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Facts of rural india

Supporting elements
Loyalty of the customers Loyalty of the employees Ease of adopting new consumer behavioral pattern Lower crime rates. Clean environment Lower price of land Lower wages and less interference of the trade unions

1. an increase in overall employment; 2. an increase in employment outside of agriculture; 3. an increase in demand; 4. an increase in the value of investments 5. a larger tax base and, as a result, an increase in the revenue collected by local authorities; 6. a diversification of economic activity and thus a lower dependence on market volatility; 7. a strengthening and an expansion of existing enterprises; 8. an increase in the number of investors; 9. an increase in the number of enterprise

Government encouraging
1. providing low interest credits for undertakings that create new jobs; 2. supplying consulting services; 3. educating employees of enterprises by teaching them new skills, increasing their qualifications, and organizing courses on modern market disciplinesespecially marketing; 4. providing financial assistance to transfer experienced managers from urban centers to rural areas; 5. helping enterprises regain solvency and financial liquidity


a] He should not be an individualist. He should have a group orientation. He should consider the rural society not as his market but as his own large family. b] He should practice a management style where the concern for people is the highest. c] He should have a strong commitment for rural development. d] He wont be interested in usual perks and entertainment allowance. Social gain will be his perk and the smiles on the faces of impoverished rural population his only allowance.

Business sectors
Tourism Automobile Textile Social ventures Education and training institutions Food processing Organic farming Packaging

Non Supporting elements

Low population of density Low demand per square kilomete- its a marketing term Large distances. Lack of an entrepreneurial tradition Low level of education

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