan. Nathan tried to see his captures but couldnt. Nathan started squirming. If want to keep your life, youll stay still, said the man. Nathan stopped moving. He was carried through town with people staring at him, their eyes burning into his skin. Nathan wondered where they were going to take him. The question seemed to sting into his mind. After being carried for what Nathan estimated a good ten minutes, they arrived at a big storage house. All right, said the gruff voice as another man opened the door, here is where youll be staying! And with that he threw Nathan in the storage room. Nathans ribs stung with pain and his leg hurt.


Nathan tried to adjust his eyes to the dark. He tried to get up but cried out in pain when he tried. Sitting back down Nathan thought how would he get out of here? Who are you, asked a smooth voice. Nathan whipped his head around to find a cowboy looking man sitting on some boxes smoking a pipe. And he was dressed all in red.

Chapter Eight
Nathan looked straight at the man in the eye and the man looked at him. Where do we go!? I mean. Nathan struggled for the right words to say. The man dressed in red just stared at him. My friends and I are going on a quest to find Mother Gooses missing eggs and some Fates told us to ask you. Praying for an answer Nathan just waited, and waited. The man suddenly started to speak, My name is Spear Ive waited for this day, and I need to tell you the final part of your journey is near. You must go to the chamber of Eternal light. There you must steal the egg of eternal light from the dragon and give it to Mother Goose. Nathan gave a sigh of relief but then panicked. He needed Rephan and Jill. Wait; do you know where my friends are? Spear looked at him in confusion. I need them for my quest, their names are Rephan and Jill, I know theyre here! Ah, said Spear, I believe theyre in the prison, thats where you and I will go shortly. What! cried Nathan, why!? Keep it down, and, if you must know, for me its because I spread beliefs around the church, and for you and your friends its because you entered the Red

Sea area without permission. But I didnt know! cried Nathan. Spear shrugged thats the way it is around here. We have to escape and save my friends, exclaimed Nathan. Woe, woe, woe, thats impossible, said the man, and well get caught. There has to be a way, said Nathan. Well there isnt, so, sorry. Nathan thought for a minute about how they could escape. Then he looked up and it hit him. The window, Nathan said. Say what? said Spear. There are boxes here and up there is a window, said Nathan pointing to a window. OK. We can escape through the window! Well Spear started. Please, said Nathan, we could escape. Spear sighed, OK, but we will get caught, and I will tell you that. Nathan shook his head, we wont. Then with that, Nathan got up and ran over to the crates and started climbing. Nathan turned his head and looked for Spear. Then, he saw him sitting down in the same place as before. Come on! called Nathan looking down at Spear. Spear gave a reluctant sigh then got up and walked to the boxes. Nathan turned his head forward and kept climbing up. One climb, two climbs, three climbs, thought Nathan as he climbed up. Four, five six, Nathan kept climbing. Seven, eight, nine, ten, eleven, thirteen. Then Nathan stopped, right in front of him was a large dark and dirty window closed tight. Nathan pushed on it, it didnt budge. See, called Spear from below, I told you it wouldnt work. Nathan wasnt ready to give up yet. He pushed so hard, his knuckles turned white and his face turned red. Spear, started Nathan turning his head to see Spear was back sitting down. With a sigh, Nathan knew it was useless to keep trying, and they would have to find

another way. As he climbed down, one step, two steps, three steps, he hit a loose box and the whole contraption gave away. Nathan fell hard on the stone floor and his ribs gave a burst of pain. At the same time, Nathan felt something sharp poke in his back. Gasping for air, Spear pulled him up and before Nathan could talk, Spear said look!! He was pointing to the window, which had slid right open. Nathan strained his neck around to see that the pointy thing was really a lever! Nathan gave a smile, but then felt all that pain come back to him, it probably wasnt just right then, but also all the other injurys hed had. Here, said Spear helping him up. Spear wrapped some kind of cloth around his back and pulled him forward, this time Spear went first. Nathan (with some difficulty) managed to climb up out of the window. Here we are, said Spear gesturing to a stone ledge they were sitting on. Nathan scanned the area looking at some other large stone buildings, all in much better condition than the warehouse. Look, Spear whispered, pointing to some men who looked like the ones that captured Nathan. Trying not to panic, Nathan said OK Spear, we need to get past these men, so lets sneak through there, said Nathan pointing to the stone buildings close to them. Thats great but how do we find where your friends are? The color left Nathans face, he hadnt thought about that. Just as he was going to respond, an arrow was shot, right at the ledge they were on, and the ledge began to crumble. Nathan looked at Spear, and Spear looked at him too. What do we do?! cried Nathan. I dont know, but, Spear started, but he couldnt finish because

immediately, the ledge gave away. Nathan screamed as he and Spear fell in a pile of rubble. This time, Nathan wasnt hurt that much but when he looked up, Spear was bleeding. Immediately, Nathan pushed stone aside and ran to Spear. Spear, Spear, are you OK? Spear opened his eyes, blood trickled down his neck. Nathan, he whispered. Nathan looked at Spear intently, Spear please dont die! But Spear just smiled and said run, go find your friends. Then his eyes closed forever. Spear, no!! Nathan cried. Then, Nathan heard yelling noises and turned his head. The men with bandanas were running, and getting closer, and closer, to him. Nathan looked at Spear one last time, then got up and ran. He ran through the buildings as fast as he could go. Nathan ran through a dusty room with lots of old looking furniture. He heard shouts, the men were getting closer. Nathan felt his heart pounding in his chest. He knew the men were close behind him, he could hear them. Nathan picked up speed and ran out of the first building. Looking wildly around, Nathan ran straight into the street, which was a bad move. People were yelling behind him as Nathan dodged food carts, sewing tables and more. The men behind him were really picking up speed. They were knocking down stands, carts of all sort, and people over. It was mayhem in streets as Nathan ran for his life. He had to find his friends and accomplish this mission. Nathan sprinted past the docks, and nearly hit the butchers stand. Nathan suddenly wondered where would he go? He had no idea where his friends were. Ill

just find some place to hide, and then Ill figure things out, thought Nathan. If I live that long another part of Nathan thought. Stop that prisoner!! yelled a voice, a voice Nathan didnt want to remember now. It was the voice of the man who threw Nathan in prison. Nathan didnt know how long he could keep up this chase. Right now he was storming through a different part of town with the men now REALLY close behind him. People were yelling like crazy, and more men had joined the chase. Apparently, they all thought Nathan was bad, which was bad. Nathan was breathing so hard his lungs hurt. Then something amazing happened, a certain door to a certain shop opened. Rephan had opened it. Nathan, get in quick. Without a second guess Nathan dove in the store. The mob must have thought he had kept running, because they ran right past the shop. Nathan was breathing heavy and someone was stroking his hair, Jill, and Rephan was patting his back. You OK buddy? he asked. It took a few seconds for Nathan to finally speak, mobs, Spear, gone. I think hes gone delirious, said Jill helping him sit up on the floor. No, Nathan managed to say still breathing heavy. Spear, is the man who wears red, he said Nathan panting he told me, the final part of our journey is near. We must go the chamber of Eternal light, and steal the egg from the dragons to give to Mother Goose. When Nathan finally stopped, his breath seemed to give away and he collapsed back to the floor. Breathing heavily, Nathan tried to speak but Jill stopped


him. Youve had a long day, its time for you to rest, she said. Then Nathan looked at Rephan and Jill and closed his eyes.

When Nathan woke up, he was lying in a blue room with white blinds draping over the windows blocking the sun. There was a fluffy looking white carpet on the floor. Nathan was under a light blue bed spread, and he was wearing the same clothes hed been chased in. On an oak table near the bed there was a pair of navy blue sailor clothes and a note on top of them. Nathan picked it up, it said:

Dear Nathan, We hope you feel better; you were in quite the ordeal. Rephan and I worried sick about you. If youre wondering, which you probably are, Rephan and I were taken to a prison but escaped. We met Angie, a nice lady who took us in. When we found you, and you told us about Spear, Angie said the chamber of Eternal Light is on an island called Rieo, pronounced Ri-ee-ow, if you were wondering. Oh and another thing, Rieo is abandoned, and it has been for over one hundred years. Angie got us a boat to ride there. Miss you, dont miss breakfast, Rephan eats everything. Feel better. Jill And Rephan

Nathan suddenly realized, how could he read that? Anyhow, Nathan changed into the new clothes and walked out the room door. The hallways were light blue. Nathan walked down the long hallway, seeing portraits of woods, flowers valleys, and all of the above. He kept walking until he came to a large white tile kitchen. As he walked in, someone cried Nathan! In a blink of an eye Jill had practically jumped on Nathan. When she finally let go, Rephan patted him on the back. How are you? asked Jill. Good, said Nathan Im doing much better now. Well good, said Jill. Then she led him into a modern style white tiled kitchen. As you can guess, this is the kitchen, said Jill. The kitchen was square with a running sink and a white table. Angie isnt home, said Jill walking to a cooking pot, she went to collect eggs at the market. But I thought this place is dangerous, Nathan said as Jill seated him at the table. It is but Angies very resourceful, and shes lived here her whole life so she knows the place. Then Jill gestured to a chair at the table. Nathan sat down and smelled something good-probably eggs- and his mouth watered. It took lots of talking to convince Rephan to not eat everything, said Jill putting a plate of scrambled eggs in front of him. Ive never ate like this, said Nathan in shock, then he realized he hadnt wanted to say that. Jill just smiled and said eat, then left Nathan to devour the eggs. Once he was done, Nathan got up and went over to where Rephan was standing, which was near the window facing outside. Nathan stood next to him and


saw Rephan was looking at to town. Nathan suddenly saw Rephans face brighten. Jill, its Angie! he cried. Then in flash, Rephan opened the door. Then, a kind looking lady walked in, she had curly brown hair, chestnut colored skin. The lady- who was obviously Angie- was wearing a homemade looking shawl with beautiful designs. Angie had a basket filled with eggs on her arm. After Jill and Rephan had finished hugging her Jill said Angie this Nathan, our friend whos going on the quest with us. Uh, hello, said Nathan quickly. Why hello to you dear, my name is Angie, Im a widow who supports the DKS society. Were going on a boat called Ryans Pride, a fishermans boat, said Jill. Angies cousin Ryan is taking us, said Rephan. Nathan nodded then said Im going back to my room. As he walked back, Nathan though that for the first time in this journey, he felt left out. Was it because he thought that Jill and Rephan liked Angie so much? Was it because Nathan thought Jill and Rephan got to spend so much time together? Was it they were kind of like a family now? Probably the last one. Nathan loved his father and brother, they were all he had. But this journey had made him feel something he hadnt felt in a long time. Being left out. Sighing, Nathan arrived in his room. Then he thought of something. Did he like Jill? Did Jill like him? It was all so confusing. On this journey, Nathan had felt like Rephan was his brother. And Jill, well, he hadnt known what his feelings for her were. But now he did. The question was, could he tell her?


Chapter Nine
It had been about ten minutes, and all Nathan had been doing was lying on his back, on the bed. Sighing, Nathan wondered if he would ever get up, and tell Jill how he felt about her. Just then, he heard the door open. Oh boy, its Jill, he thought. But to his surprise, Rephan walked in. Look Nathan, he started, Im sorry if we made you feel, well, uncomfortable, but we really trust Angie, and. Rephan paused we just wanted you to be safe. There were a few moments of silence, and then Nathan spoke, yah OK. Then he sat up. Hey, said Rephan, yah. Rephan sighed, I need to tell you something. Anything, replied Nathan quickly. Rephan gave a deep breath, and then said something, something that shook Nathan for a while. Im in love with Jill, said Rephan. Nathans face went white. I mean I know shes Jill but, I just love her, he continued. Nathan just nodded. Guys come on, we have to go! cried Jill. Rephan smiled, lets go, he said. Oh and by the way, said Rephan as he left, Jill put a special powder on the letter she wrote so we could read it. Nathan just nodded and got up and followed Rephan. When he was walking, a million things ran through his head. Though the big thing was clear in his mind. Should he let Rephan be with Jill? When he got back in the kitchen, Rephan was already saying something to Jill. Nathan gulped and walked up to them. Hey, are we going now? Oh, said Jill, I forgot, Angie, were leaving!! In a flash, Angie was hugging Jill and Rephan goodbye. When she was done, Angie came

over to Nathan. Good luck, she said. Then with a smile she led them out the door where a scraggly man in overalls with gray hair was waiting. Ryan! cried Angie thank you for coming, now, treat them well, you hear me. Yes, yes, said Ryan in a gruff voice, I will. Good, said Angie and with a last hug, the three stepped out the door. Ryan stood there, with a blue cap on his head, and said OK, err, my boat is at the port. Jill and Rephan nodded, but Nathan said wait! They all turned. Im a wanted fugitive here, there are people after me. Dont worry, said Ryan in a notso-reassuring tone. They wont notice you. Then he started walking, and to his own dismay, Nathan followed.

Walking through town had felt like walking through a battlefield. Nathan was looking every which way the whole time. Jill seemed to notice, so she put her hand on his shoulder. Its OK, she said. Finally, they reached the boat. It was long and brown and said RYANS PRIDE in black letters on it. Here it is, said Ryan gesturing to the boat. Looking at it, the boat didnt look too big, but also not too small. Learning not to judge a boat by its size, Nathan hopped in followed by Jill and Rephan. The boat was just average size, not big not small. Nathan sat on the left side of the boat alone, Jill and Rephan sat on the right side, and Ryan sat in the middle rowing. Nathan began wondering if this was safe. After a while, Jill said so, how long to Rieo? Mm, started Ryan, about, a day or two. Jill nodded. The boat ride was boring. There was no talking at all

whatsoever besides when Jill talked at the beginning. Soon, night began to fall, all of Nathans thoughts evaporated into thin air, and like his friends, he drifted away to sleep.

When Nathan woke up, light was streaming from behind the clouds, and Jill and Rephan were up. Nathan, Rephan, look! cried Jill. Nathan sat up, and saw the shores less than a mile away. Smiling Nathan said the final part of our journey is near. Jill and Rephan smiled. It seemed only seconds later, when Ryan docked the boat. Then, the three hopped out on a dirty beach. Well, said Ryan, youre at Rieo, by! Wait! said Jill, but Ryan was already rowing away. Well, said Rephan, glad thats over. Then they all turned around and in the distance, they saw a large chamber. The Chamber of Eternal light, said Nathan. Jill and Rephan just stared. It was huge. OK, started Nathan, lets go. And for real, the final part of their journey began, as they began to walk towards the mountain. Soon the three neared a large dirty grass hill that curved up to the chamber. To Nathans pleasure, the long walk up the hill was in silence. It seemed like days later (even though it was only ten minutes) to get to the top where they found a large open field, and then the Chamber. Wow, said Rephan, and wow it was. Even from the great distance, the three could see the large gold door, about twenty feet high. OK, said Jill, we need a plan. Well its obvious, said Rephan, we go in, get the egg, and go out.


I dont think its going to be that simple, said Nathan. I do, said Rephan. But, started Nathan, why dont we just get the egg when the dragons are sleeping?! said Jill. Since no one had a better plan, the three just went with it as they walked towards the Chamber. It seemed to take forever as the long walk took them into open grass. Again, no one spoke but Nathan noticed that Jill and Rephan were holding hands. Even the thought of it sent pains to his heart. Finally, Rephan spoke, if we all die out there, he looked down at his feet, this has been a crazy journey, but fun too. He looked happily at Jill then winked at Nathan. Jill and Nathan smiled. If we dont make it, Ill always remember you guys, said Jill. Nathan breathed in and out processing it in. If this is the end, its been an honor doing this with you, said Nathan. Jill and Rephan smiled. The three looked forward at not only the massive chamber, but the massive task that lied before them as they started the walk for their life. Nathan felt like his heart was about to beat out of his chest as the looming chamber got closer, and closer. For a second, Nathan thought the gigantic door was getting even bigger. But then he realized that they were just getting closer. Soon, it seemed too soon, Nathan, Rephan, and Jill were standing in front of a large, gold door. The door was now about thirty feet tall and on the sides it had gold carvings of dragons on it. Nathan gulped Rephan stared and Jill walked up to it. Nathan watched as she ran her fingers down the gold door. The boys just watched. Then Jill turned around and walked back to the boys who were still in shock. OK, she said, it looks like the door doesnt have a handle, so we cant pull or push in.

Why dont we just knock, said Rephan. I think that would hurt our hands, said Jill. Why dont we go through the back door, suggested Nathan. Its a gigantic chamber, I dont think it has a back door, said Rephan. Then how do we get in? asked Nathan who now was completely stumped along with Rephan. There must be some sort of code used to open the door, said Jill running her fingers down the dragon carvings on the door again. So do we just press a button and say open sesame, said Rephan. Jill shook her head. I think we have to touch a certain dragon carving and the door will open. But which one, there are like, twenty, said Rephan. Nathan stared at the drawings, thinking hard, then, it came to him. Jill, youve been educated, right. Right, said Jill. What are the four types of dragons? Jill didnt even have to think for a moment before she answered. Plateau, Grockula, Ockson, and Value. And they each represent a part of Sarantio, right? Yah, said Jill. Whats the point? asked Rephan. The point is, these dragon carvings represent those dragons, said Nathan and what is the most powerful dragon which represents fire? A type of Value dragon, said Jill. See, said Nathan, both the man who wears red, and the dragon who symbols fire so when we find the Value dragon symbol, not only will the door open, well know who the main dragon thats guarding the egg is. You know, that actually makes sense, said Jill. So, what are we waiting for? asked Rephan, lets find the symbol! And with that the three (mainly Jill) were looking everywhere for the symbol. Finally after what seemed like an eternity, Jill said I found it! Where, where? asked Nathan running up to her with Rephan. Its the one at the top, said Jill pointing to a spiky scaly dragon at the top left. OK, one, that

dragon is going to kill us, two, how in the world do we get up there? asked Rephan. Jill looked up at the dragon and said, Rephan give me a boost. What? said Rephan? Give me a boost up, said Jill plainly as if it was the simplest thing in the world. Rephan looked at Nathan who just shrugged. Rephan sighed then walked with Jill to the looming door. Then, Rephan locked his hands; and Jill stepped into his hands and went up. As soon as Jill was up, she supported herself on the wall; she wasnt even half way up. What now? asked Nathan? Climb on Rephans back then boost up to me and Ill boost you up, said Jill. Nathan and Rephan just looked dumbfounded at Jill and she didnt even return their gaze. What? asked Rephan? What!? asked Nathan. What? asked Jill? Nathan didnt speak. Neither did Rephan. To this day, Nathan didnt know what he was doing when he walked forward, then climbed on Rephans back. It was somewhat of a struggle getting from Rephans back to Jills open hands. Nathan put his foot into Jills hands and with surprising strength, Jill boosted him up. At first, Nathan supported himself on the door, beaming of success, but then he realized there was a good four feet still to go before he could reach the right dragon carving. Were a little short, he called down. Yah, short of people, grumbled Rephan. Jill (whos arms were slightly quivering) quickly said were making good progress but Rephans right, we need more people, everyone get down, we need to come up with plan. When everyone was finally down, Jill led them into a small clearing near the door where everyone collapsed on the ground. OK, started Jill, Rieo is

abandoned, but that doesnt mean some people dont hide out here, so we need to find people and ask for their help. Whoa, whoa, whoa so were just going to go up and ask strangers for help, havent you learned anything! said Rephan. Its all we got, said Jill. Rephan frowned. Where are we going to find these abandoned people? asked Nathan. Look around you, said Jill, if there are people, they have to be around here somewhere. Yah, if, said Rephan. Jill ignored him. We cant just look everywhere, said Nathan, this isnt going to work. Yes, started Jill, but then, there was a rustling noise in the bushes. The three immediately turned their heads and saw.. Hey, what ya lookin at!!There, in the bushes was a squirrel, chipmunk, badgar looking thing. It had dark brown eyes and two thick little white stripes by its eyes and it had light brown fur with a white stripe going down its back and black feet. Who are you? asked Jill. Scram, replied the creature. And what exactly are you? asked Rephan. Uh, a squirt, hello. What is a squirt? asked Nathan. Wow, you people are not up to date at all, said Scram. Just what is it, said Rephan in an annoyed tone. Geez louise, you people are way too pushy. Before Rephan could say another word at Scram, Scram started talking. Squirts are little creatures that like to do three things, run, climb, and annoy things, especially people. Aint that the truth, whispered Rephan. Jill kicked him in the foot in which tried not Rephan to yelp. Well great, said Nathan, you can help us. Huh? said Scram.


Listen, we need you to get some of your best climbers and help us reach a special carving on that door, said Jill pointing to the looming door. Scram shivered. You really want to do that? Yes, said Nathan, please, help us. Scram sighed and looked up for a minute. After a while, he finally said fine. Great, said Jill. Scram sighed. So, said Nathan, when do you want to come? Ill have to inform the others, they will be there in two minutes and 1.5 seconds. Great, said Jill, well be waiting by the door. Scram nodded then ran away. The three then started walking back to the door. See, said Jill. See what? asked Rephan. You said there were no people here. Yah, squirts arent people. But they will help us, pointed out Nathan. When the three arrived at the door, the carving still shone high in the sunlight as if to say, you cant get me! Nathan was immediately wondering something he hadnt thought of before. How was his family, what happened to them? Nathan now felt guilty thinking he hadnt been thinking about his family. They were probably really worried. Nathan remembered the look on his fathers face when he got taken away. It was a look of sheer regret, and agony. Nathan gulped and looked at his friends. Were they thinking about their family? Then something else bothered Nathan. What would happen with Rephan and Jill? Would they be together? Had Nathan ever really liked Rephan? Nathan shook his head. What was he thinking? These were his friends. So what if they got together, it wouldnt bother him.


But something at the back of Nathans mind said he would care, or would he? Hey, said Jill, look! Jill was pointing to a sea of squirts that were running towards them. Scram was in front. Scram and friends reporting for duty. Hi Scram, said Jill. We are ready. I know you are, but listen Scram, we need you to get on our backs and hit a certain dragon carving. Yes mam, said Scram, OK guys, lets do this! Soon squirts were swarming everywhere. This time, Nathan got on Rephan and Jill got on him. Soon Nathan felt little feet running all over his back. Were almost there, he heard Scram call. After a while, Jill said are you there yet? I can almost reach it! cried Scram. The silence was deadly; you couldnt even feel the squirts feet on you. Nathan wasnt even breathing. But soon, two sounds, told everything. Scram called we got it!! There was a creaking noise, which obviously meant one thing. The door was opening. Get down everyone, quick! called Rephan. Soon Nathan felt the squirts feet run down his back again. Soon Nathan felt Jill going down his back. Then Nathan jumped down from Rephan, and the three plus Scram and the squirts stood back as the door swung open. Nathans heart skipped a beat as he stared into a large long hallway with torches on the wall. This was it, it was now or never.


Chapter Ten
The chamber just stood, looming before them. Thank you so much, said Jill kneeling down to Scram. Jill smiled and in a blink of an eye, Scram and the squirts were gone. OK, said Rephan. This is it, said Jill. Its now or never, said Nathan. The three looked forward, and slowly began to walk in the chamber. Nathan breathed deeply; he didnt know what would happen. Would he die? Nathan pushed the thought out of his head. They were going to do this whether they liked it or not. Soon, they got in the chamber, it was musty and cold. OK, said Jill her voice echoing in the chamber, We need to find where the dragon is. No kidding, said Rephan, this tunnel just goes straight. What did you expect, its a chamber, said Nathan. Focus guys, said Jill, we dont want the dragon to know were coming. After that, there was silence. Nathan breathed the musty smell in. Then the long hallway came to an end. Then there was just a dirt doorway. This is it, said Jill. The three sighed, and then walked through the doorway. They gasped as the found they were standing on somewhat of a large shelf. Below them, was what looked like the bottom of an arena? In fact, this whole, area was just like an arena but instead of seats, there were these very, very, large circle types of shelf things. But the most scary part, was at the bottom, was the dragon, sleeping on the egg. OK, Jill whispered, lets get down there and get the egg when the dragon rolls over. Since again, no one had a better idea, the three quietly followed Jill, who

was creeping down the shelves. The dragon was creeping Nathan out. He could hear and feel its breathing from the fourth shelf thing. I dont want to get attacked by that dragon, said Rephan. Nathan looked down and didnt blame him. The dragon was gold; it had stone hard looking scaled and razor sharp spikes. It gave Nathan chills. Soon, Jill was leading them downwards, on a plane to the next shelf, when she paused. This isnt going to work. Why not? asked Rephan. Because, started Jill, Ive studied these animals. If a dragon like this is guarding something, even the slightest movement will wake it, and it will attack. And you just now remember that? said Rephan. Jill just stared forward. Then now what do we do? asked Nathan, Were so close; we cant fail, not now. Jill thought for a moment, and then smiled. There is one thing, we can do. What! said Nathan and Rephan simultaneously. Jill sighed then said it may not work, this type of dragon is very unpredictable, but we can try. Staring impatiently at Jill, Nathan breathed heavily, thinking fast, when Jill said water. Nathan and Rephan just stared at her. Rephan was about to talk, when a loud snort from the dragon silenced and spooked them. When finally, they were sure it was OK to talk, Rephan said what do mean, water? Every type of dragon has a weakness; this one has a very small weakness, water. Well where are we going to get water? asked Nathan, There isnt any in here. Just as he finished talking, Jill pulled out a pouch of water from her pocket. Again, Nathan and Rephan just stared.


What, I got it from the boat. Sighing Nathan said well at least its water. Come on, lets use it, said Rephan. Before Nathan could say how, Rephan said lets squirt it all over the dragon. Jill frowned, thats not the way it works. Well than how does it work? Nathan could see that Rephan was getting impatient, even at Jill. Well, she started, we have to get it to drink the water, Nathan gulped, without forcing it. Nathan and Rephan just looked at her like she was asking them to turn into a shrub. But, Jill started. Nathan and Rephan stared at her like how could there possibly be a but. Every type of dragon, no matter what kind, you can trick, but we have to wake it up. OK, said Rephan immediately jumping ahead, whos our best, Rephan pondered for the right word, speaker. Nathan! the two said at once. What? said Nathan Im not good at that. Please Nathan; said Jill, its our only hope. Nathan did not know why he found himself standing in the arena like area with Jill and Rephan by his sides getting ready to negotiate with a dragon. Soon, just as Nathan, was getting near the dragon, feeling its fiery breath, the dragon opened his eyes. Nathan felt like he was about to scream for help, staring in those light green eyes. Who are you, growled the dragon in a deep rumbly voice. Um, Im Nathan, nice to meet you. Sure, growled the dragon that was beginning to stretch his back. OK, so, listen, whats your name? First, who are they, said the dragon flicking his tail at Jill and Rephan. My friends, and, I didnt catch your name, said Nathan, you will call me Row.

Oh, hi Row, so, you look really nice today. Row growled while saying Gorm! and swatted Rephan aside with his tail causing Rephan to fly into the wall. Jill ran to him. Hey, hey, lets calm down, said Nathan. Theyre the enemy, hissed Row. OK, well, lets just be cool for a minute OK. I am cool, hissed Row. OK, I know you are, its just, Nathan paused for a second thinking up a plan. Nathan! called Jill who was tending to Rephan. She had a desperate look in her eyes. Then, it came to him. Row wanted to know he, was in charge. Wait, started Nathan. What? See this, said Nathan showing Row the pouch. Yes, hissed Row, who was about to breath fire. Dont you want to drink it to show the Gorm whose boss? Row sniffed at the water. What is it, and what do you mean? I mean, my Gorm friend here will not try it, neither will any Gorm. Before Nathan could say anything Row snatched the pouch with his teeth and drank it. Nathan felt excitement and shock bubbling up. Now you will feel my rath, stared Row but then he started croaking. Soon he was coughing and moaning and wailing. What did you do! gurgled Row, you. Then he stopped, water. Sorry, said Nathan. Curse you, ya hear that, CURSE YOU!!! Soon Row fell down, water bubbling out of his mouth. Then Row was dead. Nathan stood in shock. That wasnt the only thing. Right under the dragon, glowing bright as could be. Nathan slowly approached it; his heart was beating a thousand miles an hour. Soon Nathan found himself reaching for the egg. Then, he touched it.


Millions of things went through his head at the fastest speed known to man. Nathan breathed deeply, he picked up the egg. It was glowing still, but not as brightly as before. Time to take this home to Mother Goose. Nathan! Jill was running up to him with Rephan half limping, half walking behind her. Jill gave him a great big hug and Rephan gave him a high five. I cant believe it, we did it! cried Jill. Yes you did, said a voice. The three turned around to find a fairly tall man with a long white beard and white hair. He had on a tall red hat and had a red robe on. You did well, said the man. Who are you? asked Rephan. Suddenly, out of the blue, Spear appeared, right next to the man. Nathan wanted to run up and hug him, but he knew better. Plus right now Spear was a ghost. He is the famous Magician Brook; you may give the egg to him. Nathan handed it over to the Magicians open hands. Thank you, said Magician Brook, the three of you will go to Mount Drought where you will rest and get refreshed and ready for your next journey. Wait, what next journey? asked Jill. To find the next egg and were leaving, Magician Brook looked at his wrist, right now. In a whirlwind, Nathan was transported in a gust of wind, with a flowing feeling all around, to a room. The room was white, and had a comfortable looking bed. Get some sleep, called Jill from outside the closed door. Nathan sighed and walked to the bed where there was a pair of soft cotton pajamas. Nathan put them on and climbed in bed. As soon as he did, the lights went out.


Pretty magical, he thought. As Nathan began to drift to sleep, he thought about how proud his father would be of him. Nathan smiled as he fell into sleep, wondering, What will my next adventure be like?

Finished February 28, 2012


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