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Lesson Planning

By: Aris supriyanto, M.Pd Indikator: kwalifikasi pembelajaran yang bisa diukur / ciri ciri keberhasilan .

By: Silvy Andika Sari (085213295279)

Teaching Strategy
By: Mr. Made Strategi (KBM): langkah langkah 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Kegiatan awal: warming up, pre conditioning, apperception, pre activity, review Kegiatan inti: main activity (activity 1,2,3.....) Summing up: rangkuman Evaluation: assessment Note: catatan

Teknik: bagaimana supaya materi itu mencapai tujuan Metode: how to deliver the material secara keseluruhan Summing up: ringkasan mengenai pelajaran yang sudah diberikan, apakah siswa sudah mengerti atau tidak. Vocabulary: exploration Ex: Topic: how to make a cup of coffe with milk Activity 1: collect nouns verbs Noun Sugar Coffee hot water verbs to stir to pour / give to add to serve to drink Activity 2:

Activity 3: Process 1. 2. 3. 4. Put 1 spoon of coffee and 2 spoons of sugar into the cup Give hot water and stir it Add some milk and stir it again The coffee is ready to serve / drink

Teaching Strategy: Pre Activity : Good morning class? How are you today? Before we start our lesson shall we pray! Ok students, last week we have studied about machinal cleaning equipment? Do you still remember? What is the example of machinal cleaning equipment? Yes,,,,,excellent. Do you have vacuum cleaner in your house? Ok,,,today we are going to study about how to operate vacuum cleaner. Main Activity: Activity 1: Nouns Masker Power electrik Cable Handle ( stang ) Container ( tangki ) Sucker ( alat sedot ) Activity 2: Process 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Use the masker Put the power electrick to the plug Switch on the cable Hold the handle The vacuum cleaner is ready to operate Verbs use put switch hold

Tambahan: Pre Activity: 1. 2. 3. 4. Greeting Pray: Shall we pray Take registration: Who are absent today? Topic

How to close the class: 1. 2. 3. 4.

Thats all for today Thank you for your participation / cooperation Have a nice day Good Bye

The different of more / again more: benda again: kata kerja

10 cm over the knee: 10 cm diatas kaki 10 cm under the knee: 10 cm dibawah kaki Fabric: kain Cloth: bahan Clothes: pakaian / dress Underwear: Pakaian dalam Top wear: Pakaian luar Topless : Tanpa pakaian Sunny side up egg: telur mata sapi Coffee brown skin: sawo matang There is not only one fish in the sea: dunia tidak seluas daun kelor Soft boiled egg: telur setengah matang Scrambled egg : telur dadar

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