Liberty Index 2011 Act 25 of 2011 School Tax Referendum Taxpayer Relief

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Act 25 Jun 30 2011 SB 330 School Property Taxes -Taxpayer Relief Act - public referendum for school real

property taxes The Liberty Index scores Act 25 of 2011 TIER 3 FOR LIBERTY - because it is a big step in the right direction of giving taxpayers more control over public sector, union driven bureaucratic spending. The Exceptions remain significant to the detriment of The Forgotten Taxpayer. There is much to be done to reduce school spending that does not lead to improved student learning performance. A "yea" vote will add 50 points to Legislator"s or the Governor"s grade and a "nay" vote will subtract 50 points from the grade.

Ten exceptions laid out in the original law, Act 1 of 2005, allowed districts to ask the state Department of Education -- instead of voters -- to raise taxes above its index. Legislators removed seven of the 10 exceptions to the voter referendum requirement, leaving pension obligations, special education costs and existing or voter-approved debt as categories under which districts could apply. House Fiscal Note Senate Fiscal Note

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