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Entrepreneurship project

Institution For The Old Age


This institution is built to serve the senior citizens of this country.

(above 60 years) It ensures that no one is neglected at that stage. Each and every member of this institution is under the care of young interns/ volunteers who wish to serve the society to the maximum. Funds are raised through donations and trustees.

Its main goal is to help them to adjust with younger generation while slowly acquiring the knowledge of latest technology.



Membership can be done with a sum of money at the beginning.

Membership at this institution ends at the will of the member or at his/her death.

There are many people in our society who care to help out others. In this fast pace world, where the senior most citizens find it difficult to cope up and need help in their daily work, these interns play their role to make lives of these people easier. They help the members of the institute by transporting them to the institute and/or by providing them with services.

The following are some of the services the institute provides:

Members socialize with other members of the institute and enjoying mutual interests. Recreation programs are arranged for their entertainment. Learn new technology at their own pace. Members receive help for their day to day activities which they are now unable to do on their own. Get chores done at their home. Bank work and any other work that requires traveling can be managed by the institute. Members basically receive special cooperation they require, which probably can not be acquired from their family.

Money Matters

Members pay an amount of money for enrolling into this institution. The amount is yet to be decided. Donations and money from the trusties is another source of acquiring funds to run the institute.

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