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Agenda for the Committee Meeting of Digbeth Residents Association (DRA) and Neighbourhood Watch Monday 14th May

2012 at 6pm in NOMAD, Ground Floor ZELLIG, Custard Factory

1. Roll call and apologies 2. Approval of minutes from previous meetings a. 13th February 2012 (AGM) b. 5th March 2012 c. 2nd April 2012 3. Matters arising: a. Resignation of Chair b. Discussion of committee roles c. St Patricks Festival Launch Party monies d. Meeting with South Birmingham College Ted Ryan e. Beorma Quarter planning application response Joe Holyoak f. Connaught Square hoardings Lisa Zdravkovic

4. Reports from office bearers 5. Police Report and Neighbourhood Watch News 6. DRA Street Party Sunday 3rd June 7. Any other business 8. Date and time of next committee meeting Monday 9th July 2012 at 6pm in the NOMAD room, ground floor ZELLIG, Custard Factory. Date and time of next open meeting Monday 11th June 2012 at 6pm in the NOMAD room, ground floor ZELLIG, Custard Factory.

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