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By Lucia Catal

A plane crash can occur of differents forms: - In the air. - In the sea. - In the land.

The plane crashed in Barajas, the airport from Madrid, Spain. The plane crashed just after take off from runway.

What happened in the plane crash?

The plane crashed on 20th August 2008 in Barajas airport, Madrid. When the plane was taking off, the pilots had omitted to deploy the flaps and slats ready for take-off. The engine was burned and the aircraft broke out on the floor.That is the cause of the accident. The destination was Gran Canaria. The ambulances came quickly and transported the injured passengers to the hospital La Paz. In the accident died more persons.

The effects of the accident

The familiars of the deads created an association "En algn lugar... siempre en nuestros corazones."

Injured, deads, survivors...

In the accident died 154 persons and only 18 survivors.

Other similar catastrophe

On 7th December 1983 a plane crashed in Barajas airport. In the accident died 93 persons and 31 injured. The Aviaco apparatus was wrong track, because of the fog, and was introduced in the launch, which rolled the plane of Iberia.

Did you know that?

The "Hospital Central" television series recorded a chapter a week before the plane crash.The chapter was a very similar plane crash which happened in Barajas. Didn't want to broadcast out of respect to the families of the dead.

Tips on how we can protect ourselves in case of plane crash

Read the safety information card and pays attention to the speech of security before the flight. Keep your seat belt clasped all the time. Keep calm. Put an oxygen mask before helping others. Get out of the plane as quickly as possible and get away at least 500 meters of the aircraft.

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