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Miracle healer Dinakaran was in hospital in 2003


Mass Hypnotism and duping of Innocent Tamils are the speciality of
the miracle healer Dinakaran but he was admitted in a Chennai
Hospital in Adyar in 2003 In Chennai Marina beach meetings are
conducted by D.G.S Dinakaran a christian preacher engage in mass
hypnotism and suggestion to the low mind of the Tamilians.
Dinakaran looking at some void above with eyes tightly closed and
voice tenses saying again and again that Jesus is there walking
near speaks in a high pitch again and again repeating same
sentences . He often raised his voice and said things with a lot of
force. Many Tamils see Jesus Christ because of mass hypnotism
and starts shouting at high pitch. Some hypnotized ladies starts
jumping as if possessed by spirits with eyes closed. Throughout
Tamil Nadu and in other places were gullible, poor and ignorant
Tamils live, these types of fellows are mass hypnotizing and then
converting the innocent Tamils. Dinakaran's wife has also became a
mass hypnotizing specialist. She claims that Jesus has bestowed
her with seven boons to cure. Dinakaran claimed in one meeting
that Jesus came to him in his bedroom and gave the blue print of
kaunya Institute of Technology at Coimbatore where recently the
students protested opposing the forced conversions and the
financial irregularities. Paul Dinakaran, son of DGS Dinakaran and
his wife Stella had also mastered this art of mass hypnotism and
carry on this family business.

A BBC programme on how these Evangelists are tricking the gullible

through mass hypnotism techniques. One of the standard tricks is
to "cure" somebody on the stage, like some lifelong cripple
suddenly walking or a somebody suffering from a pain suddenly
becoming free of pain and singing the praises of the Jesus, thanking
the evangelist profusely on the stage and so on. There was one
terribly popular American pastor, who was a Palestinian Christian;
there was another popular American evangelist , who came from
the communist occupied East Germany as a boy to the US and who
went on trips to African countries. The programme closely followed
their techniques, which was mass hypnotism and it also talked with
many scientists and researchers in the field. The overwhelming
scientific opinion was that these Evangelists were frauds who
offered the moon to thir hearers. These evangelists also collect
money during and after their meetings. Needless they are also
incredibly rich, and some of them have sex scandals on their back.
The BBC programme followed up those who were supposed to have
been "cured" on stage and found that in no case any cure had
taken place. In most cases those poor people were worse off after
their meeting with the Evangelist. It also described the mass
hypnotism techniques; like how the soothing speech from the
pastor first lowers the people's resistance to his ideas. then he
starts suggesting more and more. On the top of it, you are in a
crowd of 20,000 people all shouting the joys of Jesus and what not.
The effect of the crowd chanting has an effect on you , which lower
your rational faculties. Then when the evangelist suddenly raises
his hand shouting 'Jesus', you see the whole crowd of 20000 falling
down like 9 pins in unison. This impresses any skeptics around and
they also join in the crowd behavior. Paradoxically, it is much easier
to induce in crowds than in individuals. The more the crowd, the
easier it is. This has been understood by these Evangelists. Those
people, who have been suffering for a long time looking for miracle
cures are especially vulnerable to them.
The poor no IQ Tamilians are converting to Christianity for the sake
of getting food from the christian missionaries like Dinakaran who
are funded by the Americans and other Western nations. Tamil
Nadu is the only state in India, where the local population still
believes that they are the original Dravidian Inhabitants of the
continent, and all fair skin people are Aryans who invaded India
thousands of years back, a theory cooked up by the British with the
help of the Paraya christian converts from Kerala known as Syrian
christians, to divide and rule as well as to convert Hindus. Similar
things were preached by the West in Africa, and this has resulted in
the genocide and war between the two African Tribes, Hutus and
Tutsies. There were no Aryan invasion at all, but the christian
controlled media of India still maintain such a story for the benefit
of the conversion. Tamilians with no IQ, had denounced the upper
caste Hindus, and driven them away from Tamil Nadu to other
states. Lacking an intelligentsia, the state of Tamil Nadu had
become a basket case of christian missionary activity. Tamil Nadu
in India is the only state in India where the public begs for food
even in 2007. Out of some 57 political parties, more than 20 are
called Dravidian parties to show that they are the original
inhabitants of Tamil Nadu. These parties are all controlled by film
world prostitutes and pimps with their black money.
Dinakaran is the most virulent christian preacher in Tamil Nadu,
spearheading conversion of lower class Hindus to Christianity by
luring them with money and faith healing. He is instrumental in
occupying Hindu temple lands, sea beaches, river beds and forests
by the newly converted christians as his set up promises land for
conversion and it is very easy to occupy public property in India and
hold on to it using a corrupt police and judiciary of India. Dinakaran
has been the most notable face among the Christian gospelers. He
has presided over several thousand 'miracle healing' meetings
wherein countless 'sufferers' have had their illness or afflictions,
ranging from common cold to blindness, 'cured' through prayers but
in fact he was using a group of his own men to do these fake
healings. Dinakaran, lavishly funded by the Western churches,
presides over the Christian gospel group Jesus Calls, along with his
family members including his son Paul Dinakaran, has conducted
several hundred faith healing meetings to convince the idiotic
Tamilians of South India. In many of the fake healing meetings, the
footage is always advertised in Tamil satellite channels, his trained
staff coming as public are shown to get 'cured' of their handicaps
and illness. There are also special prayers conducted for serious
ailments. He distributes money to organize these sessions to the
local christian leaders.
When it came to healing his own troublesome knee, D G S
Dinakaran, the fake christian healer of Tamil Nadu in India, had no
use of his own faith healing medicine and was seen limping inside a
Chennai Hospital. Dinakaran, is suffering from a chronic knee
problem. Dinakaran who exhorts the public to attend his healing
and prayer meetings to get cured of their ailments, and even
produce fake evidence using his own group of workers, had to go to
a private hospital in Adayar in Chennai to get his knee repaired.
Dinakaran underwent a knee replacement surgery, conducted by a
team of top doctors, at the hospital on 9-12-2003.
There is an unholy nexus between the rabid christian evangelical
group Jesus Calls run by Dinakaran and Paul Dinakaran and the
Madras Medical Mission Hospital run by the famous cardiac
specialist, the Kerala Paraya christian Dr Cherian. Pimps scout for
potential cardiac patients. Enlist them and take them to Jesus calls.
One such patient is a 13 year old girl from a poor Hindu family.
Once inside, the parents were whisked away to a Pimping-Pastor.
And the process of indoctrination started on the parents. The
desperation of the parents was fully exploited and under oath of
visiting them for regular prayers, they were instantly handed over a
SBI cheque for Rs.25,000/- and a covering note to Cherian's
hospital. They claim to the parents that a grant of Rs.5.5 lakhs is
available for easy "grab". And have even told the woman to bring
more such willing patients. Obviously, conversion will follow the
cardiac surgery, perhaps even on the surgical table, with a pastor
doubling up as the anesthetists and the holy water will replace
The christian staff of Kaliappa Hospital in Chennai ensured that it
went down the financial drain in five years. It now has a new name
board: "Cherian Heart Foundation". And the beautiful Mandir of
Bhagawan Ganesha and the Mandir of Guruji Gnanananda Swami ji
were demolished on day first day of the take-over.
Frontier Life line, is a christian proselytizing unit and is a division of
Kerala Paraya christian Cherian's Madras Medical Mission Hospital,
Chennai. The christian Yesudas Samuel Rajasekhar Reddy is the
congress chief minister of Andhra Pradesh. Under the instructions
of the Italian catholic plant in India, Sonia Gandhi Samuel R Reddy
had handed over the Sri Venkateshwara Institute of Medical
Sciences (SVIMS), Tirupati's cardiac tele-medical facility to the the
Frontier Life Line of Cherian. Sri Venkateshwara Institute of Medical
Sciences runs entirely on Hindu devotee's money and have nothing
to do with a Kerala Paraya christian’s proselytizing hospital
operating in Tamil Nadu. Plans are made for a mega hospital at
Tirupati (on a 150 acre site), of which Rs.60 crores will be from TTD
and a matching grant from the State Government that also will
come from the TTD Mandir funds that is usurped by the State
Government. Why should the hospital that runs entirely on Hindu
devotee's money have anything to do with the Kerala Paraya
christian proselytizing hospital? The tie up was to enable the
missionary work for every nurse and doctor working with Cherian in
the Tirupathi hills. So the Christian terrorists need not spend any
money to convert here. The money of the Hindu devotees is
available freely to the State Government, which under the christian
fanatic Yesudas Samuel Rajasekhar Reddy is beautifully streamlined
for proselytization. More Kerala Parayan Syrian Christian prostitutes
will be able to get their nursing degrees from the innocent Hindu
devotee's money. More pimps for proselytization would be trained.
The Hindu patient records will be made available to Dinakaran's
gang who will swoop on these Hindus with bible copies and goodies
and conduct prayers for the patients. A recent $2.4 million study,
funded by the John Templeton Foundation on 1,802 bypass patients
at six hospitals has shown that prayers have no effect and on the
contrary if the patients knew that they were the subjects of prayer
experienced complications. Hence India should ban the christian
missionary activity in all hospitals and in the homes of the patients.
Christians in India are a fifth column community and are bent upon
disintegrating India.
Dinakaran and his associates create fake prayer requests in the
original stolen letter pads of well known Hindus of Tamil Nadu and
carry out prayers for those Hindus. Later his organization the Jesus
Calls will send letters to the Hindus saying that he had received a
prayer request and had conducted a prayer for the VIP Hindus and
his families. Most of the public ignores such letters. But in
December 2002 one Hindu had taken objection to this christian
racket going on in Chennai and in Tamil Nadu. He filed a complaint
with the then Chief Minister of Tamil Nadu. Matchi Shiva Sokkalinga
Raja Vadivu Thevar, known as Raja Vadivu at his native
Kamayagoundanpatti village in Theni district, Tamil Nadu, received
a letter signed by the Dinakarans expressing happiness over his
(Raja Vadivu's) visit to 'Prayer Tower', the headquarters of Jesus
Calls in Chennai and requesting him to send his testimony, if any,
and prayer requests. The letter, which said that Raja Vadivu's
prayer request had landed in their hands and that they had prayed
for him, has enraged Raja Vadivu, who has never set foot at the
Prayer Tower premises on the Greenways Road in Chennai,Tamil
Nadu, or sought the christian evangelists' help in any way. The
letter a mischievous and dangerous, thing had created a lot of
damage, disrepute and mental agony to members of other
religions. The father-son duo of evangelists, are typical of the
christian racketeers operating in India, to collect money from the
Western churches for converting in India.
SVIMS-Tirupati to be upgraded
Dr. K.M. Cherian Heart Foundation, tied up with SVIMS
Study says prayer for sick people is ineffective
Miracle healer Dinakaran was in hospital in 2003



Mass Hypnotism and duping of Innocent Tamils are the speciality of

the miracle healer Dinakaran but he was admitted in a Chennai
Hospital in Adyar in 2003 In Chennai Marina beach meetings are
conducted by D.G.S Dinakaran a christian preacher engage in mass
hypnotism and suggestion to the low mind of the Tamilians.
Dinakaran looking at some void above with eyes tightly closed and
voice tenses saying again and again that Jesus is there walking
near speaks in a high pitch again and again repeating same
sentences . He often raised his voice and said things with a lot of
force. Many Tamils see Jesus Christ because of mass hypnotism
and starts shouting at high pitch. Some hypnotized ladies starts
jumping as if possessed by spirits with eyes closed. Throughout
Tamil Nadu and in other places were gullible, poor and ignorant
Tamils live, these types of fellows are mass hypnotizing and then
converting the innocent Tamils. Dinakaran's wife has also became a
mass hypnotizing specialist. She claims that Jesus has bestowed
her with seven boons to cure. Dinakaran claimed in one meeting
that Jesus came to him in his bedroom and gave the blue print of
kaunya Institute of Technology at Coimbatore where recently the
students protested opposing the forced conversions and the
financial irregularities. Paul Dinakaran, son of DGS Dinakaran and
his wife Stella had also mastered this art of mass hypnotism and
carry on this family business.

A BBC programme on how these Evangelists are tricking the gullible

through mass hypnotism techniques. One of the standard tricks is
to "cure" somebody on the stage, like some lifelong cripple
suddenly walking or a somebody suffering from a pain suddenly
becoming free of pain and singing the praises of the Jesus, thanking
the evangelist profusely on the stage and so on. There was one
terribly popular American pastor, who was a Palestinian Christian;
there was another popular American evangelist , who came from
the communist occupied East Germany as a boy to the US and who
went on trips to African countries. The programme closely followed
their techniques, which was mass hypnotism and it also talked with
many scientists and researchers in the field. The overwhelming
scientific opinion was that these Evangelists were frauds who
offered the moon to thir hearers. These evangelists also collect
money during and after their meetings. Needless they are also
incredibly rich, and some of them have sex scandals on their back.
The BBC programme followed up those who were supposed to have
been "cured" on stage and found that in no case any cure had
taken place. In most cases those poor people were worse off after
their meeting with the Evangelist. It also described the mass
hypnotism techniques; like how the soothing speech from the
pastor first lowers the people's resistance to his ideas. then he
starts suggesting more and more. On the top of it, you are in a
crowd of 20,000 people all shouting the joys of Jesus and what not.
The effect of the crowd chanting has an effect on you , which lower
your rational faculties. Then when the evangelist suddenly raises
his hand shouting 'Jesus', you see the whole crowd of 20000 falling
down like 9 pins in unison. This impresses any skeptics around and
they also join in the crowd behavior. Paradoxically, it is much easier
to induce in crowds than in individuals. The more the crowd, the
easier it is. This has been understood by these Evangelists. Those
people, who have been suffering for a long time looking for miracle
cures are especially vulnerable to them.
The poor no IQ Tamilians are converting to Christianity for the sake
of getting food from the christian missionaries like Dinakaran who
are funded by the Americans and other Western nations. Tamil
Nadu is the only state in India, where the local population still
believes that they are the original Dravidian Inhabitants of the
continent, and all fair skin people are Aryans who invaded India
thousands of years back, a theory cooked up by the British with the
help of the Paraya christian converts from Kerala known as Syrian
christians, to divide and rule as well as to convert Hindus. Similar
things were preached by the West in Africa, and this has resulted in
the genocide and war between the two African Tribes, Hutus and
Tutsies. There were no Aryan invasion at all, but the christian
controlled media of India still maintain such a story for the benefit
of the conversion. Tamilians with no IQ, had denounced the upper
caste Hindus, and driven them away from Tamil Nadu to other
states. Lacking an intelligentsia, the state of Tamil Nadu had
become a basket case of christian missionary activity. Tamil Nadu
in India is the only state in India where the public begs for food
even in 2007. Out of some 57 political parties, more than 20 are
called Dravidian parties to show that they are the original
inhabitants of Tamil Nadu. These parties are all controlled by film
world prostitutes and pimps with their black money.
Dinakaran is the most virulent christian preacher in Tamil Nadu,
spearheading conversion of lower class Hindus to Christianity by
luring them with money and faith healing. He is instrumental in
occupying Hindu temple lands, sea beaches, river beds and forests
by the newly converted christians as his set up promises land for
conversion and it is very easy to occupy public property in India and
hold on to it using a corrupt police and judiciary of India. Dinakaran
has been the most notable face among the Christian gospelers. He
has presided over several thousand 'miracle healing' meetings
wherein countless 'sufferers' have had their illness or afflictions,
ranging from common cold to blindness, 'cured' through prayers but
in fact he was using a group of his own men to do these fake
healings. Dinakaran, lavishly funded by the Western churches,
presides over the Christian gospel group Jesus Calls, along with his
family members including his son Paul Dinakaran, has conducted
several hundred faith healing meetings to convince the idiotic
Tamilians of South India. In many of the fake healing meetings, the
footage is always advertised in Tamil satellite channels, his trained
staff coming as public are shown to get 'cured' of their handicaps
and illness. There are also special prayers conducted for serious
ailments. He distributes money to organize these sessions to the
local christian leaders.
When it came to healing his own troublesome knee, D G S
Dinakaran, the fake christian healer of Tamil Nadu in India, had no
use of his own faith healing medicine and was seen limping inside a
Chennai Hospital. Dinakaran, is suffering from a chronic knee
problem. Dinakaran who exhorts the public to attend his healing
and prayer meetings to get cured of their ailments, and even
produce fake evidence using his own group of workers, had to go to
a private hospital in Adayar in Chennai to get his knee repaired.
Dinakaran underwent a knee replacement surgery, conducted by a
team of top doctors, at the hospital on 9-12-2003.
There is an unholy nexus between the rabid christian evangelical
group Jesus Calls run by Dinakaran and Paul Dinakaran and the
Madras Medical Mission Hospital run by the famous cardiac
specialist, the Kerala Paraya christian Dr Cherian. Pimps scout for
potential cardiac patients. Enlist them and take them to Jesus calls.
One such patient is a 13 year old girl from a poor Hindu family.
Once inside, the parents were whisked away to a Pimping-Pastor.
And the process of indoctrination started on the parents. The
desperation of the parents was fully exploited and under oath of
visiting them for regular prayers, they were instantly handed over a
SBI cheque for Rs.25,000/- and a covering note to Cherian's
hospital. They claim to the parents that a grant of Rs.5.5 lakhs is
available for easy "grab". And have even told the woman to bring
more such willing patients. Obviously, conversion will follow the
cardiac surgery, perhaps even on the surgical table, with a pastor
doubling up as the anesthetists and the holy water will replace
The christian staff of Kaliappa Hospital in Chennai ensured that it
went down the financial drain in five years. It now has a new name
board: "Cherian Heart Foundation". And the beautiful Mandir of
Bhagawan Ganesha and the Mandir of Guruji Gnanananda Swami ji
were demolished on day first day of the take-over.
Frontier Life line, is a christian proselytizing unit and is a division of
Kerala Paraya christian Cherian's Madras Medical Mission Hospital,
Chennai. The christian Yesudas Samuel Rajasekhar Reddy is the
congress chief minister of Andhra Pradesh. Under the instructions
of the Italian catholic plant in India, Sonia Gandhi Samuel R Reddy
had handed over the Sri Venkateshwara Institute of Medical
Sciences (SVIMS), Tirupati's cardiac tele-medical facility to the the
Frontier Life Line of Cherian. Sri Venkateshwara Institute of Medical
Sciences runs entirely on Hindu devotee's money and have nothing
to do with a Kerala Paraya christian’s proselytizing hospital
operating in Tamil Nadu. Plans are made for a mega hospital at
Tirupati (on a 150 acre site), of which Rs.60 crores will be from TTD
and a matching grant from the State Government that also will
come from the TTD Mandir funds that is usurped by the State
Government. Why should the hospital that runs entirely on Hindu
devotee's money have anything to do with the Kerala Paraya
christian proselytizing hospital? The tie up was to enable the
missionary work for every nurse and doctor working with Cherian in
the Tirupathi hills. So the Christian terrorists need not spend any
money to convert here. The money of the Hindu devotees is
available freely to the State Government, which under the christian
fanatic Yesudas Samuel Rajasekhar Reddy is beautifully streamlined
for proselytization. More Kerala Parayan Syrian Christian prostitutes
will be able to get their nursing degrees from the innocent Hindu
devotee's money. More pimps for proselytization would be trained.
The Hindu patient records will be made available to Dinakaran's
gang who will swoop on these Hindus with bible copies and goodies
and conduct prayers for the patients. A recent $2.4 million study,
funded by the John Templeton Foundation on 1,802 bypass patients
at six hospitals has shown that prayers have no effect and on the
contrary if the patients knew that they were the subjects of prayer
experienced complications. Hence India should ban the christian
missionary activity in all hospitals and in the homes of the patients.
Christians in India are a fifth column community and are bent upon
disintegrating India.
Dinakaran and his associates create fake prayer requests in the
original stolen letter pads of well known Hindus of Tamil Nadu and
carry out prayers for those Hindus. Later his organization the Jesus
Calls will send letters to the Hindus saying that he had received a
prayer request and had conducted a prayer for the VIP Hindus and
his families. Most of the public ignores such letters. But in
December 2002 one Hindu had taken objection to this christian
racket going on in Chennai and in Tamil Nadu. He filed a complaint
with the then Chief Minister of Tamil Nadu. Matchi Shiva Sokkalinga
Raja Vadivu Thevar, known as Raja Vadivu at his native
Kamayagoundanpatti village in Theni district, Tamil Nadu, received
a letter signed by the Dinakarans expressing happiness over his
(Raja Vadivu's) visit to 'Prayer Tower', the headquarters of Jesus
Calls in Chennai and requesting him to send his testimony, if any,
and prayer requests. The letter, which said that Raja Vadivu's
prayer request had landed in their hands and that they had prayed
for him, has enraged Raja Vadivu, who has never set foot at the
Prayer Tower premises on the Greenways Road in Chennai,Tamil
Nadu, or sought the christian evangelists' help in any way. The
letter a mischievous and dangerous, thing had created a lot of
damage, disrepute and mental agony to members of other
religions. The father-son duo of evangelists, are typical of the
christian racketeers operating in India, to collect money from the
Western churches for converting in India.
SVIMS-Tirupati to be upgraded
Dr. K.M. Cherian Heart Foundation, tied up with SVIMS
Study says prayer for sick people is ineffective

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